
[Pinkie][FR, Silly, Clop?] The Portal

Oct 10th, 2013
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  1. >Day Everypony's Birthday in Equestria.
  2. >Wake up 6 hours ago.
  3. >That's right.
  4. >Time-skip, motherfucker.
  5. >Right out of the gate.
  6. >There's a knock on your front door as you hang out in your living room watching some paint dry.
  7. >Yes, that's seriously the most interesting thing you could think to do at the time.
  8. >Anyway, you get up and walk to the front of your house.
  9. >It's weird for anyone to come around in the evening.
  10. >Fluttershy always shows up in the morning.
  11. >And then for whatever reason, never again in the same day...
  12. >You wonder why that is.
  13. >If she's so obsessed with you, shouldn't she be around 24/7?
  14. >Probably best not to question it.
  15. >The less you have to deal with her, the better.
  16. >Man this has been a long walk.
  17. >Once you reach the door, you swing it open.
  18. "Hey. Who's there?"
  19. >It might sound stupid to ask, but it's actually a damn good question.
  20. >Since there's absolutely nothing there.
  21. "Uhh... Hello?"
  22. >You stick your head out and crane your neck to look around.
  23. >Nope. Still nothing.
  24. >Back to the paint then...
  25. >You close the door and turn around.
  26. >"HEYA NONNY!"
  27. >A pink blur jumps up and latches itself onto your chest.
  28. "Dear God, it's HAPPENING!"
  29. >You shout, running to your hall closet and producing a crowbar.
  31. >You wedge the crowbar between yourself and the demonic glob of bubble gum and pull.
  32. >The assailant giggles and pops off as you bring your weapon high into the air for a swing.
  33. >"That was fun, Nonny! What's Gordon Freeman?"
  34. >Once you realize that the threat was simply an overly-emotional Pinkie hug, you lower the crowbar and grasp at your chest.
  35. "Jesus, Pinkie. You scared the ever-loving shit out me. Never do that again."
  37. >Pinkie pouts. "Aw, but you were so funny! You were all like 'Ah, a Pinkie!'" she theatrically covers her mouth with her hooves while looking to her right.
  38. >"And I was all 'Ah, a crowbar!'" she repeats the action while looking to her left and then bursts out into a fit of laughter, rolling around on the floor.
  39. "Yeah, yeah, Pinkie. Hilarious."
  40. >You say as you put away your crowbar for later "emergencies".
  41. "So what did you want anyway?"
  42. >Pinkie gasps and bolts straight upright, "I almost forgot!"
  43. >She produces a cannon from out of nowhere and points it in your direction.
  45. >It fires, producing streamers and confetti.
  46. >"I'm throwing a BIRTHDAY PARTY!"
  47. >You clutch your heart again.
  48. >This fucking pony...
  49. >Take a few deep breaths.
  50. "Okay, so when is this party, Pinkie?"
  51. >She grins. "Oh silly Nonny. It's riiiiiight NOW!"
  52. >Pinkie flails her arms into the air in a flourish and your vision goes hazy.
  53. >You feel all wibbly and wobbly.
  54. >In fact, you're getting a little nauseous...
  55. >But, as soon as the feeling begins, it's over.
  56. >You find yourself standing in front of Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie at your side.
  57. >"Oh Nonny! I'm so glad you decided to come!"
  58. >You blink and few times and shake your head.
  59. "But... but... -you- brought us here!"
  60. >She giggles. "Of course! We wouldn't want to miss any of the party, would we?"
  61. >Pinkie starts to trot into the building, rolling her eyes and simulating wackiness.
  62. >"You're so silly sometimes, Anon."
  63. >There's no use in arguing with Pinkie Pie.
  64. >Instead, you simply sigh and join her inside.
  65. >Once you catch back up to her, a thought occurs to you:
  66. "Pinkie, who's birthday party is this, anyway?"
  67. >She gasps and turns to you in shock. "It's everypony's, silly! We were all born three years ago!"
  68. >She leans up close to you and whispers into your ear. "We're all actually in a TV show."
