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Apr 8th, 2019
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  1. #I'm going to try to normalize our locale file, forgive the mess for now.
  5. JSON.Rank=Rank
  6. JSON.DescriptionHeader=Description
  7. JSON.JWrapper.Header=Details
  8. JSON.Type.Passive=Passive
  9. JSON.Type.Active=Active
  10. JSON.Type.SuperAbility=Super Ability
  11. JSON.Locked=-=[LOCKED]=-
  12. JSON.LevelRequirement=Level Requirement
  13. JSON.JWrapper.Target.Type=Target Type:
  14. JSON.JWrapper.Target.Block=Block
  15. JSON.JWrapper.Target.Player=Player
  16. JSON.JWrapper.Perks.Header=[[GOLD]]Lucky Perks
  17. JSON.JWrapper.Perks.Lucky={0}% Better Odds
  18. JSON.Hover.Tips=Tips
  19. JSON.Acrobatics=Acrobatics
  20. JSON.Alchemy=Alchemy
  21. JSON.Archery=Archery
  22. JSON.Axes=Axes
  23. JSON.Excavation=Excavation
  24. JSON.Fishing=Fishing
  25. JSON.Herbalism=Herbalism
  26. JSON.Mining=Mining
  27. JSON.Repair=Repair
  28. JSON.Salvage=Salvage
  29. JSON.Swords=Swords
  30. JSON.Taming=Taming
  31. JSON.Unarmed=Unarmed
  32. JSON.Woodcutting=Woodcutting
  33. JSON.URL.Website=The official mcMMO Website!
  34. JSON.URL.Discord=The official mcMMO Discord server!
  35. JSON.URL.Patreon=Support nossr50 and his work for mcMMO on Patreon!
  36. JSON.URL.Spigot=The official mcMMO Spigot Resource Page!
  37. JSON.URL.Translation=Translate mcMMO into other languages!
  38. JSON.URL.Wiki=The official mcMMO wiki!
  39. JSON.SkillUnlockMessage=[[GOLD]][ mcMMO[[YELLOW]] @[[DARK_AQUA]]{0} [[GOLD]]Rank [[DARK_AQUA]]{1}[[GOLD]] Unlocked! ]
  40. JSON.Hover.Rank=&e&lRank:&r &f{0}
  41. JSON.Hover.NextRank=&7&oNext upgrade at level {0}
  42. # for JSON.Hover.Mystery you can add {0} to insert the level required into the name, I don't like how that looks so I'm not doing that atm
  43. JSON.Hover.Mystery=[[GRAY]]???
  44. JSON.Hover.Mystery2=[[YELLOW]][[[DARK_GRAY]]{0}[[YELLOW]]][[DARK_GRAY]]???&r
  45. JSON.Hover.SkillName=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}&r
  46. JSON.Hover.SuperAbility=[[DARK_PURPLE]]{0}&r
  47. JSON.Hover.MaxRankSkillName=[[GOLD]]{0}&r
  48. JSON.Hover.AtSymbolSkills=[[YELLOW]]@
  49. JSON.Hover.AtSymbolURL=[[YELLOW]]@
  51. #This is the message sent to players when an ability is activated
  52. JSON.Notification.SuperAbility={0}
  54. #These are the JSON Strings used for SubSkills
  55. JSON.Acrobatics.Roll.Interaction.Activated=Test [[RED]]Rolled Test
  56. JSON.Acrobatics.SubSkill.Roll.Details.Tips=If you hold sneak while falling you can prevent up to twice the damage that you would normally take!
  62. Ability.Generic.Refresh=[[GREEN]]**ABILITIES REFRESHED!**
  63. Ability.Generic.Template.Lock=[[GRAY]]{0}
  64. # Skill Command Styling
  65. Ability.Generic.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
  66. Ability.Generic.Template.Custom=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
  67. Skills.Overhaul.Header=[[RED]][]=====[][[GREEN]] {0} [[RED]][]=====[]
  68. Effects.Effects=EFFECTS
  69. Effects.SubSkills.Overhaul=Sub-Skills
  70. Effects.Child.Overhaul=[[DARK_AQUA]]Child Lv.[[YELLOW]] {0}[[DARK_AQUA]]: {1}
  71. Effects.Child.ParentList=[[GREEN]]{0}[[GOLD]]([[DARK_AQUA]]Lv.[[YELLOW]]{1}[[GOLD]])
  72. Effects.Level.Overhaul=[[GOLD]]LVL: [[YELLOW]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
  73. Effects.Parent=[[GOLD]]{0} -
  74. Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
  75. Commands.Stats.Self.Overhaul=Stats
  76. Commands.XPGain.Overhaul=[[GOLD]]XP GAIN: [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
  77. MOTD.Version.Overhaul=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Overhaul Era[[GOLD]] - [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
  78. Overhaul.mcMMO.Header=[[RED]][]=====[][[GREEN]] mcMMO - Overhaul Era [[RED]][]=====[]
  79. Overhaul.mcMMO.Url.Wrap.Prefix=[[RED]][|
  80. Overhaul.mcMMO.Url.Wrap.Suffix=[[RED]]|]
  81. Overhaul.mcMMO.MmoInfo.Wiki=[[YELLOW]][[[WHITE]]View this skill on the wiki![[YELLOW]]]
  82. # Overhaul.Levelup can take {0} - Skill Name defined in Overhaul.Name {1} - Amount of levels gained {2} - Level in skill
  83. Overhaul.Levelup=[[BOLD]]{0} increased to [[RESET]][[GREEN]][[BOLD]]{2}[[RESET]][[WHITE]].
  84. Overhaul.Name.Acrobatics=Acrobatics
  85. Overhaul.Name.Alchemy=Alchemy
  86. Overhaul.Name.Archery=Archery
  87. Overhaul.Name.Axes=Axes
  88. Overhaul.Name.Excavation=Excavation
  89. Overhaul.Name.Fishing=Fishing
  90. Overhaul.Name.Herbalism=Herbalism
  91. Overhaul.Name.Mining=Mining
  92. Overhaul.Name.Repair=Repair
  93. Overhaul.Name.Salvage=Salvage
  94. Overhaul.Name.Smelting=Smelting
  95. Overhaul.Name.Swords=Swords
  96. Overhaul.Name.Taming=Taming
  97. Overhaul.Name.Unarmed=Unarmed
  98. Overhaul.Name.Woodcutting=Woodcutting
  99. # /mcMMO Command Style Stuff
  100. Commands.mcc.Header=[[RED]]---[][[GREEN]]mcMMO Commands[[RED]][]---
  101. Commands.Other=[[RED]]---[][[GREEN]]SPECIAL COMMANDS[[RED]][]---
  102. Commands.Party.Header=[[RED]]-----[][[GREEN]]PARTY[[RED]][]-----
  103. Commands.Party.Features.Header=[[RED]]-----[][[GREEN]]FEATURES[[RED]][]-----
  104. # XP BAR Allows for the following variables -- {0} = Skill Level, {1} Current XP, {2} XP Needed for next level, {3} Power Level, {4} Percentage of Level
  105. # Make sure you turn on Experience_Bars.ThisMayCauseLag.AlwaysUpdateTitlesWhenXPIsGained if you want the XP bar title to update every time a player gains XP!
  106. XPBar.Acrobatics=Acrobatics Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  107. XPBar.Alchemy=Alchemy Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  108. XPBar.Archery=Archery Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  109. XPBar.Axes=Axes Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  110. XPBar.Excavation=Excavation Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  111. XPBar.Fishing=Fishing Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  112. XPBar.Herbalism=Herbalism Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  113. XPBar.Mining=Mining Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  114. XPBar.Repair=Repair Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  115. XPBar.Salvage=Salvage Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  116. XPBar.Smelting=Smelting Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  117. XPBar.Swords=Swords Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  118. XPBar.Taming=Taming Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  119. XPBar.Unarmed=Unarmed Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  120. XPBar.Woodcutting=Woodcutting Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
  121. #This is just a preset template that gets used if the 'ExtraDetails' setting is turned on in experience.yml (off by default), you can ignore this template and just edit the strings above
  122. XPBar.Complex.Template={0} [[DARK_AQUA]] {4}[[WHITE]]% [[DARK_AQUA]]([[WHITE]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[WHITE]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]])
  123. # XP BAR Allows for the following variables -- {0} = Skill Level, {1} Current XP, {2} XP Needed for next level, {3} Power Level, {4} Percentage of Level
  124. # Make sure you turn on Experience_Bars.ThisMayCauseLag.AlwaysUpdateTitlesWhenXPIsGained if you want the XP bar title to update every time a player gains XP!
  125. # END STYLING
  128. Acrobatics.Ability.Proc=[[GREEN]]**Graceful Landing**
  129. Acrobatics.Combat.Proc=[[GREEN]]**Dodged**
  130. Acrobatics.SubSkill.Roll.Stats=[[GOLD]]Roll Chance [[YELLOW]]{0}%[[GOLD]] Graceful Roll Chance[[YELLOW]] {1}%
  131. Acrobatics.SubSkill.Roll.Stat=Roll Chance
  132. Acrobatics.SubSkill.Roll.Stat.Extra=Graceful Roll Chance
  133. Acrobatics.SubSkill.Roll.Name=Roll
  134. Acrobatics.SubSkill.Roll.Description=Land strategically to avoid damage.
  135. Acrobatics.SubSkill.Roll.Chance=Roll Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
  136. Acrobatics.SubSkill.Roll.GraceChance=Graceful Roll Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
  137. Acrobatics.SubSkill.Roll.Mechanics=[[GRAY]]Rolling is an active Sub-Skill with a passive component.\nWhenever you take fall damage you have a chance to completely negate the damage based on your skill level, at level 50 you have a [[YELLOW]]{0}%[[GRAY]] chance to prevent damage, and [[YELLOW]]{1}%[[GRAY]] if you activate Graceful Roll.\nThe chance for success is scaled against your skill level in a linear curve until level [[YELLOW]]{2}[[GRAY]] where it maxes out, every level in Acrobatics gives you a [[YELLOW]]{3}%[[GRAY]] chance to succeed.\nBy holding the sneak button you can double your odds to avoid fall damage and avoid up to twice the fall damage! Holding sneak will transform a normal roll into a Graceful Roll.\nRolling will only prevent up to [[RED]]{4}[[GRAY]] damage. Graceful Rolls will prevent up to [[GREEN]]{5}[[GRAY]] damage.
  138. Acrobatics.SubSkill.GracefulRoll.Name=Graceful Roll
  139. Acrobatics.SubSkill.GracefulRoll.Description=Twice as effective as a normal Roll
  140. Acrobatics.SubSkill.Dodge.Name=Dodge
  141. Acrobatics.SubSkill.Dodge.Description=Reduce attack damage by half
  142. Acrobatics.SubSkill.Dodge.Stat=Dodge Chance
  143. Acrobatics.Listener=Acrobatics:
  144. Acrobatics.Roll.Text=[[ITALIC]]**Rolled**
  145. Acrobatics.SkillName=ACROBATICS
  146. #ALCHEMY
  147. Alchemy.SubSkill.Catalysis.Name=Catalysis
  148. Alchemy.SubSkill.Catalysis.Description=Increases potion brewing speed
  149. Alchemy.SubSkill.Catalysis.Stat=Brewing Speed
  150. Alchemy.SubSkill.Concoctions.Name=Concoctions
  151. Alchemy.SubSkill.Concoctions.Description=Brew potions with more ingredients
  152. Alchemy.SubSkill.Concoctions.Stat=Concoctions Rank: [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GREEN]]{1}
  153. Alchemy.SubSkill.Concoctions.Stat.Extra=Ingredients [[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]]]: [[GREEN]]{1}
