
Exovaryn Haruke: Setting The Pieces

Sep 9th, 2015
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  1. With them all tromping down on the dungeon, Hibiki is given a brief, reassuring little clasp on the shoulder, short and strong before walking ahead before the cell, taking a deep breath in and squaring her shoulders to look at the short wraith guard, brow furrowing as her chest heaves with a sigh
  3. "No, we don't. But it doesn't excuse breaking the law as a foreigner or not consulting individuals present. You're still wearing armor of your affiliation with Byson; And it's important to be considerate of officials, not stealing babies," She counts off her fingers, pulling on them.
  5. "S'really bad looking! Foreigner from Byson comes into Frostvale, attempts to abduct baby! Getting worked up like this, s'very upsetting to everyone involved and doesn't endear people."
  7. "And no." She folds her arms sternly, staring. "Don't say, or do that. Emotional blackmail doesn't make you look any better, or more pleasant. I'd like to hear what happened from you, if you would, please." The scab-colored stare of Demeter is purse lipped, eyes flat.
  8. (Demeter Rosengard)
  10. She reared back, nearly smacking her head against the wall but stopping just inches short. She furrowed her brows. But she was too irritated not to speak. She'd deal with the reprocussions later from superiors.
  12. "You know, you have a real attitude problem." She snapped, turning immediatel y to Plum. "You go on and on about the safety of one child, and when another, who has more sense about actual good than you in them makes a comment about your actions so you can think about what you did, you strike them?"
  14. Her fists clenched lightly, just for a moment before her angered expression drew back and became one of a more superior demeaner. "You're just a child. Acting like a spoiled brat who's mad and crying because she can't get her way. That's all you are. If you had any ounce of good in you, you wouldn't be acting the way you are. You're no better than a common thief."
  16. Her eyes closed just for a second. A slight sheen of whatever "edge" was removed from the sheath, be it due to teenage angst, or just.. some form of emotional depravity. "Pull that blind justice talk all you want. I nearly died standing up for my beliefs, my god, who I'm hated for every day by people just because of what I was born as. It doesn't stop me from doing good things and helping people, but I can accept the results of my actions.
  18. Though, just be glad I'm not allowed to do anything to you for your crimes and actions. I haven't been able to deliver anyone to Azrael with my own hands yet.. but if I'm allowed to, I'll have my fun with you."
  19. (Lyndell)
  21. He returned a rueful grin at Demeter's direction, but his eyes quickly flickered over to the orange haired oscuri. With a grimace, he turned to her and spoke quickly, directly. "That's enough. We don't need to go that far in this now that she's behind bars. This isn't the way to get through to her if you want to. Try to set an example."
  23. Huffing once, he returned Plum's look, gaze stern, yet contrary to Ana's words there was definitely pity lodged within. His voice was firm, but there was a gentle touch to it as well, an imploring one. "Listen to Dem. You won't get what you want through trying to make us feel guilty."
  25. "Tell us what's going on. If you had good intentions from this, we'll know that way. Contrary to what you might be thinking, we do want to help. Everyone." A slow nod.
  26. (Hibiki)
  28. The woman began pacing back and forth. She had...Seemingly stopped listening. They threw slander, insults, and cruelty. So THESE were the GOOD guys huh? Well then, what did that make the bad guys? Whatever Plum was thinking, whatever she was mummbling about...IT was unclear. Back and forth, a finger scribbling in the air, as if writing something.
  30. But what?
  32. A sudden stop, turn on her heel as she claps her hands together. Her violet gaze looking into all four of their eyes. Oh how hatefull she felt towards them, all of them...Except...The male. Yes, the male was okay, he was nicer than most. Softening her expression as her gaze set upon him, she gave a soft sigh. Staring at the ceiling as she spoke.
  34. " Isn't it unfair? To work so hard to become good, to get rid of baggage? I gave it all up. MY friends, my family...My very race torn from my own body..."
  36. Looking Hibiki in the eyes, pain rested in her expression, clear as day.
  38. " But...I try to put that to use, and this happens...I KNOW how that boy will turn out. I've seen and felt it all. An oscuri is like a fly compared to a hornet in terms to MAlpercian's and their curse...It was almost impossible to stop...But he helped me, he did it...But now. Here I am..."