  70. >Satisfied, she happily trots off to mingle.
  71. >For a moment, you're flabbergasted.
  72. >Pinkie actually knows that they're all characters in a television show?
  73. >That would explain a lot...
  74. >All of her weird powers and Pinkie Sense and the fourth-wall-breaking.
  75. >But wait...
  76. >Does that mean?
  77. >Is it possible that she might know how to cross over to your world?
  78. "PINKIE!"
  79. >You rush back over to her side.
  80. >"Oh, hiya Nonny. Enjoying the party?"
  81. >You hook your hands under her forehooves and hoist her up to your eye level.
  82. >Pinkie wriggles in your grasp. "Whee! I'm so high up!"
  83. >You stare straight into her eyes.
  84. "Pinkie, do you know how I could get to Earth?"
  85. >She simply laughs and smiles. "Well, of course I do, Non-non."
  86. >Again, you're taken aback by her answer.
  87. >Your mouth gapes and your grip on the pink pony loosens.
  88. >She lands on the floor with a slight clop.
  89. >Still in a state of shock, you ask her again:
  90. "You know how to get me back to Earth?"
  91. >She nods, smiling wide. "It's super duper easy."
  92. >Your eyes light up and you throw off you stupor.
  93. "Then let's do it, Pinkie! Take me back to Earth!"
  94. >Her happy demeanor fades and is replaced with a frown.
  95. >"You want to leave in the middle of our birthday party, Nonny?"
  96. >She looks up to you with teary eyes.
  97. >Her lips quiver and her mane looks like it's about to deflate... somehow.
  98. >"Do you really not like us that much?"
  99. >It looks like she's about to burst into tears.
  100. >You sigh and kneel down to her.
  101. "No, no. It's not that, Pinkie. It's just that it's been a while since I've been home and..."
  102. >Her lip still quivers.
  103. >The sight of her in this emotional state brings a pang of sadness to your heart.
  104. "I mean... Of course I'll celebrate your birthday with you."
  106. >Pinkie's depression is wiped away instantly and she wraps her hooves around your neck, pulling you into a deep hug. "Yay! I'll make it sure it's super fun, okay Nonny?"
  107. >You can't help but chuckle.
  108. "Aren't all Pinkie parties?"
  109. >The two of you pull away from your hug.
  110. >"You bet!"
  111. "But after the party you have to make sure that you tell me how to get back, okay?"
  112. >"Okay!" She smiles and looks across the room, "But first up, cider pong!"
  113. >Pinkie takes your hand and drags you along to a rather neglected table with a bunch of stacked up cups sitting on it.
  114. >It actually looks exactly like the same setup as the version you play at home.
  115. >Looks like this might be pretty fun after all...
  116. >"You know how to set everything up, right Nonny?" Pinkie asks.
  117. "Uhh... If it's anything like the game I think it is, I'll manage."
  118. >"Great! In that case, I'm going to go round us up some partners!" she grins as she rockets off into the next room.
  119. >You take the time to set out ten cups on each side, pouring an equal amount of cider in each one.
  120. >By the time you're pouring the last bit of alcohol into the final cup, Pinkie reemerges with an excited teal unicorn and an apprehensive cream-colored earth pony.
  121. >"I don't know about this, Lyra... I've never played before."
  122. >Should have known Bon Bon would have no experience around balls...
  123. >"Pfft... Aw, it's easy Bonnie. You just have to get the ball into one of the other team's cups. If you do, they have to drink it!"
  124. >Pinkie giggles. "Yup! That's right!"
  125. >She trots to the side of the table opposite you and eyes the two new ponies. "So... I'm thinking me and Lyra against you and Bon Bon. What do you think, Nonny?"
  126. >Bon Bon stares up at you, shaking nervously while Lyra's eyes betray a hint of rivalry.
  127. >Looks like you wouldn't be able to talk yourself out of this one if you tried.
  128. "Yeah, sure."
  130. >The two mares trot over to their respective teammates.
  131. "So how are we starting? Eye-to-eye?"
