

Dec 3rd, 2016
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  1. Undervalue has joined the chat
  2. Miscalculate has changed the room to: Chill With Me Room
  3. Miscalculate: I'm sick and tired of you, and your stupid back and forth bullshit, Bibi. "I'm leaving him for good," and then is back with him in less than a week. But you only ever come to me when you're not with him, I'm not your fucking rebound, or your shoulder to cry on. Stop unfriending me, and refriending me. You either like me or you don't. So, just fuck stop with the back and forth shit and make up your goddamn fucking mind.
  4. Undervalue: Because you hate me being with him.
  5. Undervalue: And I only unfriended you because you never fucking talked to me.
  6. Miscalculate: Stop right there.
  7. Miscalculate: Don't even bother trying to blame me for why you left him.
  8. Miscalculate: I know what you said to Will.
  9. Miscalculate: I know how you twisted it.
  10. Undervalue: I didn't blame you for leaving him.
  11. Miscalculate: You're a manipulative little twat.
  12. Undervalue: Not that I remember.
  13. Undervalue: I'm manipulative now?
  14. Miscalculate: Now?
  15. Miscalculate: No.
  16. Miscalculate: Always have been.
  17. Miscalculate: I'm just realising it
  18. Undervalue: If I've always have been, then why did you accept that friend request?
  19. Undervalue: You could have just put me on your "not talk to" list.
  20. Miscalculate: My "not talk to" list?
  21. Miscalculate: I don't have a "not talk to" list.
  22. Miscalculate: Whatever the fuck you're on about.
  23. Undervalue: You don't talk to Lauren.
  24. Miscalculate: And I wonder why I don't talk to her?
  25. Undervalue: Because she's manipulative too.
  26. Miscalculate: She's manipulative TOO.
  27. Miscalculate: Thank you.
  28. Miscalculate: Thank for you just admitting to being manipulative.
  29. Undervalue: But I didn't post screenshots. Screenshots of people saying that you stripped for them.
  30. Miscalculate: Which I did not.
  31. Undervalue: Instead, I defended your ass on that pastebin.
  32. Miscalculate: You on the other hand?
  33. Undervalue: Which I never. Ever. made for anyone before.
  34. Miscalculate: You're manipulative in the sense that you play around with people's feelings.
  35. Undervalue: What fucking feelings?
  36. Undervalue: How am I playing your feelings now?
  37. Undervalue: You simply do NOT want to talk to me.
  38. Undervalue: And it's clear by the way you act around me.
  39. Miscalculate: I have never ever said that I did not want to talk to you.
  40. Miscalculate: But here you.
  41. Miscalculate: Twisting things once again.
  42. Undervalue: I've always fucking wanted to talk to you.
  43. Undervalue: But ever since you've been with Ken or Justin, we just changed.
  44. Undervalue: Like I don't matter to you or some crap.
  45. Miscalculate: Do not even try to blame others.
  46. Undervalue: But it's true.
  47. Miscalculate: What changed is that I stopped depending on you.
  48. Undervalue: Stopped depending on me or stopped caring entirely?
  49. Miscalculate: At this point? After all of your back and forth bullshit? After making a ton of people blame me for your decisions on your break up? After hurting my feelings in general? After a fuck ton of other stuff?
  50. Miscalculate: I don't care.
  51. Miscalculate: You're right.
  52. Miscalculate: I don't.
  53. Undervalue: "After making a ton of people blame me for your decisions on your break up?"
  54. Miscalculate: Yes.
  55. Undervalue: That's been so fucking long ago.
  56. Miscalculate: Your point being?
  57. Miscalculate: It still happened, Bibi.
  58. Undervalue: I don't blame you for any of our break ups now.
  59. Miscalculate: "NOW."
  60. Undervalue: It still happened, but you seem to be the only person to never let go of the fucking past.
  61. Undervalue: Do you ever stop and wonder why I fucking have my moments when I talk to you and why I fucking don't?
  62. Miscalculate: You mean absolutely nothing to me now, after everything you've done. Unfriend me and keep it that way.
  63. Undervalue: Because of this stupid shit.
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