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Feb 22nd, 2019
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  1262. <p><h3>WARRIOR</h3>
  1264. <p>his <b>maiming</b> had been <big>MONSTROUSLY</big> <i>cruel</i>. it was <u>one</u> thing to <b>SLAY</b> a lion, another to <i>hack</i> off his paw and leave him <b>broken</b> and <i>bewildered</i>.
  1266. <h3>MAID</h3>
  1268. <p><b>JAIME LANNISTER</b> BASED OFF <u>GEORGE R.R. MARTIN'S</u> <b>ASOIAF</b>.
  1272. <p><a href="" title="sweet sister">◆</a>
  1274. <p><u>est. 2013</u>.
  1275. <br>written by <i><b>kern</b></i>.
  1276. <br>they/he. xx. est.
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  1327. <li class="active">
  1329. <p><p><blockquote><p><strong>IT WAS THE WHITE CLOAK THAT SOILED ME : <em>AGOT-ADWD</em></strong>. after the death of jon arryn &amp; rumors that the usurper&rsquo;s heirs are illegitimate &amp; instead the seed of an affair between jaime &amp; his twin sister, ned&rsquo;s stark further investigation leads to his death &amp; a war among five kings for the iron throne. once meeting robb stark on the battlefield &amp; being bested, jaime is held captive until catelyn stark commands brienne of tarth to return jaime home to kings landing in exchange for her two daughters. the pair end up captured by vargo hoat, who spitefully takes jaime&rsquo;s sword hand &amp; with it, his identity. struggling within himself, jaime arrives back in kings landing after the death of his son and king, joffrey, where tyrion is the accused perpetrator. doubtful, jaime devises a plan to free his brother, but after confessing an old sin, learns cersei has slept with other men for her own survival. offered the hand of the king by his sister and then refusing, jaime is sent away to lift the long held siege at riverrun from robb stark&rsquo;s remaining loyalists. after quarrels with edmure tully &amp; the disappearance of brynden blackfish, he receives a hopeless plea from cersei who has been imprisoned on several accounts of incest &amp; infidelity, but has her letter burned. brienne of tarth arrives to tell jaime she has found sansa stark who is held prisoner by the hound. unbeknownst to him, jaime rides with her to the risen catelyn stark, lady stoneheart, who seeks revenge for her fallen family.</p>
  1330. <p><p><p><strong>HE WAS A WARRIOR &amp; THAT&rsquo;S ALL HE WOULD EVER BE : <em>TWOW-ADOS</em></strong>. after assumingly escaping the grasp of lady stoneheart, whether by the sacrifice of brienne of tarth or by the mercy of the risen, jaime will relinquish his ties to the kingsguard, but be no less determined to honor his duty as a knight. once daenerys comes to westeros, jaime will complete cersei&rsquo;s valonqar prophecy &amp; ally with the dragon queen in the fight against the others beyond the wall. after the loss of his sister, he recklessly &amp; impulsively enters battle intending to die, &amp; eventually does.</p>
  1331. <p><p><p><strong>THE YOUNG LION : <em>PRE-AGOT</em></strong>.&nbsp; &nbsp;raised to be the heir of casterly rock, jaime leaves to squire at crakehall at the age of twelve &amp; later fights in the battle against the kingswood brotherhood, where he&rsquo;s knighted on the battlefield by ser arthur dayne. while visiting his sister in eel&rsquo;s alleyway on a victory tour, jaime learns his father has plans to marry him to lysa tully &amp; after being convinced to take the white cloak, the twin&rsquo;s consummate their relationship for the first time. once aerys allows jaime into his kingsguard to spite tywin for leaving court, jaime suffers most of aerys&rsquo; wrath &amp; madness mingled while kept under his watchful eye. as robert&rsquo;s rebellion reaches the gates of kings landing, aerys commands his pyromancers to ignite the caches of wildfire that have been hidden beneath the city streets, threatening the lives of thousands of innocents. jaime slays the king to ensure otherwise &amp; is thereafter named kingslayer for the rest of his days. he surpasses charges of treason &amp; evades the suggestion of ned stark to have him uncloaked and sent to the night&rsquo;s watch, &amp; enters robert's kingsguard, whilst cersei is made his queen. the twins continued affair, producing three blonde-haired baratheons, is the catalyst for the events that transpire in a game of thrones.</p>
  1332. </blockquote>
  1334. </li>
  1336. <li>
