
Hyayuka High. (Finale)

Aug 27th, 2013
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  1. Session Start: mar ago 27 00:02:51 2013
  2. [00:02] <Baku|Haku> Β¨*The giants foot pushes Sayaka agaist the wall. "No matter how many times you try....You can't get pass me!"
  3. [00:04] <Baku|Haku> *She stomped Sayaka's belly agaist the wall. Sayaka screamed in pain specially due to her injury. Few feet from there there was the plank. But the giant was so happy to se Sayaka in pain yet again that she didn't notice it.
  4. [00:04] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  5. [00:08] <Kevinator> Itoh managed to get to her feet with much reluctance, the plank had even appeared near her much to her own delight. She toke the plank and began circling the giant once again, it wasn't as heavy as it looked really considering. It weighed about as much as one or two of herself, the oddest thing about this woman was her fascination with causing Sayaka pain.
  6. [00:09] <Kevinator> She lifts the plank and then begins to drive the nail towards the giant's spine, because that would surely drain power from her much faster than it would the legs. If Itoh was any stronger, it would've been her hindquarters.
  7. [00:09] <Kevinator> Spine as in spinal cord.
  8. [00:09] <Kevinator> (yt)
  9. [00:13] <Baku|Haku> *A shriek of pain as either Sayaka ot Itoh had even heard before came from the giant's mouth. She scream and tried to reach for her weapong back but only managued to get further hurt with it. The impaling of the nail on the spnal cord made matter worse for her. She was bleeding and weakened
  10. [00:13] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  11. [00:16] <Kevinator> Itoh would continue to violently torment the giant by reaching for the wooden sword that had been dropped during the fight. This would be used as a hammer to dig the nail in deeper, or it could be used to fuck up her insides a little should she remove that plank. Anyways... the next hit from the wooden sword was shot to the giant's crotch.
  12. [00:16] <Kevinator> She does have feelings.
  13. [00:16] <Kevinator> (yt)
  14. [00:18] ->> Kevinator is (
  15. [00:18] ->> Kevinator is on: #ryonani
  16. [00:18] ->> Kevinator using (A distant star. (Atlanta, GA, USA))
  17. [00:18] ->> Kevinator :End of /WHOIS list.
  18. [00:18] <Baku|Haku> o.o
  19. [00:20] <Baku|Haku> *The giant lose of blood was quite large and the damague to the spine made her no longer a threat. She layed on the floor as a broken ragdoll that had been torn away by a child.
  20. [00:20] <Baku|Haku> *Sayaka slowly stood up and looked at Itoh. She gave a weak smile as she tried to walk again. "Two more floors...."
  21. [00:20] <Baku|Haku> (Hey, Let's take a pause here)
  22. [00:21] <Kevinator> (Good idea)
  23. [00:21] <Baku|Haku> (It's late here n3n)
  24. [00:21] <Baku|Haku> (See ya tomorrow)
  25. [00:21] <Kevinator> (You too)
  26. [00:21] <Baku|Haku> (Bye
  27. [00:21] ->> Connection closed from
  28. [17:14] <Baku|Haku> Let's continue
  29. [17:14] <Kevinator> Alright, just let me finish with CharYui, currently choking the life out of his character.
  30. [17:15] <Baku|Haku> Wicked!
  31. [17:15] <Baku|Haku> I'll post our little venture on my paste bin on the meanti,e
  32. [17:15] <Kevinator> k
  33. [17:27] <Kevinator> Okay I'm ready.
  34. [17:28] <Kevinator> We'll just start from your last post.
  35. [17:30] <Baku|Haku> *Itoh had defeated the giant woman. The one that Sayaka was unable to defeat. Sayaka was agaist a walll breathing slowly to regain her composture. Her blood was sprayed all over the wall
  36. [17:30] <Baku|Haku> *Sayaka slowly stood up and looked at Itoh. She gave a weak smile as she tried to walk again. "Two more floors...."
  37. [17:30] <Baku|Haku> "Still got some steam on ya?"
  38. [17:30] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  39. [17:32] <Kevinator> Itoh glanced at the gash on Sayaka's shoulder before meeting her gaze, "I thought there was one more floor" she stated, raising a brow slightly.
  40. [17:33] <Kevinator> Sayaka looked like she was struggling a bit with that wound she received early, even if it gave Itoh a strategic edge.
