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Lyra's Misery Part 5

a guest
Nov 3rd, 2012
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  1. >You don’t know how long you were out for, but you could remember two things.
  2. >The scorching and endless pain in your ankle, and someone forcing medication down your throat.
  3. >In your drugged stupor, you finally open your eyes. You couldn’t tell if you were still sleeping or not, everything felt surreal at first.
  4. >Your eyelids are heavy, telling you to go back to sleep. But after Lyra snipped your Achilles tendon and her plans to chop off your hands came to light, you had to wake up.
  5. >You moved your hands, as it turns out they are free once more and thankfully not chopped off.
  6. >You tilt your head up and looked down on your left ankle. Thick layers of gauze were wrapped around and prevented it from twisting.
  7. >Thank God Lyra still had some sense left in her.
  8. >Sense...
  9. >You remember listening to Lyra talking to herself. It wasn’t natural, obviously.
  10. >The way she talked to herself, almost two distinct personalities in one pony. One seeking to keep you safe, the other demeaning and trying to convince herself she needed human hands.
  11. >It was all coming together, her infatuation with hands, how she easily found you in the woods, this nightmare was getting worse.
  12. >You’ve already been stuck in here for over a month, and you know for certain that Twilight and Celestia know you’re gone by now.
  13. >No phone, and no way to contact anyone. Never to see your home and old life again.
  14. >For the first time, despite all the shit you’ve went through, your eyes began to glisten and tear up as your fate was certain at this point.
  15. >You peeked around the room and soaked in what was going on. It was night time, and it was raining outside. The patter of rain hits the glass window; it was probably the most soothing sound right now. It helps to take your mind off the pain in your left leg.
  16. >As you lay there in the dark, you started to think trying to go home was a mistake. You didn’t know this would happen, but if you did then things could have been different.
  17. >It was clear at this point you wouldn’t find the relic on the temple to the north.
  18. >If given the choice, you would live in Ponyville instead of going through this hell. Anything to get away from that demented minty coloured pony.
  19. >Your sadness eventually grew into a seething rage that filled your entire being. Oh how you wanted to beat the shit out of her, snap her legs, smash her face in and make her regret ever fucking with you.
  20. >Fucking....
  21. >That was another thing that troubled you greatly. In your mind you felt it was wrong, but your body didn’t think of it any differently. That’s how the body responds, it doesn’t think.
  22. >For a while, you debated to yourself Lyra’s words, about humans beings animals; maybe you’ve been fooling yourself into thinking you’re too good to have a relationship with a pony.
  23. >These ponies are sentient and intelligent beings in almost every sense. But Lyra was fucking insane and crafty. You hated her, but also felt pity.
  24. >Pity...
  25. >You remember how she cried at yelled at herself and flogged herself. You felt as if the good in her was trapped behind her delusions of making a human love her.
  26. >Human...
  27. >All those pictures of humans. In the painting room and in the hallway. She never painted them.
  28. >If Zecora was correct, then humans really have existed in Equestria at one point. Lyra somehow secured all these ancient drawings and depictions of humans from somewhere.
  29. >Did they have a connection to the temple in the north?
  30. >Then Lyra’s words echoed in your mind “I’ve gotten a human to show up before, I can do it again...”
  31. >Did she trick humans to come to the cabin before? How did she get them to appear-
  32. >In a moment that seemed to have lasted for ever, you remembered...
  34. >It was a late autumn evening, still warm outside. You were leaving your house to go to a nearby store to a few groceries.
  35. >It was a five minute walk, but you enjoyed the fresh air and the exercise. You were thinking about the coming of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 3.
  36. >You took an alley way because it was a quicker route, and you wouldn’t have to wait for the lights to change at the intersection.
  37. >As you walked through the alley, a bright light blinds and envelops you, and the road beneath disappears. You fell into a black void, and you lost consciousness.
  38. >When you woke up, you were found by Zecora.
  40. >The rumbling of thunder in the distance stirred you from your memories.
  41. >It’s crazy, but somehow Lyra knew about the relic that could teleport between dimensions. She must’ve found it and knew she could use it to nab unsuspecting humans from your world.
  42. >What worried you the most is that there were no signs of other humans here. She either had them locked away in other locations or Lyra got rid of them.
  43. >You hypothesized that the other humans weren’t fit for Lyra and her needs; this brings you to the grim realization that she may have killed them.
  44. >You had to get back into that room and look. If that item is here then maybe you can use it to get out of here.
  45. >The wheelchair was gone. Must’ve been moved out of the room.
  46. >You slowly shuffle yourself out of the bed hands first. Lyra was really concerned that your hands were healed; she could afford to fuck up your legs.