  154. Alchemy.Listener=Alchemy:
  155. Alchemy.Ability.Locked.0=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (CATALYSIS)
  156. Alchemy.SkillName=ALCHEMY
  157. #ARCHERY
  160. Archery.SubSkill.SkillShot.Name=Skill Shot
  161. Archery.SubSkill.SkillShot.Description=Increases damage done with bows
  162. Archery.SubSkill.SkillShot.Stat=Skill Shot Bonus Damage
  163. Archery.SubSkill.Daze.Name=Daze
  164. Archery.SubSkill.Daze.Description=Disorients foes and deals extra DMG
  165. Archery.SubSkill.Daze.Stat=Daze Chance
  166. Archery.SubSkill.ArrowRetrieval.Name=Arrow Retrieval
  167. Archery.SubSkill.ArrowRetrieval.Description=Chance to retrieve arrows from corpses
  168. Archery.SubSkill.ArrowRetrieval.Stat=Arrow Recovery Chance
  169. Archery.SubSkill.ArcheryLimitBreak.Name=Archery Limit Break
  170. Archery.SubSkill.ArcheryLimitBreak.Description=Breaking your limits.
  171. Archery.SubSkill.ArcheryLimitBreak.Stat=Limit Break Bonus DMG
  172. Archery.Listener=Archery:
  173. Archery.SkillName=ARCHERY
  174. #AXES
  175. Axes.Ability.Bonus.0=Axe Mastery
  176. Axes.Ability.Bonus.1=Bonus {0} damage
  177. Axes.Ability.Bonus.2=Armor Impact
  178. Axes.Ability.Bonus.3=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to armor
  179. Axes.Ability.Bonus.4=Greater Impact
  180. Axes.Ability.Bonus.5=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to unarmored foes
  181. Axes.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]You lower your Axe.
  182. Axes.Ability.Ready=[[DARK_AQUA]]You [[GOLD]]ready[[DARK_AQUA]] your Axe.
  183. Axes.Combat.CritStruck=[[DARK_RED]]You were CRITICALLY hit!
  184. Axes.Combat.CriticalHit=CRITICAL HIT!
  185. Axes.Combat.GI.Proc=[[GREEN]]**STRUCK WITH GREAT FORCE**
  186. Axes.Combat.GI.Struck=**HIT BY GREATER IMPACT**
  187. Axes.Combat.SS.Struck=[[DARK_RED]]Struck by SKULL SPLITTER!
  188. Axes.SubSkill.SkullSplitter.Name=Skull Splitter
  189. Axes.SubSkill.SkullSplitter.Description=Deal AoE Damage
  190. Axes.SubSkill.SkullSplitter.Stat=Skull Splitter Duration
  191. Axes.SubSkill.CriticalStrikes.Name=Critical Strikes
  192. Axes.SubSkill.CriticalStrikes.Description=Double Damage
  193. Axes.SubSkill.CriticalStrikes.Stat=Critical Strike Chance
  194. Axes.SubSkill.AxeMastery.Name=Axe Mastery
  195. Axes.SubSkill.AxeMastery.Description=Adds bonus DMG
  196. Axes.SubSkill.AxesLimitBreak.Name=Axes Limit Break
  197. Axes.SubSkill.AxesLimitBreak.Description=Breaking your limits.
  198. Axes.SubSkill.AxesLimitBreak.Stat=Limit Break Bonus DMG
  199. Axes.SubSkill.ArmorImpact.Name=Armor Impact
  200. Axes.SubSkill.ArmorImpact.Description=Strike with enough force to shatter armor
  201. Axes.SubSkill.GreaterImpact.Name=Greater Impact
  202. Axes.SubSkill.GreaterImpact.Description=Deal bonus damage to unarmored foes
  203. Axes.Listener=Axes:
  204. Axes.SkillName=AXES
  205. Axes.Skills.SS.Off=**Skull Splitter has worn off**
  206. Axes.Skills.SS.On=[[GREEN]]**Skull Splitter ACTIVATED**
  207. Axes.Skills.SS.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Skull Splitter [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
  208. Axes.Skills.SS.Other.Off=Skull Splitter[[GREEN]] has worn off for [[YELLOW]]{0}
  209. Axes.Skills.SS.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Skull Splitter!
  211. Excavation.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]You lower your shovel.
  212. Excavation.Ability.Ready=[[DARK_AQUA]]You [[GOLD]]ready[[DARK_AQUA]] your Shovel.
  213. Excavation.SubSkill.GigaDrillBreaker.Name=Giga Drill Breaker
  214. Excavation.SubSkill.GigaDrillBreaker.Description=3x Drop Rate, 3x EXP, +Speed
  215. Excavation.SubSkill.GigaDrillBreaker.Stat=Giga Drill Breaker Duration
  216. Excavation.SubSkill.Archaeology.Name=Archaeology
  217. Excavation.SubSkill.Archaeology.Description=Unearth the secrets of the land!
  218. Excavation.Listener=Excavation:
  219. Excavation.SkillName=EXCAVATION
  220. Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.Off=**Giga Drill Breaker has worn off**
  221. Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.On=[[GREEN]]**GIGA DRILL BREAKER ACTIVATED**
  222. Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
  223. Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.Other.Off=Giga Drill Breaker[[GREEN]] has worn off for [[YELLOW]]{0}
  224. Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Giga Drill Breaker!
  225. #FISHING
  226. Fishing.Scarcity=[[YELLOW]]&oThis area is suffering from overfishing, try fishing in a new area.
  227. Fishing.Scared=[[GRAY]]&oChaotic movements will scare fish!
  228. Fishing.Exhausting=[[RED]]&oImproper use of the fishing rod will cause fatigue and wear out the rod!
  229. Fishing.LowResources=[[GRAY]]You sense that there might not be many fish left in this area.
  230. Fishing.Ability.Info=Magic Hunter: [[GRAY]] **Improves With Treasure Hunter Rank**
  231. Fishing.Ability.Locked.0=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (SHAKE)
  232. Fishing.Ability.Locked.1=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (ICE FISHING)
  233. Fishing.Ability.Locked.2=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (MASTER ANGLER)
  234. Fishing.SubSkill.TreasureHunter.Name=Treasure Hunter
  235. Fishing.SubSkill.TreasureHunter.Description=Fish up misc. objects
  236. Fishing.SubSkill.TreasureHunter.Stat=Treasure Hunter Rank: [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GREEN]]{1}
  237. Fishing.SubSkill.TreasureHunter.Stat.Extra=Drop Rate: [[GRAY]]Common: [[YELLOW]]{0} [[GREEN]]Uncommon: [[YELLOW]]{1}\n[[BLUE]]Rare: [[YELLOW]]{2} [[LIGHT_PURPLE]]Epic: [[YELLOW]]{3} [[GOLD]]Legendary: [[YELLOW]]{4} [[AQUA]]Record: [[YELLOW]]{5}
  238. Fishing.SubSkill.MagicHunter.Name=Magic Hunter
  239. Fishing.SubSkill.MagicHunter.Description=Find Enchanted Items
  240. Fishing.SubSkill.MagicHunter.Stat=Magic Hunter Chance
  241. Fishing.SubSkill.Shake.Name=Shake
  242. Fishing.SubSkill.Shake.Description=Shake items off of mobs or players w/ fishing pole
  243. Fishing.SubSkill.Shake.Stat=Shake Chance
  244. Fishing.SubSkill.FishermansDiet.Name=Fisherman's Diet
  245. Fishing.SubSkill.FishermansDiet.Description=Improves hunger restored from fished foods
  246. Fishing.SubSkill.FishermansDiet.Stat=Fisherman's Diet:[[GREEN]] Rank {0}
  247. Fishing.SubSkill.MasterAngler.Name=Master Angler
  248. Fishing.SubSkill.MasterAngler.Description=Improves chance of getting a bite while fishing
  249. Fishing.SubSkill.MasterAngler.Stat=Added Bite Chance at your current location: [[GREEN]]+[[YELLOW]]{0}
  250. Fishing.SubSkill.IceFishing.Name=Ice Fishing
  251. Fishing.SubSkill.IceFishing.Description=Allows you to fish in icy biomes
  252. Fishing.SubSkill.IceFishing.Stat=Ice Fishing
  253. Fishing.Chance.Raining=[[BLUE]] Rain Bonus
  254. Fishing.Listener=Fishing:
  255. Fishing.Ability.TH.MagicFound=[[GRAY]]You feel a touch of magic with this catch...
  256. Fishing.Ability.TH.Boom=[[GRAY]]BOOM TIME!!!
  257. Fishing.Ability.TH.Poison=[[GRAY]]Something doesn't smell quite right...
  258. Fishing.SkillName=FISHING
  260. Herbalism.Ability.GTe.NeedMore=You need more seeds to spread Green Terra.
  261. Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Fail=**GREEN THUMB FAIL**
  262. Herbalism.Ability.GTh=[[GREEN]]**GREEN THUMB**
  263. Herbalism.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]You lower your Hoe.
  264. Herbalism.Ability.Ready=[[DARK_AQUA]]You [[GOLD]]ready[[DARK_AQUA]] your Hoe.
  265. Herbalism.Ability.ShroomThumb.Fail=**SHROOM THUMB FAIL**
  266. Herbalism.SubSkill.GreenTerra.Name=Green Terra
  267. Herbalism.SubSkill.GreenTerra.Description=Spread the Terra, 3x Drops
  268. Herbalism.SubSkill.GreenTerra.Stat=Green Terra Duration
  269. Herbalism.SubSkill.GreenThumb.Name=Green Thumb
  270. Herbalism.SubSkill.GreenThumb.Description=Auto-Plants crops when harvesting
  271. Herbalism.SubSkill.GreenThumb.Stat=Green Thumb Chance
  272. Herbalism.SubSkill.GreenThumb.Stat.Extra=Green Thumb Stage: [[GREEN]] Crops grow in stage {0}
  273. Herbalism.Effect.4=Green Thumb (Blocks)
  274. Herbalism.SubSkill.GreenThumb.Description.2=Make bricks mossy, or make grass grow
  275. Herbalism.SubSkill.FarmersDiet.Name=Farmer's Diet
  276. Herbalism.SubSkill.FarmersDiet.Description=Improves hunger restored from farmed foods
  277. Herbalism.SubSkill.FarmersDiet.Stat=Farmer's Diet: [[GREEN]]Rank {0}
  278. Herbalism.SubSkill.DoubleDrops.Name=Double Drops
  279. Herbalism.SubSkill.DoubleDrops.Description=Double the normal loot
  280. Herbalism.SubSkill.DoubleDrops.Stat=Double Drop Chance
  281. Herbalism.SubSkill.HylianLuck.Name=Hylian Luck
  282. Herbalism.SubSkill.HylianLuck.Description=Gives a small chance of finding rare items
  283. Herbalism.SubSkill.HylianLuck.Stat=Hylian Luck Chance
  284. Herbalism.SubSkill.ShroomThumb.Name=Shroom Thumb
  285. Herbalism.SubSkill.ShroomThumb.Description=Spread mycelium to dirt & grass
  286. Herbalism.SubSkill.ShroomThumb.Stat=Shroom Thumb Chance
  287. Herbalism.HylianLuck=[[GREEN]]The luck of Hyrule is with you today!
  288. Herbalism.Listener=Herbalism:
  289. Herbalism.SkillName=HERBALISM
  290. Herbalism.Skills.GTe.Off=**Green Terra has worn off**
  291. Herbalism.Skills.GTe.On=[[GREEN]]**GREEN TERRA ACTIVATED**
  292. Herbalism.Skills.GTe.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Green Terra [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
  293. Herbalism.Skills.GTe.Other.Off=Green Terra[[GREEN]] has worn off for [[YELLOW]]{0}
  294. Herbalism.Skills.GTe.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Green Terra!
  295. #MINING
  296. Mining.Ability.Locked.0=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (BLAST MINING)
  297. Mining.Ability.Locked.1=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (BIGGER BOMBS)
  298. Mining.Ability.Locked.2=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (DEMOLITIONS EXPERTISE)
  299. Mining.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]You lower your Pickaxe.
  300. Mining.Ability.Ready=[[DARK_AQUA]]You [[GOLD]]ready[[DARK_AQUA]] your pickaxe.
  301. Mining.SubSkill.SuperBreaker.Name=Super Breaker
  302. Mining.SubSkill.SuperBreaker.Description=Speed+, Triple Drop Chance
  303. Mining.SubSkill.SuperBreaker.Stat=Super Breaker Length
  304. Mining.SubSkill.DoubleDrops.Name=Double Drops
  305. Mining.SubSkill.DoubleDrops.Description=Double the normal loot
  306. Mining.SubSkill.DoubleDrops.Stat=Double Drop Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
  307. Mining.SubSkill.BlastMining.Name=Blast Mining
  308. Mining.SubSkill.BlastMining.Description=Bonuses to mining with TNT
  309. Mining.SubSkill.BlastMining.Stat=Blast Mining:[[GREEN]] Rank {0}/{1} [[GRAY]]({2})
  310. Mining.SubSkill.BlastMining.Stat.Extra=Blast Radius Increase: [[GREEN]]+{0}
  311. Mining.SubSkill.BiggerBombs.Name=Bigger Bombs
  312. Mining.SubSkill.BiggerBombs.Description=Increases TNT explosion radius
  313. Mining.SubSkill.DemolitionsExpertise.Name=Demolitions Expertise
  314. Mining.SubSkill.DemolitionsExpertise.Description=Decreases damage from TNT explosions
  315. Mining.SubSkill.DemolitionsExpertise.Stat=Demolitions Expert Damage Decrease
  317. Mining.Listener=Mining:
  318. Mining.SkillName=MINING
  319. Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Off=**Super Breaker has worn off**
  320. Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.On=[[GREEN]]**SUPER BREAKER ACTIVATED**
  321. Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Other.Off=Super Breaker[[GREEN]] has worn off for [[YELLOW]]{0}
  322. Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Super Breaker!
