
Questionable Conversation

Jan 14th, 2017
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  1. &bernard
  2. Moment of truth...
  3. I am going to peer at who sassy is finally
  4. [NerdyTotoro]
  5. ...
  6. -_-
  7. neurology
  8. no dont
  9. @Unome
  10. nooo bernard don't turn to the dark side!
  11. JasperKota
  12. don't become fib!
  13. lol jk
  14. &bernard
  15. I looked at it
  16. I won't say anything
  17. This game could go on for awhile
  18. Or it may end soon
  19. Who knows
  20. I may delete the Sassy account
  21. Killing is against the law and Sassy has done that
  22. SOnerd
  23. Bernard is such a troll
  24. &bernard
  25. Did you know a couple dayas ago I got an email from the FBI
  26. [NerdyTotoro]
  27. uhuh
  28. neurology
  29. ...
  30. &bernard
  31. About murder threats on this site?
  32. SOnerd
  33. robably because you went to bear's apparetment
  34. neurology
  35. ^
  36. [NerdyTotoro]
  37. haha
  38. &bernard
  39. Did I mention
  40. [NerdyTotoro]
  41. that I'm stupid?
  42. &bernard
  43. I've been a member of the free burrito institute for 3 years?
  44. Thansk for listening to my story
  45. I am so tired right now
  46. neurology
  47. is bear still being watched by the police
  48. [NerdyTotoro]
  49. mmkay
  50. Yes
  51. neurology
  52. FINISH The thing
  53. [NerdyTotoro]
  54. He's always being watched
  55. &bernard
  56. neurology it tends to be the other way around
  57. neurology
  58. 22 minutes left
  59. &bernard
  60. Bear is watching the police
  61. [NerdyTotoro]
  63. ← Uber has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  64. &bernard
  65. neurology: did you hear
  66. JohnRichardsim
  67. Hey, Bernard
  68. &bernard
  69. I finished already
  70. So you can be quiet
  71. OKAY?
  72. [NerdyTotoro]
  73. Bernard hurry up with the sponsorship letter
  74. JohnRichardsim
  75. I'm going on a hunger strike
  76. [NerdyTotoro]
  77. ...
  78. SEND IT
  79. &bernard
  80. I have a CNCing addiction
  81. [NerdyTotoro]
  82. HURRY UP
  83. ⓘ bernard set mode +o JohnRichardsim
  84. neurology
  85. fine im sorry
  86. SOnerd
  87. Bernard
  88. neurology
  89. I'm sorry dont kill me
  90. SOnerd
  91. I'm going on and Ento strike
  92. @JohnRichardsim
  93. I refuse to eat until you have brought back avatars and file uploading
  94. [NerdyTotoro]
  95. (kill her)
  96. SOnerd
  97. an ento strike*
  98. Lumosityfan
  99. alright gn guys and gals
  100. also lol
  101. ← Lumosityfan has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  102. SOnerd
  103. Also, I'm already going slightly insane now, I shudder to think what another day without skating will do to me
  104. Person
  105. bernard: fantaso results?
  106. SOnerd
  107. Do you think I can skate in freezing rain?
  108. ← Person was kicked by bernard (bernard)
  109. &bernard
  110. We don't talk about that
  111. SOnerd
  112. Bernard, upload captain's tryouts files
  113. @JohnRichardsim
  114. Forget your FantaSO results, I just want to upload a bunch of old scoresheets I got from my coach!
  115. SOnerd
  116. Okay, goodnight. First night of anatomy grind begins NOW
  117. ← SOnerd has quit (Quit: Ento Lyfe)
  118. &bernard
  119. SOnerd a team has tryouts ending January 26
  120. → Jamerz has joined
  121. &bernard
  122. So I'm posting after that
  123. JasperKota
  124. hello jamerz
  125. Jamerz
  126. hoi
  127. neurology
  128. Welcome Jamerz
  129. Jamerz
  130. welcome to u too
  131. @Unome
  132. bernard the previous year's
  133. aren't up yet
  134. [NerdyTotoro]
  135. Welcome to this wonderful chat full of mdos
  136. @Unome
  137. there are links but no files
  138. [NerdyTotoro]
  139. dun dun dun
  140. @JohnRichardsim
  141. And I have about 10 avatars queued up ready to go
  142. &bernard
  143. I can't upload files until you fix the wiki Unome
  144. Why did you break the wiki in the first place?
  145. @Unome
  146. ...
