
Timebomb V1 [SK]

Jul 11th, 2016
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  1. Options:
  2. P: &8[&eTime &3Bomb&8]&b #Prefix
  3. Perm: timebomb.use #Permission
  4. Gheads: true #If Golden heads should spawn in the chests
  5. ExplosionForce: 15 #The size of the explosion
  6. Time: 30 #Wait time for the chest to explode
  8. UHCSK: false # IMPORTANT! If you have minemidnight's UHCsk skript, then make the to TRUE, and if you don't have it, make it false!
  10. on load:
  11. set {timebomb.gheads} to {@Gheads}
  12. set {timebomb.uhcsk} to {@UHCSK}
  14. command /timebomb [<text>]:
  15. permission: {@Perm}
  16. aliases: /tb
  17. trigger:
  18. if arg-1 is set:
  19. if arg-1 is "on" or "true" or "enable":
  20. set {timebomb.bomb} to true
  21. message "{@P} &9&lTimebomb is now &b&lenabled!"
  22. if arg-1 is "off" or "false" or "disable":
  23. set {timebomb.bomb} to false
  24. message "{@P} &9&lTimebomb is now &b&ldisabled!"
  25. else:
  26. message "{@P} &9&lUsage&f: &b/timebomb <On&f|&bOff>"
  28. on death of player:
  29. if {timebomb.bomb} is true:
  30. set the block below the victim to a chest
  31. set the block 1 meter east of the block below the player to a chest
  32. set the inventory of the block below the victim to victim's inventory
  33. add the victim's helmet slot to the inventory of the block below the victim
  34. add the victim's chestplate slot to the inventory of the block below the victim
  35. add the victim's leggings slot to the inventory of the block below the victim
  36. add the victim's boots slot to the inventory of the block below the victim
  37. if {timebomb.Gheads} is true:
  38. add a golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to the inventory of the block below the victim
  39. clear the victim's inventory
  40. clear drops
  41. wait {@Time} seconds
  42. set the block below the victim to air
  43. set the block 1 meter east of the block below the player to air
  44. create an explosion of force {@ExplosionForce} at block below the victim
  45. strike lightning effect at the block below the victim
  47. on consume:
  48. if {timebomb.uhcsk} is false:
  49. if name of player's tool contains "&6Golden Head":
  50. remove regeneration from player
  51. apply regeneration 2 to the player for 10 seconds
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