
Accepting Change

Feb 15th, 2019
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  1. Ashera would write down the notes on everyone for promotional purposes.
  3. "Flint, slapped me the leader on the head and told me to hush, told me I was not doing anything but sitting on my ass all day, wanted to engage the fourfold, for doing their job. Did little to no donations to the guild at all..."
  5. "These are all notes that I take when I talk with the members of the brotherhood. These show if you are upholding the values that we here have. And they also been in turn for promotion. This was just today Flint, but you undermine my orders and wishes constantly, day by day without fail."
  7. Ashera would raise her eyebrows.
  9. "Are you getting any of this hun?"
  10. (Ashera Ixis)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [17:08] Flint looked over at the woman he wanted to just slap the notes out of her hand but he didn't. He took a deep breath as he seen this was getting nowhere, he'd have to explain this to her very slowly this time.
  15. "You know I've yet to even get back on my feet. I was only recently given a house and I was task with replacing all my lost gear. Even through all of that I still manage to give you something, but it's not to your like so it's not enough.
  17. My lively hood lied in dawn that includes everything to my name and all the coins I manage to gather. I never had time to go back and get them, there is even a nice sword there I was willing to give you along with ore I collect since I was sixteen. But guess what it was all gone every last item even the one piece of Arcanum I owned.
  19. All that was left were armors that didn't belong to me an I even sold those to give you something. I wonder how much Ume has given to the guild, or doeshe not count because you love him? Either way my little bit isn't enough for you.
  21. You don't pay me, the fourfold doesn't pay me and everyone in hung is fighting over the same ores and resources. SO if I can't give you what you ask for then I'm sorry, if I'm that much of a problem for you, then I'll leave your guild.
  22. (Flint Armiger)
  23. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [17:22] Ashera would sigh. As she thought that she signed up to be a commited member of society. Slaying some enemies, and protecting Not be anyone's god damn therapist. She was quite irritated at the fact that she ALWAYS has to deal with Flint's mess. And it always repeating to him guilt tripping her. She was quite tired of his shit. But decided to take the calm route.
  27. "Look, Dude. Don't guilt trip me. I asked you to help me out with donations, do expeditions and clear caves. You do not make the commitment other people are willing to do. All I wanted was your commitment.... Ume has at LEAST commited three hundred and fifty wood, gone with me to multiple expeditions, as well as investigations for Murmur.. Don't you PUT him INTO this..."
  29. Ashera would glare at him.
  31. "I do not blame you if you want to leave... But listen here. You want to STAY here? Then you best smarten the FUCK UP! Cause I am not dealing with you shit anymore. Times are coming, and I want to prepare for something... And SOON."
  33. Ashera would place the notes under her armour.
  35. "This is the last time I am talking to you about your problems... I am not your therapist."
  36. (Ashera Ixis)
  41. Flint looks into the mirror shaking his head, he needed a change...he needed to become a new person. Flint would take this time to mark himself all over his cutting himself slightly and burning the wound to close off the blood.
  42. Flint needed to dye his hair...this was another big thing, he needed a new outfit and a new weapon. Flint needed to fit in more almost as if he never existed to begin with.
  43. Flint wanted to be useful to the fourfold but in his current stated that wasn't going to happen. He need to become a person that people could count on.., a person that others could rely on no matter the task. In a few days the man known as Flint would die and a new man would be birthed into the world. He started to think, would this plan even work? would they see right through the change? Would all this be for nothing?
  45. Flint needed to keep positive thoughts, he needed to act different and throw people off. They needed to know that Flint was still alive out there yet he never left to begin with. This would take a while to pull off but the man knew he could do it. It was only a matter of time before they went to war again and he needed to be ready.
  46. (Flint Armiger)
  48. Flint nods looking over towards Ashera, he'd begin to think back on everything leading up to this point. He'd tap his claws on the bench a smile appeared on his face, the male seem to be in a better mood.
  50. "I agree to protect and dispel all evil via demons or any other source of evil. I agree to better myself and puts other needs before my own, I agree to it all I wish to do better. Speaking of falling into depravity of selfish desires, I have all ready come to terms and in the process of fixing my own."
  51. (Flint Armiger)
  53. [16:18] Flint Armiger whispers: Hey Britta, are you still ill with me?
  54. [16:19] Brittaria Rosenkreuz whispers: We're not friends if that's what you're asking.