  1338. <blockquote><p><p><p><strong>KINGDOM BY THE SEA : <em>ALTERNATE ADWD-TWOW</em></strong>.&nbsp; &nbsp;through much forgiveness &amp; understanding, rather than blind spite, jaime answers cersei&rsquo;s plea &amp; saves her from captivity prior to her walk of shame, but not before spilling holy blood within the sept of baelor as they flee. the twin&rsquo;s return to their impenetrable home of casterly rock, where they would be safe from the wrath of the growing faith militant &amp; jaime steals myrcella back from dorne to bring his family under his watchful eye. once daenerys targaryen arrives in westeros, jaime convinces cersei to bend the knee as long as she is allowed to remain lady of casterly rock, whilst tommen is kept within the red keep to ensure their loyalty.</p>
  1340. </li>
  1342. <li>
  1344. <blockquote><p><p><p><strong>THE TASTE OF REFINEMENT : <em>MODERN</em></strong>.&nbsp; &nbsp;the lannister family is a modern dynasty, &amp; tywin&rsquo;s global winery that has earned them such infamy is a shroud for his heavy involvement in underground crime. jaime&rsquo;s name was scattered among the headlines of newspapers all around the world after escaping a murder charge &amp; prison time (instead spending a year in a youth correctional facility, which would be relatively stifled throughout the media by mass amounts of lannister money) for killing aerys targaryen at the age of seventeen, who despite the refutes of those closest to him, had planned an intricate &amp; grand scale scheme for civilian devastation via nuclear weapons. jaime later receives bad publicity yet again after the stark family accuses him of shooting and paralyzing their second youngest son, yet, without condemning proof, jaime goes free. after coming across cersei brutalized by robert, he bludgeons him to death in a fit of panic-induced rage, but due to tywin's criminal connections, jaime again escapes prison. shortly after robert's "untimely" demise, ned stark is assassinated publicly &amp; is assumed by the stark family to be the work of the lannisters. consequently, jaime is kidnapped by stark loyalists who maim him out of spite, &amp; he's returned home after months of being presumed dead, handless &amp; hopeless.</p>
  1346. </li>
  1348. <li>
  1350. <blockquote><p><p><p><strong>THERE ARE NO BARGAINS BETWEEN LIONS &amp; MEN : <em>MARVEL</em></strong>.&nbsp; &nbsp;the death of his mother in his childhood causes an upheaval in abilities previously unbeknownst to him &amp; to his outspoken anti-mutant father. frequent abuse perpetuates his own animalistic instincts &amp; the violent aggression that comes with it. after being thrust from his own household at 17, jaime takes advantage of his hyper-visibility in society to counter his father's views, &amp; advocates for mutant rights.</p>
  1351. <p><strong>MUTATION</strong>: cryptic/lion physiology.<br /><strong>IDENTITY</strong>: private. known publicly as <em>cheshire cat</em>.<br /><strong>ABILITIES</strong>: intangibility, camaflouge, predatory instinct, enhanced human strength, speed, &amp; agility.<br /><strong>FEATURES</strong>: two sets of canine teeth: top &amp; bottom, thick amounts of hair localized to his chest &amp; limbs, bestial physique.</p></blockquote>
  1353. </li>
  1355. <li>
  1357. <blockquote><p><p><p><strong>THE DIALOGUE OF DARKNESS &amp; LIGHT : <em>STAR WARS</em></strong>.&nbsp; &nbsp;born prior to the birth of the galactic empire, the twins show a great promise in their future with the force, but to their father&rsquo;s dismay, are denied proper training to hone their abilities due to their intense internal conflict. the westerosi system suffers a war for its crown as a rebellion arises through the galaxy in the face of corruption, &amp; after the fall of the jedi order, tywin pledges casterly &amp; it&rsquo;s bountiful assets to the empire. jaime turns to the rebellion as a double agent, &amp; works under the guise of assuring his father&rsquo;s alliance to withdraw information from within the ranks of the empire, &amp; dies in action just before the reorganization into the new republic.</p>
  1358. <p><strong>FORCE ALLIANCE</strong>: neutral. believes both the sith &amp; jedi orders to be inherently corrupt, though leans (slightly) further towards the light.<br /><strong>STAR SYSTEM/HOME PLANET</strong>: westeros, casterly.<br /><strong>HOUSE CREST</strong>: tusk cat, found native on his home planet for centuries.<br /><strong>WEAPON OF CHOICE</strong>: the casterly lannisters crafted a lightsaber that was passed down through the generations. the saber itself was crafted with a crimson crystal &amp; an unstable core of gold. it found its way to jaime during the era of the resistance, despite his disallowance from proper training with the force, &amp; is his favored weapon.</p></blockquote>
