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Jan 24th, 2017
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  2. <Uncle_Bones> btw new law going through senate right now will allow trump to have full control over all federal regulations without congress or agency approval
  3. <Sonikku>
  4. <Uncle_Bones> speaking of bad laws
  5. <BMM> source uncle bones?
  6. <DeputyBS> that makes pence donkey
  7. <DeputyBS> because hes an asshole
  8. <Uncle_Bones>
  9. <Absol> -!- Text - H.R.5 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017 | | Library of Congress
  10. <BMM> ara jasus that's going to be in legalese. Is there a source that translates that?
  11. <Uncle_Bones> btw he also froze all EPA grants and got five of my friends fired as a result + their years of research ruined in one day
  12. <BMM> wait what
  13. <Uncle_Bones> and a ton of agencies are now forebidden from discussing anything with the public or media
  14. <Uncle_Bones> until further notice
  15. <Uncle_Bones> say hi to the burning ship
  16. <DeputyBS> he defunded clinics that give counseling for abortion
  17. <BMM> that's the mexico city policy, that applies internationally
  18. <BMM> not domestically. but he's going to defund them alway
  19. <DeputyBS> also democrats are making a deal where if trump gives them $1 trillion for infrastructure they'll support his decisions
  20. <BMM> in other news i heard cananda was lovely at this time of year
  21. <BMM> ireland too, a lot of europe really. not britain though
  22. <Uncle_Bones> my b plan involves moving to poland
  23. <DeputyBS> if worse comes to worst i can try to bunk with erga in toronto
  24. <Uncle_Bones> it's looking more and more like a shift to the b plan now, though getting the family along will prove uh
  25. <Uncle_Bones> difficult
  26. <Uncle_Bones> and costly
  27. <DeputyBS> only a couple hours from where i live
  28. <BMM> Poland's not a bad place. I've heard some shitty things in regards to abortion laws going on there though
  29. <BMM> and my Polish friend says he'll pretty much never return since the government is shit
  30. <Uncle_Bones> btw USDA also is one of the agencies barred from public and media reports so they can't tell anyone about potential dangers with food being sold
  31. <Uncle_Bones> poland is my plan b because i can move and live there with people without needing to pay for awhile
  32. <Uncle_Bones> so it's a realisitic option
  33. <BMM> oh that's cool
  34. <BMM> you have family there i assume?
  35. <Uncle_Bones> heh it's more a panic mode no goon thought would need to be in effect ever
  36. <Uncle_Bones> no just friends
  37. <Uncle_Bones> russia is also an option but like
  38. <Uncle_Bones> that wouldn't be much of a change
  39. <Uncle_Bones> and probably would end up worse in the long run
  40. <DeputyBS> dont worry russia is gonna come to us!
  41. <Uncle_Bones> pf
  42. * boo_block ( has joined
  43. <Uncle_Bones> in the end everyone should have a panic/desperation plan just in case
  44. <Uncle_Bones> never know when things will go postal
  45. <DeputyBS> the worst part is no one is gonna look at any of this going on
  46. <BMM> I am incredibly lucky of where I am and where I was born
  47. <DeputyBS> cuz theyre focused on punching nazis and alternative facts memes
  48. <Uncle_Bones> given these agencies are completely barred from media reports
  49. <Uncle_Bones> a lot of it just can't be told anyway
  50. <BMM> not to sound nationalistic but I am proud of Ireland and the Irish people. If i had my way I would never leave
  51. <DeputyBS> or just the superficial bullshit like trump complaining about hillary winning the popular vote still
  52. <Noivern> choco contest results are in
  53. <BMM> unfortunately I might need to because of my job prospects or other reasons, but if I do I would still want to return
  54. <DeputyBS> i love the us i just hate the people in charge and what they're currently doing to this country
  55. <BMM> trump was complaining today abut people not liking him
  56. <BMM> motherfucker you're the leader of a huge country where 50% of the population is gonna dislike you intensely anyway
  57. <BMM> add onto the fact you're delibertely being divise as fuck
  58. <BMM> yeah, course people aren't gonna like you
  59. <BMM> What the fuck did you think Obama had to deal with?
  60. <DeputyBS> btw bones what do you do to keep tabs of all this
  61. <DeputyBS> oh yeah and the guy that's now the head of the fcc is gonna try to get rid of net neutrality
  62. <BMM> that will be fun
  63. <Uncle_Bones> i know a lot of plugged in folks online that send reports around, usually people who work for agencies or folks who know folks; the key is to keep track of how often what they say is actually real and not fake leak bullshit
  64. <BMM> and by fun, i'm going to miss your shitposts :(
  65. <Uncle_Bones> if surface reports look interesting and/or bad i check in with goons and see if they have heard anything about it
  66. <Uncle_Bones> following helps as well
  67. <Uncle_Bones> they don't exactly try to hide most of it
  68. <Uncle_Bones> it's just that most folks don't care enough to read up
  69. <Uncle_Bones> the reality is that conspiracy bullshit doesn't really exist; if there's anything to blame for what's happening, it's an uninformed and lazy voting body
  70. <Uncle_Bones> the info is all out there and available if you go looking
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