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Apr 22nd, 2018
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  1. (function() {
  2. function h() {
  3. return function() {}
  4. }
  6. function aa(a) {
  7. return function(b) {
  8. this[a] = b
  9. }
  10. }
  12. function k(a) {
  13. return function() {
  14. return this[a]
  15. }
  16. }
  18. function ba(a) {
  19. return function() {
  20. return a
  21. }
  22. }
  23. var n, ca = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function(a, b, c) {
  24. a != Array.prototype && a != Object.prototype && (a[b] = c.value)
  25. },
  26. da = "undefined" != typeof window && window === this ? this : "undefined" != typeof global && null != global ? global : this,
  27. ea = function() {
  28. ea = h();
  29. da.Symbol || (da.Symbol = fa)
  30. },
  31. fa = function() {
  32. var a = 0;
  33. return function(b) {
  34. return "jscomp_symbol_" + (b || "") + a++
  35. }
  36. }(),
  37. ia = function() {
  38. ea();
  39. var a = da.Symbol.iterator;
  40. a || (a = da.Symbol.iterator = da.Symbol("iterator"));
  41. "function" != typeof Array.prototype[a] &&
  42. ca(Array.prototype, a, {
  43. configurable: !0,
  44. writable: !0,
  45. value: function() {
  46. return ha(this)
  47. }
  48. });
  49. ia = h()
  50. },
  51. ha = function(a) {
  52. var b = 0;
  53. return ja(function() {
  54. return b < a.length ? {
  55. done: !1,
  56. value: a[b++]
  57. } : {
  58. done: !0
  59. }
  60. })
  61. },
  62. ja = function(a) {
  63. ia();
  64. a = {
  65. next: a
  66. };
  67. a[da.Symbol.iterator] = function() {
  68. return this
  69. };
  70. return a
  71. },
  72. ka = function(a) {
  73. ia();
  74. var b = a[Symbol.iterator];
  75. return b ? : ha(a)
  76. },
  77. la = "function" == typeof Object.create ? Object.create : function(a) {
  78. var b = h();
  79. b.prototype = a;
  80. return new b
  81. },
  82. ma;
  83. if ("function" == typeof Object.setPrototypeOf) ma = Object.setPrototypeOf;
  84. else {
  85. var na;
  86. a: {
  87. var oa = {
  88. de: !0
  89. },
  90. pa = {};
  91. try {
  92. pa.__proto__ = oa;
  93. na =;
  94. break a
  95. } catch (a) {}
  96. na = !1
  97. }
  98. ma = na ? function(a, b) {
  99. a.__proto__ = b;
  100. if (a.__proto__ !== b) throw new TypeError(a + " is not extensible");
  101. return a
  102. } : null
  103. }
  104. var qa = ma,
  105. ra = function(a, b) {
  106. a.prototype = la(b.prototype);
  107. a.prototype.constructor = a;
  108. if (qa) qa(a, b);
  109. else
  110. for (var c in b)
  111. if ("prototype" != c)
  112. if (Object.defineProperties) {
  113. var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b, c);
  114. d && Object.defineProperty(a, c, d)
  115. } else a[c] = b[c];
  116. a.F = b.prototype
  117. },
  118. ta = function(a, b) {
  119. if (b) {
  120. for (var c = da, d = a.split("."), e = 0; e < d.length - 1; e++) {
  121. var f = d[e];
  122. f in c || (c[f] = {});
  123. c = c[f]
  124. }
  125. d = d[d.length - 1];
  126. e = c[d];
  127. f = b(e);
  128. f != e && null != f && ca(c, d, {
  129. configurable: !0,
  130. writable: !0,
  131. value: f
  132. })
  133. }
  134. };
  135. ta("Promise", function(a) {
  136. function b() {
  137. this.l = null
  138. }
  140. function c(a) {
  141. return a instanceof e ? a : new e(function(b) {
  142. b(a)
  143. })
  144. }
  145. if (a) return a;
  146. b.prototype.m = function(a) {
  147. null == this.l && (this.l = [], this.w());
  148. this.l.push(a)
  149. };
  150. b.prototype.w = function() {
  151. var a = this;
  152. this.o(function() {
  153. a.D()
  154. })
  155. };
  156. var d = da.setTimeout;
  157. b.prototype.o = function(a) {
  158. d(a, 0)
  159. };
  160. b.prototype.D = function() {
  161. for (; this.l && this.l.length;) {
  162. var a = this.l;
  163. this.l = [];
  164. for (var b = 0; b < a.length; ++b) {
  165. var c = a[b];
  166. a[b] = null;
  167. try {
  168. c()
  169. } catch (t) {
  170. this.A(t)
  171. }
  172. }
  173. }
  174. this.l = null
  175. };
  176. b.prototype.A =
  177. function(a) {
  178. this.o(function() {
  179. throw a;
  180. })
  181. };
  182. var e = function(a) {
  183. this.m = 0;
  184. this.o = void 0;
  185. this.l = [];
  186. var b = this.w();
  187. try {
  188. a(b.resolve, b.reject)
  189. } catch (m) {
  190. b.reject(m)
  191. }
  192. };
  193. e.prototype.w = function() {
  194. function a(a) {
  195. return function(d) {
  196. c || (c = !0,, d))
  197. }
  198. }
  199. var b = this,
  200. c = !1;
  201. return {
  202. resolve: a(this.da),
  203. reject: a(this.A)
  204. }
  205. };
  206. e.prototype.da = function(a) {
  207. if (a === this) this.A(new TypeError("A Promise cannot resolve to itself"));
  208. else if (a instanceof e) this.R(a);
  209. else {
  210. a: switch (typeof a) {
  211. case "object":
  212. var b = null != a;
  213. break a;
  214. case "function":
  215. b = !0;
  216. break a;
  217. default:
  218. b = !1
  219. }
  220. b ? this.U(a) : this.D(a)
  221. }
  222. };
  223. e.prototype.U = function(a) {
  224. var b = void 0;
  225. try {
  226. b = a.then
  227. } catch (m) {
  228. this.A(m);
  229. return
  230. }
  231. "function" == typeof b ? this.M(b, a) : this.D(a)
  232. };
  233. e.prototype.A = function(a) {
  234. this.H(2, a)
  235. };
  236. e.prototype.D = function(a) {
  237. this.H(1, a)
  238. };
  239. e.prototype.H = function(a, b) {
  240. if (0 != this.m) throw Error("Cannot settle(" + a + ", " + b + "): Promise already settled in state" + this.m);
  241. this.m = a;
  242. this.o = b;
  243. this.C()
  244. };
  245. e.prototype.C = function() {
  246. if (null != this.l) {
  247. for (var a = 0; a < this.l.length; ++a) f.m(this.l[a]);
  248. this.l = null
  249. }
  250. };
  251. var f = new b;
  252. e.prototype.R = function(a) {
  253. var b = this.w();
  254. a.Sb(b.resolve, b.reject)
  255. };
  256. e.prototype.M = function(a, b) {
  257. var c = this.w();
  258. try {
  259., c.resolve, c.reject)
  260. } catch (t) {
  261. c.reject(t)
  262. }
  263. };
  264. e.prototype.then = function(a, b) {
  265. function c(a, b) {
  266. return "function" == typeof a ? function(b) {
  267. try {
  268. d(a(b))
  269. } catch (yg) {
  270. f(yg)
  271. }
  272. } : b
  273. }
  274. var d, f, g = new e(function(a, b) {
  275. d = a;
  276. f = b
  277. });
  278. this.Sb(c(a, d), c(b, f));
  279. return g
  280. };
  281. e.prototype["catch"] = function(a) {
  282. return this.then(void 0, a)
  283. };
  284. e.prototype.Sb = function(a, b) {
  285. function c() {
  286. switch (d.m) {
  287. case 1:
  288. a(d.o);
  289. break;
  290. case 2:
  291. b(d.o);
  292. break;
  293. default:
  294. throw Error("Unexpected state: " + d.m);
  295. }
  296. }
  297. var d = this;
  298. null == this.l ? f.m(c) : this.l.push(c)
  299. };
  300. e.resolve = c;
  301. e.reject = function(a) {
  302. return new e(function(b, c) {
  303. c(a)
  304. })
  305. };
  306. e.race = function(a) {
  307. return new e(function(b, d) {
  308. for (var e = ka(a), f =; !f.done; f = c(f.value).Sb(b, d)
  309. })
  310. };
  311. e.all = function(a) {
  312. var b = ka(a),
  313. d =;
  314. return d.done ? c([]) : new e(function(a, e) {
  315. function f(b) {
  316. return function(c) {
  317. g[b] = c;
  318. l--;
  319. 0 == l && a(g)
  320. }
  321. }
  322. var g = [],
  323. l = 0;
  324. do g.push(void 0), l++, c(d.value).Sb(f(g.length - 1), e), d =
  325.; while (!d.done)
  326. })
  327. };
  328. return e
  329. });
  330. ta("Array.prototype.fill", function(a) {
  331. return a ? a : function(a, c, d) {
  332. var b = this.length || 0;
  333. 0 > c && (c = Math.max(0, b + c));
  334. if (null == d || d > b) d = b;
  335. d = Number(d);
  336. 0 > d && (d = Math.max(0, b + d));
  337. for (c = Number(c || 0); c < d; c++) this[c] = a;
  338. return this
  339. }
  340. });
  341. ta("Object.values", function(a) {
  342. return a ? a : function(a) {
  343. var b = [],
  344. d;
  345. for (d in a), d) && b.push(a[d]);
  346. return b
  347. }
  348. });
  349. ta("Array.from", function(a) {
  350. return a ? a : function(a, c, d) {
  351. ia();
  352. c = null != c ? c : function(a) {
  353. return a
  354. };
  355. var b = [],
  356. f = a[Symbol.iterator];
  357. if ("function" == typeof f)
  358. for (a =; !(f =;) b.push(, f.value));
  359. else {
  360. f = a.length;
  361. for (var g = 0; g < f; g++) b.push(, a[g]))
  362. }
  363. return b
  364. }
  365. });
  366. var ua = ua || {},
  367. p = this,
  368. q = function(a) {
  369. return void 0 !== a
  370. },
  371. r = function(a) {
  372. return "string" == typeof a
  373. },
  374. va = function(a) {
  375. return "number" == typeof a
  376. },
  377. wa = /^[\w+/_-]+[=]{0,2}$/,
  378. xa = null,
  379. ya = function(a) {
  380. a = a.split(".");
  381. for (var b = p, c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
  382. if (b = b[a[c]], null == b) return null;
  383. return b
  384. },
  385. u = h(),
  386. za = function(a) {
  387. a.Vc = void 0;
  388. a.Ha = function() {
  389. return a.Vc ? a.Vc : a.Vc = new a
  390. }
  391. },
  392. Aa = function(a) {
  393. var b = typeof a;
  394. if ("object" == b)
  395. if (a) {
  396. if (a instanceof Array) return "array";
  397. if (a instanceof Object) return b;
  398. var c =;
  399. if ("[object Window]" == c) return "object";
  400. if ("[object Array]" == c || "number" == typeof a.length && "undefined" != typeof a.splice && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice")) return "array";
  401. if ("[object Function]" == c || "undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("call")) return "function"
  402. } else return "null";
  403. else if ("function" == b && "undefined" == typeof return "object";
  404. return b
  405. },
  406. v = function(a) {
  407. return "array" == Aa(a)
  408. },
  409. Ba = function(a) {
  410. var b =
  411. Aa(a);
  412. return "array" == b || "object" == b && "number" == typeof a.length
  413. },
  414. Ca = function(a) {
  415. return "function" == Aa(a)
  416. },
  417. w = function(a) {
  418. var b = typeof a;
  419. return "object" == b && null != a || "function" == b
  420. },
  421. Fa = function(a) {
  422. return a[Da] || (a[Da] = ++Ea)
  423. },
  424. Da = "closure_uid_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0),
  425. Ea = 0,
  426. Ga = function(a, b, c) {
  427. return, arguments)
  428. },
  429. Ha = function(a, b, c) {
  430. if (!a) throw Error();
  431. if (2 < arguments.length) {
  432. var d =, 2);
  433. return function() {
  434. var c =;
  435. Array.prototype.unshift.apply(c,
  436. d);
  437. return a.apply(b, c)
  438. }
  439. }
  440. return function() {
  441. return a.apply(b, arguments)
  442. }
  443. },
  444. x = function(a, b, c) {
  445. Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf("native code") ? x = Ga : x = Ha;
  446. return x.apply(null, arguments)
  447. },
  448. Ia = function(a, b) {
  449. var c =, 1);
  450. return function() {
  451. var b = c.slice();
  452. b.push.apply(b, arguments);
  453. return a.apply(this, b)
  454. }
  455. },
  456. y = || function() {
  457. return +new Date
  458. },
  459. Ka = function(a) {
  460. if (p.execScript) p.execScript(a, "JavaScript");
  461. else if (p.eval) {
  462. if (null == Ja) {
  463. try {
  464. p.eval("var _evalTest_ = 1;")
  465. } catch (d) {}
  466. if ("undefined" !=
  467. typeof p._evalTest_) {
  468. try {
  469. delete p._evalTest_
  470. } catch (d) {}
  471. Ja = !0
  472. } else Ja = !1
  473. }
  474. if (Ja) p.eval(a);
  475. else {
  476. var b = p.document,
  477. c = b.createElement("SCRIPT");
  478. c.type = "text/javascript";
  479. c.defer = !1;
  480. c.appendChild(b.createTextNode(a));
  481. b.head.appendChild(c);
  482. b.head.removeChild(c)
  483. }
  484. } else throw Error("goog.globalEval not available");
  485. },
  486. Ja = null,
  487. La = function(a, b) {
  488. var c = a.split("."),
  489. d = p;
  490. c[0] in d || "undefined" == typeof d.execScript || d.execScript("var " + c[0]);
  491. for (var e; c.length && (e = c.shift());) !c.length && q(b) ? d[e] = b : d[e] && d[e] !== Object.prototype[e] ?
  492. d = d[e] : d = d[e] = {}
  493. },
  494. z = function(a, b) {
  495. function c() {}
  496. c.prototype = b.prototype;
  497. a.F = b.prototype;
  498. a.prototype = new c;
  499. a.prototype.constructor = a;
  500. a.oi = function(a, c, f) {
  501. for (var d = Array(arguments.length - 2), e = 2; e < arguments.length; e++) d[e - 2] = arguments[e];
  502. return b.prototype[c].apply(a, d)
  503. }
  504. };
  505. var Ma = function(a) {
  506. if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, Ma);
  507. else {
  508. var b = Error().stack;
  509. b && (this.stack = b)
  510. }
  511. a && (this.message = String(a))
  512. };
  513. z(Ma, Error);
  514. = "CustomError";
  515. var Na;
  516. var Oa = Array.prototype.indexOf ? function(a, b) {
  517. return, b, void 0)
  518. } : function(a, b) {
  519. if (r(a)) return r(b) && 1 == b.length ? a.indexOf(b, 0) : -1;
  520. for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
  521. if (c in a && a[c] === b) return c;
  522. return -1
  523. },
  524. A = Array.prototype.forEach ? function(a, b, c) {
  525., b, c)
  526. } : function(a, b, c) {
  527. for (var d = a.length, e = r(a) ? a.split("") : a, f = 0; f < d; f++) f in e &&, e[f], f, a)
  528. },
  529. Pa = Array.prototype.filter ? function(a, b) {
  530. return, b, void 0)
  531. } : function(a, b) {
  532. for (var c =
  533. a.length, d = [], e = 0, f = r(a) ? a.split("") : a, g = 0; g < c; g++)
  534. if (g in f) {
  535. var l = f[g];
  536. 0, l, g, a) && (d[e++] = l)
  537. }
  538. return d
  539. },
  540. Qa = ? function(a, b) {
  541. return, b, void 0)
  542. } : function(a, b) {
  543. for (var c = a.length, d = Array(c), e = r(a) ? a.split("") : a, f = 0; f < c; f++) f in e && (d[f] = 0, e[f], f, a));
  544. return d
  545. },
  546. Ra = Array.prototype.some ? function(a, b, c) {
  547. return, b, c)
  548. } : function(a, b, c) {
  549. for (var d = a.length, e = r(a) ? a.split("") : a, f = 0; f < d; f++)
  550. if (f in e &&, e[f], f, a)) return !0;
  551. return !1
  552. },
  553. Sa = Array.prototype.every ? function(a, b) {
  554. return, b, void 0)
  555. } : function(a, b) {
  556. for (var c = a.length, d = r(a) ? a.split("") : a, e = 0; e < c; e++)
  557. if (e in d && ! 0, d[e], e, a)) return !1;
  558. return !0
  559. },
  560. Ua = function(a) {
  561. var b = Ta("grecaptcha-badge"),
  562. c = 0;
  563. A(b, function(b, e, f) {
  564. 0, b, e, f) && ++c
  565. }, void 0);
  566. return c
  567. },
  568. Wa = function(a) {
  569. a: {
  570. var b = Va;
  571. for (var c = a.length, d = r(a) ? a.split("") : a, e = 0; e < c; e++)
  572. if (e in d && 0, d[e], e, a)) {
  573. b = e;
  574. break a
  575. }
  576. b = -1
  577. }
  578. return 0 > b ? null : r(a) ? a.charAt(b) : a[b]
  579. },
  580. Xa = function(a, b) {
  581. return 0 <= Oa(a, b)
  582. },
  583. Ya = function(a) {
  584. if (!v(a))
  585. for (var b = a.length - 1; 0 <= b; b--) delete a[b];
  586. a.length = 0
  587. },
  588. Za = function(a, b) {
  589. var c = Oa(a, b),
  590. d;
  591. (d = 0 <= c) &&, c, 1);
  592. return d
  593. },
  594. $a = function(a) {
  595. return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arguments)
  596. },
  597. ab = function(a) {
  598. var b = a.length;
  599. if (0 < b) {
  600. for (var c = Array(b), d = 0; d < b; d++) c[d] = a[d];
  601. return c
  602. }
  603. return []
  604. },
  605. bb = function(a, b) {
  606. for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) {
  607. var d = arguments[c];
  608. if (Ba(d)) {
  609. var e = a.length || 0,
  610. f = d.length || 0;
  611. a.length = e + f;
  612. for (var g =
  613. 0; g < f; g++) a[e + g] = d[g]
  614. } else a.push(d)
  615. }
  616. },
  617. db = function(a, b, c, d) {
  618. Array.prototype.splice.apply(a, cb(arguments, 1))
  619. },
  620. cb = function(a, b, c) {
  621. return 2 >= arguments.length ?, b) :, b, c)
  622. },
  623. eb = function(a, b) {
  624. return a === b
  625. },
  626. fb = function(a) {
  627. for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a; c++) b[c] = 0;
  628. return b
  629. };
  630. var gb = function(a) {
  631. for (var b = [], c = 0, d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
  632. var e = a.charCodeAt(d);
  633. 255 < e && (b[c++] = e & 255, e >>= 8);
  634. b[c++] = e
  635. }
  636. return b
  637. },
  638. hb = function(a) {
  639. if (8192 >= a.length) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a);
  640. for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a.length; c += 8192) {
  641. var d = cb(a, c, c + 8192);
  642. b += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, d)
  643. }
  644. return b
  645. },
  646. ib = function(a) {
  647. return Qa(a, function(a) {
  648. a = a.toString(16);
  649. return 1 < a.length ? a : "0" + a
  650. }).join("")
  651. },
  652. jb = function(a) {
  653. for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c += 2) b.push(parseInt(a.substring(c, c + 2), 16));
  654. return b
  655. };
  656. var kb = function(a, b) {
  657. for (var c = a.split("%s"), d = "", e =, 1); e.length && 1 < c.length;) d += c.shift() + e.shift();
  658. return d + c.join("%s")
  659. },
  660. lb = String.prototype.trim ? function(a) {
  661. return a.trim()
  662. } : function(a) {
  663. return /^[\s\xa0]*([\s\S]*?)[\s\xa0]*$/.exec(a)[1]
  664. },
  665. tb = function(a) {
  666. if (!mb.test(a)) return a; - 1 != a.indexOf("&") && (a = a.replace(nb, "&amp;")); - 1 != a.indexOf("<") && (a = a.replace(ob, "&lt;")); - 1 != a.indexOf(">") && (a = a.replace(pb, "&gt;")); - 1 != a.indexOf('"') && (a = a.replace(qb, "&quot;")); - 1 !=
  667. a.indexOf("'") && (a = a.replace(rb, "&#39;")); - 1 != a.indexOf("\x00") && (a = a.replace(sb, "&#0;"));
  668. return a
  669. },
  670. nb = /&/g,
  671. ob = /</g,
  672. pb = />/g,
  673. qb = /"/g,
  674. rb = /'/g,
  675. sb = /\x00/g,
  676. mb = /[\x00&<>"']/,
  677. ub = String.prototype.repeat ? function(a, b) {
  678. return a.repeat(b)
  679. } : function(a, b) {
  680. return Array(b + 1).join(a)
  681. },
  682. vb = function() {
  683. return Math.floor(2147483648 * Math.random()).toString(36) + Math.abs(Math.floor(2147483648 * Math.random()) ^ y()).toString(36)
  684. },
  685. xb = function(a, b) {
  686. for (var c = 0, d = lb(String(a)).split("."), e = lb(String(b)).split("."), f = Math.max(d.length,
  687. e.length), g = 0; 0 == c && g < f; g++) {
  688. var l = d[g] || "",
  689. m = e[g] || "";
  690. do {
  691. l = /(\d*)(\D*)(.*)/.exec(l) || ["", "", "", ""];
  692. m = /(\d*)(\D*)(.*)/.exec(m) || ["", "", "", ""];
  693. if (0 == l[0].length && 0 == m[0].length) break;
  694. c = wb(0 == l[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(l[1], 10), 0 == m[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(m[1], 10)) || wb(0 == l[2].length, 0 == m[2].length) || wb(l[2], m[2]);
  695. l = l[3];
  696. m = m[3]
  697. } while (0 == c)
  698. }
  699. return c
  700. },
  701. wb = function(a, b) {
  702. return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0
  703. },
  704. yb = function(a) {
  705. return String(a).replace(/\-([a-z])/g, function(a, c) {
  706. return c.toUpperCase()
  707. })
  708. },
  709. zb = function(a) {
  710. var b = r(void 0) ?
  711. "undefined".replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:#<!\\])/g, "\\$1").replace(/\x08/g, "\\x08") : "\\s";
  712. return a.replace(new RegExp("(^" + (b ? "|[" + b + "]+" : "") + ")([a-z])", "g"), function(a, b, e) {
  713. return b + e.toUpperCase()
  714. })
  715. };
  716. var Ab;
  717. a: {
  718. var Bb = p.navigator;
  719. if (Bb) {
  720. var Cb = Bb.userAgent;
  721. if (Cb) {
  722. Ab = Cb;
  723. break a
  724. }
  725. }
  726. Ab = ""
  727. }
  728. var B = function(a) {
  729. return -1 != Ab.indexOf(a)
  730. };
  731. var Db = function(a, b, c) {
  732. for (var d in a), a[d], d, a)
  733. },
  734. Eb = function(a, b) {
  735. for (var c in a)
  736. if ( 0, a[c], c, a)) return !0;
  737. return !1
  738. },
  739. Fb = function(a) {
  740. var b = [],
  741. c = 0,
  742. d;
  743. for (d in a) b[c++] = a[d];
  744. return b
  745. },
  746. Gb = function(a) {
  747. var b = [],
  748. c = 0,
  749. d;
  750. for (d in a) b[c++] = d;
  751. return b
  752. },
  753. Hb = function(a) {
  754. for (var b in a) return !1;
  755. return !0
  756. },
  757. Ib = function(a, b, c) {
  758. if (null !== a && b in a) throw Error('The object already contains the key "' + b + '"');
  759. a[b] = c
  760. },
  761. Jb = function(a, b) {
  762. return null !== a && b in a ? a[b] : void 0
  763. },
  764. Kb = function(a) {
  765. var b = {},
  766. c;
  767. for (c in a) b[c] =
  768. a[c];
  769. return b
  770. },
  771. Lb = "constructor hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable toLocaleString toString valueOf".split(" "),
  772. Mb = function(a, b) {
  773. for (var c, d, e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {
  774. d = arguments[e];
  775. for (c in d) a[c] = d[c];
  776. for (var f = 0; f < Lb.length; f++) c = Lb[f],, c) && (a[c] = d[c])
  777. }
  778. },
  779. Nb = function(a) {
  780. var b = arguments.length;
  781. if (1 == b && v(arguments[0])) return Nb.apply(null, arguments[0]);
  782. for (var c = {}, d = 0; d < b; d++) c[arguments[d]] = !0;
  783. return c
  784. };
  785. var Ob = function() {
  786. return (B("Chrome") || B("CriOS")) && !B("Edge")
  787. };
  788. var Pb = function() {
  789. return B("iPhone") && !B("iPod") && !B("iPad")
  790. },
  791. Qb = function() {
  792. return Pb() || B("iPad") || B("iPod")
  793. };
  794. var Rb = function(a) {
  795. Rb[" "](a);
  796. return a
  797. };
  798. Rb[" "] = u;
  799. var Tb = function(a, b) {
  800. var c = Sb;
  801. return, a) ? c[a] : c[a] = b(a)
  802. };
  803. var Ub = B("Opera"),
  804. C = B("Trident") || B("MSIE"),
  805. Vb = B("Edge"),
  806. Wb = Vb || C,
  807. Xb = B("Gecko") && !(-1 != Ab.toLowerCase().indexOf("webkit") && !B("Edge")) && !(B("Trident") || B("MSIE")) && !B("Edge"),
  808. E = -1 != Ab.toLowerCase().indexOf("webkit") && !B("Edge"),
  809. Yb = E && B("Mobile"),
  810. Zb = B("Macintosh"),
  811. $b = B("Windows"),
  812. ac = B("Android"),
  813. bc = Pb(),
  814. cc = B("iPad"),
  815. dc = B("iPod"),
  816. ec = Qb(),
  817. fc = function() {
  818. var a = p.document;
  819. return a ? a.documentMode : void 0
  820. },
  821. gc;
  822. a: {
  823. var hc = "",
  824. ic = function() {
  825. var a = Ab;
  826. if (Xb) return /rv:([^\);]+)(\)|;)/.exec(a);
  827. if (Vb) return /Edge\/([\d\.]+)/.exec(a);
  828. if (C) return /\b(?:MSIE|rv)[: ]([^\);]+)(\)|;)/.exec(a);
  829. if (E) return /WebKit\/(\S+)/.exec(a);
  830. if (Ub) return /(?:Version)[ \/]?(\S+)/.exec(a)
  831. }();ic && (hc = ic ? ic[1] : "");
  832. if (C) {
  833. var jc = fc();
  834. if (null != jc && jc > parseFloat(hc)) {
  835. gc = String(jc);
  836. break a
  837. }
  838. }
  839. gc = hc
  840. }
  841. var kc = gc,
  842. Sb = {},
  843. lc = function(a) {
  844. return Tb(a, function() {
  845. return 0 <= xb(kc, a)
  846. })
  847. },
  848. mc;
  849. var nc = p.document;
  850. mc = nc && C ? fc() || ("CSS1Compat" == nc.compatMode ? parseInt(kc, 10) : 5) : void 0;
  851. var oc = B("Firefox"),
  852. pc = Pb() || B("iPod"),
  853. qc = B("iPad"),
  854. rc = B("Android") && !(Ob() || B("Firefox") || B("Opera") || B("Silk")),
  855. sc = Ob(),
  856. tc = B("Safari") && !(Ob() || B("Coast") || B("Opera") || B("Edge") || B("Silk") || B("Android")) && !Qb();
  857. var uc = null,
  858. vc = null,
  859. wc = null,
  860. yc = function(a, b) {
  861. Ba(a);
  862. xc();
  863. for (var c = b ? wc : uc, d = [], e = 0; e < a.length; e += 3) {
  864. var f = a[e],
  865. g = e + 1 < a.length,
  866. l = g ? a[e + 1] : 0,
  867. m = e + 2 < a.length,
  868. t = m ? a[e + 2] : 0,
  869. D = f >> 2;
  870. f = (f & 3) << 4 | l >> 4;
  871. l = (l & 15) << 2 | t >> 6;
  872. t &= 63;
  873. m || (t = 64, g || (l = 64));
  874. d.push(c[D], c[f], c[l], c[t])
  875. }
  876. return d.join("")
  877. },
  878. Ac = function(a) {
  879. var b = [];
  880. zc(a, function(a) {
  881. b.push(a)
  882. });
  883. return b
  884. },
  885. zc = function(a, b) {
  886. function c(b) {
  887. for (; d < a.length;) {
  888. var c = a.charAt(d++),
  889. e = vc[c];
  890. if (null != e) return e;
  891. if (!/^[\s\xa0]*$/.test(c)) throw Error("Unknown base64 encoding at char: " +
  892. c);
  893. }
  894. return b
  895. }
  896. xc();
  897. for (var d = 0;;) {
  898. var e = c(-1),
  899. f = c(0),
  900. g = c(64),
  901. l = c(64);
  902. if (64 === l && -1 === e) break;
  903. b(e << 2 | f >> 4);
  904. 64 != g && (b(f << 4 & 240 | g >> 2), 64 != l && b(g << 6 & 192 | l))
  905. }
  906. },
  907. xc = function() {
  908. if (!uc) {
  909. uc = {};
  910. vc = {};
  911. wc = {};
  912. for (var a = 0; 65 > a; a++) uc[a] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".charAt(a), vc[uc[a]] = a, wc[a] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_.".charAt(a), 62 <= a && (vc["ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_.".charAt(a)] = a)
  913. }
  914. };
  915. var G = h(),
  916. Bc = "function" == typeof Uint8Array,
  917. H = function(a, b, c, d) {
  918. a.l = null;
  919. b || (b = c ? [c] : []);
  920. a.D = c ? String(c) : void 0;
  921. a.o = 0 === c ? -1 : 0;
  922. a.ja = b;
  923. a: {
  924. if (a.ja.length && (b = a.ja.length - 1, (c = a.ja[b]) && "object" == typeof c && !v(c) && !(Bc && c instanceof Uint8Array))) {
  925. a.w = b - a.o;
  926. a.m = c;
  927. break a
  928. }
  929. a.w = Number.MAX_VALUE
  930. }
  931. a.A = {};
  932. if (d)
  933. for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) c = d[b], c < a.w ? (c += a.o, a.ja[c] = a.ja[c] || Cc) : (Dc(a), a.m[c] = a.m[c] || Cc)
  934. },
  935. Cc = [],
  936. Dc = function(a) {
  937. var b = a.w + a.o;
  938. a.ja[b] || (a.m = a.ja[b] = {})
  939. },
  940. Ec = function(a, b, c) {
  941. for (var d = [], e = 0; e < a.length; e++) d[e] =
  942.[e], c, a[e]);
  943. return d
  944. },
  945. I = function(a, b) {
  946. if (b < a.w) {
  947. var c = b + a.o,
  948. d = a.ja[c];
  949. return d === Cc ? a.ja[c] = [] : d
  950. }
  951. if (a.m) return d = a.m[b], d === Cc ? a.m[b] = [] : d
  952. },
  953. Fc = function(a, b) {
  954. if (b < a.w) {
  955. var c = b + a.o,
  956. d = a.ja[c];
  957. return d === Cc ? a.ja[c] = [] : d
  958. }
  959. d = a.m[b];
  960. return d === Cc ? a.m[b] = [] : d
  961. },
  962. J = function(a, b, c) {
  963. b < a.w ? a.ja[b + a.o] = c : (Dc(a), a.m[b] = c)
  964. },
  965. K = function(a, b, c) {
  966. a.l || (a.l = {});
  967. if (!a.l[c]) {
  968. var d = I(a, c);
  969. d && (a.l[c] = new b(d))
  970. }
  971. return a.l[c]
  972. },
  973. Gc = function(a, b, c) {
  974. a.l || (a.l = {});
  975. if (!a.l[c]) {
  976. for (var d = Fc(a, c), e = [], f = 0; f < d.length; f++) e[f] =
  977. new b(d[f]);
  978. a.l[c] = e
  979. }
  980. b = a.l[c];
  981. b == Cc && (b = a.l[c] = []);
  982. return b
  983. },
  984. Ic = function(a) {
  985. if (a.l)
  986. for (var b in a.l) {
  987. var c = a.l[b];
  988. if (v(c))
  989. for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) c[d] && Hc(c[d]);
  990. else c && Hc(c)
  991. }
  992. },
  993. Hc = function(a) {
  994. Ic(a);
  995. return a.ja
  996. };
  997. G.prototype.Fb = Bc ? function() {
  998. var a = Uint8Array.prototype.toJSON;
  999. Uint8Array.prototype.toJSON = function() {
  1000. return yc(this)
  1001. };
  1002. try {
  1003. return JSON.stringify(this.ja && Hc(this), Jc)
  1004. } finally {
  1005. Uint8Array.prototype.toJSON = a
  1006. }
  1007. } : function() {
  1008. return JSON.stringify(this.ja && Hc(this), Jc)
  1009. };
  1010. var Jc = function(a, b) {
  1011. return va(b) && (isNaN(b) || Infinity === b || -Infinity === b) ? String(b) : b
  1012. },
  1013. Lc = function(a) {
  1014. return new Kc(a ? JSON.parse(a) : null)
  1015. };
  1016. G.prototype.toString = function() {
  1017. Ic(this);
  1018. return this.ja.toString()
  1019. };
  1020. var Mc;
  1021. var Nc = !C || 9 <= Number(mc),
  1022. Oc = !Xb && !C || C && 9 <= Number(mc) || Xb && lc("1.9.1"),
  1023. Pc = C && !lc("9"),
  1024. Qc = C || Ub || E;
  1025. var Sc = function() {
  1026. this.m = "";
  1027. this.o = Rc
  1028. };
  1029. Sc.prototype.nb = !0;
  1030. Sc.prototype.ib = k("m");
  1031. Sc.prototype.Tc = !0;
  1032. Sc.prototype.l = ba(1);
  1033. var Tc = function(a) {
  1034. if (a instanceof Sc && a.constructor === Sc && a.o === Rc) return a.m;
  1035. Aa(a);
  1036. return "type_error:TrustedResourceUrl"
  1037. },
  1038. Rc = {};
  1039. var Vc = function() {
  1040. this.m = Uc
  1041. };
  1042. Vc.prototype.nb = !0;
  1043. Vc.prototype.ib = ba("");
  1044. Vc.prototype.Tc = !0;
  1045. Vc.prototype.l = ba(1);
  1046. var Wc = function(a) {
  1047. if (a instanceof Vc && a.constructor === Vc && a.m === Uc) return "";
  1048. Aa(a);
  1049. return "type_error:SafeUrl"
  1050. },
  1051. Uc = {};
  1052. var Yc = function() {
  1053. this.l = "";
  1054. this.m = Xc
  1055. };
  1056. Yc.prototype.nb = !0;
  1057. var Xc = {};
  1058. Yc.prototype.ib = k("l");
  1059. var $c = function() {
  1060. this.l = "";
  1061. this.m = Zc
  1062. };
  1063. $c.prototype.nb = !0;
  1064. var Zc = {};
  1065. $c.prototype.ib = k("l");
  1066. var bd = function() {
  1067. this.m = "";
  1068. this.w = ad;
  1069. this.o = null
  1070. };
  1071. bd.prototype.Tc = !0;
  1072. bd.prototype.l = k("o");
  1073. bd.prototype.nb = !0;
  1074. bd.prototype.ib = k("m");
  1075. var cd = function(a) {
  1076. if (a instanceof bd && a.constructor === bd && a.w === ad) return a.m;
  1077. Aa(a);
  1078. return "type_error:SafeHtml"
  1079. },
  1080. ed = function(a) {
  1081. if (a instanceof bd) return a;
  1082. var b = null;
  1083. a.Tc && (b = a.l());
  1084. a = tb(a.nb ? a.ib() : String(a));
  1085. return dd(a, b)
  1086. },
  1087. fd = function(a) {
  1088. var b = 0,
  1089. c = "",
  1090. d = function(a) {
  1091. v(a) ? A(a, d) : (a = ed(a), c += cd(a), a = a.l(), 0 == b ? b = a : 0 != a && b != a && (b = null))
  1092. };
  1093. A(arguments, d);
  1094. return dd(c, b)
  1095. },
  1096. ad = {},
  1097. dd = function(a, b) {
  1098. var c = new bd;
  1099. c.m = a;
  1100. c.o = b;
  1101. return c
  1102. };
  1103. dd("<!DOCTYPE html>", 0);
  1104. dd("", 0);
  1105. var gd = dd("<br>", 0);
  1106. var hd = function(a, b) {
  1107. a.src = Tc(b);
  1108. var c;
  1109. if (null === xa) {
  1110. a: {
  1111. if ((c = p.document.querySelector("script[nonce]")) && (c = c.nonce || c.getAttribute("nonce")) && wa.test(c)) break a;c = null
  1112. }
  1113. xa = c || ""
  1114. }
  1115. if (c = xa) a.nonce = c
  1116. };
  1117. var id = function(a, b) {
  1118. this.K = q(a) ? a : 0;
  1119. this.J = q(b) ? b : 0
  1120. };
  1121. id.prototype.ceil = function() {
  1122. this.K = Math.ceil(this.K);
  1123. this.J = Math.ceil(this.J);
  1124. return this
  1125. };
  1126. id.prototype.floor = function() {
  1127. this.K = Math.floor(this.K);
  1128. this.J = Math.floor(this.J);
  1129. return this
  1130. };
  1131. id.prototype.round = function() {
  1132. this.K = Math.round(this.K);
  1133. this.J = Math.round(this.J);
  1134. return this
  1135. };
  1136. var jd = function(a, b) {
  1137. var c = va(void 0) ? void 0 : b;
  1138. a.K *= b;
  1139. a.J *= c;
  1140. return a
  1141. };
  1142. var L = function(a, b) {
  1143. this.width = a;
  1144. this.height = b
  1145. },
  1146. kd = function(a) {
  1147. return new L(a.width, a.height)
  1148. };
  1149. L.prototype.aspectRatio = function() {
  1150. return this.width / this.height
  1151. };
  1152. L.prototype.ceil = function() {
  1153. this.width = Math.ceil(this.width);
  1154. this.height = Math.ceil(this.height);
  1155. return this
  1156. };
  1157. L.prototype.floor = function() {
  1158. this.width = Math.floor(this.width);
  1159. this.height = Math.floor(this.height);
  1160. return this
  1161. };
  1162. L.prototype.round = function() {
  1163. this.width = Math.round(this.width);
  1164. this.height = Math.round(this.height);
  1165. return this
  1166. };
  1167. var nd = function(a) {
  1168. return a ? new ld(md(a)) : Na || (Na = new ld)
  1169. },
  1170. od = function(a, b) {
  1171. return r(b) ? a.getElementById(b) : b
  1172. },
  1173. pd = function(a, b) {
  1174. return (b || document).getElementsByTagName(String(a))
  1175. },
  1176. Ta = function(a, b) {
  1177. var c = b || document;
  1178. return c.querySelectorAll && c.querySelector ? c.querySelectorAll("." + a) : qd(document, "*", a, b)
  1179. },
  1180. M = function(a, b) {
  1181. var c = b || document;
  1182. if (c.getElementsByClassName) c = c.getElementsByClassName(a)[0];
  1183. else {
  1184. c = document;
  1185. var d = b || c;
  1186. c = d.querySelectorAll && d.querySelector && a ? d.querySelector(a ? "." + a : "") : qd(c,
  1187. "*", a, b)[0] || null
  1188. }
  1189. return c || null
  1190. },
  1191. qd = function(a, b, c, d) {
  1192. a = d || a;
  1193. b = b && "*" != b ? String(b).toUpperCase() : "";
  1194. if (a.querySelectorAll && a.querySelector && (b || c)) return a.querySelectorAll(b + (c ? "." + c : ""));
  1195. if (c && a.getElementsByClassName) {
  1196. a = a.getElementsByClassName(c);
  1197. if (b) {
  1198. d = {};
  1199. for (var e = 0, f = 0, g; g = a[f]; f++) b == g.nodeName && (d[e++] = g);
  1200. d.length = e;
  1201. return d
  1202. }
  1203. return a
  1204. }
  1205. a = a.getElementsByTagName(b || "*");
  1206. if (c) {
  1207. d = {};
  1208. for (f = e = 0; g = a[f]; f++) b = g.className, "function" == typeof b.split && Xa(b.split(/\s+/), c) && (d[e++] = g);
  1209. d.length = e;
  1210. return d
  1211. }
  1212. return a
  1213. },
  1214. sd = function(a, b) {
  1215. Db(b, function(b, d) {
  1216. b && b.nb && (b = b.ib());
  1217. "style" == d ? = b : "class" == d ? a.className = b : "for" == d ? a.htmlFor = b : rd.hasOwnProperty(d) ? a.setAttribute(rd[d], b) : 0 == d.lastIndexOf("aria-", 0) || 0 == d.lastIndexOf("data-", 0) ? a.setAttribute(d, b) : a[d] = b
  1218. })
  1219. },
  1220. rd = {
  1221. cellpadding: "cellPadding",
  1222. cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
  1223. colspan: "colSpan",
  1224. frameborder: "frameBorder",
  1225. height: "height",
  1226. maxlength: "maxLength",
  1227. nonce: "nonce",
  1228. role: "role",
  1229. rowspan: "rowSpan",
  1230. type: "type",
  1231. usemap: "useMap",
  1232. valign: "vAlign",
  1233. width: "width"
  1234. },
  1235. ud = function(a) {
  1236. a = a.document;
  1237. a = td(a) ? a.documentElement : a.body;
  1238. return new L(a.clientWidth, a.clientHeight)
  1239. },
  1240. vd = function(a) {
  1241. var b = a.scrollingElement ? a.scrollingElement : !E && td(a) ? a.documentElement : a.body || a.documentElement;
  1242. a = a.parentWindow || a.defaultView;
  1243. return C && lc("10") && a.pageYOffset != b.scrollTop ? new id(b.scrollLeft, b.scrollTop) : new id(a.pageXOffset || b.scrollLeft, a.pageYOffset || b.scrollTop)
  1244. },
  1245. N = function(a) {
  1246. return a ? a.parentWindow || a.defaultView : window
  1247. },
  1248. xd = function(a, b, c) {
  1249. return wd(document, arguments)
  1250. },
  1251. wd = function(a, b) {
  1252. var c = String(b[0]),
  1253. d = b[1];
  1254. if (!Nc && d && ( || d.type)) {
  1255. c = ["<", c];
  1256. && c.push(' name="', tb(, '"');
  1257. if (d.type) {
  1258. c.push(' type="', tb(d.type), '"');
  1259. var e = {};
  1260. Mb(e, d);
  1261. delete e.type;
  1262. d = e
  1263. }
  1264. c.push(">");
  1265. c = c.join("")
  1266. }
  1267. c = a.createElement(c);
  1268. d && (r(d) ? c.className = d : v(d) ? c.className = d.join(" ") : sd(c, d));
  1269. 2 < b.length && yd(a, c, b);
  1270. return c
  1271. },
  1272. yd = function(a, b, c) {
  1273. function d(c) {
  1274. c && b.appendChild(r(c) ? a.createTextNode(c) : c)
  1275. }
  1276. for (var e = 2; e < c.length; e++) {
  1277. var f = c[e];
  1278. !Ba(f) || w(f) && 0 < f.nodeType ? d(f) : A(zd(f) ? ab(f) :
  1279. f, d)
  1280. }
  1281. },
  1282. Ad = function(a, b) {
  1283. return a.createElement(String(b))
  1284. },
  1285. td = function(a) {
  1286. return "CSS1Compat" == a.compatMode
  1287. },
  1288. Bd = function(a, b) {
  1289. a.appendChild(b)
  1290. },
  1291. Cd = function(a) {
  1292. for (var b; b = a.firstChild;) a.removeChild(b)
  1293. },
  1294. Dd = function(a) {
  1295. a && a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a)
  1296. },
  1297. Ed = function(a) {
  1298. return Oc && void 0 != a.children ? a.children : Pa(a.childNodes, function(a) {
  1299. return 1 == a.nodeType
  1300. })
  1301. },
  1302. Gd = function(a) {
  1303. return q(a.firstElementChild) ? a.firstElementChild : Fd(a.firstChild, !0)
  1304. },
  1305. Hd = function(a) {
  1306. return q(a.lastElementChild) ?
