

Nov 18th, 2018
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  1. Update v1.20:
  3. Change Log
  4. Terran Colony Upgrades
  5. Provide free crew to the player
  6. Heal human ships
  7. Each colony now also provides a certain reward:
  9. Colony 1 (Epsilon Trireme: Epsilon Trireme)
  10. Gives the player a Flanking Nuke
  11. Unlocks Terran Scout for purchase
  12. Gives the player several Terran scouts
  14. Colony 2 (Sirius A: P3X-411)
  15. Gives you a free choice between max level Fleet Deflector, Fleet Accelerator, and Fleet Weapon Amplifier
  17. Colony 3 (Ross 128: Planet Ebru)
  18. Unlocks Terran Cruiser Mark II for purchase. Gives free choice between Lander components
  20. Gameplay
  21. Lander cargo has (almost) infinite cargo space The lander can now carry up to 1000 minerals provided there is room on your flagship. Landing Cargo modules are no longer for sale. Existing ones can be sold.
  23. Modding
  24. Adventure Studio is ready for use! Go to the crafting menu to launch this editor to create your own quests and dialogs.
  25. Added a button to disable all mods in the Multiverse screen. This calls a new function in the INI settings to clear out the list of enabled mods and refreshes the UI.
  26. Any mod that does not fit into "Adventure", "Maps", or "Params" is now put into a new "Misc" tab
  27. Enabled controller support for the Multiverse screen and adjusted the spacing and padding of several controls to facilitate UI Navigation
  28. Made player ship and ship components moddable
  30. Interface Improvements
  31. Implemented new lock for resources so you can't accidentally sell them
  32. Added the ability to sell resources one-by-one
  33. Mousing over planets now provides detail information about that planet
  34. While on autopilot, your destination is shown on the map
  35. Homeworlds now get auto-pinned when you told to go there.
  37. Bugs
  38. The Mu'Kay won't hassle you late game
  39. Fixed some weirdness updating enabled Mods UI when Subscribing/Unsubscribing
  40. Fixing the end-game behavior for 4 Measured ships who live in a system far from home.
  41. Scripting fix for Alpha Satori if you arrive at the final battle having somehow sold/removed your Pinthi dispersal module.
  42. Hid all of the crashed ships on Gas Giants (the mysterious interesting objects you all found too quickly) until humans can develop the tech to safely land there.
  43. You can not open the Origin before the Tywom trial and cause bad things to happen
  44. Fixed a bad Xraki ship thumbnail
  45. Fix for players unable to complete the Tywom Trial.
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