  40. Sighing quietly, she began pacing.
  42. " Why did I even accept her offer? I should have went on my merry way! I should have just...Denied it! But I heard there was a lone child in need of care. I jumped, I took the oppertunity to help a child! I see myself in him, alone, helpless. Without parents..."
  44. Shaking her head, she began to mummble under her breath, strange rantings before she continued.
  46. " I traded him for a sword, and traded the sowrd for my precious innocence. But, it was all for not. I thought to myself, ' Why is he in a city with people like her? He will only be hurt.' I am right, I KNOW he will be hurt. The other children...They don't play with him. He scares them, he's lonely...I don't want him lonely...I spent so much time, I learned so much about him. I wanted to help....But."
  48. Turning once more to the four of them.
  50. " Neither I or the child can leave this frozen hell...I can't show him the world, I can't protect him in this cold cell...I can't help him become a man to show mercy and kindness."
  52. Narrowing her eyes, she stares straight into Demeter's eyes.
  54. " He will die here, and you know it. We both do. It's not safe in populated areas, not safe in secluded areas. It is only safe when he is dead...Or. When someone THINKS he is...I don't know for sure, but I think I know his father...IF that's true, his grandmother is....But who's the mother? What's the connection..."
  56. Shaking her head, she began to pace once more.
  58. " But why do I care? I really shouldn't. I care not for what he is, but who he is..."
  60. The strange mutterings continued, mostly about the young boy, about hos safety or other things. Most of what she spoke of was about the boy, very little about her own situation. It was clear, the only thing she cared about was the child whom was left behind when she was arrested.
  61. (Plum)
  63. It was the multitude of steps that beckoned one to open weighed lids of one once meditating. A duet of gleaming tangerine halos illuminated the darkness with searing intensity, scouring the scene outside the prison bars with the same magnitude of hatred as they bared upon his arrival. The torches within his cell were blown out, cuffed or suffocated at some point during his nigh three years. Blood stained the entirety of the stone flooring, though rather than proving rather... Oddly well scribed.
  65. Rather than splayed mindlessly across the cell, it was formed into strange diagrams, symbols, alien characters that resembled runic writings albeit not of messages coherent to Valmasian ilk concerning the subject. It was Xsperitan grade: Fusion Artistry. Quite clearly, Exovaryn had been practicing something, with a few diagrams written in reference to his knowledge surrounding theoretics gathered from Brighthold, as hostile as his stay had proven.
  67. Though, having spent so much time in this cell, as great as his hatred for those whom mised him in there was...
  68. As much, was he adored the fantasies revolving around the eradication of each and every individual in the arresting party, there came the victim that clutched his eye.
  69. He's seen her before...
  71. Those very same lilac eyes....
  72. A distant setting: Bygonegrove...
  73. He wasn't sure, but it certainly invoked a state of Déjà vu.
  74. Her speech towards them, handling directed betwixt them-- Every bit of it would be recorded by his eyes until they'd leave the proximity of his perception from the back of his cell; from there, he'd only listen.
  76. The voices, the arguments, the inquires and finally a click of a cell door... Not necessarily in said order. He wanted to know more...
  77. Being locked in a cell without any individuals to speak nor interact with aside from the occasional guard was.... Beyond unsettling. Perhaps, he was slowly losing it...
  78. He wasn't eating the meals they were providing for him, dependent only on the matter he had consumed during his time of liberation. Albeit, he'd pay the price for it...
  80. He had begun to degenerate excessively, gashes forming about his bicep and abdominal regions, allowing for brief slivers of bone to be noted at a glance. Slowly, his figure was cannibalizing on itself via Lyperion Utovex, for without mana, the substance dubbed 'Vanus' would only further seek it through the transmutation of his own animated flesh.
  82. No longer did he harbinge years of consumed prey to his volition, but only a minuscule pool sustained within, and himself. There wasn't much left, thus every moment he could have with company was well-worth it.
  83. " . . . Humans. . . " He called out, intending for the attention of Hibiki and co.
  84. " . . . I have naught but . . . A single request. "
  85. A glance into his cell could reward one to a rather unsettling image...
  86. He had broken from his wall-bindings, and leg restraints were picked open with a pin given by a nivisman, years ago... Completely liberated, albeit still restrained by a collar and cell.
