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Oct 2nd, 2014
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  1. Sedentra: Good afternoon Madam.
  2. CaptainGabrieleStoro: evening
  3. Sedentra: Pardon, my attire, I was interested in knowing more about the Abalone RP.
  4. CaptainGabrieleStoro: ahhh and thank you i was a bit worried why i was invited when i saw that x..x lol
  5. Sedentra: So sorry about that, default outfit. LOL. I was at a club.
  6. CaptainGabrieleStoro: ((This is the main post for Abalone , its a pirate RP this post explains everything))The waters glitter like rare gems under the skies of Abalone- waves rising and falling like curtains in the wind, their rush and crashing weaving together like a long-forgotten lullaby. But all is not peaceful here.Off the coast of Abalone's Port Orloff, ships set off to search the uncharted waters for land and more importantly for a cure. Abalone's King Madres lies stricken with an unknown illness in his precious stone palace and his wife, Queen Catherine, sick as well, has sent out a royal plea - to anyone who dares to take on the mysterious 'beyond' and set find a cure for what ails her and her husband. But that is easier said than done.The neighboring kingdom, Afaregan, has waited for centuries to attack and claim Abalone - seeing its chance, it decides to stop all who dare cross the stretch of water separating Abalone from the unknown world. And, being a kingdom known for its vagabonds, thieves, rogues and assassins, its king - King Jerumar - orders his personal pirates, known for their cunning and brutal efforts and pillaging, to stop all attempts to find a cure. In Abalone, a young woman named Gabriele slips from her home and finds herself in Port Orloff - searching high and low for a ship that will take her out of Abalone, so she can search for a cure. Laughed at for her gender, she is first....but she is not one to give up, and quickly lies about her reasons for leaving Abalone, Gabriele manages to secure a place on their ship. The pirates intend to leave Abalone in order to find themselves a 'lost' treasure they believe is buried on a 'paradise island' somewhere in the uncharted waters. Gabriele leaves with them, knowing her full intent of coming aboard the ship. The courage was never strange to her. But Gabriele has another secret. The King of Abalone is her father. And Gabriele wants to save him and her mother - but if she doesn't ...she is prepared to lead her people. That stubborn Gabriele, that trait must have come from her father, her mother was to ...shall we say ...timid. She walked to the steer of the ship throwing her cape covering her head to the ground and taking hold of the wheel. A great wind came, as she spoke it took her voice all about the ship. Her words were not fancy, straight to the point her father always said," This ship is now property of Captain Gabriele Storo!"
  7. Sedentra: That.. is amazing!
  8. CaptainGabrieleStoro: well ty
  9. Sedentra: By far one of the best RPs I have seen structured in a long time.
  10. Sedentra: ...any room for a feisty, barstool throwing pirate wench, who isnt too fond of her current career?
  11. CaptainGabrieleStoro: :) of course but these are the rules of our rp, i dont want to have to chase you for your post turn i do understand job real etc but you must talk to me and let me know if something comes up other wise i keep the rp going at a good speed each person post in and no problems. This is a closed rp so outside drama or anything that would obstruct the story line that hasnt been brought to my attention would be deleted and persons removed
  12. CaptainGabrieleStoro: i ry to keep it fun and safe for everyone just without the drama >..<
  13. Sedentra: You are an RP angel..
  14. CaptainGabrieleStoro: the other thing is to create a short bio based on the 5 sentences Age,Name, Kingdom (weather abalone or afaragon evil kingdom) occupation and quick bio
  15. Sedentra: Putting an outfit together
  16. CaptainGabrieleStoro: ok let me link u the group dear
  17. CaptainGabrieleStoro: at work trying to multitask
  18. Sedentra: 300 credits short, but check this out.
  19. CaptainGabrieleStoro:
  20. CaptainGabrieleStoro: its an awesome look :)
  21. Sedentra: Yeah, now to get it.
  22. CaptainGabrieleStoro: now most the post are done in room first and moved to thread after ward if no one is here then done in thread first
  23. Sedentra: So you are in the process.. your character anyway, of building a crew?
  24. CaptainGabrieleStoro: im not looking for a million people 10 solid roleplayers im fine with if more come great but this is not my first show lol i have done the big roleplays and people end up leaving because of real and not logging on or just not posting and most of that was not posting and i had to chase people
  25. Sedentra: Yes, it sucks.
  26. Sedentra: I will have to get the knife later, cant afford it right now. How do I look?
  27. CaptainGabrieleStoro: looks great :) have you decided the side you want to be on ? Be sure to read on the kingdom you choose each one has a bio up
  28. Sedentra: What side. what do you mean?
  29. CaptainGabrieleStoro: Abalone or Afaragon
  30. Sedentra: Abaolone, of course.. captain ~Winks~
  31. CaptainGabrieleStoro: It means where you came from
  32. CaptainGabrieleStoro: lol
  33. CaptainGabrieleStoro: ok but still read the history of the 2 so u can post even better
  34. Sedentra: Oh I will, I love this already. So.. where are you picking me up at?
  35. CaptainGabrieleStoro: we will pick yoiu up when the mermaid saves us from the sea monster as right now we are in the middle of the ocean . our next destination is a Kingdom called Forbidden shadows
  36. Sedentra: So, thats where I am?
  37. CaptainGabrieleStoro: or you could have been in the row boats with us when the crash happened
  38. CaptainGabrieleStoro: which u can post now
  39. CaptainGabrieleStoro: just read
  40. Sedentra: Nah, I have an entrance thought up.. just need to wait until you are at port once more.
  41. CaptainGabrieleStoro: ok wonderful when we make port or where ever mermaid brings us then you can post in then
  42. CaptainGabrieleStoro: my last person is making his post tomorrow before the mermaid saves us so you entering and also nythallia will be entering because she is the queen their
  43. Sedentra: Chrimsa was once a free spirited child, which lasted until the age of seven when she was torn from her mother's limp arms, and thrown to the wolves of Afaregan. As days passed, this once warm hearted girl, began to fade away, leaving a cold and calloused shell behind, and a violent rage that had been building inside.. now unbridaled and unchained, dare a man be foolish enough to try, he may end up a unich not by his own accord.
  44. CaptainGabrieleStoro: wow u know its rare for an afaragon women to excape
  45. CaptainGabrieleStoro: so u read it im guessing
  46. CaptainGabrieleStoro: most of the women in afaragon excaped by death
  47. Sedentra: Mhmm I did. But she hasnt quite escaped, she has a way of making she she serves no one sexually, and yet the keeper gets paid.
  48. CaptainGabrieleStoro: aba is also a stow away from afaragon he is the one i have to post in for because he cant get on the imvu or page
  49. Sedentra: Slice the victims throat, hand over the money to the owner and dump the body... shes a cold blooded killer now.
  50. Sedentra: Men are very vulnerable when the bloodflow is not to their brain.. ~winks~
  51. CaptainGabrieleStoro: lol
  52. CaptainGabrieleStoro: awesome well come on into the actual rp room for a while nyth will be on soon she will love to meet you
  53. Sedentra: I would, but I have to take the kids outside, so let me get them out there and I will be right back ok?
  54. CaptainGabrieleStoro: ok if i am not on its because im working but i will be off at 630 and home by 6 39 so ill be back on
  55. CaptainGabrieleStoro: its 6 13 now
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