
nigger pasta

Oct 1st, 2013
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  1. What the fuck is wrong with you? In fact not just you, everyone in general who actually finds things like these funny? Yeah, "haha!", is all you assholes say whenever you joke about people of poor status, especially Africans. You are insane for even thinking about jokes that relate to people being impoverished. You sit in your homes with heat, food, water, air conditioning, and other basic things that maintain your lives. Yet what do all of you do? Make fun of people with nothing. I wonder why assholes like you guys even exist at all. All you guys fucking do is rejoice at the suffering of other people. You guys seriously have extreme mental issues and should be very ashamed of yourselves. Take a good look at yourselves and realize that the bullshit you pull on this website is seriously fucked up. Just put yourself in the shoes of those who don't have anything and you would see that shit like this is no fucking laughing matter. Laughing about shit like this is just crossing a fine like between funny and fucked up. And clearly you all are dwelling in that fucked up zone. You guys for fucking once should stop acting like immature assholes and not pull shit like this. It i seriously is not good at all. You know what I see in all of you? I see the image of an immature 11 year old who takes everything for granted and believes that everything in life is a joke. Well guess what morons? Life is anything BUT a joke. There are harsh realities that each and every one of you will have to deal with sooner or later, and then you will see exactly what I'm talking about.
  2. Burn in hell. All of you.
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