  147. &bernard
  148. (This is called redirecting blame)
  149. @Unome
  150. xD
  151. &bernard
  152. robotman paid me to blame it on you
  153. JasperKota
  154. lol
  155. &bernard
  156. So he doesn't have to fix it
  157. → Person has joined
  158. Person
  159. -_-
  160. * DarkSabre kicks [NerdyTotoro]
  161. &bernard
  162. Person we don't talk about that
  163. DarkSabre: that's correct
  164. You can kick Person and SOnerd too
  165. @JohnRichardsim
  166. Can we just agree that I won both divisions?
  167. @Unome
  168. sure
  169. * [NerdyTotoro] cries
  170. neurology
  171. (SOnerd's gone)
  172. @Unome
  173. ugh so we got 27/30 on the astro test
  174. one question was misgraded so
  175. [NerdyTotoro]
  176. hey bernard do you approve of the new bernard picture?
  177. @JohnRichardsim
  178. ...
  179. @Unome
  180. does anyoen know the others? (posting them)
  181. @JohnRichardsim
  182. How many teams were at that invite?
  183. × You have been kicked by bernard (don't mention things with infinity)
  184. → [NerdyTotoro] has joined
  185. [ChanServ]
  186. [#scioly] Welcome to Chat! Feel free to ask questions, but be patient for responses
  187. [NerdyTotoro]
  188. ...
  189. Infinity symbol
  190. &bernard
  191. Not necessarily Unome
  192. [NerdyTotoro]
  193. (fight me)
  194. JasperKota
  195. weba nerdy
  196. neurology
  197. wb kid
  198. @Unome
  199. ok why not?
  200. &bernard
  201. Unless it is a systme undergoing perfect simple harmonic motion
  202. @Unome
  203. well it probably is
  204. &bernard
  205. What system is it?
  206. @Unome
  207. idk i just took a quick look at kepler's law
  208. [NerdyTotoro]
  209. I'm not a young goat
  210. @Unome
  211. it was a multipel choice question
  212. [NerdyTotoro]
  213. Don't call me a kid!
  214. &bernard
  215. Keplers law does not obey SHM
  216. @Unome
  217. ?
  218. &bernard
  219. pendulums do not obey SHM perfectly
  220. @Unome
  221. yeah this is not helpful...
  222. neurology
  223. you are a goat.
  224. @Unome
  225. eh
  226. &bernard
  227. IT's true
  228. Pendulums do not obey SHM perfectly
  229. [NerdyTotoro]
  230. And look who's feeling rather trollish...
  231. @Unome
  232. ok
  233. * neurology proclaims [NerdyTotoro] a goat
  234. [NerdyTotoro]
  235. Welcome to the goat cult
  236. &bernard
  237. And planetary motion is basically pendulums since plants are attached to a point along their axis of rotation by a string
  238. *planets
  239. I'm sorry I'm hungry
  240. And I keep thinking about potatos
  241. @Unome
  242. so 70% of our team's points came from 6 events
  243. &bernard
  244. My poor brother and sisters
  245. That tends to be the case Unome
  246. @Unome
  247. yeah i guess
  248. in 8th grade
  249. [NerdyTotoro]
  250. ...
  251. @Unome
  252. 35% of points from 2 events
  253. at state
  254. [NerdyTotoro]
  255. potato starch is delicious
  256. ← Jamerz has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  257. @Unome
  258. 7th in both of those and we would have beaten Booth
  259. &bernard
  260. Did you know the molecular forumla for starch was determined by looking at a potato and examining its eye shape?
  261. Person
  262. ...
  263. &bernard
  264. If you look at the folds around an eye of a potato, it has 6 folds
  265. @Unome
  266. *4th mistyped
  267. ...folds?
