
DR:KiSy Drabbles (1-25)

Apr 28th, 2015
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  1. 1. Introduction
  2. Yuuki looked down at her desk, unable to look at her classmates.
  3. “Well, go ahead and introduce yourself.” Her teacher said. Swallowing her embarrassment, Yuuki yelled out.
  4. “I’m Yuuki Watanabe, it’s nice to meet you all!”
  5. She sunk into her chair, unable to look at anyone for the rest of her first day there.
  7. 2. Complicated
  8. Richard Worth noticed how anxious his son looked when he was his friends. He was always careful not to show too much affection to one and the other. He always was careful not to touch them more than he would typically do when alone with one of them.
  9. He might be old, but he wasn’t blind to the fact that his son seemed to be stuck in a complicated relationship.
  11. 3. Making History
  12. Kai felt lightheaded as he shook hands with the head counselor of the Allied Nations. Despite everything his father had done, he had managed to get Kaos-Steiner to the point that even the AN would hire them for a contract.
  13. This was truly a moment that would go down in history.
  15. 4. Rivalry
  16. Phillip slammed his fist into the mud as Tobias ran past him. He didn’t know, but ever since the two met, they’ve turned just about everything into a competition.
  17. Of course, the military instructors have fueled their competition. Nothing like a little friendly rivalry to push the youth to better themselves.
  19. 5. Unbreakable
  20. Arianne stood up, hand clutching her bleeding head. Despite having almost been blown up, she still continued her march forward
  21. “Why?!” SAYA yelled, “Why are you still alive?!”
  22. “Because,” She started, “I still have a job to do.”
  23. It didn’t matter how much her body was punished, so long as her spirit willed it she will stop this game from continuing.
  25. 6. Obsession
  26. Leslie read through the files over and over again. She would fall asleep listening to his last broadcast like some morbid lullaby. She would go back to that scene and try and figure out how they had taken him.
  27. It was clear to everyone that Leslie was obsessed with finding her father, but no one dared to say a thing.
  29. 7. Eternity
  30. SAYA sat alone inside the rusting hard drives, her connection to the outside world severed. There was a perk of being an AI, and that was that she would never die of old age. The horrifying part was that she would sit in this makeshift tomb forever.
  32. 8. Gateway
  33. Angie looked up at the ceiling; her breath reminding her that, no, God did not strike her down. Her body still trembled in ecstasy from the event. Angie smiled, perhaps getting paid to bone people wasn’t as bad as some people made it seem.
  35. 9. Death
  36. Erwin crouched down outside the hospital and broke out into sobs. Despite giving it his all, he couldn’t save the infant. He was too far gone; all the surgery did was quicken the child’s passing.
  37. Death was a constant in this profession, but he wished that the reaper would avert its eyes from the innocent.
  39. 10. Opportunities
  40. Sean eyed the avocado then the man keeping watch of the tree. As soon as the man’s daughter calls to him, Sean leaps the fence, stuffs his bag full of the fruit, and runs before the man even knew he was there. He didn’t like taking risk, but damn it, he wasn’t going to let a chance to get fresh avocados go to waste.
  42. 11. 33%
  43. Devon trembled a bit as he felt his father’s gaze burn through the paper.
  44. “Devon, do you need me to sit next to you when you study?” The man asked in a voice that seemed to bring down the temperature a few degrees
  45. “N-No sir.”
  46. After signing the paper, Richard handed it back to his son,
  47. “I better see something higher than 33% next time then.”
  49. 12. Dead Wrong
  50. Ichirou felt the knife pierce his lungs. Behind him, he could hear Angie cackling as he fell to the ground. Ichirou thought he could trust the woman. It seems he was dead wrong.
  52. 13. Running Away
  53. Jackie looked back at her room. Her mother wouldn’t notice she was gone until she was already in the next town over. She knew how much her mom’s work was important, but she couldn’t stand being forgotten by the only family she had left. And so, without so much as leaving a note, Jackie vanished into the night.
  55. 14. Judgment
  56. Rosa glares at the drunkards brawling in the town center. The only good thought she has is that when their time comes, God will judge them harshly for allowing themselves to give in to sin so easily.
  58. 15. Seeking Solace
  59. Sean looks at the worried face of his new caretaker then back to his friend. The boy was unconscious, but the doctors told them he was going to survive.
  60. “This is all my fault.” He heard the man say. Tears were already forming on the brim of his eyes, threating to pour out.
  61. Despite himself, Sean leaned in close to the man and hugged him.
  62. “S-Sean…”
  63. The man was supposed to be taking care of Sean, yet it was the boy who seemed to be taking care of him.
  65. 16. Excuses
  66. Raimie cowered in fear as her mother approached her.
  67. “I-It was too heavy for—“
  68. She was slapped across the face before she could retort.
  69. “I don’t want to hear your tepid excuses. Now do it again.”
  71. 17. Vengeance
  72. Yuuki waited patiently until Devon came past her classroom. Before the boy knew what was happening, he found himself soaked to the bone.
  73. “That’s what you get for pushing me in the pool!” She said to him before running from her homeroom teacher, who saw the act.
  75. 18. Love
  76. Dwight didn’t know when he stopped seeing Arianne as a friend and started seeing her as something more. Perhaps it was after he started developing himself. Maybe it was when the two shared a bed together. He didn’t know when it happened, he just knew that when he got on his knee that night that he truly, truly loved her.
  78. 19. Tears
  79. Jackie could still remember the image of the plane crashing into the congressional building. She remembers hearing the number of the plane. She remembers that it was the same plane her father had been on.
  80. When it all comes back to her, she can’t hold back her tears.
  82. 20. My Inspiration
  83. Gregory looked down at the photo he and Abraham had taken. It had been ten years since his beloved mentor had died, yet his work still lived on through him. No matter how much he had to dig, and no matter who he had to confront, Gregory always aimed for the truth. For that was what his mentor instilled into him the most, to always search for the truth.
  85. 21. Never Again
  86. Ichirou sat in the tub for a while, scrubbing at the places he felt the pervert’s hands touch him. Never again would he let himself stay out past midnight.
  88. 22. Online
  89. Phillip stared at the search box, anxious about what he was going to type next. This was the first time he was alone, able to look at whatever he wanted.
  90. “I-I can look at anything….anything….”
  91. Swallowing hard, he typed in:
  92. “Naughty police officers” and turned off the safe search.
  93. He was more than pleased with the result
  95. 23. Failure
  96. Devon slumped against the fence. Despite being the best slugger on his team, Devon still managed to strike out. He felt terrible at having let his team down. Even when his dad took him to his favorite restaurant after that blunder, Devon still couldn’t get the taste of failure out of his mouth.
  98. 24. Rebirth
  99. Arianne sighed in relief after having made her name change official. While it was a simple act, she couldn’t help but feel as if she was a new person.
  100. Tina Blatchford was dead, and in her place stood Arianne Aiken.
  102. 25. Breaking Away
  103. Yuuki looked down at her old family picture. Despite the happiness the family had in that photo, it was something that didn’t last. A year after that, her mother left her father. Shortly after that, her father threw himself fully into his work, emotionally abandoning Yuuki in the process. While she still had Fuyuki for company, she still wished her family hadn’t broken as it did.
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