
Classes for Crock's Naruto Arena!

Jun 6th, 2015
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  1. (To keep everyone from being Madara tier strong, players are restricted to having only two nature types affiliated w/ their three classes so when deciding what three classes to eventually choose they will need to keep that in mind)
  3. Class Name: Uchiha Ninja
  4. Starting Gear: Leaf headband, two kunais, and three throwing stars
  5. Nature Type: Fire
  6. Starting abilities:
  7. Mastery of tai jutsu: Player can into melee attacks with speed, precision, and strength.
  9. Perk 1: Player gets sharigan which is able to be used twice per fight and is able to copy and match the spells or techniques of their enemies or allies during or after the turn the enemy/ally does the spell/technique for a 70+ roll.
  11. Perk 2: Player can now utilize their sharigan up to 5 times per fight with a 50+ chance of copying/matching the spells or technique of allies/foes. Along with that they can also for a 90+ roll memorize the techniques/spells that they copied. Along with that, for a 70+ roll they can attempt to trap an enemy in a genjutsu causing the enemy to be unable to move for up to two turns if the jutsu isn't broken. This effect can be used every three posting rounds per fight.
  13. Perk 3: MANGEKYO SHARIGAN. If the player watches a majority of it's party get injured/die or comes to an inch of death themselves and survive they will unlock their mangekyo sharigan and will be able to activate and use their sharigan as much as they want as well as choose two mangekyo sharigan abilities to utilize.
  15. Amatarasu: which will plunge whatever the use is looking at in unquenchable black flames at the cost of their vision. If used for more than two turns a fight, it will cost the user their vision permanently in that eye but can restore that by stealing the mangekyo sharigan eye of another pc team-mate which will unlock eternal mangekyo sharigan and will give instant access to the Advanced Ninja Class
  17. Izanagi: Will allow the player to blur the lines between illusions and reality and will allow the player to turn an actual event into an illusion after it happens. The eye the Izanagi is used for will blur for the remainder of the fight restricting the user's eyesight, depleting the user's mana reserves, and tire them for the remainder of the fight. If used again that eye will go blind permanently unless a new eye is implemented.
  19. Izanami: This will allow the player to attempt to trap an enemy in an endless loop for the cost of his sight from the eye that is used. For the next two fights that eye will be blind. It'll take an 80 or above roll for it to work after a turn of preparing to use it, and every turn the player takes memorizing the enemy's movements in preparation for the ability increases the chances of it working.
  20. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. Class Name: Demon of the Hidden Mist Ninja
  22. Starting Gear: Hidden Mist Headband, A mask that covers the lower portion of your face, and Kubikiribōchō (A massive broadsword shaped like a giant butcher's knife. Extremely long handle, two holes cut out in the blade for decapitation and carrying purposes. Can cut through almost anything and when it is damaged, it can be repaired near instantly by bathing it in an recently killed enemie's blood), 10 ninja throwing stars, and three kunai.
  23. Nature Type: Water
  24. Starting Abilities:
  25. Enhanced endurance and strength, despite the weight of the sword you can swing it around ten times without getting that tired. You can also utilize great taijutsu skills and have increased physical capabilities compared to most classes.
  27. Perk 1: The player will now be able to utilize the hidden mist technique and by concentrating and channeling their chakra for one turn will generate dense mist throughout the battlefield clogging everyone's view. The player itself will be able to traverse through the mist easily and for an 90+ roll will be able to attack most enemies without them seeing the attack coming.
  29. Perk 2: The player can now use two hidden mist techniques once per fight each.
  31. Water Clone: Will be able to generate a solid clone of themselves that can be easily destroyed by most attacks but will be able to move, swing, and hit as hard as the original.
  33. Water Prison: If the player gets close to an enemy and manages to weave the appropriate hand signs without interruption, they will be able to use one of their arms to trap the selected enemy in an orb of water right next to them. Said enemy won't be able to move within the prison at the cost of the player not being able to move as well. The prison will last until the player de-activates it, an ally kills the enemy in the prison, or until the player is hurt or attacked.
  35. Perk 3: The player can now swing Kubikiribōchō twice as many times without getting tired and gets a final ability.
  37. Zabuza's Last Stand: If the player takes a killing blow, they can activate this ability and lower their face mask revealing a row of sharp sharklike teeth. After placing a kunai in between their teeth, at the cost of the use of their arms they can choose an enemy target and charge towards that target able to survive any attacks from any other enemies that's not said target. Upon reaching the target, they will be able to fight said target with only the kunai for two turns impervious to any damage before succumbing to their wounds and will not be able to be healed by allies or any other healing effects.
  38. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. Class Name: Bukijutsu Ninja
  40. Starting Gear: Two Giant Wind Shurikens, A steel katana, Giant Wind-Fan (Can cast a strong gust of wind), 5 paper-bomb tagged kunais, ten poisonous shurikens.
