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Jul 18th, 2018
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  1. TEAM_ASSASSIN = AddExtraTeam("Assassin", Color(200, 75, 75, 255), {"models/player/guerilla.mdl"}, [[Doing hits for money, no rdm Rdming can lead to you getting banned from the server.
  2. ]], {"weapon_real_cs_awp" , "Weapon_real_cs_usp"}, "assassin", 1, 45, 0, true, false)
  4. TEAM_Guard = AddExtraTeam("Guard",Color(0,120,255,255),"models/player/barney.mdl",[[ As Guard u have to
  5. defend People or buildings. Preferably for ca$h
  6. and dont rdm'!]],{"weapon_real_cs_p228"},"Guard",4,45,0, false, false)
  8. TEAM_BLACK = AddExtraTeam("BlackMarket", Color(160, 0, 145, 255), "models/player/eli.mdl", [[As BlackMarket
  9. you sell illegal stuff'!]], {}, "BlackMarket", 2, 50, 0, false, false)
  11. TEAM_SWAT = AddExtraTeam("SWAT",Color(0,120,255,255),"models/player/urban.mdl",[[ AS a SWAT you
  12. fight for the law.
  13. sometimes you are the last chance
  14. of the police. Abusing this job = Ban']],{"weapon_m4", "arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "weapon_glock"},"SWAT",2,200,0,true)
  16. TEAM_SWAT_leader = AddExtraTeam("swat leader", Color(13,78,23,255),"models/player/swat.mdl", [[Lead the S.W.A.T. Team and stop the Criminals, give your men the orders. Abusing this job = Ban']], {"weapon_deagle2","weapon_pumpshotgun2","door_ram","stunstick","unarrest_stick","arrest_stick","cse_eq_flashbang","cse_eq_hegrenade"}, "leader", 1, 300, 0, true, false, TEAM_SWAT)
  18. TEAM_SWAT_Sniper = AddExtraTeam("swat sniper", Color(51,53,23,255),"models/player/riot.mdl", [[Be a sniper and help your team, but follow your leaders orders. Abusing this job = Ban']], {"ls_sniper","weapon_glock2"}, "sniper", 1, 200, 0, true, false, TEAM_SWAT)
  20. TEAM_Bailer = AddExtraTeam("Bail bondsman",Color(1,33,100,255), "models/player/hostage/hostage_03.mdl",[[ Bail people our from jail, Min cost:500 Max cost: 1.000' ]],{},"Bailer",2,55,0,false)
  22. TEAM_admin = AddExtraTeam("Admin on duty", Color(255,204,0,255), "models/player/daftpunk/daft_silver.mdl", [[ Admin on duty This is for when an admin is needed! NOT AN RP CLASS]], {"weapon_fiveseven2","weapon_m42","door_ram","stunstick","unarrest_stick","arrest_stick"}, "admin", 100, 0, 1, false, false)
  24. TEAM_SUPERADMIN = AddExtraTeam("Super Admin on Duty", Color(225,200,0,200), "models/player/daftpunk/daft_gold.mdl", [[ Super admin on duty you are the superadmin. NOT AN RP CLASS!!!!!]], {"weapon_fiveseven2","weapon_m42","door_ram","stunstick","unarrest_stick","arrest_stick"}, "SUPERADMIN", 100, 0, 2, false, false)
  26. TEAM_Mafia = AddExtraTeam("Mafia Member", Color(0,12,255,255), {
  27. "models/player/humans/suits1/male_01.mdl",
  28. "modles/player/humans/suits1/male_02.mdl",
  29. "models/player/humans/suits1/male_03.mdl",
  30. "models/player/humans/suits1/male_04.mdl",
  31. "models/player/humans/suits1/male_05.mdl",
  32. "models/player/humans/suits1/male_06.mdl",
  33. "models/player/humans/suits1/male_07.mdl",
  34. "models/player/humans/suits1/male_08.mdl",
  35. "models/player/humans/suits1/male_09.mdl"},[[You are a Mafia member you hate the Mob]], {}, "Mafia", 5, 50, 0, false, false)
  37. TEAM_Mafia_Leader = AddExtraTeam("Mafia Leader", Color(0,12,255,255), "models/player/gman_high.mdl", [[You lead the Mafia to attack the Mob]], {"lockpick", "unarrest_stick", "weapon_real_cs_knife"}, "MafiaLeader", 1, 60, 0, false, {TEAM_MAFIA})
  39. TEAM_Detective = AddExtraTeam("Detective", Color(225,0,225,225), "models/player/Group03/Male_09.mdl", [[ You are a detective]], {"weapon_real_cs_p228", "arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "stunstick", "lockpick"}, "detective", 2, 200, 0, false)
  41. TEAM_Theif = AddExtraTeam("Theif", Color(0,0,0,225), "models/player/arctic.mdl", [[ You steal things ]], {"lockpick", "Keypad_cracker"}, "theif", 5, 100,0, false)
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