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Feb 26th, 2020
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  1. Console
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  3. ServersSkyblockConsole
  4. Server Console
  7. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
  8. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin(
  9. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
  10. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.t(
  11. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.l(
  12. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.a(
  13. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.init(
  14. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at
  15. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at
  16. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN Unexpected end of file from server
  17. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at
  18. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at
  19. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at
  20. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at
  21. 26.02 12:40:25 [Server] WARN at
  22. 26.02 12:40:26 [Multicraft] Skipped 697 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  23. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildTools] - Found 15 tools in config.yml.
  24. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildTools] Loading configuration done (Took 61ms)
  25. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildTools] Loading messages started...
  26. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildTools] - Found 0 messages in lang.yml.
  27. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildTools] Loading messages done (Took 4ms)
  28. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildTools]
  29. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildTools] A new version is available (v2.7.2)!
  30. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildTools] Version's description: "Bug fixing, paper anti-xray support & more!"
  31. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildTools]
  32. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildTools] ******** ENABLE DONE ********
  33. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildChests] Enabling WildChests v1.3.4
  34. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildChests] ******** ENABLE START ********
  35. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildChests] Loading configuration started...
  36. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildChests] - Found 6 chests in config.yml.
  37. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildChests] Loading configuration done (Took 24ms)
  38. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildChests] Loading messages started...
  39. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildChests] - Found 37 messages in lang.yml.
  40. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildChests] Loading messages done (Took 4ms)
  41. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildChests]
  42. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildChests] A new version is available (v1.4.0)!
  43. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildChests] Version's description: "1.15 support, optimizations & more!"
  44. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildChests]
  45. 26.02 12:40:26 [Server] INFO [WildChests] ******** ENABLE DONE ********
  46. 26.02 12:40:27 [Server] INFO UUID of player 123luka321 is a43286b5-305b-4f90-93a5-82e0c0870356
  47. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] Startup Done (24.660s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  48. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO Timings Reset
  49. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [EnhBalTop] Hooked Successfully Into HolographicDisplays v2.4.1
  50. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [PlayerVaults] We didn't find an update!
  51. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO Checking for updates using the Spigot API...
  52. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [Matrix] Start checking update....
  53. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO > Matrix Updater:
  54. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO Matrix has an update: 4.3.2 current version: 4.2.2
  55. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO Download link:
  56. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO ==============================================
  57. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO CombatLogX Update Checker
  58. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO You are using a beta or bleeding-edge version.
  59. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO Thanks for testing CombatLogX!
  60. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO ==============================================
  61. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO (FAWE) Plugin 'WorldGuard' found. Using it now.
  62. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO (FAWE) Detected class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
  63. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [AdvancedEnchantments] Enchantments loaded: 41
  64. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Successfully loaded schematic normal_nether.schematic (SuperiorSkyblock)
  65. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Successfully loaded schematic mycel_nether.schematic (SuperiorSkyblock)
  66. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Successfully loaded schematic normal_the_end.schematic (SuperiorSkyblock)
  67. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Successfully loaded schematic mycel.schematic (SuperiorSkyblock)
  68. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Successfully loaded schematic normal.schematic (SuperiorSkyblock)
  69. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Successfully loaded schematic desert_nether.schematic (SuperiorSkyblock)
  70. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Successfully loaded schematic desert_the_end.schematic (SuperiorSkyblock)
  71. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Successfully loaded schematic desert.schematic (SuperiorSkyblock)
  72. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Successfully loaded schematic mycel_the_end.schematic (SuperiorSkyblock)
  73. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Trying to connect to SQLite database...
  74. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Successfully established connection with SQLite database!
  75. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Starting to load players...
  76. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Finished players!
  77. 26.02 12:40:28 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Starting to load islands...
  78. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Finished islands!
  79. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Starting to load grid...
  80. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Finished grid!
  81. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Starting to load stacked blocks...
  82. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [SuperiorSkyblock2] Finished stacked blocks!
  83. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [AuctionHouse] Cleaned 0 listing
  84. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [PlayerVaults] ** Vaults have already been converted to UUIDs. If this is incorrect, shutdown your server and rename the plugins/PlayerVaults/uuidvaults directory.
  85. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [MythicMobs] ✓Using HolographicDisplays plugin for holograms
  86. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildStacker] Loading providers started...
  87. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildStacker] - Couldn't find any spawners providers, using default one.
  88. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildStacker] - Using HolographicDisplays as HologramsProvider.
  89. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildStacker] Found ShopGUIPlus - Hooked as SpawnerProvider!
  90. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildStacker]
  91. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildStacker] Detected FastAsyncWorldEdit - Disabling ticks limiter for items...