  1307. a.lastElementChild : Fd(a.lastChild, !1)
  1308. },
  1309. Fd = function(a, b) {
  1310. for (; a && 1 != a.nodeType;) a = b ? a.nextSibling : a.previousSibling;
  1311. return a
  1312. },
  1313. Id = function(a) {
  1314. var b;
  1315. if (Qc && !(C && lc("9") && !lc("10") && p.SVGElement && a instanceof p.SVGElement) && (b = a.parentElement)) return b;
  1316. b = a.parentNode;
  1317. return w(b) && 1 == b.nodeType ? b : null
  1318. },
  1319. Jd = function(a, b) {
  1320. if (!a || !b) return !1;
  1321. if (a.contains && 1 == b.nodeType) return a == b || a.contains(b);
  1322. if ("undefined" != typeof a.compareDocumentPosition) return a == b || !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
  1323. for (; b && a != b;) b =
  1324. b.parentNode;
  1325. return b == a
  1326. },
  1327. md = function(a) {
  1328. return 9 == a.nodeType ? a : a.ownerDocument || a.document
  1329. },
  1330. Kd = function(a) {
  1331. try {
  1332. return a.contentWindow || (a.contentDocument ? N(a.contentDocument) : null)
  1333. } catch (b) {}
  1334. return null
  1335. },
  1336. Ld = function(a, b) {
  1337. if ("textContent" in a) a.textContent = b;
  1338. else if (3 == a.nodeType) = String(b);
  1339. else if (a.firstChild && 3 == a.firstChild.nodeType) {
  1340. for (; a.lastChild != a.firstChild;) a.removeChild(a.lastChild);
  1341. = String(b)
  1342. } else {
  1343. Cd(a);
  1344. var c = md(a);
  1345. a.appendChild(c.createTextNode(String(b)))
  1346. }
  1347. },
  1348. Nd = function(a, b) {
  1349. var c = [];
  1350. Md(a, b, c, !1);
  1351. return c
  1352. },
  1353. Md = function(a, b, c, d) {
  1354. if (null != a)
  1355. for (a = a.firstChild; a;) {
  1356. if (b(a) && (c.push(a), d) || Md(a, b, c, d)) return !0;
  1357. a = a.nextSibling
  1358. }
  1359. return !1
  1360. },
  1361. Od = {
  1362. SCRIPT: 1,
  1363. STYLE: 1,
  1364. HEAD: 1,
  1365. IFRAME: 1,
  1366. OBJECT: 1
  1367. },
  1368. Pd = {
  1369. IMG: " ",
  1370. BR: "\n"
  1371. },
  1372. Qd = function(a, b) {
  1373. b ? a.tabIndex = 0 : (a.tabIndex = -1, a.removeAttribute("tabIndex"))
  1374. },
  1375. Rd = function(a) {
  1376. return C && !lc("9") ? (a = a.getAttributeNode("tabindex"), null != a && a.specified) : a.hasAttribute("tabindex")
  1377. },
  1378. Sd = function(a) {
  1379. a = a.tabIndex;
  1380. return va(a) && 0 <= a && 32768 > a
  1381. },
  1382. Ud = function(a) {
  1383. if (Pc &&
  1384. null !== a && "innerText" in a) a = a.innerText.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "\n");
  1385. else {
  1386. var b = [];
  1387. Td(a, b, !0);
  1388. a = b.join("")
  1389. }
  1390. a = a.replace(/ \xAD /g, " ").replace(/\xAD/g, "");
  1391. a = a.replace(/\u200B/g, "");
  1392. Pc || (a = a.replace(/ +/g, " "));
  1393. " " != a && (a = a.replace(/^\s*/, ""));
  1394. return a
  1395. },
  1396. Vd = function(a) {
  1397. var b = [];
  1398. Td(a, b, !1);
  1399. return b.join("")
  1400. },
  1401. Td = function(a, b, c) {
  1402. if (!(a.nodeName in Od))
  1403. if (3 == a.nodeType) c ? b.push(String(a.nodeValue).replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "")) : b.push(a.nodeValue);
  1404. else if (a.nodeName in Pd) b.push(Pd[a.nodeName]);
  1405. else
  1406. for (a =
  1407. a.firstChild; a;) Td(a, b, c), a = a.nextSibling
  1408. },
  1409. zd = function(a) {
  1410. if (a && "number" == typeof a.length) {
  1411. if (w(a)) return "function" == typeof a.item || "string" == typeof a.item;
  1412. if (Ca(a)) return "function" == typeof a.item
  1413. }
  1414. return !1
  1415. },
  1416. Wd = function(a) {
  1417. try {
  1418. var b = a && a.activeElement;
  1419. return b && b.nodeName ? b : null
  1420. } catch (c) {
  1421. return null
  1422. }
  1423. },
  1424. ld = function(a) {
  1425. this.l = a || p.document || document
  1426. };
  1427. ld.prototype.B = function(a) {
  1428. return od(this.l, a)
  1429. };
  1430. ld.prototype.P = function(a) {
  1431. return M(a, this.l)
  1432. };
  1433. ld.prototype.V = function(a, b, c) {
  1434. return wd(this.l, arguments)
  1435. };
  1437. var Xd = function(a, b, c) {
  1438. v(c) && (c = c.join(" "));
  1439. var d = "aria-" + b;
  1440. "" === c || void 0 == c ? (Mc || (Mc = {
  1441. atomic: !1,
  1442. autocomplete: "none",
  1443. dropeffect: "none",
  1444. haspopup: !1,
  1445. live: "off",
  1446. multiline: !1,
  1447. multiselectable: !1,
  1448. orientation: "vertical",
  1449. readonly: !1,
  1450. relevant: "additions text",
  1451. required: !1,
  1452. sort: "none",
  1453. busy: !1,
  1454. disabled: !1,
  1455. hidden: !1,
  1456. invalid: "false"
  1457. }), c = Mc, b in c ? a.setAttribute(d, c[b]) : a.removeAttribute(d)) : a.setAttribute(d, c)
  1458. };
  1459. var O = function() {
  1460. this.da = this.da;
  1461. =
  1462. };
  1463. O.prototype.da = !1;
  1464. = function() {
  1465. this.da || (this.da = !0, this.L())
  1466. };
  1467. var Zd = function(a, b) {
  1468. var c = Ia(Yd, b);
  1469. a.da ? q(void 0) ? 0) : c() : ( || ( = []), 0) ? x(c, void 0) : c))
  1470. };
  1471. O.prototype.L = function() {
  1472. if (
  1473. for (;;)
  1474. };
  1475. var Yd = function(a) {
  1476. a && "function" == typeof &&
  1477. };
  1478. var $d = [],
  1479. ae = [],
  1480. be = !1,
  1481. ce = function(a) {
  1482. $d[$d.length] = a;
  1483. if (be)
  1484. for (var b = 0; b < ae.length; b++) a(x(ae[b].l, ae[b]))
  1485. };
  1486. var de = function(a) {
  1487. var b = p.onerror,
  1488. c = !1;
  1489. E && !lc("535.3") && (c = !c);
  1490. p.onerror = function(d, e, f, g, l) {
  1491. b && b(d, e, f, g, l);
  1492. a({
  1493. message: d,
  1494. fileName: e,
  1495. line: f,
  1496. lineNumber: f,
  1497. vc: g,
  1498. error: l
  1499. });
  1500. return c
  1501. }
  1502. },
  1503. ee = function(a) {
  1504. return {
  1505. valueOf: function() {
  1506. return a
  1507. }
  1508. }.valueOf()
  1509. };
  1510. var fe = !C || 9 <= Number(mc),
  1511. ge = !C || 9 <= Number(mc),
  1512. he = C && !lc("9"),
  1513. ie = {
  1514. valueOf: function() {
  1515. if (!p.addEventListener || !Object.defineProperty) return !1;
  1516. var a = !1,
  1517. b = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", {
  1518. get: function() {
  1519. a = !0
  1520. }
  1521. });
  1522. p.addEventListener("test", u, b);
  1523. p.removeEventListener("test", u, b);
  1524. return a
  1525. }
  1526. }.valueOf();
  1527. var je = function(a, b) {
  1528. this.type = a;
  1529. this.l = = b;
  1530. this.o = !1;
  1531. this.Xd = !0
  1532. };
  1533. je.prototype.m = function() {
  1534. this.o = !0
  1535. };
  1536. je.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
  1537. this.Xd = !1
  1538. };
  1539. var ke = function(a) {
  1540. return E ? "webkit" + a : Ub ? "o" + a.toLowerCase() : a.toLowerCase()
  1541. },
  1542. le = {
  1543. nf: "click",
  1544. xh: "rightclick",
  1545. zf: "dblclick",
  1546. ld: "mousedown",
  1547. od: "mouseup",
  1548. nd: "mouseover",
  1549. md: "mouseout",
  1550. Dg: "mousemove",
  1551. Bg: "mouseenter",
  1552. Cg: "mouseleave",
  1553. kd: "mousecancel",
  1554. Ch: "selectionchange",
  1555. Dh: "selectstart",
  1556. li: "wheel",
  1557. ng: "keypress",
  1558. mg: "keydown",
  1559. og: "keyup",
  1560. hf: "blur",
  1561. ag: "focus",
  1562. Af: "deactivate",
  1563. cg: "focusin",
  1564. dg: "focusout",
  1565. mf: "change",
  1566. th: "reset",
  1567. Bh: "select",
  1568. Ph: "submit",
  1569. jg: "input",
  1570. qh: "propertychange",
  1571. Rf: "dragstart",
  1572. Mf: "drag",
  1573. Of: "dragenter",
  1574. Qf: "dragover",
  1575. Pf: "dragleave",
  1576. Sf: "drop",
  1577. Nf: "dragend",
  1578. $h: "touchstart",
  1579. Zh: "touchmove",
  1580. Yh: "touchend",
  1581. Xh: "touchcancel",
  1582. ff: "beforeunload",
  1583. uf: "consolemessage",
  1584. vf: "contextmenu",
  1585. Bf: "devicechange",
  1586. Cf: "devicemotion",
  1587. Df: "deviceorientation",
  1588. Gf: "DOMContentLoaded",
  1589. Wf: "error",
  1590. hg: "help",
  1591. pg: "load",
  1592. xg: "losecapture",
  1593. Xg: "orientationchange",
  1594. sh: "readystatechange",
  1595. uh: "resize",
  1596. yh: "scroll",
  1597. ci: "unload",
  1598. kf: "canplay",
  1599. lf: "canplaythrough",
  1600. Tf: "durationchange",
  1601. Uf: "emptied",
  1602. Vf: "ended",
  1603. sg: "loadeddata",
  1604. tg: "loadedmetadata",
  1605. dh: "pause",
  1606. eh: "play",
  1607. fh: "playing",
  1608. rh: "ratechange",
  1609. zh: "seeked",
  1610. Ah: "seeking",
  1611. Lh: "stalled",
  1612. Qh: "suspend",
  1613. Wh: "timeupdate",
  1614. ji: "volumechange",
  1615. ki: "waiting",
  1616. Kh: "sourceopen",
  1617. Jh: "sourceended",
  1618. Ih: "sourceclosed",
  1619. Se: "abort",
  1620. ei: "update",
  1621. hi: "updatestart",
  1622. fi: "updateend",
  1623. gg: "hashchange",
  1624. $g: "pagehide",
  1625. ah: "pageshow",
  1626. oh: "popstate",
  1627. xf: "copy",
  1628. bh: "paste",
  1629. yf: "cut",
  1630. $e: "beforecopy",
  1631. af: "beforecut",
  1632. df: "beforepaste",
  1633. Wg: "online",
  1634. Vg: "offline",
  1635. zg: "message",
  1636. tf: "connect",
  1637. kg: "install",
  1638. Te: "activate",
  1639. $f: "fetch",
  1640. eg: "foreignfetch",
  1641. Ag: "messageerror",
  1642. Mh: "statechange",
  1643. gi: "updatefound",
  1644. wf: "controllerchange",
  1645. Xe: ke("AnimationStart"),
  1646. Ve: ke("AnimationEnd"),
  1647. We: ke("AnimationIteration"),
  1648. ai: ke("TransitionEnd"),
  1649. hh: "pointerdown",
  1650. nh: "pointerup",
  1651. gh: "pointercancel",
  1652. kh: "pointermove",
  1653. mh: "pointerover",
  1654. lh: "pointerout",
  1655. ih: "pointerenter",
  1656. jh: "pointerleave",
  1657. fg: "gotpointercapture",
  1658. yg: "lostpointercapture",
  1659. Eg: "MSGestureChange",
  1660. Fg: "MSGestureEnd",
  1661. Gg: "MSGestureHold",
  1662. Hg: "MSGestureStart",
  1663. Ig: "MSGestureTap",
  1664. Jg: "MSGotPointerCapture",
  1665. Kg: "MSInertiaStart",
  1666. Lg: "MSLostPointerCapture",
  1667. Mg: "MSPointerCancel",
  1668. Ng: "MSPointerDown",
  1669. Og: "MSPointerEnter",
  1670. Pg: "MSPointerHover",
  1671. Qg: "MSPointerLeave",
  1672. Rg: "MSPointerMove",
  1673. Sg: "MSPointerOut",
  1674. Tg: "MSPointerOver",
  1675. Ug: "MSPointerUp",
  1676. Sh: "text",
  1677. Th: C ? "textinput" : "textInput",
  1678. rf: "compositionstart",
  1679. sf: "compositionupdate",
  1680. qf: "compositionend",
  1681. bf: "beforeinput",
  1682. Yf: "exit",
  1683. qg: "loadabort",
  1684. rg: "loadcommit",
  1685. ug: "loadredirect",
  1686. vg: "loadstart",
  1687. wg: "loadstop",
  1688. wh: "responsive",
  1689. Hh: "sizechanged",
  1690. di: "unresponsive",
  1691. ii: "visibilitychange",
  1692. Oh: "storage",
  1693. Lf: "DOMSubtreeModified",
  1694. Hf: "DOMNodeInserted",
  1695. Jf: "DOMNodeRemoved",
  1696. Kf: "DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument",
  1697. If: "DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument",
  1698. Ef: "DOMAttrModified",
  1699. Ff: "DOMCharacterDataModified",
  1700. ef: "beforeprint",
  1701. Ue: "afterprint",
  1702. cf: "beforeinstallprompt",
  1703. Ye: "appinstalled"
  1704. };
  1705. var ne = function(a, b) {
  1706., a ? a.type : "");
  1707. this.relatedTarget = this.l = = null;
  1708. this.button = this.screenY = this.screenX = this.clientY = this.clientX = 0;
  1709. this.key = "";
  1710. this.keyCode = 0;
  1711. this.w = this.metaKey = this.shiftKey = this.altKey = this.ctrlKey = !1;
  1712. this.pointerId = 0;
  1713. this.pointerType = "";
  1714. this.ta = null;
  1715. if (a) {
  1716. var c = this.type = a.type,
  1717. d = a.changedTouches ? a.changedTouches[0] : null;
  1718. = || a.srcElement;
  1719. this.l = b;
  1720. var e = a.relatedTarget;
  1721. if (e) {
  1722. if (Xb) {
  1723. a: {
  1724. try {
  1725. Rb(e.nodeName);
  1726. var f = !0;
  1727. break a
  1728. } catch (g) {}
  1729. f = !1
  1730. }
  1731. f ||
  1732. (e = null)
  1733. }
  1734. } else "mouseover" == c ? e = a.fromElement : "mouseout" == c && (e = a.toElement);
  1735. this.relatedTarget = e;
  1736. null === d ? (this.clientX = void 0 !== a.clientX ? a.clientX : a.pageX, this.clientY = void 0 !== a.clientY ? a.clientY : a.pageY, this.screenX = a.screenX || 0, this.screenY = a.screenY || 0) : (this.clientX = void 0 !== d.clientX ? d.clientX : d.pageX, this.clientY = void 0 !== d.clientY ? d.clientY : d.pageY, this.screenX = d.screenX || 0, this.screenY = d.screenY || 0);
  1737. this.button = a.button;
  1738. this.keyCode = a.keyCode || 0;
  1739. this.key = a.key || "";
  1740. this.ctrlKey = a.ctrlKey;
  1741. this.altKey = a.altKey;
  1742. this.shiftKey = a.shiftKey;
  1743. this.metaKey = a.metaKey;
  1744. this.w = Zb ? a.metaKey : a.ctrlKey;
  1745. this.pointerId = a.pointerId || 0;
  1746. this.pointerType = r(a.pointerType) ? a.pointerType : me[a.pointerType] || "";
  1747. this.ta = a;
  1748. a.defaultPrevented && this.preventDefault()
  1749. }
  1750. };
  1751. z(ne, je);
  1752. var oe = ee([1, 4, 2]),
  1753. me = ee({
  1754. 2: "touch",
  1755. 3: "pen",
  1756. 4: "mouse"
  1757. }),
  1758. pe = function(a) {
  1759. return fe ? 0 == a.ta.button : "click" == a.type ? !0 : !!(a.ta.button & oe[0])
  1760. };
  1761. ne.prototype.m = function() {
  1763. this.ta.stopPropagation ? this.ta.stopPropagation() : this.ta.cancelBubble = !0
  1764. };
  1765. ne.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
  1767. var a = this.ta;
  1768. if (a.preventDefault) a.preventDefault();
  1769. else if (a.returnValue = !1, he) try {
  1770. if (a.ctrlKey || 112 <= a.keyCode && 123 >= a.keyCode) a.keyCode = -1
  1771. } catch (b) {}
  1772. };
  1773. var qe = "closure_listenable_" + (1E6 * Math.random() | 0),
  1774. re = function(a) {
  1775. return !(!a || !a[qe])
  1776. },
  1777. se = 0;
  1778. var te = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  1779. this.listener = a;
  1780. this.l = null;
  1781. this.src = b;
  1782. this.type = c;
  1783. this.capture = !!d;
  1784. this.dc = e;
  1785. this.key = ++se;
  1786. this.qb = this.Rb = !1
  1787. },
  1788. ue = function(a) {
  1789. a.qb = !0;
  1790. a.listener = null;
  1791. a.l = null;
  1792. a.src = null;
  1793. a.dc = null
  1794. };
  1795. var ve = function(a) {
  1796. this.src = a;
  1797. this.l = {};
  1798. this.m = 0
  1799. };
  1800. ve.prototype.add = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  1801. var f = a.toString();
  1802. a = this.l[f];
  1803. a || (a = this.l[f] = [], this.m++);
  1804. var g = we(a, b, d, e); - 1 < g ? (b = a[g], c || (b.Rb = !1)) : (b = new te(b, this.src, f, !!d, e), b.Rb = c, a.push(b));
  1805. return b
  1806. };
  1807. var xe = function(a, b) {
  1808. var c = b.type;
  1809. c in a.l && Za(a.l[c], b) && (ue(b), 0 == a.l[c].length && (delete a.l[c], a.m--))
  1810. },
  1811. ye = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  1812. a = a.l[b.toString()];
  1813. b = -1;
  1814. a && (b = we(a, c, d, e));
  1815. return -1 < b ? a[b] : null
  1816. },
  1817. ze = function(a, b) {
  1818. var c = q(b),
  1819. d = c ? b.toString() : "",
  1820. e = q(void 0);
  1821. return Eb(a.l, function(a) {
  1822. for (var b = 0; b < a.length; ++b)
  1823. if (!(c && a[b].type != d || e && void 0 != a[b].capture)) return !0;
  1824. return !1
  1825. })
  1826. },
  1827. we = function(a, b, c, d) {
  1828. for (var e = 0; e < a.length; ++e) {
  1829. var f = a[e];
  1830. if (!f.qb && f.listener == b && f.capture == !!c && f.dc == d) return e
  1831. }
  1832. return -1
  1833. };
  1834. var Ae = "closure_lm_" + (1E6 * Math.random() | 0),
  1835. Be = {},
  1836. Ce = 0,
  1837. Ee = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  1838. if (d && d.once) return De(a, b, c, d, e);
  1839. if (v(b)) {
  1840. for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++) Ee(a, b[f], c, d, e);
  1841. return null
  1842. }
  1843. c = Fe(c);
  1844. return re(a) ? a.G(b, c, w(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d, e) : Ge(a, b, c, !1, d, e)
  1845. },
  1846. Ge = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
  1847. if (!b) throw Error("Invalid event type");
  1848. var g = w(e) ? !!e.capture : !!e,
  1849. l = He(a);
  1850. l || (a[Ae] = l = new ve(a));
  1851. c = l.add(b, c, d, g, f);
  1852. if (c.l) return c;
  1853. d = Ie();
  1854. c.l = d;
  1855. d.src = a;
  1856. d.listener = c;
  1857. if (a.addEventListener) ie || (e = g), void 0 === e && (e = !1), a.addEventListener(b.toString(),
  1858. d, e);
  1859. else if (a.attachEvent) a.attachEvent(Je(b.toString()), d);
  1860. else if (a.addListener && a.removeListener) a.addListener(d);
  1861. else throw Error("addEventListener and attachEvent are unavailable.");
  1862. Ce++;
  1863. return c
  1864. },
  1865. Ie = function() {
  1866. var a = Ke,
  1867. b = ge ? function(c) {
  1868. return, b.listener, c)
  1869. } : function(c) {
  1870. c =, b.listener, c);
  1871. if (!c) return c
  1872. };
  1873. return b
  1874. },
  1875. De = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  1876. if (v(b)) {
  1877. for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++) De(a, b[f], c, d, e);
  1878. return null
  1879. }
  1880. c = Fe(c);
  1881. return re(a) ? a.U.add(String(b), c, !0, w(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d, e) :
  1882. Ge(a, b, c, !0, d, e)
  1883. },
  1884. Le = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  1885. if (v(b))
  1886. for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++) Le(a, b[f], c, d, e);
  1887. else d = w(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d, c = Fe(c), re(a) ? (a = a.U, b = String(b).toString(), b in a.l && (f = a.l[b], c = we(f, c, d, e), -1 < c && (ue(f[c]),, c, 1), 0 == f.length && (delete a.l[b], a.m--)))) : a && (a = He(a)) && (c = ye(a, b, c, d, e)) && Me(c)
  1888. },
  1889. Me = function(a) {
  1890. if (!va(a) && a && !a.qb) {
  1891. var b = a.src;
  1892. if (re(b)) xe(b.U, a);
  1893. else {
  1894. var c = a.type,
  1895. d = a.l;
  1896. b.removeEventListener ? b.removeEventListener(c, d, a.capture) : b.detachEvent ? b.detachEvent(Je(c),
  1897. d) : b.addListener && b.removeListener && b.removeListener(d);
  1898. Ce--;
  1899. (c = He(b)) ? (xe(c, a), 0 == c.m && (c.src = null, b[Ae] = null)) : ue(a)
  1900. }
  1901. }
  1902. },
  1903. Ne = function(a) {
  1904. if (re(a)) return ze(a.U, q("keydown") ? "keydown" : void 0);
  1905. a = He(a);
  1906. return !!a && ze(a, "keydown")
  1907. },
  1908. Je = function(a) {
  1909. return a in Be ? Be[a] : Be[a] = "on" + a
  1910. },
  1911. Pe = function(a, b, c, d) {
  1912. var e = !0;
  1913. if (a = He(a))
  1914. if (b = a.l[b.toString()])
  1915. for (b = b.concat(), a = 0; a < b.length; a++) {
  1916. var f = b[a];
  1917. f && f.capture == c && !f.qb && (f = Oe(f, d), e = e && !1 !== f)
  1918. }
  1919. return e
  1920. },
  1921. Oe = function(a, b) {
  1922. var c = a.listener,
  1923. d = a.dc || a.src;
  1924. a.Rb &&
  1925. Me(a);
  1926. return, b)
  1927. },
  1928. Ke = function(a, b) {
  1929. if (a.qb) return !0;
  1930. if (!ge) {
  1931. var c = b || ya("window.event"),
  1932. d = new ne(c, this),
  1933. e = !0;
  1934. if (!(0 > c.keyCode || void 0 != c.returnValue)) {
  1935. a: {
  1936. var f = !1;
  1937. if (0 == c.keyCode) try {
  1938. c.keyCode = -1;
  1939. break a
  1940. } catch (m) {
  1941. f = !0
  1942. }
  1943. if (f || void 0 == c.returnValue) c.returnValue = !0
  1944. }
  1945. c = [];
  1946. for (f = d.l; f; f = f.parentNode) c.push(f);f = a.type;
  1947. for (var g = c.length - 1; !d.o && 0 <= g; g--) {
  1948. d.l = c[g];
  1949. var l = Pe(c[g], f, !0, d);
  1950. e = e && l
  1951. }
  1952. for (g = 0; !d.o && g < c.length; g++) d.l = c[g],
  1953. l = Pe(c[g], f, !1, d),
  1954. e = e && l
  1955. }
  1956. return e
  1957. }
  1958. return Oe(a, new ne(b, this))
  1959. },
  1960. He =
  1961. function(a) {
  1962. a = a[Ae];
  1963. return a instanceof ve ? a : null
  1964. },
  1965. Qe = "__closure_events_fn_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0),
  1966. Fe = function(a) {
  1967. if (Ca(a)) return a;
  1968. a[Qe] || (a[Qe] = function(b) {
  1969. return a.handleEvent(b)
  1970. });
  1971. return a[Qe]
  1972. };
  1973. ce(function(a) {
  1974. Ke = a(Ke)
  1975. });
  1976. var Re = function(a) {
  1977. return function() {
  1978. return a
  1979. }
  1980. },
  1981. Se = Re(!0),
  1982. Te = Re(null);
  1983. var Ue = function() {
  1985. this.U = new ve(this);
  1986. this.Ee = this;
  1987. this.Pb = null
  1988. };
  1989. z(Ue, O);
  1990. Ue.prototype[qe] = !0;
  1991. n = Ue.prototype;
  1992. n.dd = aa("Pb");
  1993. n.removeEventListener = function(a, b, c, d) {
  1994. Le(this, a, b, c, d)
  1995. };
  1996. n.dispatchEvent = function(a) {
  1997. var b = this.Pb;
  1998. if (b) {
  1999. var c = [];
  2000. for (var d = 1; b; b = b.Pb) c.push(b), ++d
  2001. }
  2002. b = this.Ee;
  2003. d = a.type || a;
  2004. if (r(a)) a = new je(a, b);
  2005. else if (a instanceof je) = || b;
  2006. else {
  2007. var e = a;
  2008. a = new je(d, b);
  2009. Mb(a, e)
  2010. }
  2011. e = !0;
  2012. if (c)
  2013. for (var f = c.length - 1; !a.o && 0 <= f; f--) {
  2014. var g = a.l = c[f];
  2015. e = Ve(g, d, !0, a) && e
  2016. }
  2017. a.o || (g = a.l = b, e = Ve(g, d, !0, a) && e, a.o || (e = Ve(g, d, !1, a) && e));
  2018. if (c)
  2019. for (f = 0; !a.o && f < c.length; f++) g = a.l = c[f], e = Ve(g, d, !1, a) && e;
  2020. return e
  2021. };
  2022. n.L = function() {
  2024. if (this.U) {
  2025. var a = this.U,
  2026. b = 0,
  2027. c;
  2028. for (c in a.l) {
  2029. for (var d = a.l[c], e = 0; e < d.length; e++) ++b, ue(d[e]);
  2030. delete a.l[c];
  2031. a.m--
  2032. }
  2033. }
  2034. this.Pb = null
  2035. };
  2036. n.G = function(a, b, c, d) {
  2037. return this.U.add(String(a), b, !1, c, d)
  2038. };
  2039. var Ve = function(a, b, c, d) {
  2040. b = a.U.l[String(b)];
  2041. if (!b) return !0;
  2042. b = b.concat();
  2043. for (var e = !0, f = 0; f < b.length; ++f) {
  2044. var g = b[f];
  2045. if (g && !g.qb && g.capture == c) {
  2046. var l = g.listener,
  2047. m = g.dc || g.src;
  2048. g.Rb && xe(a.U, g);
  2049. e = !1 !==, d) && e
  2050. }
  2051. }
  2052. return e && 0 != d.Xd
  2053. };
  2054. var We = function(a, b) {
  2055. this.o = a;
  2056. this.Eb = b;
  2057. this.m = 0;
  2058. this.l = null
  2059. };
  2060. We.prototype.get = function() {
  2061. if (0 < this.m) {
  2062. this.m--;
  2063. var a = this.l;
  2064. this.l =;
  2065. = null
  2066. } else a = this.o();
  2067. return a
  2068. };
  2069. var Xe = function(a, b) {
  2070. a.Eb(b);
  2071. 100 > a.m && (a.m++, = a.l, a.l = b)
  2072. };
  2073. var Ye = function(a) {
  2074. p.setTimeout(function() {
  2075. throw a;
  2076. }, 0)
  2077. },
  2078. bf = function(a, b) {
  2079. var c = a;
  2080. b && (c = x(a, b));
  2081. c = Ze(c);
  2082. !Ca(p.setImmediate) || p.Window && p.Window.prototype && !B("Edge") && p.Window.prototype.setImmediate == p.setImmediate ? ($e || ($e = af()), $e(c)) : p.setImmediate(c)
  2083. },
  2084. $e, af = function() {
  2085. var a = p.MessageChannel;
  2086. "undefined" === typeof a && "undefined" !== typeof window && window.postMessage && window.addEventListener && !B("Presto") && (a = function() {
  2087. var a = document.createElement("IFRAME");
  2088. = "none";
  2089. a.src = "";
  2090. document.documentElement.appendChild(a);
  2091. var b = a.contentWindow;
  2092. a = b.document;
  2094. a.write("");
  2095. a.close();
  2096. var c = "callImmediate" + Math.random(),
  2097. d = "file:" == b.location.protocol ? "*" : b.location.protocol + "//" +;
  2098. a = x(function(a) {
  2099. if (("*" == d || a.origin == d) && == c) this.port1.onmessage()
  2100. }, this);
  2101. b.addEventListener("message", a, !1);
  2102. this.port1 = {};
  2103. this.port2 = {
  2104. postMessage: function() {
  2105. b.postMessage(c, d)
  2106. }
  2107. }
  2108. });
  2109. if ("undefined" !== typeof a && !B("Trident") && !B("MSIE")) {
  2110. var b = new a,
  2111. c = {},
  2112. d = c;
  2113. b.port1.onmessage = function() {
  2114. if (q( {
  2115. c =;
  2116. var a =;
  2117. = null;
  2118. a()
  2119. }
  2120. };
  2121. return function(a) {
  2122. = {
  2123. td: a
  2124. };
  2125. d =;
  2126. b.port2.postMessage(0)
  2127. }
  2128. }
  2129. return "undefined" !== typeof document && "onreadystatechange" in document.createElement("SCRIPT") ? function(a) {
  2130. var b = document.createElement("SCRIPT");
  2131. b.onreadystatechange = function() {
  2132. b.onreadystatechange = null;
  2133. b.parentNode.removeChild(b);
  2134. b = null;
  2135. a();
  2136. a = null
  2137. };
  2138. document.documentElement.appendChild(b)
  2139. } : function(a) {
  2140. p.setTimeout(a, 0)
  2141. }
  2142. },
  2143. Ze = function(a) {
  2144. return a
  2145. };
  2146. ce(function(a) {
  2147. Ze = a
  2148. });
  2149. var cf = function() {
  2150. this.m = this.l = null
  2151. },
  2152. ef = new We(function() {
  2153. return new df
  2154. }, function(a) {
  2155. a.reset()
  2156. });
  2157. cf.prototype.add = function(a, b) {
  2158. var c = ef.get();
  2159. c.set(a, b);
  2160. this.m ? = c : this.l = c;
  2161. this.m = c
  2162. };
  2163. var gf = function() {
  2164. var a = ff,
  2165. b = null;
  2166. a.l && (b = a.l, a.l =, a.l || (a.m = null), = null);
  2167. return b
  2168. },
  2169. df = function() {
  2170. = this.m = this.l = null
  2171. };
  2172. df.prototype.set = function(a, b) {
  2173. this.l = a;
  2174. this.m = b;
  2175. = null
  2176. };
  2177. df.prototype.reset = function() {
  2178. = this.m = this.l = null
  2179. };
  2180. var lf = function(a, b) {
  2181. hf || jf();
  2182. kf || (hf(), kf = !0);
  2183. ff.add(a, b)
  2184. },
  2185. hf, jf = function() {
  2186. if (p.Promise && p.Promise.resolve) {
  2187. var a = p.Promise.resolve(void 0);
  2188. hf = function() {
  2189. a.then(mf)
  2190. }
  2191. } else hf = function() {
  2192. bf(mf)
  2193. }
  2194. },
  2195. kf = !1,
  2196. ff = new cf,
  2197. mf = function() {
  2198. for (var a; a = gf();) {
  2199. try {
  2201. } catch (b) {
  2202. Ye(b)
  2203. }
  2204. Xe(ef, a)
  2205. }
  2206. kf = !1
  2207. };
  2208. var nf = function(a) {
  2209. a.prototype.then = a.prototype.then;
  2210. a.prototype.$goog_Thenable = !0
  2211. },
  2212. of = function(a) {
  2213. if (!a) return !1;
  2214. try {
  2215. return !!a.$goog_Thenable
  2216. } catch (b) {
  2217. return !1
  2218. }
  2219. };
  2220. var qf = function(a, b) {
  2221. this.l = 0;
  2222. this.H = void 0;
  2223. this.w = this.m = this.o = null;
  2224. this.A = this.D = !1;
  2225. if (a != u) try {
  2226. var c = this;
  2227., function(a) {
  2228. pf(c, 2, a)
  2229. }, function(a) {
  2230. pf(c, 3, a)
  2231. })
  2232. } catch (d) {
  2233. pf(this, 3, d)
  2234. }
  2235. },
  2236. rf = function() {
  2237. = this.o = this.m = this.w = this.l = null;
  2238. this.A = !1
  2239. };
  2240. rf.prototype.reset = function() {
  2241. this.o = this.m = this.w = this.l = null;
  2242. this.A = !1
  2243. };
  2244. var sf = new We(function() {
  2245. return new rf
  2246. }, function(a) {
  2247. a.reset()
  2248. }),
  2249. tf = function(a, b, c) {
  2250. var d = sf.get();
  2251. d.w = a;
  2252. d.m = b;
  2253. d.o = c;
  2254. return d
  2255. },
  2256. uf = function(a) {
  2257. if (a instanceof qf) return a;
  2258. var b = new qf(u);
  2259. pf(b, 2, a);
  2260. return b
  2261. },
  2262. vf = function() {
  2263. return new qf(function(a, b) {
  2264. b(void 0)
  2265. })
  2266. },
  2267. xf = function(a, b, c) {
  2268. wf(a, b, c, null) || lf(Ia(b, a))
  2269. },
  2270. yf = function(a) {
  2271. return new qf(function(b, c) {
  2272. var d = a.length,
  2273. e = [];
  2274. if (d)
  2275. for (var f = function(a, c) {
  2276. d--;
  2277. e[a] = c;
  2278. 0 == d && b(e)
  2279. }, g = function(a) {
  2280. c(a)
  2281. }, l = 0, m; l < a.length; l++) m = a[l], xf(m, Ia(f, l), g);
  2282. else b(e)
  2283. })
  2284. },
  2285. Af =
  2286. function() {
  2287. var a, b, c = new qf(function(c, e) {
  2288. a = c;
  2289. b = e
  2290. });
  2291. return new zf(c, a, b)
  2292. };
  2293. qf.prototype.then = function(a, b, c) {
  2294. return Bf(this, Ca(a) ? a : null, Ca(b) ? b : null, c)
  2295. };
  2296. nf(qf);
  2297. var Cf = function(a, b) {
  2298. return Bf(a, null, b, void 0)
  2299. };
  2300. qf.prototype.cancel = function(a) {
  2301. 0 == this.l && lf(function() {
  2302. var b = new Df(a);
  2303. Ef(this, b)
  2304. }, this)
  2305. };
  2306. var Ef = function(a, b) {
  2307. if (0 == a.l)
  2308. if (a.o) {
  2309. var c = a.o;
  2310. if (c.m) {
  2311. for (var d = 0, e = null, f = null, g = c.m; g && (g.A || (d++, g.l == a && (e = g), !(e && 1 < d))); g = e || (f = g);
  2312. e && (0 == c.l && 1 == d ? Ef(c, b) : (f ? (d = f, == c.w && (c.w = d), = : Ff(c), Gf(c, e, 3, b)))
  2313. }
  2314. a.o = null
  2315. } else pf(a, 3, b)
  2316. },
  2317. If = function(a, b) {
  2318. a.m || 2 != a.l && 3 != a.l || Hf(a);
  2319. a.w ? = b : a.m = b;
  2320. a.w = b
  2321. },
  2322. Bf = function(a, b, c, d) {
  2323. var e = tf(null, null, null);
  2324. e.l = new qf(function(a, g) {
  2325. e.w = b ? function(c) {
  2326. try {
  2327. var e =, c);
  2328. a(e)
  2329. } catch (t) {
  2330. g(t)
  2331. }
  2332. } : a;
  2333. e.m = c ? function(b) {
  2334. try {
  2335. var e =,
  2336. b);
  2337. !q(e) && b instanceof Df ? g(b) : a(e)
  2338. } catch (t) {
  2339. g(t)
  2340. }
  2341. } : g
  2342. });
  2343. e.l.o = a;
  2344. If(a, e);
  2345. return e.l
  2346. };
  2347. qf.prototype.U = function(a) {
  2348. this.l = 0;
  2349. pf(this, 2, a)
  2350. };
  2351. qf.prototype.da = function(a) {
  2352. this.l = 0;
  2353. pf(this, 3, a)
  2354. };
  2355. var pf = function(a, b, c) {
  2356. 0 == a.l && (a === c && (b = 3, c = new TypeError("Promise cannot resolve to itself")), a.l = 1, wf(c, a.U, a.da, a) || (a.H = c, a.l = b, a.o = null, Hf(a), 3 != b || c instanceof Df || Jf(a, c)))
  2357. },
  2358. wf = function(a, b, c, d) {
  2359. if (a instanceof qf) return If(a, tf(b || u, c || null, d)), !0;
  2360. if ( of (a)) return a.then(b, c, d), !0;
  2361. if (w(a)) try {
  2362. var e = a.then;
  2363. if (Ca(e)) return Kf(a, e, b, c, d), !0
  2364. } catch (f) {
  2365. return, f), !0
  2366. }
  2367. return !1
  2368. },
  2369. Kf = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  2370. var f = !1,
  2371. g = function(a) {
  2372. f || (f = !0,, a))
  2373. },
  2374. l = function(a) {
  2375. f || (f = !0,, a))
  2376. };
  2377. try {
  2379. g, l)
  2380. } catch (m) {
  2381. l(m)
  2382. }
  2383. },
  2384. Hf = function(a) {
  2385. a.D || (a.D = !0, lf(a.C, a))
  2386. },
  2387. Ff = function(a) {
  2388. var b = null;
  2389. a.m && (b = a.m, a.m =, = null);
  2390. a.m || (a.w = null);
  2391. return b
  2392. };
  2393. qf.prototype.C = function() {
  2394. for (var a; a = Ff(this);) Gf(this, a, this.l, this.H);
  2395. this.D = !1
  2396. };
  2397. var Gf = function(a, b, c, d) {
  2398. if (3 == c && b.m && !b.A)
  2399. for (; a && a.A; a = a.o) a.A = !1;
  2400. if (b.l) b.l.o = null, Lf(b, c, d);
  2401. else try {
  2402. b.A ? : Lf(b, c, d)
  2403. } catch (e) {
  2404., e)
  2405. }
  2406. Xe(sf, b)
  2407. },
  2408. Lf = function(a, b, c) {
  2409. 2 == b ?, c) : a.m &&, c)
  2410. },
  2411. Jf = function(a, b) {
  2412. a.A = !0;
  2413. lf(function() {
  2414. a.A &&, b)
  2415. })
  2416. },
  2417. Mf = Ye,
  2418. Df = function(a) {
  2419., a)
  2420. };
  2421. z(Df, Ma);
  2422. = "cancel";
  2423. var zf = function(a, b, c) {
  2424. this.l = a;
  2425. this.resolve = b;
  2426. this.reject = c
  2427. };
  2428. var P = function(a, b, c) {
  2429. if (Ca(a)) c && (a = x(a, c));
  2430. else if (a && "function" == typeof a.handleEvent) a = x(a.handleEvent, a);
  2431. else throw Error("Invalid listener argument");
  2432. return 2147483647 < Number(b) ? -1 : p.setTimeout(a, b || 0)
  2433. },
  2434. Nf = function(a) {
  2435. p.clearTimeout(a)
  2436. };
  2437. var Of = function(a, b, c) {
  2439. this.l = a;
  2440. this.w = b || 0;
  2441. this.m = c;
  2442. this.o = x(, this)
  2443. };
  2444. z(Of, O);
  2445. n = Of.prototype;
  2446. n.jb = 0;
  2447. n.L = function() {
  2449. this.stop();
  2450. delete this.l;
  2451. delete this.m
  2452. };
  2453. n.start = function(a) {
  2454. this.stop();
  2455. this.jb = P(this.o, q(a) ? a : this.w)
  2456. };
  2457. n.stop = function() {
  2458. 0 != this.jb && Nf(this.jb);
  2459. this.jb = 0
  2460. };
  2461. = function() {
  2462. this.jb = 0;
  2463. this.l &&
  2464. };
  2465. var Pf = function() {
  2466. this.m = -1
  2467. };
  2468. var Qf = function(a, b, c) {
  2469. this.m = -1;
  2470. this.l = a;
  2471. this.m = c || a.m || 16;
  2472. this.D = Array(this.m);
  2473. this.A = Array(this.m);
  2474. a = b;
  2475. a.length > this.m && (this.l.o(a), a = this.l.w(), this.l.reset());
  2476. for (c = 0; c < this.m; c++) b = c < a.length ? a[c] : 0, this.D[c] = b ^ 92, this.A[c] = b ^ 54;
  2477. this.l.o(this.A)
  2478. };
  2479. z(Qf, Pf);
  2480. Qf.prototype.reset = function() {
  2481. this.l.reset();
  2482. this.l.o(this.A)
  2483. };
  2484. Qf.prototype.o = function(a, b) {
  2485. this.l.o(a, b)
  2486. };
  2487. Qf.prototype.w = function() {
  2488. var a = this.l.w();
  2489. this.l.reset();
  2490. this.l.o(this.D);
  2491. this.l.o(a);
  2492. return this.l.w()
  2493. };
  2494. var Tf = function(a, b) {
  2495. this.m = 64;
  2496. this.D = p.Uint8Array ? new Uint8Array(this.m) : Array(this.m);
  2497. this.H = this.A = 0;
  2498. this.l = [];
  2499. this.U = a;
  2500. this.C = b;
  2501. this.da = p.Int32Array ? new Int32Array(64) : Array(64);
  2502. q(Rf) || (p.Int32Array ? Rf = new Int32Array(Sf) : Rf = Sf);
  2503. this.reset()
  2504. },
  2505. Rf;
  2506. z(Tf, Pf);
  2507. var Uf = $a(128, fb(63));
  2508. Tf.prototype.reset = function() {
  2509. this.H = this.A = 0;
  2510. this.l = p.Int32Array ? new Int32Array(this.C) : ab(this.C)
  2511. };
  2512. var Vf = function(a) {
  2513. for (var b = a.D, c = a.da, d = 0, e = 0; e < b.length;) c[d++] = b[e] << 24 | b[e + 1] << 16 | b[e + 2] << 8 | b[e + 3], e = 4 * d;
  2514. for (b = 16; 64 > b; b++) {
  2515. e = c[b - 15] | 0;
  2516. d = c[b - 2] | 0;
  2517. var f = (c[b - 16] | 0) + ((e >>> 7 | e << 25) ^ (e >>> 18 | e << 14) ^ e >>> 3) | 0,
  2518. g = (c[b - 7] | 0) + ((d >>> 17 | d << 15) ^ (d >>> 19 | d << 13) ^ d >>> 10) | 0;
  2519. c[b] = f + g | 0
  2520. }
  2521. d = a.l[0] | 0;
  2522. e = a.l[1] | 0;
  2523. var l = a.l[2] | 0,
  2524. m = a.l[3] | 0,
  2525. t = a.l[4] | 0,
  2526. D = a.l[5] | 0,
  2527. F = a.l[6] | 0;
  2528. f = a.l[7] | 0;
  2529. for (b = 0; 64 > b; b++) {
  2530. var sa = ((d >>> 2 | d << 30) ^ (d >>> 13 | d << 19) ^ (d >>> 22 | d << 10)) + (d & e ^ d & l ^ e & l) | 0;
  2531. g = t & D ^ ~t & F;
  2532. f = f + ((t >>> 6 | t << 26) ^ (t >>> 11 | t << 21) ^ (t >>>
  2533. 25 | t << 7)) | 0;
  2534. g = g + (Rf[b] | 0) | 0;
  2535. g = f + (g + (c[b] | 0) | 0) | 0;
  2536. f = F;
  2537. F = D;
  2538. D = t;
  2539. t = m + g | 0;
  2540. m = l;
  2541. l = e;
  2542. e = d;
  2543. d = g + sa | 0
  2544. }
  2545. a.l[0] = a.l[0] + d | 0;
  2546. a.l[1] = a.l[1] + e | 0;
  2547. a.l[2] = a.l[2] + l | 0;
  2548. a.l[3] = a.l[3] + m | 0;
  2549. a.l[4] = a.l[4] + t | 0;
  2550. a.l[5] = a.l[5] + D | 0;
  2551. a.l[6] = a.l[6] + F | 0;
  2552. a.l[7] = a.l[7] + f | 0
  2553. };
  2554. Tf.prototype.o = function(a, b) {
  2555. q(b) || (b = a.length);
  2556. var c = 0,
  2557. d = this.A;
  2558. if (r(a))
  2559. for (; c < b;) this.D[d++] = a.charCodeAt(c++), d == this.m && (Vf(this), d = 0);
  2560. else if (Ba(a))
  2561. for (; c < b;) {
  2562. var e = a[c++];
  2563. if (!("number" == typeof e && 0 <= e && 255 >= e && e == (e | 0))) throw Error("message must be a byte array");
  2564. this.D[d++] = e;
  2565. d == this.m && (Vf(this), d = 0)
  2566. } else throw Error("message must be string or array");
  2567. this.A = d;
  2568. this.H += b
  2569. };
  2570. Tf.prototype.w = function() {
  2571. var a = [],
  2572. b = 8 * this.H;
  2573. 56 > this.A ? this.o(Uf, 56 - this.A) : this.o(Uf, this.m - (this.A - 56));
  2574. for (var c = 63; 56 <= c; c--) this.D[c] = b & 255, b /= 256;
  2575. Vf(this);
  2576. for (c = b = 0; c < this.U; c++)
  2577. for (var d = 24; 0 <= d; d -= 8) a[b++] = this.l[c] >> d & 255;
  2578. return a
  2579. };
  2580. var Sf = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804,
  2581. 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298
  2582. ];
  2583. var Xf = function() {
  2584., 8, Wf)
  2585. };
  2586. z(Xf, Tf);
  2587. var Wf = [1779033703, 3144134277, 1013904242, 2773480762, 1359893119, 2600822924, 528734635, 1541459225];
  2588. var Yf = "StopIteration" in p ? p.StopIteration : {
  2589. message: "StopIteration",
  2590. stack: ""
  2591. },
  2592. Zf = h();
  2593. = function() {
  2594. throw Yf;
  2595. };
  2596. Zf.prototype.yb = function() {
  2597. return this
  2598. };
  2599. var $f = function(a) {
  2600. if (a instanceof Zf) return a;
  2601. if ("function" == typeof a.yb) return a.yb(!1);
  2602. if (Ba(a)) {
  2603. var b = 0,
  2604. c = new Zf;
  2605. = function() {
  2606. for (;;) {
  2607. if (b >= a.length) throw Yf;
  2608. if (b in a) return a[b++];
  2609. b++
  2610. }
  2611. };
  2612. return c
  2613. }
  2614. throw Error("Not implemented");
  2615. },
  2616. ag = function(a, b, c) {
  2617. if (Ba(a)) try {
  2618. A(a, b, c)
  2619. } catch (d) {
  2620. if (d !== Yf) throw d;
  2621. } else {
  2622. a = $f(a);
  2623. try {
  2624. for (;;),, void 0, a)
  2625. } catch (d) {
  2626. if (d !== Yf) throw d;
  2627. }
  2628. }
  2629. };
  2630. var bg = function(a, b) {
  2631. this.m = {};
  2632. this.l = [];
  2633. this.w = this.o = 0;
  2634. var c = arguments.length;
  2635. if (1 < c) {
  2636. if (c % 2) throw Error("Uneven number of arguments");
  2637. for (var d = 0; d < c; d += 2) this.set(arguments[d], arguments[d + 1])
  2638. } else if (a)
  2639. if (a instanceof bg)
  2640. for (c =, d = 0; d < c.length; d++) this.set(c[d], a.get(c[d]));
  2641. else
  2642. for (d in a) this.set(d, a[d])
  2643. };
  2644. = function() {
  2645. cg(this);
  2646. for (var a = [], b = 0; b < this.l.length; b++) a.push(this.m[this.l[b]]);
  2647. return a
  2648. };
  2649. = function() {
  2650. cg(this);
  2651. return this.l.concat()
  2652. };
  2653. var dg = function(a) {
  2654. a.m = {};
  2655. a.l.length = 0;
  2656. a.o = 0;
  2657. a.w = 0
  2658. },
  2659. fg = function(a, b) {
  2660. return eg(a.m, b) ? (delete a.m[b], a.o--, a.w++, a.l.length > 2 * a.o && cg(a), !0) : !1
  2661. },
  2662. cg = function(a) {
  2663. if (a.o != a.l.length) {
  2664. for (var b = 0, c = 0; b < a.l.length;) {
  2665. var d = a.l[b];
  2666. eg(a.m, d) && (a.l[c++] = d);
  2667. b++
  2668. }
  2669. a.l.length = c
  2670. }
  2671. if (a.o != a.l.length) {
  2672. var e = {};
  2673. for (c = b = 0; b < a.l.length;) d = a.l[b], eg(e, d) || (a.l[c++] = d, e[d] = 1), b++;
  2674. a.l.length = c
  2675. }
  2676. };
  2677. bg.prototype.get = function(a, b) {
  2678. return eg(this.m, a) ? this.m[a] : b
  2679. };
  2680. bg.prototype.set = function(a, b) {
  2681. eg(this.m, a) || (this.o++, this.l.push(a), this.w++);
  2682. this.m[a] = b
  2683. };
  2684. bg.prototype.forEach = function(a, b) {
  2685. for (var c =, d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
  2686. var e = c[d],
  2687. f = this.get(e);
  2688., f, e, this)
  2689. }
  2690. };
  2691. bg.prototype.yb = function(a) {
  2692. cg(this);
  2693. var b = 0,
  2694. c = this.w,
  2695. d = this,
  2696. e = new Zf;
  2697. = function() {
  2698. if (c != d.w) throw Error("The map has changed since the iterator was created");
  2699. if (b >= d.l.length) throw Yf;
  2700. var e = d.l[b++];
  2701. return a ? e : d.m[e]
  2702. };
  2703. return e
  2704. };
  2705. var eg = function(a, b) {
  2706. return, b)
  2707. };
  2708. var gg = function(a, b) {
  2710. this.w = b;
  2711. this.l = [];
  2712. if (a > this.w) throw Error("[goog.structs.SimplePool] Initial cannot be greater than max");
  2713. for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) this.l.push(this.m())
  2714. };
  2715. z(gg, O);
  2716. var hg = function(a, b) {
  2717. a.l.length < a.w ? a.l.push(b) : a.o(b)
  2718. };
  2719. gg.prototype.m = function() {
  2720. return {}
  2721. };
  2722. gg.prototype.o = function(a) {
  2723. if (w(a))
  2724. if (Ca(;
  2725. else
  2726. for (var b in a) delete a[b]
  2727. };
  2728. gg.prototype.L = function() {
  2730. for (var a = this.l; a.length;) this.o(a.pop());
  2731. delete this.l
  2732. };
  2733. var kg = function() {
  2734. this.l = [];
  2735. this.m = new bg;
  2736. this.R = this.M = = this.H = 0;
  2737. this.o = new bg;
  2738. this.D = this.da = 0;
  2739. this.W = 1;
  2740. this.w = new gg(0, 4E3);
  2741. this.w.m = function() {
  2742. return new ig
  2743. };
  2744. this.C = new gg(0, 50);
  2745. this.C.m = function() {
  2746. return new jg
  2747. };
  2748. var a = this;
  2749. this.A = new gg(0, 2E3);
  2750. this.A.m = function() {
  2751. return String(a.W++)
  2752. };
  2753. this.A.o = h();
  2754. this.U = {}
  2755. },
  2756. jg = function() {
  2757. this.hd = this.time = this.count = 0
  2758. };
  2759. jg.prototype.toString = function() {
  2760. var a = [];
  2761. a.push(this.type, " ", this.count, " (", Math.round(10 * this.time) / 10, " ms)");
  2762. this.hd && a.push(" [VarAlloc = ", this.hd, "]");
  2763. return a.join("")
  2764. };
  2765. var ig = h(),
  2766. ng = function(a, b, c, d) {
  2767. var e = []; - 1 == c ? e.push(" ") : e.push(lg(a.m - c));
  2768. e.push(" ", mg(a.m - b));
  2769. 0 == a.l ? e.push(" Start ") : 1 == a.l ? (e.push(" Done "), e.push(lg(a.A - a.startTime), " ms ")) : e.push(" Comment ");
  2770. e.push(d, a);
  2771. 0 < a.w && e.push("[VarAlloc ", a.w, "] ");
  2772. return e.join("")
  2773. };
  2774. ig.prototype.toString = function() {
