

Feb 1st, 2017
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  1. They're coming for your water. Evil Nestle says water is not your right, while speculators and profiteers bribe politicians to buy up water rights. Not only do they take the water and own the water company, they Forbid cizitens to gather their own water from wells and rooftops. They only pay tiny amounts for water rights then make 1000 percent profit. In some areas formerly cheap water cost a quarter of people's income and those who couldn't afford their expensive bottle water went without. They also pollute groundwater digging massive wells. The water war has literally killed millions but you don't read about it. And of course those endless water bottles pollute the planet, killing wildlife. It's a lose, lose with Nestle. At one time Exxon tried to corner the world water market but thankfully then went down the tubes - so rotten Nestle took over, making Massive profits by stealing the people's water.
  3. This is what happens when corporate profiteers take over. They've already driven up rents and home prices to unsustainable levels.
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