  1360. </li>
  1362. <li>
  1364. <blockquote><p><p><b>DETAILS TO BE ADDED :</b> district 1 victor, participant in the quarter quell, aligned with the rebellion.</blockquote>
  1366. </li>
  1369. <li>
  1371. <blockquote><p><p><p><strong>THE SOUL IN AGONY : <em>HARRY POTTER</em></strong>.&nbsp; &nbsp;pureblooded &amp; ancient, the lannister lineage has long since been defiled by black magic, derived from the tales of their ancestor, lann the clever, a vampire who was famed for his wicked wits &amp; deceivery. while this infamy is half-true &amp; the lannisters have always mingled among circles of other old pureblooded families, it wasn't until joanna lannister died in childbirth that tywin truly forsook his family to dark magic &amp; all that comes with such an allegiance. though expected to uphold his father's legacy (in all it's pureblood supremacist glory), jaime defies these wishes by electing to decide on gryffindor during his sorting ceremony (an anomaly after centuries of slytherins), despite the tensions that this rears in his relationship with his twin sister. subsequently, the twins later perform an unbreakable vow that consecrates neither would betray the other, lest they end up dead at the mere thought of losing one another throughout each tribulation they face at their father's behest. as the dark lord seizes power, their relationship strains &amp; after they graduate from hogwarts, they've cut ties entirely. jaime, believing cersei to have relinquished herself to the death eater order &amp; all of their father's similar proclivities, joins the original order of the phoenix, but consequently loses his right hand to vargo hoat, a rogue werewolf seeking vengeance for old slights. after voldemort seemingly disappears &amp; jaime grows with his trauma, he takes up the position of ancient studies professor at hogwarts, &amp; returns only in the years of 97'-98' as a means to protect his niece myrcella &amp; mentee, brienne tarth from the carrow siblings, who had a certain gravitation towards the two purely on the grounds of them being important to jaime, who in their eyes (&amp; all closest to tywin), had become nothing more than a common blood traitor. preceding the battle of hogwarts, cersei seeks jaime out, &amp; after discovering that she denied the dark mark, the two make amends after decades of separation. finally, during the battle, cersei shields jaime from a rogue curse, &amp; he dies as a consequence of their childhood vow.</p>
  1372. <p><strong>HOUSE/ALLIANCE</strong>: gryffindor; the original order of the phoenix.<br /><strong>WAND</strong>: holly &amp; phoenix core; notoriously difficult, as the wood&rsquo;s volatility conflicts strangely with the core's detachment. in the unusual event of such a pairing finding its ideal match, however, nothing &amp; nobody should stand in their way.<br /><strong>PATRNOUS</strong>: lion.<br /><strong>BOGGART</strong>: cersei's dead corpse, vargo hoat.<br /><strong>FORTES</strong>: charms, hexes, occlumency.</p></blockquote>
  1374. </li>
  1378. <li>
  1380. <blockquote><p><p><b>VERSES TO BE ADDED :</b> the 100, fallout, zombie apocalypse.</blockquote>
  1382. </li>
  1386. <li>
  1388. <blockquote><p><p><p><b>VERSES TO BE ADDED :</b> silent hill, outlast 2, war of the worlds.</blockquote>
  1390. </li>
  1394. <li>
  1396. <blockquote><p><p><p><b>VERSES TO BE ADDED :</b> golden age of piracy, ancient greece, holy roman empire.</blockquote>
  1398. </li>
  1401. </ul>
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  1408. <div id="text"><h3>LAWS OF THE REALM</h3>
  1409. <h2><strong>INTROUDCTION</strong></h2>
  1410. <p>this is an independent, private, &ldquo;single ship&rdquo; &amp; mutuals only blog for JAIME LANNISTER from george r.r. martin&rsquo;s: <em>a song of ice &amp; fire</em>. est. july 2013 as forsakenvows &amp; rebooted in oct. 2016 as battleruin.</p>
  1411. <p>this blog is Not spoiler free &amp; will frequently be shitting on the racist, women-hating, rape kink fanfic hbo show alongside the equally obnoxious fandom that&rsquo;s sprung from it here on tumblr, so Please don&rsquo;t follow me if you&rsquo;re just gonna whine about me being a Big MeanieTM for trashing your poorly-written excuse for a television series.</p>
  1412. <h2><strong>ACTIVITY</strong></h2>
