
Nomont: Conceptualizing the Mana-Battery

Feb 14th, 2021
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  1. [17:12] Asura Nomont says, "Hmm, maybe I -do- have time for that bit I mentioned prior, Bobson."
  2. [17:12] Asura Nomont says, "I uh, may've misread."
  3. [17:13] Bobson Dugnutt says, "Right. Let's head towards the pier then, it'll be a bit quieter."
  4. [17:13] Asura Nomont says, "But yeah, something of a mana siphon or... I'unno. I'm wo- Ah, of course."
  5. [17:14] Asura Nomont says, "Sometimes, I forget how young you are."
  6. [17:14] Asura Nomont says, "Wild how the magus mindset is so oddly transformed."
  7. [17:16] Bobson sits down, taking a slow breath in, then exhaling. Ahh, relaxed.
  9. "Sorry, the Archmagi asked me to help him collect a list and responses of people interested in receiving treatment. Miss Chaska was available to treat them, so I tried to get any who were interested the attention more immediately." At the mention of his age, he puffs his cheeks out. "I've seen plenty of magi act like children, I assure you. I'm just naturally observant and studious. I keep my eye on things, to make sure all is well within Osrona. Especially now."
  10. (Bobson Dugnutt)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [17:26] The archmagi - such was a subject that wrought dread across the man's face. Almost as though he had yet to trust them... Then again, from Asura's perspective, their presence brought upon two disappearances of close interaction with the nonmagi.
  15. Reference towards Amori earned a reserved hum, as though mentally exploring a morbid topic.
  16. "Right." He answered, taking pause to really think on his next words.
  17. "So, I've been thinking about putting together this device, contraption rather, that should act as a proper medical tool." He claimed.
  19. "Though, I have several hurdles in my way."
  20. The man took a seat across from the boy, counting his issues across his presented fingers:
  22. "One, I need to get my hands on lightning..." That seemed... Prepostrous, and the mere mention of such left a sour taste in his mouth it seemed.
  24. "Rather, lightning magic"
  25. That still didn't sound right.
  26. "Lightning-affiliated mana." He clarified. "I've gotten word it can be harvested from creatures tightly affiliated with it. The crystallization of their inner circuitry into a material usually used for potions." He went on, "Though, it holds some form of charge, I theorize. While it's barely enough to give a magi a kick in the pants with a spike of energy, I imagine it can really revolutionize technologies here, if used right."
  28. Asura drummed at the table, attempting to fish for his second point here...
  29. "And then, as for 'Two', there is... A medical study. An anatomical study, to be precise."
  31. "I need to know more about the human body." He went on to the youth, "The magus-human body, I'm sure depicted images of bodily systems concerning mana in the body can be found -somewhere-."
  33. Perhaps, it may've aroused curiosity as to why a proven nonmage with no magus potential wantedto know the inner machinations of a mage so eagerly now? "If paired with my project, I should be able to figure out how to properly apply it, as to assure there is no extraordinary bodily harm."
  34. (Asura Nomont)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [17:37] Bobson looks on to the apparent disinterest in the topic by Asura, and folds his arms under his chest, shaking his head, but allowing him to speak. A medical tool? Right, he'd heard some talk of that, he wanted to believe.
  39. He snickers at the misrepresentation of his idea off the bat. Lightning in hand. He sits upright. "Crystals containing an essence of lightning mana are attainable from magpawn. You can find them up to the north, as well as in the middling levels of the Silverwall mine." He responds, though unasked, as to the locations of the beasts that hold these crystals in their forms should he wish to hire a hunting party.
  41. A medical study was a topic that he hadn't quite thought of. Most magi just... Know their leylines. You close your eyes, and you see them. The sheer idea of not being able to causes Bobson to turn a bit. "I'm sure something like that exists, but most magi, medics especially, tend to have an innate understanding of the magi body and it's network of magical circuitry due to our ability to see it when we close our eyes. It's why magi are so capable of becoming medics with seemingly little training."
  43. He hums all his own. "I like the idea! Not sure how the lightning would fit into medicine, but I'm not exactly keeping up with my studies at the moment. Heh." His laugh was just a single forced guffaw, as he leans forward onto the table.
  45. "How have you been? I've heard you opened your bank. I'd open an account but I don't actually have any material wealth, so to speak. I get a few dozen coin for thanks from those I help on my days of travel, which I use to keep up rent."
  46. (Bobson Dugnutt)
  47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. [17:45] "Magpawn? Hmmm..." The man thought to himself, "I'll have to recruit a hunting party to harvest the material then. Last thing I need is to end up getting myself killed of course." He chortled some before hearing the kid out. That was what disheartened him... The sheer magnitude of inferiority between himself and a magi -- of course, they could sense out their own circuitry... and Others' circuitry too? The man was working on a severe handicap.
  51. "I see..." He hummed to himself, "I suppose it's all the more reasoning to push myself and my operations then." His eyes wandered the marketplace in the distant background, mind taken elsewhere for the fleeting moments. Though, he'd snap back for the question.
