
Horrific Halloween (Special 3n1)

Oct 31st, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Hey guys! Happy Halloween! I whipped up this special just today, so sorry if it seems rushed.
  4. 1: The Prologue
  6. T‘was a cold Hallows’ Eve. The night where spirits, zombies, and ghouls roam around mere mortals. That’s why a few mamono want the holiday banned, something about “cultural stigmatization” or something. But no matter, as this was the night my buddies and I always let loose. Halloween, on a Saturday, with a full moon, it was too good to pass up! That’s why my kikimora girlfriend and I had been planning a Halloween part for the last few weeks.
  8. “Araceli... don’t you think this is a bit too much?” I asked the woman currently setting up the snack bar. She was wearing her typical maid uniform with a few small add-ons; pale face paint, a fake knife in the back, and wheely shoes. It was well done for such a short time, really gave off the appearance of a ghost.
  10. “Not at all. Can you hand me the candy bag? I want to leave some out for the trick-or-treaters.” I handed her the giant bags of chocolate, licorice, and more. I thought she was crazy for wanting to get five separate variety bags, but then I considered this was for both them and the party.
  12. “Here you go.” I gave her the bags with a grunt. She turned around from the punch bowl and got a good look at me in my costume for the first time.
  14. “What are you supposed to be?” She asked, pointing at the red vest? “Are you afraid of drowning?”
  16. “I’m Marty?” She shook her head. “Marty McFly?”
  18. “Oh! From Blade Runner!”
  20. All I could do was put my head in my hands and sigh.
  22. “Did you place the order for the pizzas yet?” I said to distract myself from the asinine comment I had heard.
  24. “Should be delivered here for around 6.”
  26. “Good. Joseph and Sinphia are on their way. Got everything set up?” Araceli pulled the notepad from a pocket on her outfit.
  28. “I hung the streamers, replaced the lightbulbs to be orange, strobe lights and disco balls attached to the walls, smoke machine near the front door, windows covered in bloody handprints, the brain cake is in the fridge...” She stopped to take a breath. “...Chips, dip, candy, soda, and beer are all set in the table, cups, plates, and napkins on the counter, the tv is playing Halloween, place mats and decorations on the furniture, speakers set up, and the lawn ornaments and pumpkins are outside.”
  30. Once seeing it all set up, it dawned on me how impressive everything was. Sure, it’d likely be in ruins in no time, but it was great. Now all we needed was the guests to arrive.
  33. 2: The Party
  35. “C’mon Honey! We’ll be late!” Ryan yelled to his Hellhound wife, Heather.
  37. “Give me a second!” Ryan looked at his phone to see it was 6:07, his wife had been getting ready for the last 2 hours, but he was used to it. He then heard the familiar sound of paws coming down the stairs, he was ready for the surprise she was building up...
  39. “A slutty Santa?” He asked?
  41. “What’d ya think, huh? I’m a Halloween mascot AND sexily dressed!” For the record, she did look sexy, and had the spirit, but not the knowledge.
  43. “Honey, you do know that Santa is CHRISTMAS, right? We’re going to a Halloween party.” He explained to the slow hellhound.
  45. “I don’t follow.”
  47. “Santa is for Christmas, monsters are Halloween. You got them backwards.” She looked down at her costume in silence, a frown spreading across her face.
  49. “But I’m still sexy, right?”
  51. “Of course you are, dear. Let’s get going, the party has started.”
  53. ********************
  55. The party was in full swing by the time the couple had arrived, so there was stuff to catch up on. Drake answered the door and already looked a bit tipsy.
  57. “Ryan! ‘Bout time you showed up!” He slugged Ryan’s arm, splashing a beer on his vampire costume.
  59. “Good to see ya bud.” Ryan ushered him and his wife into the house. It was filled with about 10 couples at this point with a variety of costumes. There was your classic monsters like Frankenstein, a ton of movie characters, and nearly every mamono was a slutty version of something. One couple that stood out in particular was a guy dressed as Beetlejuice, and a Bunyip next to him as a Sandworm from the movie.
  61. “Sweet!” Ryan shouted, seeing a costume from his favorite movie. He tapped on the shoulder of Beetlejuice, only for it to be Joseph.
  63. “Oh, hey Joe! Didn’t expect to see you and Sinphia here!” Joe chuckled and pointed at her.
  65. “Once I was invited, she just had to drag along in a couples costume, so I chose one that fit her well.”