  88. "If you'd hear it... It bares feeble risk considering my state and your strength in numbers." He assured to disregard potential doubt.
  89. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  91. "Okay, okay. Let me take this from the top, ma'am."
  93. She leans back, eyes closing for a moment- Breathing in through her nose. "You don't know who's kid this is, but you've been... Up here hanging out with like, a toddler. 'Cause you felt sorry for him. Okay, but... That's not, age appropriate, madam, or- Appropriate to your rank."
  95. "You wanted to help him out and give him a good learning environment! That's okay." Her hands fold- Moving surreptitiously in front of Hibiki in one grand step over, shunting him out neatly! Perhaps a hint of some other emotion briefly twitches her mouth downwards, but she tries to keep Plum's gaze, staring back relentlessly.
  97. "But what isn't okay is trying to kidnap him. No matter what your intentions were," Her voice rumbles, carrying onwards in a deep, powerful tone. "You talk to me about how he's gonna die up here. But that's unlikely! I assure you. If anything, he'd probably just have his arm removed before it can try to have him end up damaged and cannibalizing people."
  99. "He'd be lead away from occultism, given everything possible in order to give him a normal life. If you think he's not getting this... That's what talking to the authorities is about!" She continues onwards, her mailed, gauntletted hands folding in front of herself, letting them slide down from across her chest.
  101. "If you care about who he is, you can tell me who his parents or legal guardian is, right?" She very gently prods. "Paranoia's an ugly thing, madam. There's nobody out to get you, or the kid. You're in here 'cause you broke the law! You're discriminating against oscuri as you talk, and it feels like you don't see yourself undermining your own point." Her head dips.
  103. And then the Haruke speaks.
  105. Her gaze snaps over to the other cell- Staring, judging, quietly. Her own research had been going... Slowly. Slowly enough that it was obvious he had her attention, at least momentarily. Demeter was charged with one task at a time, and the paladin was intending to resolve the issue.
  106. (Demeter Rosengard)
  108. Lyndell snapped to, giving her attention to the Haruke as he spoke. She vaugely remembered him a few years ago from the war. She didn't know him particularly, but she also didn't know anything to judge him too harshly.
  110. She gave attention by keeping her eye on him and staying quiet. She was curious about what he had to say.
  111. (Lyndell)
  113. "I have my doubts that you have any interest in my confined research, so I will not badger you of it." He stated outright, "Though, given my stern punishment and seemingly excessive solitary confinement, I do wish to make a single request... A cell transfer, please." Perhaps, it had to do something with all the blood splattered about?
  114. It was doubtful that they kept an eye on him to notice his watchful gaze of Plum into the dungeons.
  116. " My only request is to be moved in to the same cell of said prisoner. I simply wish to talk to them directly. It is of no harm, I doubt I could provide any risk for you, nor your friends in my current state as previously mentioned. My apologies for bloodying this cell, I was refused chalk... I wanted to theorize means to ensure my survival, and properly explain your future endeavors without leading to my own death... Assuming that isn't your intention... I wouldn't surprised if you did intend to anyways."
  118. He rose from his seat to casually approach the cell bars, revealing himself to the torchlight that illuminated the mouth of the cell, and allowing his anti-mana collar to be clearly noted. Whether or not it could truly hold him? Was a question worth pondering... Though, waging on the fact Demeter defeated him once, he suspected she would feel confident in her ability to do so again, with further support from surrounding nivismen and another magi in close tow.
  120. "I have no heinous intent for said prisoner nor yourselves for I'm in no position to conduct such, and I'm certain guards are more than capable of ensuring our safety should it come to such." He assured, "I only ask out of a favor... Should you be willing... "
  121. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  123. The Haruke...
  125. She heard his voice, but never took into account that he would speak to be moved into her cell. She didn't much care if he did. Should the man be moved into her cell? Well, she might just fill his ears with ranting. Stepping further into the cell, Plum almost giggled. Responding more to Demeter's words; she sounded almost amused.
  127. " Every day he tells me is arm is bad, that he's bad. He hates the bandages. Hates that I make h-him wear them. I love that child...So sweet...So innocent while at the same time, he's filled with so much evil it h-hurts to llok at him! But he's perfect..."
  129. Back and forth, back and forth. Eventually though, she stands in the very back of the cell, letting herself face the back wall and not those outside.