  53. "H- Wha?" He responded, taking a moment to process it all. Before one could on the question, he answered -- having heard everything already.
  54. "I've been." He answered, "As much as an ordinary man can. The bank is going well so far! With over seven thousand silver secured, and more banknotes being fabricated as we speak."
  55. There was mention of attempted patronage but, "It's alright, you're a bit too young to have an account I'd say, despite your clear maturity." The man claimed, "Though, I do wonder how you managed to legally obtain a place where you pay rent. Supporting your family with your magus power, I presume?"
  56. (Asura Nomont)
  57. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. [17:51] "Magpawn, yeah. Given the Silverwall Mine is Achyon-controlled, and I don't imagine they want anyone with a lick of Osrona affiliation near it after we beat them not too long ago." He clears his throat, rubbing his face vigorously to try and wake himself up some.
  61. Seemingly having succeeded, he continues on. "I'm sure you can manage fine, it's just another difficulty." He pauses. "I know, I know, before you say it. It's unfair, it's another thing magi have and show superiority with, but you're entirely capable of learning yourself. You may not be able to physically feel mana, but you'll totally be able to visualize it like we do with enough practice." He smiles, cackling softly.
  63. At the mention of his youth, he nods his head. "Right, there was an age limit... And yeah. My mom was a deacon in the Faith. She signed for the lease, I collect and pay the rent. Usually mining, or tithe." He offers a faint shrug. "Not too interesting, really."
  65. He shakes his head. "Anyway, tell me more about this tentative invention of yours. What do you plan to use the lightning, once harnessed, for?"
  66. (Bobson Dugnutt)
  67. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. [17:53] Bobson Dugnutt says, "...I just forgot half of my statement. The Silverwall mine is Achyon controlled, so the northern mountains may be a better place to hunt..."
  70. [17:53] Bobson Dugnutt says, "I'm sorry mister Nomont. Long few weeks."
  71. [17:53] Asura Nomont says, "It's alright, Bobson."
  72. [17:57] Phalanx says, "Hello bob."
  73. [18:02] "So, I've been longing for something 'lightning based' because... Turns out, it reacts to metals interestingly enough. If I can get a various array of ores, I can test which ones it reacts to the most."
  75. There was a pause, surely that explanation didn't cover much of anything at all.
  77. "I'm telling you that I'm not going to be able to just-" The man snaps his fingers, "-snap- in some powers, like you magi-folk. I'm not -like- you." He clarified.
  79. "Sometimes I feel as though you simply don't understand... Is the gap truly that large?" He asked, shaking his head with a sigh.
  80. "The concept behind it is, with something that can siphon mana... Namely Tyrium-based... Or rather, Tyrium-coated! Though, to prevent from -killing- the patient, or the person holding the tools, they need something for the Tyrium to feed off of. Then, there's the whole issue of a nonmage not being able to control their circuit, meaning something like Tyrium would be a silent killer."
  82. The man beheld the air to showcase an idea without a façade to gaze upon, "Enter: The 'Mana-battery', a small compact cylindrical construct, filled with lightning-based mana!" He introduced, "It'll go beyond Tyrium-coated tools, but perhaps... Even nonmagus utility and self-defense."
  83. The latter of such sounded... off, but the enthusiasm swiftly returned as he prattled onward.
  85. "It'll mean the enabling of mana-use, without the need of an active circuit, made available to the overwhelming public!"
  87. The imagination of the remaining 95% of the population, suddenly being enabled with the power of the magus 5%, could've been reason for alarm for a high magus noble -- but this was a nonmagus businessman and a magi teen. What concerns could possibly arise?
  88. (Asura Nomont)
  89. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. [18:12] Genial as can be, Bobson closes his eyes and lowers his head, being scolded, reprimanded yet again for trying to understand the man. He's a bit frustrated, but perhaps that's just his exhaustion.
  93. A hand, wrapped in bandage as per usual rises to his chestplate, fingers pressed into divots peened in, it just barely touched the wound. A soft sigh, and he's back to normal, around the point he'd begun discussing tyrium coating. Battery, in a tyrium device, the battery feeds the tyrium which siphons also the mana from the patient.
  95. It was interesting enough, and certainly Tyrium was known for it's properties of absorbing mana. "Have you managed to acquire Tyrium, then? Not to doubt you, just out of curiosity, as it can be quite dangerous to handle." But surely, he knew that. He shakes his head.
  97. There were concerns, swelling somewhere inside, but Bobson just... Didn't quite have it in him. He stands up. "I'm glad to hear your ventures are going well." I think I need to rest...
  99. "I think I need to rest." He manages to say it this time.
  101. "Good luck mister Nomont. Just... Please keep safe. I've seen enough death for a thousand lifetimes. I like you. I don't want you to die." He shambles towards the stairs, shaking his head. At the very least, it seemed the injury to his eye was wearing off. Or so he hoped.
  102. (Bobson Dugnutt)
  103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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