  41. [17:33] <Kevinator> She crosses her arms, "I don't know how long you'll last with that".
  42. [17:34] <Kevinator> (yt)
  43. [17:35] <Baku|Haku> "Is it....Jeh... I lost too much blood. Dammit..." Sayaka looks up at the ceiling. She managued to get up and push her shoulder agaist the wall and use the rest of her body as a support.
  44. [17:36] <Baku|Haku> "Don't worry about me, I'll be to busy with my sister. You on the other hand will have to battle five girls"
  45. [17:36] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  46. [17:39] <Kevinator> Itoh kept her eyes on Sayaka's wound,
  47. [17:39] <Kevinator> "I'm not too worried about battling them as I am about that"
  48. [17:39] <Kevinator> (yt)
  49. [17:42] <Baku|Haku> "I'm ok..."
  50. [17:44] <Baku|Haku> Sayaka falls back to the wall. Her eyes are closing slowly and her breathing is getting quicker. She crawled a little more until she arrived at the stair. By then her body had given up and Sayaka falled down to the floor again. Her eyes closed shut in an instant. The adrenaline was the only thing keeping her up and she had lost most of it crawling towards the stairs. Itoh was on her own
  51. [17:44] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  52. [17:46] <Kevinator> Itoh lifts a weakened Sayaka upon her shoulder and begins climbing the stairs with her in hand, "Rest for now" she says, "Use up the last of your energy to resolve this conflict with your sister".
  53. [17:47] <Kevinator> She eventually reaches the top.
  54. [17:47] <Kevinator> (yt)
  55. [17:54] <Baku|Haku> *On top of the stair there is nothing, The girl with the eye patch and five more are standing next to a girl on a big chair. The chair is decorated by the flag behind it. It's white with a tiger drawn on it. It has the world "Power" in japanase written on it. The girl with the eye patch cluches her teeth when looking at Itoh. She also closes her fist. The woman they all are around it's of course Sayaka's sister. She is wearing a hoodie covering her face. Her sailor uniform is torned appart most on the leg part showing her legs that are full of scars.
  56. [17:55] <Baku|Haku> *The girl takes off the hoddie. She looks exactly like sayaka. Long hair. But her left cheeck has a scar.
  57. [17:55] <Baku|Haku> "You made it....And brough my sister....What do you want?"
  58. [17:55] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  59. [17:56] <Kevinator> Itoh casually steps forward with a blank look on her face. "I'm here to blow off some steam" she states.
  60. [17:57] <Kevinator> "But your sister would like to have a few words with you".
  61. [17:57] <Kevinator> She kneels, carefully placing her body on the ground. Moving an injured person went well against what Itoh herself knew, but the severity of the situation left her no choice.
  62. [17:58] <Kevinator> "By the way, you're twins? That's kinda cute~"
  63. [17:58] <Kevinator> (yt)
  64. [18:02] <Baku|Haku> "Suzuna...." Says Sayaka opening her eyes. "Why...Why are you here?"
  65. [18:06] <Baku|Haku> Suzuna leaned back on her chair and looked at the two girls. "Hmp! You got quite a nerve comming here with such weak excuses." She snapped her finger and the woman with the eye patch dashed towards Itoh and and attempted to kick her on the face
  66. [18:06] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  67. [18:11] <Kevinator> Itoh lifts up her arms to immediately block against the attempted high kick towards her face, she grunts a little from the impact and eventually underhooks the girl's left foot, she then slams her right elbow onto her knee and throws a right side kick to her gut.
  68. [18:11] <Kevinator> (yt)
  69. [18:17] <Baku|Haku> *The girl with the eye patch good eye widen as her foot was inmovilised. She tried to pull it over but she was barely keeping control of herself in that situation. "Aaaah!" She almost falls down due to the elbow dropping on her but she is still trying to pull her feet out. She sees a kick comming her way and there is no way she can evade it. She tries to land a straigh punch to Itoh's face in order for her to realise her. If this hits she is going to attempt to puch her two more times
  70. [18:17] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  71. [18:20] <Kevinator> Itoh does release the girl's foot upon connecting her right side kick, but at the expense of taking a sudden blow to the face, causing her to stumble back nearly to the point of losing her balance. She takes a kneel and then rises to her feet again with her hands raised.