  323. Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Super Breaker [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
  324. #Blast Mining
  325. Mining.Blast.Boom=[[GRAY]]**BOOM**
  326. Mining.Blast.Cooldown=
  327. Mining.Blast.Effect=+{0} ore yield, -{1} debris yield, {2}x drops
  328. Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
  329. Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Blast Mining [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
  330. #REPAIR
  331. Repair.SubSkill.Repair.Name=Repair
  332. Repair.SubSkill.Repair.Description=Repair Tools & Armor
  333. Repair.SubSkill.GoldRepair.Name=Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
  334. Repair.SubSkill.GoldRepair.Description=Repair Gold Tools & Armor
  335. Repair.SubSkill.IronRepair.Name=Iron Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
  336. Repair.SubSkill.IronRepair.Description=Repair Iron Tools & Armor
  337. Repair.SubSkill.StoneRepair.Name=Stone Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
  338. Repair.SubSkill.StoneRepair.Description=Repair Stone Tools
  339. Repair.SubSkill.RepairMastery.Name=Repair Mastery
  340. Repair.SubSkill.RepairMastery.Description=Increased repair amount
  341. Repair.SubSkill.RepairMastery.Stat=Repair Mastery: [[GREEN]]Extra {0} durability restored
  342. Repair.SubSkill.SuperRepair.Name=Super Repair
  343. Repair.SubSkill.SuperRepair.Description=Double effectiveness
  344. Repair.SubSkill.SuperRepair.Stat=Super Repair Chance
  345. Repair.SubSkill.DiamondRepair.Name=Diamond Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
  346. Repair.SubSkill.DiamondRepair.Description=Repair Diamond Tools & Armor
  347. Repair.SubSkill.ArcaneForging.Name=Arcane Forging
  348. Repair.SubSkill.ArcaneForging.Description=Repair magic items
  349. Repair.SubSkill.ArcaneForging.Stat=Arcane Forging: [[YELLOW]]Rank {0}/{1}
  350. Repair.SubSkill.ArcaneForging.Stat.Extra=[[DARK_AQUA]]Arcane Forging Odds:[[GRAY]] Success [[GREEN]]{0}[[GRAY]]%, Failure [[RED]]{1}[[GRAY]]%
  351. Repair.Error=[[DARK_RED]]mcMMO encountered an error attempting to repair this item!
  352. Repair.Listener.Anvil=[[DARK_RED]]You have placed an anvil, anvils can repair tools and armor.
  353. Repair.Listener=Repair:
  354. Repair.SkillName=REPAIR
  355. Repair.Skills.AdeptDiamond=[[DARK_RED]]You're not skilled enough to repair Diamond.
  356. Repair.Skills.AdeptGold=[[DARK_RED]]You're not skilled enough to repair Gold.
  357. Repair.Skills.AdeptIron=[[DARK_RED]]You're not skilled enough to repair Iron.
  358. Repair.Skills.AdeptStone=[[DARK_RED]]You're not skilled enough to repair Stone.
  359. Repair.Skills.Adept=[[RED]]You must be level [[YELLOW]]{0}[[RED]] to repair [[YELLOW]]{1}
  360. Repair.Skills.FeltEasy=[[GRAY]]That felt easy.
  361. Repair.Skills.FullDurability=[[GRAY]]That is at full durability.
  362. Repair.Skills.StackedItems=[[DARK_RED]]You can't repair stacked items.
  363. Repair.Pretty.Name=Repair
  364. #Arcane Forging
  365. Repair.Arcane.Downgrade=Arcane power has decreased for this item.
  366. Repair.Arcane.Fail=Arcane power has permanently left the item.
  367. Repair.Arcane.Lost=You were not skilled enough to keep any enchantments.
  368. Repair.Arcane.Perfect=[[GREEN]]You have sustained the arcane energies in this item.
  369. #SALVAGE
  370. Salvage.Pretty.Name=Salvage
  371. Salvage.SubSkill.UnderstandingTheArt.Name=Understanding The Art
  372. Salvage.SubSkill.UnderstandingTheArt.Description=You're not just digging through your neighbors trash, you're taking care of the environment.\nPowers up various properties of Salvaging.
  373. Salvage.SubSkill.AdvancedSalvage.Name=Advanced Salvage
  374. Salvage.SubSkill.AdvancedSalvage.Description=Salvage damaged items
  375. Salvage.SubSkill.ArcaneSalvage.Name=Arcane Salvaging
  376. Salvage.SubSkill.ArcaneSalvage.Description=Extract enchantments from items
  377. Salvage.SubSkill.ArcaneSalvage.Stat=Arcane Salvaging: [[YELLOW]]Rank {0}/{1}
  378. Salvage.Ability.Locked.0=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (ADVANCED SALVAGE)
  379. Salvage.Ability.Bonus.0=Advanced Salvage
  380. Salvage.Ability.Bonus.1={0} Max Materials Recovered from Salvaging
  381. Salvage.Arcane.ExtractFull=[[GRAY]]AS Full-Enchant Chance
  382. Salvage.Arcane.ExtractPartial=[[GRAY]]AS Partial-Enchant Chance
  383. Salvage.Skills.Success=[[GREEN]]Item salvaged!
  384. Salvage.Skills.Adept.Damaged=[[DARK_RED]]You aren't skilled enough to salvage damaged items.
  385. Salvage.Skills.Adept.Level=You must be level [[YELLOW]]{0}[[RED]] to salvage [[YELLOW]]{1}
  386. Salvage.Skills.TooDamaged=[[DARK_RED]]This item is too damaged to be salvaged.
  387. Salvage.Skills.ArcaneFailed=[[RED]]You were unable to extract the knowledge contained within this item.
  388. Salvage.Skills.ArcanePartial=[[RED]]You were only able to extract some of the knowledge contained within this item.
  389. Salvage.Skills.ArcaneSuccess=[[GREEN]]You able to extract all of the knowledge contained within this item!
  390. Salvage.Listener.Anvil=[[DARK_RED]]You have placed a Salvage anvil, use this to Salvage tools and armor.
  391. Salvage.Listener=Salvage:
  392. Salvage.SkillName=SALVAGE
  393. #Anvil (Shared between SALVAGE and REPAIR)
  394. Anvil.Unbreakable=This item is unbreakable!
  395. #SWORDS
  396. Swords.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]You lower your sword.
  397. Swords.Ability.Ready=[[DARK_AQUA]]You [[GOLD]]ready[[DARK_AQUA]] your Sword.
  398. Swords.Combat.Rupture.Note=[[GRAY]]NOTE: [[YELLOW]]1 Tick happens every 0.5 seconds!
  399. Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Started=[[DARK_RED]] You're bleeding!
  400. Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Stopped=[[GRAY]]The bleeding has [[GREEN]]stopped[[GRAY]]!
  401. Swords.Combat.Bleeding=[[GREEN]]**ENEMY BLEEDING**
  402. Swords.Combat.Counter.Hit=[[DARK_RED]]Hit with a counter-attack!
  403. Swords.Combat.Countered=[[GREEN]]**COUNTER-ATTACKED**
  404. Swords.Combat.SS.Struck=[[DARK_RED]]Struck by SERRATED STRIKES!
  405. Swords.SubSkill.CounterAttack.Name=Counter Attack
  406. Swords.SubSkill.CounterAttack.Description=Reflect a portion of damage when attacked!
  407. Swords.SubSkill.CounterAttack.Stat=Counter Attack Chance
  408. Swords.SubSkill.SerratedStrikes.Name=Serrated Strikes
  409. Swords.SubSkill.SerratedStrikes.Description=Deal partial damage in an AOE with a chance to apply Rupture!
  410. Swords.SubSkill.SerratedStrikes.Stat=Serrated Strikes Length
  411. Swords.SubSkill.Rupture.Name=Rupture
  412. Swords.SubSkill.Rupture.Description=Apply a powerful bleed DoT
  413. Swords.SubSkill.Stab.Name=Stab
  414. Swords.SubSkill.Stab.Description=Adds bonus damage to your attacks.
  415. Swords.SubSkill.Stab.Stat=Stab Damage
  416. Swords.SubSkill.SwordsLimitBreak.Name=Swords Limit Break
  417. Swords.SubSkill.SwordsLimitBreak.Description=Breaking your limits.
  418. Swords.SubSkill.SwordsLimitBreak.Stat=Limit Break Bonus DMG
  419. Swords.SubSkill.Rupture.Stat=Rupture Chance
  420. Swords.SubSkill.Rupture.Stat.Extra=Rupture: [[GREEN]]{0} ticks [{1} DMG vs Player] [{2} DMG vs Mobs]
  421. Swords.Effect.4=Serrated Strikes Rupture+
  422. Swords.Effect.5={0} Tick Rupture
  423. Swords.Listener=Swords:
  424. Swords.SkillName=SWORDS
  425. Swords.Skills.SS.Off=**Serrated Strikes has worn off**
  427. Swords.Skills.SS.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Serrated Strikes [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
  428. Swords.Skills.SS.Other.Off=Serrated Strikes[[GREEN]] has worn off for [[YELLOW]]{0}
  429. Swords.Skills.SS.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Serrated Strikes!
  430. #TAMING
  431. Taming.Ability.Bonus.0=Environmentally Aware
  432. Taming.Ability.Bonus.1=Wolves avoid danger
  433. Taming.Ability.Bonus.2=Thick Fur
  434. Taming.Ability.Bonus.3=1/{0} Damage, Fire Resistance
  435. Taming.Ability.Bonus.4=Shock Proof
  436. Taming.Ability.Bonus.5=Explosives do 1/{0} normal damage
  437. Taming.Ability.Bonus.6=Sharpened Claws
  438. Taming.Ability.Bonus.7=+{0} Damage
  439. Taming.Ability.Bonus.8=Fast Food Service
  440. Taming.Ability.Bonus.9={0} Chance for heal on attack
  441. Taming.Ability.Bonus.10=Holy Hound
  442. Taming.Ability.Bonus.11=Regain health when damaged by magic or poison
  443. Taming.Ability.Locked.0=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (ENVIRONMENTALLY AWARE)
  444. Taming.Ability.Locked.1=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (THICK FUR)
  445. Taming.Ability.Locked.2=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (SHOCK PROOF)
  446. Taming.Ability.Locked.3=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (SHARPENED CLAWS)
  447. Taming.Ability.Locked.4=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (FAST FOOD SERVICE)
  448. Taming.Ability.Locked.5=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (HOLY HOUND)
  449. Taming.Combat.Chance.Gore=Gore Chance
  450. Taming.SubSkill.BeastLore.Name=Beast Lore
  451. Taming.SubSkill.BeastLore.Description=Bone-whacking inspects wolves & ocelots
  452. Taming.SubSkill.ShockProof.Name=Shock Proof
  453. Taming.SubSkill.ShockProof.Description=Explosive Damage Reduction
  454. Taming.SubSkill.CallOfTheWild.Name=Call of the Wild
  455. Taming.SubSkill.CallOfTheWild.Description=Summon an animal to your side
  456. Taming.SubSkill.CallOfTheWild.Description.2=[[GRAY]]COTW: Crouch and left-click with\n {0} {1} (Ocelot), {2} {3} (Wolf), {4} {5} (Horse)