  1413. <p>this blog has been my main blog for 5 years &amp; jaime tends to eat whatever muse i can manage for other characters. however, i generally keep my presence on the dash pretty minimum for my own mental health &amp; also struggle with severe adhd that can also cut down on my ability to be here. if you follow me, i hope you understand that &amp; don&rsquo;t take my sporadic activity as a reflection of my intentions or interest in writing with you. <strong>tldr</strong>: i&rsquo;m on the dash once in a blue moon &amp; i&rsquo;m dumb as shit, but neither of those things mean i don&rsquo;t want to interact with you. if i&rsquo;ve followed you period, i have every intention of writing with you, i&rsquo;m just both slow &amp; dumb!</p>
  1414. <h2><strong>HAND JOKES</strong></h2>
  1415. <p>jokes about jaime&rsquo;s maiming are not only unacceptable, but disgusting on a moral level. i&rsquo;m not gonna tolerate the inherent abelism that accompanies these sort of jokes &amp; will hardblock you in record-breaking time if you even Think of applying that sort of thing anywhere outside of in character interactions&mdash; &amp; even then i advise you to be Real Careful, because i&rsquo;m not here to entertain it.</p>
  1416. <h2><strong>INCEST</strong></h2>
  1417. <p>because this has come up on multiple occasions since i called out twiggy, i wanted to make it abundantly clear that i Do Not &amp; Will Not be writing incest on this blog. i wrote explicit content on jaime years ago, but it was an internalization of life long childhood sexual abuse, &amp; after being officially diagnosed with ptsd, i completely eliminated incest from my blog &amp; apologized publicly for my past profusely. the threads you see written between lionswrath &amp; i are purely familial, &amp; though their relationship be mentioned vaguely in canon-specific threads from jaime&rsquo;s pov, there&rsquo;ll be nothing beyond that found anywhere on this blog.</p>
  1418. <h2><strong>PORTRAYAL</strong></h2>
  1419. <p><strong>i&rsquo;m very strictly book based with heavy headcanon influence</strong>. this means any &amp; all plots on this blog will be developed based off the plots &amp; characterization in the novels. my one (1) &amp; <em>only </em>tie to the hbo show is my faceclaim, but i disregard Literally every single choice d&amp;d have made for jaime &amp; won&rsquo;t be sacrificing my personal integrity to draw inspiration from any of their content.</p>
  1420. <h2><strong>TRIGGERS</strong></h2>
  1421. <p>this blog will contain heavy themes such as gore, war, death. all common triggers will be tagged as <strong>example //</strong>, but if i miss something, please lemme know and i&rsquo;ll be happy to tag it!</p>
  1422. <p>due to the nature of jaime&rsquo;s character, incest (though only mentioned vaguely &amp; not explicitly written) will not be tagged on this blog unless it&rsquo;s heavily mentioned.</p>
  1423. <p><strong>PLEASE TAG THE FOLLOWING TRIGGERS</strong>:</p>
  1424. <ul>
  1425. <li>pedophilia &amp; csa mentions.</li>
  1426. <li>trypophobia, i.e: series of holes, skin horror, insects.</li>
  1427. <li>thalassophobia, i.e: open water, underwater scenes, sharks.</li>
  1428. <li>wrists/veins &amp; mentions of self harm.</li>
  1429. </ul>
  1430. <h2><strong>ASKBOX/IMS</strong></h2>
  1431. <p>i don&rsquo;t take part in reblog karma because it&rsquo;s not 2012, but i will be increasingly irritated if you always reblog memes from me without sending any in. I&rsquo;m Not A Meme Archive. don&rsquo;t use me as one or i&rsquo;ll hardblock you.</p>
  1432. <p>as for ims, i suffer from extremely debilitating social anxiety, so direct contact can be difficult to engage in, especially in any sort of timely manner. i do make a habit of replying within at least 3 days, so if i&rsquo;ve not given you a response by then, feel free to send me another!</p>
  1433. <h2><strong>FOLLOWING/UNFOLLOWING</strong></h2>
  1434. <p>this blog is private to conserve my energy &amp; motivation, so my following list is gonna be pretty minimal. i don&rsquo;t check my followers on a daily basis, so gimme a few days to check out your blog &amp; thoroughly read your pages before you determine whether or not i&rsquo;m gonna follow you. Please Don&rsquo;t Obnoxiously Unfollow &amp; Refollow&hellip; i&rsquo;m Begging you. it gives me some serious anxiety &amp; i&rsquo;ll be more inclined to hardblock you than give you the attention you want.</p>