  72. [18:21] <Kevinator> (yt)
  73. [18:24] <Baku|Haku> *The girl with the eyepatch didn't count on Itoh's resistance. She is kicked on her gut and covers herself with her hands ending the barrague of punches.
  74. [18:25] <Baku|Haku> *Another one of Suzuna's hechwomen attemps and attack on Itoh. She is using a pony tail and spiked wristed bands. She attemps to slap Itoh. Upon on hit her wristband would draw blood even is she covered herself
  75. [18:26] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  76. [18:29] <Kevinator> Itoh's arms were growing quite sore with each time she would block one of their attacks, and had begun taking a little bit of a toll on her. In this instance, she decides to duck down and perform a sweeping kick against the Ponytailed girl to knock her down and gain some distance. This was a rather large room after all.
  77. [18:29] <Kevinator> (yt)
  78. [18:35] <Baku|Haku> "Uuff!" The pony tailed girl was getting cocky. She was slapping her so quickly and happily that she didn't noticed when Itoh sweeped her leg. She fall on her side. The eye patched girl and one with a bandana attacked Itoh. The eye patched girl threw three punches at her face. The one with the bandana helped the pony tailed girl to get up
  79. [18:35] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  80. [18:40] <Kevinator> Itoh dashes backwards to evade the eye patched girl's barrage of punches, of course this was done with her left foot facing forward as her right leg left in a better position to move. She begins moving out a little to space the distance between herself and at the 3 girls who approached her thus far.
  81. [18:40] <Kevinator> (yt)
  82. [18:44] <Baku|Haku> *The two two attacked at the same time they rushed towards Itoh in great spee and jumped a great lenght in order to land their flying axe kicks towards the girl. They were quick. Meanthile the banada girl and the pony tailed girl moved behind Itoh.
  83. [18:44] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  84. [18:51] <Kevinator> The duel axe kicks, the jumping duel axe kicks in of that had caused Itoh to dash backwards in a panicked state of sorts, the latter results in her nearly bumping into the bandanna and ponytailed girl.
  85. [18:51] <Kevinator> (yt)
  86. [18:53] <Baku|Haku> *The bandana girl pushed her elbow quickly into Itoh's back pushing her fowards. So that one of the axe kickers could grab her
  87. [18:53] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  88. [18:55] <Kevinator> Being oblivious to the two girls standing behind her, Itoh is slightly jutted forward by the girl's elbow, upon which she leans over and performs a quick back kick to her stomach. If it connects, she'll then attempt a side step to the right just to keep herself from getting entirely surrounded.
  89. [18:55] <Kevinator> (yt)
  90. [19:00] <Baku|Haku> *The kick didn't conect. The bandana girl managued to put her hands in front of her to cover herself the impact made her reel back howeveer. The side step didn't work since the axe kicking girls managued to grab Itoh's arms
  91. [19:00] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  92. [19:05] <Kevinator> Within the next minute, both of the girls had grabbed on to Itoh's arms. She attempts to kick out at them and pull in a desperate attempt to free herself from their hold, though eerily enough, the girl was also aware that she was surrounded by 4 girls in better battling condition than herself.
  93. [19:06] <Kevinator> Sayaka was also fading out due to her severe wounds, so there would be no help.
  94. [19:06] <Kevinator> (yt)
  95. [19:11] <Baku|Haku> *The two girls open their legs and stretch them. This pose gave them more equilibrium and it helped them to gain more strenght. The used this to pull Itoh's arms. Given the fact that they were being attack a moment ago with spikes they were in no good shape. The tries to pull Itoh 's arms as far as they could
  96. [19:11] <Baku|Haku> *The one with the bandana took a step back and prepared herself to kick Itoh on the groin
  97. [19:11] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  98. [19:17] <Kevinator> Itoh had kept fighting against both of the girl's grip as they had begun pulling on her arms, though this made her fatigued a little due to the sores she had been feeling currently. What was even more cruel had to be the kick the strikes her right in the groin, "Guh!", she instinctively closes her legs as the pain shoots up. She shudders on impact and loses
  99. [19:17] <Kevinator> her composure.
  100. [19:17] <Kevinator> (yt)
  101. [19:19] <Baku|Haku> *The girl with the pony tail and the one with the bandana kicked Itoh on the chest one last time before the axe kick girls realised her from their grip.
