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a guest
Aug 6th, 2019
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  1. 91231165176
  2. mate: 68473768058 all:75.055%
  3. 3 legal moves, in check: 3924182584 all:4.301% not mate:17.244%
  4. 1 legal move, not in check: 3883361268 all:4.257% not mate:17.064%
  5. 4 legal moves, in check: 2948889078 all:3.232% not mate:12.958%
  6. 2 legal moves, in check: 2404757962 all:2.636% not mate:10.567%
  7. stalemate: 1810129978 all:1.984% not mate:7.954%
  8. 3 legal moves, not in check: 1790957694 all:1.963% not mate:7.870%
  9. 1 legal move, in check: 1696104418 all:1.859% not mate:7.453%
  10. 5 legal moves, in check: 1262775698 all:1.384% not mate:5.549%
  11. 6 legal moves, in check: 565750008 all:0.620% not mate:2.486%
  12. 2 legal moves, not in check: 407285316 all:0.446% not mate:1.790%
  13. 7 legal moves, in check: 311940790 all:0.342% not mate:1.371%
  14. 9 legal moves, not in check: 212986328 all:0.233% not mate:0.936%
  15. 5 legal moves, not in check: 204282936 all:0.224% not mate:0.898%
  16. 10 legal moves, not in check: 203423588 all:0.223% not mate:0.894%
  17. 4 legal moves, not in check: 202755974 all:0.222% not mate:0.891%
  18. 8 legal moves, not in check: 191776318 all:0.210% not mate:0.843%
  19. 11 legal moves, not in check: 175987230 all:0.193% not mate:0.773%
  20. 7 legal moves, not in check: 174440774 all:0.191% not mate:0.767%
  21. 6 legal moves, not in check: 147808368 all:0.162% not mate:0.649%
  22. 12 legal moves, not in check: 96056684 all:0.105% not mate:0.422%
  23. 13 legal moves, not in check: 62656442 all:0.069% not mate:0.275%
  24. 8 legal moves, in check: 45199224 all:0.050% not mate:0.199%
  25. 14 legal moves, not in check: 23209094 all:0.025% not mate:0.102%
  26. 15 legal moves, not in check: 5050010 all:0.006% not mate:0.022%
  27. 9 legal moves, in check: 3295348 all:0.004% not mate:0.014%
  28. 16 legal moves, not in check: 1236308 all:0.001% not mate:0.005%
  29. 17 legal moves, not in check: 723904 all:0.001% not mate:0.003%
  30. 18 legal moves, not in check: 250782 all:0.000% not mate:0.001%
  31. 19 legal moves, not in check: 81332 all:0.000% not mate:0.000%
  32. 20 legal moves, not in check: 15382 all:0.000% not mate:0.000%
  33. 10 legal moves, in check: 10798 all:0.000% not mate:0.000%
  34. 22 legal moves, not in check: 4848 all:0.000% not mate:0.000%
  35. 23 legal moves, not in check: 3548 all:0.000% not mate:0.000%
  36. 21 legal moves, not in check: 3270 all:0.000% not mate:0.000%
  37. 24 legal moves, not in check: 1684 all:0.000% not mate:0.000%
  38. 25 legal moves, not in check: 1636 all:0.000% not mate:0.000%
  39. 26 legal moves, not in check: 448 all:0.000% not mate:0.000%
  40. 27 legal moves, not in check: 64 all:0.000% not mate:0.000%
  41. 11 legal moves, in check: 2 all:0.000% not mate:0.000%
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