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Top Lane Notes for Game 1

a guest
May 9th, 2014
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  1. Nasus: Def > Off Masteries
  2. Ward on the very edge of the river bush, not outside it
  3. Follow up on jungler ganks
  4. Don't waste your Q unless it's to kill a minion or damage a champ/building
  5. Never buy Sheen first, always build against your lane. The longer your in lane the more stacks
  6. you will get.
  7. Don't play afraid for no reason when you have your lane warded.
  8. Don't take harass for no reason without retaliating if you can.
  9. Use your ultimate when your opponent intends to kill you. and fight them with it. 13:30
  10. Make sure you don't miss the brush when you place wards
  11. Don't use wither for no reason
  12. Don't stay in lane at low health/mana and don't get GREEDY for CS.
  13. Don't only buy pink wards, sure they last a while but they are easily taken out by jungle pressure.
  14. Don't only use your TP to get back into lane, especially if your lane is pushed out!
  15. Be more map aware on where your opponents are and where they could be going.
  16. Don't waste exhaust.
  17. Build more Defensive early on because Nasus only really needs a Sheen for a while for damage.
  18. Know tower ranges and dont tank them unnecessarily
  19. if you're going to push top ward the intersection near their blue buff
  20. Tank Baron for your jungler if you can
  21. If you know you're gonna die do more damage to the tower your attacking or turn on one of them
  22. with your ult on.
  23. Don't build a warmogs 3rd ever. Randuins/FH will always be better.
  24. Don't play farm sim top lane unless you can be map aware enough to properly use TP
  25. Wither their AD in team fights if you can and attack them if possible, otherwise just deal damage to
  26. the nearest target.
  27. Ultimate when you get into a team fight not when you get low. The AoE from it will make your
  28. damage significantly higher.
  29. Don't bait your team by tanking a turret. 44 Minutes
  30. Don't try to catch someone alone if your at half heatlh.
  31. Don't tank towers for no reason.
  32. Don't just take damage for free ever. Either back off or trade back.
  33. Don't waste your teleport late game.
  34. Don't forget to enchant your boots
  36. General: CS Better!
  37. Exchange Yellow Trinket for Red around the 20m mark and upgrade when possible.
  40. Karma: No Mana Regen Reds.
  41. Don't start GP10
  42. Harass Nasus More early game
  43. Don't randomly ignite people.
  44. Don't play so afraid in lane against nasus.
  45. Learn how a Jungler thinks so you don't have to sit so far back when your lane is pushed.
  46. Buy Wards whenever you have leftover gold and an inventory spot.
  47. Don't flash when your death is gaurenteed.
  48. Learn to CS under tower better.
  49. When at half health safely push your lane and go back.
  50. If you do White camp, use more skills becaues walking into lane at half health is always bad.
  51. With how much kill potential their team had, build a Zhonyas 2nd or third. not liandrys.
  52. If you already have capped CDR stop building CDR.
  53. Don't build DFG 40+ minutes into a game when you've been behind the entire time.
  54. Follow your team
  55. I don't advise buying the pink ward trinket.
  56. If you're building AP you'll need a void staff late game.
  57. Karma isn't very suited for using DFG imo.
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