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Jul 24th, 2017
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  1. In this bonus episode titled The Origins of the Uncanny X-Men; The Female of the Species, there is a focus on this woman named Marvel Girl. On the front page of this comic there is a small note left by the writer stating that for a change the publishing team would allow for a “member of the supposedly weaker sex” to write the featurette. This note left by the author is enough to set a tone for the comic and allows the reader to infer what may be expected in the comic. This comic written by Linda Fite, puts Marvel Girl through a couple dangerous scenarios that she may encounter and how she chooses to get out of the situation. In all of these scenarios, she has small quips that she makes about the situation, but these remarks that are made all have a hidden second meaning of expectations on women. For regular readers they may not see the second meaning behind her witty remarks, but for those that look deeper into her jesters, they can see that she pokes fun at the expectations placed upon women. Several of these remarks seem to relate to women and their romantic lives, such as the remarks mentioning “sparks flying” and “turning down dates”. Besides the romantic lives of women, the expectations of women are also remarked at such as these “dull garden parties” she is expected to attend that she can escape with her powers or “gently as a leaf”, pointing criticism at how women need to be gentle even when doing such things as jumping out windows.
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