  2775. return null == this.type ? this.o : "[" + this.type + "] " + this.o
  2776. };
  2777. var og = {
  2778. Vi: !0
  2779. },
  2780. pg = function(a) {
  2781. a.U.stop && ag(a.m, function(a) {
  2782. this.U.stop(, og)
  2783. }, a);
  2784. dg(a.m)
  2785. };
  2786. kg.prototype.reset = function() {
  2787. pg(this);
  2788. for (var a = 0; a < this.l.length; a++) {
  2789. var b = this.l[a];
  2790. ? eg(this.m.m, || (hg(this.A,, hg(this.w, b)) : hg(this.w, b)
  2791. }
  2792. this.l.length = 0;
  2793. this.H = y();
  2794. this.D = this.da = this.R = this.M = = 0;
  2795. a =;
  2796. for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
  2797. var c = this.o.get(a[b]);
  2798. c.count = 0;
  2799. c.time = 0;
  2800. c.hd = 0;
  2801. hg(this.C, c)
  2802. }
  2803. dg(this.o)
  2804. };
  2805. kg.prototype.toString = function() {
  2806. for (var a = [], b = -1, c = [], d = 0; d < this.l.length; d++) {
  2807. var e = this.l[d];
  2808. 1 == e.l && c.pop();
  2809. a.push(" ", ng(e, this.H, b, c.join("")));
  2810. b = e.m;
  2811. a.push("\n");
  2812. 0 == e.l && c.push("| ")
  2813. }
  2814. if (0 != this.m.o) {
  2815. var f = y();
  2816. a.push(" Unstopped timers:\n");
  2817. ag(this.m, function(b) {
  2818. a.push(" ", b, " (", f - b.startTime, " ms, started at ", mg(b.startTime), ")\n")
  2819. })
  2820. }
  2821. b =;
  2822. for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) c = this.o.get(b[d]), 1 < c.count && a.push(" TOTAL ", c, "\n");
  2823. a.push("Total tracers created ", this.da, "\n", "Total comments created ",
  2824. this.D, "\n", "Overhead start: ",, " ms\n", "Overhead end: ", this.M, " ms\n", "Overhead comment: ", this.R, " ms\n");
  2825. return a.join("")
  2826. };
  2827. var lg = function(a) {
  2828. a = Math.round(a);
  2829. var b = "";
  2830. 1E3 > a && (b = " ");
  2831. 100 > a && (b = " ");
  2832. 10 > a && (b = " ");
  2833. return b + a
  2834. },
  2835. mg = function(a) {
  2836. a = Math.round(a);
  2837. return String(100 + a / 1E3 % 60).substring(1, 3) + "." + String(1E3 + a % 1E3).substring(1, 4)
  2838. };
  2839. new kg;
  2840. var qg = function(a) {
  2842. this.m = a
  2843. };
  2844. z(qg, O);
  2845. qg.prototype.l = function(a) {
  2846. return rg(this, a)
  2847. };
  2848. var sg = function(a, b) {
  2849. return (b ? "__wrapper_" : "__protected_") + Fa(a) + "__"
  2850. },
  2851. rg = function(a, b) {
  2852. var c = sg(a, !0);
  2853. b[c] || ((b[c] = tg(a, b))[sg(a, !1)] = b);
  2854. return b[c]
  2855. },
  2856. tg = function(a, b) {
  2857. var c = function() {
  2858. if (a.da) return b.apply(this, arguments);
  2859. try {
  2860. return b.apply(this, arguments)
  2861. } catch (d) {
  2862. if (!(d && "object" === typeof d && d.message && 0 == d.message.indexOf("Error in protected function: ") || "string" === typeof d && 0 == d.indexOf("Error in protected function: "))) throw a.m(d), new ug(d);
  2863. } finally {}
  2864. };
  2865. c[sg(a, !1)] = b;
  2866. return c
  2867. },
  2868. vg = function(a,
  2869. b) {
  2870. var c = ya("window"),
  2871. d = c[b];
  2872. c[b] = function(b, c) {
  2873. r(b) && (b = Ia(Ka, b));
  2874. arguments[0] = b = rg(a, b);
  2875. if (d.apply) return d.apply(this, arguments);
  2876. var e = b;
  2877. if (2 < arguments.length) {
  2878. var f =, 2);
  2879. e = function() {
  2880. b.apply(this, f)
  2881. }
  2882. }
  2883. return d(e, c)
  2884. };
  2885. c[b][sg(a, !1)] = d
  2886. };
  2887. qg.prototype.L = function() {
  2888. var a = ya("window");
  2889. var b = a.setTimeout;
  2890. b = b[sg(this, !1)] || b;
  2891. a.setTimeout = b;
  2892. b = a.setInterval;
  2893. b = b[sg(this, !1)] || b;
  2894. a.setInterval = b;
  2896. };
  2897. var ug = function(a) {
  2898., "Error in protected function: " + (a && a.message ? String(a.message) : String(a)));
  2899. (a = a && a.stack) && r(a) && (this.stack = a)
  2900. };
  2901. z(ug, Ma);
  2902. var wg = function(a) {
  2903. return /^\s*$/.test(a) ? !1 : /^[\],:{}\s\u2028\u2029]*$/.test(a.replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, "@").replace(/(?:"[^"\\\n\r\u2028\u2029\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)[\s\u2028\u2029]*(?=:|,|]|}|$)/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:[\s\u2028\u2029]*\[)+/g, ""))
  2904. },
  2905. xg = function(a) {
  2906. a = String(a);
  2907. if (wg(a)) try {
  2908. return eval("(" + a + ")")
  2909. } catch (b) {}
  2910. throw Error("Invalid JSON string: " + a);
  2911. },
  2912. Ag = function(a) {
  2913. return (new zg).Fb(a)
  2914. },
  2915. zg = h();
  2916. zg.prototype.Fb = function(a) {
  2917. var b = [];
  2918. Bg(this, a, b);
  2919. return b.join("")
  2920. };
  2921. var Bg = function(a, b, c) {
  2922. if (null == b) c.push("null");
  2923. else {
  2924. if ("object" == typeof b) {
  2925. if (v(b)) {
  2926. var d = b;
  2927. b = d.length;
  2928. c.push("[");
  2929. for (var e = "", f = 0; f < b; f++) c.push(e), Bg(a, d[f], c), e = ",";
  2930. c.push("]");
  2931. return
  2932. }
  2933. if (b instanceof String || b instanceof Number || b instanceof Boolean) b = b.valueOf();
  2934. else {
  2935. c.push("{");
  2936. e = "";
  2937. for (d in b), d) && (f = b[d], "function" != typeof f && (c.push(e), Cg(d, c), c.push(":"), Bg(a, f, c), e = ","));
  2938. c.push("}");
  2939. return
  2940. }
  2941. }
  2942. switch (typeof b) {
  2943. case "string":
  2944. Cg(b, c);
  2945. break;
  2946. case "number":
  2947. c.push(isFinite(b) &&
  2948. !isNaN(b) ? String(b) : "null");
  2949. break;
  2950. case "boolean":
  2951. c.push(String(b));
  2952. break;
  2953. case "function":
  2954. c.push("null");
  2955. break;
  2956. default:
  2957. throw Error("Unknown type: " + typeof b);
  2958. }
  2959. }
  2960. },
  2961. Dg = {
  2962. '"': '\\"',
  2963. "\\": "\\\\",
  2964. "/": "\\/",
  2965. "\b": "\\b",
  2966. "\f": "\\f",
  2967. "\n": "\\n",
  2968. "\r": "\\r",
  2969. "\t": "\\t",
  2970. "\x0B": "\\u000b"
  2971. },
  2972. Eg = /\uffff/.test("\uffff") ? /[\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\uffff]/g : /[\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff]/g,
  2973. Cg = function(a, b) {
  2974. b.push('"', a.replace(Eg, function(a) {
  2975. var b = Dg[a];
  2976. b || (b = "\\u" + (a.charCodeAt(0) | 65536).toString(16).substr(1), Dg[a] = b);
  2977. return b
  2978. }), '"')
  2979. };
  2980. var Fg = h();
  2981. Fg.prototype.l = null;
  2982. var Hg = function(a) {
  2983. var b;
  2984. (b = a.l) || (b = {}, Gg(a) && (b[0] = !0, b[1] = !0), b = a.l = b);
  2985. return b
  2986. };
  2987. var Ig, Jg = h();
  2988. z(Jg, Fg);
  2989. var Kg = function(a) {
  2990. return (a = Gg(a)) ? new ActiveXObject(a) : new XMLHttpRequest
  2991. },
  2992. Gg = function(a) {
  2993. if (!a.m && "undefined" == typeof XMLHttpRequest && "undefined" != typeof ActiveXObject) {
  2994. for (var b = ["MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"], c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
  2995. var d = b[c];
  2996. try {
  2997. return new ActiveXObject(d), a.m = d
  2998. } catch (e) {}
  2999. }
  3000. throw Error("Could not create ActiveXObject. ActiveX might be disabled, or MSXML might not be installed");
  3001. }
  3002. return a.m
  3003. };
  3004. Ig = new Jg;
  3005. var Lg = function(a) {
  3006. if ( && "function" == typeof return;
  3007. if (r(a)) return a.split("");
  3008. if (Ba(a)) {
  3009. for (var b = [], c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++) b.push(a[d]);
  3010. return b
  3011. }
  3012. return Fb(a)
  3013. },
  3014. Mg = function(a, b, c) {
  3015. if (a.forEach && "function" == typeof a.forEach) a.forEach(b, c);
  3016. else if (Ba(a) || r(a)) A(a, b, c);
  3017. else {
  3018. if ( && "function" == typeof var d =;
  3019. else if ( && "function" == typeof d = void 0;
  3020. else if (Ba(a) || r(a)) {
  3021. d = [];
  3022. for (var e = a.length, f = 0; f < e; f++) d.push(f)
  3023. } else d = Gb(a);
  3024. e = Lg(a);
  3025. f = e.length;
  3026. for (var g = 0; g < f; g++),
  3027. e[g], d && d[g], a)
  3028. }
  3029. };
  3030. var Ng = /^(?:([^:/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/(?:([^/?#]*)@)?([^/#?]*?)(?::([0-9]+))?(?=[/#?]|$))?([^?#]+)?(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#([\s\S]*))?$/,
  3031. Og = function(a) {
  3032. a = a.match(Ng)[1] || null;
  3033. !a && p.self && p.self.location && (a = p.self.location.protocol, a = a.substr(0, a.length - 1));
  3034. return a ? a.toLowerCase() : ""
  3035. },
  3036. Pg = function(a) {
  3037. var b = a.indexOf("#");
  3038. return 0 > b ? a : a.substr(0, b)
  3039. },
  3040. Qg = function(a, b) {
  3041. if (a)
  3042. for (var c = a.split("&"), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
  3043. var e = c[d].indexOf("="),
  3044. f = null;
  3045. if (0 <= e) {
  3046. var g = c[d].substring(0, e);
  3047. f = c[d].substring(e + 1)
  3048. } else g = c[d];
  3049. b(g, f ? decodeURIComponent(f.replace(/\+/g, " ")) : "")
  3050. }
  3051. },
  3052. Rg = function(a, b) {
  3053. if (!b) return a;
  3054. var c = a.indexOf("#");
  3055. 0 > c && (c = a.length);
  3056. var d = a.indexOf("?");
  3057. if (0 > d || d > c) {
  3058. d = c;
  3059. var e = ""
  3060. } else e = a.substring(d + 1, c);
  3061. c = [a.substr(0, d), e, a.substr(c)];
  3062. d = c[1];
  3063. c[1] = b ? d ? d + "&" + b : b : d;
  3064. return c[0] + (c[1] ? "?" + c[1] : "") + c[2]
  3065. },
  3066. Sg = function(a, b, c) {
  3067. if (v(b))
  3068. for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) Sg(a, String(b[d]), c);
  3069. else null != b && c.push(a + ("" === b ? "" : "=" + encodeURIComponent(String(b))))
  3070. },
  3071. Tg = function(a, b) {
  3072. for (var c = [], d = b || 0; d < a.length; d += 2) Sg(a[d],
  3073. a[d + 1], c);
  3074. return c.join("&")
  3075. },
  3076. Ug = function(a) {
  3077. var b = [],
  3078. c;
  3079. for (c in a) Sg(c, a[c], b);
  3080. return b.join("&")
  3081. },
  3082. Vg = function(a, b) {
  3083. var c = 2 == arguments.length ? Tg(arguments[1], 0) : Tg(arguments, 1);
  3084. return Rg(a, c)
  3085. };
  3086. var Wg = function(a) {
  3088. this.headers = new bg;
  3089. this.W = a || null;
  3090. this.l = !1;
  3091. this.M = this.S = null;
  3092. this.Ka = this.Y = "";
  3093. this.o = 0;
  3094. this.C = "";
  3095. this.m = = this.H = this.O = !1;
  3096. this.A = 0;
  3097. this.R = null;
  3098. this.w = "";
  3099. = this.D = !1
  3100. };
  3101. z(Wg, Ue);
  3102. var Xg = /^https?$/i,
  3103. Yg = ["POST", "PUT"],
  3104. Zg = [];
  3105. Wg.prototype.ra = function() {
  3107. Za(Zg, this)
  3108. };
  3109. Wg.prototype.xd = k("w");
  3110. Wg.prototype.Ad = k("D");
  3111. var ch = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  3112. if (a.S) throw Error("[] Object is active with another request=" + a.Y + "; newUri=" + b);
  3113. c = c ? c.toUpperCase() : "GET";
  3114. a.Y = b;
  3115. a.C = "";
  3116. a.o = 0;
  3117. a.Ka = c;
  3118. a.O = !1;
  3119. a.l = !0;
  3120. a.S = a.W ? Kg(a.W) : Kg(Ig);
  3121. a.M = a.W ? Hg(a.W) : Hg(Ig);
  3122. a.S.onreadystatechange = x(a.ha, a);
  3123. try {
  3124. = !0,, String(b), !0), = !1
  3125. } catch (g) {
  3126. $g(a, g);
  3127. return
  3128. }
  3129. b = d || "";
  3130. var f = new bg(a.headers);
  3131. e && Mg(e, function(a, b) {
  3132. f.set(b, a)
  3133. });
  3134. e = Wa(;
  3135. d = p.FormData && b instanceof p.FormData;
  3136. !Xa(Yg, c) || e || d || f.set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8");
  3137. f.forEach(function(a, b) {
  3138. this.S.setRequestHeader(b, a)
  3139. }, a);
  3140. a.w && (a.S.responseType = a.w);
  3141. "withCredentials" in a.S && a.S.withCredentials !== a.D && (a.S.withCredentials = a.D);
  3142. try {
  3143. ah(a), 0 < a.A && ( = bh(a.S), ? (a.S.timeout = a.A, a.S.ontimeout = x(a.Ya, a)) : a.R = P(a.Ya, a.A, a)), a.H = !0, a.S.send(b), a.H = !1
  3144. } catch (g) {
  3145. $g(a, g)
  3146. }
  3147. },
  3148. bh = function(a) {
  3149. return C && lc(9) && va(a.timeout) && q(a.ontimeout)
  3150. },
  3151. Va = function(a) {
  3152. return "content-type" == a.toLowerCase()
  3153. };
  3154. Wg.prototype.Ya = function() {
  3155. "undefined" != typeof ua && this.S && (this.C = "Timed out after " + this.A + "ms, aborting", this.o = 8, this.dispatchEvent("timeout"), this.abort(8))
  3156. };
  3157. var $g = function(a, b) {
  3158. a.l = !1;
  3159. a.S && (a.m = !0, a.S.abort(), a.m = !1);
  3160. a.C = b;
  3161. a.o = 5;
  3162. dh(a);
  3163. eh(a)
  3164. },
  3165. dh = function(a) {
  3166. a.O || (a.O = !0, a.dispatchEvent("complete"), a.dispatchEvent("error"))
  3167. };
  3168. Wg.prototype.abort = function(a) {
  3169. this.S && this.l && (this.l = !1, this.m = !0, this.S.abort(), this.m = !1, this.o = a || 7, this.dispatchEvent("complete"), this.dispatchEvent("abort"), eh(this))
  3170. };
  3171. Wg.prototype.L = function() {
  3172. this.S && (this.l && (this.l = !1, this.m = !0, this.S.abort(), this.m = !1), eh(this, !0));
  3174. };
  3175. Wg.prototype.ha = function() {
  3176. this.da || ( || this.H || this.m ? fh(this) : this.fa())
  3177. };
  3178. Wg.prototype.fa = function() {
  3179. fh(this)
  3180. };
  3181. var fh = function(a) {
  3182. if (a.l && "undefined" != typeof ua && (!a.M[1] || 4 != gh(a) || 2 != hh(a)))
  3183. if (a.H && 4 == gh(a)) P(a.ha, 0, a);
  3184. else if (a.dispatchEvent("readystatechange"), 4 == gh(a)) {
  3185. a.l = !1;
  3186. try {
  3187. if (ih(a)) a.dispatchEvent("complete"), a.dispatchEvent("success");
  3188. else {
  3189. a.o = 6;
  3190. try {
  3191. var b = 2 < gh(a) ? a.S.statusText : ""
  3192. } catch (c) {
  3193. b = ""
  3194. }
  3195. a.C = b + " [" + hh(a) + "]";
  3196. dh(a)
  3197. }
  3198. } finally {
  3199. eh(a)
  3200. }
  3201. }
  3202. },
  3203. eh = function(a, b) {
  3204. if (a.S) {
  3205. ah(a);
  3206. var c = a.S,
  3207. d = a.M[0] ? u : null;
  3208. a.S = null;
  3209. a.M = null;
  3210. b || a.dispatchEvent("ready");
  3211. try {
  3212. c.onreadystatechange = d
  3213. } catch (e) {}
  3214. }
  3215. },
  3216. ah = function(a) {
  3217. a.S &&
  3218. && (a.S.ontimeout = null);
  3219. a.R && (Nf(a.R), a.R = null)
  3220. },
  3221. ih = function(a) {
  3222. var b = hh(a);
  3223. a: switch (b) {
  3224. case 200:
  3225. case 201:
  3226. case 202:
  3227. case 204:
  3228. case 206:
  3229. case 304:
  3230. case 1223:
  3231. var c = !0;
  3232. break a;
  3233. default:
  3234. c = !1
  3235. }
  3236. if (!c) {
  3237. if (b = 0 === b) a = Og(String(a.Y)), b = !Xg.test(a);
  3238. c = b
  3239. }
  3240. return c
  3241. },
  3242. gh = function(a) {
  3243. return a.S ? a.S.readyState : 0
  3244. },
  3245. hh = function(a) {
  3246. try {
  3247. return 2 < gh(a) ? a.S.status : -1
  3248. } catch (b) {
  3249. return -1
  3250. }
  3251. };
  3252. Wg.prototype.getResponse = function() {
  3253. try {
  3254. if (!this.S) return null;
  3255. if ("response" in this.S) return this.S.response;
  3256. switch (this.w) {
  3257. case "":
  3258. case "text":
  3259. return this.S.responseText;
  3260. case "arraybuffer":
  3261. if ("mozResponseArrayBuffer" in this.S) return this.S.mozResponseArrayBuffer
  3262. }
  3263. return null
  3264. } catch (a) {
  3265. return null
  3266. }
  3267. };
  3268. ce(function(a) {
  3269. Wg.prototype.fa = a(Wg.prototype.fa)
  3270. });
  3271. var kh = function(a, b, c) {
  3273. this.o = b || null;
  3274. this.m = {};
  3275. this.D = jh;
  3276. this.A = a;
  3277. if (!c)
  3278. if (this.l = null, C && !lc("10")) de(x(this.w, this));
  3279. else {
  3280. this.l = new qg(x(this.w, this));
  3281. vg(this.l, "setTimeout");
  3282. vg(this.l, "setInterval");
  3283. a = this.l;
  3284. b = ya("window");
  3285. c = ["requestAnimationFrame", "mozRequestAnimationFrame", "webkitAnimationFrame", "msRequestAnimationFrame"];
  3286. for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
  3287. var e = c[d];
  3288. c[d] in b && vg(a, e)
  3289. }
  3290. a = this.l;
  3291. be = !0;
  3292. b = x(a.l, a);
  3293. for (c = 0; c < $d.length; c++) $d[c](b);
  3294. ae.push(a)
  3295. }
  3296. };
  3297. z(kh, Ue);
  3298. var lh = function(a) {
  3299., "a");
  3300. this.error = a
  3301. };
  3302. z(lh, je);
  3303. var mh = function() {
  3304. new kh("/recaptcha/api2/jserrorlogging", void 0, void 0)
  3305. },
  3306. jh = function(a, b, c, d) {
  3307. var e = new Wg;
  3308. Zg.push(e);
  3309. e.U.add("ready", e.ra, !0, void 0, void 0);
  3310. ch(e, a, b, c, d)
  3311. };
  3312. kh.prototype.w = function(a, b) {
  3313. a = a.error || a;
  3314. var c = b ? Kb(b) : {};
  3315. a instanceof Error && Mb(c, a.__closure__error__context__984382 || {});
  3316. var d = ya("window.location.href");
  3317. if (r(a)) d = {
  3318. message: a,
  3319. name: "Unknown error",
  3320. lineNumber: "Not available",
  3321. fileName: d,
  3322. stack: "Not available"
  3323. };
  3324. else {
  3325. var e = !1;
  3326. try {
  3327. var f = a.lineNumber || a.line || "Not available"
  3328. } catch (F) {
  3329. f = "Not available", e = !0
  3330. }
  3331. try {
  3332. var g = a.fileName || a.filename || a.sourceURL || p.$googDebugFname || d
  3333. } catch (F) {
  3334. g = "Not available", e = !0
  3335. }
  3336. d = !e && a.lineNumber && a.fileName && a.stack && a.message &&
  3337. ? a : {
  3338. message: a.message || "Not available",
  3339. name: || "UnknownError",
  3340. lineNumber: f,
  3341. fileName: g,
  3342. stack: a.stack || "Not available"
  3343. }
  3344. }
  3345. if (this.o) try {
  3346. this.o(d, c)
  3347. } catch (F) {}
  3348. g = d.message.substring(0, 1900);
  3349. f = d.stack;
  3350. try {
  3351. var l = Vg(this.A, "script", d.fileName, "error", g, "line", d.lineNumber);
  3352. if (!Hb(this.m)) {
  3353. g = l;
  3354. var m = Ug(this.m);
  3355. l = Rg(g, m)
  3356. }
  3357. m = {};
  3358. m.trace = f;
  3359. if (c)
  3360. for (var t in c) m["context." + t] = c[t];
  3361. var D = Ug(m);
  3362. va(null) && (D = D.substring(0, null));
  3363. this.D(l, "POST", D, this.H)
  3364. } catch (F) {}
  3365. try {
  3366. this.dispatchEvent(new lh(d, c))
  3367. } catch (F) {}
  3368. };
  3369. kh.prototype.L = function() {
  3370. Yd(this.l);
  3372. };
  3373. var nh = function(a) {
  3374. if (a.classList) return a.classList;
  3375. a = a.className;
  3376. return r(a) && a.match(/\S+/g) || []
  3377. },
  3378. oh = function(a, b) {
  3379. return a.classList ? a.classList.contains(b) : Xa(nh(a), b)
  3380. },
  3381. ph = function(a, b) {
  3382. a.classList ? a.classList.add(b) : oh(a, b) || (a.className += 0 < a.className.length ? " " + b : b)
  3383. },
  3384. qh = function(a, b) {
  3385. if (a.classList) A(b, function(b) {
  3386. ph(a, b)
  3387. });
  3388. else {
  3389. var c = {};
  3390. A(nh(a), function(a) {
  3391. c[a] = !0
  3392. });
  3393. A(b, function(a) {
  3394. c[a] = !0
  3395. });
  3396. a.className = "";
  3397. for (var d in c) a.className += 0 < a.className.length ? " " + d : d
  3398. }
  3399. },
  3400. rh = function(a, b) {
  3401. a.classList ?
  3402. a.classList.remove(b) : oh(a, b) && (a.className = Pa(nh(a), function(a) {
  3403. return a != b
  3404. }).join(" "))
  3405. },
  3406. sh = function(a, b) {
  3407. a.classList ? A(b, function(b) {
  3408. rh(a, b)
  3409. }) : a.className = Pa(nh(a), function(a) {
  3410. return !Xa(b, a)
  3411. }).join(" ")
  3412. },
  3413. th = function(a, b, c) {
  3414. c ? ph(a, b) : rh(a, b)
  3415. };
  3416. var uh = function(a, b) {
  3417. if ("FORM" == a.tagName)
  3418. for (var c = a.elements, d = 0; a = c[d]; d++) uh(a, b);
  3419. else 1 == b && a.blur(), a.disabled = b
  3420. };
  3421. var xh = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
  3422. if (!(C || Vb || E && lc("525"))) return !0;
  3423. if (Zb && e) return vh(a);
  3424. if (e && !d) return !1;
  3425. va(b) && (b = wh(b));
  3426. e = 17 == b || 18 == b || Zb && 91 == b;
  3427. if ((!c || Zb) && e || Zb && 16 == b && (d || f)) return !1;
  3428. if ((E || Vb) && d && c) switch (a) {
  3429. case 220:
  3430. case 219:
  3431. case 221:
  3432. case 192:
  3433. case 186:
  3434. case 189:
  3435. case 187:
  3436. case 188:
  3437. case 190:
  3438. case 191:
  3439. case 192:
  3440. case 222:
  3441. return !1
  3442. }
  3443. if (C && d && b == a) return !1;
  3444. switch (a) {
  3445. case 13:
  3446. return !0;
  3447. case 27:
  3448. return !(E || Vb)
  3449. }
  3450. return vh(a)
  3451. },
  3452. vh = function(a) {
  3453. if (48 <= a && 57 >= a || 96 <= a && 106 >= a || 65 <= a && 90 >= a || (E || Vb) && 0 == a) return !0;
  3454. switch (a) {
  3455. case 32:
  3456. case 43:
  3457. case 63:
  3458. case 64:
  3459. case 107:
  3460. case 109:
  3461. case 110:
  3462. case 111:
  3463. case 186:
  3464. case 59:
  3465. case 189:
  3466. case 187:
  3467. case 61:
  3468. case 188:
  3469. case 190:
  3470. case 191:
  3471. case 192:
  3472. case 222:
  3473. case 219:
  3474. case 220:
  3475. case 221:
  3476. return !0;
  3477. default:
  3478. return !1
  3479. }
  3480. },
  3481. wh = function(a) {
  3482. if (Xb) a = yh(a);
  3483. else if (Zb && E) switch (a) {
  3484. case 93:
  3485. a = 91
  3486. }
  3487. return a
  3488. },
  3489. yh = function(a) {
  3490. switch (a) {
  3491. case 61:
  3492. return 187;
  3493. case 59:
  3494. return 186;
  3495. case 173:
  3496. return 189;
  3497. case 224:
  3498. return 91;
  3499. case 0:
  3500. return 224;
  3501. default:
  3502. return a
  3503. }
  3504. };
  3505. var Ah = function(a) {
  3507. this.l = a;
  3508. Ee(a, zh, this.o, !1, this);
  3509. Ee(a, "click", this.m, !1, this)
  3510. };
  3511. z(Ah, Ue);
  3512. var zh = Xb ? "keypress" : "keydown";
  3513. Ah.prototype.o = function(a) {
  3514. (13 == a.keyCode || E && 3 == a.keyCode) && Bh(this, a)
  3515. };
  3516. Ah.prototype.m = function(a) {
  3517. Bh(this, a)
  3518. };
  3519. var Bh = function(a, b) {
  3520. var c = new Ch(b);
  3521. if (a.dispatchEvent(c)) {
  3522. c = new Dh(b);
  3523. try {
  3524. a.dispatchEvent(c)
  3525. } finally {
  3526. b.m()
  3527. }
  3528. }
  3529. };
  3530. Ah.prototype.L = function() {
  3532. Le(this.l, zh, this.o, !1, this);
  3533. Le(this.l, "click", this.m, !1, this);
  3534. delete this.l
  3535. };
  3536. var Dh = function(a) {
  3537., a.ta);
  3538. this.type = "action"
  3539. };
  3540. z(Dh, ne);
  3541. var Ch = function(a) {
  3542., a.ta);
  3543. this.type = "beforeaction"
  3544. };
  3545. z(Ch, ne);
  3546. var Eh = function(a) {
  3548. this.M = a;
  3549. this.D = {}
  3550. };
  3551. z(Eh, O);
  3552. var Fh = [];
  3553. Eh.prototype.G = function(a, b, c, d) {
  3554. v(b) || (b && (Fh[0] = b.toString()), b = Fh);
  3555. for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
  3556. var f = Ee(a, b[e], c || this.handleEvent, d || !1, this.M || this);
  3557. if (!f) break;
  3558. this.D[f.key] = f
  3559. }
  3560. return this
  3561. };
  3562. var Hh = function(a, b, c, d) {
  3563. Gh(a, b, c, d, void 0)
  3564. },
  3565. Gh = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
  3566. if (v(c))
  3567. for (var g = 0; g < c.length; g++) Gh(a, b, c[g], d, e, f);
  3568. else(b = De(b, c, d || a.handleEvent, e, f || a.M || a)) && (a.D[b.key] = b)
  3569. },
  3570. Ih = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
  3571. if (v(c))
  3572. for (var g = 0; g < c.length; g++) Ih(a, b, c[g], d, e, f);
  3573. else d = d || a.handleEvent, e = w(e) ? !!e.capture : !!e, f = f || a.M || a, d = Fe(d), e = !!e, c = re(b) ? ye(b.U, String(c), d, e, f) : b ? (b = He(b)) ? ye(b, c, d, e, f) : null : null, c && (Me(c), delete a.D[c.key]);
  3574. return a
  3575. },
  3576. Jh = function(a) {
  3577. Db(a.D, function(a, c) {
  3578. this.D.hasOwnProperty(c) &&
  3579. Me(a)
  3580. }, a);
  3581. a.D = {}
  3582. };
  3583. Eh.prototype.L = function() {
  3585. Jh(this)
  3586. };
  3587. Eh.prototype.handleEvent = function() {
  3588. throw Error("EventHandler.handleEvent not implemented");
  3589. };
  3590. var Lh = function(a, b) {
  3592. a && Kh(this, a, b)
  3593. };
  3594. z(Lh, Ue);
  3595. n = Lh.prototype;
  3596. n.kb = null;
  3597. n.gc = null;
  3598. n.Zc = null;
  3599. n.hc = null;
  3600. n.wa = -1;
  3601. n.Ta = -1;
  3602. n.qc = !1;
  3603. var Mh = {
  3604. 3: 13,
  3605. 12: 144,
  3606. 63232: 38,
  3607. 63233: 40,
  3608. 63234: 37,
  3609. 63235: 39,
  3610. 63236: 112,
  3611. 63237: 113,
  3612. 63238: 114,
  3613. 63239: 115,
  3614. 63240: 116,
  3615. 63241: 117,
  3616. 63242: 118,
  3617. 63243: 119,
  3618. 63244: 120,
  3619. 63245: 121,
  3620. 63246: 122,
  3621. 63247: 123,
  3622. 63248: 44,
  3623. 63272: 46,
  3624. 63273: 36,
  3625. 63275: 35,
  3626. 63276: 33,
  3627. 63277: 34,
  3628. 63289: 144,
  3629. 63302: 45
  3630. },
  3631. Nh = {
  3632. Up: 38,
  3633. Down: 40,
  3634. Left: 37,
  3635. Right: 39,
  3636. Enter: 13,
  3637. F1: 112,
  3638. F2: 113,
  3639. F3: 114,
  3640. F4: 115,
  3641. F5: 116,
  3642. F6: 117,
  3643. F7: 118,
  3644. F8: 119,
  3645. F9: 120,
  3646. F10: 121,
  3647. F11: 122,
  3648. F12: 123,
  3649. "U+007F": 46,
  3650. Home: 36,
  3651. End: 35,
  3652. PageUp: 33,
  3653. PageDown: 34,
  3654. Insert: 45
  3655. },
  3656. Oh = C || Vb || E && lc("525"),
  3657. Ph = Zb && Xb;
  3658. Lh.prototype.l = function(a) {
  3659. if (E || Vb)
  3660. if (17 == this.wa && !a.ctrlKey || 18 == this.wa && !a.altKey || Zb && 91 == this.wa && !a.metaKey) this.Ta = this.wa = -1; - 1 == this.wa && (a.ctrlKey && 17 != a.keyCode ? this.wa = 17 : a.altKey && 18 != a.keyCode ? this.wa = 18 : a.metaKey && 91 != a.keyCode && (this.wa = 91));
  3661. Oh && !xh(a.keyCode, this.wa, a.shiftKey, a.ctrlKey, a.altKey, a.metaKey) ? this.handleEvent(a) : (this.Ta = wh(a.keyCode), Ph && (this.qc = a.altKey))
  3662. };
  3663. Lh.prototype.m = function(a) {
  3664. this.Ta = this.wa = -1;
  3665. this.qc = a.altKey
  3666. };
  3667. Lh.prototype.handleEvent = function(a) {
  3668. var b = a.ta,
  3669. c = b.altKey;
  3670. if (C && "keypress" == a.type) {
  3671. var d = this.Ta;
  3672. var e = 13 != d && 27 != d ? b.keyCode : 0
  3673. } else(E || Vb) && "keypress" == a.type ? (d = this.Ta, e = 0 <= b.charCode && 63232 > b.charCode && vh(d) ? b.charCode : 0) : Ub && !E ? (d = this.Ta, e = vh(d) ? b.keyCode : 0) : (d = b.keyCode || this.Ta, e = b.charCode || 0, Ph && (c = this.qc), Zb && 63 == e && 224 == d && (d = 191));
  3674. var f = d = wh(d);
  3675. d ? 63232 <= d && d in Mh ? f = Mh[d] : 25 == d && a.shiftKey && (f = 9) : b.keyIdentifier && b.keyIdentifier in Nh && (f = Nh[b.keyIdentifier]);
  3676. a = f == this.wa;
  3677. this.wa =
  3678. f;
  3679. b = new Qh(f, e, a, b);
  3680. b.altKey = c;
  3681. this.dispatchEvent(b)
  3682. };
  3683. Lh.prototype.B = k("kb");
  3684. var Kh = function(a, b, c) {
  3685. a.hc && Rh(a);
  3686. a.kb = b;
  3687. a.gc = Ee(a.kb, "keypress", a, c);
  3688. a.Zc = Ee(a.kb, "keydown", a.l, c, a);
  3689. a.hc = Ee(a.kb, "keyup", a.m, c, a)
  3690. },
  3691. Rh = function(a) {
  3692. a.gc && (Me(a.gc), Me(a.Zc), Me(a.hc), a.gc = null, a.Zc = null, a.hc = null);
  3693. a.kb = null;
  3694. a.wa = -1;
  3695. a.Ta = -1
  3696. };
  3697. Lh.prototype.L = function() {
  3699. Rh(this)
  3700. };
  3701. var Qh = function(a, b, c, d) {
  3702., d);
  3703. this.type = "key";
  3704. this.keyCode = a;
  3705. this.repeat = c
  3706. };
  3707. z(Qh, ne);
  3708. var Sh = {},
  3709. Th = null,
  3710. Uh = function(a) {
  3711. a = Fa(a);
  3712. delete Sh[a];
  3713. Hb(Sh) && Th && Th.stop()
  3714. },
  3715. Wh = function() {
  3716. Th || (Th = new Of(function() {
  3717. Vh()
  3718. }, 20));
  3719. var a = Th;
  3720. 0 != a.jb || a.start()
  3721. },
  3722. Vh = function() {
  3723. var a = y();
  3724. Db(Sh, function(b) {
  3725. Xh(b, a)
  3726. });
  3727. Hb(Sh) || Wh()
  3728. };
  3729. var Yh = function() {
  3731. this.l = 0;
  3732. this.H = this.startTime = null
  3733. };
  3734. z(Yh, Ue);
  3735. Yh.prototype.C = function() {
  3736. this.o("begin")
  3737. };
  3738. Yh.prototype.D = function() {
  3739. this.o("end")
  3740. };
  3741. Yh.prototype.W = function() {
  3742. this.o("finish")
  3743. };
  3744. Yh.prototype.o = function(a) {
  3745. this.dispatchEvent(a)
  3746. };
  3747. var Zh = function(a, b, c, d) {
  3749. if (!v(a) || !v(b)) throw Error("Start and end parameters must be arrays");
  3750. if (a.length != b.length) throw Error("Start and end points must be the same length");
  3751. this.R = a;
  3752. = b;
  3753. this.Y = c;
  3754. = d;
  3755. this.coords = [];
  3756. this.m = 0;
  3757. this.fa = null
  3758. };
  3759. z(Zh, Yh);
  3760. Zh.prototype.A = function(a) {
  3761. if (a || 0 == this.l) this.m = 0, this.coords = this.R;
  3762. else if (1 == this.l) return;
  3763. Uh(this);
  3764. this.startTime = a = y(); - 1 == this.l && (this.startTime -= this.Y * this.m);
  3765. this.H = this.startTime + this.Y;
  3766. this.fa = this.startTime;
  3767. this.m || this.C();
  3768. this.o("play"); - 1 == this.l && this.o("resume");
  3769. this.l = 1;
  3770. var b = Fa(this);
  3771. b in Sh || (Sh[b] = this);
  3772. Wh();
  3773. Xh(this, a)
  3774. };
  3775. Zh.prototype.stop = function(a) {
  3776. Uh(this);
  3777. this.l = 0;
  3778. a && (this.m = 1);
  3779. $h(this, this.m);
  3780. this.o("stop");
  3781. this.D()
  3782. };
  3783. Zh.prototype.L = function() {
  3784. 0 == this.l || this.stop(!1);
  3785. this.o("destroy");
  3787. };
  3788. var Xh = function(a, b) {
  3789. b < a.startTime && (a.H = b + a.H - a.startTime, a.startTime = b);
  3790. a.m = (b - a.startTime) / (a.H - a.startTime);
  3791. 1 < a.m && (a.m = 1);
  3792. a.fa = b;
  3793. $h(a, a.m);
  3794. 1 == a.m ? (a.l = 0, Uh(a), a.W(), a.D()) : 1 == a.l && a.w()
  3795. },
  3796. $h = function(a, b) {
  3797. Ca( && (b =;
  3798. a.coords = Array(a.R.length);
  3799. for (var c = 0; c < a.R.length; c++) a.coords[c] = ([c] - a.R[c]) * b + a.R[c]
  3800. };
  3801. Zh.prototype.w = function() {
  3802. this.o("animate")
  3803. };
  3804. Zh.prototype.o = function(a) {
  3805. this.dispatchEvent(new ai(a, this))
  3806. };
  3807. var ai = function(a, b) {
  3808., a);
  3809. this.coords = b.coords
  3810. };
  3811. z(ai, je);
  3812. var bi = function() {
  3814. this.m = []
  3815. };
  3816. z(bi, Yh);
  3817. bi.prototype.add = function(a) {
  3818. Xa(this.m, a) || (this.m.push(a), Ee(a, "finish", this.R, !1, this))
  3819. };
  3820. bi.prototype.L = function() {
  3821. A(this.m, function(a) {
  3823. });
  3824. this.m.length = 0;
  3826. };
  3827. var ci = function() {
  3829. this.w = 0
  3830. };
  3831. z(ci, bi);
  3832. ci.prototype.A = function(a) {
  3833. if (0 != this.m.length) {
  3834. if (a || 0 == this.l) this.w < this.m.length && 0 != this.m[this.w].l && this.m[this.w].stop(!1), this.w = 0, this.C();
  3835. else if (1 == this.l) return;
  3836. this.o("play"); - 1 == this.l && this.o("resume");
  3837. this.startTime = y();
  3838. this.H = null;
  3839. this.l = 1;
  3840. this.m[this.w].A(a)
  3841. }
  3842. };
  3843. ci.prototype.stop = function(a) {
  3844. this.l = 0;
  3845. this.H = y();
  3846. if (a)
  3847. for (a = this.w; a < this.m.length; ++a) {
  3848. var b = this.m[a];
  3849. 0 == b.l && b.A();
  3850. 0 == b.l || b.stop(!0)
  3851. } else this.w < this.m.length && this.m[this.w].stop(!1);
  3852. this.o("stop");
  3853. this.D()
  3854. };
  3855. ci.prototype.R = function() {
  3856. 1 == this.l && (this.w++, this.w < this.m.length ? this.m[this.w].A() : (this.H = y(), this.l = 0, this.W(), this.D()))
  3857. };
  3858. var di = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
  3859., [c.left,], [c.right, c.bottom], d, e);
  3860. this.M = a;
  3861. this.Ea = b;
  3862. this.O = !!f
  3863. };
  3864. z(di, Zh);
  3865. di.prototype.w = function() {
  3866. = -Math.floor(this.coords[0] / this.Ea.width) * this.Ea.width + "px " + -Math.floor(this.coords[1] / this.Ea.height) * this.Ea.height + "px";
  3868. };
  3869. di.prototype.W = function() {
  3870. this.O || this.A(!0);
  3872. };
  3873. var ei = function(a) {
  3874. a =;
  3875. a.backgroundPosition = "";
  3876. "undefined" != typeof a.backgroundPositionX && (a.backgroundPositionX = "", a.backgroundPositionY = "")
  3877. };
  3878. di.prototype.L = function() {
  3880. this.M = null
  3881. };
  3882. var fi = function(a, b, c, d) {
  3883. = a;
  3884. this.right = b;
  3885. this.bottom = c;
  3886. this.left = d
  3887. };
  3888. fi.prototype.ceil = function() {
  3889. = Math.ceil(;
  3890. this.right = Math.ceil(this.right);
  3891. this.bottom = Math.ceil(this.bottom);
  3892. this.left = Math.ceil(this.left);
  3893. return this
  3894. };
  3895. fi.prototype.floor = function() {
  3896. = Math.floor(;
  3897. this.right = Math.floor(this.right);
  3898. this.bottom = Math.floor(this.bottom);
  3899. this.left = Math.floor(this.left);
  3900. return this
  3901. };
  3902. fi.prototype.round = function() {
  3903. = Math.round(;
  3904. this.right = Math.round(this.right);
  3905. this.bottom = Math.round(this.bottom);
  3906. this.left = Math.round(this.left);
  3907. return this
  3908. };
  3909. var gi = function(a, b, c, d) {
  3910. this.left = a;
  3911. = b;
  3912. this.width = c;
  3913. this.height = d
  3914. };
  3915. gi.prototype.ceil = function() {
  3916. this.left = Math.ceil(this.left);
  3917. = Math.ceil(;
  3918. this.width = Math.ceil(this.width);
  3919. this.height = Math.ceil(this.height);
  3920. return this
  3921. };
  3922. gi.prototype.floor = function() {
  3923. this.left = Math.floor(this.left);
  3924. = Math.floor(;
  3925. this.width = Math.floor(this.width);
  3926. this.height = Math.floor(this.height);
  3927. return this
  3928. };
  3929. gi.prototype.round = function() {
  3930. this.left = Math.round(this.left);
  3931. = Math.round(;
  3932. this.width = Math.round(this.width);
  3933. this.height = Math.round(this.height);
  3934. return this
  3935. };
  3936. var ii = function(a, b, c) {
  3937. if (r(b))(b = hi(a, b)) && ([b] = c);
  3938. else
  3939. for (var d in b) {
  3940. c = a;
  3941. var e = b[d],
  3942. f = hi(c, d);
  3943. f && ([f] = e)
  3944. }
  3945. },
  3946. ji = {},
  3947. hi = function(a, b) {
  3948. var c = ji[b];
  3949. if (!c) {
  3950. var d = yb(b);
  3951. c = d;
  3952. void 0 ===[d] && (d = (E ? "Webkit" : Xb ? "Moz" : C ? "ms" : Ub ? "O" : null) + zb(d), void 0 !==[d] && (c = d));
  3953. ji[b] = c
  3954. }
  3955. return c
  3956. },
  3957. ki = function(a, b) {
  3958. var c =[yb(b)];
  3959. return "undefined" !== typeof c ? c :[hi(a, b)] || ""
  3960. },
  3961. li = function(a, b) {
  3962. var c = md(a);
  3963. return c.defaultView && c.defaultView.getComputedStyle && (c = c.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a,
  3964. null)) ? c[b] || c.getPropertyValue(b) || "" : ""
  3965. },
  3966. mi = function(a, b) {
  3967. return li(a, b) || (a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle[b] : null) || &&[b]
  3968. },
  3969. ni = function(a) {
  3970. try {
  3971. var b = a.getBoundingClientRect()
  3972. } catch (c) {
  3973. return {
  3974. left: 0,
  3975. top: 0,
  3976. right: 0,
  3977. bottom: 0
  3978. }
  3979. }
  3980. C && a.ownerDocument.body && (a = a.ownerDocument, b.left -= a.documentElement.clientLeft + a.body.clientLeft, -= a.documentElement.clientTop + a.body.clientTop);
  3981. return b
  3982. },
  3983. oi = function(a) {
  3984. var b = md(a),
  3985. c = new id(0, 0);
  3986. var d = b ? md(b) : document;
  3987. d = !C || 9 <= Number(mc) || td(nd(d).l) ? d.documentElement :
  3988. d.body;
  3989. if (a == d) return c;
  3990. a = ni(a);
  3991. b = vd(nd(b).l);
  3992. c.K = a.left + b.K;
  3993. c.J = + b.J;
  3994. return c
  3995. },
  3996. pi = function(a) {
  3997. if (1 == a.nodeType) return a = ni(a), new id(a.left,;
  3998. a = a.changedTouches ? a.changedTouches[0] : a;
  3999. return new id(a.clientX, a.clientY)
  4000. },
  4001. ri = function(a, b, c) {
  4002. if (b instanceof L) c = b.height, b = b.width;
  4003. else if (void 0 == c) throw Error("missing height argument");
  4004. = qi(b);
  4005. = qi(c)
  4006. },
  4007. qi = function(a) {
  4008. "number" == typeof a && (a = Math.round(a) + "px");
  4009. return a
  4010. },
  4011. ti = function(a) {
  4012. var b = si;
  4013. if ("none" != mi(a, "display")) return b(a);
  4014. var c =,
  4015. d = c.display,
  4016. e = c.visibility,
  4017. f = c.position;
  4018. c.visibility = "hidden";
  4019. c.position = "absolute";
  4020. c.display = "inline";
  4021. a = b(a);
  4022. c.display = d;
  4023. c.position = f;
  4024. c.visibility = e;
  4025. return a
  4026. },
  4027. si = function(a) {
  4028. var b = a.offsetWidth,
  4029. c = a.offsetHeight,
  4030. d = E && !b && !c;
  4031. return q(b) && !d || !a.getBoundingClientRect ? new L(b, c) : (a = ni(a), new L(a.right - a.left, a.bottom -
  4032. },
  4033. ui = function(a) {
  4034. var b = oi(a);
  4035. a = ti(a);
  4036. return new gi(b.K, b.J, a.width, a.height)
  4037. },
  4038. vi = function(a, b) {
  4039. var c =;
  4040. "opacity" in c ? c.opacity = b : "MozOpacity" in c ? c.MozOpacity =
  4041. b : "filter" in c && (c.filter = "" === b ? "" : "alpha(opacity=" + 100 * Number(b) + ")")
  4042. },
  4043. wi = function(a, b) {
  4044. = b ? "" : "none"
  4045. },
  4046. xi = function(a) {
  4047. return "none" !=
  4048. },
  4049. yi = Xb ? "MozUserSelect" : E || Vb ? "WebkitUserSelect" : null,
  4050. zi = function(a, b) {
  4051. if (/^\d+px?$/.test(b)) return parseInt(b, 10);
  4052. var c =,
  4053. d = a.runtimeStyle.left;
  4054. a.runtimeStyle.left = a.currentStyle.left;
  4055. = b;
  4056. var e =;
  4057. = c;
  4058. a.runtimeStyle.left = d;
  4059. return +e
  4060. },
  4061. Ai = function(a, b) {
  4062. var c = a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle[b] :
  4063. null;
  4064. return c ? zi(a, c) : 0
  4065. },
  4066. Bi = function(a, b) {
  4067. if (C) {
  4068. var c = Ai(a, b + "Left"),
  4069. d = Ai(a, b + "Right"),
  4070. e = Ai(a, b + "Top"),
  4071. f = Ai(a, b + "Bottom");
  4072. return new fi(e, d, f, c)
  4073. }
  4074. c = li(a, b + "Left");
  4075. d = li(a, b + "Right");
  4076. e = li(a, b + "Top");
  4077. f = li(a, b + "Bottom");
  4078. return new fi(parseFloat(e), parseFloat(d), parseFloat(f), parseFloat(c))
  4079. },
  4080. Ci = /[^\d]+$/,
  4081. Di = {
  4082. cm: 1,
  4083. "in": 1,
  4084. mm: 1,
  4085. pc: 1,
  4086. pt: 1
  4087. },
  4088. Ei = {
  4089. em: 1,
  4090. ex: 1
  4091. },
  4092. Fi = function(a) {
  4093. var b = mi(a, "fontSize");
  4094. var c = (c = b.match(Ci)) && c[0] || null;
  4095. if (b && "px" == c) return parseInt(b, 10);
  4096. if (C) {
  4097. if (String(c) in Di) return zi(a, b);
  4098. if (a.parentNode &&
  4099. 1 == a.parentNode.nodeType && String(c) in Ei) return a = a.parentNode, c = mi(a, "fontSize"), zi(a, b == c ? "1em" : b)
  4100. }
  4101. c = xd("SPAN", {
  4102. style: "visibility:hidden;position:absolute;line-height:0;padding:0;margin:0;border:0;height:1em;"
  4103. });
  4104. a.appendChild(c);
  4105. b = c.offsetHeight;
  4106. Dd(c);
  4107. return b
  4108. };
  4109. var Gi = function() {
  4110. if ($b) {
  4111. var a = /Windows NT ([0-9.]+)/;
  4112. return (a = a.exec(Ab)) ? a[1] : "0"
  4113. }
  4114. return Zb ? (a = /10[_.][0-9_.]+/, (a = a.exec(Ab)) ? a[0].replace(/_/g, ".") : "10") : ac ? (a = /Android\s+([^\);]+)(\)|;)/, (a = a.exec(Ab)) ? a[1] : "") : bc || cc || dc ? (a = /(?:iPhone|CPU)\s+OS\s+(\S+)/, (a = a.exec(Ab)) ? a[1].replace(/_/g, ".") : "") : ""
  4115. }();
  4116. var Hi = function(a) {
  4117. return (a = a.exec(Ab)) ? a[1] : ""
  4118. },
  4119. Ii = function() {
  4120. if (oc) return Hi(/Firefox\/([0-9.]+)/);
  4121. if (C || Vb || Ub) return kc;
  4122. if (sc) return Qb() ? Hi(/CriOS\/([0-9.]+)/) : Hi(/Chrome\/([0-9.]+)/);
  4123. if (tc && !Qb()) return Hi(/Version\/([0-9.]+)/);
  4124. if (pc || qc) {
  4125. var a = /Version\/(\S+).*Mobile\/(\S+)/.exec(Ab);
  4126. if (a) return a[1] + "." + a[2]
  4127. } else if (rc) return (a = Hi(/Android\s+([0-9.]+)/)) ? a : Hi(/Version\/([0-9.]+)/);
  4128. return ""
  4129. }();
  4130. var Ji = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  4131., b, c, d, e);
  4132. this.element = a
  4133. };
  4134. z(Ji, Zh);
  4135. Ji.prototype.O = u;
  4136. Ji.prototype.w = function() {
  4137. this.O();
  4139. };
  4140. Ji.prototype.D = function() {
  4141. this.O();
  4143. };
  4144. Ji.prototype.C = function() {
  4145. this.O();
  4147. };
  4148. var Ki = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  4149. va(b) && (b = [b]);
  4150. va(c) && (c = [c]);
  4151., a, b, c, d, e);
  4152. if (1 != b.length || 1 != c.length) throw Error("Start and end points must be 1D");
  4153. this.M = -1
  4154. };
  4155. z(Ki, Ji);
  4156. var Li = 1 / 1024;
  4157. Ki.prototype.O = function() {
  4158. var a = this.coords[0];
  4159. Math.abs(a - this.M) >= Li && (vi(this.element, a), this.M = a)
  4160. };
  4161. Ki.prototype.C = function() {
  4162. this.M = -1;
  4164. };
  4165. Ki.prototype.D = function() {
  4166. this.M = -1;
  4168. };
  4169. var Mi = function(a, b, c) {
  4170., a, 1, 0, b, c)
  4171. };
  4172. z(Mi, Ki);
  4173. var Oi = function(a) {
  4174. Ni();
  4175. var b = new Sc;
  4176. b.m = a;
  4177. return b
  4178. },
  4179. Ni = u;
  4180. var Pi = function(a, b, c, d) {
  4181. this.l = a;
  4182. this.o = b;
  4183. this.m = c;
  4184. this.w = d
  4185. },
  4186. Qi = function(a, b, c) {
  4187. b instanceof id && (c = b.J, b = b.K);
  4188. var d = a.l,
  4189. e = a.o,
  4190. f = a.m - a.l,
  4191. g = a.w - a.o;
  4192. return ((Number(b) - d) * (a.m - d) + (Number(c) - e) * (a.w - e)) / (f * f + g * g)
  4193. },
  4194. Ri = function(a, b) {
  4195. var c = a.l,
  4196. d = a.o;
  4197. return new id(c + b * (a.m - c), d + b * (a.w - d))
  4198. };
  4199. /*
  4200. Portions of this code are from MochiKit, received by
  4201. The Closure Authors under the MIT license. All other code is Copyright
  4202. 2005-2009 The Closure Authors. All Rights Reserved.
