
Shattered Report - J000327 20150328

Mar 28th, 2015
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  1. System Name: J000327
  2. Constellation: H-C00332
  3. Region: H-R00032
  4. Effect: Wolf-Rayet
  5. Observed Class: Class-13
  6. Datetime Recorded: 2015-03-28 14:52 UTC
  7. Visual Records:
  8. Prior Reports: None
  10. Abstract: Class-13 Shattered Small Ship System, found to contain a mixture of C1/C2 sites. Possible trend noticed that only C1 Anomalies and C2 signatures spawn. Need further observation and reporting to corroborate. Frontier gas noted, strong presence of the null-security-class signatures. Probable Statics to NS, C2, and C5 space. Additional trend possibly noticed: lately all shattered systems encountered seem to have exactly five wormholes present. Need further investigation and reports to corroborate, this may be a trend of Class-13 space specifically. No unusual structures noticed at the Epicenter.
  12. [5] Wormholes Signatures
  13. [Static] Q003 (To Null-Security Space)
  14. [Static] L005 (To Class-2 Space)
  15. [Static] C008 (To Class-5 Space)
  16. [Dynamic] K162 (To Unknown Space)
  17. [Dynamic] K162 (To Dangerous Unknown Space)
  18. [3] Class-1 Combat Anomalies
  19. [2] Perimeter Ambush Point
  20. [1] Perimeter Camp
  21. [] Phase Catalyst Node
  22. [] The Line
  23. [3] Class-2 Combat Signatures
  24. [1] (Data) Unsecured Perimeter Comms Relay
  25. [1] (Data) Unsecured Perimeter Transponder Farm
  26. [1] (Relic) Forgotten Perimeter Gateway
  27. [] (Relic) Forgotten Perimeter Habitation Coils
  28. [5] Null-Security Data and Relic Cosmic Signatures
  29. [1] (Data) Central Angel Command Center
  30. [1] (Data) Central Blood Raider Command Center
  31. [1] (Data) Central Blood Raider Sparking Transmitter
  32. [1] (Relic) Ruined Guristas Temple Site
  33. [1] (Relic) Ruined Serpentis Monument Site
  34. [2] Gas Cosmic Signatures
  35. [1] Bountiful Frontier Reservoir
  36. [1] Vast Frontier Reservoir
  37. [7] Ore Cosmic Anomalies
  38. [1] Common Perimeter Deposit
  39. [2] Unexceptional Frontier Deposit
  40. [2] Average Frontier Deposit
  41. [1] Shattered Debris Field
  42. [1] Shattered Ice Field
  44. ------------------------------ Probe Scanner Raw Data ------------------------------
  45. FCS-986 Cosmic Anomaly Ore Site Average Frontier Deposit
  46. YNM-356 Cosmic Anomaly Ore Site Average Frontier Deposit
  47. DMW-095 Cosmic Signature Gas Site Bountiful Frontier Reservoir
  48. TBM-585 Cosmic Signature Data Site Central Angel Command Center
  49. PGE-225 Cosmic Signature Data Site Central Blood Raider Command Center
  50. GYM-180 Cosmic Signature Data Site Central Blood Raider Sparking Transmitter
  51. BSA-517 Cosmic Anomaly Ore Site Common Perimeter Deposit
  52. HSU-229 Cosmic Signature Relic Site Forgotten Perimeter Gateway
  53. IYI-784 Cosmic Anomaly Combat Site Perimeter Ambush Point
  54. IOB-600 Cosmic Anomaly Combat Site Perimeter Ambush Point
  55. FKO-160 Cosmic Anomaly Combat Site Perimeter Camp
  56. WZG-400 Cosmic Signature Relic Site Ruined Guristas Temple Site
  57. ZLM-649 Cosmic Signature Relic Site Ruined Serpentis Monument Site
  58. UNF-430 Cosmic Anomaly Ore Site Shattered Debris Field
  59. XHM-775 Cosmic Anomaly Ore Site Shattered Ice Field
  60. CWU-970 Cosmic Anomaly Ore Site Unexceptional Frontier Deposit
  61. BKL-170 Cosmic Anomaly Ore Site Unexceptional Frontier Deposit
  62. BBK-270 Cosmic Signature Data Site Unsecured Perimeter Comms Relay
  63. GYY-192 Cosmic Signature Data Site Unsecured Perimeter Transponder Farm
  64. EYL-192 Cosmic Signature Wormhole Unstable Wormhole
  65. FLB-540 Cosmic Signature Wormhole Unstable Wormhole
  66. XCY-756 Cosmic Signature Wormhole Unstable Wormhole
  67. HJH-515 Cosmic Signature Wormhole Unstable Wormhole
  68. NCI-328 Cosmic Signature Wormhole Unstable Wormhole
  69. WCH-280 Cosmic Signature Gas Site Vast Frontier Reservoir
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