  55. Flint Armiger whispers: No that wasn't it, I don't expect you to jsut be my friend because I asked.
  56. [16:20] Flint Armiger whispers: That's something i have to earn.
  57. [16:20] Flint Armiger whispers: Castles aren't build in a day.
  58. [16:20] Flint Armiger whispers: This is me try to build the foundation.
  59. [16:20] Brittaria Rosenkreuz whispers: You are a citizen here, and as such you will be treated just as any other would by me.
  60. Flint Armiger whispers: I understand that, but thnaks not what I'm aiming for.
  61. [16:22] Flint Armiger whispers: I vauled are friendship, is there no way I can get back into your good grace?
  62. [16:23] Brittaria Rosenkreuz whispers: Time will tell.
  63. [16:23] Flint Armiger whispers: That's all I can ask for, enjoy the rest of your day.
  65. Ashera Ixis says, "Mmhm."
  66. [11:52] Kuso Hitoshi asks, "Have I changed to your liking?"
  67. [11:52] Ashera takes a small sigh.
  69. "I waited a whole year for that man."
  70. (Ashera Ixis)
  71. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. [11:52] Ashera Ixis says, "You have always been a great person Kuso."
  74. [11:52] Kuso Hitoshi says, "No i haven't"
  75. [11:52] Ashera Ixis asks, "How so?"
  76. [11:52] Kuso Hitoshi says, "Come here."
  77. [11:53] Kuso Hitoshi says, "Well you don't even have to come that close, Just look at me a bit."
  78. [11:53] Kuso took the mask off for a second
  79. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [11:54] Ashera Ixis says, "Mmm."
  83. [11:55] Ashera looks at him eye to eye.
  84. (Ashera Ixis)
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [11:56] Kuso Hitoshi says, "Hmmm"
  88. [11:56] Ashera Ixis says, "What..."
  89. [11:56] Kuso Hitoshi says, "Guess I did a better job than I though."
  90. [11:56] Ashera Ixis asks, "Happened?"
  91. [11:57] Kuso pulls out his arms to show some fades scars
  92. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  93. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. [11:57] Kuso Hitoshi says, "I did that a long time ago."
  96. [11:57] Ashera Ixis says, "......"
  97. [11:57] Ashera Ixis says, "Come take a seat."
  98. [11:57] Ashera Ixis says, "We can talk about it."
  99. [11:58] Kuso Hitoshi says, "I'm really sory Ashera."
  100. [11:58] Ashera Ixis asks, "Can I ask why you did that dear?"
  101. [11:59] Kuso Hitoshi says, "I wasn't in the right state of mind for a long time, and that caused me to lose a lot of people in my life. "
  102. [11:59] Kuso Hitoshi says, "YOu might be the only person i ever tell this."
  103. [12:00] Ashera Ixis says, "You seemed so calm and collected..."
  104. [12:00] Kuso Hitoshi says, "I am."
  105. [12:00] Ashera Ixis asks, "Is this your occultic influence perhaps dear?"
  106. [12:00] Kuso Hitoshi says, "No"
  107. [12:00] Kuso Hitoshi says, "I mastered that."
  108. [12:00] Ashera Ixis says, "Mmm. Thats good."
  109. [12:00] Kuso Hitoshi says, "Or I beleive I have."
  110. [12:00] Kuso Hitoshi says, "This was from about three years ago."
  111. [12:01] Kuso whispers something
  112. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  113. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  115. [12:01] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: He's a grown man that doesn't that responsabilty for his own actions
  116. [12:02] Ashera Ixis whispers: Who?
  117. [12:03] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Me.
  118. [12:03] Ashera Ixis whispers: ......
  119. [12:03] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: You said change is better than saying I'm sorry.
  120. [12:04] Ashera Ixis whispers: Don't say that. You just need to try harder. You have people around you that can help. Though I am sorry that I have been caring for my child...Else I would have tried to help.
  121. [12:04] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Ashera, you did help me.
  122. [12:04] Kuso takes one of her hands and sigh
  123. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [12:04] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: You helped me mre than you know.
  127. [12:05] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: If it wasn't for you..I might not be where I am today.
  128. [12:05] Ashera Ixis whispers: Well. Ill keep going.
  129. [12:05] Ashera Ixis whispers: And helping.
  130. [12:06] Ashera Ixis says, "For the change of all."