  4203. */
  4204. var Si = function(a, b) {
  4205. this.A = [];
  4206. this.M = a;
  4207. this.R = b || null;
  4208. this.w = this.l = !1;
  4209. this.o = void 0;
  4210. this.U = = this.H = !1;
  4211. this.D = 0;
  4212. this.m = null;
  4213. this.C = 0
  4214. };
  4215. Si.prototype.cancel = function(a) {
  4216. if (this.l) this.o instanceof Si && this.o.cancel();
  4217. else {
  4218. if (this.m) {
  4219. var b = this.m;
  4220. delete this.m;
  4221. a ? b.cancel(a) : (b.C--, 0 >= b.C && b.cancel())
  4222. }
  4223. this.M ?, this) : this.U = !0;
  4224. this.l || (a = new Ti(this), Ui(this), Vi(this, !1, a))
  4225. }
  4226. };
  4227. Si.prototype.da = function(a, b) {
  4228. this.H = !1;
  4229. Vi(this, a, b)
  4230. };
  4231. var Vi = function(a, b, c) {
  4232. a.l = !0;
  4233. a.o = c;
  4234. a.w = !b;
  4235. Wi(a)
  4236. },
  4237. Ui = function(a) {
  4238. if (a.l) {
  4239. if (!a.U) throw new Xi(a);
  4240. a.U = !1
  4241. }
  4242. },
  4243. Yi = function(a, b, c) {
  4244. a.A.push([b, c, void 0]);
  4245. a.l && Wi(a)
  4246. };
  4247. Si.prototype.then = function(a, b, c) {
  4248. var d, e, f = new qf(function(a, b) {
  4249. d = a;
  4250. e = b
  4251. });
  4252. Yi(this, d, function(a) {
  4253. a instanceof Ti ? f.cancel() : e(a)
  4254. });
  4255. return f.then(a, b, c)
  4256. };
  4257. nf(Si);
  4258. var Zi = function(a) {
  4259. return Ra(a.A, function(a) {
  4260. return Ca(a[1])
  4261. })
  4262. },
  4263. Wi = function(a) {
  4264. if (a.D && a.l && Zi(a)) {
  4265. var b = a.D,
  4266. c = $i[b];
  4267. c && (p.clearTimeout(c.l), delete $i[b]);
  4268. a.D = 0
  4269. }
  4270. a.m && (a.m.C--, delete a.m);
  4271. b = a.o;
  4272. for (var d = c = !1; a.A.length && !a.H;) {
  4273. var e = a.A.shift(),
  4274. f = e[0],
  4275. g = e[1];
  4276. e = e[2];
  4277. if (f = a.w ? g : f) try {
  4278. var l = || a.R, b);
  4279. q(l) && (a.w = a.w && (l == b || l instanceof Error), a.o = b = l);
  4280. if ( of (b) || "function" === typeof p.Promise && b instanceof p.Promise) d = !0, a.H = !0
  4281. } catch (m) {
  4282. b = m, a.w = !0, Zi(a) || (c = !0)
  4283. }
  4284. }
  4285. a.o = b;
  4286. d && (l = x(a.da, a, !0), d = x(a.da,
  4287. a, !1), b instanceof Si ? (Yi(b, l, d), = !0) : b.then(l, d));
  4288. c && (b = new aj(b), $i[b.l] = b, a.D = b.l)
  4289. },
  4290. Xi = function() {
  4292. };
  4293. z(Xi, Ma);
  4294. Xi.prototype.message = "Deferred has already fired";
  4295. = "AlreadyCalledError";
  4296. var Ti = function() {
  4298. };
  4299. z(Ti, Ma);
  4300. Ti.prototype.message = "Deferred was canceled";
  4301. = "CanceledError";
  4302. var aj = function(a) {
  4303. this.l = p.setTimeout(x(this.o, this), 0);
  4304. this.m = a
  4305. };
  4306. aj.prototype.o = function() {
  4307. delete $i[this.l];
  4308. throw this.m;
  4309. };
  4310. var $i = {};
  4311. var fj = function(a) {
  4312. var b = {},
  4313. c = b.document || document,
  4314. d = Tc(a),
  4315. e = Ad(document, "SCRIPT"),
  4316. f = {
  4317. Zd: e,
  4318. Ya: void 0
  4319. },
  4320. g = new Si(bj, f),
  4321. l = null,
  4322. m = null != b.timeout ? b.timeout : 5E3;
  4323. 0 < m && (l = window.setTimeout(function() {
  4324. cj(e, !0);
  4325. var a = new dj(1, "Timeout reached for loading script " + d);
  4326. Ui(g);
  4327. Vi(g, !1, a)
  4328. }, m), f.Ya = l);
  4329. e.onload = e.onreadystatechange = function() {
  4330. e.readyState && "loaded" != e.readyState && "complete" != e.readyState || (cj(e, || !1, l), Ui(g), Vi(g, !0, null))
  4331. };
  4332. e.onerror = function() {
  4333. cj(e, !0, l);
  4334. var a = new dj(0, "Error while loading script " +
  4335. d);
  4336. Ui(g);
  4337. Vi(g, !1, a)
  4338. };
  4339. f = b.attributes || {};
  4340. Mb(f, {
  4341. type: "text/javascript",
  4342. charset: "UTF-8"
  4343. });
  4344. sd(e, f);
  4345. hd(e, a);
  4346. ej(c).appendChild(e);
  4347. return g
  4348. },
  4349. ej = function(a) {
  4350. var b = pd("HEAD", a);
  4351. return b && 0 != b.length ? b[0] : a.documentElement
  4352. },
  4353. bj = function() {
  4354. if (this && this.Zd) {
  4355. var a = this.Zd;
  4356. a && "SCRIPT" == a.tagName && cj(a, !0, this.Ya)
  4357. }
  4358. },
  4359. cj = function(a, b, c) {
  4360. null != c && p.clearTimeout(c);
  4361. a.onload = u;
  4362. a.onerror = u;
  4363. a.onreadystatechange = u;
  4364. b && window.setTimeout(function() {
  4365. Dd(a)
  4366. }, 0)
  4367. },
  4368. dj = function(a, b) {
  4369. var c = "Jsloader error (code #" + a + ")";
  4370. b && (c += ": " +
  4371. b);
  4372., c);
  4373. this.code = a
  4374. };
  4375. z(dj, Ma);
  4376. var gj = function() {
  4377. this.m = [];
  4378. this.l = []
  4379. },
  4380. hj = function(a) {
  4381. 0 == a.m.length && (a.m = a.l, a.m.reverse(), a.l = []);
  4382. return a.m.pop()
  4383. },
  4384. ij = function(a) {
  4385. return a.m.length + a.l.length
  4386. };
  4387. = function() {
  4388. for (var a = [], b = this.m.length - 1; 0 <= b; --b) a.push(this.m[b]);
  4389. var c = this.l.length;
  4390. for (b = 0; b < c; ++b) a.push(this.l[b]);
  4391. return a
  4392. };
  4393. var jj = function() {
  4394. this.l = new bg
  4395. },
  4396. kj = function(a) {
  4397. var b = typeof a;
  4398. return "object" == b && a || "function" == b ? "o" + Fa(a) : b.substr(0, 1) + a
  4399. };
  4400. jj.prototype.add = function(a) {
  4401. this.l.set(kj(a), a)
  4402. };
  4403. = function() {
  4404. return
  4405. };
  4406. jj.prototype.yb = function() {
  4407. return this.l.yb(!1)
  4408. };
  4409. var lj = function(a, b) {
  4411. this.C = a || 0;
  4412. this.o = b || 10;
  4413. if (this.C > this.o) throw Error("[goog.structs.Pool] Min can not be greater than max");
  4414. this.l = new gj;
  4415. this.m = new jj;
  4416. this.D = null;
  4417. this.Mb()
  4418. };
  4419. z(lj, O);
  4420. lj.prototype.Wb = function() {
  4421. var a = y();
  4422. if (!(null != this.D && 0 > a - this.D)) {
  4423. for (var b; 0 < ij(this.l) && (b = hj(this.l), !this.H(b));) this.Mb();
  4424. !b && mj(this) < this.o && (b = this.A());
  4425. b && (this.D = a, this.m.add(b));
  4426. return b
  4427. }
  4428. };
  4429. var nj = function(a, b) {
  4430. fg(a.m.l, kj(b)) && a.oc(b)
  4431. };
  4432. lj.prototype.oc = function(a) {
  4433. fg(this.m.l, kj(a));
  4434. this.H(a) && mj(this) < this.o ? this.l.l.push(a) : oj(a)
  4435. };
  4436. lj.prototype.Mb = function() {
  4437. for (var a = this.l; mj(this) < this.C;) {
  4438. var b = this.A();
  4439. a.l.push(b)
  4440. }
  4441. for (; mj(this) > this.o && 0 < ij(this.l);) oj(hj(a))
  4442. };
  4443. lj.prototype.A = function() {
  4444. return {}
  4445. };
  4446. var oj = function(a) {
  4447. if ("function" == typeof;
  4448. else
  4449. for (var b in a) a[b] = null
  4450. };
  4451. lj.prototype.H = function(a) {
  4452. return "function" == typeof ? : !0
  4453. };
  4454. var mj = function(a) {
  4455. return ij(a.l) + a.m.l.o
  4456. };
  4457. lj.prototype.L = function() {
  4459. if (0 < this.m.l.o) throw Error("[goog.structs.Pool] Objects not released");
  4460. delete this.m;
  4461. for (var a = this.l; 0 != a.m.length || 0 != a.l.length;) oj(hj(a));
  4462. delete this.l
  4463. };
  4464. var pj = function(a, b) {
  4465. this.l = a;
  4466. this.m = b
  4467. };
  4468. var qj = function(a) {
  4469. this.l = [];
  4470. if (a) a: {
  4471. if (a instanceof qj) {
  4472. var b =;
  4473. a =;
  4474. if (0 >= this.l.length) {
  4475. for (var c = this.l, d = 0; d < b.length; d++) c.push(new pj(b[d], a[d]));
  4476. break a
  4477. }
  4478. } else b = Gb(a),
  4479. a = Fb(a);
  4480. for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) rj(this, b[d], a[d])
  4481. }
  4482. },
  4483. rj = function(a, b, c) {
  4484. var d = a.l;
  4485. d.push(new pj(b, c));
  4486. b = d.length - 1;
  4487. a = a.l;
  4488. for (c = a[b]; 0 < b;)
  4489. if (d = b - 1 >> 1, a[d].l > c.l) a[b] = a[d], b = d;
  4490. else break;
  4491. a[b] = c
  4492. };
  4493. = function() {
  4494. for (var a = this.l, b = [], c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++) b.push(a[d].m);
  4495. return b
  4496. };
  4497. = function() {
  4498. for (var a = this.l, b = [], c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++) b.push(a[d].l);
  4499. return b
  4500. };
  4501. var sj = function() {
  4503. };
  4504. z(sj, qj);
  4505. var tj = function(a, b) {
  4506. this.w = new sj;
  4507., a, b)
  4508. };
  4509. z(tj, lj);
  4510. n = tj.prototype;
  4511. n.Wb = function(a, b) {
  4512. if (!a) return;
  4513. rj(this.w, q(b) ? b : 100, a);
  4514. this.Pc()
  4515. };
  4516. n.Pc = function() {
  4517. for (var a = this.w; 0 < a.l.length;) {
  4518. var b = this.Wb();
  4519. if (b) {
  4520. var c = a,
  4521. d = c.l,
  4522. e = d.length;
  4523. var f = d[0];
  4524. if (0 >= e) f = void 0;
  4525. else {
  4526. if (1 == e) Ya(d);
  4527. else {
  4528. d[0] = d.pop();
  4529. d = 0;
  4530. c = c.l;
  4531. e = c.length;
  4532. for (var g = c[d]; d < e >> 1;) {
  4533. var l = 2 * d + 1,
  4534. m = 2 * d + 2;
  4535. l = m < e && c[m].l < c[l].l ? m : l;
  4536. if (c[l].l > g.l) break;
  4537. c[d] = c[l];
  4538. d = l
  4539. }
  4540. c[d] = g
  4541. }
  4542. f = f.m
  4543. }
  4544. f.apply(this, [b])
  4545. } else break
  4546. }
  4547. };
  4548. n.oc = function(a) {
  4549., a);
  4550. this.Pc()
  4551. };
  4552. n.Mb = function() {
  4554. this.Pc()
  4555. };
  4556. n.L = function() {
  4558. p.clearTimeout(void 0);
  4559. Ya(this.w.l);
  4560. this.w = null
  4561. };
  4562. var uj = function(a, b, c, d) {
  4563. this.U = a;
  4564. this.R = !!d;
  4565., b, c)
  4566. };
  4567. z(uj, tj);
  4568. uj.prototype.A = function() {
  4569. var a = new Wg,
  4570. b = this.U;
  4571. b && b.forEach(function(b, d) {
  4572. a.headers.set(d, b)
  4573. });
  4574. this.R && (a.D = !0);
  4575. return a
  4576. };
  4577. uj.prototype.H = function(a) {
  4578. return !a.da && !a.S
  4579. };
  4580. var vj = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
  4582. this.w = q(a) ? a : 1;
  4583. this.A = q(e) ? Math.max(0, e) : 0;
  4584. this.D = !!f;
  4585. this.m = new uj(b, c, d, f);
  4586. this.l = new bg;
  4587. this.o = new Eh(this)
  4588. };
  4589. z(vj, Ue);
  4590. var wj = "ready complete success error abort timeout".split(" "),
  4591. zj = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
  4592. var g = xj;
  4593. if (a.l.get(b)) throw Error("[] ID in use");
  4594. c = new yj(c, x(a.H, a, b), d, e, g, f, q(void 0) ? void 0 : a.w, q(void 0) ? void 0 : a.D);
  4595. a.l.set(b, c);
  4596. b = x(a.C, a, b);
  4597. a.m.Wb(b, void 0)
  4598. };
  4599. vj.prototype.abort = function(a, b) {
  4600. var c = this.l.get(a);
  4601. if (c) {
  4602. var d =;
  4603. c.pd = !0;
  4604. b && (d && (Ih(this.o, d, wj, c.jd), De(d, "ready", function() {
  4605. nj(this.m, d)
  4606. }, !1, this)), fg(this.l, a));
  4607. d && d.abort()
  4608. }
  4609. };
  4610. vj.prototype.C = function(a, b) {
  4611. var c = this.l.get(a);
  4612. c && ! ? (this.o.G(b, wj, c.jd), b.A = Math.max(0, this.A), b.w = c.xd(), b.D = c.Ad(), = b, this.dispatchEvent(new Aj("ready", this, a, b)), Bj(this, a, b), c.pd && b.abort()) : nj(this.m, b)
  4613. };
  4614. vj.prototype.H = function(a, b) {
  4615. var c =;
  4616. switch (b.type) {
  4617. case "ready":
  4618. Bj(this, a, c);
  4619. break;
  4620. case "complete":
  4621. a: {
  4622. var d = this.l.get(a);
  4623. if (7 == c.o || ih(c) || d.Ob > d.Ec)
  4624. if (this.dispatchEvent(new Aj("complete", this, a, c)), d && (d.vd = !0, d.ud)) {
  4625. c =, b);
  4626. break a
  4627. }
  4628. c = null
  4629. }
  4630. return c;
  4631. case "success":
  4632. this.dispatchEvent(new Aj("success", this, a, c));
  4633. break;
  4634. case "timeout":
  4635. case "error":
  4636. d = this.l.get(a);
  4637. d.Ob > d.Ec && this.dispatchEvent(new Aj("error", this, a, c));
  4638. break;
  4639. case "abort":
  4640. this.dispatchEvent(new Aj("abort", this, a, c))
  4641. }
  4642. return null
  4643. };
  4644. var Bj = function(a, b, c) {
  4645. var d = a.l.get(b);
  4646. !d || d.vd || d.Ob > d.Ec ? (d && (Ih(a.o, c, wj, d.jd), fg(a.l, b)), nj(a.m, c)) : (d.Ob++, ch(c, d.zd(), d.Cc(), d.Aa(), d.le))
  4647. };
  4648. vj.prototype.L = function() {
  4651. this.m = null;
  4653. this.o = null;
  4654. dg(this.l);
  4655. this.l = null
  4656. };
  4657. var Aj = function(a, b, c, d) {
  4658., a, b);
  4659. = c;
  4660. = d
  4661. };
  4662. z(Aj, je);
  4663. var yj = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, l) {
  4664. this.w = a;
  4665. this.m = c || "GET";
  4666. this.l = d;
  4667. this.le = e || null;
  4668. this.Ec = q(g) ? g : 1;
  4669. this.Ob = 0;
  4670. this.pd = this.vd = !1;
  4671. this.jd = b;
  4672. this.ud = f;
  4673. this.o = !!l;
  4674. = null
  4675. };
  4676. n = yj.prototype;
  4677. n.zd = k("w");
  4678. n.Cc = k("m");
  4679. n.Aa = k("l");
  4680. n.Ad = k("o");
  4681. n.xd = ba("");
  4682. var Cj = function(a, b) {
  4683. this.o = this.D = this.l = "";
  4684. this.A = null;
  4685. this.H = this.w = "";
  4686. this.C = !1;
  4687. var c;
  4688. a instanceof Cj ? (this.C = q(b) ? b : a.C, Dj(this, a.l), this.D = a.D, this.o = a.o, Ej(this, a.A), Fj(this, a.w), Gj(this, Hj(a.m)), this.H = a.H) : a && (c = String(a).match(Ng)) ? (this.C = !!b, Dj(this, c[1] || "", !0), this.D = Ij(c[2] || ""), this.o = Ij(c[3] || "", !0), Ej(this, c[4]), Fj(this, c[5] || "", !0), Gj(this, c[6] || "", !0), this.H = Ij(c[7] || "")) : (this.C = !!b, this.m = new Jj(null, this.C))
  4689. };
  4690. Cj.prototype.toString = function() {
  4691. var a = [],
  4692. b = this.l;
  4693. b && a.push(Kj(b, Lj, !0), ":");
  4694. var c = this.o;
  4695. if (c || "file" == b) a.push("//"), (b = this.D) && a.push(Kj(b, Lj, !0), "@"), a.push(encodeURIComponent(String(c)).replace(/%25([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, "%$1")), c = this.A, null != c && a.push(":", String(c));
  4696. if (c = this.w) this.o && "/" != c.charAt(0) && a.push("/"), a.push(Kj(c, "/" == c.charAt(0) ? Mj : Nj, !0));
  4697. (c = this.m.toString()) && a.push("?", c);
  4698. (c = this.H) && a.push("#", Kj(c, Oj));
  4699. return a.join("")
  4700. };
  4701. Cj.prototype.resolve = function(a) {
  4702. var b = new Cj(this),
  4703. c = !!a.l;
  4704. c ? Dj(b, a.l) : c = !!a.D;
  4705. c ? b.D = a.D : c = !!a.o;
  4706. c ? b.o = a.o : c = null != a.A;
  4707. var d = a.w;
  4708. if (c) Ej(b, a.A);
  4709. else if (c = !!a.w) {
  4710. if ("/" != d.charAt(0))
  4711. if (this.o && !this.w) d = "/" + d;
  4712. else {
  4713. var e = b.w.lastIndexOf("/"); - 1 != e && (d = b.w.substr(0, e + 1) + d)
  4714. }
  4715. e = d;
  4716. if (".." == e || "." == e) d = "";
  4717. else if (-1 != e.indexOf("./") || -1 != e.indexOf("/.")) {
  4718. d = 0 == e.lastIndexOf("/", 0);
  4719. e = e.split("/");
  4720. for (var f = [], g = 0; g < e.length;) {
  4721. var l = e[g++];
  4722. "." == l ? d && g == e.length && f.push("") : ".." == l ? ((1 < f.length || 1 == f.length &&
  4723. "" != f[0]) && f.pop(), d && g == e.length && f.push("")) : (f.push(l), d = !0)
  4724. }
  4725. d = f.join("/")
  4726. } else d = e
  4727. }
  4728. c ? Fj(b, d) : c = "" !== a.m.toString();
  4729. c ? Gj(b, Hj(a.m)) : c = !!a.H;
  4730. c && (b.H = a.H);
  4731. return b
  4732. };
  4733. var Dj = function(a, b, c) {
  4734. a.l = c ? Ij(b, !0) : b;
  4735. a.l && (a.l = a.l.replace(/:$/, ""));
  4736. return a
  4737. },
  4738. Ej = function(a, b) {
  4739. if (b) {
  4740. b = Number(b);
  4741. if (isNaN(b) || 0 > b) throw Error("Bad port number " + b);
  4742. a.A = b
  4743. } else a.A = null
  4744. },
  4745. Fj = function(a, b, c) {
  4746. a.w = c ? Ij(b, !0) : b;
  4747. return a
  4748. },
  4749. Gj = function(a, b, c) {
  4750. b instanceof Jj ? (a.m = b, Pj(a.m, a.C)) : (c || (b = Kj(b, Qj)), a.m = new Jj(b, a.C));
  4751. return a
  4752. },
  4753. Sj = function(a, b, c) {
  4754. v(c) || (c = [String(c)]);
  4755. Rj(a.m, b, c)
  4756. },
  4757. Tj = function(a) {
  4758. return a instanceof Cj ? new Cj(a) : new Cj(a, void 0)
  4759. },
  4760. Ij = function(a, b) {
  4761. return a ? b ? decodeURI(a.replace(/%25/g,
  4762. "%2525")) : decodeURIComponent(a) : ""
  4763. },
  4764. Kj = function(a, b, c) {
  4765. return r(a) ? (a = encodeURI(a).replace(b, Uj), c && (a = a.replace(/%25([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, "%$1")), a) : null
  4766. },
  4767. Uj = function(a) {
  4768. a = a.charCodeAt(0);
  4769. return "%" + (a >> 4 & 15).toString(16) + (a & 15).toString(16)
  4770. },
  4771. Lj = /[#\/\?@]/g,
  4772. Nj = /[#\?:]/g,
  4773. Mj = /[#\?]/g,
  4774. Qj = /[#\?@]/g,
  4775. Oj = /#/g,
  4776. Jj = function(a, b) {
  4777. this.m = this.l = null;
  4778. this.o = a || null;
  4779. this.w = !!b
  4780. },
  4781. Vj = function(a) {
  4782. a.l || (a.l = new bg, a.m = 0, a.o && Qg(a.o, function(b, c) {
  4783. a.add(decodeURIComponent(b.replace(/\+/g, " ")), c)
  4784. }))
  4785. };
  4786. Jj.prototype.add = function(a, b) {
  4787. Vj(this);
  4788. this.o = null;
  4789. a = Wj(this, a);
  4790. var c = this.l.get(a);
  4791. c || this.l.set(a, c = []);
  4792. c.push(b);
  4793. this.m = this.m + 1;
  4794. return this
  4795. };
  4796. var Xj = function(a, b) {
  4797. Vj(a);
  4798. b = Wj(a, b);
  4799. eg(a.l.m, b) && (a.o = null, a.m = a.m - a.l.get(b).length, fg(a.l, b))
  4800. },
  4801. Yj = function(a, b) {
  4802. Vj(a);
  4803. b = Wj(a, b);
  4804. return eg(a.l.m, b)
  4805. };
  4806. n = Jj.prototype;
  4807. n.forEach = function(a, b) {
  4808. Vj(this);
  4809. this.l.forEach(function(c, d) {
  4810. A(c, function(c) {
  4811., c, d, this)
  4812. }, this)
  4813. }, this)
  4814. };
  4815. = function() {
  4816. Vj(this);
  4817. for (var a =, b =, c = [], d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
  4818. for (var e = a[d], f = 0; f < e.length; f++) c.push(b[d]);
  4819. return c
  4820. };
  4821. = function(a) {
  4822. Vj(this);
  4823. var b = [];
  4824. if (r(a)) Yj(this, a) && (b = $a(b, this.l.get(Wj(this, a))));
  4825. else {
  4826. a =;
  4827. for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b = $a(b, a[c])
  4828. }
  4829. return b
  4830. };
  4831. n.set = function(a, b) {
  4832. Vj(this);
  4833. this.o = null;
  4834. a = Wj(this, a);
  4835. Yj(this, a) && (this.m = this.m - this.l.get(a).length);
  4836. this.l.set(a, [b]);
  4837. this.m = this.m + 1;
  4838. return this
  4839. };
  4840. n.get = function(a, b) {
  4841. var c = a ? : [];
  4842. return 0 < c.length ? String(c[0]) : b
  4843. };
  4844. var Rj = function(a, b, c) {
  4845. Xj(a, b);
  4846. 0 < c.length && (a.o = null, a.l.set(Wj(a, b), ab(c)), a.m = a.m + c.length)
  4847. };
  4848. Jj.prototype.toString = function() {
  4849. if (this.o) return this.o;
  4850. if (!this.l) return "";
  4851. for (var a = [], b =, c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
  4852. var d = b[c],
  4853. e = encodeURIComponent(String(d));
  4854. d =;
  4855. for (var f = 0; f < d.length; f++) {
  4856. var g = e;
  4857. "" !== d[f] && (g += "=" + encodeURIComponent(String(d[f])));
  4858. a.push(g)
  4859. }
  4860. }
  4861. return this.o = a.join("&")
  4862. };
  4863. var Hj = function(a) {
  4864. var b = new Jj;
  4865. b.o = a.o;
  4866. a.l && (b.l = new bg(a.l), b.m = a.m);
  4867. return b
  4868. },
  4869. Wj = function(a, b) {
  4870. var c = String(b);
  4871. a.w && (c = c.toLowerCase());
  4872. return c
  4873. },
  4874. Pj = function(a, b) {
  4875. b && !a.w && (Vj(a), a.o = null, a.l.forEach(function(a, b) {
  4876. var c = b.toLowerCase();
  4877. b != c && (Xj(this, b), Rj(this, c, a))
  4878. }, a));
  4879. a.w = b
  4880. };
  4881. Jj.prototype.A = function(a) {
  4882. for (var b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) Mg(arguments[b], function(a, b) {
  4883. this.add(b, a)
  4884. }, this)
  4885. };
  4886. var Zj = {},
  4887. ak = {},
  4888. bk = {},
  4889. ck = {},
  4890. dk = {},
  4891. ek = {},
  4892. fk = function() {
  4893. throw Error("Do not instantiate directly");
  4894. };
  4895. fk.prototype.wc = null;
  4896. fk.prototype.Aa = k("l");
  4897. fk.prototype.toString = k("l");
  4898. var gk = function() {
  4900. };
  4901. z(gk, fk);
  4902. gk.prototype.hb = Zj;
  4903. var jk = function(a, b, c) {
  4904. a.innerHTML = hk(b(c || ik, void 0, void 0))
  4905. },
  4906. lk = function(a) {
  4907. var b = kk,
  4908. c = nd();
  4909. a = b(a || ik, void 0, void 0);
  4910. b = hk(a);
  4911. if (a instanceof fk)
  4912. if (a.hb === ek) a = ed(a.toString());
  4913. else {
  4914. if (a.hb !== Zj) throw Error("Sanitized content was not of kind TEXT or HTML.");
  4915. a = dd(a.toString(), a.wc || null)
  4916. }
  4917. else Ni(), a = dd(b, null);
  4918. c = c.l;
  4919. b = a;
  4920. a = Ad(c, "DIV");
  4921. C ? (b = fd(gd, b), a.innerHTML = cd(b), a.removeChild(a.firstChild)) : a.innerHTML = cd(b);
  4922. if (1 == a.childNodes.length) c = a.removeChild(a.firstChild);
  4923. else
  4924. for (c = c.createDocumentFragment(); a.firstChild;) c.appendChild(a.firstChild);
  4925. return c
  4926. },
  4927. Q = function(a, b, c, d) {
  4928. a = a(b || ik, void 0, c);
  4929. d = Ad((d || nd()).l, "DIV");
  4930. a = hk(a);
  4931. d.innerHTML = a;
  4932. 1 == d.childNodes.length && (a = d.firstChild, 1 == a.nodeType && (d = a));
  4933. return d
  4934. },
  4935. hk = function(a) {
  4936. if (!w(a)) return String(a);
  4937. if (a instanceof fk) {
  4938. if (a.hb === Zj) return a.Aa();
  4939. if (a.hb === ek) return tb(a.Aa())
  4940. }
  4941. return "zSoyz"
  4942. },
  4943. ik = {};
  4944. var nk = function(a, b) {
  4945. var c =,
  4946. d = c.shift();
  4947. if ("undefined" == typeof d) throw Error("[goog.string.format] Template required");
  4948. return d.replace(/%([0\- \+]*)(\d+)?(\.(\d+))?([%sfdiu])/g, function(a, b, d, l, m, t, D, F) {
  4949. if ("%" == t) return "%";
  4950. var e = c.shift();
  4951. if ("undefined" == typeof e) throw Error("[goog.string.format] Not enough arguments");
  4952. arguments[0] = e;
  4953. return mk[t].apply(null, arguments)
  4954. })
  4955. },
  4956. mk = {
  4957. s: function(a, b, c) {
  4958. return isNaN(c) || "" == c || a.length >= Number(c) ? a : a = -1 < b.indexOf("-", 0) ?