  47. >As your legs stayed on the bed, you knew you were in a world of hurt once they hit the floor. You braced yourself as you pulled yourself onto the floor, your legs tumbled down and you managed to slow their descent but the impact still sent you reeling in incredible pain.
  48. >You grunt, but stifled yourself from making any loud sound. Last thing you want is Lyra hearing and finding you out of bed.
  49. >You crawl over to the door, and thankfully you right leg is still useful and helps to push you along.
  50. >Lyra must be either stupid or confident that you were not going to try, the door wasn’t even locked.
  51. >Opening the door ever so slowly, the hinges did not make a sound. It was pitch black, and the rumble of thunder grew louder.
  52. >You crawled across to the painting room, to which the door was left open. You peeked inside, but no wheelchair. Once you got it, then moving around the house would be simpler.
  53. >Seeing the entrance and door leading outside, you crawl in the opposite direction. Perhaps it was in the kitchen.
  54. >As you carefully crawl your way to the kitchen, you began to reconsider your plan of action. What if Lyra sees it was moved? You’ll just have to return it to the exact same place.
  55. >The kitchen wasn’t big, but everything was neat and tidy. There in the corner was the wheelchair folded up.
  56. >You observed the surroundings, making sure there was nothing that could be misplaced. All seemed normal enough.
  57. >Pulling the chair towards you, you pop it open and slowly hoist yourself onto the seat.
  58. >Your arms felt so weak, but after a month or so of not exercising, you should’ve expected to lose some muscle mass.
  59. >Gently you maneuver your left leg onto its resting spot, the pain still pounding but you couldn’t do much at this point.
  60. >There was another door in the kitchen, but you really wanted to check the hidden room before morning came.
  61. >You wheeled to the painting room and there was the door handle, still under the same painting. Note to self: make sure it’s properly straightened before leaving.
  62. >The door swings open and you quickly make your way down the hall. You peer through the keyhole, no one in sight.
  63. >You grab the handle and gently push. The door swings open with a light creak. You freeze for a moment, feeling certain someone could have heard it.
  64. >You relax after a moment and before you continued, you looked at the stone floor. Nothing here that you could possibly break or leave any trace of you being there.
  65. >Just like before, a table in front of you was the one with pictures and candle, the one to the right was covered in scraps of metal, wire and the busted mechanical hand.
  66. >There was a table to the left that caught your attention. It wasn’t a big table; it could’ve been a small nightstand. On it was a stone type of structure, like a pedestal for something.
  67. >You look around, but there was not much to be seen. Whatever could’ve sat on it wasn’t there. If it was the relic you were seeking, Lyra must’ve moved it knowing you might make a second attempt.
  68. Fuck...
  69. >That was all you could mutter. You carefully make you way out, making sure nothing was disturbed.
  70. >Closing the concealing door in the painting room, you painstakingly made sure everything was just as it were.
  71. >As you left the room, you realized the artifact could be anywhere in the house. Would it be worth the risk searching for it? What other alternative did you have?
  72. >Then you face palmed yourself.
  73. >The fucking letter that Twilight gave you!
  74. >If you burned it, then Twilight would get the message and come looking for you. It worked on the same principle as how Spike would use his breath to send letters.
  75. >You remember Lyra taking it somewhere in the direction of the kitchen, that would be a good place to start.
  76. >As you made your way to the kitchen, the approaching thunderstorm grew louder. The lightning flashes illuminated the kitchen.
  77. >You checked the cupboards, making sure you don’t move anything out of place needlessly.
  78. >Nothing but canned goods and other food items. No backpack to be found. You fear she may have thrown it away rather than risk having it found.
  79. >You desperately keep searching, but your attempts prove fruitless.
  80. >That door however...
  81. >You wheel over to the door and quietly open it; you were becoming a professional door ninja at this point.
  82. >You could barely see, but there were stairs leading down into the darkness.
  83. >You wanted to give up, but at this point you came too far to stop. But this would require some pills to help numb the pain.
  84. >You back to the cupboards, and find a bottle of pain killers. You doubt she kept count of these, and there were quite of few of these in the cupboard.
  85. >You pop a couple in your mouth, placed the bottle exactly where it was and sipped water from the tap in the sink.
  86. >Heading back to the door, you eased yourself off and slowly lowering your legs first you made your descent into the darkness. The growl of thunder seemed to fade away as you went deeper.
  87. >You never liked pure darkness, but the stairs seemed to go straight down. Then they took a sharp left. Your eyes gradually adjusted to the dark.
