
Rebels in Equestria 9.5 - Luna's Lament

Aug 12th, 2012
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  3. >Over the course of a thousand years in imprisonment one comes to an abundance of time.
  4. >That time was miserable for us
  5. >Solitude was the only thing we knew.
  6. >Our cries for help where heard by no one but ourselves
  7. >The echoes of our voice rang for ages before giving way
  8. >The earth below us stood as a constant reminder
  9. >The cold hard truth that we were not wanted
  10. >This truth chipped away at us
  11. >It chipped away at our very sanity
  12. >For a thousand years we endured ourselves
  13. >But yet, miraculously, we pulled somehow managed to through
  15. >Deep down, we had hoped the p0nies would forgive us
  16. >Forgive us for something that could not be forgiven
  17. >Maybe even forget our errors
  18. >For us, a thousand years is nothing only a fraction of our lives
  19. >But for them, for our citizens, it is more of an eternity
  20. >Surely they would forget…
  21. >Surely they would…
  22. >Surely…
  24. >The day finally arrived when we were released from our cold prison
  25. >The day we were freed from Nightmare Moon
  26. >The day when the Elements purged us of evil and hatred
  27. >It was a truly glorious day for us
  28. >To walk Equestrian soil once more was a dream come true
  29. >To meet with our sister for who we so longed for
  30. >To break our solitude
  31. >To break our silence
  32. >To offer us love and friendship once more
  33. >It was truly beautiful
  35. >But yet…
  36. >Despite their warmest welcome and sincerest smiles, we could tell something was odd
  37. >The p0ny folk
  38. >They had forgiven us for our errors. For which we could not be more grateful
  39. >They had welcomed us back as their ruler with open arms
  40. >But they certainly had not forgotten
  41. >We could sense the fear within them
  42. >It would certainly take time for to mend their wounds
  44. >In one thousand years of imprisonment we had an abundance of spare time
  45. >We used that time wisely
  46. >We explored ourselves
  47. >We learned that which could not be taught
  48. >How to forgive and forget
  49. > We honed our magical skills as well
  50. >We gained several abilities while waiting for our escape
  51. >One of which, was to experience the dreams of our faithful subjects
  53. >That is how we remained sane
  54. >That is how we pulled through
  55. >We used our magic to watch the dreams of the p0nies resting below
  56. >We saw everything.
  57. >Their dreams, their ambitions, their hopes.
  58. >It gave us strength to push through
  59. >Their dreams taught us how to forgive
  60. >At first we thought ponies simply neglected our night
  61. >For no matter how beautiful we made it, they always slept through it
  62. > We would constantly ask ourselves why.
  63. >Why?
  64. >The answer was not clear then
  65. >But we did learn
  66. >We learned that our night gave way for their dreams
  67. >That which contained their hopes and joys.
  68. >Everything they wish to achieve in life
  69. >Images of bliss and happiness filled our vision whenever we would scope into their dreams.
  70. >They truly did appreciate our night
  71. >We were foolish to think otherwise
  73. >For we are Princess Luna
  74. >Guardian of the night
  75. >The moment dusk falls; we maintain a vigilant eye on Equestria from within the castle walls
  76. >It was only a few nights ago when we sense a disturbance
  78. >A lone being had appeared as if out of nowhere
  79. >We could sense its presence all the way from the Canterlot Castle
  80. >It was unlike anything I’ve ever come across before
  81. >I could this thing would be different
  82. >I could tell this thing had various traits we all lacked
  83. >A will that could not be broken was among them
  84. >An untapped strength was another
  85. >They were certain capabilities no p0ny could posses
  87. >After discussing it with Celestia, we decided the best course of action would be to send the Elements of Harmony to met with this unknown entity
  88. >The Elements are the strongest forces known to all of p0ny kind
  89. >They could match any foe’s strength
  90. >They surely could match this new threat
  92. >They traveled deep into the Everfree forest in the dead of night in order to met this creature
  93. >They exercised extreme caution and prepared for the worst
  94. >But when the Elements finally came across the unknown creature they came into shock of what they found
  95. >A human
  97. >There are historical recording of humans living in Equestria at one point
  98. >They settled everywhere from the Crystal mountains to the Southern Badlands
  99. >But that was so long ago.
  100. >The records are hidden deep within the Canterlot archives
  101. >So not many p0nies even have a good idea of what truly occurred
  102. >But we do
  103. >We were there.