  4959. a + ub(" ", Number(c) - a.length) : ub(" ", Number(c) - a.length) + a
  4960. },
  4961. f: function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  4962. d = a.toString();
  4963. isNaN(e) || "" == e || (d = parseFloat(a).toFixed(e));
  4964. var f = 0 > Number(a) ? "-" : 0 <= b.indexOf("+") ? "+" : 0 <= b.indexOf(" ") ? " " : "";
  4965. 0 <= Number(a) && (d = f + d);
  4966. if (isNaN(c) || d.length >= Number(c)) return d;
  4967. d = isNaN(e) ? Math.abs(Number(a)).toString() : Math.abs(Number(a)).toFixed(e);
  4968. a = Number(c) - d.length - f.length;
  4969. return d = 0 <= b.indexOf("-", 0) ? f + d + ub(" ", a) : f + ub(0 <= b.indexOf("0", 0) ? "0" : " ", a) + d
  4970. },
  4971. d: function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, l) {
  4972. return mk.f(parseInt(a,
  4973. 10), b, c, d, 0, f, g, l)
  4974. }
  4975. };
  4976. mk.i = mk.d;
  4977. mk.u = mk.d;
  4978. var ok = function(a) {
  4979. var b = !1,
  4980. c;
  4981. return function() {
  4982. b || (c = a(), b = !0);
  4983. return c
  4984. }
  4985. }(function() {
  4986. var a;
  4987. (a = !C) || (a = 0 <= xb(Ii, 9));
  4988. return a
  4989. });
  4990. var pk = h();
  4991. za(pk);
  4992. pk.prototype.l = 0;
  4993. var R = function(a) {
  4995. this.w = a || nd();
  4996. this.zc = qk;
  4997. = null;
  4998. this.ka = !1;
  4999. this.N = null;
  5000. this.R = void 0;
  5001. this.D = this.H = this.o = null
  5002. };
  5003. z(R, Ue);
  5004. R.prototype.Fe = pk.Ha();
  5005. var qk = null,
  5006. rk = function(a, b) {
  5007. switch (a) {
  5008. case 1:
  5009. return b ? "disable" : "enable";
  5010. case 2:
  5011. return b ? "highlight" : "unhighlight";
  5012. case 4:
  5013. return b ? "activate" : "deactivate";
  5014. case 8:
  5015. return b ? "select" : "unselect";
  5016. case 16:
  5017. return b ? "check" : "uncheck";
  5018. case 32:
  5019. return b ? "focus" : "blur";
  5020. case 64:
  5021. return b ? "open" : "close"
  5022. }
  5023. throw Error("Invalid component state");
  5024. },
  5025. sk = function(a) {
  5026. return || ( = ":" + (a.Fe.l++).toString(36))
  5027. },
  5028. tk = function(a, b) {
  5029. if (a.o && a.o.D) {
  5030. var c = a.o.D,
  5031. d =;
  5032. d in c && delete c[d];
  5033. Ib(a.o.D, b, a)
  5034. }
  5035. = b
  5036. };
  5037. R.prototype.B = k("N");
  5038. R.prototype.P = function(a) {
  5039. return this.N ? M(a, this.N || this.w.l) : null
  5040. };
  5041. var S = function(a) {
  5042. a.R || (a.R = new Eh(a));
  5043. return a.R
  5044. },
  5045. uk = function(a, b) {
  5046. if (a == b) throw Error("Unable to set parent component");
  5047. var c;
  5048. if (c = b && a.o && {
  5049. c = a.o;
  5050. var d =;
  5051. c = c.D && d ? Jb(c.D, d) || null : null
  5052. }
  5053. if (c && a.o != b) throw Error("Unable to set parent component");
  5054. a.o = b;
  5055., b)
  5056. };
  5057. n = R.prototype;
  5058. n.dd = function(a) {
  5059. if (this.o && this.o != a) throw Error("Method not supported");
  5060., a)
  5061. };
  5062. n.V = function() {
  5063. this.N = Ad(this.w.l, "DIV")
  5064. };
  5065. n.render = function(a) {
  5066. if (this.ka) throw Error("Component already rendered");
  5067. this.N || this.V();
  5068. a ? a.insertBefore(this.N, null) : this.w.l.body.appendChild(this.N);
  5069. this.o && !this.o.ka || this.X()
  5070. };
  5071. n.$ = aa("N");
  5072. n.X = function() {
  5073. this.ka = !0;
  5074. vk(this, function(a) {
  5075. !a.ka && a.B() && a.X()
  5076. })
  5077. };
  5078. n.Ra = function() {
  5079. vk(this, function(a) {
  5080. a.ka && a.Ra()
  5081. });
  5082. this.R && Jh(this.R);
  5083. this.ka = !1
  5084. };
  5085. n.L = function() {
  5086. this.ka && this.Ra();
  5087. this.R && (, delete this.R);
  5088. vk(this, function(a) {
  5090. });
  5091. this.N && Dd(this.N);
  5092. this.o = this.N = this.D = this.H = null;
  5094. };
  5095. var wk = function(a, b) {
  5096. var c = a.H ? a.H.length : 0;
  5097. if (b.ka && !a.ka) throw Error("Component already rendered");
  5098. if (0 > c || c > (a.H ? a.H.length : 0)) throw Error("Child component index out of bounds");
  5099. a.D && a.H || (a.D = {}, a.H = []);
  5100. if (b.o == a) {
  5101. var d = sk(b);
  5102. a.D[d] = b;
  5103. Za(a.H, b)
  5104. } else Ib(a.D, sk(b), b);
  5105. uk(b, a);
  5106. db(a.H, c, 0, b);
  5107. b.ka && a.ka && b.o == a ? (d = a.Od(), c = d.childNodes[c] || null, c != b.B() && d.insertBefore(b.B(), c)) : a.ka && !b.ka && b.N && b.N.parentNode && 1 == b.N.parentNode.nodeType && b.X()
  5108. };
  5109. R.prototype.Od = k("N");
  5110. var vk = function(a, b) {
  5111. a.H && A(a.H, b, void 0)
  5112. };
  5113. R.prototype.removeChild = function(a, b) {
  5114. if (a) {
  5115. var c = r(a) ? a : sk(a);
  5116. a = this.D && c ? Jb(this.D, c) || null : null;
  5117. if (c && a) {
  5118. var d = this.D;
  5119. c in d && delete d[c];
  5120. Za(this.H, a);
  5121. b && (a.Ra(), a.N && Dd(a.N));
  5122. uk(a, null)
  5123. }
  5124. }
  5125. if (!a) throw Error("Child is not in parent component");
  5126. return a
  5127. };
  5128. var xk = h(),
  5129. yk;
  5130. za(xk);
  5131. var zk = function(a, b) {
  5132. var c = new a;
  5133. c.Sa = function() {
  5134. return b
  5135. };
  5136. return c
  5137. },
  5138. Ak = {
  5139. button: "pressed",
  5140. checkbox: "checked",
  5141. menuitem: "selected",
  5142. menuitemcheckbox: "checked",
  5143. menuitemradio: "checked",
  5144. radio: "checked",
  5145. tab: "selected",
  5146. treeitem: "selected"
  5147. };
  5148. xk.prototype.Bc = h();
  5149. xk.prototype.V = function(a) {
  5150. return a.w.V("DIV", Bk(this, a).join(" "), a.Aa())
  5151. };
  5152. var Dk = function(a, b, c) {
  5153. if (a = a.B ? a.B() : a) {
  5154. var d = [b];
  5155. C && !lc("7") && (d = Ck(nh(a), b), d.push(b));
  5156. (c ? qh : sh)(a, d)
  5157. }
  5158. };
  5159. xk.prototype.Bb = function(a, b) {
  5160. && tk(a,;
  5161. b && b.firstChild ? Ek(a, b.firstChild.nextSibling ? ab(b.childNodes) : b.firstChild) : = null;
  5162. var c = 0,
  5163. d = this.Sa(),
  5164. e = this.Sa(),
  5165. f = !1,
  5166. g = !1,
  5167. l = !1,
  5168. m = ab(nh(b));
  5169. A(m, function(a) {
  5170. f || a != d ? g || a != e ? c |= Fk(this, a) : g = !0 : (f = !0, e == d && (g = !0));
  5171. 1 == Fk(this, a) && Rd(b) && Sd(b) && Qd(b, !1)
  5172. }, this);
  5173. = c;
  5174. f || (m.push(d), e == d && (g = !0));
  5175. g || m.push(e);
  5176. var t = a.Ma;
  5177. t && m.push.apply(m, t);
  5178. if (C && !lc("7")) {
  5179. var D = Ck(m);
  5180. 0 < D.length && (m.push.apply(m, D), l = !0)
  5181. }
  5182. if (!f || !g || t || l) b.className = m.join(" ");
  5183. return b
  5184. };
  5185. xk.prototype.Nd = function(a) {
  5186. null == a.zc && (a.zc = "rtl" == mi(a.ka ? a.N : a.w.l.body, "direction"));
  5187. a.zc && this.Ed(a.B(), !0);
  5188. a.isEnabled() && this.kc(a, a.Za)
  5189. };
  5190. var Gk = function(a, b) {
  5191. var c = a.Bc();
  5192. if (c) {
  5193. var d = b.getAttribute("role") || null;
  5194. c != d && (c ? b.setAttribute("role", c) : b.removeAttribute("role"))
  5195. }
  5196. };
  5197. n = xk.prototype;
  5198. n.Fc = function(a, b) {
  5199. var c = !b,
  5200. d = C || Ub ? a.getElementsByTagName("*") : null;
  5201. if (yi) {
  5202. if (c = c ? "none" : "", && ([yi] = c), d)
  5203. for (var e = 0, f; f = d[e]; e++) && ([yi] = c)
  5204. } else if (C || Ub)
  5205. if (c = c ? "on" : "", a.setAttribute("unselectable", c), d)
  5206. for (e = 0; f = d[e]; e++) f.setAttribute("unselectable", c)
  5207. };
  5208. n.Ed = function(a, b) {
  5209. Dk(a, this.Sa() + "-rtl", b)
  5210. };
  5211. n.Dd = function(a) {
  5212. var b;
  5213. return a.oa & 32 && (b = a.B()) ? Rd(b) && Sd(b) : !1
  5214. };
  5215. n.kc = function(a, b) {
  5216. var c;
  5217. if (a.oa & 32 && (c = a.B())) {
  5218. if (!b && a.$a()) {
  5219. try {
  5220. c.blur()
  5221. } catch (d) {}
  5222. a.$a() && a.Fd(null)
  5223. }(Rd(c) && Sd(c)) != b && Qd(c, b)
  5224. }
  5225. };
  5226. n.Gc = function(a, b, c) {
  5227. var d = a.B();
  5228. if (d) {
  5229. var e = Hk(this, b);
  5230. e && Dk(a, e, c);
  5231. this.Ja(d, b, c)
  5232. }
  5233. };
  5234. n.Ja = function(a, b, c) {
  5235. yk || (yk = {
  5236. 1: "disabled",
  5237. 8: "selected",
  5238. 16: "checked",
  5239. 64: "expanded"
  5240. });
  5241. b = yk[b];
  5242. var d = a.getAttribute("role") || null;
  5243. d && (d = Ak[d] || b, b = "checked" == b || "selected" == b ? d : b);
  5244. b && Xd(a, b, c)
  5245. };
  5246. var Ik = function(a, b) {
  5247. if (a && (Cd(a), b))
  5248. if (r(b)) Ld(a, b);
  5249. else {
  5250. var c = function(b) {
  5251. if (b) {
  5252. var c = md(a);
  5253. a.appendChild(r(b) ? c.createTextNode(b) : b)
  5254. }
  5255. };
  5256. v(b) ? A(b, c) : !Ba(b) || "nodeType" in b ? c(b) : A(ab(b), c)
  5257. }
  5258. };
  5259. xk.prototype.Sa = ba("goog-control");
  5260. var Bk = function(a, b) {
  5261. var c = a.Sa(),
  5262. d = [c],
  5263. e = a.Sa();
  5264. e != c && d.push(e);
  5265. c =;
  5266. for (e = []; c;) {
  5267. var f = c & -c;
  5268. e.push(Hk(a, f));
  5269. c &= ~f
  5270. }
  5271. d.push.apply(d, e);
  5272. (c = b.Ma) && d.push.apply(d, c);
  5273. C && !lc("7") && d.push.apply(d, Ck(d));
  5274. return d
  5275. },
  5276. Ck = function(a, b) {
  5277. var c = [];
  5278. b && (a = $a(a, [b]));
  5279. A([], function(d) {
  5280. !Sa(d, Ia(Xa, a)) || b && !Xa(d, b) || c.push(d.join("_"))
  5281. });
  5282. return c
  5283. },
  5284. Hk = function(a, b) {
  5285. a.l || Jk(a);
  5286. return a.l[b]
  5287. },
  5288. Fk = function(a, b) {
  5289. if (!a.m) {
  5290. a.l || Jk(a);
  5291. var c = a.l,
  5292. d = {},
  5293. e;
  5294. for (e in c) d[c[e]] = e;
  5295. a.m = d
  5296. }
  5297. c = parseInt(a.m[b], 10);
  5298. return isNaN(c) ? 0 : c
  5299. },
  5300. Jk =
  5301. function(a) {
  5302. var b = a.Sa();
  5303. b.replace(/\xa0|\s/g, " ");
  5304. a.l = {
  5305. 1: b + "-disabled",
  5306. 2: b + "-hover",
  5307. 4: b + "-active",
  5308. 8: b + "-selected",
  5309. 16: b + "-checked",
  5310. 32: b + "-focused",
  5311. 64: b + "-open"
  5312. }
  5313. };
  5314. var Kk = h();
  5315. z(Kk, xk);
  5316. za(Kk);
  5317. n = Kk.prototype;
  5318. n.Bc = ba("button");
  5319. n.Ja = function(a, b, c) {
  5320. switch (b) {
  5321. case 8:
  5322. case 16:
  5323. Xd(a, "pressed", c);
  5324. break;
  5325. default:
  5326. case 64:
  5327. case 1:
  5328., a, b, c)
  5329. }
  5330. };
  5331. n.V = function(a) {
  5332. var b =, a),
  5333. c = a.ha;
  5334. b && (c ? b.title = c : b.removeAttribute("title"));
  5335. (c = a.ra) && this.Cd(b, c);
  5336. a.oa & 16 && this.Ja(b, 16, a.m());
  5337. return b
  5338. };
  5339. n.Bb = function(a, b) {
  5340. b =, a, b);
  5341. var c = this.Bd(b);
  5342. a.ra = c;
  5343. a.ha = b.title;
  5344. a.oa & 16 && this.Ja(b, 16, a.m());
  5345. return b
  5346. };
  5347. n.Bd = u;
  5348. n.Cd = u;
  5349. n.Sa = ba("goog-button");
  5350. var Lk = function(a, b) {
  5351. if (!a) throw Error("Invalid class name " + a);
  5352. if (!Ca(b)) throw Error("Invalid decorator function " + b);
  5353. },
  5354. Mk = {};
  5355. var T = function(a, b, c) {
  5356., c);
  5357. if (!b) {
  5358. b = this.constructor;
  5359. for (var d; b;) {
  5360. d = Fa(b);
  5361. if (d = Mk[d]) break;
  5362. b = b.F ? b.F.constructor : null
  5363. }
  5364. b = d ? Ca(d.Ha) ? d.Ha() : new d : null
  5365. }
  5366. this.A = b;
  5367. = q(a) ? a : null
  5368. };
  5369. z(T, R);
  5370. n = T.prototype;
  5371. = null;
  5372. = 0;
  5373. n.oa = 39;
  5374. n.zb = 255;
  5375. n.Za = !0;
  5376. n.Ma = null;
  5377. n.bc = !0;
  5378. var Ok = function(a) {
  5379. a.ka && 0 != a.bc && Nk(a, !1);
  5380. a.bc = !1
  5381. },
  5382. Pk = function(a, b) {
  5383. b && (a.Ma ? Xa(a.Ma, b) || a.Ma.push(b) : a.Ma = [b], Dk(a, b, !0))
  5384. };
  5385. T.prototype.V = function() {
  5386. var a = this.A.V(this);
  5387. this.N = a;
  5388. Gk(this.A, a);
  5389. this.A.Fc(a, !1);
  5390. this.Za || (wi(a, !1), a && Xd(a, "hidden", !0))
  5391. };
  5392. T.prototype.Od = function() {
  5393. return this.B()
  5394. };
  5395. T.prototype.$ = function(a) {
  5396. this.N = a = this.A.Bb(this, a);
  5397. Gk(this.A, a);
  5398. this.A.Fc(a, !1);
  5399. this.Za = "none" !=
  5400. };
  5401. T.prototype.X = function() {
  5403. var a = this.A,
  5404. b = this.N;
  5405. this.Za || Xd(b, "hidden", !this.Za);
  5406. this.isEnabled() || a.Ja(b, 1, !this.isEnabled());
  5407. this.oa & 8 && a.Ja(b, 8, !!( & 8));
  5408. this.oa & 16 && a.Ja(b, 16, this.m());
  5409. this.oa & 64 && a.Ja(b, 64, !!( & 64));
  5410. this.A.Nd(this);
  5411. this.oa & -2 && (this.bc && Nk(this, !0), this.oa & 32 && (a = this.B())) && (b = this.W || (this.W = new Lh), Kh(b, a), S(this).G(b, "key", this.te).G(a, "focus",, "blur", this.Fd))
  5412. };
  5413. var Nk = function(a, b) {
  5414. var c = S(a),
  5415. d = a.B();
  5416. b ? (c.G(d, le.nd, a.Oc).G(d, le.ld, a.mb).G(d, [le.od, le.kd],,, a.Nc), a.$b != u && c.G(d, "contextmenu", a.$b), C && (lc(9) || c.G(d, "dblclick", a.Hd), a.Y || (a.Y = new Qk(a), Zd(a, a.Y)))) : (Ih(Ih(Ih(Ih(c, d, le.nd, a.Oc), d, le.ld, a.mb), d, [le.od, le.kd],, d,, a.Nc), a.$b != u && Ih(c, d, "contextmenu", a.$b), C && (lc(9) || Ih(c, d, "dblclick", a.Hd), Yd(a.Y), a.Y = null))
  5417. };
  5418. T.prototype.Ra = function() {
  5420. this.W && Rh(this.W);
  5421. this.Za && this.isEnabled() && this.A.kc(this, !1)
  5422. };
  5423. T.prototype.L = function() {
  5425. this.W && (, delete this.W);
  5426. delete this.A;
  5427. this.Y = this.Ma = = null
  5428. };
  5429. T.prototype.Aa = k("lb");
  5430. var Ek = function(a, b) {
  5431. = b
  5432. },
  5433. Rk = function(a) {
  5434. return (a = a.Aa()) ? (r(a) ? a : v(a) ? Qa(a, Vd).join("") : Ud(a)).replace(/[\t\r\n ]+/g, " ").replace(/^[\t\r\n ]+|[\t\r\n ]+$/g, "") : ""
  5435. };
  5436. T.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
  5437. return !( & 1)
  5438. };
  5439. = function(a) {
  5440. var b = this.o;
  5441. b && "function" == typeof b.isEnabled && !b.isEnabled() || !Sk(this, 1, !a) || (a || (Tk(this, !1), Uk(this, !1)), this.Za && this.A.kc(this, a), Vk(this, 1, !a, !0))
  5442. };
  5443. var Uk = function(a, b) {
  5444. Sk(a, 2, b) && Vk(a, 2, b)
  5445. },
  5446. Tk = function(a, b) {
  5447. Sk(a, 4, b) && Vk(a, 4, b)
  5448. };
  5449. T.prototype.m = function() {
  5450. return !!( & 16)
  5451. };
  5452. T.prototype.Va = function(a) {
  5453. Sk(this, 16, a) && Vk(this, 16, a)
  5454. };
  5455. T.prototype.$a = function() {
  5456. return !!( & 32)
  5457. };
  5458. T.prototype.Gb = function(a) {
  5459. Sk(this, 32, a) && Vk(this, 32, a)
  5460. };
  5461. var Vk = function(a, b, c, d) {
  5462. d || 1 != b ? a.oa & b && c != !!( & b) && (a.A.Gc(a, b, c), = c ? | b : & ~b) :!c)
  5463. },
  5464. Wk = function(a, b, c) {
  5465. if (a.ka && & b && !c) throw Error("Component already rendered");
  5466. !c && & b && Vk(a, b, !1);
  5467. a.oa = c ? a.oa | b : a.oa & ~b
  5468. },
  5469. Xk = function(a, b) {
  5470. return !!(a.zb & b) && !!(a.oa & b)
  5471. },
  5472. Sk = function(a, b, c) {
  5473. return !!(a.oa & b) && !!( & b) != c && (!(0 & b) || a.dispatchEvent(rk(b, c))) && !a.da
  5474. };
  5475. n = T.prototype;
  5476. n.Oc = function(a) {
  5477. (!a.relatedTarget || !Jd(this.B(), a.relatedTarget)) && this.dispatchEvent("enter") && this.isEnabled() && Xk(this, 2) && Uk(this, !0)
  5478. };
  5479. n.Nc = function(a) {
  5480. a.relatedTarget && Jd(this.B(), a.relatedTarget) || !this.dispatchEvent("leave") || (Xk(this, 4) && Tk(this, !1), Xk(this, 2) && Uk(this, !1))
  5481. };
  5482. n.$b = u;
  5483. n.mb = function(a) {
  5484. this.isEnabled() && (Xk(this, 2) && Uk(this, !0), !pe(a) || E && Zb && a.ctrlKey || (Xk(this, 4) && Tk(this, !0), this.A && this.A.Dd(this) && this.B().focus()));
  5485. !pe(a) || E && Zb && a.ctrlKey || a.preventDefault()
  5486. };
  5487. = function(a) {
  5488. this.isEnabled() && (Xk(this, 2) && Uk(this, !0), & 4 && this.pb(a) && Xk(this, 4) && Tk(this, !1))
  5489. };
  5490. n.Hd = function(a) {
  5491. this.isEnabled() && this.pb(a)
  5492. };
  5493. n.pb = function(a) {
  5494. Xk(this, 16) && this.Va(!this.m());
  5495. Xk(this, 8) && Sk(this, 8, !0) && Vk(this, 8, !0);
  5496. if (Xk(this, 64)) {
  5497. var b = !( & 64);
  5498. Sk(this, 64, b) && Vk(this, 64, b)
  5499. }
  5500. b = new je("action", this);
  5501. a && (b.altKey = a.altKey, b.ctrlKey = a.ctrlKey, b.metaKey = a.metaKey, b.shiftKey = a.shiftKey, b.w = a.w);
  5502. return this.dispatchEvent(b)
  5503. };
  5504. = function() {
  5505. Xk(this, 32) && this.Gb(!0)
  5506. };
  5507. n.Fd = function() {
  5508. Xk(this, 4) && Tk(this, !1);
  5509. Xk(this, 32) && this.Gb(!1)
  5510. };
  5511. n.te = function(a) {
  5512. return this.Za && this.isEnabled() && ? (a.preventDefault(), a.m(), !0) : !1
  5513. };
  5514. = function(a) {
  5515. return 13 == a.keyCode && this.pb(a)
  5516. };
  5517. if (!Ca(T)) throw Error("Invalid component class " + T);
  5518. if (!Ca(xk)) throw Error("Invalid renderer class " + xk);
  5519. var Yk = Fa(T);
  5520. Mk[Yk] = xk;
  5521. Lk("goog-control", function() {
  5522. return new T(null)
  5523. });
  5524. var Qk = function(a) {
  5526. this.m = a;
  5527. this.l = !1;
  5528. this.o = new Eh(this);
  5529. Zd(this, this.o);
  5530. a = this.m.N;
  5531. this.o.G(a, "mousedown", this.A).G(a, "mouseup", this.D).G(a, "click", this.w)
  5532. };
  5533. z(Qk, O);
  5534. var Zk = !C || 9 <= Number(mc);
  5535. Qk.prototype.A = function() {
  5536. this.l = !1
  5537. };
  5538. Qk.prototype.D = function() {
  5539. this.l = !0
  5540. };
  5541. var $k = function(a, b) {
  5542. if (!Zk) return a.button = 0, a.type = b, a;
  5543. var c = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
  5544. c.initMouseEvent(b, a.bubbles, a.cancelable, a.view || null, a.detail, a.screenX, a.screenY, a.clientX, a.clientY, a.ctrlKey, a.altKey, a.shiftKey, a.metaKey, 0, a.relatedTarget || null);
  5545. return c
  5546. };
  5547. Qk.prototype.w = function(a) {
  5548. if (this.l) this.l = !1;
  5549. else {
  5550. var b = a.ta,
  5551. c = b.button,
  5552. d = b.type,
  5553. e = $k(b, "mousedown");
  5554. this.m.mb(new ne(e, a.l));
  5555. e = $k(b, "mouseup");
  5556. ne(e, a.l));
  5557. Zk || (b.button = c, b.type = d)
  5558. }
  5559. };
  5560. Qk.prototype.L = function() {
  5561. this.m = null;
  5563. };
  5564. var al = h();
  5565. z(al, Kk);
  5566. za(al);
  5567. n = al.prototype;
  5568. n.Bc = h();
  5569. n.V = function(a) {
  5570. Ok(a);
  5571. a.zb &= -256;
  5572. Wk(a, 32, !1);
  5573. return a.w.V("BUTTON", {
  5574. "class": Bk(this, a).join(" "),
  5575. disabled: !a.isEnabled(),
  5576. title: a.ha || "",
  5577. value: a.ra || ""
  5578. }, Rk(a) || "")
  5579. };
  5580. n.Bb = function(a, b) {
  5581. Ok(a);
  5582. a.zb &= -256;
  5583. Wk(a, 32, !1);
  5584. if (b.disabled) {
  5585. var c = Hk(this, 1);
  5586. ph(b, c)
  5587. }
  5588. return, a, b)
  5589. };
  5590. n.Nd = function(a) {
  5591. S(a).G(a.B(), "click", a.pb)
  5592. };
  5593. n.Fc = u;
  5594. n.Ed = u;
  5595. n.Dd = function(a) {
  5596. return a.isEnabled()
  5597. };
  5598. n.kc = u;
  5599. n.Gc = function(a, b, c) {
  5600., a, b, c);
  5601. (a = a.B()) && 1 == b && (a.disabled = c)
  5602. };
  5603. n.Bd = function(a) {
  5604. return a.value
  5605. };
  5606. n.Cd = function(a, b) {
  5607. a && (a.value = b)
  5608. };
  5609. n.Ja = u;
  5610. var bl = function(a, b, c) {
  5611., a, b || al.Ha(), c)
  5612. };
  5613. z(bl, T);
  5614. bl.prototype.L = function() {
  5616. delete this.ra;
  5617. delete this.ha
  5618. };
  5619. bl.prototype.X = function() {
  5621. if (this.oa & 32) {
  5622. var a = this.B();
  5623. a && S(this).G(a, "keyup",
  5624. }
  5625. };
  5626. = function(a) {
  5627. return 13 == a.keyCode && "key" == a.type || 32 == a.keyCode && "keyup" == a.type ? this.pb(a) : 32 == a.keyCode
  5628. };
  5629. Lk("goog-button", function() {
  5630. return new bl(null)
  5631. });
  5632. var cl = function(a, b) {
  5633., b);
  5634. this.l = a || ""
  5635. },
  5636. dl;
  5637. z(cl, R);
  5638. cl.prototype.A = null;
  5639. var el = function() {
  5640. null != dl || (dl = "placeholder" in Ad(document, "INPUT"));
  5641. return dl
  5642. };
  5643. n = cl.prototype;
  5644. n.Cb = !1;
  5645. n.V = function() {
  5646. this.N = this.w.V("INPUT", {
  5647. type: "text"
  5648. })
  5649. };
  5650. n.$ = function(a) {
  5651. cl.F.$.call(this, a);
  5652. this.l || (this.l = a.getAttribute("label") || "");
  5653. Wd(md(a)) == a && (this.Cb = !0, rh(this.B(), "label-input-label"));
  5654. el() && (this.B().placeholder = this.l);
  5655. Xd(this.B(), "label", this.l)
  5656. };
  5657. n.X = function() {
  5659. var a = new Eh(this);
  5660. a.G(this.B(), "focus", this.Lc);
  5661. a.G(this.B(), "blur",;
  5662. if (el()) this.m = a;
  5663. else {
  5664. Xb && a.G(this.B(), ["keypress", "keydown", "keyup"],;
  5665. var b = md(this.B());
  5666. a.G(N(b), "load",;
  5667. this.m = a;
  5668. fl(this)
  5669. }
  5670. gl(this);
  5671. this.B().l = this
  5672. };
  5673. n.Ra = function() {
  5675. this.m && (, this.m = null);
  5676. this.B().l = null
  5677. };
  5678. var fl = function(a) {
  5679. !a.O && a.m && a.B().form && (a.m.G(a.B().form, "submit",, a.O = !0)
  5680. };
  5681. n = cl.prototype;
  5682. n.L = function() {
  5684. this.m && (, this.m = null)
  5685. };
  5686. n.Lc = function() {
  5687. this.Cb = !0;
  5688. rh(this.B(), "label-input-label");
  5689. if (!el() && !hl(this) && !this.C) {
  5690. var a = this,
  5691. b = function() {
  5692. a.B() && (a.B().value = "")
  5693. };
  5694. C ? P(b, 10) : b()
  5695. }
  5696. };
  5697. = function() {
  5698. el() || (Ih(this.m, this.B(), "click", this.Lc), this.A = null);
  5699. this.Cb = !1;
  5700. gl(this)
  5701. };
  5702. = function(a) {
  5703. 27 == a.keyCode && ("keydown" == a.type ? this.A = this.B().value : "keypress" == a.type ? this.B().value = this.A : "keyup" == a.type && (this.A = null), a.preventDefault())
  5704. };
  5705. = function() {
  5706. hl(this) || (this.B().value = "", P(, 10, this))
  5707. };
  5708. = function() {
  5709. hl(this) || (this.B().value = this.l)
  5710. };
  5711. = function() {
  5712. gl(this)
  5713. };
  5714. var hl = function(a) {
  5715. return !!a.B() && "" != a.B().value && a.B().value != a.l
  5716. },
  5717. il = function(a) {
  5718. a.B().value = "";
  5719. null != a.A && (a.A = "")
  5720. };
  5721. cl.prototype.reset = function() {
  5722. hl(this) && (il(this), gl(this))
  5723. };
  5724. var jl = function(a) {
  5725. return null != a.A ? a.A : hl(a) ? a.B().value : ""
  5726. },
  5727. gl = function(a) {
  5728. var b = a.B();
  5729. el() ? a.B().placeholder != a.l && (a.B().placeholder = a.l) : fl(a);
  5730. Xd(b, "label", a.l);
  5731. hl(a) ? (b = a.B(), rh(b, "label-input-label")) : (a.C || a.Cb || (b = a.B(), ph(b, "label-input-label")), el() || P(a.M, 10, a))
  5732. },
  5733. kl = function(a) {
  5734. var b = hl(a);
  5735. a.C = !0;
  5736. a.B().focus();
  5737. b || el() || (a.B().value = a.l);
  5738. a.B().select();
  5739. el() || (a.m && Hh(a.m, a.B(), "click", a.Lc), P(a.W, 10, a))
  5740. },
  5741. ll = function(a, b) {
  5742. a.B().disabled = !b;
  5743. th(a.B(), "label-input-label-disabled", !b)
  5744. };
  5745. cl.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
  5746. return !this.B().disabled
  5747. };
  5748. cl.prototype.W = function() {
  5749. this.C = !1
  5750. };
  5751. cl.prototype.M = function() {
  5752. !this.B() || hl(this) || this.Cb || (this.B().value = this.l)
  5753. };
  5754. var ml = function(a, b) {
  5755. return null != a && a.hb === b
  5756. },
  5757. nl = function(a) {
  5758. if (null != a) switch (a.wc) {
  5759. case 1:
  5760. return 1;
  5761. case -1:
  5762. return -1;
  5763. case 0:
  5764. return 0
  5765. }
  5766. return null
  5767. },
  5768. V = function(a) {
  5769. return null != a && a.hb === Zj ? a : a instanceof bd ? U(cd(a), a.l()) : U(tb(String(String(a))), nl(a))
  5770. },
  5771. U = function(a) {
  5772. function b(a) {
  5773. this.l = a
  5774. }
  5775. b.prototype = a.prototype;
  5776. return function(a, d) {
  5777. var c = new b(String(a));
  5778. void 0 !== d && (c.wc = d);
  5779. return c
  5780. }
  5781. }(gk),
  5782. ol = function(a) {
  5783. return a.replace(/<\//g, "<\\/").replace(/\]\]>/g, "]]\\>")
  5784. },
  5785. W = function(a) {
  5786. ml(a, Zj) ? (a = a.Aa(),
  5787. a = String(a).replace(pl, "").replace(ql, "&lt;"), a = String(a).replace(rl, sl)) : a = tb(String(a));
  5788. return a
  5789. },
  5790. xl = function(a) {
  5791. if (ml(a, ak) || ml(a, bk)) return tl(a);
  5792. a instanceof Vc ? a = tl(Wc(a)) : a instanceof Sc ? a = tl(Tc(a)) : (a = String(a), a = ul.test(a) ? a.replace(vl, wl) : "about:invalid#zSoyz");
  5793. return a
  5794. },
  5795. zl = function(a) {
  5796. if (ml(a, ak) || ml(a, bk)) return tl(a);
  5797. a instanceof Vc ? a = tl(Wc(a)) : a instanceof Sc ? a = tl(Tc(a)) : (a = String(a), a = yl.test(a) ? a.replace(vl, wl) : "about:invalid#zSoyz");
  5798. return a
  5799. },
  5800. Bl = function(a) {
  5801. if (ml(a, dk)) return ol(a.Aa());
  5802. null == a ? a = "" : a instanceof Yc ? (a instanceof Yc && a.constructor === Yc && a.m === Xc ? a = a.l : (Aa(a), a = "type_error:SafeStyle"), a = ol(a)) : a instanceof $c ? (a instanceof $c && a.constructor === $c && a.m === Zc ? a = a.l : (Aa(a), a = "type_error:SafeStyleSheet"), a = ol(a)) : (a = String(a), a = Al.test(a) ? a : "zSoyz");
  5803. return a
  5804. },
  5805. Cl = {
  5806. "\x00": "&#0;",
  5807. "\t": "&#9;",
  5808. "\n": "&#10;",
  5809. "\x0B": "&#11;",
  5810. "\f": "&#12;",
  5811. "\r": "&#13;",
  5812. " ": "&#32;",
  5813. '"': "&quot;",
  5814. "&": "&amp;",
  5815. "'": "&#39;",
  5816. "-": "&#45;",
  5817. "/": "&#47;",
  5818. "<": "&lt;",
  5819. "=": "&#61;",
  5820. ">": "&gt;",
  5821. "`": "&#96;",
  5822. "\u0085": "&#133;",
  5823. "\u00a0": "&#160;",
  5824. "\u2028": "&#8232;",
  5825. "\u2029": "&#8233;"
  5826. },
  5827. sl = function(a) {
  5828. return Cl[a]
  5829. },
  5830. Dl = {
  5831. "\x00": "%00",
  5832. "\u0001": "%01",
  5833. "\u0002": "%02",
  5834. "\u0003": "%03",
  5835. "\u0004": "%04",
  5836. "\u0005": "%05",
  5837. "\u0006": "%06",
  5838. "\u0007": "%07",
  5839. "\b": "%08",
  5840. "\t": "%09",
  5841. "\n": "%0A",
  5842. "\x0B": "%0B",
  5843. "\f": "%0C",
  5844. "\r": "%0D",
  5845. "\u000e": "%0E",
  5846. "\u000f": "%0F",
  5847. "\u0010": "%10",
  5848. "\u0011": "%11",
  5849. "\u0012": "%12",
  5850. "\u0013": "%13",
  5851. "\u0014": "%14",
  5852. "\u0015": "%15",
  5853. "\u0016": "%16",
  5854. "\u0017": "%17",
  5855. "\u0018": "%18",
  5856. "\u0019": "%19",
  5857. "\u001a": "%1A",
  5858. "\u001b": "%1B",
  5859. "\u001c": "%1C",
  5860. "\u001d": "%1D",
  5861. "\u001e": "%1E",
  5862. "\u001f": "%1F",
  5863. " ": "%20",
  5864. '"': "%22",
  5865. "'": "%27",
  5866. "(": "%28",
  5867. ")": "%29",
  5868. "<": "%3C",
  5869. ">": "%3E",
  5870. "\\": "%5C",
  5871. "{": "%7B",
  5872. "}": "%7D",
  5873. "\u007f": "%7F",
  5874. "\u0085": "%C2%85",
  5875. "\u00a0": "%C2%A0",
  5876. "\u2028": "%E2%80%A8",
  5877. "\u2029": "%E2%80%A9",
  5878. "\uff01": "%EF%BC%81",
  5879. "\uff03": "%EF%BC%83",
  5880. "\uff04": "%EF%BC%84",
  5881. "\uff06": "%EF%BC%86",
  5882. "\uff07": "%EF%BC%87",
  5883. "\uff08": "%EF%BC%88",
  5884. "\uff09": "%EF%BC%89",
  5885. "\uff0a": "%EF%BC%8A",
  5886. "\uff0b": "%EF%BC%8B",
  5887. "\uff0c": "%EF%BC%8C",
  5888. "\uff0f": "%EF%BC%8F",
  5889. "\uff1a": "%EF%BC%9A",
  5890. "\uff1b": "%EF%BC%9B",
  5891. "\uff1d": "%EF%BC%9D",
  5892. "\uff1f": "%EF%BC%9F",
  5893. "\uff20": "%EF%BC%A0",
  5894. "\uff3b": "%EF%BC%BB",
  5895. "\uff3d": "%EF%BC%BD"
  5896. },
  5897. wl = function(a) {
  5898. return Dl[a]
  5899. },
  5900. rl = /[\x00\x22\x27\x3c\x3e]/g,
  5901. vl = /[\x00- \x22\x27-\x29\x3c\x3e\\\x7b\x7d\x7f\x85\xa0\u2028\u2029\uff01\uff03\uff04\uff06-\uff0c\uff0f\uff1a\uff1b\uff1d\uff1f\uff20\uff3b\uff3d]/g,
  5902. Al = /^(?!-*(?:expression|(?:moz-)?binding))(?!\s+)(?:[.#]?-?(?:[_a-z0-9-]+)(?:-[_a-z0-9-]+)*-?|(?:rgb|hsl)a?\([0-9.%,\u0020]+\)|-?(?:[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)(?:[a-z]{1,2}|%)?|!important|\s+)*$/i,
  5903. ul = /^(?![^#?]*\/(?:\.|%2E){2}(?:[\/?#]|$))(?:(?:https?|mailto):|[^&:\/?#]*(?:[\/?#]|$))/i,
  5904. yl = /^[^&:\/?#]*(?:[\/?#]|$)|^https?:|^data:image\/[a-z0-9+]+;base64,[a-z0-9+\/]+=*$|^blob:/i,
  5905. El = /^(?!on|src|(?:style|action|archive|background|cite|classid|codebase|data|dsync|href|longdesc|usemap)\s*$)(?:[a-z0-9_$:-]*)$/i,
  5906. tl = function(a) {
  5907. return String(a).replace(vl, wl)
  5908. },
  5909. pl = /<(?:!|\/?([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:\-]*))(?:[^>'"]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')*>/g,
  5910. ql = /</g;
  5911. var Fl = function(a) {
  5912. a = a || {};
  5913. var b = U,
  5914. c = '<span class="' + W("recaptcha-checkbox") + " " + W("goog-inline-block") + (a.checked ? " " + W("recaptcha-checkbox-checked") : " " + W("recaptcha-checkbox-unchecked")) + (a.disabled ? " " + W("recaptcha-checkbox-disabled") : "") + (a.uc ? " " + W(a.uc) : "") + '" role="checkbox" aria-checked="' + (a.checked ? "true" : "false") + '"' + (a.fe ? ' aria-labelledby="' + W(a.fe) + '"' : "") + ( ? ' id="' + W( + '"' : "") + (a.disabled ? ' aria-disabled="true" tabindex="-1"' : ' tabindex="' + ( ? W( : "0") + '"');
  5915. if (a.attributes) {
  5916. var d =
  5917. a.attributes;
  5918. ml(d, ck) ? d = d.Aa().replace(/([^"'\s])$/, "$1 ") : (d = String(d), d = El.test(d) ? d : "zSoyz");
  5919. d = " " + d
  5920. } else d = "";
  5921. c = c + d + ' dir="ltr">';
  5922. a = a = {
  5923. rc: a.rc,
  5924. ob: a.ob
  5925. };
  5926. a = U((a.rc ? '<div class="' + (a.ob ? W("recaptcha-checkbox-nodatauri") + " " : "") + W("recaptcha-checkbox-border") + '" role="presentation"></div><div class="' + (a.ob ? W("recaptcha-checkbox-nodatauri") + " " : "") + W("recaptcha-checkbox-borderAnimation") + '" role="presentation"></div><div class="' + (a.ob ? W("recaptcha-checkbox-nodatauri") + " " : "") + W("recaptcha-checkbox-spinner") +
  5927. '" role="presentation"></div><div class="' + (a.ob ? W("recaptcha-checkbox-nodatauri") + " " : "") + W("recaptcha-checkbox-spinnerAnimation") + '" role="presentation"></div>' : '<div class="' + W("recaptcha-checkbox-spinner-gif") + '" role="presentation"></div>') + '<div class="' + W("recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark") + '" role="presentation"></div>');
  5928. return b(c + a + "</span>")
  5929. };
  5930. var Hl = function(a) {
  5931. H(this, a, "conf", Gl)
  5932. };
  5933. z(Hl, G);
  5934. var Gl = [5];
  5935. Hl.l = "conf";
  5936. var Jl = function() {
  5937. var a = Il.Ha().get();
  5938. return I(a, 2)
  5939. };
  5940. var Il = function() {
  5941. this.l = null
  5942. };
  5943. Il.prototype.get = k("l");
  5944. var Kl = function(a, b) {
  5945. b = void 0 === b ? new Hl : b;
  5946. a.l = b
  5947. },
  5948. Ll = function(a) {
  5949. var b = Il.Ha();
  5950. return b.l ? Xa(Fc(b.l, 5), a) : !1
  5951. };
  5952. za(Il);
  5953. var Ml = function(a, b) {
  5955. this.m = a;
  5956. this.w = -1;
  5957. this.o = new Ah(this.m);
  5958. Zd(this, this.o);
  5959. Ll("JS_FASTCLICK") && (ac && sc || cc || bc) && Ee(this.m, ["touchstart", "touchend"], this.A, !1, this);
  5960. b || (Ee(this.o, "action", this.l, !1, this), Ee(this.m, "keyup", this.D, !1, this))
  5961. };
  5962. z(Ml, Ue);
  5963. Ml.prototype.A = function(a) {
  5964. if ("touchstart" == a.type) this.w = y(), a.m();
  5965. else if ("touchend" == a.type) {
  5966. var b = y() - this.w;
  5967. if (0 != a.ta.cancelable && 500 > b) return this.l(a, !0)
  5968. }
  5969. return !0
  5970. };
  5971. Ml.prototype.D = function(a) {
  5972. return 32 == a.keyCode && "keyup" == a.type ? this.l(a) : !0
  5973. };
  5974. Ml.prototype.l = function(a, b) {
  5975. var c = y() - this.w;
  5976. if (b || 1E3 < c) a.type = "action", this.dispatchEvent(a), a.m(), a.preventDefault();
  5977. return !1
  5978. };
  5979. Ml.prototype.L = function() {
  5980. Le(this.o, "action", this.l, !1, this);
  5981. Le(this.m, ["touchstart", "touchend"], this.A, !1, this);
  5983. };
  5984. var Nl = function(a, b) {
  5985. var c = zk(xk, "recaptcha-checkbox");
  5986., null, c, b);
  5987. this.l = 1;
  5988. this.C = null;
  5989. this.tabIndex = a && isFinite(a) && 0 == a % 1 && 0 < a ? a : 0
  5990. };
  5991. z(Nl, T);
  5992. n = Nl.prototype;
  5993. n.V = function() {
  5994. this.N = Q(Fl, {
  5995. id: sk(this),
  5996. uc: this.Ma,
  5997. checked: this.m(),
  5998. disabled: !this.isEnabled(),
  5999. gd: this.tabIndex
  6000. }, void 0, this.w)
  6001. };
  6002. n.X = function() {
  6004. if (this.bc) {
  6005. var a = S(this);
  6006. this.C && a.G(new Ml(this.C), "action", this.Yb).G(this.C, "mouseover", this.Oc).G(this.C, "mouseout", this.Nc).G(this.C, "mousedown", this.mb).G(this.C, "mouseup",;
  6007. a.G(new Ml(this.B()), "action", this.Yb).G(new Ah(document), "action", this.Yb)
  6008. }
  6009. if (this.C) {
  6010. if (! {
  6011. a = this.C;
  6012. var b = sk(this) + ".lbl";
  6013. = b
  6014. }
  6015. Xd(this.B(), "labelledby",
  6016. }
  6017. };
  6018. = function(a) {
  6019., a);
  6020. a && (this.B().tabIndex = this.tabIndex)
  6021. };
  6022. = function(a) {
  6023. return 32 == a.keyCode || 13 == a.keyCode ? (this.Yb(a), !0) : !1
  6024. };
  6025. n.Yb = function(a) {
  6026. a.m();
  6027. if (this.isEnabled() && 3 != this.l && ! {
  6028. var b = !this.m();
  6029. this.dispatchEvent(b ? "before_checked" : "before_unchecked") && (a.preventDefault(), this.Va(b))
  6030. }
  6031. };
  6032. n.$a = function() {
  6033. return Nl.F.$ && !(this.isEnabled() && this.B() && oh(this.B(), "recaptcha-checkbox-clearOutline"))
  6034. };
  6035. n.Gb = function(a) {
  6036., a);
  6037. Ol(this, !1)
  6038. };
  6039. n.mb = function(a) {
  6040., a);
  6041. Ol(this, !0)
  6042. };
  6043. var Ol = function(a, b) {
  6044. a.isEnabled() && Pl(a, "recaptcha-checkbox-clearOutline", b)
  6045. };
  6046. Nl.prototype.m = function() {
  6047. return 0 == this.l
  6048. };
  6049. Nl.prototype.Va = function(a) {
  6050. a && this.m() || !a && 1 == this.l || Ql(this, a ? 0 : 1)
  6051. };
  6052. = function() {
  6053. 2 == this.l || Ql(this, 2)
  6054. };
  6055. Nl.prototype.fb = function() {
  6056. return 3 == this.l ? vf() : Ql(this, 3)
  6057. };
  6058. var Ql = function(a, b) {
  6059. if (0 == b && a.m() || 1 == b && 1 == a.l || 2 == b && 2 == a.l || 3 == b && 3 == a.l) return uf();
  6060. 2 == b && a.Gb(!1);
  6061. a.l = b;
  6062. Pl(a, "recaptcha-checkbox-checked", 0 == b);
  6063. Pl(a, "recaptcha-checkbox-expired", 2 == b);
  6064. Pl(a, "recaptcha-checkbox-loading", 3 == b);
  6065. var c = a.B();
  6066. c && Xd(c, "checked", 0 == b ? "true" : "false");
  6067. a.dispatchEvent("change");
  6068. return uf()
  6069. },
  6070. Pl = function(a, b, c) {
  6071. a.B() && th(a.B(), b, c)
  6072. };
  6073. var Rl = function(a, b) {
  6074., a, b);
  6075. = this.M = null;
  6076. this.O = !1
  6077. };
  6078. z(Rl, Nl);
  6079. var Sl = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  6080. this.o = a;
  6081. this.size = b;
  6082. this.m = c;
  6083. this.time = 17 * d;
  6084. this.l = !!e
  6085. },
  6086. Tl = new Sl("recaptcha-checkbox-borderAnimation", new L(28, 28), new fi(0, 28, 560, 0), 20),
  6087. Ul = new Sl("recaptcha-checkbox-borderAnimation", new L(28, 28), new fi(560, 28, 840, 0), 10),
  6088. Vl = new Sl("recaptcha-checkbox-borderAnimation", new L(28, 28), new fi(0, 56, 560, 28), 20),
  6089. Wl = new Sl("recaptcha-checkbox-borderAnimation", new L(28, 28), new fi(560, 56, 840, 28), 10),
  6090. Xl = new Sl("recaptcha-checkbox-borderAnimation", new L(28, 28), new fi(0, 84, 560, 56),
  6091. 20),
  6092. Yl = new Sl("recaptcha-checkbox-borderAnimation", new L(28, 28), new fi(560, 84, 840, 56), 10),
  6093. Zl = new Sl("recaptcha-checkbox-spinner", new L(36, 36), new fi(0, 36, 2844, 0), 79, !0),
  6094. $l = new Sl("recaptcha-checkbox-spinnerAnimation", new L(38, 38), new fi(0, 38, 3686, 0), 97),
  6095. am = new Sl("recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark", new L(38, 30), new fi(0, 30, 600, 0), 20),
  6096. bm = new Sl("recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark", new L(38, 30), new fi(600, 30, 1200, 0), 20);
  6097. n = Rl.prototype;
  6098. n.V = function() {
  6099. this.N = Q(Fl, {
  6100. id: sk(this),
  6101. uc: this.Ma,
  6102. checked: this.m(),
  6103. disabled: !this.isEnabled(),
  6104. gd: this.tabIndex,
  6105. rc: !0,
  6106. ob: !(C ? lc("9.0") : 1)
  6107. }, void 0, this.w)
  6108. };
  6109. n.X = function() {
  6111. if (!this.M) {
  6112. var a = this.P("recaptcha-checkbox-spinner");
  6113. this.M = cm(this, Zl);
  6114. = new Mi(a, 340);
  6115. ok() && S(this).G(this.M, "finish", x(function() {
  6116. ok();
  6117. var b = (ki(a, "transform") || "rotate(0deg)").replace(/^rotate\(([-0-9]+)deg\)$/, "$1");
  6118. isFinite(b) && (b = String(b));
  6119. b = r(b) ? /^\s*-?0x/i.test(b) ? parseInt(b, 16) : parseInt(b, 10) : NaN;
  6120. isNaN(b) || ii(a, "transform", kb("rotate(%sdeg)", (b + 180) % 360))
  6121. }, this))
  6122. }
  6123. };
  6124. n.Va = function(a) {
  6125. if (!(a && this.m() || !a && 1 == this.l || this.O)) {
  6126. var b = this.l,
  6127. c = a ? 0 : 1,
  6128. d = this.$a(),
  6129. e = x(function() {
  6130. Ql(this, c)
  6131. }, this),
  6132. f = dm(this, !0);
  6133. if (3 == this.l) var g = em(this, !1, void 0, !a);
  6134. else g = uf(), f.add(this.m() ? fm(this, !1) : gm(this, !1, b, d));
  6135. a ? f.add(fm(this, !0, e)) : (g.then(e), f.add(gm(this, !0, c, d)));
  6136. g.then(function() {
  6137. f.A()
  6138. }, u)
  6139. }
  6140. };
  6141. = function() {
  6142. if (2 != this.l && !this.O) {
  6143. var a = this.l,
  6144. b = this.$a(),
  6145. c = x(function() {
  6146. Ql(this, 2)
  6147. }, this),
  6148. d = dm(this, !0);
  6149. if (3 == this.l) var e = em(this, !1, void 0, !0);
  6150. else e = uf(), d.add(this.m() ? fm(this, !1) : gm(this, !1, a, b));
  6151. e.then(c);
  6152. d.add(gm(this, !0, 2, !1));
  6153. e.then(function() {
  6154. d.A()
  6155. }, u)
  6156. }
  6157. };
  6158. n.fb = function() {
  6159. if (3 == this.l || this.O) return vf();
  6160. var a = Af();
  6161. em(this, !0, a);
  6162. return a.l
  6163. };
  6164. var em = function(a, b, c, d) {
  6165. if (b == (3 == a.l)) return uf();
  6166. if (a.O) return vf();
  6167. if (b) {
  6168. b = a.l;
  6169. d = a.$a();
  6170. var e = dm(a);
  6171. a.m() ? e.add(fm(a, !1)) : e.add(gm(a, !1, b, d));
  6172. e.add(hm(a, c));
  6173. var f = Af();
  6174. Hh(S(a), e, "end", x(function() {
  6175. f.resolve()
  6176. }, a));
  6177. Ql(a, 3);
  6178. e.A();
  6179. return f.l
  6180. }
  6181. im(a, d);
  6182. Ql(a, 1);
  6183. return uf()
  6184. },
  6185. im = function(a, b) {
  6186. if (0 != a.M.l && 1 != {
  6187. var c = x(function() {
  6188. this.M.stop(!0);
  6189. ei(this.M);
  6190. vi(this.P("recaptcha-checkbox-spinner"), "");
  6192. }, a);
  6193. b ? (Hh(S(a),, "end", c),!0)) : c()
  6194. }
  6195. };
  6196. Rl.prototype.fa = function(a) {
  6197. if (this.O == a) throw Error("Invalid state.");
  6198. this.O = a
  6199. };
  6200. var gm = function(a, b, c, d) {
  6201. c = 2 == c;
  6202. d = cm(a, b ? c ? Xl : d ? Tl : Vl : c ? Yl : d ? Ul : Wl);
  6203. var e = a.N ? M("recaptcha-checkbox-border", a.N || a.w.l) : null;
  6204. Hh(S(a), d, "play", x(function() {
  6205. wi(e, !1)
  6206. }, a));
  6207. Hh(S(a), d, "finish", x(function() {
  6208. b && wi(e, !0)
  6209. }, a));
  6210. return d
  6211. },
  6212. fm = function(a, b, c) {
  6213. var d = cm(a, b ? am : bm);
  6214. Hh(S(a), d, "play", x(function() {
  6215. ii(this.B(), "overflow", "visible")
  6216. }, a));
  6217. Hh(S(a), d, "finish", x(function() {
  6218. b || ii(this.B(), "overflow", "");
  6219. c && c()
  6220. }, a));
  6221. return d
  6222. },
  6223. hm = function(a, b) {
  6224. var c = x(function() {
  6225. this.fa(!0);
  6226. P(x(function() {
  6227. 1 != this.M.l && (!1),
  6228. this.M.A(!0));
  6229. this.fa(!1);
  6230. b && b.resolve()
  6231. }, this), 472)
  6232. }, a),
  6233. d = cm(a, $l);
  6234. Hh(S(a), d, "play", c);
  6235. return d
  6236. },
  6237. dm = function(a, b) {
  6238. var c = new ci;
  6239. b && (Hh(S(a), c, "play", x(a.fa, a, !0)), Hh(S(a), c, "end", x(a.fa, a, !1)));
  6240. return c
  6241. },
  6242. cm = function(a, b) {
  6243. var c = new di(a.N ? M(b.o, a.N || a.w.l) : null, b.size, b.m, b.time, void 0, !b.l);
  6244. b.l || De(c, "end", x(function() {
  6245. ei(this)
  6246. }, c));
  6247. return c
  6248. };
  6249. var jm = function(a) {
  6250. H(this, a, "bgdata", null)
  6251. };
  6252. z(jm, G);
  6253. jm.l = "bgdata";
  6254. var km = function() {
  6255. this.m = this.l = null
  6256. };
  6257. km.prototype.set = function(a) {
  6258. I(a, 3);
  6259. I(a, 1) || I(a, 2);
  6260. this.l = a;
  6261. this.m = null
  6262. };
  6263. km.prototype.load = function() {
  6264. window.botguard && (window.botguard = null);
  6265. if (I(this.l, 3) && (I(this.l, 1) || I(this.l, 2))) {
  6266. var a = hb(Ac(I(this.l, 3)));
  6267. if (I(this.l, 1)) this.m = new qf(function(b, d) {
  6268. var c = hb(Ac(I(this.l, 1)));
  6269. fj(Oi(c)).then(function() {
  6270. try {
  6271. window.botguard && ? b(new : d(null)
  6272. } catch (f) {
  6273. d(null)
  6274. }
  6275. }, d)
  6276. }, this);
  6277. else {
  6278. if (I(this.l, 2)) {
  6279. var b = hb(Ac(I(this.l, 2)));
  6280. try {
  6281. if (Ka(b), window.botguard && {
  6282. this.m = uf(new;
  6283. return
  6284. }
  6285. } catch (c) {}
  6286. }
  6287. this.m = vf()
  6288. }
  6289. } else this.m =
  6290. vf()
  6291. };
  6292. km.prototype.execute = function(a, b) {
  6293. this.m.then(function(b) {
  6294. b.invoke(function(b) {
  6295. a(b)
  6296. })
  6297. }, function() {
  6298. b()
  6299. })
  6300. };
  6301. var lm = function() {
  6303. this.l = new vj(0, xj, 1, 10, 5E3);
  6304. Zd(this, this.l);
  6305. this.m = 0
  6306. };
  6307. z(lm, O);
  6308. var xj = new bg,
  6309. nm = function(a, b) {
  6310. return new qf(function(a, d) {
  6311. var c = String(this.m++);
  6312. zj(this.l, c, b.m.toString(), b.Cc(), b.Aa(), x(function(b, c) {
  6313. var e =;
  6314. ih(e) ? a((0, b.w)(e)) : d(new mm(b, e))
  6315. }, this, b))
  6316. }, a)
  6317. },
  6318. mm = function() {
  6320. };
  6321. z(mm, Ma);
  6322. = "XhrError";
  6323. var om = function(a, b) {
  6325. this.o = a;
  6326. Zd(this, this.o);
  6327. this.w = b
  6328. };
  6329. z(om, O);
  6330. var pm = function(a) {
  6331. H(this, a, 0, null)
  6332. };
  6333. z(pm, G);
  6334. var qm = function(a) {
  6335. H(this, a, "hctask", null)
  6336. };
  6337. z(qm, G);
  6338. qm.l = "hctask";
  6339. var Kc = function(a) {
  6340. H(this, a, "ctask", rm)
  6341. };
  6342. z(Kc, G);
  6343. var rm = [1];
  6344. Kc.l = "ctask";
  6345. var tm = function(a) {
  6346. H(this, a, "ftask", sm)
  6347. };
  6348. z(tm, G);
  6349. var sm = [1];
  6350. tm.l = "ftask";
  6351. var um = function(a) {
  6352. H(this, a, "ainput", null)
  6353. };
  6354. z(um, G);
  6355. um.l = "ainput";
  6356. um.prototype.Ga = function() {
  6357. return I(this, 8)
  6358. };
  6359. var vm = function(a, b, c) {
  6360., a, c);
  6361. this.H = K(b, Kc, 5);
  6362. this.m = I(b, 4);
  6363. this.D = 3 == I(K(b, pm, 6), 1);
  6364. this.A = Fc(K(b, tm, 9), 1);
  6365. this.l = !!I(b, 10)
  6366. };
  6367. z(vm, om);
  6368. var xm = function(a, b) {
  6369., b);
  6370. this.l = od(document, "recaptcha-token");
  6371. this.Xa = wm[a] || wm[1]
  6372. };
  6373. z(xm, R);
  6374. var ym = {
  6375. 0: "Si \u00e8 verificato un errore sconosciuto. Prova a ricaricare la pagina.",
  6376. 1: "Errore: uno o pi\u00f9 parametri API non validi. Prova a ricaricare la pagina.",
  6377. 2: "Sessione scaduta. Ricarica la pagina."