  88. >In the back of your mind, you prayed Lyra doesn’t sleep down here.
  89. >This was painstakingly long, you had no idea what time it was. For all you know Lyra could be awake right now going to the bathroom or checking up on you.
  90. >These stairs seemed to go on forever, this wasn’t a basement. It was too deep for that.
  91. >This was most likely a subbasement. The musty and humid smell fills your nostrils; this was a dank place to be.
  92. >You could see the stairs going down in a spiral now, and you begin to panic. This was a long flight of stairs and it took this long to get down.
  93. >You hear a sound. Talking.
  94. >You freeze and feel your blood run cold.
  95. >shitshitshitshit
  96. >Was it coming from above or below?
  97. >You breath faster and wait in complete silence. The sound came and went, but you determine it would be coming from downstairs.
  98. >You came too far to turn back, you continue your descent.
  99. >The talking became louder, it sounded frustrated. Lyra was talking to herself again.
  100. >You sweat bullets and prayed that she wouldn’t hear you or decide it was time to go upstairs.
  101. >You could see a faint glow reflect off the stone walls as you descend the final bit of stairs that straighten out.
  102. >The wall to the right of the stairs continued straight on, but the subbasement could be seen to the left.
  103. >At the bottom to the left was a bookcase with its back facing to wall right of the stairs, essentially creating this path when you hit the bottom. You would have to take a left past the bookshelf to get into the main area of the subbasement.
  104. >You could see Lyra by just peering above the bookcase, she was leaning against a huge workshop table that fit into the corner of the basement. There were candles strewn about the basement, creating this haunting glow.
  105. >The table was covered in scrolls, books and devices that could only be described as medieval torture tools.
  106. >On the far left of the table was a glowing sphere. About the size of a baseball, it was metallic and etched in the surface were runes that glowed many chromatic colours. It almost pulsed as if it were alive.
  107. >Houston, we found our relic.
  108. >Lyra lets out a frustrated groan; you almost jump out of your pants. Your heart jumps into your throat.
  109. >You quickly, but quietly, position yourself more behind the bookcase and peeked out to watch Lyra.
  110. >”No matter what I do, these hands are not perfect.” She picks up another robotic hand and tosses it to the side.
  111. >She scrambles through her scrolls, trying to find something. “You waste your time trying to make what you cannot hope to achieve. Would be easier to take them now, yes?”
  112. >Lyra, tosses more scrolls to the side and opens books; her magic working furiously to flip the pages. “I know I can find a solution, it’s not my fault you kidnapped innocent humans that didn’t suit out needs.”
  113. >She pulls out a box from under the workshop table and places it on top. Opening the lid she begins to mock herself, “My fault, eh? It was me that found relic and it was me that is making this all possible!”
  114. >She started to cry again and through her yelling began to shriek, “But we DIDN’T HAVE TO KILL THEM!!!” she pulls out three pairs of human skeletal hands from the box.
  115. >Oh my Lord...
  116. >”You are just as guilty, the blood is on your hooves. It’s not my fault that these worthless apes didn’t have perfect hands.” She inspects the bones, “I tried... By everything that is good, I tried....”
  117. >She picked up the smallest hands, “I want my hands to be beautiful... but they were all abominations!”
  118. >”These ones... too frail.” She tosses the small hands and picks up another pair, “And these... too fat. Then these ones, TOO SMALL!”
  119. >Her breathing was loud and strained, picking them all up with her magic she stares at them with disdain, “They’re ugly... Ugly. Ugly! UGLY!” she screams and throws the skeletal hands at the wall, smashing them to pieces.
  120. >She starts to knock stuff off her workshop table and throwing a fit of rage and yells in anger.
  121. >During all this, you noticed on wall facing the back of the bookcase were several hooks, and your backpack was hanging off one of them.
  122. >While Lyra was making a ruckus, this was your chance. You quickly shuffle towards the backpack, unzip the compartment and pull out the scroll. You literally kiss it and hold it in your mouth.
  123. >Zipping up the backpack, you crawl towards the stairs and begin your ascent quickly and discreetly.
  124. >Just as you clear past the bookcase and out of view, you hear the sounds stop.
  125. >Just a quiet sob fills the air.
  126. >”Why can’t Anon just love me?...” she mutters to herself.
  127. >I could list a few reasons.
  128. >She sighs quietly to herself, “I better clean this place...” Thank God, that’ll keep her busy.
  129. >You slowly and surely drag your feet behind you as you crawl up the stairs, making sure you didn’t bump about.
  130. >After a while, your arms felt ready to give out. But the thought of Lyra finding you out pumped adrenaline into your system and gave you the strength to keep going.
