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Slendergal's RP characters (Update3 +more)

a guest
Feb 12th, 2016
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  1. Slendergal: The first ever female Slender. The niece of Slenderman. Daughter of Celestia Jade Smith, Offenderman, and Splendorman. Her height is 16'9. She wears a lawyer suit. Her hair is brown and long. It goes down to her ass. Her breast size is unknown but her breasts are large enough to have a man in between them. Level one rage if in Slender form. Her personality is random. Age is 114. (But her age does change as I grow older.)
  3. Black Rose: BR is a human. A secret agent working for the government. Her breast size is M cup. She wears a leather skin tight suit. Her hair color is black. Her eye color is brown. Personality is kind but sexual. Age is 20
  5. Princess Hell Queen Jade: HQ is a demon. Daughter of Satan. Her horns mean royalty. She normally wears a shirt and shorts. Both are ripped. Brown hair and red eyes. Level three rage level for Slendergal. Personality is formal and kind. Age is 19
  7. Lily Rose: Rose is a demon. Half-sister to Hell Queen Jade. Her horns mean rage. She carries a scythe. Her job is to kill other demons. Her boss is Hell Queen Jade. She annoys Slendergal by calling her something. Her skin is red like HQ's. Her clothes are ripped. She wears a shirt and pants. Her hair color is brown and her eyes are red. Level two rage level for Slendergal. Personality is bitchy, rude, mean, and bad. Age is 14
  9. Mara: Mara is an animal angel. White beautiful wings. Wears mostly white and anything in white. Slendergal adopted Mara when she was 6. (The look is the almost the same for Slendergal's human form.) Long brown hair down to the middle of her back. Blue eyes with hazel around the pupils. She loves animals. Her personality is kind, loving, caring, shy, and good things. Age is 13
  11. Queen Shadow: She's the Queen of Darkness. Her eyes are pure white and they glow. She has a black dress that seems to be mist and alive. Her hair is black. She can summon guards or other shadow like things to protect herself. She's the fourth rage level for Slendergal. Age is 1,162.
  13. Queen Bloody Insane: BI is Queen of blood. BI can become any type of blood. Demon blood, human blood, etc. Her dress is made of purple blood (demon blood). Her eyes are red (human blood). Her skin is tan (unknown blood). Her hair is long and it's red. It's like a waterfall of blood but it ends at her ass (human blood). She tries to force herself into your blood and expand herself till you explode. Chunks of you go everywhere when you explode. Age is 1,067
  15. Omega Delta Epsilon: Looks like Slendergal's human form but you can see joints. Her fists can come off to be weapons. They have boosters. (Think Big Hero 6) She has boosters on her feet to go fast. She has a tracking device which is a robotic plant that infected her. She thinks Slendergal is evil and unkind due to the plant. She was made by someone to be like Slendergal. Personality is robotic, easily fooled, caring, and bitchy. Age is 14.
  17. Chaos: God of Chaos. (Based off of Discord from my little pony) Chaos' normal form His dragon form Personality is mischief, puerile, and puzzling. Age is 300.
  19. Palo: He is an elf (Lord of The Rings). He's mostly an artist. He loves to draw. But sometimes he has to hunt. He wears this. Personality is kind, caring, and helpful. Age is 25
  21. Zachery: A doctor who is streampunk. He lose his arm but he tries his best to with the new mechanical arm he has. He's been a faithful doctor to many of the Slender family and other monsters. He saved Splendorman from being found out by human Doctors. He use to work in a hospital but now he has to take the roads because of his arm. Personality is kind, caring, careful with words, and helpful.
  23. Zero: A human cannibal. She use to date Slendergal until MJ or Slendergal found her cheating on her. She wears a leather jacket, black pants, and a black T-shirt with the pentagram in red on it. Her skin is grey but she hides most of it with makeup. Her hair is black. Her eyes are deep brown. She's been raped by her Father for 8 years. She stopped the abuse by becoming a cannibal and eating her own father's bones. Zero left her Mother alone though since she never knew... But her Mother died by an unknown cause after Zero left her. Personality is bitchy, rude, hard to get along with, and mean. Age is 18.
  25. I'm running a public chatzy called Public RPing/talking room. You must read the rules before you enter and such. Mostly friends will be there of mine will be there. But here is link: Rules are: Hello people. This is SoAlone the room Owner. There will be rules. One: Don't harass users. Two: sexual jokes will be tolerated but not rape jokes. Three: Don't be rude to other people or joke about raping them. If you joke about raping them. You will be banned quickly from the room. Four: Please do not bring people here unless the room owner meets them first. Five: Don't spam please.
  27. Now if anything concerns any of the users here. Please talk to the room owner or Mods here. I will have a Mods and room owner though. Mods must be trusted and listen to them please. If a Mod or the Room Owner says Drop it. Drop it or be silenced.
  29. Room Owner's adopted Son: Ticci Toby Rogers.
  31. If anyone upsets Toby please tell the Room Owner and no Mods are allowed to ban Toby no matter what he may do.
  33. Now... Please call me SoAlone or Alone in the room. I'll RP if asked or if I'm busy I won't RP.
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