  1435. <p><strong>i don&rsquo;t follow anyone from the asoiaf/got community unless we&rsquo;re mutuals on one of your other blogs</strong> <em>&amp; will softblock anyone who tries to follow me that i&rsquo;m not previously acquainted with</em>. this fandom is literally Brimming with people who are real life rapists &amp; pedophiles, on top of being flat out racist or otherwise bigoted &amp; i&rsquo;m not under Any Circumstance wasting my time on that bullshit anymore. i 100% of the time hardblock on sight if your muse is a canonical rapist or pedophile (robert baratheon, petyr baelish, tyrion lannister) &amp; especially if you write or otherwise support ships that include jaime (or frankly, any of the canonical adults) &amp; one of the underage girls of the series (sansa &amp; arya stark, daenerys targaryen, margaery tyrell &amp; that INCLUDES brienne tarth who&rsquo;s a whole 16 years younger than jaime).</p>
  1436. <p>i unfollow very, very rarely, i.e for racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, complaints about &ldquo;callout culture&rdquo; (which i 100% support in the circumstances mentioned), OR if you follow/interact with someone who&rsquo;s a bigot. otherwise you&rsquo;ve been inactive for a period of time &amp;/or haven&rsquo;t tried to initiate any form of interaction with me. for the latter circumstances, i make an effort to softblock &amp; ask that you Please extend me the same courtesy since it&rsquo;s a Big Fat Trigger for anxiety.</p>
  1438. <ul>
  1439. <li>motherofwolvcs/catelyyn/oflannister: bridged communication between an actual rapist &amp; the women in the community he was attempting to prey on, trump supporter, serial emotional abuser.</li>
  1440. <li>needlcd: created a whole&nbsp;&ldquo;in this house we love &amp; support-&rdquo; campaign for cat after she was called out, calls necessary callouts in the community for people like cat &amp; nazi sympathizers&nbsp;&ldquo;bullying by mob mentality&rdquo;</li>
  1441. <li>agirlingrey: generally a big fat bigot, reblogged a post after eightholyterrors was called for writing explicit pedophilic/incestual rape that essentially said this community is full of Big Bad Bullies, with tags that said&nbsp;&ldquo;fuck political correctness&rdquo; lmfao.</li>
  1442. <li>99% of the got/asoiaf fandoms, some examples including: wineinthewidow, kingslaying, akingslayerx, royalsadist/cleverminded, goldenngore, theusurper, liondaughter, or anyone associated with these people. i&rsquo;m not gonna waste my time listing separate receipts, but generally these people are disgusting lmao. racist, incest fetishists, have problems with those of us who call out racists, pedophiles, ect., always refer to the larger community as fear mongering elitist bullies in one way or another during things like calling out racists &amp; nazi sympathizers; the list goes on but i think you Get The Point.</li>
  1443. <li>captlances/leksas: blatantly racist &amp; transphobic, sexualized &amp; frequently spoke on the sex life of her daenerys muse who&rsquo;s canonically only 14 years old, &nbsp;frequently stalks people who have her blocked under the use of a proxy, just generally warps &amp; otherwise lies about things to either glorify her own shitty fucking behavior, or attempt to manipulate other people&rsquo;s reputations to Yet Again glorify herself cause apparently she doesn&rsquo;t have better shit to do lmao.</li>
  1444. </ul>
  1445. <h2><strong>DUPLICATES</strong></h2>
  1446. <p><strong>i&rsquo;m not comfortable with duplicates in any capacity</strong>. i&rsquo;ve been profusely imitated in this community, so their presence on your blog alone is enough to stop me from following you. likewise with cerseis&mdash; <strong>lionswrath is the only cersei i will Ever acknowledge &amp; i hardblock any that follow me</strong>.</p>
  1447. <h2><strong>SHIPPING</strong></h2>
  1448. <p>this blog is&nbsp;&ldquo;singleship&rdquo; with lionswrath in the sense that the only relationship that will ever be mentioned on this blog will be jaime &amp; cersei. due to his codependency, jaime is completely &amp; utterly incapable of being in ANY healthy/stable relationship given the state of his canon one, but we don&rsquo;t condone the incestual nature of their relation in Any Shape Or Form, &amp; while it will be acknowledged vaguely in our narrative, we strictly portray their relationship as platonic &amp; have otherwise stripped incest from our interactions entirely.</p>
  1449. <h2><strong>EXCLUSIVITY</strong></h2>