  132. >"Of course! But..." Pinkie puts a hoof to her chin in contemplation, "it wouldn't be fair for you to shoot with one of us since you're so much taller. So why don't we let Bon Bon and Lyra face off?"
  133. >You sigh.
  134. >She has a point.
  135. "You think you can do this, BB?"
  136. >She takes the ball as you hand it to her. "Umm... I'm not sure, Anon."
  137. "Just do your best, okay?"
  138. >She nods and faces Lyra.
  139. >"On 'shoot!'" Pinkie chirps.
  140. >The two mares limber up and glare directly at each other.
  141. >"1, 2, 3, shoot!"
  142. >Lyra's shot sinks straight into one of your back cups.
  143. >Bon Bon's sails straight over the back of the table.
  144. >Great... You should have figured as much.
  145. >Pinkie and Lyra take turns sinking throw after throw.
  146. >They knock out five of your cups on their first turn alone.
  147. >They give each other a hoof bump as the balls transition to your side of the table.
  148. >You pull Bon Bon aside to give her a quick pep talk.
  149. "Alright, BB. Beer- er, cider pong is easy. The technique is all in the wrist."
  150. >"But Anon, I don't have any wrists..."
  151. >You stare at her hooves blankly.
  152. "Right... Well then, just don't fuck it up."
  153. >You pat her on the back and turn back to the table.
  154. >"Hurry up, losers! I don't have all night to spank your asses!" Lyra taunts, turning to Bon Bon, "Well, maybe one of you..."
  155. "Just take a deep breath, BB. You can do this."
  156. >She cocks her hoof to shoot, lining herself up with a cup, and throws the ball.
  157. >It bounces lamely in the middle of the table before getting swatted away by Lyra.
  158. >"You call that a shot, Bonnie?" she bursts into laughter.
  159. >Bon Bon sighs and moves out of the way so you can shoot.
  160. "Good try, girl."
  162. >You pick out a cup in the back as your target, lining up your own shot and letting go.
  163. >The ball sails elegantly through the air...
  164. >Before hitting the rim of the cup and bouncing away.
  165. >"Aw, good shot, Nonny! You got really close," Pinkie consoles.
  166. >The rest of the game follows basically the same formula and you only end up sinking a single shot.
  167. >"Alright losers," Lyra levitates her and Pinkie's nine leftover cups to your side of the table, "Drink up!"
  168. >She cackles as you and Bon Bon slam down cup after cup in shame.
  169. >Wow, this stuff is actually pretty strong...
  170. >You can feel your head start to swim.
  171. >Which makes your next decision seem like a good idea at the time.
  172. "I want a rematch!"
  173. >Bon Bon shudders and glances back over to you. "Are you sure you want to do that, Anon?"
  174. >You smile and pat her on the head.
  175. "Sure, you just need some more practice!"
  176. >"If you say so..."
  177. "BB, what could go wrong?"
  178. >
  179. >Next thing you know, you're singing silly songs with your arm around Pinkie and a lamp shade on your head.
  180. >Most of the party's guests have gone home.
  181. "Smy-ul! Smy-ul! Smiiiiiiiile! Cummon and smile!"
  182. >You have a huge grin on your face and you take another sip of your cider.
  183. >Some of it dribbles down your chin when you tip it a little too far.
  184. "I love that song. It's sucha good song."
  185. >You rub the shoulder of the pony next to you.
  186. "We should sing ittagin!"
  187. >"Yeah!" a cute-sounding voice answers you.
  188. >You lift the lamp shade from your head and turn to see a cotton candy mane.
  189. "Pinkie! Whereya been?"
  190. >You take another sip from your cup.
  191. "Weren't chu supposta tell me somefin?"
  192. >She cocks her head to the side before she makes a sound like snapping fingers with her hoof.
  193. >"Oh yeah! I was gonna show you how to go back home!"
  194. "Yeah! That wassit!"
  196. >You clap your hands together, knocking your cup out of them.
  197. >Pointing at the spilled beverage, you look to Pinkie.