  457. Taming.SubSkill.FastFoodService.Name=Fast Food Service
  458. Taming.SubSkill.FastFoodService.Description=Chance for wolves to heal on attack
  459. Taming.SubSkill.HolyHound.Name=Holy Hound
  460. Taming.SubSkill.HolyHound.Description=Healed by Magic & Poison
  461. Taming.SubSkill.Gore.Name=Gore
  462. Taming.SubSkill.Gore.Description=Critical Strike that applies Rupture
  463. Taming.SubSkill.SharpenedClaws.Name=Sharpened Claws
  464. Taming.SubSkill.SharpenedClaws.Description=Damage Bonus
  465. Taming.SubSkill.EnvironmentallyAware.Name=Environmentally Aware
  466. Taming.SubSkill.EnvironmentallyAware.Description=Cactus/Lava Phobia, Fall DMG Immune
  467. Taming.SubSkill.ThickFur.Name=Thick Fur
  468. Taming.SubSkill.ThickFur.Description=DMG Reduction, Fire Resistance
  469. Taming.SubSkill.Pummel.Name=Pummel
  470. Taming.SubSkill.Pummel.Description=Your Wolves have a chance of knocking back foes
  471. Taming.SubSkill.Pummel.TargetMessage=You've been knocked back by a wolf!
  472. Taming.Listener.Wolf=[[DARK_GRAY]]Your wolf scurries back to you...
  473. Taming.Listener=Taming:
  474. Taming.SkillName=TAMING
  475. Taming.Summon.Complete=[[GREEN]]Summoning complete
  476. Taming.Summon.Lifespan= (Lifespan: {0}s)
  477. Taming.Summon.Fail.Ocelot=[[RED]]You have too many ocelots nearby to summon any more.
  478. Taming.Summon.Fail.Wolf=[[RED]]You have too many wolves nearby to summon any more.
  479. Taming.Summon.Fail.Horse=[[RED]]You have too many horses nearby to summon any more.
  480. Taming.Summon.Fail.TooMany=[[RED]]You have reached the maximum limit of pets to summon. [[YELLOW]]({0})
  481. Taming.Summon.Name.Format={0}''s {1}
  482. #UNARMED
  483. Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Iron Arm Style
  484. Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} DMG Upgrade
  485. Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=Your opponent has an iron grip!
  486. Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
  487. Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]You lower your fists.
  488. Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[DARK_AQUA]]You [[GOLD]]ready[[DARK_AQUA]] your Fists.
  489. Unarmed.SubSkill.Berserk.Name=Berserk
  490. Unarmed.SubSkill.Berserk.Description=+50% DMG, Breaks weak materials
  491. Unarmed.SubSkill.Berserk.Stat=Berserk Length
  492. Unarmed.SubSkill.Disarm.Name=Disarm
  493. Unarmed.SubSkill.Disarm.Description=Drops the foes item held in hand
  494. Unarmed.SubSkill.Disarm.Stat=Disarm Chance
  495. Unarmed.SubSkill.UnarmedLimitBreak.Name=Unarmed Limit Break
  496. Unarmed.SubSkill.UnarmedLimitBreak.Description=Breaking your limits.
  497. Unarmed.SubSkill.UnarmedLimitBreak.Stat=Limit Break Bonus DMG
  498. Unarmed.SubSkill.IronArmStyle.Name=Iron Arm Style
  499. Unarmed.SubSkill.IronArmStyle.Description=Hardens your arm over time
  500. Unarmed.SubSkill.ArrowDeflect.Name=Arrow Deflect
  501. Unarmed.SubSkill.ArrowDeflect.Description=Deflect arrows
  502. Unarmed.SubSkill.ArrowDeflect.Stat=Arrow Deflect Chance
  503. Unarmed.SubSkill.IronGrip.Name=Iron Grip
  504. Unarmed.SubSkill.IronGrip.Description=Prevents you from being disarmed
  505. Unarmed.SubSkill.IronGrip.Stat=Iron Grip Chance
  506. Unarmed.SubSkill.BlockCracker.Name=Block Cracker
  507. Unarmed.SubSkill.BlockCracker.Description=Break rock with your fists
  508. Unarmed.Listener=Unarmed:
  509. Unarmed.SkillName=UNARMED
  510. Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Off=**Berserk has worn off**
  511. Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.On=[[GREEN]]**BERSERK ACTIVATED**
  512. Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Other.Off=Berserk[[GREEN]] has worn off for [[YELLOW]]{0}
  513. Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Berserk!
  514. Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Berserk [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
  516. Woodcutting.Ability.0=Leaf Blower
  517. Woodcutting.Ability.1=Blow away leaves
  518. Woodcutting.Ability.Locked.0=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (LEAF BLOWER)
  519. Woodcutting.SubSkill.TreeFeller.Name=Tree Feller
  520. Woodcutting.SubSkill.TreeFeller.Description=Make trees explode
  521. Woodcutting.SubSkill.TreeFeller.Stat=Tree Feller Length
  522. Woodcutting.SubSkill.LeafBlower.Name=Leaf Blower
  523. Woodcutting.SubSkill.LeafBlower.Description=Blow Away Leaves
  524. Woodcutting.SubSkill.HarvestLumber.Name=Harvest Lumber
  525. Woodcutting.SubSkill.HarvestLumber.Description=Skillfully extract more Lumber
  526. Woodcutting.SubSkill.HarvestLumber.Stat=Double Drop Chance
  527. Woodcutting.SubSkill.Splinter.Name=Splinter
  528. Woodcutting.SubSkill.Splinter.Description=Cut down trees more efficiently.
  529. Woodcutting.SubSkill.BarkSurgeon.Name=Bark Surgeon
  530. Woodcutting.SubSkill.BarkSurgeon.Description=Extract useful materials when stripping trees.
  531. Woodcutting.SubSkill.NaturesBounty.Name=Nature's Bounty
  532. Woodcutting.SubSkill.NaturesBounty.Description=Gather experience from nature.
  533. Woodcutting.Listener=Woodcutting:
  534. Woodcutting.SkillName=WOODCUTTING
  535. Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Off=**Tree Feller has worn off**
  536. Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.On=[[GREEN]]**TREE FELLER ACTIVATED**
  537. Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Tree Feller [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
  538. Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Other.Off=Tree Feller[[GREEN]] has worn off for [[YELLOW]]{0}
  539. Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Tree Feller!
  540. Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Splinter=YOUR AXE SPLINTERS INTO DOZENS OF PIECES!
  541. Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Threshold=That tree is too large!
  542. #ABILITIY
  544. #COMBAT
  545. Combat.ArrowDeflect=[[WHITE]]**ARROW DEFLECT**
  546. Combat.BeastLore=[[GREEN]]**BEAST LORE**
  547. Combat.BeastLoreHealth=[[DARK_AQUA]]Health ([[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]]/{1})
  548. Combat.BeastLoreOwner=[[DARK_AQUA]]Owner ([[RED]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]])
  549. Combat.Gore=[[GREEN]]**GORED**
  550. Combat.StruckByGore=**YOU HAVE BEEN GORED**
  551. Combat.TargetDazed=Target was [[DARK_RED]]Dazed
  552. Combat.TouchedFuzzy=[[DARK_RED]]Touched Fuzzy. Felt Dizzy.
  553. #COMMANDS
  554. ##generic
  555. mcMMO.Description=[[DARK_AQUA]]About the [[YELLOW]]mcMMO[[DARK_AQUA]] Project:,[[GOLD]]mcMMO is an [[RED]]open source[[GOLD]] RPG mod created in February 2011,[[GOLD]]by [[BLUE]]nossr50[[GOLD]]. The goal is to provide a quality RPG experience.,[[DARK_AQUA]]Tips:,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]Use [[RED]]/mcmmo help[[GREEN]] to see commands,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]Type [[RED]]/SKILLNAME[[GREEN]] to see detailed skill info,[[DARK_AQUA]]Developers:,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]nossr50 [[BLUE]](Founder & Project Lead),[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]GJ [[BLUE]](Former Project Lead),[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]NuclearW [[BLUE]](Developer),[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]bm01 [[BLUE]](Developer),[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]TfT_02 [[BLUE]](Developer),[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]Glitchfinder [[BLUE]](Developer),[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]t00thpick1 [[BLUE]](Developer),[[DARK_AQUA]]Useful Links:,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]][[GOLD]] Bug Reporting,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]] [[GOLD]] Official Discord
  556. Commands.addlevels.AwardAll.1=[[GREEN]]You were awarded {0} levels in all skills!
  557. Commands.addlevels.AwardAll.2=All skills have been modified for {0}.
  558. Commands.addlevels.AwardSkill.1=[[GREEN]]You were awarded {0} levels in {1}!
  559. Commands.addlevels.AwardSkill.2={0} has been modified for {1}.
  560. Commands.addxp.AwardAll=[[GREEN]]You were awarded {0} experience in all skills!
  561. Commands.addxp.AwardSkill=[[GREEN]]You were awarded {0} experience in {1}!
  562. Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
  563. Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
  564. Commands.Ability.Toggle=Ability use has been toggled for [[YELLOW]]{0}
  565. Commands.AdminChat.Off=Admin Chat only [[RED]]Off
  566. Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
  567. Commands.AdminToggle=[[GREEN]]- Toggle admin chat
  568. Commands.Chat.Console=*Console*
  569. Commands.Cooldowns.Header=[[GOLD]]--= [[GREEN]]mcMMO Ability Cooldowns[[GOLD]] =--
  570. Commands.Cooldowns.Row.N=\ [[RED]]{0}[[WHITE]] - [[GOLD]]{1} seconds left
  571. Commands.Cooldowns.Row.Y=\ [[AQUA]]{0}[[WHITE]] - [[DARK_GREEN]]Ready!
  572. Commands.Database.Cooldown=You must wait {0} seconds before using this command again.
  573. Commands.Database.Processing=Your previous command is still being processed. Please wait.
  574. Commands.Disabled=This command is disabled.
  575. Commands.DoesNotExist= [[RED]]Player does not exist in the database!
  576. Commands.GodMode.Disabled=mcMMO Godmode Disabled
  577. Commands.GodMode.Enabled=mcMMO Godmode Enabled
  578. Commands.AdminChatSpy.Enabled=mcMMO Party Chat Spy Enabled
  579. Commands.AdminChatSpy.Disabled=mcMMO Party Chat Spy Disabled
  580. Commands.AdminChatSpy.Toggle=mcMMO Party Chat has been toggled for [[YELLOW]]{0}
  581. Commands.AdminChatSpy.Chat=[[GOLD]][SPY: [[GREEN]]{0}[[GOLD]]] [[WHITE]]{1}
  582. Commands.GodMode.Forbidden=[mcMMO] God Mode not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
  583. Commands.GodMode.Toggle=God mode has been toggled for [[YELLOW]]{0}
  584. Commands.Healthbars.Changed.HEARTS=[mcMMO] Your healthbar display type was changed to [[RED]]Hearts[[WHITE]].
  585. Commands.Healthbars.Changed.BAR=[mcMMO] Your healthbar display type was changed to [[YELLOW]]Boxes[[WHITE]].
  586. Commands.Healthbars.Changed.DISABLED=[mcMMO] Your mob healthbars have been [[GRAY]]disabled[[WHITE]].
  587. Commands.Healthbars.Invalid=Invalid healthbar type!
  588. Commands.Inspect=<player> [[GREEN]]- View detailed player info
  589. Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invite sent successfully.