  131. [12:06] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Still haven't figured it out yet?
  132. [12:06] Ashera Ixis whispers: I understand Kuso.
  133. [12:06] Ashera Ixis whispers: But im not ready for that either.
  134. [12:07] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: YReady for what?
  135. [12:08] Ashera Ixis whispers: To get my awakening power.
  136. [12:08] Ashera Ixis whispers: I need to master Arcane. And soon.
  137. [12:08] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Silly Ashera.
  138. [12:09] Ashera Ixis whispers: Mmm
  139. [12:09] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: I jsut wanted to let you know I changed because you were so hard on me.
  140. [12:09] Ashera Ixis whispers: Mmm.
  141. [12:09] Ashera Ixis whispers: That. Thats nice.
  142. [12:09] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: So did you figure out or shoudl I jsut tell you?
  143. [12:09] Ashera Ixis whispers: Just tell me/
  144. [12:09] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Jsut don't hate me for it.
  145. [12:09] Kuso took a slight breath
  146. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  147. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  149. [12:10] Ashera Ixis whispers: Go for it.
  150. [12:11] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: I use to go by Flint....
  151. [12:11] Ashera Ixis says, "....."
  152. [12:12] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Maybe I shouldn't have told you...but it's too late now...I hope i didn't make a mistake.
  153. [12:14] Ashera would look at her hands, gripping them.
  155. "....You are Him?..."
  157. Ashera's images would flash. And quick. The time the man cut himself....He watched. As she would hear this...
  159. "That's...That's amazing... Im happy you turned around Kuso… This is... Surprising..."
  160. (Ashera Ixis)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [12:15] Kuso Hitoshi asks, "So you aren't upset?"
  164. [12:16] Ashera Ixis says, "No."
  165. [12:16] Kuso Hitoshi whispers: I've done a bunch of soul searching and I wanted you to forgive me for anything I've done in the pasr.
  166. [12:16] Ashera Ixis says, "Im quite happy for you dear."
  167. [12:16] Kuso chuckles
  168. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  169. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  171. [12:17] Kuso Hitoshi says, "Ashera I have something for you."
  172. [12:17] Ashera Ixis says, "Ah."
  173. [12:17] Ashera Ixis asks, "Really?"
  174. [12:17] Kuso Hitoshi says, "Yes, but this one is a bit better than anything i given you so far."
  175. [12:18] Ashera Ixis says, "Ah."
  176. [12:18] Kuso Hitoshi says, "Close your eyes and open your hand."
  177. [12:19] Ashera closed her eyes as she would open her hand.
  178. (Ashera Ixis)
  179. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  181. [12:20] Kuso placed a single ore in her hand
  182. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  183. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  185. [12:22] Ashera would look back as she would look at Kuso. As her eyes would tear up.
  187. "Hun...I cannot accept are too much you know."
  189. As Ashera would be quite moved by his act of kindness. As she would begin to silently cry in joy. She was more than blessed to have friends like her's around her.
  190. (Ashera Ixis)
  191. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  193. [12:22] Anise Ixis whispers something.
  194. [12:23] Aaron Toryia whispers something.
  195. [12:24] Anise Ixis whispers something.
  196. [12:25] Aaron Toryia whispers something.
  197. [12:25] Kuso would give her a few gentle pats on her back and smile from under the mask.
  199. "It's fine, I want you to have it and I mean it from the bottom of my heart"
  201. From her reaction she seemed really pleased and with that the man was happy. Giving a few more pats to her back he'd chuckle a bit this was really touching for him as well.
  203. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  204. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  206. [12:26] Anise Ixis whispers something.
  207. [12:26] Aaron Toryia says, "Eheheheh."
  208. [12:26] Ashera Ixis says, "You have grown. Far beyond that of my expectations Kuso..."
  209. [12:26] Ashera Ixis says, "I want you to know that."
  210. [12:27] Ashera Ixis says, "From the bottom of my heart. Thank you."
  211. [12:27] Kuso Hitoshi says, "you're welcome."
  212. [12:27] Anise Ixis whispers something.
  213. [12:27] Kuso Hitoshi says, "It really means a lot."
  214. [12:28] Aaron Toryia whispers something.
  215. [12:28] Aaron Toryia whispers something.
  216. [12:29] Ashera Ixis says, "Likewise Kuso."
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