  1450. <p>i<strong> don&rsquo;t do mains on this blog because of my discomfort with other jaimes, but i Am mutally exclusive to people on request</strong>. with that said, i make an effort to only follow one of each muse, not only to respect someone&rsquo;s individual portrayal, but also to develop long-lasting &amp; interesting relationships between muses. the current list of exclusives can be found <strong><a href="">HERE</a></strong>, &amp; if you&rsquo;re interested in being Officially ExclusiveTM, you&rsquo;re free to im me about it whenever!</p>
  1451. <h2><strong>CREDIT/THEFT</strong></h2>
  1452. <p><strong>aesthetics like psds &amp; contained themes are always the work of lionswrath unless stated otherwise</strong>. i can take credit for the icon bases &amp; most of my own promos unless i explicitly give credit elsewhere. chelle has commissions, so if you want some god tier graphics, you should check out her pages!</p>
  1453. <p>the established gold aesthetic, the writing &amp; the characterization on this blog are all very distinctly my own. i&rsquo;m 100% going to recognize similarities or outright theft on other people&rsquo;s blogs, but i&rsquo;m not gonna waste my time calling you out, so Please just don&rsquo;t lift things or take&nbsp;&ldquo;inspiration&rdquo; from anything you see here.</p>
  1454. <h2><strong>WRITER</strong></h2>
  1455. <p>hey hi hello its ur boy&hellip; kelso. i&rsquo;m a 20 year old agender (they/he) soft butch lesbian Deeply &amp; Obnoxiously in love with my soulmate lionswrath. i&rsquo;m stuck in the est timezone &amp; struggle with lots of anxiety, but feel free to always ask for my discord privately if we&rsquo;re mutuals or shoot me an im!</p>
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  1513. <h2><strong>GENERAL</strong></h2>
  1514. <p><strong>NAME</strong>: jaime lannister.<br /><strong>TITLES</strong>: ser, lord commander.<br /><strong>ALIAS/NICKNAMES</strong>: the young lion, lion of lannister, kingslayer, goldenhand.<br /><strong>AGE</strong>: 34 years old.<br /><strong>DATE OF BIRTH</strong>: 266 AC.<br /><strong>PLACE OF BIRTH</strong>: casterly rock.<br /><strong>PRIMARY LOCATION</strong>: the red keep, kings landing.<br /><strong>CURRENT LOCATION</strong>: the riverlands.<br /><strong>SPECIES</strong>: human.<br /><strong>NATIONALITY</strong>: westerosi, welsh in modern.<br /><strong>GENDER</strong>: cis male.<br /><strong>SEXUALITY</strong>: demi - bisexual.<br /><strong>PROFESSION</strong>: commander of the kingsguard.<br /><strong>LANGUAGES</strong>: westerosi, welsh both as a lost language of the westerlands in canon &amp; as a secondary language in modern.<br /><strong>RELIGION</strong>: raised by the seven but self proclaimed atheist.<br /><strong>EDUCATION</strong>: taught circulars by a septa throughout his childhood &amp; then squired at crakehall at the age of twelve to learn the ways of knighthood.<br /><strong>COMMITTED CRIMES</strong>: treason by slaying king aerys.</p>
  1515. <h2><strong>APPEARANCE</strong></h2>
  1516. <p><strong>HAIR</strong>: pale golden blonde with thick loose curls. originally just below his collarbones but since being shorn in captivity, the curls have just grown long enough to bunch atop his head.<br /><strong>FACIAL STRUCTURE</strong>: particularly defined in the jaw, with high cheekbones &amp; a defined brow bone.<br /><strong>EYES</strong>: emerald green, feline - like in their shape.<br /><strong>COMPLEXION</strong>: once fair skinned with yellow undertones. since beaten by the sun&rsquo;s rays, a faint honey with freckles speckled across his shoulders &amp; multiple scars across his face &amp; body from wartime and practice.<br /><strong>SCARS</strong>: several scattered across his body from battle, training &amp; captivity. most notably lies the scar where his maimed wrist was salvaged by maester qyburn.<br /><strong>WEIGHT</strong>: 245lbs.<br /><strong>HEIGHT</strong>: 6'2".<br /><strong>BODY TYPE</strong>: muscular/fit. tall, lean looking with thick/heavy defined musculature specifically in his upper arms &amp; thighs, with wide shoulders spanning 21in.<br /><strong>VOICE</strong>: deep, quiet/airy, musical dialect, though comes out harsh.<br /><strong>NOTABLE FEATURES</strong>: pale golden hair &amp; emerald eyes. these are indicative of his lannister heritage &amp; are often recalled by others upon first meeting him.</p>
  1517. <h2><strong>MAIMING</strong></h2>