  92. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildStacker]
  93. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildStacker] Loading providers done (Took 14ms)
  94. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildTools] Loading providers started...
  95. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildTools] - Using v1_12_R1 adapter.
  96. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildTools] - Using ShopGUIPlus as PricesProvider.
  97. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildTools] - Couldn't find any factions providers, using default one.
  98. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildTools] Loading providers done (Took 4ms)
  99. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [WildChests] - Using ShopGUIPlus as PricesProvider
  100. 26.02 12:40:29 [Server] INFO [SpigotLib] Starting TPSMeter...
  101. 26.02 12:40:30 [Multicraft] Skipped 57 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  102. 26.02 12:40:30 [Connect] User 123luka321, IP
  103. 26.02 12:40:30 [Multicraft] 123luka321 ran command Message of the Day
  104. 26.02 12:40:30 [Server] INFO [Vault] Checking for Updates ...
  105. 26.02 12:40:30 [Server] INFO [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Applying GroupTag to 123luka321
  106. 26.02 12:40:30 [Server] INFO [Vault] No new version available
  107. 26.02 12:40:30 [Server] INFO [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Trying to use MVdWPlaceholderAPI for placeholders
  108. 26.02 12:40:30 [Server] INFO [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Trying to use MVdWPlaceholderAPI for placeholders
  109. 26.02 12:40:30 [Server] INFO [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Created FakeTeam NLIRY_DD1. Size: 1
  110. 26.02 12:40:30 [Server] INFO [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] 123luka321 has been added to team NLIRY_DD1
  111. 26.02 12:40:30 [Server] INFO [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Trying to use MVdWPlaceholderAPI for placeholders
  112. 26.02 12:40:30 [Server] INFO >> + 123luka321
  113. 26.02 12:40:30 [Server] INFO [BuycraftX] Fetching all due players...
  114. 26.02 12:40:30 [Server] INFO [BuycraftX] Fetched due players (0 found).
  115. 26.02 12:40:31 [Server] INFO [AddLight 4.3.2] Successfully started Metrics
  116. 26.02 12:40:31 [Server] INFO [AddLight 4.3.2] See
  117. 26.02 12:40:31 [Server] INFO [Matrix] (!) Error while connecting internet:SocketTimeoutException
  118. 26.02 12:40:31 [Server] INFO [Matrix] (!) connect timed out
  119. 26.02 12:40:31 [Server] INFO [Matrix] Plugin Enabled
  120. 26.02 12:40:32 [Server] INFO Delayed load of plugin.
  121. 26.02 12:40:32 [Server] INFO 123luka321 issued server command: /is
  122. 26.02 12:40:32 [Server] INFO Successfully connected to version MC1_12_R1'!
  123. 26.02 12:40:33 [Server] INFO [EnhBalTop] Fetched And Sorted 65 OffLine Player Balances
  124. 26.02 12:40:33 [Server] INFO [MyCmd] Spawning NPCs...
  125. 26.02 12:40:38 [Server] INFO [MyCommand] found an update for MyCommand. Type /mycommand for more infos.
  126. 26.02 12:40:38 [Server] INFO [AddLight 4.3.2] You are running the latest version.
  127. 26.02 12:40:41 [Server] INFO [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Found Spigot: v1_12_R1! Trying to find NMS support
  128. 26.02 12:40:41 [Server] INFO [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] NMS support 'MC1_12_R1' loaded!
  129. 26.02 12:40:50 [Server] INFO UUID of player MacekCro is 50b381cc-b325-4ebe-87d2-1f88673d443a
  130. 26.02 12:40:50 [Connect] User MacekCro, IP
  131. 26.02 12:40:50 [Multicraft] MacekCro ran command Message of the Day
  132. 26.02 12:40:50 [Server] INFO [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Applying GroupTag to MacekCro
  133. 26.02 12:40:50 [Server] INFO >> + MacekCro
  134. 26.02 12:40:50 [Server] INFO [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Trying to use MVdWPlaceholderAPI for placeholders
  135. 26.02 12:40:50 [Server] INFO [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Trying to use MVdWPlaceholderAPI for placeholders
  136. 26.02 12:40:50 [Server] INFO [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Using existing team for MacekCro
  137. 26.02 12:40:50 [Server] INFO [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] MacekCro has been added to team NLIRY_DD1
  138. 26.02 12:40:50 [Server] INFO [NametagEdit] [DEBUG] Trying to use MVdWPlaceholderAPI for placeholders
  139. 26.02 12:41:00 [Server] INFO MacekCro issued server command: /is go
  140. 26.02 12:41:00 [Server] INFO >> Unknown Command
  141. 26.02 12:41:02 [Server] INFO 123luka321 issued server command: /mobcoins redeem 197
  142. 26.02 12:41:09 [Server] INFO 123luka321 issued server command: /mobcoins withdraw 197
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