  131. >You see a faint light above as you see the door. You double your efforts to make your ascent faster.
  132. >Just as you reach the door, you heard footsteps on the stairs below. You quickly close the door softly.
  133. >fuckshitshitshit!
  134. >No time to get on the wheelchair, you pull yourself across the kitchen floor dragging the wheelchair.
  135. >You get to the corner where the wheelchair was kept; folding it back up you tucked it away. Now to get back to bed.
  136. >You glance out the kitchen window and could see that the sun was getting ready to rise. The footsteps were getting louder.
  137. >You frantically dragged yourself down the hall and back into your room. Quietly closing the door, you could hear Lyra in the kitchen; she was approaching your room.
  138. >With a burst of energy, you drag yourself to your bed and hoist yourself up. Your leg screamed in pain, but you had to do it.
  139. >Taking the scroll, you tuck it under the mattress.
  140. >Covering yourself with blankets, you wipe your brow of the sweat that has accumulated, you took that last few seconds to labour your breathing slower.
  141. >Hearing the door open, you hear Lyra entering the room.
  142. >You dare not open your eyes or peek at her.
  143. >You continued to breathe slowly and pray she was just checking up on you.
  144. >It was eerily quiet, but you could hear her moving closer to your side.
  145. >Her face must have been right up next to yours; you felt her breath on your cheek.
  146. >After what felt like an eternity, she backed off and quietly left the room.
  147. >You lay there, listening for anymore sounds. You were afraid to move at all.
  148. >Did Lyra know what happened?
  149. >Opening your eyes, you reach under the mattress and retrieved the scroll. You gazed at the slightly crumpled paper.
  150. >So close to being found, yet you lack any source of fire o burn it.
  151. >All those candles...
  152. >Did Lyra have matches or did she use her magic to produce a flame?
  153. >You had to worry about that later as you tucked the scroll back under the mattress.
  154. >You began to doze off, tired from your excursion.
  155. >You didn’t sleep for long as Lyra came in to wake you up, she brought more oatmeal and some pain pills.
  156. >”How are you feeling, Anon?” she asked seemingly concerned. You quickly gulp down the pills.
  157. Aside from being gimped for life, OK I guess.
  158. >She shook her head, “It didn’t have to be this way Anon, but I know I can’t change the way you feel about me.”
  159. >She levitates the bowl of oatmeal. You give it a quick sniff, and scooping up some you took little nibbles to ensure Lyra didn’t leave you anymore surprises.
  160. >You had to get her out of the house.
  161. >You couldn’t wait till night to get out of here and Lyra is too damn smart for her own good.
  162. Lyra, what do you plan on doing to me?
  163. >Her head perks up, “Anon, you have no idea how long I’ve been searching for the perfect hands. It’s a shame you don’t love me, but with your hands that will all change.”
  164. >You listened to her but popped the question, “Not to beat around the bush, but how are my hands going to help you?”
  165. >She didn’t know you spied on her last night, but she seemed reluctant to answer at first. “You see Anon... I found something. An ancient relic that opens a portal to your world.”
  166. >She continues, “I found it years ago in a temple, and along side were artifact depicting humans. Such strange and wonderful creatures I thought. How awesome would it be to have one of my own. To love and care for, to be happily married and live out the rest of my life.”
  167. >Her eyes went cold, “But then I discovered something else about humans. You feel superior as to only develop relationships with your own species; claiming to be creatures of a higher calling. That’s when I decided to do something about it...”
  168. >You know where she was going with this.
  169. Then no human could ever say no to you?
  170. >She nods, “If I looked more human; had a human aspect about me, then yes. Hands gave man his place in evolution, Anon. Thus they will give me a place in their hearts.”
  171. I assume you know how you’re going to do this?
  172. >She nods again, “I have the proper medical equipment, I have the will to go through with it and I have you.”
  173. I figured as much, which is why you were so concerned with my hands.
  174. >You finished the rest of your oats, thankfully no more pins.
  175. >She takes the empty and with a heavy heart she says, “Then you know what’s going to happen, right?”
  176. The real question is, when?
  177. >”The sooner, the better.” She replies.
  178. >Fuck, not what you wanted to hear.
  179. >She leaves to take away the dirty dishes.
  180. >Better plan fast.
  181. >A while later, she returns with a moving medical tray filled with all sorts of tools and other objects that made your skin crawl.
  182. >She grabs a bottle of pills, “The best I can do is numb the pain, Anon.”
  183. I understand.
  184. >A leather strap floats into view as it wraps around the mattress and holds your body in place. She does this a couple more time and ensures your hands are properly restrained.
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