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Nov 15th, 2015
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  1. I think the top answer here is almost completely wrong. I think the answer is that there is NO support for men out there. ZERO. ZIP. nobody cares about a man's emotional issues. People tell me to man the fuck up when I feel hurt. There is no correct response to pain when you are a man in America. If you cry, you are weak, if you do not, you are a brute. There are less than 10 men's shelters in North America. Less than 10 places for men to go if they have nowhere else. Women don't face these problems. They simply don't. Society gives plenty and more resources to help homeless women and thier families stay off the streets, even though the vast majority of homeless people are male. There are even homeless and battered women's shelters in my area that take women and girls in, but not boys over the age of 12. Because they are a potential threat to the other little girls and women. But these same boys aged 12-18 are not allowed into regular homeless shelters or soup kitchens because the already present male element could be harmful to them. So in other words: 12-18 year old boys can't be around little girls because all of them will rape. But they can't be around grown men either, because they will get raped. Where do these shelters come up with these rules? Society blatantly blaming men for all problems while absolving women and handing them every bit of the aid they want. Along this fucked up line of thinking; just last week I was shopping with my mother and my little brother. My little brother is 5 years old, he is an enthusiastic, happy, outgoing little kid. While I was in the store my mom needed to split up from me and my brother. While I continued to walk through the aisles picking up things on our list and I notice. For 10 minutes after my mother had left to pick up some other items a woman had started following me around the store. Not subtle in the least. She was blatantly and obviously following me, scrutinizing everything I picked up and watched with a death glare every single interaction I was having with my little brother sitting in the cart. Once I had noticed her I tried to ignore her, I walked away and tried to lose her by weaving between aisles and making laps around the store. She followed not 15 feet behind the entire time. As if it was necessary. Even IF I WERE going to do ANYTHING to my baby brother it sure as shit wouldn't be in the middle of a fucking grocery store. There was no reason or explanation or justification for the way she profiled me and equated me being within 10 feet of my BROTHER with me being a fucking child rapist. Why does this fucking mentality exist? Even in prisons filled with murderers and serial killers child molesters are the scum. They are less than human. In America's prisons men who are convicted of being child molesters are found out. And killed in horrible, brutal, cruel ways. Because even by mass murderers standards child molesters are fucking sub-human. Yet I was profiled as such for simply having a penis. Related to my brother; a month ago his general practitioner prescribed my five year old brother with Ritalin. Ritalin. What terribly deficiency did my brother have to need such a hard core drug? Well... at the doctors office my brother was enthusiastically describing all the stuffed animals he wanted to get for Christmas. The doc asked "what do you most of all for Christmas?" He replied with his energetic, boyish nature: a chainsaw. And with that he was diagnosed with adhd and prescribed Ritalin for life. For being a boy and having a personality. Now my mother isn't a fuck wad and threw the prescription away but that doesn't change that 1 out of 3 boys in America are prescribed Ritalin or Adderall for simple behavioral "diagnoses." It's literally the patholization of being a boy. Of having a penis. Along with treating boyhood like a disease; circumcision is popular in the United States as it is commonly believed that it helps keep the penis clean, and reduces the risk of hiv infection. The single study that shows this as the case was conducted in south Africa where hiv rates are incredibly high. And bath rates are incredibly low. But in America, where 99% of us can afford to bathe, and wash our dicks/vaginas we don't need to cut a piece of our bodies off to be clean. And no. Circumcision does not prevent hiv any more than raping little kids does (Another common snake oil type remedy that is common in south Africa for curing aids). It's literally teaching boys that their genetalia is wrong because they didn't cut the tip off. I myself used to totally loathe my own dick simply because I believed that the foreskin had no purpose and was ugly and disgusting and no girl would like it. Bullshit. I'm fucking glad I have my foreskin cause it's fucking useful. And guess what else it is? Clean. And hiv FREE. The best prevention for any std is education and safe sex practices. ABSOLUTELY NOT CUTTING OFF THE SKIN OF YOUR DICK. How about the millions of father's in America today who are forced to support families that they are not allowed to see. And risk jail time if they cannot or will not pay child support. I know a man who was ordered to pay more child support than money he actually made in a month. This man has spent the last six months in a state penitentiary and will continue to do so until his 18 months is up. Upon which he will be released so as to allow him to start catching up on 18 months of missed child support. That's is the court system for men. Pay up or go to jail. Only 7% of father's in divorce cases get custody of children. If the courts weren't biased I feel like it would be at least 14% or 20% not 7. Not 7.
  2. I could go on about the way boys and girls are treated differently in school. I could go on about the lack of support ANY man has. Even when they are vets, suffering from ptsd we ridicule them and let them suffer on the streets because they are not women. Our society fights so hard to refuse seeing men as victims of anything. As a man I have to be strong. But I'm not allowed to be brute. But if I show my emotions I'm ridiculed as a wuss. As a man I am constantly being profiled as a pervert and rapist for simple things like being around my little brother or my girlfriend. As a man I do not get to argue my dissenting opinions with a woman for fear of offending her and bringing on retribution. As a man I cannot retake tests at my school. Nor am I allowed to complain that there isn't a changing station in the boys bathrooms. As a man I am treated as a second class citizen due to my penis. I'm not allowed to let any of this bother me. I'm a man. I am strong. And I can handle it all. Meanwhile feminism is running campaigns dedicated to "manspreading" as if I've never been on a train and saw a single woman with three purses and a backpack taking up 4 seats to herself (but mostly for her stuff.) But it's my knees that are taking too much room in my own fucking seat. This is what "equality" looks like. Yep. Feminism sure cares about men. Because men have no issues left to deal with.
  3. THAT is why the male suicide rate is SO much higher than that of women's. Not because of success rates. Success of suicide rates come nowhere near explaining the massive fucking disparity there is between the male and female suicide rates. And even if it did: there would be a curve to it as time passed. People who fail suicide usually succeed with the next attempt or the next. Or the next. Or the next. The success rates would close all the way to 90% if it really was JUST down to how successful the attempt was.
  4. Edit: Google toxic masculinity. Those are the voices of what people actually believe. You wonder why men feel like shit enough to wanna kill themselves? That's fucking why.
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