  41. Nature Type: None
  42. Starting Ability: You're a walking arsenal and will not take penalties from carrying any number of ninja-tools.
  44. Perk 1: Player gets Madara's gunbai (a nonfolding wooden fan with a long handle) which can be used as a powerful shield against magical attacks and melee attacks as well as a heavy blunt cutting and swinging weapon. Player can also once per turn use it to activate a gunbai barrier technique which will erect a large barrier over the player and any of his allies behind him to protect them against projectile spells/weapons.
  46. Perk 2: Player receives kunai and shuriken summoning wristbands which will allow them to summon kunais and shurikens when needed throughout a fight.
  48. Perk 3: Player masters the Flying Thunder God technique and gets 3 Flying Thunder God kunai triple bladed kunai which are marked to allow the player to teleport between them twice per fight.
  49. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. Class Name: Taijutsu Master Ninja
  51. Starting Gear: Leg Weights
  52. Nature Type: None
  53. Abilities: Ungodly strength and speed; The Taijutsu Master Ninja begins with the strength required to move normally in leg weights. Said weights are REALLY FUCKING HEAVY and could easily crush a full man into meat paste if you beat them with it.
  54. Leap: the ability to jump really, really high.
  56. Perk 1:
  57. Leaf drop: The Leaf drop slams into the target area with enough force to smash through solid rock. The Dancing Lotus follows up into this ability after leaping.
  59. Shed weight: Losing your leg weights now provides you a movement speed boost, allowing you to practically flash step each time you dash.
  62. Perk 2:
  63. Gate of Opening: Unlocks the restraints on the users muscles, allowing the player to use them to 100% capacity. Allows the use of Rising Wind and Front Lotus. Takes about four rounds before fatigue settles in.
  65. Rising Wind: The player blinks to a target enemy and give a swift strike, knocking them into the air.
  67. Dancing leaf shadow: The player can instantly blink behind an airborn target.
  69. Front Lotus: By wrapping your arms around the target, you spiral straight into the ground for a MEAN Piledriver. The use of the front lotus takes a great toll on the user's body.
  72. Perk 3:
  73. Gate of Healing: Re-energizes the user's body, additionally enhances strength further.
  75. Gate of Life: Vastly increases strength, speed, and power of the user, and unlocks the ability to use Reverse Lotus.
  77. Reverse Lotus: A technique so powerful that it runs the risk of disabling the users movement. Using the reverse lotus twice means death. With a great burst of speed and strength, you may perform three attacks on a single target for one round, before following up with a blow so powerful that it takes a near-fatal toll on yourself.
  78. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. Class Name: Kaguya Ninja
  80. Starting Gear: lightweight robes
  81. Nature Type: Kekkei Genkai
  82. Starting Abilities:
  83. Digital Shrapnel: The Kaguya ninja may rapidly release the bones from their fingers to create a small barrage of bony bullets.
  85. Lesser Shikotsumyaku: The Kaguya has a kekkei genkai that allows them to manipulate their bone structure to a certain degree, allowing them to make basic one-handed weapons out of bone.
  88. Perk 1:
  89. Shikotsumyaku: You may create two handed bone weapons. Also unlocks the use of the abilities below.
  91. Clementis Dance; Vine: By removing your spinal column, you create an effective, long ranged whip.
  93. Larch Dance: Causes spikes of bones to pop out around the Kaguya, covering them entirely. The Kaguya may control each bone individually, making rapid, unpredictable movements.
  96. Perk 2:
  97. Greater Shikotsumyaku: You have excellent control over bone control, allowing you to encase your body in armour.
  99. Clementis Dance: Flower: Encases the user's entire arm in a gigantic bony drill. The weapon is incredibly strong due to the amount of chakra packed into the weapon, and can only be maintained for two posts before exhaustion takes them.
  102. Perk 3:
  103. Grand Shikotsumyaku: Flower can be maintained for four posts instead.
  105. Willow Dance: Causes a large section of your choosing to erupt with bony spikes.
  107. Seedling Fern dance: Allows teleportation through bones.
  108. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. Class Name: Ice Release Ninja
  110. Starting Gear: Senbons, Robes
  111. Nature Type: Kekkei Genkai
  112. Starting Abilities:
  113. Ice release: By manipulating water vapors in the air, the ice ninja creates weapons of ice.
  115. Thousand Needles of Death: The Ice Ninja commands several ice needles to crash down and converge at a certain point, with enough force to beat in the earth.
  118. Perk 1:
  119. Ice Rock Dome: Creates an impenetrable dome of ice around you and several other targets. Said dome has an upkeep to maintain, but is resistant to incredible forces such as large explosions.
  122. Perk 2:
  123. Ice Mirror: Creates a mirror of ice. The mirror holds an image of yourself. Said image is capable or mimicking your actions perfectly; such as throwing projectiles or utilizing ice needles. Additionally you may store yourself into the mirror.
  125. Ice Dragon: Creates a giant dragon out of ice, hurling it at the foe.
  128. Perk 3:
  129. Crystal Ice Mirrors: Creates a large dome out of ice mirrors to surround up to two targets. You may transfer yourself from each mirror at a whim. The reflections mimic your ranged attacks entirely.
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