  102. [19:21] <Baku|Haku> *Sayaka layed on the floor. She used her sword as a cane and tried to get up once again. Suzuna finally got up and grabed her shoulder this made her scream in pain "No...No..If beating you up won't teach you anything I want you to see how your little friend is killed becuase you let her pass"
  103. [19:21] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  104. [19:25] <Kevinator> Itoh's face contorted in pain upon receiving that strike to her chest, having lost her balance before she fell on to her back, holding her chest area in pain. She grits her teeth and looks up at Suzuna, "That's your sister..." corrects the girl, sitting up. "I bought her here so that you two could talk".
  105. [19:25] <Kevinator> (yt)
  106. [19:27] <Baku|Haku> "We are talking, You are getting a beating aren't you?"
  107. [19:28] <Baku|Haku> *The girl with the eye patch steps on Itoh's hand and stomps it.
  108. [19:29] <Baku|Haku> "Suzuna...Aaaaah!"
  109. [19:31] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna squezzed Sayaka's shoulder harder. The wound opened again. Tears came out of Sayaka's eyes she couln't belive her sister doing this to her "I'm sorry sis, Hyayuka High does this to people...We all came here trying to scape...."
  110. [19:31] <Baku|Haku> "Trying to flee, But they won't let us...That giant used to be the last gang leader. I defeated her and every idiot dumb enough to challengue me..."
  111. [19:33] <Baku|Haku> "I use this uniform as a trophy....For all my anguish and pain"
  112. [19:33] <Baku|Haku> Sayaka tried to open her mouth "Please...Sister...Let's go home...."
  113. [19:33] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  114. [19:39] <Kevinator> Itoh yelped in pain as the girl with the eyepatch stomped onto her hand. "Gaah!" she moves her other hand to the girl's ankle, trying to pry it off of her hand. This escalated fast. She knew her life was in danger before from nearly suffocating, and the scenario now proved to be no more different from what it was she had endured back there.
  115. [19:40] <Kevinator> The difference now was that she'd have to by Sayaka enough time to make amends, Suzuna didn't seem to be in favor of this as she went on. "Flee?" she strains, "From what?".
  116. [19:40] <Kevinator> (yt)
  117. [19:44] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna dropped Sayaka to the floor she moaned as she was yet again on the floor trying to get up. "You think this Banchous are only here...No..We are marked until our deaths...Forever in the circle of death"
  118. [19:45] <Baku|Haku> She walks casually towards Itoh not really paying attention to her sister. The only thing holding Itoh is the eye patch girl stomping on her hand "I came here to fight....I lost and I had to join to the lowranks like my sister...."
  119. [19:47] <Baku|Haku> "Now I am their leader and I rule" She looked down at Itoh "Now I shall spare you and kill you right here"
  120. [19:47] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  121. [19:51] <Kevinator> Itoh still kept her hand on the girl's ankle as she glared at Suzuna. "Did they make you beg for your life?"
  122. [19:51] <Kevinator> She had originally came here to blow off some steam and improve her fighting skills, however things grew more complex as she went along, as do all things. "You traded your life out there for this one...?"
  123. [19:51] <Kevinator> (yt)
  124. [19:54] <Baku|Haku> *Suzunas eyes widen as she heard those words. She kicked the girl with the eye patch on the groin. She yelleped , kneeled down and covered her area. Suzuna then kicked her right on her face. Her other henchwomen gave a few steps backwards in fear. She grabbed Itho's hair and rised her
  125. [19:55] <Baku|Haku> "Listen you little weak bitch! You've seen what's going on here! Don't you dare even think I won't make you beg and cry like a bitch just to make sure none of this cunts get any funny ideas!"
  126. [19:55] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  127. [20:03] <Kevinator> Itoh was not easily intimidated by Suzuna's act of aggression, even if she had meant it. "I killed that giant downstairs" she retorts, as a means of displaying her own power. She knew that this woman wouldn't hesitate to make her beg, and fighting with her wouldn't be her best bet.
  128. [20:04] <Kevinator> "Why would they get any funny ideas? Is this gang's chain of command built off of killing their leaders?"