  268. &bernard
  269. Thus scientists hypothesized it had to involve a 6-carbon ring structure
  270. @Unome
  271. cool storry
  272. @JohnRichardsim
  273. Oh, we talking about bombs at competition?
  274. &bernard
  275. It turns out it's not actually a carbon ring, but rather a sulfur ring
  276. @Unome
  277. yeah
  278. &bernard
  279. Starch is a very odd carbohydrate
  280. ← JohnRichardsim was kicked by bernard (weapons)
  281. @Unome
  282. lol
  283. [NerdyTotoro]
  284. Everything can be a weapon...
  285. You can drown someone in starch
  286. → JohnRichardsim has joined
  287. &bernard
  288. one of my friends mentioned explosives while at the airport
  289. I pushed him off the plane
  290. I care about my safety
  291. * neurology throws [NerdyTotoro]
  292. JohnRichardsim
  293. Like when the wind turbine just didn't turn at regionals last year...
  294. [NerdyTotoro]
  295. You can use bernard to squash someone
  296. @Unome
  297. yeah
  298. [NerdyTotoro]
  299. You can use neurology to kill their brain
  300. &bernard
  301. Nerdy that's not possible
  302. JohnRichardsim
  303. But we can get that win streak back in no time...
  304. @Unome
  305. XPD that year was flipping coins
  306. &bernard
  307. You can't use one vegetable to vegetable someone else
  308. @Unome
  309. so we got 16th
  310. and we were 16 points off of first
  311. &bernard
  312. You have to youse one vegetal to froot someone else
  313. @Unome
  314. plus 11th in meteo didnt help
  315. JohnRichardsim
  316. woah meteorology
  317. is that like the study oof meteors?
  318. And how they interact with computers?
  319. JasperKota
  320. yes
  321. &bernard
  322. Usualyl with a mouse
  323. Not the type that squeaks
  324. Well maybe it squeaks if you haven't oiled the buttons
  325. Or fed it some cheese
  326. [NerdyTotoro]
  327. Bernard, are you high on a form of drug?
  328. &bernard
  329. Is there a way to mute oneself?
  330. I'm just too tired to make any sense
  331. @Unome
  332. yes
  333. i remember studying meteors in 9th grade
  334. &bernard
  335. How to Unome
  336. [NerdyTotoro]
  337. 7 minutes till deadline
  338. @Unome
  339. ^
  340. [NerdyTotoro]
  341. Now 6
  342. @Unome
  343. hey people check out our fancy (semi)new team website!
  344. &bernard
  345. I don't like it
  346. @Unome
  347. (actualyl all I did was mess with the formatting but whatever)
  348. close enough
  349. &bernard
  350. I have 2 requests
  351. ← Person has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  352. &bernard
  353. Change it to UW pls
  354. [NerdyTotoro]
  355. It's A E S T H E T I C
  356. Good job
  357. @Unome
  358. and?
  359. &bernard
  360. IT's beuatiful
  361. I once lovedo railway
  362. @Unome
  363. yeah the text used to be a lot darker
  364. &bernard
  365. Raleway
  366. Then I hated raleway
  367. [NerdyTotoro]
  368. ew the lower half isn't A E S T H E T I C enough
  369. @Unome
  370. oh i didn't choose that
  371. &bernard
  372. Becuase it was everywhere and doesn't look good for bodies of text, only headings
  373. Now I'm kind of in love kind of hate it
  374. I use it for UW's branding
  375. I mean UW SO's
  376. I don't get to control UW's branding...
  377. @Unome
  378. and yeah i can't get the feed to change style at all
  379. yet
  380. [NerdyTotoro]
  381. Hey Unome did you win a national medal?
  382. @Unome
  383. yeah why?
  384. &bernard
  385. How much for it?
  386. $2?
  387. $200?
  388. $20000?
  389. @Unome
  390. A decent competitor (pref junior or sophomore) plus shipping charges
  391. [NerdyTotoro]
  392. (hehe)
  393. Glasses?
  394. @Unome
  395. ?
  396. &bernard
  397. Unome Nerdy is stalking you
  398. @Unome
  399. oh
  400. its not that hard
  401. [NerdyTotoro]
  402. ...
  403. GLASSES?
  404. &bernard
  405. PSA to all users: please don't stalk other users, reports will be investaged and bans may follow
  406. @Unome
  407. like you can look on my userpage and figure it out
  408. [NerdyTotoro]
  409. ...
  410. Oh good point
  411. Thanks
  412. @Unome
  413. with a few news stories
  414. np
  415. lol
  416. neurology
  417. i told nerdy my name ONCE and she told EVERY SINGLE PERSON to come on IRC since
  418. * [NerdyTotoro] is away
  419. @Unome
  420. yeah this is what happens
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