  590. Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[GREEN]]- Leaderboards
  591. Commands.mcgod=[[GREEN]]- Toggle GodMode
  592. Commands.mchud.Invalid=That is not a valid HUD type.
  593. Commands.mcpurge.Success=[[GREEN]]The database was successfully purged!
  594. Commands.mcrank.Heading=[[GOLD]]-=PERSONAL RANKINGS=-
  595. Commands.mcrank.Overall=Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
  596. Commands.mcrank.Player=[[YELLOW]]Rankings for [[WHITE]]{0}
  597. Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
  598. Commands.mcrank.Unranked=[[WHITE]]Unranked
  599. Commands.mcrefresh.Success={0}''s cooldowns have been refreshed.
  600. Commands.mcremove.Success=[[GREEN]]{0} was successfully removed from the database!
  601. Commands.mctop.Tip=[[GOLD]]Tip: Use [[RED]]/mcrank[[GOLD]] to view all of your personal rankings!
  602. Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[GREEN]] - Modify target
  603. Commands.mmoedit.AllSkills.1=[[GREEN]]Your level in all skills was set to {0}!
  604. Commands.mmoedit.Modified.1=[[GREEN]]Your level in {0} was set to {1}!
  605. Commands.mmoedit.Modified.2={0} has been modified for {1}.
  606. Commands.mcconvert.Database.Same=You are already using the {0} database!
  607. Commands.mcconvert.Database.InvalidType={0} is not a valid database type.
  608. Commands.mcconvert.Database.Start=[[GRAY]]Starting conversion from {0} to {1}...
  609. Commands.mcconvert.Database.Finish=[[GRAY]]Database migration complete; the {1} database now has all data from the {0} database.
  610. Commands.mmoshowdb=The currently used database is [[GREEN]]{0}
  611. Commands.mcconvert.Experience.Invalid=Unknown formula type! Valid types are: [[GREEN]]LINEAR [[RED]]and [[GREEN]]EXPONENTIAL.
  612. Commands.mcconvert.Experience.Same=Already using formula type {0}
  613. Commands.mcconvert.Experience.Start=[[GRAY]]Starting conversion from {0} to {1} curve
  614. Commands.mcconvert.Experience.Finish=[[GRAY]]Formula conversion complete; now using {0} XP curve.
  615. Commands.ModDescription=[[GREEN]]- Read brief mod description
  616. Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
  617. Commands.Notifications.Off=Ability notifications toggled [[RED]]off
  618. Commands.Notifications.On=Ability notifications toggled [[GREEN]]on
  619. Commands.Offline=This command does not work for offline players.
  620. Commands.NotLoaded=Player profile is not loaded yet.
  621. Commands.Party.Status=[[DARK_GRAY]]NAME: [[WHITE]]{0} {1} [[DARK_GRAY]]LEVEL: [[DARK_AQUA]]{2}
  622. Commands.Party.Status.Alliance=[[DARK_GRAY]]ALLY: [[WHITE]]{0}
  623. Commands.Party.UnlockedFeatures=[[DARK_GRAY]]Unlocked Features: [[GRAY]][[ITALIC]]{0}
  624. Commands.Party.ShareMode=[[DARK_GRAY]]SHARE MODE:
  625. Commands.Party.ItemShare=[[GRAY]]ITEM [[DARK_AQUA]]({0})
  626. Commands.Party.ExpShare=[[GRAY]]EXP [[DARK_AQUA]]({0})
  627. Commands.Party.ItemShareCategories=[[DARK_GRAY]]Sharing Items: [[GRAY]][[ITALIC]]{0}
  628. Commands.Party.MembersNear=[[DARK_GRAY]]NEAR YOU [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}[[DARK_GRAY]]/[[DARK_AQUA]]{1}
  629. Commands.Party.Accept=[[GREEN]]- Accept party invite
  630. Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
  631. Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
  632. Commands.Party.Commands=---[][[GREEN]]PARTY COMMANDS[[RED]][]---
  633. Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
  634. Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/party accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
  635. Commands.Party.Invite=[[GREEN]]- Send party invite
  636. Commands.Party.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invite Accepted. You have joined party {0}
  637. Commands.Party.Join=[[GRAY]]Joined Party: {0}
  638. Commands.Party.PartyFull=[[GOLD]]{0}[[RED]] is full!
  639. Commands.Party.PartyFull.Invite=You cannot invite [[YELLOW]]{0}[[RED]] to [[GREEN]]{1}[[RED]] because it already has [[DARK_AQUA]]{2}[[RED]] players in it!
  640. Commands.Party.PartyFull.InviteAccept=You cannot join [[GREEN]]{0}[[RED]] because it already has [[DARK_AQUA]]{1}[[RED]] players in it!
  641. Commands.Party.Create=[[GRAY]]Created Party: {0}
  642. Commands.Party.Rename=[[GRAY]]Party name changed to: [[WHITE]]{0}
  643. Commands.Party.SetSharing=[[GRAY]]Party {0} sharing set to: [[DARK_AQUA]]{1}
  644. Commands.Party.ToggleShareCategory=[[GRAY]]Party item sharing for [[GOLD]]{0} [[GRAY]]has been [[DARK_AQUA]]{1}
  645. Commands.Party.AlreadyExists=[[DARK_RED]]Party {0} already exists!
  646. Commands.Party.Kick=[[RED]]You were kicked from party [[GREEN]]{0}[[RED]]!
  647. Commands.Party.Leave=[[YELLOW]]You have left that party
  648. Commands.Party.Members.Header=[[RED]]-----[][[GREEN]]MEMBERS[[RED]][]-----
  649. Commands.Party.None=[[RED]]You are not in a party.
  650. Commands.Party.Quit=[[GREEN]]- Leave your current party
  651. Commands.Party.Teleport=[[GREEN]]- Teleport to party member
  652. Commands.Party.Toggle=[[GREEN]]- Toggle Party Chat
  653. Commands.Party1=[[GREEN]]- Create a new party
  654. Commands.Party2=[[GREEN]]- Join a players party
  655. Commands.Party.Alliance.Header=[[RED]]-----[][[GREEN]]PARTY ALLIANCE[[RED]][]-----
  656. Commands.Party.Alliance.Ally=[[WHITE]]{0} [[DARK_GRAY]]IS ALLIED WITH: [[WHITE]]{1}
  657. Commands.Party.Alliance.Members.Header=[[RED]]-----[][[GREEN]]ALLIANCE MEMBERS[[RED]][]-----
  658. Commands.Party.Alliance.Invite.0=ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party alliance invite for {0} from {1}
  659. Commands.Party.Alliance.Invite.1=Type [[GREEN]]/party alliance accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
  660. Commands.Party.Alliance.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Alliance invite Accepted.
  661. Commands.Party.Alliance.None=[[RED]]Your party does not have an ally.
  662. Commands.Party.Alliance.AlreadyAllies=[[RED]]Your party already has an ally. Disband with [[DARK_AQUA]]/party alliance disband
  663. Commands.Party.Alliance.Help.0=[[RED]]This party hasn't formed an alliance. Invite a party leader
  664. Commands.Party.Alliance.Help.1=[[RED]] to an alliance with [[DARK_AQUA]]/party alliance invite <player>[[RED]].
  665. Commands.ptp.Enabled=Party teleporting [[GREEN]]enabled
  666. Commands.ptp.Disabled=Party teleporting [[RED]]disabled
  667. Commands.ptp.NoRequests=[[RED]]You have no teleport requests at this time
  668. Commands.ptp.NoWorldPermissions=[[RED]][mcMMO] You do not have permission to teleport to the world {0}.
  669. Commands.ptp.Request1=[[YELLOW]]{0} [[GREEN]]has requested to teleport to you.
  670. Commands.ptp.Request2=[[GREEN]]To teleport, type [[YELLOW]]/ptp accept[[GREEN]]. Request expires in [[RED]]{0} [[GREEN]]seconds.
  671. Commands.ptp.AcceptAny.Enabled=Party teleport request confirmation [[GREEN]]enabled
  672. Commands.ptp.AcceptAny.Disabled=Party teleport request confirmation [[RED]]disabled
  673. Commands.ptp.RequestExpired=[[RED]]Party teleport request has expired!
  674. Commands.PowerLevel.Leaderboard=[[YELLOW]]--mcMMO[[BLUE]] Power Level [[YELLOW]]Leaderboard--
  675. Commands.PowerLevel.Capped=[[DARK_RED]]POWER LEVEL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_RED]]MAX LEVEL: [[YELLOW]]{1}
  676. Commands.PowerLevel=[[DARK_RED]]POWER LEVEL: [[GREEN]]{0}
  677. Commands.Reset.All=[[GREEN]]All of your skill levels have been reset successfully.
  678. Commands.Reset.Single=[[GREEN]]Your {0} skill level has been reset successfully.
  679. Commands.Reset=[[GREEN]]- Reset a skill's level to 0
  680. Commands.Scoreboard.Clear=[[DARK_AQUA]]mcMMO scoreboard cleared.
  681. Commands.Scoreboard.NoBoard=[[RED]]The mcMMO scoreboard is not active.
  682. Commands.Scoreboard.Keep=[[DARK_AQUA]]The mcMMO scoreboard will stay up until you use [[GREEN]]/mcscoreboard clear[[DARK_AQUA]].
  683. Commands.Scoreboard.Timer=[[DARK_AQUA]]The mcMMO scoreboard will clear [[GOLD]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] seconds from now.
  684. Commands.Scoreboard.Help.0=[[GOLD]] == [[GREEN]]Help for [[RED]]/mcscoreboard[[GOLD]] ==
  685. Commands.Scoreboard.Help.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]/mcscoreboard[[AQUA]] clear [[WHITE]] - clear the McMMO scoreboard
  686. Commands.Scoreboard.Help.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]/mcscoreboard[[AQUA]] keep [[WHITE]] - keep the mcMMO scoreboard up
  687. Commands.Scoreboard.Help.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]/mcscoreboard[[AQUA]] time [n] [[WHITE]] - clear the McMMO scoreboard after [[LIGHT_PURPLE]]n[[WHITE]] seconds
  688. Commands.Scoreboard.Tip.Keep=[[GOLD]]Tip: Use [[RED]]/mcscoreboard keep[[GOLD]] while the scoreboard is shown to keep it from going away.
  689. Commands.Scoreboard.Tip.Clear=[[GOLD]]Tip: Use [[RED]]/mcscoreboard clear[[GOLD]] to get rid of the scoreboard.
  690. Commands.Skill.Invalid=That is not a valid skillname!
  691. Commands.Skill.ChildSkill=Child skills are not valid for this command!
  692. Commands.Skill.Leaderboard=--mcMMO [[BLUE]]{0}[[YELLOW]] Leaderboard--
  693. Commands.SkillInfo=[[GREEN]]- View detailed information about a skill
  694. Commands.Stats=[[GREEN]]- View your mcMMO stats
  695. Commands.ToggleAbility=[[GREEN]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
  696. Commands.Usage.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is /{0}
  697. Commands.Usage.1=[[RED]]Proper usage is /{0} {1}
  698. Commands.Usage.2=[[RED]]Proper usage is /{0} {1} {2}
  699. Commands.Usage.3=[[RED]]Proper usage is /{0} {1} {2} {3}
  700. Commands.Usage.FullClassName=classname
  701. Commands.Usage.Level=level
  702. Commands.Usage.Message=message
  703. Commands.Usage.Page=page
  704. Commands.Usage.PartyName=name
  705. Commands.Usage.Password=password
  706. Commands.Usage.Player=player
  707. Commands.Usage.Rate=rate
  708. Commands.Usage.Skill=skill
  709. Commands.Usage.SubSkill=subskill
  710. Commands.Usage.XP=xp
  711. Commands.Description.mmoinfo=Read details about a skill or mechanic.
  712. Commands.MmoInfo.Mystery=[[GRAY]]You haven't unlocked this skill yet, but when you do you will be able to read details about it here!
  713. Commands.MmoInfo.NoMatch=That subskill doesn't exist!
  714. Commands.MmoInfo.Header=[[DARK_AQUA]]-=[]=====[][[GOLD]] MMO Info [[DARK_AQUA]][]=====[]=-
  715. Commands.MmoInfo.SubSkillHeader=[[GOLD]]Name:[[YELLOW]] {0}
  716. Commands.MmoInfo.DetailsHeader=[[DARK_AQUA]]-=[]=====[][[GREEN]] Details [[DARK_AQUA]][]=====[]=-
  717. Commands.MmoInfo.OldSkill=[[GRAY]]mcMMO skills are being converted into an improved modular skill system, unfortunately this skill has not been converted yet and lacks detailed stats. The new system will allow for faster release times for new mcMMO skills and greater flexibility with existing skills.
  718. Commands.MmoInfo.Mechanics=[[DARK_AQUA]]-=[]=====[][[GOLD]] Mechanics [[DARK_AQUA]][]=====[]=-
  719. Commands.MmoInfo.Stats=STATS: {0}
  720. mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]You have no invites at this time
  721. mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Insufficient permissions.