  105. >The humans
  106. >They were known for their mastery of trades
  107. >They built magnificent structures and built wondrous technologies
  108. >They were a proud and noble
  109. >For where when we studied Magic and Alchemy, they ventured into Physics, Medicine and Mathematics
  110. >They created a far better off society within their settlements
  111. >At the time, their enormous structures dwarfed our simple mud huts and wooden huts
  112. >The humans stepped forward and drew us into a new age
  113. >They taught us their sciences
  114. >They showed us how to build as well as they did
  115. >Not many know this, but the Canterlot castle was actually designed and built by the humans as a gift to us p0nies
  116. >We could have learned so much from them
  117. >But yet, mankind proved that their greatest enemy, was none other than itself
  118. >Eventually, a simple conflict grew into an all out war between the humans
  119. >They eradicated themselves from the face of the earth
  120. > And eventually, their great name and reputation was lost within the seas of conspiracies
  121. >The humans are now regarded as a shamed and pitiful mythological creature
  122. >It’s a shame to see such a great race fall at the hands of itself
  124. >He was tired, wounded and lost
  125. >Twilight Sparkle said he spoke an alien tongue
  126. >The Elements say that they managed to capture him and detain him
  127. >They explain how he hardly seemed like a threat at all
  128. >They even scoffed at his weakness.
  130. >[spoiler]Those fools.[/spoiler]
  131. >They do not see what we see
  132. >They do not know what we know
  134. >For we can peer into the dreams of any creature that walks on Equestrian soil
  135. >That night, we caught a glimpse of the human’s dreams
  137. >Except, there were no dreams in the humans mind
  138. >Only nightmares.
  140. >Nightmares so vivid and detailed, we can only imagine that they are his real experiences in life
  141. >We saw so much in those dreams
  142. >So many horrors
  144. >We could not believe what we saw
  145. >For nop0ny. Nop0ny could ever endure what we saw
  147. >I was terrified at what I saw
  148. >I returned to my bed chamber for the majority of the night
  149. >Out of fear, I dared not face the human
  151. >The Elements eventually brought the human to the castle and scheduled an audience with Celestia
  152. >They say that Celestia managed to teach him the Equestrian magic with her magic
  153. >They say that the human suffered throughout the entire process
  154. >Ultimately, losing conscious
  155. >It was again that we peered into his dreams
  156. >Again we saw, nothing but nightmares
  158. >Does this human not have any dreams?
  159. >Did he not have any hopes?
  160. >Did he not know joy?
  162. >We tried to heed a warning to our sister
  163. >But she already saw what was held deep in his mind
  164. >She saw more than what we did
  166. >She truly saw the kind of person he was
  167. >She trusted him
  169. >We were uneasy
  170. >We returned to the castle labyrinth
  171. >It is there where we could always find peace with ourselves
  173. >Our peace was shattered when I sensed the nightmares once again
  174. >It was a truly disturbing experience
  175. >One that I surely will not forget anytime soon
  177. >I did not leave that labyrinth for sometime
  179. >It was then that I reminisced about my life
  180. >About my life with Celestia and the p0nies
  181. >My experiences with Nightmare Moon
  182. >My time in the moon
  183. >My joys
  184. >My sorrows
  185. >Just what defines a p0ny?
  186. >What makes a p0ny good or bad?
  187. >Is it because they do good things?
  188. >Is it because they do bad?
  189. >We’ve always considered ourselves good, despite doing “bad” things
  190. >How much different is this human from me?
  192. >It was then and there where I came face to face with the human
  193. >Anonymous is what he called himself
  194. >I got a good look at him
  195. >I looked him in the eye
  196. >For they say the eyes are the window to the soul
  197. >I stared long and hard into those eyes
  198. >And they stared back into mine
  199. >Those soft innocent eyes
  200. >They weren’t one of a murderer as we thought
  201. >They were pure
  202. >They were sincere
  203. >It was then where he graced us with a smile
  204. >A warm smile and open arms
  205. >We stared at him for what seemed an eternity
  206. >It was something about him that we found so captivating
  207. >Perhaps is was his smile?
  208. >Or was it his voice?
  209. >His personality?
  210. >Or maybe his eyes?
  212. >Yes, it was definitely his eyes
  213. >For we could get lost in those eyes
  215. >That night he offered me his sincerest friendship
  216. >That human, he treated me as an equal
  217. >He showed no fear or unease when in my presence
  218. >But instead, he showed my compassion and kindness
  219. >Perhaps, he was the first person to offer us such since our return to Equestria
  220. >A true friendship!
  221. >One whole and free from fallacies
  222. >One where he does not judge from our past mistakes!
  223. >We stared long and hard into those eyes
  224. >Accpeting his friendship was one of the hardest choices of our lives
  225. >What would occur if he were to discover our past with Nightmare Moon?
  226. >What if he revokes our friendship?
  227. >But then again, what if he doesn’t?
  228. >When he began to praise our night sky, we could tell his words were true
  229. >His resolve was absolute
  231. >Even though we conversed so little, we learned so much
  232. >He would not speak about his past life
  233. >Although we had a gist of what was going on we played dumb, and he bought it.
