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a guest
Jan 9th, 2016
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  1. database:
  2. mysql-enabled: false
  3. ip: "localhost"
  4. port: 3306
  5. database: "stockmarket"
  6. username: "root"
  7. password: "password"
  8. options:
  9. npc-enabled: true
  10. commands-disabled: false
  11. fees-account: ""
  12. stock-account: ""
  13. stock-purchasing-account: ""
  14. multiplier: 10
  15. prevent-non-usd-sale: false
  16. convert-non-usd-to-usd: true
  17. prevent-sale-of-zero-value: true
  18. abuse-prevention: true
  19. abuse-prevention-time: 3600
  20. penny-stock-check: true
  21. penny-stock-minimum: 5
  22. charge-broker-on-sale: false
  23. broker-fee-flat: 100
  24. broker-fee-percent: 0
  25. disable-trading-when-closed: false
  26. messages:
  27. server-currency: "Pounds"
  28. error-occured: "&4An error occurred, Yahoo Finance may be down."
  29. purged-tables: "&4Purged MySQL tables"
  30. purchase-currency-not-supported: "&4The stock you are trying to buy has an unsupported original currency."
  31. no-purchase-non-USD: "&4You can not purchase stocks which are not of USD currency."
  32. no-stock-to-sell: "&4You can not sell <symbol> as you do not own enough of the stock."
  33. day-not-passed: "&4You can not sell &c<symbol> &4for another &c<hours> &4hours."
  34. invalid-price: "&4<symbol> &ccurrently has an invalid price and can not be bought/sold."
  35. not-enough-money: "&4You can not afford <quantity> of <symbol> with a grand total of <total>."
  36. no-stock-players: "&4There are no stock players, leaderboard not generated."
  37. bought-stock:
  38. - "&4Purchase Summary (<date>):"
  39. - "&4You purchased &c<quantity> &4of &c<company> (<symbol>)"
  40. - "&4Stock Value: &c<stock-value>"
  41. - "&4Broker Fees: &c<broker-fees>"
  42. - "&4Grand Total: &c<total>"
  43. sold-stock:
  44. - "&4Sale Summary:"
  45. - "&4You sold &c<quantity> &4of &c<company> (<symbol>)"
  46. stock-sold-report:
  47. - "&4Stock ID: &c<stock-id> &4- Quantity: &c<quantity-of-stock>"
  48. - " &4Stock Value: &c<stock-value> &4- Broker Fees: &c<broker-fees> &4- Total: &c<total>"
  49. - " &4Purchased for: &c<purchase> &4- Net Gain/Loss: &c<net>"
  50. stock-sold-footer: "&4Total Net: &c<total-net>"
  51. stock-broker-spawned: "&4Spawned stock broker."
  52. stock-broker-removal: "&4Hit the stock broker you would like to remove."
  53. stock-brokers-disabled: "&4Stock Brokers are disabled in the config, command failed."
  54. stock-broker-removed: "&4Stock broker removed."
  55. stock-broker-no-npc: "&4You did not hit a stock broker, removal mode disabled."
  56. invalid-forex-quote: "&4You specified an invalid Forex quote (Proper example: USDEUR)."
  57. invalid-quantity: "&4You specified an invalid quantity."
  58. improper-compare-syntax: "&cIncorrect syntax"
  59. compare-minimum-two: "&cYou need to compare at least two stocks."
  60. compare-maximum-three: "&cYou can only compare three stocks at a time with the compare command."
  61. invalid-stock: "&cThat stock could not be found."
  62. invalid-syntax: "&cYou did not use the proper command syntax."
  63. config-reloaded: "&cSuccessfully reloaded configuration file."
  64. no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use that command."
  65. you-need-to-be-a-player: "Stock Market - You need to be a player to use that command."
  66. no-stocks-to-list: "&cThe specified player owns no stocks, portfolio not generated."
  67. no-stock-transactions-to-list: "&cThe specified stock has no transactions, history not generated."
  68. no-transactions-to-list: "&cThe specified player has no transactions, history not generated."
  69. no-historical-data: "&cNo historical data found, this is most likely caused by the company not have existing for the past year."
  70. stock-purchase-broadcast: "&4Stock Market &8>> &4<player> &chas purchased &4<quantity> &cof &4<symbol> &cfor a value of &4<purchase-value> &cwith applied broker fees of &4<broker-fees> &cfor a grand total of &4<grand-total>&c."
  71. stock-sale-broadcast: "&4Stock Market &8>> &4<player> &chas sold &4<quantity> &cof &4<symbol> &cfor a value of &4<purchase-value> &cwith applied broker fees of &4<broker-fees> &cfor a grand total of &4<grand-total> &c(Inital: &4<inital-value> &cNet: &4<net>&c)."
  72. help:
  73. - "&cWe run a virtual stock market, for a list of stocks you can buy, visit YahooFinance."
  74. - "&cStocks are a great way to earn money by investing in virtual stocks in companies you think will be sucessful on the stock market."
  75. - "&cOur virtual broker will charge you <percent>% in addition to a flat rate of <flat-rate> on each transaction."
  76. stock-commands-disabled: "&4Stock Market commands are disabled, make use of our Stock Brokers!"
  77. stock-broker-stock-symbol-lookup: "&4Chat disabled. &cEnter the stock symbol you want to lookup in chat (Example: AAPL)."
  78. stock-broker-forex-symbol-lookup: "&4Chat disabled. &cEnter the forex symbol you want to lookup in chat (Example: EURUSD)."
  79. stock-broker-compare: "&4Chat disabled. &cEnter the symbols you want to compare in chat (Example: AAPL,GOOG,TSCO.L)."
  80. stock-broker-portfolio: "&4Chat disabled. &cEnter the player you want to view the portfolio of in chat."
  81. stock-broker-stock-history: "&4Chat disabled. &cEnter the symbol you want to view the history of in chat (Example: AAPL)."
  82. stock-broker-transaction-history: "&4Chat disabled. &cEnter the player you want to view the transaction history of in chat."
  83. stock-broker-buy-stocks: "&4Chat disabled. &cEnter the symbol and the amount you would like to buy of the stock. (Example: AAPL 2)"
  84. stock-broker-sell-stocks: "&4Chat disabled. &cEnter the symbol and the amount you would like to sell of the stock. (Example: AAPL 2)"
  85. stock-broker-invalid-provided: "&4You provided invalid arguments to the stock broker."
  86. no-trading-when-market-is-closed: "&4The stock market corresponding to the symbol you selected is closed, therefore you can not make any transactions with that symbol."
  87. penny-stock-minimum-not-met: "&4You can not buy that stock as it's price is too low."
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