  722. mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]If you don't have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
  723. ##party
  724. Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
  725. Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <player> [password].
  726. Party.Help.1=[[RED]]To create a party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <name> [password].
  727. Party.Help.2=[[RED]]Consult [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} [[RED]]for more information
  728. Party.Help.3=[[RED]]Use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <player> [password] [[RED]]to join or [[DARK_AQUA]]{1} [[RED]]to quit
  729. Party.Help.4=[[RED]]To lock or unlock your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
  730. Party.Help.5=[[RED]]To password protect your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <password>
  731. Party.Help.6=[[RED]]To kick a player from your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <player>
  732. Party.Help.7=[[RED]]To transfer ownership of your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <player>
  733. Party.Help.8=[[RED]]To disband your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
  734. Party.Help.9=[[RED]]Use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} [[RED]]to share items with party members
  735. Party.Help.10=[[RED]]Use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} [[RED]]to enable XP sharing with party members
  736. Party.InformedOnJoin={0} [[GREEN]]has joined your party
  737. Party.InformedOnQuit={0} [[GREEN]]has left your party
  738. Party.InformedOnNameChange=[[GOLD]]{0} [[GREEN]]has set the party name to [[WHITE]]{1}
  739. Party.InvalidName=[[DARK_RED]]That is not a valid party name.
  740. Party.Invite.Self=[[RED]]You can't invite yourself!
  741. Party.IsLocked=[[RED]]This party is already locked!
  742. Party.IsntLocked=[[RED]]This party is not locked!
  743. Party.Locked=[[RED]]Party is locked, only party leader may invite.
  744. Party.NotInYourParty=[[DARK_RED]]{0} is not in your party
  745. Party.NotOwner=[[DARK_RED]]You are not the party leader.
  746. Party.Target.NotOwner=[[DARK_RED]]{0} is not the party leader.
  747. Party.Owner.New=[[GREEN]]{0} is the new party leader.
  748. Party.Owner.NotLeader=[[DARK_RED]]You are no longer the party leader.
  749. Party.Owner.Player =[[GREEN]]You are now the party leader.
  750. Party.Password.None=[[RED]]This party is password protected. Please provide a password to join.
  751. Party.Password.Incorrect=[[RED]]Party password is incorrect.
  752. Party.Password.Set=[[GREEN]]Party password set to {0}
  753. Party.Password.Removed=[[GREEN]]Party password has been cleared.
  754. Party.Player.Invalid=[[RED]]That is not a valid player.
  755. Party.NotOnline=[[DARK_RED]]{0} is not online!
  756. Party.Player.InSameParty=[[RED]]{0} already is in your party!
  757. Party.PlayerNotInParty=[[DARK_RED]]{0} is not in a party
  758. Party.Specify=[[RED]]You must specify a party.
  759. Party.Teleport.Dead=[[RED]]You can't teleport to a dead player.
  760. Party.Teleport.Hurt=[[RED]]You have been hurt in the last {0} seconds and cannot teleport.
  761. Party.Teleport.Player=[[GREEN]]You have teleported to {0}.
  762. Party.Teleport.Self=[[RED]]You can't teleport to yourself!
  763. Party.Teleport.Target=[[GREEN]]{0} has teleported to you.
  764. Party.Teleport.Disabled=[[RED]]{0} doesn't allow party teleportation.
  765. Party.Rename.Same=[[RED]]That is already the name of your party!
  766. Party.Join.Self=[[RED]]You can't join yourself!
  767. Party.Unlocked=[[GRAY]]Party is unlocked
  768. Party.Disband=[[GRAY]]The party has been disbanded
  769. Party.Alliance.Formed=[[GRAY]]Your party is now allies with [[GREEN]]{0}
  770. Party.Alliance.Disband=[[GRAY]]Your party is no longer allies with [[RED]]{0}
  771. Party.Status.Locked=[[DARK_RED]](INVITE-ONLY)
  772. Party.Status.Unlocked=[[DARK_GREEN]](OPEN)
  773. Party.LevelUp=[[YELLOW]]Party level increased by {0}. Total ({1})
  774. Party.Feature.Chat=Party Chat
  775. Party.Feature.Teleport=Party Teleport
  776. Party.Feature.Alliance=Alliances
  777. Party.Feature.ItemShare=Item Sharing
  778. Party.Feature.XpShare=XP Sharing
  779. Party.Feature.Locked.Chat=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ (PARTY CHAT)
  780. Party.Feature.Locked.Teleport=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ (PARTY TELEPORT)
  781. Party.Feature.Locked.Alliance=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ (ALLIANCES)
  782. Party.Feature.Locked.ItemShare=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ (ITEM SHARING)
  783. Party.Feature.Locked.XpShare=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ (XP SHARING)
  784. Party.Feature.Disabled.1=[[RED]]Party chat is not unlocked yet.
  785. Party.Feature.Disabled.2=[[RED]]Party teleport is not unlocked yet.
  786. Party.Feature.Disabled.3=[[RED]]Party alliances are not unlocked yet.
  787. Party.Feature.Disabled.4=[[RED]]Party item sharing is not unlocked yet.
  788. Party.Feature.Disabled.5=[[RED]]Party XP sharing is not unlocked yet.
  789. Party.ShareType.Xp=XP
  790. Party.ShareType.Item=ITEM
  791. Party.ShareMode.None=NONE
  792. Party.ShareMode.Equal=EQUAL
  793. Party.ShareMode.Random=RANDOM
  794. Party.ItemShare.Category.Loot=Loot
  795. Party.ItemShare.Category.Mining=Mining
  796. Party.ItemShare.Category.Herbalism=Herbalism
  797. Party.ItemShare.Category.Woodcutting=Woodcutting
  798. Party.ItemShare.Category.Misc=Misc
  799. ##xp
  800. Commands.XPGain.Acrobatics=Falling
  801. Commands.XPGain.Alchemy=Brewing Potions
  802. Commands.XPGain.Archery=Attacking Monsters
  803. Commands.XPGain.Axes=Attacking Monsters
  804. Commands.XPGain.Child=Gains levels from Parent Skills
  805. Commands.XPGain.Excavation=Digging and finding treasures
  806. Commands.XPGain.Fishing=Fishing (Go figure!)
  807. Commands.XPGain.Herbalism=Harvesting Herbs
  808. Commands.XPGain.Mining=Mining Stone & Ore
  809. Commands.XPGain.Repair=Repairing
  810. Commands.XPGain.Swords=Attacking Monsters
  811. Commands.XPGain.Taming=Animal Taming, or combat w/ your wolves
  812. Commands.XPGain.Unarmed=Attacking Monsters
  813. Commands.XPGain.Woodcutting=Chopping down trees
  814. Commands.XPGain=[[DARK_GRAY]]XP GAIN: [[WHITE]]{0}
  815. Commands.xplock.locked=[[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now locked to {0}!
  816. Commands.xplock.unlocked=[[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now [[GREEN]]UNLOCKED[[GOLD]]!
  817. Commands.xprate.modified=[[RED]]The XP RATE was modified to {0}
  818. Commands.xprate.over=[[RED]]mcMMO XP Rate Event is OVER!!
  819. Commands.xprate.proper.0=[[RED]]Proper usage to change the XP rate is /xprate <integer> <true/false>
  820. Commands.xprate.proper.1=[[RED]]Proper usage to restore the XP rate to default is /xprate reset
  821. Commands.xprate.proper.2=[[RED]]Please specify true or false to indicate if this is an xp event or not
  822. Commands.NegativeNumberWarn=Don't use negative numbers!
  823. Commands.Event.Start=[[GREEN]]mcMMO[[GOLD]] Event!
  824. Commands.Event.Stop=[[GREEN]]mcMMO[[DARK_AQUA]] Event Over!
  825. Commands.Event.Stop.Subtitle=[[GREEN]]I hope you had fun!
  826. Commands.Event.XP=[[DARK_AQUA]]XP Rate is now [[GOLD]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]]x
  827. Commands.xprate.started.0=[[GOLD]]XP EVENT FOR mcMMO HAS STARTED!
  828. Commands.xprate.started.1=[[GOLD]]mcMMO XP RATE IS NOW {0}x!
  829. XPRate.Event= [[GOLD]]mcMMO is currently in an XP rate event! XP rate is {0}x!
  831. #GUIDES
  832. Guides.Available=[[GRAY]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
  833. Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
  834. Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
  835. Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page does not exist, there are only {0} total pages.
  836. Guides.Usage= Usage is /{0} ? [page]
  837. ##Acrobatics
  838. Guides.Acrobatics.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving Gracefuly in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.
  839. Guides.Acrobatics.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level
  840. Guides.Acrobatics.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
  841. ##Alchemy
  842. Guides.Alchemy.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Alchemy:\n[[YELLOW]]Alchemy is about brewing potions.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides a speed increase in the potion brew time, as well\n[[YELLOW]]as the addition of new (previously) unobtainable potions.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to brew potions.
  843. Guides.Alchemy.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Catalysis work?\n[[YELLOW]]Catalysis speeds of the brewing process, with a\n[[YELLOW]]max speed of 4x at level 1000.\n[[YELLOW]]This ability is unlocked at level 100 by default.
  844. Guides.Alchemy.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Concoctions work?\n[[YELLOW]]Concoctions allows brewing of more potions with custom ingredients.\n[[YELLOW]]Which special ingredients are unlocked is determined\n[[YELLOW]]by your Rank. There are 8 ranks to unlock.
  845. Guides.Alchemy.Section.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]Concoctions tier 1 ingredients:\n[[YELLOW]]Blaze Powder, Fermented Spider Eye, Ghast Tear, Redstone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone Dust, Sugar, Glistering Melon, Golden Carrot,\n[[YELLOW]]Magma Cream, Nether Wart, Spider Eye, Suplhur, Water Lily,\n[[YELLOW]]Pufferfish\n[[YELLOW]](Vanilla Potions)
  846. Guides.Alchemy.Section.4=[[DARK_AQUA]]Concoctions tier 2 ingredients:\n[[YELLOW]]Carrot (Potion of Haste)\n[[YELLOW]]Slimeball (Potion of Dullness)\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Concoctions tier 3 ingredients:\n[[YELLOW]]Quartz (Potion of Absorption)\n[[YELLOW]]Red Mushroom (Potion of Leaping)
  847. Guides.Alchemy.Section.5=[[DARK_AQUA]]Concoctions tier 4 ingredients:\n[[YELLOW]]Apple (Potion of Health Boost)\n[[YELLOW]]Rotten Flesh (Potion of Hunger)\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Concoctions tier 5 ingredients:\n[[YELLOW]]Brown Mushroom (Potion of Nausea)\n[[YELLOW]]Ink Sack (Potion of Blindness)
  848. Guides.Alchemy.Section.6=[[DARK_AQUA]]Concoctions tier 6 ingredients:\n[[YELLOW]]Fern (Potion of Saturation)\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Concoctions tier 7 ingredients:\n[[YELLOW]]Poisonous Potato (Potion of Decay)\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Concoctions tier 8 ingredients:\n[[YELLOW]]Regular Golden Apple (Potion of Resistance)
  849. ##Archery
  850. Guides.Archery.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.
  851. Guides.Archery.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increases 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.
  852. Guides.Archery.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).
  853. Guides.Archery.Section.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
  854. ##Axes
  855. Guides.Axes.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.
  856. Guides.Axes.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.
  857. Guides.Axes.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.
  858. Guides.Axes.Section.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.
  859. Guides.Axes.Section.4=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.
  860. Guides.Axes.Section.5=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
  861. ##Excavation
  862. Guides.Excavation.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.
  863. Guides.Excavation.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand, Snow
  864. Guides.Excavation.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.
  865. Guides.Excavation.Section.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.
  866. Guides.Excavation.Section.4=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Archaeology work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it's\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.
  867. Guides.Excavation.Section.5=[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
  868. ##Fishing
  869. Guides.Fishing.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Fishing:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Fishing skill, Fishing is exciting again!\n[[YELLOW]]Find hidden treasures, and shake items off mobs.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]Catch fish.