  234. >We could sense the shame in his voice
  235. >The regret emanating from his very soul
  236. >It is a feeling we are all too familiar with
  238. >For in our thousand years in solitude, we learned two valuable things
  239. >How to forgive
  240. >And how to forget
  241. >We could tell Anonymous hasn’t learned either
  243. >It became apparent when we took him indoors.
  244. >We used magic, a simple teleportation spell to bring us all inside our bed chambers.
  245. >We arrived inside as usual, but Anonymous…
  246. >There was something odd about him
  247. >He stood motionless, eyes shut. Almost as if he had fallen asleep while standing
  248. >He did not respond to any of our calls.
  249. >It was if he was trapped within himself.
  250. >We could see him struggling. His breathing became labored, his body trembled, his shut eyes became welled with tears.
  251. >We grew worried.
  252. >He would still not respond to our calls.
  253. >Any physical attempts to awake him proved futile.
  254. >He called out in his sleep. He grunted in pain. His brow furrowed with sweat.
  255. >We tried to awake him for what seemed like an eternity
  256. >Eventually he threw himself onto the ground
  257. >HE yelled profanities into the air while pressing into the floor
  258. > “No! No! No! I’m losing her!” He shouted
  259. >It was then that we peered into his dreams
  260. >We witnessed what he witnessed
  261. >We felt what he felt
  262. >At his hands was a dying woman
  264. >He did not know who she was
  265. >He had never met the person before
  266. >He could have easily abandoned her to save his own life
  267. >Yet, he risked his life more than once to ensure her safety
  268. >To protect her
  269. >Is that what Anonymous is?
  270. >A guardian?
  271. >Is it fate that he landed her in Equestria?
  273. >It was at that very moment we realized, those nightmares?
  274. >They were not nightmares at all
  275. >But vivid memories burned into the back of Anonymous’ conscious
  276. >Ironic isn’t it?
  277. >The phrase still stands true
  278. >’Mankind’s greatest enemy, is none other than itself.”
  279. >That war.
  280. >That fighting.
  281. >That bloodshed.
  282. >It’s nothing any p0ny has ever experiences
  283. >The conflicts that we’ve had are nothing compared to human warfare
  285. >I saw it in the eyes of those fighting
  286. >Despite commit terrible atrocities to one another, I could still sympathize with each of them
  287. >Each and every one of them has qualities us p0nies could never even dream of having
  288. >I saw their strength
  289. >Their inner strength that lies deep within their souls
  290. >An unbreakable will
  291. >I felt all of that and more when I was with Anonymous.
  292. >A desire for hope.
  293. >A strive for honor
  294. >And a foundation deep within him that could not be shattered by any weapon
  295. >A desire to see the new day, to just break the dawn once more.
  296. >And ultimately, a spirit that will lead him through the darkest of times.
  297. >All of this was not for his own accord
  298. >No.
  299. >This was all for his fellow man
  300. >For the men and women around him
  301. >Those that he called his family and friends
  302. >Those that he cared about
  303. >It was for the greater good of his people
  304. >We could just feel it.
  306. >Eventually Anonymous awoke
  307. >Still he stood motionless
  309. >We will never forget the look in his eyes when he opened them.
  310. >Words could not possibly the dead cold that filled his gaze.
  311. >For the cold sorrow had filled his gaze, and his soul as well
  312. >For what seemed like a moment, stretched out to what felt like an eternity
  313. >We stared hard into those eyes
  314. >This time we saw nothing
  315. >No hope, no remorse, no joy, anger or sorrow
  316. >We saw nothing
  317. >We could not sense the strength that filled our souls
  318. >Instead, we only found a weak and tattered Anonymous.
  319. >A lost shell of himself
  320. >Simply searching for answers
  321. >Desperately searching for a way out.
  323. >We feared for the worst
  324. >For now we knew the burden that lies on his shoulders
  325. >Tears welled up in our eyes
  326. >It was a terrible sight to see
  327. >Someone as strong as him, to be in such a state
  328. >It was un-natural
  329. >Unholy
  330. >Unjust
  332. “Anonymous!” I called out to him
  334. >Almost as if he was awoken from a trance, he returned to himself
  335. > “Wh-What?” He called out
  336. >A wave of relief passed over us
  337. >I watched as he returned to normal
  338. >His body returns to life
  339. >His calm voice echoed throughout the room
  341. >And those eyes.
  342. >Those innocent pure eyes.
  343. >Unlike the p0nies, there was no fear in them
  344. >Nothing but pure friendship
  345. >He gave us a warm smile again
  346. >He was true
  347. >His resolve was absolute
  348. >It was truly magical
  349. >Those innocent eyes…
  350. >They stared deep into our soul
  351. >They studied us well
  352. >We only pray that he sees us as we see him
  354. >For we could get lost in those eyes
  355. >We don’t what would happen if we did.
  357. >[spoiler]But we wouldn’t mind finding out.[/spoiler]
  359. >[spoiler]Thank you Anonymous.[/spoiler]
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