  129. [20:04] <Kevinator> (yt)
  130. [20:06] <Baku|Haku> "The stronger one is the leader. You wanna try me don't you? You think I am as weak as my sister? Ha! Good for me I have this girls to make sure scum like you get's taken care of"
  131. [20:08] <Baku|Haku> "Yes, I had to defeat the previous leader. Yes you killed down stairs was the leader, So now the girls think they might have a chance now that she is down....And I'll gain more scars from those battles"
  132. [20:10] <Baku|Haku> *Sayaka finally managued to stand up and breath normally. She torn her own jacked to be used as a temporal bandague. However her arm dangles. She holds her sword with one hand.
  133. [20:11] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  134. [20:13] <Kevinator> "I don't want to be your leader" she confesses, "And I don't care how strong you are. I just want to fight". Itoh reaches for Suzuna's hands naturally as she is being held up by the girl, "If you were so paranoid of this, then why didn't you leave while you still had the chance? Sayaka could've easily avoided all of those ass whoopin's!"
  135. [20:13] <Kevinator> (yt)
  136. [20:14] <Baku|Haku> *Sayaka's eyes widened. "Becuse she was scared" Suzuna tightened her fist. "....What?"
  137. [20:15] <Baku|Haku> "You were scared weren't you sister, They used fear and now you use fear to keep them in line"
  138. [20:16] <Baku|Haku> "This ins't the way sister, I beg of you let's leave....We don't owe anything to them! We can fight please"
  139. [20:17] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna's eyes were filled with tears. They were red and she was frowning. Her face reasembled more an angry wolf than a gang leader.
  140. [20:17] <Baku|Haku> (yt. BTW want to battle Suzuna or her Zako?)
  141. [20:17] <Kevinator> (Suzuna, just to get things over with)
  142. [20:19] <Baku|Haku> (Sure, Je.)
  143. [20:19] <Baku|Haku> (Bored?)
  144. [20:19] <Kevinator> (Not exactly, just don't want to draw things out for too long)
  145. [20:21] <Kevinator> "Of course they fear and intimidation to keep things running" sneers Itoh, "That's how they kept the both of you where you were!"
  146. [20:23] <Kevinator> She stares Itoh in her eyes as she begins tearing up in front of her. "How about we fight just to get things over with, eh?"
  147. [20:23] <Kevinator> "That is why you came here after all"
  148. [20:23] <Kevinator> (yt)
  149. [20:25] <Baku|Haku> Suzuna screams. The rest of her laceys walk back intimdated. They whisper things like "She made the boss mad" "She is a death woman"
  150. [20:25] <Baku|Haku> *Suzune walked a few steps away from Itoh and hold her arms in a fighting stance "It's your funeral"
  151. [20:25] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  152. [20:26] <Baku|Haku> (Oh! I see. It's not a bad idea n3n!)
  153. [20:32] <Kevinator> Itoh falls to her hands and knees for a brief moment, glancing up at Suzuna with a faint smile, she's cracking the bones in her right hand to releave some pain.
  154. [20:33] <Kevinator> She then gets to a kneel and eventually her feet. "I'll defeat you", Itoh raises her hands with her right foot leading. "Or you'll defeat me. It makes no difference".
  155. [20:33] <Kevinator> (yt)
  156. [20:37] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna moves like a stike of lighting she does some boxing footing before kneeling down and uppercutting Itoh's chin. She jumps three steps backwards if she lands that punch
  157. [20:37] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  158. [20:41] <Kevinator> Itoh can see a bit of anxiousness in her movements. She quickly attempts that uppercut and Itoh does a right side step to evade it, countering with a left uppercut using her sore hand. Upon Suzuna's retreat, she would dash towards her and put the pressure on her instead.
  159. [20:42] <Kevinator> (yt)
  160. [20:47] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna move closer to Itoh and twsted her body to try and hit Itoh's belly
  161. [20:47] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  162. [20:48] <Kevinator> Suzuna had moved close enough to Itoh in which she would underhook both of her arms under her opponent's to cut off her movement, possibly expand some energy from her.
  163. [20:49] <Kevinator> She begins shifting her hips upwards to cause a bit of strain and pressure on Suzuna's elbows.
  164. [20:49] <Kevinator> (yt)
  165. [20:56] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna enragued tries to back off by jumping bkacwards to scape
  166. [20:56] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  167. [21:01] <Kevinator> Itoh cranks her arms up a bit as Suzuna tries to escape and makes an effort to lift her up.
  168. [21:02] <Kevinator> If she is able to lift Suzuna off of the ground, then she'll throw her for a belly to belly suplex.