  870. Guides.Fishing.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to find treasure from fishing \n[[YELLOW]]with a small chance of the items being enchanted.\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Fishing has a chance\n[[YELLOW]]to drop on any level. It depends however\n[[YELLOW]]what the rarity of the item is how often it will drop.\n[[YELLOW]]The higher your Fishing skill is, the better\n[[YELLOW]]your chances are to find better treasures.
  871. Guides.Fishing.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Ice Fishing work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive skill allows you to fish in ice lakes!\n[[YELLOW]]Cast your fishing rod in an ice lake and the ability will\n[[YELLOW]]create a small hole in the ice to fish in.
  872. Guides.Fishing.Section.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Master Angler work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive skill increases the bite chance while fishing.\n[[YELLOW]]When you've unlocked this ability, fishing while in\n[[YELLOW]]a boat or when an ocean biome doubles the bite chance.
  873. Guides.Fishing.Section.4=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Shake work?\n[[YELLOW]]This active ability allows you to shake items loose from mobs\n[[YELLOW]]by hooking them with the fishing rod. \n[[YELLOW]]Mobs will drop items they would normally drop on death.\n[[YELLOW]]It is also possible to acquire mob skulls, which are normally \n[[YELLOW]]unobtainable in survival mode.
  874. Guides.Fishing.Section.5=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Fisherman's Diet work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive skill increases the amount of hunger restored \n[[YELLOW]]from eating fish.
  875. Guides.Fishing.Section.6=[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Fishing:\n[[YELLOW]]Fishing drops are completely customizable,\n[[YELLOW]]so results vary server to server.
  876. ##Herbalism
  877. Guides.Herbalism.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Herbalism:\n[[YELLOW]]Herbalism is about collecting herbs and plants.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]Collect plants and herbs.
  878. Guides.Herbalism.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Blocks\n[[YELLOW]]Wheat, Potatoes, Carrots, Melons, \n[[YELLOW]]Pumpkins, Sugar Canes, Cocoa Beans, Flowers, Cacti, Mushrooms,\n[[YELLOW]]Nether Wart, Lily Pads, and Vines.
  879. Guides.Herbalism.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Green Terra work?\n[[YELLOW]]Green Terra is an active ability, you can right-click\n[[YELLOW]]while holding a hoe to activate Green Terra.\n[[YELLOW]]Green Terra grants players a chance to get 3x drops from\n[[YELLOW]]harvesting plants. It also gives players the ability to\n[[YELLOW]]spread life into blocks and transform them using seeds\n[[YELLOW]]from your inventory.
  880. Guides.Herbalism.Section.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Green Thumb (Crops) work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability will automatically replant crops when\n[[YELLOW]]harvesting.\n[[YELLOW]]Your chance of success depends on your Herbalism skill.
  881. Guides.Herbalism.Section.4=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Green Thumb (Cobble/Stone Brick/Dirt) work?\n[[YELLOW]]This active ability allows you to turn blocks into their\n[[YELLOW]]"plant-related" counterparts. You can do this by right-clicking\n[[YELLOW]]a block, while holding seeds. This will consume 1 seed.
  882. Guides.Herbalism.Section.5=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Farmer's Diet work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive skill increases the amount of hunger restored \n[[YELLOW]]when eating Bread, Cookies, Melons, Mushroom Soup, Carrots,\n[[YELLOW]]and Potatoes.
  883. Guides.Herbalism.Section.6=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Hylian Luck work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability gives you a chance to find rare items\n[[YELLOW]]when certain blocks are broken with a sword.
  884. Guides.Herbalism.Section.7=[[DARK_AQUA]]How do Double Drops work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability gives players more yield from their\n[[YELLOW]]harvests.
  885. ##Mining
  886. Guides.Mining.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.
  887. Guides.Mining.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.
  888. Guides.Mining.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.
  889. Guides.Mining.Section.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.
  890. Guides.Mining.Section.4=[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in hand,\n[[YELLOW]]crouch and right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.
  891. Guides.Mining.Section.5=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
  892. ##Repair
  893. Guides.Repair.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Repair:\n[[YELLOW]]Repair allows you to use an iron block to repair armor and\n[[YELLOW]]tools.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]Repair tools or armor using the mcMMO Anvil. This is an\n[[YELLOW]]iron block by default and should not be confused with\n[[YELLOW]]the Vanilla Minecraft Anvil.
  894. Guides.Repair.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]How can I use Repair?\n[[YELLOW]]Place down a mcMMO Anvil and right-click to repair the item \n[[YELLOW]]you're currently holding. This consumes 1 item on every use.
  895. Guides.Repair.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Repair Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Repair Mastery increases the repair amount. The extra amount\n[[YELLOW]]repaired is influenced by your Repair skill level.
  896. Guides.Repair.Section.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Super Repair work?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Repair is a passive ability. When repairing an item,\n[[YELLOW]]it grants players a chance to repair an item with\n[[YELLOW]]double effectiveness.
  897. Guides.Repair.Section.4=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arcane Forging work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability allows you to repair items with a certain\n[[YELLOW]]chance of maintaining its enchantments. The enchants may be\n[[YELLOW]]kept at their existing levels, downgraded to a lower level,\n[[YELLOW]]or lost entirely.
  898. ##Salvage
  899. Guides.Salvage.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Salvage:\n[[YELLOW]]Salvage allows you to use an gold block to salvage armor and\n[[YELLOW]]tools.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]Salvage is a child skill of Repair and Fishing, your Salvage\n[[YELLOW]]skill level is based on your Fishing and Repair skill levels.
  900. Guides.Salvage.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]How can I use Salvage?\n[[YELLOW]]Place down a mcMMO Salvage Anvil and right-click to salvage\n[[YELLOW]]the item you're currently holding. This will break apart the item,\n[[YELLOW]]and give back materials used to craft the item.\n\n[[YELLOW]]For example, salvaging an iron pickaxe will give you iron bars.
  901. Guides.Salvage.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Advanced Salvage work?\n[[YELLOW]]When unlocked, this ability allows you to salvage damaged items.\n[[YELLOW]]The yield percentage increases as you level up. A higher yield\n[[YELLOW]]means that you can get more materials back.\n[[YELLOW]]With advanced salvage you will always get 1 material back,\n[[YELLOW]]unless the item is too damaged. So you don't have to worry\n[[YELLOW]]about destroying items without getting anything in return.
  902. Guides.Salvage.Section.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]To illustrate how this works, here's an example:\n[[YELLOW]]Let's say we salvage a gold pickaxe which is damaged for 20%,\n[[YELLOW]]this means that the maximum amount you could get is only 2\n[[YELLOW]](because the pick is crafted with 3 ingots - each worth\n[[YELLOW]]33,33% durability) which is equal to 66%. If your yield\n[[YELLOW]]percentage is below 66% you are not able to get 2 ingots.\n[[YELLOW]]If it is above this value you are able to gain the "full amount",\n[[YELLOW]]which means that you will get 2 ingots.
  903. Guides.Salvage.Section.4=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arcane Salvage work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to get enchanted books when salvaging\n[[YELLOW]]enchanted items. Depending on your level the chance of\n[[YELLOW]]successfully extracting a full or partial enchantment varies.\n\n[[YELLOW]]When an enchantment is partially extracted, the enchantment\n[[YELLOW]]book will have a lower level enchantment compared to what\n[[YELLOW]]it was on the item.
  904. ##Smelting
  905. Guides.Smelting.Section.0=Coming soon...
  906. ##Swords
  907. Guides.Swords.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Swords:\n[[YELLOW]]This skill awards combat bonuses to anyone fighting with a\n[[YELLOW]]sword.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]XP is gained based on the amount of damage dealt to mobs or \n[[YELLOW]]other players when wielding a sword.
  908. Guides.Swords.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Serrated Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Serrated Strikes is an active ability, you can activate it by\n[[YELLOW]]right-clicking with a sword. This ability allows you to deal \n[[YELLOW]]an AoE (Area of Effect) hit. This AoE will do a bonus 25%\n[[YELLOW]]damage and will inflict a bleed effect that lasts for 5 ticks.
  909. Guides.Swords.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Counter Attack work?\n[[YELLOW]]Counter Attack is an active ability. When blocking and taking\n[[YELLOW]]hits from mobs, you will have a chance to reflect 50% of \n[[YELLOW]]the damage that was taken.
  910. Guides.Swords.Section.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rupture work?\n[[YELLOW]]Rupture causes enemies to take damage every two seconds. The \n[[YELLOW]]target will bleed until the effect wears off, or death, \n[[YELLOW]]whichever comes first.\n[[YELLOW]]The duration of the bleed is increased by your sword skill.
  911. ##Taming
  912. Guides.Taming.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Taming:\n[[YELLOW]]Taming will give players various combat bonuses when using\n[[YELLOW]]tamed wolves.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you need to tame wolves/ocelots or\n[[YELLOW]]get into combat with your wolves.
  913. Guides.Taming.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Call of the Wild work?\n[[YELLOW]]Call of the Wild is an active ability that will allow you to summon\n[[YELLOW]]a wolf or an ocelot by your side. You can do this by\n[[YELLOW]]left-clicking while holding bones or fish.
  914. Guides.Taming.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Beast Lore work?\n[[YELLOW]]Beast Lore allows players to inspect pets and to check the\n[[YELLOW]]stats of wolves and ocelots. Left-click a wolf or ocelot to use\n[[YELLOW]]Beast Lore.
  915. Guides.Taming.Section.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Gore work?\n[[YELLOW]]Gore is a passive ability that has a chance of inflicting a\n[[YELLOW]]bleeding effect on your wolves' targets.
  916. Guides.Taming.Section.4=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Sharpened Claws work?\n[[YELLOW]]Sharpened Claws provides a damage bonus to damage dealt\n[[YELLOW]]by wolves. The damage bonus depends on your Taming level.
  917. Guides.Taming.Section.5=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Environmentally Aware work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability will allow wolves to teleport to you when\n[[YELLOW]]they get near hazards, such as Cacti/Lava. It will also give\n[[YELLOW]]wolves fall damage immunity.
  918. Guides.Taming.Section.6=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Thick Fur work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability will reduce damage and make wolves\n[[YELLOW]]fire resistant.
  919. Guides.Taming.Section.7=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Shock Proof work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability reduces damage done to wolves\n[[YELLOW]]from explosions.
  920. Guides.Taming.Section.8=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Fast Food Service work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability gives wolves a chance to heal whenever\n[[YELLOW]]they perform an attack.
  921. ##Unarmed
  922. Guides.Unarmed.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Unarmed:\n[[YELLOW]]Unarmed will give players various combat bonuses when using\n[[YELLOW]]your fists as a weapon. \n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]XP is gained based on the amount of damage dealt to mobs \n[[YELLOW]]or other players when unarmed.
  923. Guides.Unarmed.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Berserk work?\n[[YELLOW]]Beserk is an active ability that is activated by\n[[YELLOW]]right-clicking. While in Beserk mode, you deal 50% more\n[[YELLOW]]damage and you can break weak materials instantly, such as\n[[YELLOW]]Dirt and Grass.
  924. Guides.Unarmed.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Iron Arm work?\n[[YELLOW]]Iron Arm increases the damage dealt when hitting mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]players with your fists.
  925. Guides.Unarmed.Section.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Deflect work?\n[[YELLOW]]Arrow Deflect is a passive ability that gives you a chance\n[[YELLOW]]to deflect arrows shot by Skeletons or other players.\n[[YELLOW]]The arrow will fall harmlessly to the ground.
  926. Guides.Unarmed.Section.4=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Iron Grip work?\n[[YELLOW]]Iron Grip is a passive ability that counters disarm. As your\n[[YELLOW]]unarmed level increases, the chance of preventing a disarm increases.
  927. Guides.Unarmed.Section.5=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Disarm work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability allows players to disarm other players,\n[[YELLOW]]causing the target's equipped item to fall to the ground.
  928. ##Woodcutting
  929. Guides.Woodcutting.Section.0=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Woodcutting:\n[[YELLOW]]Woodcutting is all about chopping down trees.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]XP is gained whenever you break log blocks.
  930. Guides.Woodcutting.Section.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Tree Feller work?\n[[YELLOW]]Tree Feller is an active ability, you can right-click\n[[YELLOW]]while holding an ax to activate Tree Feller. This will\n[[YELLOW]]cause the entire tree to break instantly, dropping all\n[[YELLOW]]of its logs at once.