  131. " It's cold in here...I'll be alone won't I? Just like when I w-was a child...Alone...Lonely, lonely, lonely...I hate being alone....Let the Man join me...Otherwise I might... Snap....Lonely..."
  133. LEaning on the wall, she hugs herself and slowly sinks to the ground.
  135. " Cut off his arm, you cut out his heart. You let him live full, he will always be empty. We are sad, sad creatures..."
  136. (Plum)
  138. In strolls a Sarradian, her heels clicking against stone. Down coiling stairways under the light of the torch she bears. Her face is always one of utter bemusement, and today is no different. The smirk on her lips looked awfully fake, after all, for someone so naturally cheerful.
  140. Down the left-hand passage, cross three cells, down the second right-hand passage. Immediate left. Ahh, there we go. An unfortunate, if expected sight. She really needed to choose her babysitters better.
  142. "Have been hearin' that Plum decided to leave with a baby against my will?" She'd say, carefully stepping forward. Her eyes glance over the wall of muscle that was Demeter, and the young Oscuri -- Lyndell! -- that stand by the entrance. "Cannot leave child with you, can I?"
  144. And then a smirk.
  146. "Miss Demeter, greetin's. I'm sure you do not remember me. I am Isir?" She curtsies, her steps echoing across stone as she comes upon the cell itself. "Regardless. I am here, if there are any questions. Handcuffs only if you're into that sort of stuff."
  147. (Isir)
  149. Exovaryn's state makes Demeter's lips purse.
  151. She glances over at the older man. It was true; When they had entered, Demeter had not paid heed directly, though he was the original reason she had been on her way to Frostvale. The button nose and chiselled, flat and masculine physique of the princess stands alert, her attention briefly on him, as Plum's mumbles bring eyes to roll and focus on the more... Well, ostensibly, lucid prisoner.
  153. Lips quirk, but what further occurs in the Rosengard's mind is only hinted at by the pursing of lips, the distant gaze of eyes briefly going past him as he makes his request, before focusing on his surroundings- And the splatters of blood that demarcated his living space, though she could not make them out behind them.
  155. Her lips purse, and brows furrow, following the obvious trail of thought as his words doubly ensure her attention is on such a thing.
  157. "... But, if pending treatments work," Her voice lilts brusquely. "I'm pretty sure it can be arranged." A grin alights on her face- No malice inside, only an intake of breath, a puffed chest of pride and anticipation. What precisely had the paladin cooked up?
  159. "If it works, y'know? Might be a fine test, but I dunno if this one's... Really cell-mate material. Especially as another magi. I'm sorry you've been waiting so long. Research and work is strong, and, well-" Shoulders roll. "Time passes faster for me, I'm afraid, and I understand." Her expression melts back into placidity.
  161. The Princess' eyes only briefly linger on Plum, shoulders rolling, muscles tensing as she exhales, mouth and tongue rolling as though searching for words, only to stop as Isir enters.
  163. Her head turns. "Ah. I... Remember you." A pause- An unspoken set of words, perhaps hinting at the mild racism of the rarity of sarradians, but her head dips. "Yes! I'm glad you were informed promptly- Is he alright? I was wondering what brought him into the reach of this Bysonite-" A frigid, cerulean-tinted gauntlet sweeps with a waft of mist in the air towards her.
  165. "And getting a straight, coherent account of events from her perspective has not been possible. You know this woman, correct?" A pause. "Are... You his legal guardian?" An obvious tone is in Demeter's voice- Slow, pausing, as she tries not to point out the obvious lack of biological relation.
  167. "If you could explain..."
  168. (Demeter Rosengard)
  170. If pending treatments worked?
  171. Was she attempting to operate on his vessel? Did she have a clue of the Oracle's Mark? Of Harukean anatomy? Perhaps another Harukean could've been victimized to implied purging, or even exposed to Exorcism... But considering the awakening the symbiote and production of Vanus through his body, one could fathom only grim results for inexperienced tampering with his body.
  173. The thought rewarded her grin with with a disturbed visage. Even if she didn't mean harm, he could only envision a horrid demise for his well-being, hoping that the inscriptions would inevitiably catch her eye and encourage her to listen... Presuming she was prepared to carry out her intent now. Ultimately, he was denied his request, unable to speak nor interact with Plum directly, which lead to his backpedal for the backside of his cell; the shadows casted by the walls were intended to cloak his person save for his emanating optics, continuing their watchful gaze from beyond the shade...