  169. [21:02] <Kevinator> (yt)
  170. [21:04] <Baku|Haku> "What the..." Suzuna is lifted. She kicks around and elbows Itoh's side in an effort to scape but the posticions it's on such a way that she can't quite doit so she is slammed agaist the floor
  171. [21:04] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  172. [21:07] <Kevinator> Itoh then proceeds to mount Suzuna and presses her left forearm against the girl's face, leaning in and throwing punches to her right rib. "You ready to give in, yet?" she asks.
  173. [21:07] <Kevinator> (yt)
  174. [21:08] <Baku|Haku> "Uuuh! Aaaah!"
  175. [21:10] <Baku|Haku> Suzuna screams as each punch hits her. She breathes heavily as the punches hit her. She rises her arm and catches Itohs forearm aiming to cause a little pain due to her previous injuries. She tries to punches Itoh on the face to make her go off her
  176. [21:10] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  177. [21:14] <Kevinator> Itoh cringes in pain slightly as she increases the intensity of her punches against Suzuna's rib. Though the pain takes it's toll on her forearm as her grip soon loosens a little, she takes another hard punch to her face, causing her to dismount immediately.
  178. [21:14] <Kevinator> (yt)
  179. [21:19] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna continues her attack by grabbing Itohs arm with both of her arms. She plants her feet on Itohs neck and belly in order to brake her arm further "You shouln't had come!"
  180. [21:19] <Baku|Haku> *She pulls her arm once again adding to the cursing pain that limb was getting.
  181. [21:19] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  182. [21:22] <Kevinator> Itoh begins to gag from the foot being placed against her neck, eyes widening as her arms were being wrenched in Suzuna's direction.
  183. [21:23] <Kevinator> The girl lifts one of her feet to throw a punt towards her exposed crotch in a desperate attempt to escape.
  184. [21:23] <Kevinator> (yt)
  185. [21:27] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna's lock doesn't work. Suzuna managues to put her foot agaist Itoh's other hand and kicks it a little since she thinks her exposed hand will attack her. Itoh's flexibily surprises her and she emots a little "Giih!" similar to her sister when she is punched
  186. [21:27] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  187. [21:30] <Kevinator> As soon as Suzuna is weakened, or stunned, Itoh grabs a hold of the girl's ankle and attempts to pry it off of her. In exchange she sweeps the woman's standing foot in order to send her to the ground.
  188. [21:30] <Kevinator> (yt)
  189. [21:35] <Baku|Haku> "Aaaah!"
  190. [21:36] <Baku|Haku> Suzuna grins. "How did you tough i bacame the leader....I can endure much...Pain...Aaah..."
  191. [21:36] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna tried to kick Itoh off.
  192. [21:36] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  193. [21:38] <Kevinator> Itoh backs away as Suzuna throws a kick in her direction, raising her arms to continue the fight.
  194. [21:38] <Kevinator> ("I don't care about how you became the leader. I just want to fight you".
  195. [21:38] <Kevinator> (yt)
  196. [21:39] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna get up and smiles. Sayaka has finally managued to reach the chair she smiled as she could rest a little.
  197. [21:41] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna threw one fake punch at Itoh's face. She made it for her to cover her face. In reallity she was aiming to do a hook punch to her stomach and rise her a bit. That is if her fake worked
  198. [21:41] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  199. [21:48] <Kevinator> Itoh did guard her face just as Suzuna had wanted, taking that hook punch to her stomach directly.
  200. [21:48] <Kevinator> (yt)
  201. [21:50] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna used that as an oportunity to punch her for real on the the face two times. Her movemebts were fast
  202. [21:50] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  203. [21:57] <Kevinator> "Ungh!" Itoh recoiled in pain as Suzuna had struck her in the face.
  204. [21:57] <Kevinator> (yt)
  205. [21:58] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna twisted her feet and then turned around in order to gain momentum and kick Itoh on her belly. Her foot sinked in pretty deep into her gut.
  206. [21:58] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  207. [22:08] <Kevinator> Itoh doubles over in excruciating pain as Suzuna dug her foot into her stomach, it had been especially sore since her last fight in this building.
  208. [22:09] <Kevinator> And a critical point as well.
  209. [22:09] <Kevinator> (yt)
  210. [22:10] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna laughs. She retrives her foot in order to raise it above Itoh's head in order to do an axe kick. She drops her talon on top of Itoh's head.