  931. Guides.Woodcutting.Section.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Leaf Blower work?\n[[YELLOW]]Leaf Blower is a passive ability that will cause leaf\n[[YELLOW]]blocks to break instantly when hit with an axe. By default,\n[[YELLOW]]this ability unlocks at level 100.
  932. Guides.Woodcutting.Section.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]How do Double Drops work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability gives you a chance to obtain an extra\n[[YELLOW]]block for every log you chop.
  933. #INSPECT
  934. Inspect.Offline= [[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
  935. Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
  936. Inspect.Stats=[[GREEN]]mcMMO Stats for [[YELLOW]]{0}
  937. Inspect.TooFar=You are too far away to inspect that player!
  938. #ITEMS
  939. Item.ChimaeraWing.Fail=[[RED]]**CHIMAERA WING FAILED!**
  940. Item.ChimaeraWing.Pass=**CHIMAERA WING**
  941. Item.ChimaeraWing.Name=Chimaera Wing
  942. Item.ChimaeraWing.Lore=[[GRAY]]Teleports you to your bed.
  943. Item.ChimaeraWing.NotEnough=You need [[YELLOW]]{0}[[RED]] more [[GOLD]]{1}[[RED]]!
  944. Item.NotEnough=You need [[YELLOW]]{0}[[RED]] more [[GOLD]]{1}[[RED]]!
  945. Item.Generic.Wait=You need to wait before you can use this again! [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
  946. Item.Injured.Wait=You were injured recently and must wait to use this. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
  947. Item.FluxPickaxe.Name=Flux Pickaxe
  948. Item.FluxPickaxe.Lore.1=[[GRAY]]Has a chance of instantly smelting ores.
  949. Item.FluxPickaxe.Lore.2=[[GRAY]]Requires Smelting level {0}+
  951. Teleport.Commencing=[[GRAY]]Commencing teleport in [[GOLD]]({0}) [[GRAY]]seconds, please stand still...
  952. Teleport.Cancelled=[[DARK_RED]]Teleportation canceled!
  953. #SKILLS
  954. Skills.Child=[[GOLD]](CHILD SKILL)
  955. Skills.Disarmed=[[DARK_RED]]You have been disarmed!
  956. Skills.Header=-----[] [[GREEN]]{0}[[RED]] []-----
  957. Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more [[GRAY]]{0}
  958. Skills.NeedMore.Extra=[[DARK_RED]]You need more [[GRAY]]{0}{1}
  959. Skills.Parents= PARENTS
  960. Skills.Stats={0}[[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]] XP([[GRAY]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GRAY]]{3}[[DARK_AQUA]])
  961. Skills.ChildStats={0}[[GREEN]]{1}
  962. Skills.TooTired=You are too tired to use that ability again. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
  963. Skills.Cancelled=[[GOLD]]{0} [[RED]]cancelled!
  964. Skills.ConfirmOrCancel=[[GREEN]]Right-click again to confirm [[GOLD]]{0}[[GREEN]]. Left-click to cancel.
  965. Skills.AbilityGateRequirementFail=[[GRAY]]You require [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] more levels of [[DARK_AQUA]]{1}[[GRAY]] to use this super ability.
  967. Stats.Header.Combat=[[GOLD]]-=COMBAT SKILLS=-
  968. Stats.Header.Gathering=[[GOLD]]-=GATHERING SKILLS=-
  969. Stats.Header.Misc=[[GOLD]]-=MISC SKILLS=-
  970. Stats.Own.Stats=[[GREEN]][mcMMO] Stats
  971. #PERKS
  972. Perks.XP.Name=Experience
  973. Perks.XP.Desc=Receive boosted XP in certain skills.
  974. Perks.Lucky.Name=Luck
  975. Perks.Lucky.Desc=Gives {0} skills and abilities a 33.3% better chance to activate.
  976. Perks.Lucky.Desc.Login=Gives certain skills and abilities a 33.3% better chance to activate.
  977. Perks.Lucky.Bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0} with Lucky Perk)
  978. Perks.Cooldowns.Name=Fast Recovery
  979. Perks.Cooldowns.Desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
  980. Perks.ActivationTime.Name=Endurance
  981. Perks.ActivationTime.Desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
  982. Perks.ActivationTime.Bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
  983. #HARDCORE
  984. Hardcore.Mode.Disabled=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Hardcore mode {0} disabled for {1}.
  985. Hardcore.Mode.Enabled=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Hardcore mode {0} enabled for {1}.
  986. Hardcore.DeathStatLoss.Name=Skill Death Penalty
  987. Hardcore.DeathStatLoss.PlayerDeath=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You have lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] levels from death.
  988. Hardcore.DeathStatLoss.PercentageChanged=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] The stat loss percentage was changed to {0}.
  989. Hardcore.Vampirism.Name=Vampirism
  990. Hardcore.Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
  991. Hardcore.Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You have stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
  992. Hardcore.Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
  993. Hardcore.Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
  994. Hardcore.Vampirism.PercentageChanged=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] The stat leech percentage was changed to {0}.
  995. #MOTD
  996. MOTD.Donate=[[DARK_AQUA]]Donation Info:
  997. MOTD.Hardcore.Enabled=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Hardcore Mode enabled: [[DARK_RED]]{0}
  998. MOTD.Hardcore.DeathStatLoss.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
  999. MOTD.Hardcore.Vampirism.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
  1000. MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[GOLD]][mcMMO Perks]
  1001. MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
  1002. MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
  1003. #SMELTING
  1004. Smelting.SubSkill.UnderstandingTheArt.Name=Understanding The Art
  1005. Smelting.SubSkill.UnderstandingTheArt.Description=Maybe you're spending a bit too much time smelting in the caves.\nPowers up various properties of Smelting.
  1006. Smelting.SubSkill.UnderstandingTheArt.Stat=Vanilla XP Multiplier: [[YELLOW]]{0}x
  1007. Smelting.Ability.Locked.0=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (VANILLA XP BOOST)
  1008. Smelting.Ability.Locked.1=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (FLUX MINING)
  1009. Smelting.SubSkill.FuelEfficiency.Name=Fuel Efficiency
  1010. Smelting.SubSkill.FuelEfficiency.Description=Increase the burn time of fuel used in furnaces when smelting
  1011. Smelting.SubSkill.FuelEfficiency.Stat=Fuel Efficiency Multiplier: [[YELLOW]]{0}x
  1012. Smelting.SubSkill.SecondSmelt.Name=Second Smelt
  1013. Smelting.SubSkill.SecondSmelt.Description=Double the resources gained from smelting
  1014. Smelting.SubSkill.SecondSmelt.Stat=Second Smelt Chance
  1015. Smelting.Effect.4=Vanilla XP Boost
  1016. Smelting.Effect.5=Increase vanilla XP gained while smelting
  1017. Smelting.SubSkill.FluxMining.Name=Flux Mining
  1018. Smelting.SubSkill.FluxMining.Description=Chance for ores to be instantly smelted while mining
  1019. Smelting.SubSkill.FluxMining.Stat=Flux Mining Chance
  1020. Smelting.Listener=Smelting:
  1021. Smelting.SkillName=SMELTING
  1023. Commands.Description.addlevels=Add mcMMO levels to a user
  1024. Commands.Description.adminchat=Toggle mcMMO admin chat on/off or send admin chat messages
  1025. Commands.Description.addxp=Add mcMMO XP to a user
  1026. Commands.Description.hardcore=Modify the mcMMO hardcore percentage or toggle hardcore mode on/off
  1027. Commands.Description.inspect=View detailed mcMMO info on another player
  1028. Commands.Description.mcability=Toggle mcMMO abilities being readied on right-click on/off
  1029. Commands.Description.mccooldown=View all of the mcMMO ability cooldowns
  1030. Commands.Description.mcchatspy=Toggle mcMMO party chat spying on or off
  1031. Commands.Description.mcgod=Toggle mcMMO god-mode on/off
  1032. Commands.Description.mchud=Change your mcMMO HUD style
  1033. Commands.Description.mcmmo=Show a brief description of mcMMO
  1034. Commands.Description.mcnotify=Toggle mcMMO abilities chat display notifications on/off
  1035. Commands.Description.mcpurge=Purge users with no mcMMO levels and users who have not connected in over {0} months from the mcMMO database.
  1036. Commands.Description.mcrank=Show mcMMO ranking for a player
  1037. Commands.Description.mcrefresh=Refresh all cooldowns for mcMMO
  1038. Commands.Description.mcremove=Remove a user from the mcMMO database
  1039. Commands.Description.mcscoreboard=Manage your mcMMO Scoreboard
  1040. Commands.Description.mcstats=Show your mcMMO levels and XP
  1041. Commands.Description.mctop=Show mcMMO leader boards
  1042. Commands.Description.mmoedit=Edit mcMMO levels for a user
  1043. Commands.Description.mmoupdate=Migrate mcMMO database from an old database into the current one
  1044. Commands.Description.mcconvert=Converts database types or experience formula types
  1045. Commands.Description.mmoshowdb=Show the name of the current database type (for later use with /mmoupdate)
  1046. various mcMMO party settings
  1047. Commands.Description.partychat=Toggle mcMMO party chat on/off or send party chat messages
  1048. Commands.Description.ptp=Teleport to an mcMMO party member
  1049. Commands.Description.Skill=Display detailed mcMMO skill info for {0}
  1050. Commands.Description.skillreset=Reset mcMMO levels for a user
  1051. Commands.Description.vampirism=Modify the mcMMO vampirism percentage or toggle vampirism mode on/off
  1052. Commands.Description.xplock=Lock your mcMMO XP bar to a specific mcMMO skill
  1053. Commands.Description.xprate=Modify the mcMMO XP rate or start an mcMMO XP event
  1055. UpdateChecker.Outdated=You are using an outdated version of mcMMO!
  1056. UpdateChecker.NewAvailable=There is a new version available on Spigot.
  1058. Scoreboard.Header.PlayerStats=[[YELLOW]]mcMMO Stats
  1059. Scoreboard.Header.PlayerCooldowns=[[YELLOW]]mcMMO Cooldowns
  1060. Scoreboard.Header.PlayerRank=[[YELLOW]]mcMMO Rankings
  1061. Scoreboard.Header.PlayerInspect=[[YELLOW]]mcMMO Stats: {0}
  1062. Scoreboard.Header.PowerLevel=[[RED]]Power Level
  1063. Scoreboard.Misc.PowerLevel=[[GOLD]]Power Level
  1064. Scoreboard.Misc.Level=[[DARK_AQUA]]Level
  1065. Scoreboard.Misc.CurrentXP=[[GREEN]]Current XP
  1066. Scoreboard.Misc.RemainingXP=[[YELLOW]]Remaining XP
  1067. Scoreboard.Misc.Cooldown=[[LIGHT_PURPLE]]Cooldown
  1068. Scoreboard.Misc.Overall=[[GOLD]]Overall
  1069. Scoreboard.Misc.Ability=Ability
  1071. Profile.Loading.Success=[[GREEN]]Your mcMMO profile has been loaded.
  1072. Profile.Loading.Failure=[[RED]]mcMMO still cannot load your data. You may want to [[AQUA]]contact the server owner.\n[[YELLOW]]You can still play on the server, but you will have [[BOLD]]no mcMMO levels[[YELLOW]] and any XP you get [[BOLD]]will not be saved[[YELLOW]].
  1073. Profile.Loading.AdminFailureNotice=[[DARK_RED]][A][[RED]] mcMMO was unable to load the player data for [[YELLOW]]{0}[[RED]]. [[LIGHT_PURPLE]]Please inspect your database setup.
  1074. #Holiday
  1075. Holiday.AprilFools.Levelup=[[GOLD]]{0} is now level [[GREEN]]{1}[[GOLD]]!
  1076. Holiday.Anniversary=[[BLUE]]Happy {0} Year Anniversary!\n[[BLUE]]In honor of all of nossr50's work and all the devs, here's a firework show!
  1077. #Reminder Messages
  1078. Reminder.Squelched=[[GRAY]]Reminder: You are currently not receiving notifications from mcMMO, to enable notifications please run the /mcnotify command again. This is an automated hourly reminder.
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