  175. There wasn't anything more to ask...
  176. Only reason to succumb to silence... And worry...
  177. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  179. The voice....The evil woman.
  181. From the back of the cell, she stood. Abel, Abell was the dad. She knew those eyes, KNEW that facial structure. Knew the family, knew the genetics. How funny...Isir could NOT have come across that child by natural means.
  183. Standing her soft footsteps could be heard walking to the door. Her ranting, mummbles and crazed raving over. She was angry, she was livid. She hated the chocolate colored woman. Stopping infront of the door, Plum would clar, her piercing gaze quite chilling.
  185. " Evil...You are an evil woman...Don't you touch him, don't you DARE lay a finger on him you WHORE! You'll corrupt him, you'll make him just as disturbed as you, just as disturbed as Flux...Your vile and putrid and should be SIX FEET UNDER!"
  187. Gripping the bars, she leaned in close.
  189. " I hope that pretty face of yours rotts..."
  191. Turning to the other woman, she frowns.
  193. " The father, he resembles my cousin, if m-my theory serves well...That child does not belong to her. Simply look at her...As if HER blood could create something so lovely as my dear; little one. She is a their of children and of blades. You make a deal and she twists the conditions, makes you do things you regret. Evil. Vile. Horrible..I hope you ROT!"
  195. Her very words seem to shake the cell...What ever magic contained inside was not doing too great against her own. Perhaps Plum had more power than inicially thought.
  197. " And when your life goes down hill, I will laugh and laugh...Because you will be getting JUST what you deserve...You WITCH..."
  199. Turning back to Demeter, Plum's hands gripped at the bars even more violently. Steal rising from her fingers...Was...Was the metal heating up?
  200. (Plum)
  201. [02:08:12] Plum: ?Don't let her touch the baby...
  203. Her hand raises.
  205. "The child belongs to Rhyneth Malpercius. I am his legal guardian." Her eyebrow is piqued at Plum for a moment. "... And as it is standin', I am apparently far more responsible with swords, too, aren't I? I digress." Footsteps bring her to stand beside Lyndell, prone and vigilant, looking between Plum and Demeter. "I took the child to keep them from one Isis Vondfold. She married Rhyneth and tried to take custody of her children. However, the slll..." She stops, glancing at Plum. "... The woman is not fit to raise children."
  207. Her arms fold.
  209. "The intent was to draw out Isis Vondfold with the promise of the child. And if we could remove ourselves from the presence of anyone overhearin', I can explain more, miss Demeter. Somewhere more... private?"
  211. And then her attention shifts over to the melting bars. Magic. She smirks lightly. Isir knew exactly who the parents were. And knew exactly why she did what she did. The best reason was because it was fun, but you can't get away with saying that to someone who is genuinely a good person.
  213. "The baby is alright, by th' way, but I don't think this jail cell is."
  214. (Isir)
  216. OH BOY.
  218. This was significantly more deep that Demeter had anticipated, and a somewhat confused and vexed look, switching more to the latter with the mention of the name 'Isis Vondfold'. However much she was listening to both parties could perhaps be told through her tilts of the head- Only slightly towards Plum, and then away when rants against the sarradian were made.
  220. The paladin's hand goes to her chin, rubbing it with the sleek, frigid sensation invigorating her lightly.
  222. "Given that Isis Vondfold is an attempted kidnapper herself... Well. I'd prefer to go over HOW 'took' occured, as- Well. I can't really say I approve of kidnapping?" Her hand sweeps, giving an arch look. "But I do agree that such an individual isn't fit to raise a child..." A pause. Consideration; What was a deed of greater evil?
  224. "... I would like to hear your explaination. I don't appreciate the idea of a child as 'bait', in any context." The paladin's words are moderately sour, Winter Thorns ensconced hands clasping once more with a faint scrape. "If the child needs... Proper care, I am fully intending to see he gets it- And is treated for his condition appropriately, before it manifests."
  226. She goes onto her tiptoes, before she goes silent- The faint hiss of steam and metal makes the woman's head twist, braids flopping over shoulders as she stares at Plum's hands, watching the woman's reaction to such an assertation.
