
Android Game

Aug 7th, 2013
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  1. Puzzle Game involving rooms with items in them. The player must combine these items into a weapon to clear the next room of enemies.
  3. Free to Download, can buy research, or earn it in-game
  5. The player can make weapons on each level, but may only carry a certain amount of weapons with them to the next room per day. The player only has a certain amount of days to clear each room. Days will stack towards the next room, but early levels will only provide 20% of total days left. The amount of days will increase with the number of enemies.
  7. Enemies will provide research points towards a weapon currently being researched. Research is done in 2 tiers. Researching a weapons first tier will provide the enhanced ingredients, \full effects, and will show the number of enemies that will be destroyed. Researching a weapons second tier will provide a bonus effect and more damage. Tier 2 research will be the same amount as tier 1. (ex. Tier 1: 100 Research. Tier 2: 100 Research. Total: 200 Research). Books can be found randomly spawned in rooms, and will provide extra research points towards the item currently being researched. Books will spawn more often in later rooms
  9. Weapons that are not researched can still be made, but will have reduced effects, and will not show the number of enemies it will destroy. Will catalog the weapon with the known ingredients, but will still have reduced effects, will not show the number of enemies destroyed, or how to improve the recipe
  11. Rooms are generated randomly.
  13. Weapons:
  14. Molotov Cocktail
  15. Gas Bomb
  16. Microwave Explosive
  17. Take certain chemicals into a room, place them in a microwave, leave the room. Will destroy X amount of enemies. Also destroys the microwave
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