  67. “Not literally.” She had come back from the food table holding plates of pizza and chips, one for her, one for Joe. “I don’t want to wear the mask and the stocking pants keeps riding up.” Well that was too much for Ryan to know.
  69. “Alllrighty then... I’m gonna get some food.” Joe shot a thumbs up as Ryan tried to make his way through the crowd of people. As Ryan approached the table, he couldn’t help but overhear an argument going on beside him. It was between two guys; one dressed as Indiana Jones, and the other as Han Solo.
  71. “I’m telling ya man! Indy would win in a fight! All Han has is a blaster, Indy has a whip, a pistol, and experience in perilous situations!” Han scoffed at the idea that was said to him.
  73. “All Indy ever did was run from a rock. Han on the other hand, is the guy who ran 12 parsecs...” Ryan had disengaged from the conversation long ago and was piling his plate high with pizza and wings. It was early in the night, so just a Miller for now.
  75. On his way to find his wife, he encountered a man wearing a trench coat. He was holding it shut with his arms against his body.
  77. “Oh great.” Ryan thought to himself. “Another flasher.” His thought was correct, as the man swung open the coat to reveal a large sign that read “BOO!”
  79. ********************
  81. Even as the night went on, more and more guests showed up to the party, eventually spilling outside as well. Most Trick-Or-Treaters had gone home at this point, so the adults were left to themselves.
  83. Ryan was stuck sitting next to some Anubis dressed as a random scientist. She couldn’t stop blabbering about how he discovered the position of the planets or something, he didn’t care.
  85. Suddenly, a scream rang out of the living room. He chalked it up as a part of the movie that was on, but more and more were coming. As curiosity got the better of him, he realized why...
  87. A dead body.
  90. 3: The Murder
  92. Everyone gathered around the lone man who was in his own pool of blood. A knife stuck out of his zombie costume, kinda ironic.
  94. “Yo yo yo, turn that shit down! Turn on the lights!” Drake commanded to anyone that would listen. Araceli followed his orders, now hyperventilating. Among her heavy breaths was a lot of commotion.
  96. “What the fuck?”
  98. “Did anyone see anything?”
  100. “Oh my god what is going on?”
  102. “Yo, you’re out of beer!” Everyone stopped in their tracks after hearing that last part.
  104. “Scott! Someone just died!” Scott shrugged at what he heard. He shuffled closer, his football player costume restricting his movement.
  106. “C’mon guys, it’s a murder, not a tax audit. I’ll be fine.” Forgetting about him, the attention went back to the body. It was Brady, some douchebag that no one really seemed to know.
  108. “Call the police!” Heather screamed. Many guests scrambled to their phones, the WiFi was out, and data didn’t seem to work. The landline was snipped.
  110. Ryan tried to leave through the front door, it was blocked from the outside. All of the doors were blocked. Everyone scrambled trying to find a way out. Windows, doors, phones, nothing could have been used.
  112. “Guys, calm down! Nothing is going to happen!” Drake yelled.
  114. The lights then went out.
  116. A grunt came out of someone.
  118. Then a thud.
  120. Just as people feared, the killer had struck again. This time... Ryan.
  122. “NOOO!” Heather cried. “Not him!” Her husband... taken in front of her.
  124. To say she went on a rampage would be an understatement.
  126. Broken tv, shelves ripped from the wall, the couch shredded, food thrown, she did it all.
  128. Then it went to pouncing on everyone.
  130. “Was it you? Did you kill him? I’ll be sure you’re nothing! You hear me? NOTHING!” Drake then rushed to her side.
  132. “Heather! Heather! Calm down! It’s part of the party!” She continued to cry as Drake and Araceli explained everything.
  134. “It was supposed to be like a murder mystery! They’re still alive!” Brady and Ryan stood up, pulling the fake knives out of them. “We had Mark lock the doors and cut off our router. We wanted to try it out, thinking it would be cool. We should’ve thought this through...”
  136. The mood of the party was now killed thanks to Heather (no pun intended). She took a heavy breath.
  138. “S-sorry.” She pulled out her wallet while wiping a tear off her eye. “How much you need for damages? 5? 600?” Drake laughed at the offer.
  140. “Thanks, but we were looking at remodeling.” That was a relief to hear.
  142. ********************
  144. Even with the destruction behind them, everyone had a good time at the party...
  146. Aside from Araceli, too much work cleaning it all up.
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