  227. (Demeter Rosengard)
  229. "Keep me here if you want...But to let that whore near him WILL get him killed..."
  231. Pulling her hands away, she hissed. The metal bars were hot, the steam still rising from the metal when the source was gone. The bars wer melted to the shap of her hands. Walking to the back of the cell slowly; Plum laughed.
  233. " Careful when you make deals with her...Otherwise you'll be forced into the worst experiance of you LIFE! I thought reproduction was horrible...Now I know it REALLY IS! Thanks Isir...Better keep a five foot distance from her miss...She's evil and wicked..."
  235. A scoff escapes her lips.
  237. " And as fake as they get..."
  238. (Plum)
  240. [05:57:45] Plum: Hey...Mr Haruke...
  241. [05:58:36] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Hrn?
  242. [05:58:36] Plum: How long have you been here?
  243. [05:58:36] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . . I'd have to say three years. Though, I'm not sure.
  244. [05:59:28] Plum: Mhhh...
  245. [05:59:28] Plum: Suppose you'll stop counting soon.
  246. [06:00:19] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: What gives you that idea?
  247. [06:00:19] Plum: <*Uses sound magics to whisper to him and recive his whispers*>
  248. [06:00:19] Plum whispers: I told you before. I'll tell you again...
  249. [06:01:10] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Huh?
  250. [06:01:10] Plum whispers: I need your help, so I am getting you out..
  251. [06:02:01] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Determined to do so from beyond prison bars?
  252. [06:02:01] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: I suppose that is true determination.
  253. [06:02:01] Plum whispers: Hah...Never under estimate a woman with nothing to lose..
  254. [06:02:52] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Nothing to lose?
  255. [06:02:52] Plum whispers: But anyways, I require your help...And I'm sure you'll be quite glad to help.
  256. [06:02:52] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: With?
  257. [06:03:44] Plum whispers: Returning me back into a full blooded Malpercian again.
  258. [06:04:35] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Yes, that's right. You're Plum Malpercius, daughter of Savant.
  259. [06:04:35] Plum whispers: I am...And I need you to make me a MAlpercian again.
  260. [06:05:26] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Understanding your biology to some degree, I'm certain it requires another... Preferrably of close blood. Perhaps Savant himself, if necessary.
  261. [06:05:26] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Though, I suppose if you're willing to attempt liberating me...
  262. [06:05:26] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Such... Can be arranged.
  263. [06:06:17] Plum whispers: Good...And do not worry. I have a full blooded twin. He's me exact copy in every way...ONly, well, male.
  264. [06:08:00] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Perhaps he will do.
  265. [06:08:00] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Is coming here part of your plan? From what I've overheard your complications with Valmasian ilk has proven...
  266. [06:08:51] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: rather entangled with 'heroic' figures.
  267. [06:09:42] Plum whispers: The 'heros' of this god's forsaken land are no better than the villians...Worse even.
  268. [06:10:33] Plum whispers: They call themselves good, pure....You expect mercy but recive none. Even after the MAlpercian curse was casted aside; I'm treadted like filth. I grow tired of political games.
  269. [06:10:33] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Such entitlements are but mere titles with no true definition. For heroes and villains are one and the same... Simple matters of perception that alternate from entity to entity.
  270. [06:11:24] Plum whispers: Heros, villians. I don't care. I'll bathe in the blood of those who treat me like dirt...
  271. [06:11:24] Plum whispers: Starting with ISir...The whore.
  272. [06:12:16] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Whether one would be Harukean or Malpercian, discrimination against our ilk will always reign supreme... For their transgressions, may Lyperias guide you to force repentence of their Sin, in their blood.
  273. [06:13:07] Plum whispers: Mhh...I hope to see t-them all dead.
  274. [06:13:58] Plum whispers: They've made their last mistake...
  275. [06:14:49] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: And in time, you may... Presuming destiny allows it. Though bare in mind that equivalent exchange reigns over all. Every act has an echo... For their crimes against our people, let them pay... <*Ogles from afar*>
  276. [06:16:32] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Perhaps, with the Sacrifice of their numbers, I'll coronate your transformation back to your former beauty. Torn asunder from their diminished cursed state they've plagued you with.
  277. [06:17:23] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: No longer will you be damned to Humanity's inferiority...
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