
Father and Son

Aug 25th, 2019
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  1. [19:36] Delicate emerald hues stare Ascalon own eyes. Trying to see beyond the armor of flesh that restraints the expressions of his soul.
  3. Right hand moved to his chest, pressed to it while his minds navigates all the way back to Famfrit Anarchy. Eyes narrowed while words fly around his mind, searching which ones to choose for the occasion.
  5. "Hmm.. I've multiple questions. First would be, Why you didn't accept staying with Famfrit? He told you we could be free there, free from the restraints we're forced to accept here. Free from the chains that separate you from Azrael and your way of living.
  7. Here.. we're strangers.. We will always be strangers dad. Even if we sit with them.. E-Even if we laugh beside them, they always doubt us. I-I'm right? I.. I know it."
  9. Fingers crawling around his neck, squeezing the fabric of the charcoal shirt. The air around felt heavy, as his breaths turned slowly more accelerated. He felt insecure, and even scare to ask but he knew it was something that if he didn't would take his sleep.
  11. "Alsoo.. why you didn't told Mommy that Famfrit offered you staying?? Why she is so determinated to hate them?.. E-Even if they're so much like us.. Eggs desesperated to freed from the biddings between the rock and the wall.
  13. When I fought them.. I thought it was me who was a egg and they were the rock and wall, but it didn't took me long to realize they were more like me than I thought. Each one of them lose something from this place everyone wants to cover as a 'paradise'.. "
  14. (Prodotis Zanders)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [19:48] One emerald eye blazed with reika, each moment pulsing strongly. The other was a mithril mimicry of what'd been lost in Dawn's defense. The Oscuri wasn't large by most standards but the man exuded and air of someone who'd seen death closely all his life. Someone who'd been ready for it and accepted it for what it was. A gateway.
  19. "You're to young to understand Prodotis. This feeling of being alone, this solitude you feel? It didn't matter where you are you'll always feel it because the world is a hard one and rarely do you gain relief from it's cruelties.
  21. Only with one's House, do you know what that means? One's family, one's sworn retainers. Can you feel in your place. You're young, young and foolish. I was that way once, so long ago. So where my friends, they've all been taken by this world Prodotis."
  23. As the Oscuri spoke they'd take a knee, leveling with Prodotis at this moment. Seeing the child at the level they'd see them as a man. Perhaps the young Zanders could see the years of war's effects on the Oscuri? He seemed old, weary, scars, wrinkles they all adorn his flesh.
  25. "I didn't tell your mother because it is not something she should know. Not yet, she's worried about to much and I'd shield my family from suffering if I can. It's what it means to be a Zanders.
  27. Before our home was burned, do you want to know what our motto was? The Lion Stands with the Dawn. It was so simple, we where warriors for our city. Heroes for our people, guardians for the weak and unfortunate. Now? You're right we're outsiders amid people that hate us. I'm trying to change that, I'm trying to help them create a world where my children can regain their lines and we may become heroes for our people again."
  29. It was the truth, there was not a hint of deceit in his voice. Yet, he couldn't hide the doubt in his eyes. He'd longed for a chance to be who he was. Free of the turmoil of he faced everyday as his heart broke looking at his children's black liens. Yet, he wanted them to have more for their lives than simply the children of Agartha's last Oscuri.
  31. "You're a Zanders Prodotis, that mean's you'll grow up to be a Knight. Perhaps a Paladin in time. Though the Dawn has set we never will. We'll be the bringers of the light to this infested continent. You've just got to believe in me, listen to what I say, and follow what I do. Do you understand? We've a chance to learn and grow in this city. Do not waste it, learn what you can and if in time we've got to flee towards the wilds? We'll go prepared. Do you understand?"
  33. (Ascalon Zanders)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [19:59] Prodotis was taken by surprise with this father words. Starring at them equally, trying to understand beyond words, right into the feelings that connected them as parent and children. Nodding each time his father finishes pointing out one of his sentence, that little Prodie heared with such enthusiasm and attention.
  38. "I-I can see why she wouldn't understand. I've seen how she worries too much about all that and I heard her talking with Aunt Tahl about frustration."
  40. The blacklined boy let his hand ease from the shirt neck, slowly moving both of them to his father shoulders. Another nod was given before breaking the eye contact to stare his old man knees. Thinking in what he said, feeling proud for being a 'lion' even in the verge of the cliff they're hanging.
  42. "I'm a Zander.. I understand papah. I will be ready, I will wait like a Lion toattack! Learn for my prey to be asleep! And roar!"
  43. (Prodotis Zanders)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. [20:03] A twitch of a smirk hit Ascalon's lips as he heard that. That was his son, a fighter, a warrior. Laying a hand on the boys head he'd tousle their hair with a laugh.
  48. "Good boy, now let's get that damn collar off."
  50. As he spoke, the man would grip the edge of the collar. Conjuring raw reike to tear through it and rip it off.
  51. (Ascalon Zanders)
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