  6378. },
  6379. wm = {
  6380. 2: "rc-anchor-dark",
  6381. 1: "rc-anchor-light"
  6382. };
  6383. xm.prototype.X = function() {
  6385. this.Nb = od(document, "recaptcha-accessible-status")
  6386. };
  6387. xm.prototype.Hb = u;
  6388. var zm = function(a, b) {
  6389. a.Nb && Ld(a.Nb, b)
  6390. };
  6391. n = xm.prototype;
  6392. n.Wc = function() {
  6393. this.Hb(!0, "Verifica scaduta. Seleziona nuovamente la casella di controllo.");
  6394. zm(this, "Verifica scaduta. Seleziona nuovamente la casella di controllo per eseguire un nuovo test")
  6395. };
  6396. n.Jd = u;
  6397. n.Id = u;
  6398. n.Qc = function() {
  6399. zm(this, "Verifica eseguita")
  6400. };
  6401. n.Jc = u;
  6402. n.fb = function() {
  6403. return uf()
  6404. };
  6405. n.handleError = u;
  6406. n.Kc = function() {
  6407. zm(this, "Test di verifica scaduto. Seleziona nuovamente la casella di controllo per eseguire un nuovo test");
  6408. this.Jc()
  6409. };
  6410. var Am = function() {
  6411. return /^https:\/\/www.gstatic.c..?\/recaptcha\/api2\/v1523860362251\/recaptcha__.*/
  6412. },
  6413. Bm = function(a) {
  6414. var b = p.__recaptcha_api || "";
  6415. return (Tj(b).l ? "" : "//") + b + a
  6416. },
  6417. Cm = function(a, b) {
  6418. b.set("cb", vb());
  6419. return Gj(new Cj(Bm(a)), b).toString()
  6420. },
  6421. Dm = function(a, b) {
  6422. for (var c = p.recaptcha; 1 < a.length;) c = c[a[0]], a = a.slice(1);
  6423. var d = function(a, b, c) {
  6424. Object.defineProperty(a, b, {
  6425. get: c,
  6426. configurable: !0
  6427. })
  6428. };
  6429. d(c, a[0], function() {
  6430. d(c, a[0], h());
  6431. return b
  6432. })
  6433. },
  6434. Em = function(a) {
  6435. return new qf(function(b) {
  6436. var c =
  6437. qd(document, "img", null, a);
  6438. 0 == c.length ? b() : Ee(c[0], "load", function() {
  6439. b()
  6440. })
  6441. })
  6442. },
  6443. Fm = function(a, b) {
  6444. var c = Fi(a);
  6445. ii(a, "fontSize", c + "px");
  6446. for (var d = ti(a).height; 12 < c && !(0 >= b && d <= 2 * c) && !(d <= b);) c -= 2, ii(a, "fontSize", c + "px"), d = ti(a).height
  6447. };
  6448. var Gm = function() {
  6449. this.l = []
  6450. },
  6451. Km = function(a) {
  6452. var b = new Gm;
  6453. Hm(b, a);
  6454. return Im(Jm(b.l))
  6455. },
  6456. Lm = function(a) {
  6457. var b = new Gm;
  6458. Hm(b, a, !0);
  6459. return Im(Jm(b.l))
  6460. },
  6461. Hm = function(a, b, c) {
  6462. if (c = void 0 === c ? !1 : c) {
  6463. if (b && b.attributes && (Mm(a, b.tagName), "INPUT" != b.tagName))
  6464. for (var d = 0; d < b.attributes.length; d++) Mm(a, b.attributes[d].name + ":" + b.attributes[d].value)
  6465. } else
  6466. for (d in b) Mm(a, d);
  6467. 3 == b.nodeType && b.wholeText && Mm(a, b.wholeText);
  6468. if (1 == b.nodeType)
  6469. for (b = b.firstChild; b;) Hm(a, b, c), b = b.nextSibling
  6470. },
  6471. Mm = function(a, b) {
  6472. 100 <= a.l.length &&
  6473. (a.l = [Im(Jm(a.l)).toString()]);
  6474. a.l.push(b)
  6475. },
  6476. Im = function(a) {
  6477. var b = 0;
  6478. if (!a) return b;
  6479. for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b = (b << 5) - b + a.charCodeAt(c), b &= b;
  6480. return b
  6481. },
  6482. Nm = function() {
  6483. var a = [];
  6484. try {
  6485. for (var b = (0, p.gd_.gd_)().firstChild; b;) a.push(Km(b)), b = b.nextSibling
  6486. } catch (c) {}
  6487. return Ag(a)
  6488. };
  6490. function Jm(a) {
  6491. var b = "";
  6492. var c = typeof a;
  6493. if ("object" === c)
  6494. for (var d in a) b += "[" + c + ":" + d + Jm(a[d]) + "]";
  6495. else b = "function" === c ? b + ("[" + c + ":" + a.toString() + "]") : b + ("[" + c + ":" + a + "]");
  6496. return b.replace(/\s/g, "")
  6497. };
  6499. function Om(a) {
  6500. a = a.split("");
  6501. a.splice(1, 0, ":");
  6502. for (a.splice(1, 0, ":");
  6503. "r" != a[0];) a.push(a.shift());
  6504. return a.join("")
  6505. }
  6507. function Pm(a, b, c) {
  6508. try {
  6509. return Qm(c).setItem(a, b), b
  6510. } catch (d) {
  6511. return null
  6512. }
  6513. }
  6515. function Rm(a, b) {
  6516. try {
  6517. return Qm(b).getItem(a)
  6518. } catch (c) {
  6519. return null
  6520. }
  6521. }
  6523. function Qm(a) {
  6524. var b = N();
  6525. return 1 == a ? b.sessionStorage : b.localStorage
  6526. }
  6528. function Sm(a) {
  6529. var b = Rm(Om("car"), 0) || Pm(Om("car"), vb(), 0);
  6530. b ? (b = new Qf(new Xf, gb(b)), b.reset(), b.o(a), a = b.w(), a = ib(a).slice(0, 4)) : a = "";
  6531. return a
  6532. }
  6534. function Tm() {
  6535. try {
  6536. return N().localStorage.length
  6537. } catch (a) {
  6538. return -1
  6539. }
  6540. };
  6541. var Um = function(a) {
  6542. Gc(a, qm, 1);
  6543. for (var b = 0; b < Gc(a, qm, 1).length; b++) {
  6544. var c = Gc(a, qm, 1)[b];
  6545. I(c, 3);
  6546. I(c, 4)
  6547. }
  6548. this.m = a;
  6549. this.l = []
  6550. },
  6551. Vm = function(a) {
  6552. for (var b = I(a, 3); b <= I(a, 4); b++) {
  6553. var c = b,
  6554. d = a;
  6555. c = nk("%s_%d", I(d, 1), c);
  6556. var e = new Xf;
  6557. e.o(c);
  6558. if (ib(e.w()) == I(d, 2)) return b
  6559. }
  6560. return -1
  6561. },
  6562. Wm = function(a, b, c) {
  6563. var d = (new Date).getTime();
  6564. if (!C || lc("8"))
  6565. for (var e = Gc(a.m, qm, 1), f = 0; f < e.length; f++) a.l.push(Vm(e[f])), 0, Ag(a.l), (new Date).getTime() - d);
  6566. 0, Ag(a.l), (new Date).getTime() - d)
  6567. };
  6568. var Xm = function(a) {
  6570. this.m = this.o = null;
  6571. this.l = window.Worker && a ? new Worker(a) : null
  6572. };
  6573. ra(Xm, O);
  6574. Xm.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
  6575. return !!this.l
  6576. };
  6577. var Ym = function(a, b) {
  6578. a.l && (a.m = b, a.l.onmessage = x(a.A, a))
  6579. };
  6580. Xm.prototype.A = function(a) {
  6581. Nf(this.o);
  6582. this.m && this.m(
  6583. };
  6584. Xm.prototype.w = function() {
  6585. this.m && this.m(Zm("error"))
  6586. };
  6587. var $m = function(a, b) {
  6588. a.l && (a.o = P(a.w, 1E3, a), a.l.postMessage(Zm("start", b.Fb())))
  6589. };
  6590. Xm.prototype.L = function() {
  6591. this.l && this.l.terminate();
  6592. this.l = null
  6593. };
  6594. var an = function(a) {
  6595. "start" == && (a = Lc(, Wm(new Um(a), Ia(function(a, c) {
  6596. a.postMessage(Zm("finish", c))
  6597. }, self), Ia(function(a, c) {
  6598. a.postMessage(Zm("progress", c))
  6599. }, self)))
  6600. };
  6602. function Zm(a, b) {
  6603. return {
  6604. type: a,
  6605. data: void 0 === b ? null : b
  6606. }
  6607. }
  6608. p.document || p.window || (self.onmessage = an);
  6609. var cn = function(a) {
  6610. H(this, a, 0, bn)
  6611. };
  6612. z(cn, G);
  6613. var bn = [17];
  6614. cn.prototype.zd = function() {
  6615. return I(this, 1)
  6616. };
  6617. var dn = function(a, b, c) {
  6618. this.m = void 0 === a ? null : a;
  6619. this.l = void 0 === b ? null : b;
  6620. this.ce = void 0 === c ? null : c
  6621. },
  6622. en = function(a, b) {
  6623. this.response = a;
  6624. this.timeout = b
  6625. },
  6626. fn = function(a, b, c) {
  6627. this.m = a;
  6628. this.l = b;
  6629. this.o = c
  6630. },
  6631. gn = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  6632. this.l = a;
  6633. this.m = void 0 === b ? null : b;
  6634. this.o = void 0 === c ? null : c;
  6635. this.A = void 0 === d ? null : d;
  6636. this.w = void 0 === e ? null : e
  6637. },
  6638. hn = aa("response"),
  6639. jn = aa("l"),
  6640. kn = aa("errorCode");
  6641. var mn = function(a, b, c) {
  6642. this.l = c || "GET";
  6643. this.w = b;
  6644. this.m = new Cj;
  6645. Fj(this.m, a);
  6646. this.o = new Jj;
  6647. a = Jl();
  6648. Sj(this.m, "k", a);
  6649. ln(this, "v", "v1523860362251")
  6650. },
  6651. nn = function(a) {
  6652. return function(b) {
  6653. if (b.S) b: {
  6654. if (b = b.S.responseText, 0 == b.indexOf(")]}'\n") && (b = b.substring(5)), p.JSON) try {
  6655. var c = p.JSON.parse(b);
  6656. break b
  6657. } catch (d) {}
  6658. c = xg(b)
  6659. }
  6660. else c = void 0;
  6661. return new a(c)
  6662. }
  6663. };
  6664. mn.prototype.Cc = k("l");
  6665. mn.prototype.Aa = function() {
  6666. if (Xa(Yg, this.l)) return this.o.toString()
  6667. };
  6668. var ln = function(a, b, c) {
  6669. Xa(Yg, a.l);
  6670. Xj(a.o, b);
  6671. a.o.add(b, c)
  6672. },
  6673. on = function(a, b, c) {
  6674. Xa(Yg, a.l);
  6675. null != c && ln(a, b, c)
  6676. },
  6677. pn = function(a, b) {
  6678. Xa(Yg, a.l);
  6679. Db(b, function(a, b) {
  6680. ln(this, b, a)
  6681. }, a)
  6682. };
  6683. var qn = function() {
  6684., "/recaptcha/api2/anchor", function(a) {
  6685. return a.S && 4 == gh(a) ? a.S.getAllResponseHeaders() || "" : ""
  6686. }, "HEAD");
  6687. var a = this,
  6688. b = N();
  6689. 0 < b.length && (new Jj(b.slice(1))).forEach(function(b, d) {
  6690. Sj(a.m, d, b)
  6691. })
  6692. };
  6693. ra(qn, mn);
  6694. var rn = function(a) {
  6695. H(this, a, 0, null)
  6696. };
  6697. z(rn, G);
  6698. var tn = function(a) {
  6699. H(this, a, 0, sn)
  6700. };
  6701. z(tn, G);
  6702. var sn = [1],
  6703. vn = function(a) {
  6704. H(this, a, 0, un)
  6705. };
  6706. z(vn, G);
  6707. var un = [1],
  6708. yn = function(a, b) {
  6709. var c = {
  6710. Ui: Ec(wn(b), xn, a),
  6711. Qi: I(b, 2)
  6712. };
  6713. a && (c.ya = b);
  6714. return c
  6715. },
  6716. zn = function(a) {
  6717. H(this, a, 0, null)
  6718. };
  6719. z(zn, G);
  6720. var xn = function(a, b) {
  6721. var c = {
  6722. text: I(b, 1),
  6723. Pi: I(b, 2),
  6724. pi: I(b, 3),
  6725. Oi: I(b, 4)
  6726. };
  6727. a && (c.ya = b);
  6728. return c
  6729. },
  6730. wn = function(a) {
  6731. return Gc(a, zn, 1)
  6732. };
  6733. var An = function(a) {
  6734. H(this, a, 0, null)
  6735. };
  6736. z(An, G);
  6737. var Cn = function(a) {
  6738. H(this, a, 0, Bn)
  6739. };
  6740. z(Cn, G);
  6741. var Bn = [3];
  6742. var Dn = function(a) {
  6743. H(this, a, 0, null)
  6744. };
  6745. z(Dn, G);
  6746. var En = function(a, b) {
  6747. var c = {
  6748. rd: I(b, 1),
  6749. sd: I(b, 2)
  6750. };
  6751. a && (c.ya = b);
  6752. return c
  6753. };
  6754. var Gn = function(a) {
  6755. H(this, a, 0, Fn)
  6756. };
  6757. z(Gn, G);
  6758. var Fn = [8],
  6759. Hn = function(a, b) {
  6760. var c = I(b, 1);
  6761. var d = I(b, 2);
  6762. null == d || r(d) || (Bc && d instanceof Uint8Array ? d = yc(d) : (Aa(d), d = null));
  6763. c = {
  6764. label: c,
  6765. Ei: d,
  6766. De: I(b, 3),
  6767. rows: I(b, 4),
  6768. cols: I(b, 5),
  6769. Fi: I(b, 6),
  6770. Ab: I(b, 7),
  6771. mi: Ec(Gc(b, Dn, 8), En, a)
  6772. };
  6773. a && (c.ya = b);
  6774. return c
  6775. };
  6776. var Jn = function(a) {
  6777. H(this, a, 0, In)
  6778. };
  6779. z(Jn, G);
  6780. var In = [1, 2];
  6781. var Nn = function(a) {
  6782. H(this, a, 0, Kn)
  6783. };
  6784. z(Nn, G);
  6785. var Kn = [1];
  6786. var Pn = function(a) {
  6787. H(this, a, 0, On)
  6788. };
  6789. z(Pn, G);
  6790. var On = [1, 2];
  6791. var Qn = function(a) {
  6792. H(this, a, 0, null)
  6793. };
  6794. z(Qn, G);
  6795. var Rn = function(a) {
  6796. H(this, a, "pmeta", null)
  6797. };
  6798. z(Rn, G);
  6799. var Sn = function(a, b) {
  6800. var c, d = (c = K(b, Gn, 1)) && Hn(a, c),
  6801. e;
  6802. if (e = c = K(b, Qn, 2)) {
  6803. e = c;
  6804. var f = {
  6805. label: I(e, 1),
  6806. De: I(e, 2),
  6807. rows: I(e, 3),
  6808. cols: I(e, 4)
  6809. };
  6810. a && (f.ya = e);
  6811. e = f
  6812. }
  6813. if (f = c = K(b, An, 3)) {
  6814. f = c;
  6815. var g = {
  6816. xi: I(f, 1),
  6817. zi: I(f, 2)
  6818. };
  6819. a && (g.ya = f);
  6820. f = g
  6821. }
  6822. if (g = c = K(b, Cn, 4)) {
  6823. g = c;
  6824. var l = {
  6825. Ai: I(g, 1),
  6826. ae: I(g, 2),
  6827. ui: Fc(g, 3),
  6828. Ii: I(g, 4),
  6829. Hi: I(g, 5)
  6830. };
  6831. a && (l.ya = g);
  6832. g = l
  6833. }
  6834. if (l = c = K(b, Jn, 5)) {
  6835. l = c;
  6836. var m = {
  6837. Di: Ec(Gc(l, Gn, 1), Hn, a),
  6838. Mi: Fc(l, 2)
  6839. };
  6840. a && (m.ya = l);
  6841. l = m
  6842. }
  6843. if (m = c = K(b, tn, 6)) m = c, c = {
  6844. ti: Ec(Gc(m, vn, 1), yn, a)
  6845. }, a && (c.ya = m), m = c;
  6846. var t;
  6847. if (t = c = K(b, Pn, 7)) t = {
  6848. Si: Fc(c, 1),
  6849. Ri: Fc(c, 2)
  6850. },
  6851. a && (t.ya = c);
  6852. var D;
  6853. if (D = c = K(b, rn, 8)) D = {
  6854. format: I(c, 1),
  6855. Li: I(c, 2)
  6856. }, a && (D.ya = c);
  6857. var F;
  6858. if (F = c = K(b, Nn, 9)) F = {
  6859. Gi: Fc(c, 1)
  6860. }, a && (F.ya = c);
  6861. d = {
  6862. Ci: d,
  6863. Ti: e,
  6864. yi: f,
  6865. Bi: g,
  6866. Ji: l,
  6867. wi: m,
  6868. Ni: t,
  6869. ni: D,
  6870. Ki: F
  6871. };
  6872. a && (d.ya = b);
  6873. return d
  6874. };
  6875. Rn.l = "pmeta";
  6876. var Tn = function(a) {
  6877. H(this, a, "rresp", null)
  6878. };
  6879. z(Tn, G);
  6880. Tn.l = "rresp";
  6881. = function() {
  6882. return I(this, 1)
  6883. };
  6884. Tn.prototype.Vb = function() {
  6885. return I(this, 3)
  6886. };
  6887. Tn.prototype.setTimeout = function(a) {
  6888. J(this, 3, a)
  6889. };
  6890. Tn.prototype.Ga = function() {
  6891. return I(this, 6)
  6892. };
  6893. var Un = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  6894. b = void 0 === b ? null : b;
  6895. c = void 0 === c ? null : c;
  6896. d = void 0 === d ? null : d;
  6897. e = void 0 === e ? null : e;
  6898., "/recaptcha/api2/reload", nn(Tn), "POST");
  6899. ln(this, "reason", a);
  6900. on(this, "c", b);
  6901. on(this, "bg", c);
  6902. d && pn(this, d);
  6903. on(this, "dg", e)
  6904. };
  6905. ra(Un, mn);
  6906. var Vn = function(a, b, c) {
  6907. this.message = a;
  6908. this.messageType = b;
  6909. this.l = c
  6910. },
  6911. Wn = function(a, b, c) {
  6912. this.window = a;
  6913. this.l = b;
  6914. this.m = c
  6915. },
  6916. Xn = function() {
  6918. this.o = {};
  6919. this.m = {};
  6920. this.w = new Eh(this);
  6921. Zd(this, this.w)
  6922. };
  6923. ra(Xn, O);
  6924. var Zn = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  6925. e = void 0 === e ? a : e;
  6926. var f = a.o[b];
  6927. c = v(c) ? c : [c];
  6928. a.w.G(N(), "message", function(a) {
  6929. a = a.ta;
  6930. try {
  6931. var b = JSON.parse(
  6932. } catch (D) {
  6933. return
  6934. }
  6935. var g;
  6936. if (!(g = "*" == f.m)) {
  6937. var t = Yn(f.m);
  6938. g = Yn(a.origin);
  6939. t = t.match(Ng);
  6940. g = g.match(Ng);
  6941. g = t[3] == g[3] && t[1] == g[1] && t[4] == g[4]
  6942. }
  6943. t = (!f.window || f.window == a.source) && (!f.l || Kd(f.l) == a.source);
  6944. g && t && -1 != Oa(c, b.messageType) &&, b, a.source)
  6945. });
  6946. return a
  6947. },
  6948. $n = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  6949. e = void 0 === e ? a : e;
  6950. return Zn(a, b, c, function(c, g) {
  6951. Promise.resolve(, c.message,
  6952. c.messageType, g)).then(function(d) {
  6953. a.l(b, "l", d, c.l)
  6954. })
  6955. })
  6956. },
  6957. ao = function(a, b, c) {
  6958. c = void 0 === c ? a : c;
  6959. Db(b, function(b, e) {
  6960. $n(a, "b", e, b, c)
  6961. })
  6962. },
  6963. bo = function(a, b) {
  6964. Zn(a, b, "l", function(b) {
  6965. var c = b.l;
  6966. c && a.m[c] && (a.m[c].call(a, b.message), delete a.m[c])
  6967. }, a)
  6968. },
  6969. co = function(a, b, c, d) {
  6970. a.o[b] = new Wn(c, null, d);
  6971. bo(a, b);
  6972. return a
  6973. },
  6974. eo = function(a, b) {
  6975. var c = Bm("b");
  6976. a.o.b = new Wn(null, b, c);
  6977. bo(a, "b");
  6978. return a
  6979. };
  6980. Xn.prototype.l = function(a, b, c, d) {
  6981. a = this.o[a];
  6982. try {
  6983. (a.window || Kd(a.l)).postMessage(fo(b, void 0 === c ? null : c, void 0 === d ? null : d), Yn(a.m))
  6984. } catch (e) {}
  6985. return this
  6986. };
  6987. Xn.prototype.get = function(a, b, c) {
  6988. var d = this;
  6989. c = void 0 === c ? null : c;
  6990. return new Promise(function(e, f) {
  6991. var g = vb();
  6992. d.m[g] = e;
  6993. P(function() {
  6994. f();
  6995. delete d.m[g]
  6996. }, 15E3);
  6997. d.l(a, b, c, g)
  6998. })
  6999. };
  7001. function fo(a, b, c) {
  7002. b = void 0 === b ? null : b;
  7003. c = void 0 === c ? null : c;
  7004. var d = Array.prototype.toJSON,
  7005. e = Object.prototype.toJSON;
  7006. try {
  7007. return delete Array.prototype.toJSON, delete Object.prototype.toJSON, JSON.stringify(new Vn(b, a, c))
  7008. } finally {
  7009. d && (Array.prototype.toJSON = d), e && (Object.prototype.toJSON = e)
  7010. }
  7011. }
  7013. function Yn(a) {
  7014. if ("*" == a) return a;
  7015. a = Dj(Fj(new Cj(a), ""), Og(a));
  7016. null != a.A || ("https" == a.l ? Ej(a, 443) : "http" == a.l && Ej(a, 80));
  7017. return a.toString()
  7018. };
  7019. var go = function(a, b, c, d) {
  7021. this.T = a;
  7022. this.I = b;
  7023. this.A = d;
  7024. this.l = "a";
  7025. this.m = c;
  7026. this.C = null;
  7027. this.w = vb();
  7028. this.H = Af();
  7029. this.o = Af();
  7030. this.U = Ll("JS_HD") ? Cf(nm(this.I.o, new qn), ba("")) : uf("");
  7031. this.W = {
  7032. a: {
  7033. a:,
  7034. c: this.Uc,
  7035. e: this.Wa,
  7036. eb: this.Wa,
  7037. ea: this.He,
  7038. ee:,
  7039. i: x(this.T.Wc, this.T)
  7040. },
  7041. b: {
  7042. g: this.Kd,
  7043. h: this.Gd,
  7044. i: this.wd,
  7045. d:,
  7046. j: this.Ic
  7047. },
  7048. c: {
  7049. a:,
  7050. c: this.Uc,
  7051. ed: this.Ya,
  7052. e: this.Wa,
  7053. eb: this.Wa,
  7054. g: this.Mc,
  7055. j: this.Ic
  7056. },
  7057. d: {
  7058. a:,
  7059. c: this.Uc,
  7060. ed: this.Ya,
  7061. g: this.Mc,
  7062. j: this.Ic
  7063. },
  7064. e: {
  7065. e: this.Wa,
  7066. eb: this.Wa,
  7067. g: this.Mc,
  7068. d:,
  7069. h: this.Gd,
  7070. i: this.wd
  7071. },
  7072. f: {
  7073. e: this.Wa,
  7074. eb: this.Wa
  7075. },
  7076. g: {
  7077. g: this.Kd,
  7078. ec: this.R
  7079. },
  7080. h: {}
  7081. }
  7082. };
  7083. ra(go, Eh);
  7084. n = go.prototype;
  7085. n.ab = function(a, b, c) {
  7086. if (b = this.W[this.l][b]) return, a || void 0, c)
  7087. };
  7088. n.Uc = function(a, b) {
  7089. this.w == a.l && (b ? (co(this.m, "c", b, Bm("c")), $n(this.m, "c", ["g", "d", "j", "i"], this.ab, this), this.o.resolve()) :
  7090. };
  7091. = function() {
  7092. this.l = "h";
  7093. co(this.m, "d", N().parent, "*").l("d", "j")
  7094. };
  7095. = function(a) {
  7096. a.m && (this.C = a.m);
  7097. a.ce && this.H.resolve(a)
  7098. };
  7099. n.Gd = function(a) {
  7101. a.l ? (this.l = "b", this.T.Jd()) : (this.l = "e", this.T.Id());
  7102. this.m.l("c", "g", a)
  7103. };
  7104. n.Mc = function(a) {
  7105. a.A ? this.m.l("c", "g", new gn(a.l)) : "c" == this.l ? this.l = "e" : a.o && 0 >= a.o.width && 0 >= a.o.height ? (this.l = "b", this.m.l("c", "g", new gn(a.l))) : (this.l = "e", this.m.l("a", "e", a))
  7106. };
  7107. n.Kd = function(a) {
  7108. this.m.l("a", "e", a)
  7109. };
  7110. = function(a) {
  7111. var b = this;
  7112. this.T.Qc();
  7113. this.l = "g";
  7114. this.m.l("a", "d", a);
  7115. P(function() {
  7116. return b.ab(a.response, "ec")
  7117. }, 1E3 * a.timeout)
  7118. };
  7119. n.Ic = function(a) {
  7120. this.T.handleError(a.errorCode);
  7121. this.l = "a";
  7122. this.m.l("a", "j", a)
  7123. };
  7124. n.wd = function() {
  7125. this.T.Kc();
  7126. this.l = "f";
  7127. this.m.l("a", "e", new gn(!1))
  7128. };
  7129. n.Wa = function(a) {
  7130. a = void 0 === a ? new gn(!0) : a;
  7131. if (this.I.l) return ho(this, a);
  7132. var b = x(function() {
  7133. this.m.l("c", "e", a)
  7134. }, this);
  7135. this.T.Hb(!1);
  7136. "e" == this.l ? b() : "a" == this.l ? (this.l = "d", io(this, this.T.fb())) : "e" == this.l ? b() : "f" == this.l ? (this.l = "d", this.T.fb().then(b)) : "c" == this.l && (this.l = "d")
  7137. };
  7138. n.Ya = function() {
  7139. try {
  7140. N().parent.frames[this.w].document && io(this, vf())
  7141. } catch (a) {
  7142. this.T.Jc(), this.o.reject(), this.o = Af(), this.l = "a", this.m.l("a", "f", jo(this)), this.m.l("a", "j")
  7143. }
  7144. };
  7145. n.He = function() {
  7146. this.l = "c";
  7147. io(this, uf())
  7148. };
  7149. var io = function(a, b) {
  7150. P(x(a.ab, a, null, "ed"), 15E3);
  7151. yf([a.o.l, b]).then(function() {
  7152. ko(this).then(function(a) {
  7153. this.m.l("c", "e", new gn(!0, this.C, null, null, lo(this, a)))
  7154. }, null, this)
  7155. }, h(), a)
  7156. },
  7157. mo = function() {
  7158. if (!document.hasStorageAccess) return uf(1);
  7159. var a = Af();
  7160. document.hasStorageAccess().then(function(b) {
  7161. return a.resolve(b ? 2 : 3)
  7162. }, function() {
  7163. return a.resolve(4)
  7164. });
  7165. return a.l
  7166. },
  7167. ko = function(a) {
  7168. var b = yf([a.H.l, a.U, mo()]).then(function(a) {
  7169. var b = ka(a),
  7170. c =;
  7171. a =;
  7172. b =;
  7173. var d = Tm(),
  7174. e =
  7175. Sm(Jl());
  7176. d += Tm();
  7177. Dm(["anchor", "gl"], "gl");
  7178. Dm(["anchor", "gg"], "gg");
  7179. c = new cn(c.ce.ja);
  7180. J(c, 5, e);
  7181. J(c, 6, d);
  7182. J(c, 12, a);
  7183. J(c, 18, b);
  7184. a = vb();
  7185. J(c, 19, a);
  7186. return c
  7187. });
  7188. a.m.l("a", "a", new dn(null, a.I.A));
  7189. var c = new qf(function(c) {
  7190. yf([b, a.I.w.m]).then(function(a) {
  7191. var b = ka(a);
  7192. a =;
  7193. b =;
  7194. Dm(["anchor", "gs"], a.Fb());
  7195. b.invoke(c)
  7196. })
  7197. }),
  7198. d = new qf(function(b) {
  7199. a.A.isEnabled() || b("");
  7200. Ym(a.A, function(a) {
  7201. "error" == a.type ? b("") : "finish" == a.type && b(
  7202. });
  7203. $m(a.A, a.I.H)
  7204. });
  7205. return yf([b.then(function(a) {
  7206. return "" +
  7207. Im(a.Fb())
  7208. }), c, d, uf(Nm())])
  7209. },
  7210. lo = function(a, b, c) {
  7211. var d = ka(b);
  7212. b =;
  7213. var e =,
  7214. f =;
  7215. d =;
  7216. c = (c = void 0 === c ? {} : c) || {};
  7217. c.c = a.T.l.value;
  7218. d && (c.bcr = d);
  7219. f && (c.chr = f);
  7220. b && (c.vh = b);
  7221. e && ( = e);
  7222. (a = Rm(Om("cbr"), 1)) && (c.z = a);
  7223. return c
  7224. },
  7225. jo = function(a) {
  7226. var b = {
  7227. hl: "it",
  7228. v: "v1523860362251"
  7229. };
  7230. b.k = Jl();
  7231. var c = new Jj;
  7232. c.A(b);
  7233. return new fn(a.T.yd(), {
  7234. query: c.toString(),
  7235. title: "test recaptcha"
  7236. }, a.w)
  7237. };
  7238. go.prototype.R = function(a) {
  7239. this.l = "f";
  7240. this.m.l("a", "i");
  7241. this.m.l("c", "i", new hn(a))
  7242. };
  7243. var ho = function(a, b) {
  7244. return ko(a).then(function(c) {
  7245. return nm(a.I.o, new Un("q", a.T.l.value, null, lo(a, c, b.w)))
  7246. }).then(function(a) {
  7247. return new en(, a.Vb())
  7248. })
  7249. };
  7250. var so = function(a) {
  7251. if (1 == a.size) {
  7252. var b = a.Xa,
  7253. c = a.La,
  7254. d = a.locale,
  7255. e = a.errorMessage;
  7256. a = a.errorCode;
  7257. a = U('<div class="' + W("rc-anchor") + " " + W("rc-anchor-normal") + " " + W(b) + '">' + no({
  7258. La: c
  7259. }) + oo() + '<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-content") + '">' + (e || 0 < a ? po({
  7260. errorMessage: e,
  7261. errorCode: a
  7262. }) : qo()) + '</div><div class="' + W("rc-anchor-normal-footer") + '">' + U('<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-logo-portrait") + '" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">' + (C && "8.0" == kc ? '<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-logo-img-ie8") + " " + W("rc-anchor-logo-img-portrait") +
  7263. '"></div>' : '<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-logo-img") + " " + W("rc-anchor-logo-img-portrait") + '"></div>') + '<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-logo-text") + '">reCAPTCHA</div></div>') + ro({
  7264. locale: d
  7265. }) + "</div></div>")
  7266. } else 2 == a.size ? (b = a.Xa, c = a.La, d = a.locale, e = a.errorMessage, a = a.errorCode, a = U('<div class="' + W("rc-anchor") + " " + W("rc-anchor-compact") + " " + W(b) + '">' + no({
  7267. La: c
  7268. }) + oo() + '<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-content") + '">' + (e ? po({
  7269. errorMessage: e,
  7270. errorCode: a
  7271. }) : qo()) + '</div><div class="' + W("rc-anchor-compact-footer") + '">' +
  7272. U('<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-logo-landscape") + '" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation" dir="ltr">' + (C && "8.0" == kc ? '<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-logo-img-ie8") + " " + W("rc-anchor-logo-img-landscape") + '"></div>' : '<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-logo-img") + " " + W("rc-anchor-logo-img-landscape") + '"></div>') + '<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-logo-landscape-text-holder") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-anchor-center-container") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-anchor-center-item") + " " + W("rc-anchor-logo-text") + '">reCAPTCHA</div></div></div></div>') +
  7273. ro({
  7274. locale: d
  7275. }) + "</div></div>")) : a = "";
  7276. return U(a)
  7277. },
  7278. vo = function(a) {
  7279. return U('<div class="' + W("rc-anchor") + " " + W("rc-anchor-invisible") + " " + W(a.Xa) + " " + (1 == || 2 == ? W("rc-anchor-invisible-hover") : W("rc-anchor-invisible-nohover")) + '">' + no({
  7280. La: a.La
  7281. }) + oo() + (1 == != a.Ne ? to({
  7282. locale: a.locale
  7283. }) + uo({
  7284. locale: a.locale
  7285. }) : uo({
  7286. locale: a.locale
  7287. }) + to({
  7288. locale: a.locale
  7289. })) + "</div>")
  7290. },
  7291. uo = function(a) {
  7292. a = '<div class="rc-anchor-invisible-text"><span>protetto da <strong>reCAPTCHA</strong>' + ("</span>" + ro({
  7293. locale: a.locale
  7294. }) +
  7295. "</div>");
  7296. return U(a)
  7297. },
  7298. to = function(a) {
  7299. var b = U,
  7300. c = '<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-normal-footer") + '">';
  7301. var d = U('<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-logo-large") + '" role="presentation">' + (C && "8.0" == kc ? '<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-logo-img-ie8") + " " + W("rc-anchor-logo-img-large") + '"></div>' : '<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-logo-img") + " " + W("rc-anchor-logo-img-large") + '"></div>') + "</div>");
  7302. return b(c + d + ro({
  7303. locale: a.locale
  7304. }) + "</div>")
  7305. },
  7306. no = function(a) {
  7307. return U('<div id="recaptcha-accessible-status" class="' + W("rc-anchor-aria-status") +
  7308. '" aria-hidden="true">' + V(a.La) + ". </div>")
  7309. },
  7310. qo = function() {
  7311. var a = '<div class="' + W("rc-inline-block") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-anchor-center-container") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-anchor-center-item") + " " + W("rc-anchor-checkbox-holder") + '"></div></div></div><div class="' + W("rc-inline-block") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-anchor-center-container") + '"><label class="' + W("rc-anchor-center-item") + " " + W("rc-anchor-checkbox-label") + '" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"><span aria-live="polite" aria-labelledby="' + W("recaptcha-accessible-status") +
  7312. '"></span>';
  7313. return U(a + "Non sono un robot</label></div></div>")
  7314. },
  7315. oo = function() {
  7316. return U('<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-error-msg-container") + '" style="display:none"><span class="' + W("rc-anchor-error-msg") + '" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>')
  7317. },
  7318. po = function(a) {
  7319. var b = '<div class="' + W("rc-inline-block") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-anchor-center-container") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-anchor-center-item") + " " + W("rc-anchor-error-message") + '">',
  7320. c = a.errorCode;
  7321. switch (w(c) ? c.toString() : c) {
  7322. case 1:
  7323. b += "Argomento non valido.";
  7324. break;
  7325. case 2:
  7326. b += "La sessione \u00e8 scaduta.";
  7327. break;
  7328. case 3:
  7329. b += "Questa chiave del sito non \u00e8 abilitata per il captcha invisibile.";
  7330. break;
  7331. case 4:
  7332. b += "Impossibile connettersi al servizio reCAPTCHA. Verifica la tua connessione a Internet e ricarica la pagina.";
  7333. break;
  7334. case 5:
  7335. b += 'Localhost non \u00e8 incluso nell\'elenco dei <a href="">domini supportati</a> per questa chiave del sito.';
  7336. break;
  7337. case 6:
  7338. b += "ERRORE per il proprietario del sito:<br>dominio non valido per la chiave del sito";
  7339. break;
  7340. case 7:
  7341. b += "ERRORE per il proprietario del sito: chiave del sito non valida";
  7342. break;
  7343. case 8:
  7344. b += "ERRORE per il proprietario del sito: tipo di chiave non valido";
  7345. break;
  7346. case 9:
  7347. b += "ERRORE per il proprietario del sito: nome del pacchetto non valido";
  7348. break;
  7349. case 10:
  7350. b += "ERRORE per il proprietario del sito: nome dell'azione troppo lungo";
  7351. break;
  7352. default:
  7353. b = b + "ERRORE\u00a0per il proprietario del sito:" + ("<br>" + V(a.errorMessage))
  7354. }
  7355. return U(b + "</div></div></div>")
  7356. },
  7357. ro = function(a) {
  7358. var b = '<div class="' + W("rc-anchor-pt") +
  7359. '"><a href="' + W(a.locale) + '/policies/privacy/" target="_blank">';
  7360. b = b + "Privacy" + ('</a><span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> - </span><a href="' + W(a.locale) + '/policies/terms/" target="_blank">');
  7361. return U(b + "Termini</a></div>")
  7362. };
  7363. var wo = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  7364., e);
  7365. this.A = wm[b] || wm[1];
  7366. this.Ea = a;
  7367. this.l = c;
  7368. this.m = d
  7369. };
  7370. z(wo, R);
  7371. wo.prototype.V = function() {
  7372. this.N = Q(so, {
  7373. size: this.Ea,
  7374. Xa: this.A,
  7375. La: this.l,
  7376. locale: "it",
  7377. errorMessage: this.l,
  7378. errorCode: this.m
  7379. });
  7380. this.$(this.B())
  7381. };
  7382. var xo = function(a) {
  7383. (new wo(I(K(a, pm, 6), 1), I(K(a, pm, 6), 2), I(a, 7), a.Ga() || 0)).render(document.body)
  7384. };
  7385. La("recaptcha.anchor.ErrorMain.init", function(a) {
  7386. a = new um(JSON.parse(a));
  7387. co(new Xn, "d", N().parent, "*").l("d", "j", new kn(a.Ga()));
  7388. new xo(a)
  7389. });
  7390. var yo = function(a, b, c) {
  7391., a, c);
  7392. = new Rl;
  7393. tk(, "recaptcha-anchor");
  7394. Pk(, "rc-anchor-checkbox");
  7395. wk(this,;
  7396. this.Nb = null;
  7397. this.Ea = b
  7398. };
  7399. z(yo, xm);
  7400. n = yo.prototype;
  7401. n.V = function() {
  7402. this.N = Q(so, {
  7403. size: this.Ea,
  7404. Xa: this.Xa,
  7405. La: "Recaptcha richiede la verifica",
  7406. locale: "it"
  7407. });
  7408. this.$(this.B())
  7409. };
  7410. n.$ = function(a) {
  7411. yo.F.$.call(this, a);
  7412. a = this.P("rc-anchor-checkbox-label");
  7413. a.setAttribute("id", "recaptcha-anchor-label");
  7414. var b =;
  7415. b.ka ? (b.Ra(), b.C = a, b.X()) : b.C = a;
  7417. };
  7418. n.X = function() {
  7420. S(this).G(, ["before_checked", "before_unchecked"], x(function(a) {
  7421. "before_checked" == a.type && this.dispatchEvent("b");
  7422. a.preventDefault()
  7423. }, this)).G(document, "focus", function(a) {
  7424. && 0 == ||
  7425. }, this)
  7426. };
  7427. n.Hb = function(a, b) {
  7428. th(this.B(), "rc-anchor-error", a);
  7429. wi(this.P("rc-anchor-error-msg-container"), a);
  7430. if (a) {
  7431. var c = this.P("rc-anchor-error-msg");
  7432. Cd(c);
  7433. Ld(c, b)
  7434. }
  7435. };
  7436. n.Jd = function() {
  7438. };
  7439. n.Id = function() {
  7441. };
  7442. n.Kc = function() {
  7446. };
  7447. n.Qc = function() {
  7451. this.Hb(!1)
  7452. };
  7453. n.yd = function() {
  7454. return ui(M("recaptcha-checkbox", void 0))
  7455. };
  7456. n.Jc = function() {
  7458. };
  7459. n.fb = function() {
  7461. return
  7462. };
  7463. n.handleError = function(a) {
  7464. var b = ym[a] || ym[0];
  7466. 2 != a && (!1), this.Hb(!0, b), zm(this, b))
  7467. };
  7468. n.Wc = function() {
  7472. };
  7473. var zo = function(a, b, c) {
  7474., a, c);
  7475. this.m = b;
  7476. this.Nb = null
  7477. };
  7478. z(zo, xm);
  7479. zo.prototype.V = function() {
  7480. var a = Q(vo, {
  7481. La: "Recaptcha richiede la verifica",
  7482. locale: "it",
  7483. Xa: this.Xa,
  7484. sc: this.m,
  7485. Ne: !1
  7486. });
  7487. this.N = a;
  7488. bf(function() {
  7489. var b = a.querySelectorAll(".rc-anchor-invisible-text .rc-anchor-pt a"),
  7490. c = a.querySelector(".rc-anchor-invisible-text span");
  7491. (160 < ti(b[0]).width + ti(b[1]).width || 160 < ti(c).width) && ph(M("rc-anchor-invisible-text", void 0), "smalltext");
  7492. b = a.querySelectorAll(".rc-anchor-normal-footer .rc-anchor-pt a");
  7493. 65 < ti(b[0]).width + ti(b[1]).width && ph(M("rc-anchor-normal-footer", void 0),
  7494. "smalltext")
  7495. }, this);
  7496. this.$(this.B())
  7497. };
  7498. zo.prototype.yd = function() {
  7499. return ui(M("rc-anchor-invisible", void 0))
  7500. };
  7501. var Ao = function(a) {
  7502. Kl(Il.Ha(), K(a, Hl, 3));
  7503. Ll("JS_THIRDEYE") && mh();
  7504. var b = I(K(a, pm, 6), 1),
  7505. c;
  7506. 3 == b ? c = new zo(I(K(a, pm, 6), 2), I(K(a, pm, 6), 3)) : c = new yo(I(K(a, pm, 6), 2), b);
  7507. c.render(document.body);
  7508. b = new lm;
  7509. var d = new km;
  7510. d.set(K(a, jm, 1));
  7511. d.load();
  7512. a = new vm(b, a, d);
  7513. b = Tj(Bm("api2/webworker.js"));
  7514. Sj(b, "hl", "it");
  7515. Sj(b, "v", "v1523860362251");
  7516. b = new Xm(b.toString());
  7517. d = new Xn;
  7518. this.l = new go(c, a, d, b)
  7519. };
  7520. La("recaptcha.anchor.Main.init", function(a) {
  7521. a = new um(JSON.parse(a));
  7522. a = (new Ao(a)).l;
  7523. var b = a.I.m;
  7524. b ? (N().location.hash = "#" + a.w, $n(co($n(co(a.m, "a", N().parent, b), "a", ["a", "g", "e", "h", "i"], a.ab, a), "c", null, Bm("c")), "c", "c", a.ab, a).l("a", "b"), a.G(a.T, "b", x(a.ab, a, null, "eb")), a.I.l || (a.I.D && a.ab(null, "ea"), a.m.l("a", "f", jo(a)))) :
  7525. });
  7526. var Bo = function() {
  7527. return U('<div class="' + W("rc-footer") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-separator") + '"></div><div class="' + W("rc-controls") + '"><div class="' + W("primary-controls") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-buttons") + '"><div class="' + W("button-holder") + " " + W("reload-button-holder") + '"></div><div class="' + W("button-holder") + " " + W("audio-button-holder") + '"></div><div class="' + W("button-holder") + " " + W("image-button-holder") + '"></div><div class="' + W("button-holder") + " " + W("help-button-holder") + '"></div><div class="' +
  7528. W("button-holder") + " " + W("undo-button-holder") + '"></div></div><div class="' + W("verify-button-holder") + '"></div></div><div class="' + W("rc-challenge-help") + '" style="display:none" tabIndex="0"></div></div></div>')
  7529. };
  7530. var Co = function(a) {
  7531. return U('<span class="' + W("rc-audiochallenge-tabloop-begin") + '" tabIndex="0"></span><div class="' + W("rc-audiochallenge-error-message") + '" style="display:none" tabIndex="0"></div><div class="' + W("rc-audiochallenge-instructions") + '" id="' + W(a.Ae) + '" aria-hidden="true"></div><div class="' + W("rc-audiochallenge-control") + '"></div><div id="' + W("rc-response-label") + '" style="display:none"></div><div class="' + W("rc-audiochallenge-response-field") + '"></div><div class="' + W("rc-audiochallenge-tdownload") +
  7532. '"></div>' + V(Bo()) + '<span class="' + W("rc-audiochallenge-tabloop-end") + '" tabIndex="0"></span>')
  7533. },
  7534. Do = function(a) {
  7535. return U('<div class="' + W("rc-audiochallenge-play-button") + '"></div><audio id="audio-source" src="' + W(xl( + '" style="display: none"></audio>')
  7536. },
  7537. Eo = function() {
  7538. return U("<center>Il tuo browser non supporta l'audio. Aggiorna o esegui l'upgrade del tuo browser.</center>")
  7539. },
  7540. Fo = function(a) {
  7541. a = '<a class="' + W("rc-audiochallenge-tdownload-link") + '" target="_blank" href="' + W(xl( + '" title="';
  7542. a += "In alternativa, scarica l'audio come MP3".replace(rl, sl);
  7543. return U(a + '"></a>')
  7544. },
  7545. Go = function(a) {
  7546. a = a || {};
  7547. var b = "";
  7548. a.Be || (b += "Premi R per riprodurre lo stesso test. ");
  7549. return U(b + 'Premi il pulsante di aggiornamento per generare un nuovo test. <a href="" target="_blank">Ulteriori informazioni su come risolvere questo test.</a>')
  7550. };
  7551. var Ho = function(a, b, c, d) {
  7552. a = zk(al, a || "rc-button-default");
  7553., b, a, d);
  7554. this.l = c || 0;
  7555. Pk(this, "goog-inline-block")
  7556. };
  7557. z(Ho, bl);
  7558. Ho.prototype.X = function() {
  7560. this.B().setAttribute("id", sk(this));
  7561. this.B().tabIndex = this.l;
  7562. S(this).G(new Ml(this.B(), !0), "action", function() {
  7563. this.isEnabled() && this.pb.apply(this, arguments)
  7564. })
  7565. };
  7566. = function(a) {
  7567., a);
  7568. if (a) {
  7569. this.l = a = this.l;
  7570. var b = this.B();
  7571. b && (0 <= a ? b.tabIndex = this.l : Qd(b, !1))
  7572. } else(a = this.B()) && Qd(a, !1)
  7573. };
  7574. var X = function(a, b, c, d) {
  7576. this.Je = c;
  7577. this.A = this.Ea = new L(a, b);
  7578. this.W = null;
  7579. this.Ie = d || !1;
  7580. this.response = {};
  7581. this.Qb = [];
  7582. this.Yc = Io(this, "rc-button", void 0, "recaptcha-reload-button", "Genera un nuovo test", "rc-button-reload");
  7583. this.M = Io(this, "rc-button", void 0, "recaptcha-audio-button", "Genera un test audio", "rc-button-audio");
  7584. this.Ib = Io(this, "rc-button", void 0, "recaptcha-image-button", "Genera un test con immagine", "rc-button-image");
  7585. this.Rc = Io(this, "rc-button", void 0, "recaptcha-help-button", "Guida",
  7586. "rc-button-help", !0);
  7587. this.wb = Io(this, "rc-button", void 0, "recaptcha-undo-button", "Annulla", "rc-button-undo", !0);
  7588. this.xb = Io(this, void 0, "Verifica", "recaptcha-verify-button", void 0, void 0, void 0)
  7589. };
  7590. z(X, R);
  7591. X.prototype.$ = function(a) {
  7592. X.F.$.call(this, a);
  7593. a = this.P("reload-button-holder");
  7594. this.Yc.render(a);
  7595. a = this.P("audio-button-holder");
  7596. this.M.render(a);
  7597. a = this.P("image-button-holder");
  7598. this.Ib.render(a);
  7599. a = this.P("help-button-holder");
  7600. this.Rc.render(a);
  7601. a = this.P("undo-button-holder");
  7602. this.wb.render(a);
  7603. wi(this.wb.B(), !1);
  7604. a = this.P("verify-button-holder");
  7605. this.xb.render(a);
  7606. this.Ie ? wi(this.M.B(), !1) : wi(this.Ib.B(), !1)
  7607. };
  7608. X.prototype.X = function() {
  7610. S(this).G(this.Yc, "action", function() {
  7611. Jo(this, !1);
  7612. Y(this, !1);
  7613. this.dispatchEvent("g")
  7614. });
  7615. S(this).G(this.M, "action", function() {
  7616. Jo(this, !1);
  7617. this.dispatchEvent("h")
  7618. });
  7619. S(this).G(this.Ib, "action", function() {
  7620. Jo(this, !1);
  7621. this.dispatchEvent("i")
  7622. });
  7623. S(this).G(this.Rc, "action", function() {
  7624. Ko(this);
  7625. this.dispatchEvent("j")
  7626. });
  7627. S(this).G(this.wb, "action", this.yc);
  7628. S(this).G(this.B(), "keyup", function(a) {
  7629. 27 == a.keyCode && this.dispatchEvent("e")
  7630. });
  7631. S(this).G(this.xb, "action", this.Kb)
  7632. };
  7633. X.prototype.getName = k("Je");
  7634. X.prototype.Ca = function() {
  7635. return kd(this.Ea)
  7636. };
  7637. var Mo = function(a, b, c) {
  7638. if (a.A.width != b.width || a.A.height != b.height) a.A = b, c && Lo(a, Te), a.dispatchEvent("d")
  7639. };
  7640. X.prototype.yc = h();
  7641. X.prototype.Kb = function() {
  7642. this.Da() || (Jo(this, !1), this.dispatchEvent("k"))
  7643. };
  7644. var No = function(a, b, c, d) {
  7645. a.response = {};
  7646. Jo(a, !0);
  7647. var e = x(function() {
  7648., c, d)
  7649. }, a);
  7650. kd(a.A).width != a.Ca().width || kd(a.A).height != a.Ca().height ? (Lo(a, e), Mo(a, a.Ca())) : e()
  7651. },
  7652. Oo = function(a) {
  7653. P(function() {
  7654. try {
  7655. this.cb()
  7656. } catch (b) {
  7657. if (!C) throw b;
  7658. }
  7659. }, C ? 300 : 100, a)
  7660. };
  7661. X.prototype.Ua = function(a, b, c) {
  7662. c = c || "";
  7663. c = new Cj(Bm("api2/payload") + c);
  7664. c.m.set("c", a);
  7665. a = Jl();
  7666. c.m.set("k", a);
  7667. b && c.m.set("id", b);
  7668. return c.toString()
  7669. };
  7670. X.prototype.Da = ba(!1);
  7671. var Lo = function(a, b) {
  7672. a.Qb.push(b)
  7673. };
  7674. X.prototype.fa = function(a) {
  7675. a && (0 == this.Qb.length ? Oo(this) : (a = this.Qb.slice(0), this.Qb = [], A(a, function(a) {
  7676. a()
  7677. })))
  7678. };
  7679. var Y = function(a, b, c) {
  7680. var d;
  7681. if (b || !c || xi(c)) b && (d = a.xa(!0, c)), !c || b && !d || (d = kd(a.A), d.height += (b ? 1 : -1) * (ti(c).height + Bi(c, "margin").top + Bi(c, "margin").bottom), Mo(a, d, !b)), b || a.xa(!1, c)
