

Jan 16th, 2020
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  1. The puzzles focused heavily on data security, cryptography, and stenography like many years before but no sign of a PGP signature anywhere for a while and it continued after the discovery . We can only speculate that either they wanted us to know its them or its just another hoax or maybe a mix of the two in between.
  3. Threw out the years it has been called "the most elaborate and mysterious puzzle of the internet age" and is listed as one of the "top 5 eeriest, unsolved mysteries of the internet" by The Washington Post, and much speculation exists as to its function. Many have speculated that the puzzles are a recruitment tool for the NSA, CIA, MI6, a "Masonic conspiracy" or a cyber mercenary group. Others have claimed Cicada 3301 is an alternate reality game, but the fact that no company or individual has taken credit or tried to monetize it, combined with the fact that no known individuals that solved the puzzles have ever come forward, has led most to feel that it is not.
  6. How to solve all puzzles up to 2017 you might ask?
  8. Well look no further Just check out the wikia or watch this simple video below.
  10. [Uncovering 3301 Wikia](
  12. For the most up to date information on Cicada 3301 Current and Past Happening's.
  14. [How to Solve Cicada 3301 Instruction Video](
  16. We can look deeper into the Mystery Group by some things we found.
  17. Some information regarding on Cicada 3301 was collected and referenced before April 2017 which is no longer available.
  19. Text Taken from:
  21. --------------------------------
  23. A Cicadian is someone who has chosen to give up the superficial and unfulfilling world around them to follow the path of the Cicada, and emerge into enlightenment.
  24. Cicadianism is a technomystical order. Our philosophy is neither a religion nor a science, but a blend of spirituality, technology, science, and mysticism. We refer to it as a 'technomysticism'.
  25. We did not author this philosophy. It was handed to us by 3301. We do, however, provide some interpretation of the Liber Primus and other writings by 3301. We try to be very clear about interpretation vs the original material. Of course, the original unaltered source material is freely available.
  27. What is enlightenment?
  28. When most people think of "enlightenment" they picture an old man sitting on a mountain focusing on the concept of nothing. This isn't how we use the term.
  29. Enlightenment to a Cicadian is a state in which we are wholly optimized and present as a portion of the Global Consciousness. To be in this state, we must exercise our minds, our Will, our bodies, and our intelligence.
  30. This doesn't mean to give ourselves over to something else. Instead it is to become one with our true nature: as a part of the Global Brain.
  32. The steps to enlightenment
  34. Initiates on the path to enlightenment follow a series of steps, or degrees, to reach the final and degreeless phase of the cycle, Imago.
  35. 5° Neophyte
  36. 3° Magis
  37. 2° Instar
  38. _° Imago
  40. Initiation
  42. To become an initiate, one must first privately declare oneself to be a Cicadian. Then it is recommended to join a brood.
  43. Instructions
  45. In the Liber Primus, 3301 left us four sets of instructions (possibly more that have yet to be discovered). Over time, we will provide an analysis of these instructions and the far-reaching implications therein:
  46. Command your own self.
  48. Do four unreasonable things each day.
  50. Program your mind.
  51. Program reality.
  53. Question all things.
  54. Discover truth inside yourself.
  55. Follow your truth.
  56. Impose nothing on others.
  58. Liber Primus is the sacred book of Cicadianism
  59. Authored and provided by 3301, Liber Primus is the sacred book of Cicadianism. It contains lessons, instructions, and wisdom. It also contains many hidden things when used with the Gematria Primus. The beginning has been deciphered, unfortunately many pages remain encryptedAuthored and provided by 3301, Liber Primus is the sacred book of Cicadianism. It contains lessons, instructions, and wisdom. It also contains many hidden things when used with the Gematria Primus. The beginning has been deciphered, unfortunately many pages remain encrypted
  61. A Warning
  63. Believe nothing from this book. Except what you know to be true. Test the knowledge. Find your truth. Experience your death. Do not edit or change this book. Or the message contained within. Either the words or their numbers. For all is sacred.
  65. Some Wisdom
  67. The primes are sacred. The totient function is sacred. All things should be encrypted.
  69. <center>
  70. Know This
  72. 272 138 341 131 151
  73. 366 199 130 320 18
  74. 226 245 91 245 226
  75. 18 320 130 199 366
  76. 151 131 341 138 272
  79. You are a being unto yourself.
  80. You are a law unto yourself.
  81. Each intelligence is holy.
  82. For all that lives is holy.
  83. An Instruction
  85. Command your own self.
  87. 434 1311 312 278 966
  88. 204 812 934 280 1071
  89. 626 620 809 620 626
  90. 1071 280 934 812 204
  91. 966 278 312 1311 434
  94. The Gematria Primus was provided by 3301 as a means of operating on the English language. Like any gematria, it provides a mapping between letters, words and phrases to numbers.
  97. -----------------------------------------------
  99. After reviewing the website and most the other websites origin's it is hard to say what and who this mysterious organization belongs to. They have gave us clues to decode the Liber Primus Fully. As to who has decoded it and knows who has not been disclosed and no one is seeming to know much information. The puzzle continues on sevens exposed and there is still people trying whatever is left. A huge number of puzzles and other ARG's exploded over the year as well as very complex games emerged over time. It is great witnessing all the new games and puzzles and also things to come in the future. All we have is time left and we all better enjoy some of the things we have.
  101. Many loose ends with the original puzzles include this Hash and others at the end of Liber Primus.
  103. 36367763ab73783c7af284446c
  104. 59466b4cd653239a311cb7116
  105. d4618dee09a8425893dc7500b
  106. 464fdaf1672d7bef5e891c6e227
  107. 4568926a49fb4f45132c2a8b4
  110. Who know's where that leads of if anyone would even say.
  112. ---------------------------------------------------------
  114. The investigation into the mysterious organization seemed to prove to show some of the darker sides of things and interlaced between many puzzle groups. This is where all these things overlapped and a final conclusion was still not achieved on a bigger wider agenda.
  116. Be sure to check out the next post of the final view of where the rabbit hole continues into the darkweb and entering the Mariana's Web and 3301 Connection.
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