  1518. <p>because jaime&rsquo;s wound was left unattended &amp; had begun festering by the time he made it to qyburn, he suffers severe motor &amp; sensory nerve damage in the remainder of his right arm.</p>
  1519. <p>some <strong>physical side effects</strong> of this include:</p>
  1520. <ul>
  1521. <li><strong>EXTREME NUMBNESS</strong>. this is the most prevalent of his symptoms. a perpetual numbness roots at his wrist &amp; crawls all the way up to his shoulder. he alleviates this feeling temporarily by rolling his arm &amp; bending his elbow, but only regains partial sensation. this makes stillness wildly uncomfortable, hence his almost obsessive need to keep active &amp; the near complete absence of sleep.</li>
  1522. <li><strong>BURNING</strong>. abrupt &amp; sharp, this is localized to the wrist itself &amp; was most recurrent in the earlier stages of his maiming, but hasn&rsquo;t ceased (though has lessened) even beyond it&rsquo;s healing.</li>
  1523. <li><strong>TWITCHING</strong>. particularly contracting along the forearm (though occasional in the bicep under extreme physical &amp; mental stress) are involuntary fasciculations just beneath the skin that are visible to the naked eye, though not painful due to his numbness.</li>
  1524. <li><strong>PHANTOM PAINS</strong>. &ldquo;the mornings were the hardest. in his dreams jaime was a whole man, &amp; each dawn he would lie half-awake &amp; feel his fingers move. it was a nightmare, some part of him would whisper, refusing to believe even now, only a nightmare. but then he would open his eyes.&rdquo; &ndash; jaime, c. 44, asos. / &ldquo;when he looked down for his sword hand, his wrist ended in leather &amp; linen, wrapped snug around an ugly stump. he felt sudden tears well up in his eyes. i felt it, i felt the strength in my fingers, &amp; the rough leather of the sword&rsquo;s grip. my hand &hellip;&rdquo; &ndash; jaime, c. 44, asos.</li>
  1525. </ul>
  1526. <p>some <strong>mental side effects</strong> include:</p>
  1527. <ul>
  1528. <li><strong>NIGHT TERRORS</strong>. often recounting the event itself, these are vivid, hyper - realistic replays of his maiming that often portray vargo hoat as something other than a man i.e, a shadow, a demon from the seventh hell, aerys in disguise, ect. cold sweats &amp; panic attacks are common upon waking.</li>
  1529. <li><strong>INSOMNIA</strong>. related to the above, jaime finds it difficult to fall &amp; stay asleep. most nights are spent thrashing around in the sheets until the sun slowly creeps inside his window.</li>
  1530. </ul>
  1531. <p>due to this &amp; his fear of being grotesque looking to cersei, he decides to craft himself a golden hand. however, given the lack of research for amputees in a technologically incapable society such as westeros, there would be some serious side effects of this prosthetic:</p>
  1532. <ul>
  1533. <li><strong>MILD BRUISING</strong>. because the prosthetic is essentially solid gold, there&rsquo;s very little comfort to be had, which results in bruising particularly at the very heel of his wrist &amp; around the very edges where it hugs his arm.</li>
  1534. <li><strong>SEMI - SEVERE BLISTERING</strong>. again related to comfort &amp; lack of padding, the skin blisters from sweat induced chafing. warm water &amp; mild soap is used to sanitize the area and various oils are utilized for soothing.</li>
  1535. <li><strong>BONE DAMAGE</strong>. the snug fit of the prosthetic has caused permanent bone damage to the forearm. swelling is common after prolonged wear, as is the tenderness of the flesh.</li>
  1536. </ul>
  1537. <h2><strong>RELATIONS</strong></h2>
  1538. <p><strong>PARENTS</strong>: lord tywin &amp; lady joanna lannister. both deceased.<br /><strong>SIBLINGS</strong>: cersei (twin) &amp; tyrion lannister.<br /><strong>CHILDREN</strong>: joffrey (deceased), myrcella &amp; tommen baratheon.<br /><strong>PARTNER</strong>: cersei lannister.<br /><strong>MARITAL STATUS</strong>: swore off a proposed marriage to lysa tully in order to remain in relations with cersei &amp; instead took a vow of celibacy as a white cloaked kingsguard, which he later broke to seed three children inside his sister.<br /><strong>ALLIES</strong>: brienne of tarth.<br /><strong>ENEMIES</strong>: house stark &amp; house tully.<br /><strong>ALLEGIANCE</strong>: the kingsguard.</p>
  1539. <h2><strong>PSYCHE</strong></h2>