  211. [22:10] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  212. [22:24] <Kevinator> Itoh is slammed on the back of her head with an axe kick, causing her to fall to her knees in pain.
  213. [22:25] <Kevinator> (yt)
  214. [22:27] <Baku|Haku> *Suzuna gently grabs Itoh's cheeck and giggles. "Any last words?"
  215. [22:27] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  216. [22:41] <Baku|Haku> (yt? o,o?)
  217. [22:41] <Kevinator> (I'm still here)
  218. [22:42] <Baku|Haku> (ok n3n)
  219. [22:43] <Kevinator> Itoh stares up at Suzuna as she cups her chin and rises to a knee, struggling a little bit. She shakes. "Yeah" she responds.
  220. [22:44] <Kevinator> "I'm not pissed off anymore" confesses the girl at last, "You beat it out of me".
  221. [22:45] <Kevinator> However, in spit of this, the girl still throws a fierce lowblow to Suzuna.
  222. [22:45] <Kevinator> (yt)
  223. [22:48] <Baku|Haku> *"Gyaah!" Altough her ability to endure pain was what keept her at the top of her game Suzuna chanted victory too soon. She grabbed her groin in pain and fall in one knee. She looked angryly at Itoh with one eye closed almost shedding a tear
  224. [22:48] <Baku|Haku> *Sayaka jumped out a little. She almost saw a soul condembed becuse of her.
  225. [22:48] <Baku|Haku> (yt)
  226. [22:53] <Kevinator> Itoh would have gotten to her feet at that moment, but Suzuna would obviously throw an equally nasty lowblow in her direction if she dared. The best decision now was to stay as she was. With this, the girl falls on her butt and crosses her legs.
  227. [22:54] <Kevinator> "You win. I'll head home so that you and your sister can spend some quality time".
  228. [22:55] <Kevinator> She falls back and rests her hands against the floor, "The best part is, you'll still be the leader of your gang after I'm gone!"
  229. [22:55] <Kevinator> "You can save the effort and forget you've ever seen me".
  230. [22:55] <Kevinator> (yt)
  231. [22:56] <Baku|Haku> *Suzune's eyes were red once again "You dare mock me!....After all this! You just...Aahh!"
  232. [22:57] <Baku|Haku> *Suzune wasn't used to this kind of pain and tried to hold off. She gitted her teeth. Sayaka still using her sword as a cane offered her sister a hand
  233. [22:57] <Baku|Haku> "It's over....Sis....For today it's over...."
  234. [22:59] <Baku|Haku> *Suzune sighted and got up with the help of her sister "Tsk! Do as you wish....My girls won't botter you"
  235. [23:00] <Baku|Haku> *The zako looked at each ohter confused. One was about to speak when Suzune pointed at the one with the eye patch. This was over.
  236. [23:00] <Baku|Haku> (yt, Epilogue n_n)
  237. [23:02] <Kevinator> That last fight with Suzune managed to push Itoh to her limits and as far as she knew, the gang leader had actually defeated her in this fight, she was far too fatigued to even continue.
  238. [23:04] <Kevinator> But at the same time, this whole entire incident also satisfied her current bloodlust for battle, and as an added bonus it potentially bought two sisters together.
  239. [23:04] <Kevinator> In the end Itoh had to stretch her muscles out a bit just to avoid any crippling cramps creeping up on her later on.
  240. [23:05] <Kevinator> After getting herself together, she turns around and, without a word, steps out of the school for the first and last time.
  241. [23:05] <Kevinator> (fin)
  242. [23:05] <Baku|Haku> (Epic)
  243. [23:06] <Baku|Haku> (This should totally be an OVA)
  244. [23:06] <Kevinator> (It was pretty good while it lasted)
  245. [23:21] <Baku|Haku> Yeah
  246. [23:21] <Baku|Haku> I'm glad you enjoued it.
  247. [23:21] <Baku|Haku> *enjoyed it.
  248. [23:23] <Kevinator> Did you?
  249. [23:24] <Baku|Haku> Of course! Itoh was awesome.
  250. [23:25] <Kevinator> Cool, glad you liked her.
  251. [23:25] <Baku|Haku> But you were righ Hayaka High needs to rest
  252. [23:27] <Kevinator> Yeah
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