  198. "When'd that happen?"
  199. >Pinkie just giggles. "Well, if you want to go back home, we should go to my room."
  200. >She leans up and whispers into your ear. "The method is kinda private."
  201. >You just shrug and follow her upstairs, trying to take a sip of your nonexistent drink.
  202. "Hey Ponko, where'd mah drinkko?"
  203. >
  204. >Once in Pinkie's room, she shuts the door behind you and hops up onto her bed.
  205. >Her bed looks so soft.
  206. "Your bed looksso soft, Peen Key."
  207. >She laughs again. "You can sit on it if you want, Nonny. I won't bite."
  208. >You make your way over and plop down, pressing your face into her plush covers.
  209. >"Don't fall asleep now, Non-non." she giggles. "You need to be awake to use the portal."
  210. "The whanna?"
  211. >"The portal, silly."
  212. >She arches her back, pushing her forehooves out in front of her and presenting her backside to you.
  213. >"If you want to get home, you have to go through the portal in my Pinkie pie."
  214. >You chuckle to yourself.
  215. >Pinkie's pie...
  216. >"And I'm pretty sure that you have to go dick-first or it won't work."
  217. >She eyes you from her doggy-style position. "I know that you don't really like ponies like that, but it's the only way."
  218. >You shrug.
  219. "Whatever you say, Panky."
  220. >With all the confidence of the black-out drunk you are, you reach down and remove your pants and boxers.
  221. >It seems that Pinkie is already leaking fluids and undulating.
  222. >You shrug again and plunge yourself into her pink pussy.
  224. -
  225. >After Anon thrusts into you a few hard times, you attempt to instruct him between your moans:
  226. "Oh, and you have to cum for it to work. Okay, Nonny?"
  227. >As soon as you say this, the thrusting behind you stops.
  228. >Anon must have had his orgasm and returned to his home planet.
  229. >While it's still sad, they probably needed him.
  230. >For a while you simply lie there, letting his disappearance sink in.
  231. >You're about to sit up so that you can go to the restroom and clean up when you hear a loud snoring from directly behind you.
  232. >You turn around to find Anon, slumped over and passed out.
  233. >His dick is still hard.
  234. >Guess he didn't cum after all.
  235. >You giggle.
  236. "Silly Non-non."
  237. >You pull him by the collar and adjust him in your bed so that you can cover him up.
  238. >Quietly, you get in with him and snuggle up to his chest.
  239. >Might as well enjoy the company while you can.
  240. >The other guests will know how to show themselves out.
  241. -
  243. >Wake up.
  244. >It's morning.
  245. >And you have a pounding headache.
  246. >At least this fluffy pink pillow is incredibly comfortable.
  247. >Wait...
  248. >This isn't your house.
  249. >You bolt up in bed, disturbing the pink pony next to you.
  250. >She yawns and smiles at you. "Good morning, Nonny. Did you sleep well?"
  251. >You jump out of bed, your morning wood showing proudly.
  252. "Pinkie? What am I doing in your bed?"
  253. >You look down.
  254. "And why am I naked?"
  255. >Pinkie giggles. "We tried to send you through the portal last night, silly. You don't remember?"
  256. >She puts a hoof to her chin. "Well, you -were- pretty drunk!"
  257. "A... portal?"
  258. >She nods. "Yup! My Pinkie portal!" She points to her crotch.
  259. >You feel your face turn pale.
  260. "Look, Pinkie. There's no way I would have done that. I'm just not into ponies like that."
  261. >She pouts. "Yeah huh! It just didn't work because you didn't shoot your cake batter ins-"
  262. >You stick your fingers in your ears and hum loudly, trying to drown out her voice.
  263. "Lalalalala-!"
  264. >With your fingers still inserted in your ears, you shout:
  265. "Look, I think I better go. Just forget about the portal thing, okay?"
  266. >You quickly grab your clothes and head home.
  267. >Portal...
  268. >Yeah right.
  269. >Like you'd ever catch yourself
  270. >Fucking Pinkie Pie.
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