  7682. };
  7683. X.prototype.xa = function(a, b) {
  7684. if (xi(b) == a) return !1;
  7685. wi(b, a);
  7686. return !0
  7687. };
  7688. var Ko = function(a, b) {
  7689. var c = M("rc-challenge-help", void 0),
  7690. d = !xi(c);
  7691. if (null == b || b == d) {
  7692. if (d) {
  7693. a.Na(c);
  7694. if (!Ed(c)) return;
  7695. wi(c, !0);
  7696. d = ti(c).height;
  7697. Lo(a, x(function() {
  7698. ec && lc("10") || c.focus()
  7699. }, a))
  7700. } else d = -1 * ti(c).height, Cd(c), wi(c, !1);
  7701. var e = kd(a.A);
  7702. e.height += d;
  7703. Mo(a, e)
  7704. }
  7705. },
  7706. Io = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
  7707. b = new Ho(b, c, void 0, a.w);
  7708. d && tk(b, d);
  7709. e && (b.ha = e, d = b.B()) && (e ? d.title = e : d.removeAttribute("title"));
  7710. f && Pk(b, f);
  7711. g && Wk(b, 16, !0);
  7712. wk(a, b);
  7713. return b
  7714. },
  7715. Jo = function(a, b) {
  7721. Ko(a, !1)
  7722. },
  7723. Po = function(a, b, c) {
  7724. var d = a.xb;
  7725. b = b || "Verifica";
  7726. Ik(d.B(), b);
  7727. = b;
  7728. th(a.xb.B(), "rc-button-red", !!c)
  7729. },
  7730. Qo = function() {
  7731. if (bc || cc) {
  7732. var a = screen.availWidth;
  7733. var b = screen.availHeight
  7734. } else Yb || ac ? (a = window.outerWidth || screen.availWidth || screen.width, b = window.outerHeight || screen.availHeight || screen.height, sc || (b -= 20)) : (a = window.outerWidth || window.innerWidth || document.body.clientWidth, b = window.outerHeight || window.innerHeight || document.body.clientHeight);
  7735. return new L(a || 0, b || 0)
  7736. };
  7737. X.prototype.cb = function() {
  7738. this.M.B().focus()
  7739. };
  7740. X.prototype.Ba = h();
  7741. var Ro = function(a) {
  7742. for (var b = a || ["rc-challenge-help"], c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
  7743. if ((a = M(b[c])) && xi(a) && xi(Id(a))) {
  7744. (b = "A" == a.tagName || "INPUT" == a.tagName || "TEXTAREA" == a.tagName || "SELECT" == a.tagName || "BUTTON" == a.tagName ? !a.disabled && (!Rd(a) || Sd(a)) : Rd(a) && Sd(a)) && C && (b = void 0, c = a, !Ca(c.getBoundingClientRect) || C && null == c.parentElement ? b = {
  7745. height: c.offsetHeight,
  7746. width: c.offsetWidth
  7747. } : b = c.getBoundingClientRect(), b = null != b && 0 < b.height && 0 < b.width);
  7748. b ? a.focus() : Gd(a).focus();
  7749. break
  7750. }
  7751. };
  7752. X.prototype.Na = h();
  7753. var So = function(a, b) {
  7754., r(a) ? a : "Digita il testo", b)
  7755. };
  7756. z(So, cl);
  7757. So.prototype.V = function() {
  7759. this.B().setAttribute("id", sk(this));
  7760. this.B().setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
  7761. this.B().setAttribute("autocorrect", "off");
  7762. this.B().setAttribute("autocapitalize", "off");
  7763. this.B().setAttribute("spellcheck", "false");
  7764. this.B().setAttribute("dir", "ltr");
  7765. ph(this.B(), "rc-response-input-field")
  7766. };
  7767. var To = function(a, b) {
  7768. th(a.B(), "rc-response-input-field-error", b)
  7769. };
  7770. var Uo = new L(280, 275),
  7771. Vo = new L(280, 235),
  7772. Wo = function() {
  7773. Yb || ac || cc || bc ?, Vo.width, Vo.height, "audio", !0) :, Uo.width, Uo.height, "audio", !0);
  7774. this.Y = Yb || ac || cc || bc;
  7775. this.C = = null;
  7776. this.m = new So("");
  7777. tk(this.m, "audio-response");
  7778. Zd(this, this.m);
  7779. this.ha = new Lh;
  7780. Zd(this, this.ha);
  7781. this.O = this.l = null
  7782. };
  7783. ra(Wo, X);
  7784. Wo.prototype.V = function() {
  7786. this.N = Q(Co, {
  7787. Ae: "audio-instructions"
  7788. });
  7789. this.$(this.B())
  7790. };
  7791. Wo.prototype.X = function() {
  7793. = this.P("rc-audiochallenge-control");
  7794. this.m.render(this.P("rc-audiochallenge-response-field"));
  7795. var a = this.m.B();
  7796. S(this).G(M("rc-audiochallenge-tabloop-begin"), "focus", function() {
  7797. Ro()
  7798. }).G(M("rc-audiochallenge-tabloop-end"), "focus", function() {
  7799. Ro(["rc-audiochallenge-error-message", "rc-audiochallenge-play-button"])
  7800. }).G(a, "keydown", function(a) {
  7801. a.ctrlKey && 17 == a.keyCode && (this.l.currentTime = 0, this.l.load(), 1 == this.O && Xo(this),
  7802. });
  7803. this.C =
  7804. this.P("rc-audiochallenge-error-message");
  7805. Kh(this.ha, document);
  7806. S(this).G(this.ha, "key", this.Ka)
  7807. };
  7808. Wo.prototype.fa = function(a) {
  7809., a);
  7810. !a && this.l && this.l.pause()
  7811. };
  7812. Wo.prototype.ra = function() {
  7813. this.l && (this.l.paused || 0 >= this.l.currentTime || this.l.ended || 2 >= this.l.readyState ? (ec || (jl(this.m) ? this.m.B().focus() : kl(this.m)), this.l.currentTime = 0, this.l.load(), 1 == this.O && Xo(this), : this.l.pause())
  7814. };
  7815. var Xo = function(a) {
  7816. var b = Il.Ha().get();
  7817. b = I(b, 6);
  7818. b = +(null == b ? 1 : b);
  7819. a.l.playbackRate = b;
  7820. 1 > b && (a.l.currentTime = 1 / b - 1)
  7821. };
  7822. Wo.prototype.Ka = function(a) {
  7823. if (13 == a.keyCode) this.Kb();
  7824. else if (this.Y) Yo(this) && Y(this, !1);
  7825. else if (vh(a.keyCode) && !a.w && 0 == this.O) {
  7826. if (82 == a.keyCode) this.ra();
  7827. else {
  7828. var b;
  7829. (b = 32 == a.keyCode) || (b = a.keyCode, b = 48 <= b && 57 >= b || 96 <= b && 105 >= b);
  7830. if (b) {
  7831. Yo(this) && Y(this, !1);
  7832. return
  7833. }
  7834. }
  7835. a.preventDefault()
  7836. }
  7837. };
  7838. Wo.prototype.Da = function() {
  7839. this.l && this.l.pause();
  7840. return /^[\s\xa0]*$/.test(jl(this.m)) ? (od(document, "audio-instructions").focus(), !0) : !1
  7841. };
  7842. = function(a, b, c) {
  7843. Y(this, !!c);
  7844. il(this.m);
  7845. ll(this.m, !0);
  7846. this.Y || jk(this.P("rc-audiochallenge-tdownload"), Fo, {
  7847. ad: this.Ua(a, void 0, "/audio.mp3")
  7848. });
  7849. if (document.createElement("audio").play) {
  7850. b && K(b, rn, 8) && (this.O = I(K(b, rn, 8), 1));
  7851. b = this.P("rc-audiochallenge-instructions");
  7852. c = 1 == this.O;
  7853. var d = this.m,
  7854. e = !c;
  7855. bc || cc ? e ? d.B().setAttribute("pattern", "[0-9]*") : d.B().removeAttribute("pattern") : (Yb || ac || cc || bc) && (e ? d.B().setAttribute("type", "number") : d.B().setAttribute("type", "text"));
  7856. Ld(b, c ? "Premi RIPRODUCI e inserisci le parole che senti" :
  7857. "Premi RIPRODUCI e inserisci i numeri che senti");
  7858. this.Y || Ld(od(document, "rc-response-label"), "Premi CTRL per riprodurlo di nuovo.");
  7859. a = this.Ua(a, "");
  7860. jk(, Do, {
  7861. ad: a
  7862. });
  7863. this.l = od(document, "audio-source");
  7864. a = this.P("rc-audiochallenge-play-button");
  7865. b = Io(this, void 0, "RIPRODUCI", void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0);
  7866. Zd(this, b);
  7867. b.render(a);
  7868. Xd(b.B(), "labelledby", ["audio-instructions", "rc-response-label"]);
  7869. S(this).G(b, "action", this.ra)
  7870. } else jk(, Eo);
  7871. return uf()
  7872. };
  7873. Wo.prototype.xa = function(a, b) {
  7874. if (b) {
  7875. var c = Yo(this);
  7876. wi(this.C, a);
  7877. To(this.m, a);
  7878. Cd(this.C);
  7879. a && Ld(this.C, "\u00c8 necessario fornire pi\u00f9 soluzioni corrette. Risolvi altri captcha.");
  7880. return a != c
  7881. }
  7882. Y(this, a, this.C);
  7883. return !1
  7884. };
  7885. var Yo = function(a) {
  7886. return !!a.C && 0 < Ud(a.C).length
  7887. };
  7888. Wo.prototype.cb = function() {
  7889. var a;
  7890. !(a = !Yo(this)) && (a = ec) && (a = 0 <= xb(Gi, 10));
  7891. a ? M("rc-audiochallenge-play-button", void 0).children[0].focus() : this.C.focus()
  7892. };
  7893. Wo.prototype.Ba = function() {
  7894. this.response.response = jl(this.m);
  7895. ll(this.m, !1)
  7896. };
  7897. Wo.prototype.Na = function(a) {
  7898. jk(a, Go, {
  7899. Be: this.Y
  7900. })
  7901. };
  7902. var Zo = function(a) {
  7903. return U('<div id="rc-canvas"><canvas class="rc-canvas-canvas"></canvas><img class="rc-canvas-image" src="' + W(zl(a.fc)) + '"></div>')
  7904. },
  7905. $o = function() {
  7906. return U('Disegna un riquadro intorno all\'oggetto facendo clic sugli angoli come mostrato nell\'animazione qui sopra. Se non \u00e8 chiaro oppure se desideri avere un\'altra opportunit\u00e0, fai clic su Ricarica.<a href="" target="_blank">Leggi ulteriori informazioni.</a>')
  7907. },
  7908. ap = function(a) {
  7909. var b =
  7910. '<div class="' + W("rc-imageselect-desc-no-canonical") + '">';
  7911. a = a.label;
  7912. switch (w(a) ? a.toString() : a) {
  7913. case "TileSelectionStreetSign":
  7914. b += "Tocca il centro dei <strong>segnali stradali</strong>";
  7915. break;
  7916. case "/m/0k4j":
  7917. b += "Tocca il centro delle <strong>auto</strong>";
  7918. break;
  7919. case "/m/04w67_":
  7920. b += "Tocca il centro delle <strong>cassette postali</strong>"
  7921. }
  7922. return U(b + "</div>")
  7923. },
  7924. bp = function() {
  7925. return U('Tocca il centro degli oggetti nelle immagini in base alle istruzioni sopra riportate. Se non \u00e8 chiaro oppure se desideri avere un\'altra opportunit\u00e0, fai clic su Ricarica.<a href="" target="_blank">Ulteriori informazioni.</a>')
  7926. };
  7927. var cp = function(a) {
  7928. var b = "",
  7929. c = a.label;
  7930. switch (w(c) ? c.toString() : c) {
  7931. case "stop_sign":
  7932. b += '<div id="rc-imageselect-candidate" class="' + W("rc-imageselect-candidates") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-canonical-stop-sign") + '"></div></div><div class="rc-imageselect-desc">';
  7933. break;
  7934. case "vehicle":
  7935. case "/m/07yv9":
  7936. case "/m/0k4j":
  7937. b += '<div id="rc-imageselect-candidate" class="' + W("rc-imageselect-candidates") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-canonical-car") + '"></div></div><div class="rc-imageselect-desc">';
  7938. break;
  7939. case "road":
  7940. b += '<div id="rc-imageselect-candidate" class="' +
  7941. W("rc-imageselect-candidates") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-canonical-road") + '"></div></div><div class="rc-imageselect-desc">';
  7942. break;
  7943. case "/m/015kr":
  7944. b += '<div id="rc-imageselect-candidate" class="' + W("rc-imageselect-candidates") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-canonical-bridge") + '"></div></div><div class="rc-imageselect-desc">';
  7945. break;
  7946. default:
  7947. b += '<div class="rc-imageselect-desc-no-canonical">'
  7948. }
  7949. c = "";
  7950. var d =;
  7951. switch (w(d) ? d.toString() : d) {
  7952. case "tileselect":
  7953. case "multicaptcha":
  7954. d = "";
  7955. var e = a.label;
  7956. switch (w(e) ? e.toString() :
  7957. e) {
  7958. case "Turkeys":
  7959. d += "Select all squares with <strong>Turkeys</strong>";
  7960. break;
  7961. case "GiftBoxes":
  7962. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>confezioni regalo</strong>";
  7963. break;
  7964. case "Fireworks":
  7965. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>fuochi d'artificio</strong>";
  7966. break;
  7967. case "TileSelectionStreetSign":
  7968. case "/m/01mqdt":
  7969. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>cartelli stradali</strong>";
  7970. break;
  7971. case "TileSelectionBizView":
  7972. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>nomi di attivit\u00e0</strong>";
  7973. break;
  7974. case "stop_sign":
  7975. case "/m/02pv19":
  7976. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>segnali di stop</strong>";
  7977. break;
  7978. case "sidewalk":
  7979. case "footpath":
  7980. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con un <strong>marciapiede</strong>";
  7981. break;
  7982. case "vehicle":
  7983. case "/m/07yv9":
  7984. case "/m/0k4j":
  7985. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>veicoli</strong>";
  7986. break;
  7987. case "road":
  7988. case "/m/06gfj":
  7989. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>strade</strong>";
  7990. break;
  7991. case "house":
  7992. case "/m/03jm5":
  7993. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>case</strong>";
  7994. break;
  7995. case "/m/015kr":
  7996. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>abiti</strong>";
  7997. break;
  7998. case "apparel_and_fashion":
  7999. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>vestiti</strong>";
  8000. break;
  8001. case "bag":
  8002. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>borse</strong>";
  8003. break;
  8004. case "dress":
  8005. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>abiti</strong>";
  8006. break;
  8007. case "eye_glasses":
  8008. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>occhiali</strong>";
  8009. break;
  8010. case "hat":
  8011. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>cappelli</strong>";
  8012. break;
  8013. case "pants":
  8014. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>pantaloni</strong>";
  8015. break;
  8016. case "shirt":
  8017. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>camicie</strong>";
  8018. break;
  8019. case "shoe":
  8020. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>scarpe</strong>";
  8021. break;
  8022. case "/m/0cdl1":
  8023. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>palme</strong>";
  8024. break;
  8025. case "/m/014xcs":
  8026. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>strisce pedonali</strong>";
  8027. break;
  8028. case "/m/015qff":
  8029. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>semafori</strong>.";
  8030. break;
  8031. case "/m/01pns0":
  8032. d +=
  8033. "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>idranti</strong>";
  8034. break;
  8035. case "/m/01bjv":
  8036. d += "Seleziona tutti i riquadri con <strong>autobus</strong>";
  8037. break;
  8039. d += "Select all squares that match the label: <strong>" + V(a.Ab) + "</strong>";
  8040. break;
  8041. default:
  8042. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini in basso che corrispondono a quella a destra"
  8043. }
  8044. "multicaptcha" == && (d += '<span class="rc-imageselect-carousel-instructions">Se non ne vedi, fai clic su Salta.</span>');
  8045. a = U(d);
  8046. c += a;
  8047. break;
  8048. default:
  8049. d = "";
  8050. e =
  8051. a.label;
  8052. switch (w(e) ? e.toString() : e) {
  8053. case "romantic":
  8054. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un'atmosfera <strong>romantica per una cena</strong>.";
  8055. break;
  8056. case "outdoor_seating_area":
  8057. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>aree con posti a sedere all'aperto</strong>.";
  8058. break;
  8059. case "indoor_seating_area":
  8060. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>aree con posti a sedere al coperto</strong>.";
  8061. break;
  8062. case "streetname":
  8063. case "1000E_sign_type_US_street_name":
  8064. case "/m/04jph85":
  8065. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con i <strong>nomi delle vie</strong>.";
  8066. break;
  8067. case "1000E_sign_type_US_no_left_turn":
  8068. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>segnali di divieto di svolta a sinistra</strong>.";
  8069. break;
  8070. case "1000E_sign_type_US_no_right_turn":
  8071. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>segnali di divieto di svolta a destra</strong>.";
  8072. break;
  8073. case "1000E_sign_type_US_stop":
  8074. case "/m/02pv19":
  8075. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>segnali di stop</strong>.";
  8076. break;
  8077. case "1000E_sign_type_US_speed_limit":
  8078. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>segnali con limite di velocit\u00e0</strong>.";
  8079. break;
  8080. case "signs":
  8081. case "/m/01mqdt":
  8082. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>segnali stradali</strong>.";
  8083. break;
  8084. case "street_num":
  8085. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con i <strong>numeri civici</strong>.";
  8086. break;
  8087. case "ImageSelectStoreFront":
  8088. case "storefront":
  8089. case "ImageSelectBizFront":
  8090. case "ImageSelectStoreFront_inconsistent":
  8091. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con la <strong>facciata di un negozio</strong>.";
  8092. break;
  8093. case "sidewalk":
  8094. case "footpath":
  8095. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>marciapiede</strong>.";
  8096. break;
  8097. case "gcid:atm":
  8098. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>bancomat</strong>.";
  8099. break;
  8100. case "gcid:auto_parts_store":
  8101. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>negozio di ricambi per auto</strong>.";
  8102. break;
  8103. case "gcid:auto_repair_shop":
  8104. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un'<strong>autofficina</strong>.";
  8105. break;
  8106. case "gcid:bakery":
  8107. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>panetteria</strong>.";
  8108. break;
  8109. case "gcid:bank":
  8110. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>banca</strong>.";
  8111. break;
  8112. case "gcid:bar":
  8113. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>bar</strong>.";
  8114. break;
  8115. case "gcid:beauty_salon":
  8116. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>salone di bellezza</strong>.";
  8117. break;
  8118. case "gcid:cafe":
  8119. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>caff\u00e8</strong>.";
  8120. break;
  8121. case "gcid:car_dealer":
  8122. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>concessionaria d'auto</strong>.";
  8123. break;
  8124. case "gcid:cell_phone_store":
  8125. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>negozio di telefonia</strong>.";
  8126. break;
  8127. case "gcid:clothing_store":
  8128. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>negozio di abbigliamento</strong>.";
  8129. break;
  8130. case "gcid:convenience_store":
  8131. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>minimarket</strong>.";
  8132. break;
  8133. case "gcid:department_store":
  8134. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>grande magazzino</strong>.";
  8135. break;
  8136. case "gcid:furniture_store":
  8137. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>negozio d'arredamento</strong>.";
  8138. break;
  8139. case "gcid:gas_station":
  8140. case "gas_station":
  8141. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>stazione di servizio</strong>.";
  8142. break;
  8143. case "gcid:grocery_store":
  8144. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>negozio di alimentari</strong>.";
  8145. break;
  8146. case "gcid:hair_salon":
  8147. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con il <strong>salone di un parrucchiere</strong>.";
  8148. break;
  8149. case "gcid:hotel":
  8150. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>hotel</strong>.";
  8151. break;
  8152. case "gcid:pharmacy":
  8153. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>farmacia</strong>.";
  8154. break;
  8155. case "gcid:real_estate_agency":
  8156. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un'<strong>agenzia immobiliare</strong>.";
  8157. break;
  8158. case "gcid:restaurant":
  8159. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>ristorante</strong>.";
  8160. break;
  8161. case "gcid:shoe_store":
  8162. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>negozio di scarpe</strong>.";
  8163. break;
  8164. case "gcid:shopping_center":
  8165. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>centro commerciale</strong>.";
  8166. break;
  8167. case "gcid:supermarket":
  8168. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>supermercato</strong>.";
  8169. break;
  8170. case "gcid:tire_shop":
  8171. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>rivenditore di pneumatici</strong>.";
  8172. break;
  8173. case "/m/02wbm":
  8174. case "food":
  8175. d += "Seleziona tutti i <strong>cibi</strong>.";
  8176. break;
  8177. case "/m/0270h":
  8178. d += "Seleziona tutti i <strong>dessert</strong>.";
  8179. break;
  8180. case "/m/0hz4q":
  8181. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini che contengono qualcosa che mangeresti a colazione.";
  8182. break;
  8183. case "/m/0fszt":
  8184. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>torte</strong>.";
  8185. break;
  8186. case "/m/03p1r4":
  8187. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>pasticcini</strong>.";
  8188. break;
  8189. case "/m/022p83":
  8190. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>torte nuziali</strong>.";
  8191. break;
  8192. case "/m/02czv8":
  8193. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>torte di compleanno</strong>.";
  8194. break;
  8195. case "/m/09728":
  8196. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>pane</strong>.";
  8197. break;
  8198. case "/m/0l515":
  8199. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>sandwich</strong>.";
  8200. break;
  8201. case "/m/0cdn1":
  8202. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>hamburger</strong>.";
  8203. break;
  8204. case "/m/01j3zr":
  8205. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>burrito</strong>.";
  8206. break;
  8207. case "/m/07pbfj":
  8208. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>pesce</strong>.";
  8209. break;
  8210. case "/m/0cxn2":
  8211. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>gelato</strong>.";
  8212. break;
  8213. case "/m/05z55":
  8214. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>pasta</strong>.";
  8215. break;
  8216. case "/m/0grtl":
  8217. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>bistecca</strong>.";
  8218. break;
  8219. case "/m/0663v":
  8220. case "pizza":
  8221. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>pizza</strong>.";
  8222. break;
  8223. case "/m/01z1m1x":
  8224. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>zuppa</strong>.";
  8225. break;
  8226. case "/m/07030":
  8227. case "sushi":
  8228. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>sushi</strong>.";
  8229. break;
  8230. case "/m/09759":
  8231. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>riso</strong>.";
  8232. break;
  8233. case "/m/02y6n":
  8234. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>patatine fritte</strong>.";
  8235. break;
  8236. case "/m/0mjqn":
  8237. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>torte</strong>.";
  8238. break;
  8239. case "/m/0jy4k":
  8240. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>ciambelle</strong>.";
  8241. break;
  8242. case "/m/033cnk":
  8243. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>uova</strong>.";
  8244. break;
  8245. case "/m/0gm28":
  8246. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>caramelle</strong>.";
  8247. break;
  8248. case "/m/0grw1":
  8249. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>insalata</strong>.";
  8250. break;
  8251. case "/m/0pmbh":
  8252. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>dim sum</strong>.";
  8253. break;
  8254. case "/m/021mn":
  8255. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>biscotti</strong>.";
  8256. break;
  8257. case "/m/01dwwc":
  8258. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>pancake</strong>.";
  8259. break;
  8260. case "/m/01dwsz":
  8261. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>waffle</strong>.";
  8262. break;
  8263. case "/m/0fbw6":
  8264. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>cavolo</strong>.";
  8265. break;
  8266. case "/m/09qck":
  8267. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>banane</strong>.";
  8268. break;
  8269. case "/m/047v4b":
  8270. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>carciofi</strong>.";
  8271. break;
  8272. case "/m/01b9xk":
  8273. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>hot dog</strong>.";
  8274. break;
  8275. case "/m/0h0xm":
  8276. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>bacon</strong>.";
  8277. break;
  8278. case "/m/0cyhj_":
  8279. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un'<strong>arancia</strong>.";
  8280. break;
  8281. case "/m/0fg0m":
  8282. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>arachidi</strong>.";
  8283. break;
  8284. case "/m/04rx8j":
  8285. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>macedonia</strong>.";
  8286. break;
  8287. case "/m/01hrv5":
  8288. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>popcorn</strong>.";
  8289. break;
  8290. case "/m/05zsy":
  8291. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>zucche</strong>.";
  8292. break;
  8293. case "/m/0271t":
  8294. d += "Seleziona tutte le <strong>bevande</strong>.";
  8295. break;
  8296. case "/m/01599":
  8297. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>birra</strong>.";
  8298. break;
  8299. case "/m/081qc":
  8300. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>vino</strong>.";
  8301. break;
  8302. case "/m/02vqfm":
  8303. case "coffee":
  8304. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>caff\u00e8</strong>.";
  8305. break;
  8306. case "/m/07clx":
  8307. case "tea":
  8308. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>t\u00e8</strong>.";
  8309. break;
  8310. case "/m/01z1kdw":
  8311. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>succo</strong>.";
  8312. break;
  8313. case "/m/01k17j":
  8314. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>frapp\u00e8</strong>.";
  8315. break;
  8316. case "/m/05s2s":
  8317. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con le <strong>piante</strong>.";
  8318. break;
  8319. case "/m/0c9ph5":
  8320. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con i <strong>fiori</strong>.";
  8321. break;
  8322. case "/m/07j7r":
  8323. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con gli <strong>alberi</strong>.";
  8324. break;
  8325. case "/m/08t9c_":
  8326. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con l'<strong>erba</strong>.";
  8327. break;
  8328. case "/m/0gqbt":
  8329. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con gli <strong>arbusti</strong>.";
  8330. break;
  8331. case "/m/025_v":
  8332. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>cactus</strong>.";
  8333. break;
  8334. case "/m/0cdl1":
  8335. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>palme</strong>";
  8336. break;
  8337. case "/m/05h0n":
  8338. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini della <strong>natura</strong>.";
  8339. break;
  8340. case "/m/0j2kx":
  8341. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con le <strong>cascate</strong>.";
  8342. break;
  8343. case "/m/09d_r":
  8344. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>montagne o colline</strong>.";
  8345. break;
  8346. case "/m/03ktm1":
  8347. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini di <strong>corpi d'acqua</strong> come oceani o laghi.";
  8348. break;
  8349. case "/m/06cnp":
  8350. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con i <strong>fiumi</strong>.";
  8351. break;
  8352. case "/m/0b3yr":
  8353. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con le <strong>spiagge</strong>.";
  8354. break;
  8355. case "/m/06m_p":
  8356. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini del <strong>sole</strong>.";
  8357. break;
  8358. case "/m/04wv_":
  8359. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con la <strong>luna</strong>.";
  8360. break;
  8361. case "/m/01bqvp":
  8362. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini del <strong>cielo</strong>.";
  8363. break;
  8364. case "/m/07yv9":
  8365. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>veicoli</strong>.";
  8366. break;
  8367. case "/m/0k4j":
  8368. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>auto</strong>";
  8369. break;
  8370. case "/m/0199g":
  8371. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>biciclette</strong>.";
  8372. break;
  8373. case "/m/04_sv":
  8374. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>motocicli</strong>.";
  8375. break;
  8376. case "/m/0cvq3":
  8377. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>furgoncini</strong>.";
  8378. break;
  8379. case "/m/0fkwjg":
  8380. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>veicoli commerciali</strong>.";
  8381. break;
  8382. case "/m/019jd":
  8383. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>barche</strong>.";
  8384. break;
  8385. case "/m/0cmf2":
  8386. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>aeroplani</strong>.";
  8387. break;
  8388. case "/m/01786t":
  8389. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>triciclo</strong>.";
  8390. break;
  8391. case "/m/06_fw":
  8392. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con uno <strong>skateboard</strong>.";
  8393. break;
  8394. case "/m/019w40":
  8395. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>tavole da surf</strong>";
  8396. break;
  8397. case "/m/04fdw":
  8398. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>kayak</strong>";
  8399. break;
  8400. case "/m/03ylns":
  8401. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>passeggini</strong>";
  8402. break;
  8403. case "/m/0qmmr":
  8404. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>sedie a rotelle</strong>";
  8405. break;
  8406. case "/m/09vl64":
  8407. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>rimorchio per bicicletta</strong>.";
  8408. break;
  8409. case "/m/01lcw4":
  8410. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>limousine</strong>.";
  8411. break;
  8412. case "/m/0pg52":
  8413. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>taxi</strong>.";
  8414. break;
  8415. case "/m/02yvhj":
  8416. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con uno <strong>scuolabus</strong>.";
  8417. break;
  8418. case "/m/01bjv":
  8419. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>autobus</strong>.";
  8420. break;
  8421. case "/m/07jdr":
  8422. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>treni</strong>.";
  8423. break;
  8424. case "/m/01lgkm":
  8425. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>veicolo ricreativo</strong>.";
  8426. break;
  8427. case "m/0323sq":
  8428. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>carrello per il golf</strong>.";
  8429. break;
  8430. case "/m/02gx17":
  8431. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>veicolo da costruzione</strong>.";
  8432. break;
  8433. case "/m/0b_rs":
  8434. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>piscina</strong>.";
  8435. break;
  8436. case "/m/01h_1n":
  8437. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>parco giochi</strong>.";
  8438. break;
  8439. case "/m/010jjr":
  8440. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>parco divertimenti</strong>.";
  8441. break;
  8442. case "/m/01wt5r":
  8443. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>parco acquatico</strong>.";
  8444. break;
  8445. case "pool_indoor":
  8446. d +=
  8447. "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>piscina coperta</strong>.";
  8448. break;
  8449. case "pool_outdoor":
  8450. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>piscina all'aperto</strong>.";
  8451. break;
  8452. case "/m/065h6l":
  8453. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>vasca idromassaggio</strong>.";
  8454. break;
  8455. case "/m/0hnnb":
  8456. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>ombrellone</strong>.";
  8457. break;
  8458. case "/m/056zd5":
  8459. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>sedie a sdraio</strong>.";
  8460. break;
  8461. case "/m/04p0xr":
  8462. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>tavolo da biliardo</strong>.";
  8463. break;
  8464. case "/m/02p8qh":
  8465. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>patio</strong>.";
  8466. break;
  8467. case "/m/07gcy":
  8468. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>campo da tennis</strong>.";
  8469. break;
  8470. case "/m/019cfy":
  8471. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con uno <strong>stadio</strong>.";
  8472. break;
  8473. case "/m/03d2wd":
  8474. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>sala da pranzo</strong>.";
  8475. break;
  8476. case "/m/039l3v":
  8477. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>auditorium</strong>.";
  8478. break;
  8479. case "/m/07cwnp":
  8480. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>tavoli da picnic</strong>.";
  8481. break;
  8482. case "/m/0c06p":
  8483. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>candele</strong>.";
  8484. break;
  8485. case "/m/06vwgw":
  8486. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>seggiolone</strong>.";
  8487. break;
  8488. case "/m/01m3v":
  8489. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>computer</strong>.";
  8490. break;
  8491. case "/m/07c52":
  8492. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>televisori</strong>.";
  8493. break;
  8494. case "/m/07cx4":
  8495. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>telefoni</strong>.";
  8496. break;
  8497. case "/m/0n5v01m":
  8498. case "bag":
  8499. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>borse</strong>.";
  8500. break;
  8501. case "/m/0bt_c3":
  8502. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>libri</strong>.";
  8503. break;
  8504. case "/m/06rrc":
  8505. case "shoe":
  8506. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>scarpe</strong>.";
  8507. break;
  8508. case "/m/0404d":
  8509. case "jewelry":
  8510. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>gioielli</strong>.";
  8511. break;
  8512. case "/m/0dv5r":
  8513. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>fotocamere</strong>.";
  8514. break;
  8515. case "/m/0c_jw":
  8516. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>mobili</strong>.";
  8517. break;
  8518. case "/m/01j51":
  8519. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>palloncini</strong>.";
  8520. break;
  8521. case "/m/05r5c":
  8522. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>pianoforti</strong>.";
  8523. break;
  8524. case "/m/01n4qj":
  8525. case "shirt":
  8526. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>camicie</strong>.";
  8527. break;
  8528. case "/m/02crq1":
  8529. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>divani</strong>.";
  8530. break;
  8531. case "/m/03ssj5":
  8532. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>letti</strong>.";
  8533. break;
  8534. case "/m/01y9k5":
  8535. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>scrivanie</strong>.";
  8536. break;
  8537. case "/m/01mzpv":
  8538. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>sedie</strong>.";
  8539. break;
  8540. case "/m/01s105":
  8541. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>armadi</strong>.";
  8542. break;
  8543. case "/m/04bcr3":
  8544. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>tavoli</strong>.";
  8545. break;
  8546. case "/m/09j2d":
  8547. case "apparel_and_fashion":
  8548. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>vestiti</strong>.";
  8549. break;
  8550. case "/m/01xygc":
  8551. case "coat":
  8552. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>cappotti</strong>.";
  8553. break;
  8554. case "/m/07mhn":
  8555. case "pants":
  8556. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>pantaloni</strong>.";
  8557. break;
  8558. case "shorts":
  8559. d +=
  8560. "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>pantaloncini</strong>.";
  8561. break;
  8562. case "skirt":
  8563. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>gonne</strong>.";
  8564. break;
  8565. case "sock":
  8566. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>calze</strong>.";
  8567. break;
  8568. case "/m/01xyhv":
  8569. case "suit":
  8570. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>abiti</strong>.";
  8571. break;
  8572. case "vest":
  8573. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>canottiere</strong>.";
  8574. break;
  8575. case "dress":
  8576. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>abiti</strong>.";
  8577. break;
  8578. case "wedding_dress":
  8579. d +=
  8580. "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>abiti da sposa</strong>.";
  8581. break;
  8582. case "hat":
  8583. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>cappelli</strong>.";
  8584. break;
  8585. case "watch":
  8586. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>orologi</strong>.";
  8587. break;
  8588. case "ring":
  8589. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>anelli</strong>.";
  8590. break;
  8591. case "earrings":
  8592. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>orecchini</strong>.";
  8593. break;
  8594. case "necklace":
  8595. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>collane</strong>.";
  8596. break;
  8597. case "bracelet":
  8598. d +=
  8599. "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>braccialetti</strong>.";
  8600. break;
  8601. case "sneakers":
  8602. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>scarpe da ginnastica</strong>.";
  8603. break;
  8604. case "boot":
  8605. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>stivali</strong>.";
  8606. break;
  8607. case "sandal":
  8608. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>sandali</strong>.";
  8609. break;
  8610. case "slipper":
  8611. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>pantofole</strong>.";
  8612. break;
  8613. case "hair_accessory":
  8614. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>accessori per capelli</strong>.";
  8615. break;
  8616. case "handbag":
  8617. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>borse da donna</strong>.";
  8618. break;
  8619. case "belt":
  8620. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>cinture</strong>.";
  8621. break;
  8622. case "wallet":
  8623. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>portafogli</strong>.";
  8624. break;
  8625. case "/m/0342h":
  8626. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>chitarre</strong>.";
  8627. break;
  8628. case "/m/04szw":
  8629. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>strumenti musicali</strong>.";
  8630. break;
  8631. case "/m/05148p4":
  8632. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>tastiere</strong> (strumenti musicali).";
  8633. break;
  8634. case "/m/026t6":
  8635. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>batterie</strong>.";
  8636. break;
  8637. case "/m/0cfpc":
  8638. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>altoparlanti</strong>.";
  8639. break;
  8640. case "/m/04w67_":
  8641. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>cassetta delle lettere</strong>.";
  8642. break;
  8643. case "/m/017ftj":
  8644. case "sunglasses":
  8645. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>occhiali da sole</strong>.";
  8646. break;
  8647. case "/m/0jyfg":
  8648. case "eye_glasses":
  8649. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>occhiali</strong>.";
  8650. break;
  8651. case "/m/03ldnb":
  8652. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>ventilatori da soffitto</strong>.";
  8653. break;
  8654. case "/m/013_1c":
  8655. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>statue</strong>.";
  8656. break;
  8657. case "/m/0h8lhkg":
  8658. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>fontane</strong>.";
  8659. break;
  8660. case "/m/015kr":
  8661. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>ponti</strong>.";
  8662. break;
  8663. case "/m/01phq4":
  8664. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>molo</strong>.";
  8665. break;
  8666. case "/m/079cl":
  8667. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>grattacielo</strong>.";
  8668. break;
  8669. case "/m/01_m7":
  8670. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>pilastri o colonne</strong>.";
  8671. break;
  8672. case "/m/011y23":
  8673. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>vetro colorato</strong>.";
  8674. break;
  8675. case "/m/03jm5":
  8676. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>casa</strong>.";
  8677. break;
  8678. case "/m/01nblt":
  8679. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>condominio</strong>.";
  8680. break;
  8681. case "/m/04h7h":
  8682. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>faro</strong>.";
  8683. break;
  8684. case "/m/0py27":
  8685. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con una <strong>stazione ferroviaria</strong>.";
  8686. break;
  8687. case "/m/01n6fd":
  8688. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>capanno</strong>.";
  8689. break;
  8690. case "/m/01pns0":
  8691. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>idrante</strong>.";
  8692. break;
  8693. case "/m/01knjb":
  8694. case "billboard":
  8695. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con un <strong>billboard</strong>.";