  1540. <p><strong>MEYERS BRIGGS</strong>: <em>estp</em>. extroverted - sensing - thinking - perceiving.<br /><strong>MORAL ALIGNMENT</strong>: <em>chaotic neutral</em>. represents true freedom from both society&rsquo;s restrictions &amp; a do-gooder&rsquo;s zeal, but can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all authority, harmony, &amp; order in society.<br /><strong>OUTLOOK</strong>: <em>realist</em>. can look at things as they are &amp; deal with it in a practical manner.<br /><strong>TEMPERAMENT</strong>: <em>choleric</em>. seek to be in control of situations. firm &amp; forceful in their approach to problems. try to help others by challenging them to prove themselves, as they themselves would.<br /><strong>ENNEAGRAM</strong>: <em>type 8</em>, the challenger. self-confident, strong, &amp; assertive. protective, resourceful, straight-talking, &amp; decisive, but can also be ego-centric &amp; domineering<br /><strong>ZODIAC</strong>: <em>leo</em>. they possess a kingdom which they protest and cherish. they are high esteemed, honorable &amp; very devoted to themselves in particular. they will do whatever it takes to protect their own reputation.</p>
  1541. <p><strong>TROPES</strong>:</p>
  1542. <ul>
  1543. <li><strong>CRIPPLING OVERSPECIALIZATION</strong>. they often have only one weapon, effective against just one particular kind of enemy, &amp; usually cannot defend themselves at all if their particular weapon is ineffective. &mdash; this is relative to jaime&rsquo;s hand loss &amp; his incapability with a sword after being maimed.</li>
  1544. <li><strong>THE SCAPEGOAT</strong>. one who, willingly or otherwise, takes the blame &amp;/or punishment for something for which he or she wasn&rsquo;t responsible. &mdash; though a rebellion was already raging against aerys&rsquo; throne, &amp; those within his court knew him to be mad, it was jaime who took upon him the responsibility of ending aerys&rsquo; life after he threatened a mass murder. despite saving a population of people &amp; swiftly ending the rebellion, jaime was tried for treason against his own throne, but was pardoned &amp; allowed to further serve under robert&rsquo;s reign.</li>
  1545. <li><strong>KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR</strong>. the medieval knight who fights baddies, whether villains, knights or dragons, &amp; in the tourney, charms ladies without deliberately seducing them, behaves honorably, &amp; saves the day with his sword; but also, any hero who behaves similarly. &mdash; though jaime&rsquo;s morality is skewed by his own egotistical savior complex, he inevitably fights for the greater good to fulfill his own idealized dream.</li>
  1546. </ul>
  1547. <p><strong>FEARS</strong>:</p>
  1548. <ul>
  1549. <li><strong>PYROPHOBIA</strong>. bearing witness to aerys&rsquo; fascination with fire planted an intense predisposition. reactions to open flame vary from the minimal abhorrence to outright stagnancy in it&rsquo;s presence.</li>
  1550. </ul>
  1551. <p><strong>MENTAL</strong>:</p>
  1552. <ul>
  1553. <li><strong>POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER</strong>. though first showing signs under the immense abuse of aerys by way of incessant nightmares &amp; flashbacks, it came to it&rsquo;s ultimate fruition after the loss of his sword hand. violent nightmares of aerys warping into a vapid creature consumed by flames &amp; of vargo hoat mutating into aerys himself are common as well are the flashbacks of his time under aerys&rsquo; reign &amp; those recalling his maiming.</li>
  1554. </ul>
  1555. <h2><strong>AESTHETICS</strong></h2>
  1556. <p><strong>TASTES</strong>: sea salt, tart blackberries, fresh rye, willow bark, wild mushrooms, stinging nettles, mead &amp; mulberry wine.<br /><strong>SCENTS</strong>: sandalwood, vanilla, sea salt, fire smoke.<br /><strong>SOUNDS</strong>: steel gnashing steel, mountainous waves crashing upon stone crags, crackling fire, the jarring depth to war drums, a lion&rsquo;s roar parroted among it&rsquo;s pride, stone quaking amidst a violent thunderstorm, the lullabies of war.<br /><strong>MATERIALS</strong>: leather, cotton, blood &amp; gore, fur, dust, mud, ash, rust, steel, rubies, emeralds.<br /><strong>NATURE</strong>: wafting fields of lush grain, flush honeycomb, weeping willow trees, sweeping waves of briny seawater, thick brumes of early morning fog, rivers of juice from split blood oranges &amp; burly pomegranates, crushed rose petals, heat lightning splinting across a dull horizon, sea-carved caverns, colossal limestone cliffs.</p>
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