  8696. break;
  8697. case "/m/06gfj":
  8698. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>strade</strong>.";
  8699. break;
  8700. case "/m/014xcs":
  8701. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>strisce pedonali</strong>.";
  8702. break;
  8703. case "/m/015qff":
  8704. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>semafori</strong>.";
  8705. break;
  8706. case "/m/08l941":
  8707. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>porte di garage</strong>";
  8708. break;
  8709. case "/m/01jw_1":
  8710. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>fermate dell'autobus</strong>";
  8711. break;
  8712. case "/m/0cnd3h9":
  8713. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>coni stradali</strong>";
  8714. break;
  8715. case "/m/03b6pr":
  8716. d += "Seleziona tutte le immagini con <strong>cassette postali</strong>";
  8717. break;
  8718. default:
  8719. e = "Seleziona tutte le immagini corrispondenti all'etichetta: <strong>" + (V(a.Ab) + "</strong>."), d += e
  8720. }
  8721. "dynamic" ==
  8722. && (d += "<span>Fai clic su Verifica dopo averle selezionate tutte.</span>");
  8723. a = U(d);
  8724. c += a
  8725. }
  8726. a = U(c);
  8727. return U(b + (a + "</div>"))
  8728. };
  8729. var dp = function() {
  8730. return U('<div id="rc-imageselect"><div class="' + W("rc-imageselect-response-field") + '"></div><span class="' + W("rc-imageselect-tabloop-begin") + '" tabIndex="0"></span><div class="' + W("rc-imageselect-payload") + '"></div>' + V(Bo()) + '<span class="' + W("rc-imageselect-tabloop-end") + '" tabIndex="0"></span></div>')
  8731. },
  8732. ep = function(a, b, c) {
  8733. b = c || b;
  8734. if ("canvas" == {
  8735. b = '<div id="rc-imageselect-candidate" class="' + W("rc-imageselect-candidates") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-canonical-bounding-box") + '"></div></div><div class="' +
  8736. W("rc-imageselect-desc") + '">';
  8737. c = a.label;
  8738. switch (w(c) ? c.toString() : c) {
  8739. case "TileSelectionStreetSign":
  8740. b += "Seleziona intorno ai <strong>segnali stradali</strong>";
  8741. break;
  8743. b += "Select around the <strong>" + V(a.Ab) + "s</strong>";
  8744. break;
  8745. default:
  8746. b += "Seleziona intorno all'oggetto"
  8747. }
  8748. a = U(b + "</div>");
  8749. a = V(a)
  8750. } else a = "multiselect" == ? V(ap(a, b)) : V(cp(a, b));
  8751. a = '<div class="' + W("rc-imageselect-instructions") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-imageselect-desc-wrapper") + '">' + a + '</div><div class="' + W("rc-imageselect-progress") +
  8752. '"></div></div><div class="' + W("rc-imageselect-challenge") + '"><div id="rc-imageselect-target" class="' + W("rc-imageselect-target") + '" dir="ltr" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true"></div></div><div class="' + W("rc-imageselect-incorrect-response") + '" style="display:none">';
  8753. a = a + "Riprova." + ('</div><div class="' + W("rc-imageselect-error-select-more") + '" style="display:none">');
  8754. a = a + "Seleziona tutte le immagini corrispondenti." + ('</div><div class="' + W("rc-imageselect-error-dynamic-more") + '" style="display:none">');
  8755. a = a + "Controlla anche le nuove immagini." + ('</div><div class="' + W("rc-imageselect-error-select-something") + '" style="display:none">');
  8756. return U(a + "Seleziona intorno all'oggetto o ricarica se non ce ne sono.</div>")
  8757. },
  8758. fp = function(a, b, c) {
  8759. b = c || b;
  8760. var d = '<table class="rc-imageselect-table-' + W(a.rowSpan) + W(a.colSpan) + '"><tbody>';
  8761. c = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(a.rowSpan - 0));
  8762. for (var e = 0; e < c; e++) {
  8763. var f = 1 * e;
  8764. d += "<tr>";
  8765. for (var g = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(a.colSpan - 0)), l = 0; l < g; l++) {
  8766. var m = 1 * l,
  8767. t = '<td role="button" tabindex="0" class="' +
  8768. W("rc-imageselect-tile") + '">',
  8769. D = void 0;
  8770. m = {
  8771. Yd: f,
  8772. vc: m
  8773. };
  8774. var F = a;
  8775. for (D in F) D in m || (m[D] = F[D]);
  8776. d += t + kk(m, b) + "</td>"
  8777. }
  8778. d += "</tr>"
  8779. }
  8780. return U(d + "</tbody></table>")
  8781. },
  8782. kk = function(a) {
  8783. return U('<div class="rc-image-tile-target"><div class="rc-image-tile-wrapper" style="width: ' + W(Bl(a.Ub)) + "; height: " + W(Bl(a.jc)) + '"><img class="rc-image-tile-' + W(a.rowSpan) + W(a.colSpan) + "\" src='" + W(zl(a.fc)) + "' style=\"top:" + W(Bl(-100 * a.Yd)) + "%; left: " + W(Bl(-100 * + '%"><div class="rc-image-tile-overlay"></div></div><div class="rc-imageselect-checkbox"></div></div>')
  8784. },
  8785. gp = function(a) {
  8786. var b = '<div class="rc-imageselect-followup-text">Seleziona il tipo di segnale riportato sopra.</div><table class="rc-imageselect-table-44 followup"><tbody><tr>';
  8787. for (var c = a.ze, d = c.length, e = 0; e < d; e++) {
  8788. var f = c[e];
  8789. b += '<td role="button" tabindex="0" class="' + W("rc-imageselect-tile") + '"><div class="rc-image-tile-target"><div class="rc-image-tile-wrapper" style="width: ' + W(Bl(a.Ub)) + "; height: " + W(Bl(a.jc)) + '"><img class="rc-image-followup-tile ' + W(f) + '" style="width: ' + W(Bl(a.Ub)) + "; height: " +
  8790. W(Bl(a.jc)) + "; background-size: " + W(Bl(a.Ub)) + " " + W(Bl(a.jc)) + ';"><div class="rc-image-tile-overlay"></div></div><div class="rc-imageselect-checkbox"></div></div></td>'
  8791. }
  8792. return U(b + "</tr></tbody></table>")
  8793. },
  8794. hp = function(a) {
  8795. var b = "";
  8796. if (0 < a.qd.length) {
  8797. b += '<div class="' + W("rc-imageselect-attribution") + '">';
  8798. b += "Immagini da ";
  8799. for (var c = a.qd, d = c.length, e = 0; e < d; e++) {
  8800. var f = c[e];
  8801. b += '<a target="_blank" href="' + W(xl( + '"> ' + V(f.rd) + "</a>" + (e != d - 1 ? "," : "") + " "
  8802. }
  8803. b += "(CC BY)</div>"
  8804. }
  8805. b = "imageselect" == a.Ge ? b + 'Seleziona ogni immagine contenente l\'oggetto descritto nel testo o nella parte alta della UI. Poi fai clic su Verifica. Per avere un\'altra opportunit\u00e0, fai clic sull\'icona Ricarica. <a href="" target="_blank">Ulteriori informazioni.</a>' :
  8806. b + "Tocca un qualsiasi riquadro visualizzato con l'oggetto descritto nel testo. Se le nuove immagini appaiono con lo stesso oggetto, toccale. Quando non ne saranno rimaste altre, fai clic su Verifica. ";
  8807. return U(b)
  8808. };
  8809. var Z = function(a) {
  8810. var b = this.Ca();
  8811., b.width, b.height, a || "imageselect");
  8812. this.C = null;
  8813. this.m = {
  8814. Z: {
  8815. ba: null,
  8816. element: null
  8817. }
  8818. };
  8819. this.Pd = 1;
  8820. this.Xc = null;
  8821. this.xc = [];
  8822. this.Ka = null
  8823. };
  8824. z(Z, X);
  8825. Z.prototype.V = function() {
  8827. this.N = Q(dp);
  8828. this.$(this.B())
  8829. };
  8830. Z.prototype.$ = function(a) {
  8831. Z.F.$.call(this, a);
  8832. this.C = this.P("rc-imageselect-payload")
  8833. };
  8834. Z.prototype.X = function() {
  8836. S(this).G(M("rc-imageselect-tabloop-end", void 0), "focus", function() {
  8837. Ro(["rc-imageselect-tile"])
  8838. });
  8839. S(this).G(M("rc-imageselect-tabloop-begin", void 0), "focus", function() {
  8840. Ro(["verify-button-holder"])
  8841. })
  8842. };
  8843. = function(a, b, c) {
  8844. this.Ka = b;
  8845. b = K(this.Ka, Gn, 1);
  8846. this.xc = [];
  8847. for (var d = 0; d < Gc(b, Dn, 8).length; d++) {
  8848. var e = Gc(b, Dn, 8)[d];
  8849. this.xc.push({
  8850. rd: I(e, 1),
  8851. sd: I(e, 2)
  8852. })
  8853. }
  8854. this.Xc = I(b, 1);
  8855. this.Pd = I(b, 3) || 1;
  8856. d = "image/png";
  8857. 1 == I(b, 6) && (d = "image/jpeg");
  8858. e = I(b, 7);
  8859. null != e && (e = e.toLowerCase());
  8860. jk(this.C, ep, {
  8861. label: this.Xc,
  8862. ri: I(b, 2),
  8863. si: d,
  8864. bb: this.getName(),
  8865. Ab: e
  8866. });
  8867. this.C.innerHTML = this.C.innerHTML.replace(".", "");
  8868. this.m.Z.element = document.getElementById("rc-imageselect-target");
  8869. Mo(this, this.Ca(), !0);
  8870. ip(this);
  8871. return Em(this.ub(this.Ua(a))).then(x(function() {
  8872. c &&
  8873. Y(this, !0, M("rc-imageselect-incorrect-response", void 0))
  8874. }, this))
  8875. };
  8876. var ip = function(a) {
  8877. var b = M("rc-imageselect-desc", a.C),
  8878. c = M("rc-imageselect-desc-no-canonical", a.C);
  8879. if (c = b ? b : c) {
  8880. var d = pd("STRONG", c),
  8881. e = pd("SPAN", c),
  8882. f = M("rc-imageselect-desc-wrapper", a.C),
  8883. g = kd(a.A).width - 2 * Bi(f, "padding").left;
  8884. b && (a = M("rc-imageselect-candidates", a.C), g -= ti(a).width);
  8885. a = ti(f).height - 2 * Bi(f, "padding").top + 2 * Bi(c, "padding").top;
  8886. = qi(g);
  8887. for (g = 0; g < d.length; g++) Fm(d[g], -1);
  8888. for (g = 0; g < e.length; g++) Fm(e[g], -1);
  8889. Fm(c, a)
  8890. }
  8891. };
  8892. Z.prototype.ub = function(a) {
  8893. var b = I(K(this.Ka, Gn, 1), 4),
  8894. c = I(K(this.Ka, Gn, 1), 5);
  8895. rh(this.m.Z.element, "rc-imageselect-table-shrink");
  8896. var d = jp(this, b, c);
  8897. d.fc = a;
  8898. a = Q(fp, d);
  8899. Bd(this.P("rc-imageselect-target"), a);
  8900. var e = [];
  8901. A(qd(document, "td", null, a), function(a) {
  8902. var b = {
  8903. selected: !1,
  8904. element: a,
  8905. tc: !1
  8906. };
  8907. e.push(b);
  8908. S(this).G(new Ml(a), "action", x(this.Fa, this, b))
  8909. }, this);
  8910. var f = qd(document, "td", "rc-imageselect-tile", void 0);
  8911. A(f, function(a) {
  8912. S(this).G(a, ["focus", "blur"], x(this.Qd, this))
  8913. }, this);
  8914. A(f, function(a) {
  8915. S(this).G(a,
  8916. "keydown", x(this.Hc, this, c))
  8917. }, this);
  8918. f = od(document, "rc-imageselect");
  8919. Ne(f) || Ee(f, "keydown", x(this.Hc, this, c));
  8920. var g = [];
  8921. "tileselect" == this.getName() && "TileSelectionStreetSign" == this.Xc && Ll("JS_TILESELECT_CLASS") && (d.ze = ["rc-canonical-stop-sign", "rc-canonical-speed-limit", "rc-canonical-street-name", "rc-canonical-other"], d = Q(gp, d), Bd(this.P("rc-imageselect-target"), d), A(qd(document, "td", null, d), function(a) {
  8922. var b = {
  8923. selected: !1,
  8924. element: a,
  8925. tc: !0
  8926. };
  8927. g.push(b);
  8928. S(this).G(new Ml(a), "action", x(this.Fa, this, b));
  8929. S(this).G(a,
  8930. "keydown", x(this.Hc, this, c));
  8931. S(this).G(a, ["focus", "blur"], x(this.Qd, this))
  8932. }, this));
  8933. = {
  8934. rowSpan: b,
  8935. colSpan: c,
  8936. Oa: e,
  8937. tb: 0,
  8938. Tb: g
  8939. };
  8940. return a
  8941. };
  8942. Z.prototype.Qd = function() {
  8943. this.Oe && (this.Jb = void 0, A(Ta("rc-imageselect-tile"), function(a, b) {
  8944. a != Wd(document) ? rh(a, "rc-imageselect-keyboard") : (this.Jb = b, ph(a, "rc-imageselect-keyboard"))
  8945. }, this))
  8946. };
  8947. Z.prototype.Hc = function(a, b) {
  8948. if (37 == b.keyCode || 39 == b.keyCode || 38 == b.keyCode || 40 == b.keyCode || 9 == b.keyCode)
  8949. if (this.Oe = !0, 9 != b.keyCode) {
  8950. var c = [];
  8951. A(pd("TABLE"), function(a) {
  8952. "none" !== li(a, "display") && A(Ta("rc-imageselect-tile", a), function(a) {
  8953. c.push(a)
  8954. })
  8955. });
  8956. var d = c.length - 1;
  8957. if (0 <= this.Jb && c[this.Jb] == Wd(document)) switch (d = this.Jb, b.keyCode) {
  8958. case 37:
  8959. d--;
  8960. break;
  8961. case 38:
  8962. d -= a;
  8963. break;
  8964. case 39:
  8965. d++;
  8966. break;
  8967. case 40:
  8968. d += a;
  8969. break;
  8970. default:
  8971. return
  8972. }
  8973. 0 <= d && d < c.length ? c[d].focus() : d >= c.length && od(document, "recaptcha-verify-button").focus();
  8974. b.preventDefault();
  8975. b.m()
  8976. }
  8977. };
  8978. var jp = function(a, b, c) {
  8979. a = kd(a.A).width - 14;
  8980. var d = 4 == b && 4 == c ? 1 : 2;
  8981. d = new L((c - 1) * d * 2, (b - 1) * d * 2);
  8982. a = new L(a - d.width, a - d.height);
  8983. d = 1 / c;
  8984. var e = 1 / b;
  8985. e = va(e) ? e : d;
  8986. a.width *= d;
  8987. a.height *= e;
  8988. a.floor();
  8989. return {
  8990. jc: a.height + "px",
  8991. Ub: a.width + "px",
  8992. rowSpan: b,
  8993. colSpan: c
  8994. }
  8995. };
  8996. Z.prototype.Fa = function(a) {
  8997. Y(this, !1);
  8998. var b = !a.selected;
  8999. if ( {
  9000. a.selected = !1;
  9001. for (var c = kp(this), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) this.Fa([c[d]])
  9002. }
  9003. b ? ph(a.element, "rc-imageselect-tileselected") : rh(a.element, "rc-imageselect-tileselected");
  9004. a.selected = b;
  9005. || ( += b ? 1 : -1);
  9006. a = M("rc-imageselect-checkbox", a.element);
  9007. wi(a, b)
  9008. };
  9009. Z.prototype.Ba = function() {
  9010. this.response.response = lp(this);
  9011. var a = kp(this);
  9012. a.length ? this.response.plugin = "class" + a[0] : 0 < && (this.response.plugin = "class")
  9013. };
  9014. var lp = function(a) {
  9015. var b = [];
  9016. A(, function(a, d) {
  9017. a.selected && b.push(d)
  9018. });
  9019. return b
  9020. },
  9021. kp = function(a) {
  9022. var b = [];
  9023. A(, function(a, d) {
  9024. a.selected && b.push(d)
  9025. });
  9026. return b
  9027. };
  9028. n = Z.prototype;
  9029. n.Na = function(a) {
  9030. jk(a, hp, {
  9031. Ge: this.getName(),
  9032. qd: this.xc
  9033. })
  9034. };
  9035. n.Da = function() {
  9036. var a =;
  9037. if (0 == a || a < this.Pd) return Y(this, !0, M("rc-imageselect-error-select-more", void 0)), !0;
  9038. if ( {
  9039. if (oh(this.m.Z.element, "rc-imageselect-table-shrink")) return !1;
  9040. ph(this.m.Z.element, "rc-imageselect-table-shrink");
  9041. return !0
  9042. }
  9043. return !1
  9044. };
  9045. n.xa = function(a, b) {
  9046. var c = ["rc-imageselect-error-select-more", "rc-imageselect-incorrect-response", "rc-imageselect-error-dynamic-more"];
  9047. !a && b || A(c, function(a) {
  9048. a = M(a, void 0);
  9049. a != b && Y(this, !1, a)
  9050. }, this);
  9051. return b ?, a, b) : !1
  9052. };
  9053. n.Ca = function() {
  9054. var a = this.W || Qo();
  9055. a = Math.max(Math.min(a.height - 194, 400, a.width), 300);
  9056. return new L(a, 180 + a)
  9057. };
  9058. n.cb = function() {
  9059. this.M.B() && this.M.B().focus()
  9060. };
  9061. var mp = function(a, b) {
  9062. ii(M("rc-imageselect-progress", void 0), "width", 100 - a / b * 100 + "%")
  9063. };
  9064. var np = function(a) {
  9065., a);
  9066. this.l = [
  9067. []
  9068. ];
  9069. this.O = 1
  9070. };
  9071. ra(np, Z);
  9072. np.prototype.ub = function(a) {
  9073. this.l = [
  9074. []
  9075. ];
  9076. a = Q(Zo, {
  9077. fc: a
  9078. });
  9079. Bd(M("rc-imageselect-target", void 0), a);
  9080. var b = M("rc-canvas-canvas", void 0);
  9081. b.width = kd(this.A).width - 14;
  9082. b.height = b.width;
  9083. = qi(b.height);
  9084. this.O = b.width / 386;
  9085. var c = b.getContext("2d"),
  9086. d = M("rc-canvas-image", void 0);
  9087. Ee(d, "load", function() {
  9088. c.drawImage(d, 0, 0, b.width, b.height)
  9089. });
  9090. S(this).G(new Ml(b), "action", x(function(a) {
  9091. this.Db(a)
  9092. }, this));
  9093. return a
  9094. };
  9095. np.prototype.Db = function() {
  9096. Y(this, !1);
  9097. wi(this.wb.B(), !0)
  9098. };
  9099. np.prototype.Ba = function() {
  9100. for (var a = [], b = 0; b < this.l.length; b++) {
  9101. for (var c = [], d = 0; d < this.l[b].length; d++) {
  9102. var e = this.l[b][d];
  9103. e = jd(new id(e.K, e.J), 1 / this.O).round();
  9104. c.push({
  9105. x: e.K,
  9106. y: e.J
  9107. })
  9108. }
  9109. a.push(c)
  9110. }
  9111. this.response.response = a
  9112. };
  9114. function op(a, b) {
  9115. var c = b.J - a.J,
  9116. d = a.K - b.K;
  9117. return [c, d, c * a.K + d * a.J]
  9118. }
  9120. function pp(a, b) {
  9121. return 1E-5 >= Math.abs(a.K - b.K) && 1E-5 >= Math.abs(a.J - b.J)
  9122. }
  9123. var qp = function() {
  9124., "canvas")
  9125. };
  9126. ra(qp, np);
  9127. n = qp.prototype;
  9128. n.Db = function(a) {
  9129., a);
  9130. var b = M("rc-canvas-canvas", void 0);
  9131. b = pi(b);
  9132. a = new id(a.clientX - b.K, a.clientY - b.J);
  9133. b = this.l[this.l.length - 1];
  9134. var c;
  9135. if (c = 3 <= b.length) {
  9136. var d = b[0];
  9137. c = a.K - d.K;
  9138. d = a.J - d.J;
  9139. c = 15 > Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d)
  9140. }
  9141. a: {
  9142. if (2 <= b.length)
  9143. for (d = b.length - 1; 0 < d; d--) {
  9144. var e = b[d - 1];
  9145. var f = b[d],
  9146. g = b[b.length - 1],
  9147. l = a,
  9148. m = op(e, f),
  9149. t = op(g, l);
  9150. if (m == t) e = !0;
  9151. else {
  9152. var D = m[0] * t[1] - t[0] * m[1];
  9153. 1E-5 >= Math.abs(D - 0) ? e = !1 : (m = jd(new id(t[1] * m[2] - m[1] * t[2], m[0] * t[2] - t[0] * m[2]), 1 / D), pp(m, e) || pp(m, f) || pp(m, g) || pp(m, l) ?
  9154. e = !1 : (g = new Pi(g.K, g.J, l.K, l.J), g = Ri(g, Math.min(Math.max(Qi(g, m.K, m.J), 0), 1)), e = new Pi(e.K, e.J, f.K, f.J), e = pp(m, Ri(e, Math.min(Math.max(Qi(e, m.K, m.J), 0), 1))) && pp(m, g)))
  9155. }
  9156. if (e) {
  9157. d = c && 1 == d;
  9158. break a
  9159. }
  9160. }
  9161. d = !0
  9162. }
  9163. d ? (c ? (b.push(b[0]), this.l.push([])) : b.push(a), this.Qa()) : (this.Qa(a), P(this.Qa, 250, this))
  9164. };
  9165. n.yc = function() {
  9166. var a = this.l.length - 1;
  9167. 0 == this.l[a].length && 0 != a && this.l.pop();
  9168. a = this.l.length - 1;
  9169. 0 != this.l[a].length && this.l[a].pop();
  9170. this.Qa()
  9171. };
  9172. n.Qa = function(a) {
  9173. var b = M("rc-canvas-canvas", void 0),
  9174. c = b.getContext("2d"),
  9175. d = M("rc-canvas-image", void 0);
  9176. c.drawImage(d, 0, 0, b.width, b.height);
  9177. c.strokeStyle = "rgba(100, 200, 100, 1)";
  9178. c.lineWidth = 2;
  9179. C && (c.setLineDash = h());
  9180. for (b = 0; b < this.l.length; b++)
  9181. if (d = this.l[b].length, 0 != d) {
  9182. b == this.l.length - 1 && (a && (c.beginPath(), c.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 50, 50, 1)", c.moveTo(this.l[b][d - 1].K, this.l[b][d - 1].J), c.lineTo(a.K, a.J), c.setLineDash([0]), c.stroke(), c.closePath()), c.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", c.beginPath(),
  9183. c.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", c.arc(this.l[b][d - 1].K, this.l[b][d - 1].J, 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI), c.fill(), c.closePath());
  9184. c.beginPath();
  9185. c.moveTo(this.l[b][0].K, this.l[b][0].J);
  9186. for (var e = 1; e < d; e++) c.lineTo(this.l[b][e].K, this.l[b][e].J);
  9187. c.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)";
  9188. c.fill();
  9189. c.setLineDash([0]);
  9190. c.stroke();
  9191. c.lineTo(this.l[b][0].K, this.l[b][0].J);
  9192. c.setLineDash([10]);
  9193. c.stroke();
  9194. c.closePath()
  9195. }
  9196. };
  9197. n.Da = function() {
  9198. var a;
  9199. if (!(a = 2 >= this.l[0].length)) {
  9200. for (var b = a = 0; b < this.l.length; b++)
  9201. for (var c = this.l[b], d = c.length - 1, e = 0; e < c.length; e++) a += (c[d].K + c[e].K) * (c[d].J - c[e].J), d = e;
  9202. a = 500 > Math.abs(.5 * a)
  9203. }
  9204. return a ? (Y(this, !0, M("rc-imageselect-error-select-something", void 0)), !0) : !1
  9205. };
  9206. n.Na = function(a) {
  9207. jk(a, $o)
  9208. };
  9209. var rp = function() {
  9210., "multiselect")
  9211. };
  9212. ra(rp, np);
  9213. rp.prototype.Db = function(a) {
  9214., a);
  9215. var b = M("rc-canvas-canvas", void 0);
  9216. b = pi(b);
  9217. this.l[this.l.length - 1].push(new id(a.clientX - b.K, a.clientY - b.J));
  9218. Po(this, "Avanti");
  9219. this.Qa()
  9220. };
  9221. rp.prototype.yc = function() {
  9222. var a = this.l.length - 1;
  9223. 0 != this.l[a].length && this.l[a].pop();
  9224. 0 == this.l[a].length && Po(this, "Nessuno trovato", !0);
  9225. this.Qa()
  9226. };
  9227. rp.prototype.ub = function(a) {
  9228. a =, a);
  9229. sp(this);
  9230. mp(0, 1);
  9231. Po(this, "Nessuno trovato", !0);
  9232. return a
  9233. };
  9234. rp.prototype.Qa = function() {
  9235. 0 == this.l.length ? mp(0, 1) : mp(this.l.length - 1, 3);
  9236. var a = M("rc-canvas-canvas", void 0),
  9237. b = a.getContext("2d"),
  9238. c = M("rc-canvas-image", void 0);
  9239. b.drawImage(c, 0, 0, a.width, a.height);
  9240. c = document.createElement("canvas");
  9241. c.width = a.width;
  9242. c.height = a.height;
  9243. a = c.getContext("2d");
  9244. a.fillStyle = "rgba(100, 200, 100, 1)";
  9245. for (var d = 0; d < this.l.length; d++) {
  9246. d == this.l.length - 1 && (a.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)");
  9247. for (var e = 0; e < this.l[d].length; e++) a.beginPath(), a.arc(this.l[d][e].K, this.l[d][e].J, 20,
  9248. 0, 2 * Math.PI), a.fill(), a.closePath()
  9249. }
  9250. b.globalAlpha = .5;
  9251. b.drawImage(c, 0, 0);
  9252. b.globalAlpha = 1
  9253. };
  9254. var sp = function(a) {
  9255. var b = ["/m/0k4j", "/m/04w67_", "TileSelectionStreetSign"],
  9256. c = ["TileSelectionStreetSign", "/m/0k4j", "/m/04w67_"];
  9257. "/m/0k4j" == I(K(a.Ka, Gn, 1), 1) && (c = b);
  9258. b = M("rc-imageselect-desc-wrapper", void 0);
  9259. Cd(b);
  9260. jk(b, ap, {
  9261. label: c[a.l.length - 1],
  9262. bb: "multiselect"
  9263. });
  9264. ip(a)
  9265. };
  9266. rp.prototype.Da = function() {
  9267. this.l.push([]);
  9268. this.Qa();
  9269. if (3 < this.l.length) return !1;
  9270. Jo(this, !1);
  9271. P(function() {
  9272. Jo(this, !0)
  9273. }, 500, this);
  9274. sp(this);
  9275. wi(this.wb.B(), !1);
  9276. Po(this, "Nessuno trovato", !0);
  9277. return !0
  9278. };
  9279. rp.prototype.Na = function(a) {
  9280. jk(a, bp)
  9281. };
  9282. var tp = function() {
  9283. var a = '<div tabindex="0"></div><div class="' + W("rc-defaultchallenge-response-field") + '"></div><div class="' + W("rc-defaultchallenge-payload") + '"></div><div class="' + W("rc-defaultchallenge-incorrect-response") + '" style="display:none">';
  9284. a = a + "\u00c8 necessario fornire pi\u00f9 soluzioni corrette. Risolvi altri captcha." + ("</div>" + V(Bo()));
  9285. return U(a)
  9286. },
  9287. up = function(a) {
  9288. a = '<img src="' + W(zl(a.Ua)) + '" alt="';
  9289. a += "Immagine per il test reCAPTCHA".replace(rl, sl);
  9290. return U(a + '"/>')
  9291. },
  9292. vp = function() {
  9293. return U('Inserisci la migliore valutazione del testo visualizzato. Per ricevere una nuova sfida, fai clic sull\'icona Ricarica. <a href="" target="_blank">Ulteriori informazioni.</a>')
  9294. };
  9295. var xp = function() {
  9296., wp.width, wp.height, "default");
  9297. this.C = null;
  9298. var a = this.l = new So,
  9299. b = a.B();
  9300. el() ? (b && (b.placeholder = "Digita il testo"), a.l = "Digita il testo") : hl(a) || (b && (b.value = ""), a.l = "Digita il testo", a.M());
  9301. b && Xd(b, "label", a.l);
  9302. Zd(this, this.l);
  9303. this.m = new Lh;
  9304. Zd(this, this.m)
  9305. };
  9306. z(xp, X);
  9307. var wp = new L(300, 185);
  9308. n = xp.prototype;
  9309. n.V = function() {
  9311. this.N = Q(tp);
  9312. this.$(this.B())
  9313. };
  9314. n.X = function() {
  9316. this.C = this.P("rc-defaultchallenge-payload");
  9317. this.l.render(this.P("rc-defaultchallenge-response-field"));
  9318. this.l.B().setAttribute("id", "default-response");
  9319. Kh(this.m, this.l.B());
  9320. S(this).G(this.m, "key", this.Ke);
  9321. S(this).G(this.l.B(), "keyup", this.Re)
  9322. };
  9323. n.Ke = function(a) {
  9324. 13 == a.keyCode && this.Kb()
  9325. };
  9326. n.Re = function() {
  9327. 0 < jl(this.l).length && Y(this, !1)
  9328. };
  9329. n.Da = function() {
  9330. return /^[\s\xa0]*$/.test(jl(this.l))
  9331. };
  9332. = function(a, b, c) {
  9333. Y(this, !!c);
  9334. il(this.l);
  9335. jk(this.C, up, {
  9336. Ua: this.Ua(a)
  9337. });
  9338. return uf()
  9339. };
  9340. n.xa = function(a, b) {
  9341. if (b) return To(this.l, a),, a, b);
  9342. Y(this, a, M("rc-defaultchallenge-incorrect-response", void 0));
  9343. return !1
  9344. };
  9345. n.cb = function() {
  9346. bc || cc || ac || (jl(this.l) ? this.l.B().focus() : kl(this.l))
  9347. };
  9348. n.Ba = function() {
  9349. this.response.response = jl(this.l);
  9350. il(this.l)
  9351. };
  9352. n.Na = function(a) {
  9353. jk(a, vp)
  9354. };
  9355. var yp = function() {
  9356. var a = '<div><div class="' + W("rc-doscaptcha-header") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-doscaptcha-header-text") + '">';
  9357. a = a + "Riprova pi\u00f9 tardi" + ('</div></div><div class="' + W("rc-doscaptcha-body") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-doscaptcha-body-text") + '" tabIndex="0">');
  9358. a = a + 'Il tuo computer o la tua rete possono inviare query automatizzate. Al fine di garantire la protezione dei nostri utenti, non possiamo elaborare la tua richiesta al momento. Per ulteriori dettagli visita la <a href="" target="_blank">nostra pagina di assistenza</a>' +
  9359. ('</div></div></div><div class="' + W("rc-doscaptcha-footer") + '">' + V(Bo()) + "</div>");
  9360. return U(a)
  9361. };
  9362. var zp = new L(300, 250),
  9363. Ap = function() {
  9364., zp.width, zp.height, "doscaptcha")
  9365. };
  9366. ra(Ap, X);
  9367. Ap.prototype.V = function() {
  9369. this.N = Q(yp);
  9370. this.$(this.B())
  9371. };
  9372. = function() {
  9373. Jo(this, !1);
  9374. var a = this.P("rc-doscaptcha-header-text"),
  9375. b = this.P("rc-doscaptcha-body"),
  9376. c = this.P("rc-doscaptcha-body-text");
  9377. a && Fm(a, -1);
  9378. b && c && (a = ti(b).height, Fm(c, a));
  9379. return uf()
  9380. };
  9381. Ap.prototype.fa = function(a) {
  9382. a && this.P("rc-doscaptcha-body-text").focus()
  9383. };
  9384. Ap.prototype.Ba = function() {
  9385. this.response.response = ""
  9386. };
  9387. var Bp = function(a) {
  9388., a);
  9389. = [];
  9390. this.ha = [];
  9391. this.vb = !1
  9392. };
  9393. ra(Bp, Z);
  9394. Bp.prototype.reset = function() {
  9395. = [];
  9396. this.ha = [];
  9397. this.vb = !1
  9398. };
  9399. = function(a, b, c) {
  9400. this.reset();
  9401. return, a, b, c)
  9402. };
  9403. var Cp = function(a) {
  9404. a.ha.length && !a.vb && (a.vb = !0, a.dispatchEvent("f"))
  9405. },
  9406. Dp = function(a) {
  9407. var b = a.ha;
  9408. a.ha = [];
  9409. return b
  9410. };
  9411. var Ep = function() {
  9412., "multicaptcha");
  9413. this.Y = 0;
  9414. this.l = [];
  9415. this.ra = !1;
  9416. this.O = [];
  9417. this.Lb = []
  9418. };
  9419. ra(Ep, Bp);
  9420. Ep.prototype.reset = function() {
  9422. this.Y = 0;
  9423. this.l = [];
  9424. this.ra = !1;
  9425. this.O = [];
  9426. this.Lb = []
  9427. };
  9428. Ep.prototype.Ba = function() {
  9429. this.response.response = this.O
  9430. };
  9431. = function(a, b, c) {
  9432. var d = Gc(K(b, Jn, 5), Gn, 1)[0];
  9433. b.l || (b.l = {});
  9434. var e = d ? Hc(d) : d;
  9435. b.l[1] = d;
  9436. J(b, 1, e);
  9437. c =, a, b, c);
  9438. this.Lb = Gc(K(b, Jn, 5), Gn, 1);
  9439. this.l.push(this.Ua(a, "2"));
  9440. bb(this.l, Fc(K(b, Jn, 5), 2));
  9441. Po(this, "Salta");
  9442. return c
  9443. };
  9444. Ep.prototype.Ac = function(a, b) {
  9445. 0 == a.length && (this.ra = !0);
  9446. bb(this.l, a);
  9447. bb(this.Lb, b);
  9448. this.O.length == this.l.length + 1 - a.length && (this.ra ? this.dispatchEvent("k") : Fp(this))
  9449. };
  9450. var Fp = function(a) {
  9451. ph(Hd(a.P("rc-imageselect-target")), "rc-imageselect-carousel-leaving-left");
  9452. if (!(a.Y >= a.l.length)) {
  9453. var b = a.ub(a.l[a.Y]);
  9454. a.Y += 1;
  9455. var c = a.Lb[a.Y];
  9456. Gp(a, b).then(x(function() {
  9457. var a = M("rc-imageselect-desc-wrapper", void 0);
  9458. Cd(a);
  9459. jk(a, cp, {
  9460. label: I(c, 1),
  9461. bb: "multicaptcha",
  9462. Ab: I(c, 7)
  9463. });
  9464. a.innerHTML = a.innerHTML.replace(".", "");
  9465. ip(this)
  9466. }, a));
  9467. Po(a, "Salta");
  9468. rh(M("rc-imageselect-carousel-instructions", void 0), "rc-imageselect-carousel-instructions-hidden")
  9469. }
  9470. },
  9471. Gp = function(a, b) {
  9472. var c = Wd(document);
  9473. Jo(a, !1);
  9474. var d = q(b.previousElementSibling) ? b.previousElementSibling : Fd(b.previousSibling, !1);
  9475. ph(b, "rc-imageselect-carousel-offscreen-right");
  9476. ph(d, "rc-imageselect-carousel-leaving-left");
  9477. ph(b, 4 == && 4 == ? "rc-imageselect-carousel-mock-margin-1" : "rc-imageselect-carousel-mock-margin-2");
  9478. return Em(b).then(x(function() {
  9479. P(function() {
  9480. rh(b, "rc-imageselect-carousel-offscreen-right");
  9481. rh(d, "rc-imageselect-carousel-leaving-left");
  9482. ph(b, "rc-imageselect-carousel-entering-right");
  9483. ph(d, "rc-imageselect-carousel-offscreen-left");
  9484. P(function() {
  9485. rh(b, "rc-imageselect-carousel-entering-right");
  9486. rh(b, 4 == && 4 == ? "rc-imageselect-carousel-mock-margin-1" : "rc-imageselect-carousel-mock-margin-2");
  9487. Dd(d);
  9488. Jo(this, !0);
  9489. c && c.focus();
  9490. var a =;
  9491. a.tb = 0;
  9492. a = a.Oa;
  9493. for (var f = 0; f < a.length; f++) a[f].selected = !1, rh(a[f].element, "rc-imageselect-tileselected")
  9494. }, 600, this)
  9495. }, 100, this)
  9496. }, a))
  9497. };
  9498. Ep.prototype.Fa = function(a) {
  9499., a);
  9500. 0 < ? (ph(M("rc-imageselect-carousel-instructions", void 0), "rc-imageselect-carousel-instructions-hidden"), this.ra ? Po(this) : Po(this, "Avanti")) : (rh(M("rc-imageselect-carousel-instructions", void 0), "rc-imageselect-carousel-instructions-hidden"), Po(this, "Salta"))
  9501. };
  9502. Ep.prototype.Da = function() {
  9503. Y(this, !1);
  9504. this.O.push([]);
  9505. A(, function(a, b) {
  9506. a.selected && this.O[this.O.length - 1].push(b)
  9507. }, this);
  9508. if (this.ra) return !1;
  9509. Ll("JS_MC_FETCH") ? (this.ha = ab(this.O), Cp(this)) : this.Ac([], []);
  9510. Fp(this);
  9511. return !0
  9512. };
  9513. var Hp = function() {
  9514., "dynamic");
  9515. = {};
  9516. this.l = 0
  9517. };
  9518. ra(Hp, Bp);
  9519. Hp.prototype.reset = function() {
  9521. = {};
  9522. this.l = 0
  9523. };
  9524. = function(a, b, c) {
  9525. a =, a, b, c);
  9526. this.l = I(K(b, An, 3), 2) || 0;
  9527. return a
  9528. };
  9529. Hp.prototype.Ac = function(a) {
  9530. for (var b = {}, c = ka(Ip(this)), d =; !d.done; b = {
  9531. Xb: b.Xb,
  9532. Ia: b.Ia,
  9533. Sc: b.Sc
  9534. }, d = {
  9535. d = d.value;
  9536. if (0 == a.length) break;
  9538. var e = jp(this,,;
  9539. Mb(e, {
  9540. Yd: 0,
  9541. vc: 0,
  9542. rowSpan: 1,
  9543. colSpan: 1,
  9544. fc: a.shift()
  9545. });
  9546. b.Sc = lk(e);
  9547. b.Xb =[d] || d;
  9548. b.Ia = {
  9549. selected: !0,
  9550. element:[b.Xb].element
  9551. };
  9552. d =;
  9554. P(x(function(a) {
  9555. return function(b) {
  9556.[b] = a.Xb;
  9557. Cd(a.Ia.element);
  9558. a.Ia.element.appendChild(a.Sc);
  9559. Jp(a.Ia);
  9560. a.Ia.selected = !1;
  9561. rh(a.Ia.element, "rc-imageselect-dynamic-selected");
  9562. S(this).G(new Ml(a.Ia.element), "action", Ia(this.Fa, a.Ia))
  9563. }
  9564. }(b), this, d), this.l + 1E3)
  9565. }
  9566. };
  9567. var Jp = function(a) {
  9568. ii(M("rc-image-tile-overlay", a.element), {
  9569. opacity: "0.5",
  9570. display: "block",
  9571. top: "0px"
  9572. });
  9573. P(function() {
  9574. ii(M("rc-image-tile-overlay", a.element), "opacity", "0")
  9575. }, 100)
  9576. };
  9577. Hp.prototype.Ba = function() {
  9578. this.response.response =
  9579. };
  9580. Hp.prototype.Da = function() {
  9581. if (! {
  9582. if (!this.vb)
  9583. for (var a = ka(, b =; !b.done; b = {
  9584. var c =;
  9585. if (null !== c && b.value in c) return !1
  9586. }
  9587. Y(this, !0, M("rc-imageselect-error-dynamic-more", void 0))
  9588. }
  9589. return !0
  9590. };
  9591. Hp.prototype.Fa = function(a) {
  9592. var b = Oa(, a); - 1 == Oa(, b) && (Y(this, !1), a.selected || (, a.selected = !0, this.l && ii(a.element, "transition", "opacity " + (this.l + 1E3) / 1E3 + "s ease"), ph(a.element, "rc-imageselect-dynamic-selected"), a = Oa(, a), bb(this.ha, a), Cp(this)))
  9593. };
  9594. var Ip = function(a) {
  9595. var b = [];
  9596. A(, function(a, d) {
  9597. a.selected && -1 == Oa(, d) && b.push(d)
  9598. }, a);
  9599. return b
  9600. };
  9601. var Kp = function() {
  9602. var a = '<div id="rc-coref"><span class="' + W("rc-coref-tabloop-begin") + '" tabIndex="0"></span><div class="' + W("rc-coref-select-more") + '" style="display:none" tabindex="0">';
  9603. a = a + "Rispondi alle domande per continuare" + ('</div><div class="' + W("rc-coref-verify-failed") + '" style="display:none" tabindex="0">');
  9604. a = a + "Riprova" + ('</div><div class="' + W("rc-coref-payload") + '"></div>' + V(Bo()) + '<span class="' + W("rc-coref-tabloop-end") + '" tabIndex="0"></span></div>');
  9605. return U(a)
  9606. },
  9607. Lp = function(a) {
  9608. var b =
  9609. a.fd,
  9610. c = '<div class="' + W("rc-coref-challenge") + '"><div id="rc-coref-target" class="' + W("rc-coref-target") + '" dir="ltr">';
  9611. var d = a.he;
  9612. a = a.Qe;
  9613. for (var e = "", f = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(d.length - 0)), g = 0; g < f; g++) {
  9614. var l = 1 * g;
  9615. e += '<div tabIndex="0" class="' + W("rc-coref-first") + '">';
  9616. var m = "Ascolta il testo e seleziona tutto ci\u00f2 che si riferisce a: " + V(a[l]);
  9617. e += m;
  9618. e += '</div><div class="' + W("rc-coref-sentence") + '"><div tabindex="0">...';
  9619. m = d[l];
  9620. for (var t = m.length, D = 0; D < t; D++) {
  9621. var F = m[D];
  9622. e += V(F[0]);
  9623. F[1] && (e += "</div><input" +
  9624. (-1 != ("" + a[l]).indexOf("" + F[0]) ? " checked disabled" : "") + ' class="' + W("rc-coref-checkbox") + '" type="checkbox" aria-label=\'', F = 'Seleziona la casella se "' + (W(F[0]) + ('" si riferisce a "' + (W(a[l]) + '"'))), e += String(F).replace(rl, sl), e += '\'><div tabindex="0">')
  9625. }
  9626. e += "...</div></div>"
  9627. }
  9628. d = U(e);
  9629. c = c + d + '</div></div><div class="' + W("rc-coref-attribution") + '">';
  9630. d = b.length;
  9631. for (a = 0; a < d; a++) c += '<a target="_blank" href="' + W(xl(b[a])) + '">source</a> ';
  9632. return U(c + "(CC BY-SA)</div>")
  9633. },
  9634. Mp = function() {
  9635. return U('Alcune parole nelle frasi si riferiscono a una o pi\u00f9 persone che si trovano altrove. Seleziona quelle che corrispondono al messaggio. <a href="" target="_blank">Ulteriori informazioni.</a>')
  9636. };
  9637. var Np = new L(350, 410),
  9638. Op = function() {
  9639., Np.width, Np.height, "coref", !0);
  9640. this.m = this.l = null
  9641. };
  9642. ra(Op, X);
  9643. n = Op.prototype;
  9644. n.V = function() {
  9646. this.N = Q(Kp);
  9647. this.$(this.B())
  9648. };
  9649. n.$ = function(a) {
  9650. X.prototype.$.call(this, a);
  9651. this.m = this.P("rc-coref-payload")
  9652. };
  9653. n.X = function() {
  9655. S(this).G(this.P("rc-coref-tabloop-begin"), "focus", function() {
  9656. Ro()
  9657. }).G(this.P("rc-coref-tabloop-end"), "focus", function() {
  9658. Ro(["rc-coref-select-more", "rc-coref-verify-failed", "rc-coref-instructions"])
  9659. })
  9660. };
  9661. n.cb = function() {
  9662. (this.N ? Ta("rc-coref-first", this.N || this.w.l) : [])[0].focus()
  9663. };
  9664. = function(a, b, c) {
  9665. this.l = K(b, tn, 6);
  9666. jk(this.m, Lp, {
  9667. he: Pp(Gc(this.l, vn, 1)),
  9668. Qe: Qp(Gc(this.l, vn, 1)),
  9669. fd: Rp(Gc(this.l, vn, 1))
  9670. });
  9671. Y(this, !1);
  9672. Lo(this, x(function() {
  9673. Mo(this, this.Ca());
  9674. c && Y(this, !0, this.P("rc-coref-verify-failed"))
  9675. }, this));
  9676. return uf()
  9677. };
  9678. var Pp = function(a) {
  9679. for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
  9680. var d = !1,
  9681. e = 0,
  9682. f = wn(a[c]).length;
  9683. b.push([]);
  9684. for (var g = 0; g < wn(a[c]).length; g++) {
  9685. var l = 0 != I(wn(a[c])[g], 4) && (g == wn(a[c]).length - 1 || 0 == I(wn(a[c])[g + 1], 4));
  9686. d = d || l;
  9687. var m = I(wn(a[c])[g], 1);
  9688. 0 != I(wn(a[c])[g], 3) && (m = " " + m);
  9689. b[b.length - 1].push([m, l]);
  9690. l && (f = wn(a[c]).length);
  9691. "." == I(wn(a[c])[g], 1) && (d ? (f = g, d = !1) : 0 == e && (e = g + 1))
  9692. }
  9693. b[b.length - 1] = b[b.length - 1].slice(e, f)
  9694. }
  9695. return b
  9696. },
  9697. Qp = function(a) {
  9698. for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
  9699. for (var d = !1, e = 0; e < wn(a[c]).length; e++)
  9700. if (2 ==
  9701. I(wn(a[c])[e], 4)) {
  9702. var f = " " + I(wn(a[c])[e], 1);
  9703. d ? b[b.length - 1] += f : (b.push(f), d = !0)
  9704. } else if (d) break;
  9705. return b
  9706. },
  9707. Rp = function(a) {
  9708. return {
  9709. return I(a, 2)
  9710. })
  9711. };
  9712. n = Op.prototype;
  9713. n.Ca = function() {
  9714. var a = this.W || Qo(),
  9715. b = ti(this.m);
  9716. return new L(Math.max(Math.min(a.width - 10, Np.width), 280), b.height + 60)
  9717. };
  9718. n.xa = function(a, b) {
  9719. var c = ["rc-coref-select-more", "rc-coref-verify-failed"];
  9720. !a && b || A(c, function(a) {
  9721. a = this.P(a);
  9722. a != b && Y(this, !1, a)
  9723. }, this);
  9724. return b ?, a, b) : !1
  9725. };
  9726. n.Ba = function() {
  9727. var a = [];
  9728. A(this.N ? Ta("rc-coref-checkbox", this.N || this.w.l) : [], function(b, c) {
  9729. b.checked && a.push(c)
  9730. });
  9731. this.response.response = a
  9732. };
  9733. n.Da = ba(!1);
  9734. n.Na = function(a) {
  9735. jk(a, Mp)
  9736. };
  9737. var Sp = function() {
  9738. var a = '<div id="rc-prepositional"><span class="' + W("rc-prepositional-tabloop-begin") + '" tabIndex="0"></span><div class="' + W("rc-prepositional-select-more") + '" style="display:none" tabindex="0">';
  9739. a = a + "Rispondi alle domande per continuare" + ('</div><div class="' + W("rc-prepositional-verify-failed") + '" style="display:none" tabindex="0">');
  9740. a = a + "Riprova" + ('</div><div class="' + W("rc-prepositional-payload") + '"></div>' + V(Bo()) + '<span class="' + W("rc-prepositional-tabloop-end") + '" tabIndex="0"></span></div>');
  9741. return U(a)
  9742. },
  9743. Tp = function(a) {
  9744. for (var b = '<div class="' + W("rc-prepositional-challenge") + '"><div id="rc-prepositional-target" class="' + W("rc-prepositional-target") + '" dir="ltr"><div tabIndex="0" class="' + W("rc-prepositional-instructions") + '"></div><table class="' + W("rc-prepositional-table") + '" role="region">', c = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(a.text.length - 0)), d = 0; d < c; d++) b += '<tr role="presentation"><td role="checkbox" tabIndex="0">' + V(a.text[1 * d]) + "</td></tr>";
  9745. return U(b + "</table></div></div>")
  9746. },
  9747. Up = function(a) {
  9748. var b =
  9749. '<div class="' + W("rc-prepositional-attribution") + '">';
  9750. b += "Fonti: ";
  9751. a = a.fd;
  9752. for (var c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++) b += '<a target="_blank" href="' + W(xl(a[d])) + '">' + V(d + 1) + "</a>" + (d != c - 1 ? "," : "") + " ";
  9753. return U(b + '(CC BY-SA)</div>Delle frasi sopra riportate seleziona quelle che sembrano in qualche modo non corrette. Non selezionare le frasi con errori grammaticali o insensate al di fuori di un contesto. <a href="" target="_blank">Ulteriori informazioni.</a>')
  9754. };
  9755. var Vp = new L(350, 410),
  9756. Wp = function() {
  9757., Vp.width, Vp.height, "prepositional", !0);
  9758. this.C = this.m = null;
  9759. this.l = [];
  9760. this.O = null;
  9761. this.Y = 0
  9762. };
  9763. ra(Wp, X);
  9764. n = Wp.prototype;
  9765. n.V = function() {
  9767. this.N = Q(Sp);
  9768. this.$(this.B())
  9769. };
  9770. n.$ = function(a) {
  9771. X.prototype.$.call(this, a);
  9772. this.C = this.P("rc-prepositional-payload")
  9773. };
  9774. n.X = function() {
  9776. S(this).G(this.P("rc-prepositional-tabloop-begin"), "focus", function() {
  9777. Ro()
  9778. }).G(this.P("rc-prepositional-tabloop-end"), "focus", function() {
  9779. Ro(["rc-prepositional-select-more", "rc-prepositional-verify-failed", "rc-prepositional-instructions"])
  9780. })
  9781. };
  9782. n.cb = function() {
  9783. this.P("rc-prepositional-instructions").focus()
  9784. };
  9785. = function(a, b, c) {
  9786. this.l = [];
  9787. this.m = K(b, Pn, 7);
  9788. (a = K(b, Gn, 1)) && I(a, 3) && (this.Y = I(a, 3));
  9789. jk(this.C, Tp, {
  9790. text: Fc(this.m, 1)
  9791. });
  9792. a = M("rc-prepositional-instructions", void 0);
  9793. this.O = .5 > Math.random();
  9794. Ld(a, this.O ? "Seleziona le frasi dalla forma errata:" : "Seleziona le frasi che sembrano errate:");
  9795. Y(this, !1);
  9796. Lo(this, x(function() {
  9797. Mo(this, this.Ca());
  9798. Xp(this);
  9799. c && Y(this, !0, this.P("rc-prepositional-verify-failed"))
  9800. }, this));
  9801. return uf()
  9802. };
  9803. var Xp = function(a) {
  9804. var b = M("rc-prepositional-target", void 0),
  9805. c = [];
  9806. A(qd(document, "td", null, b), function(a, b) {
  9807. this.l.push(b);
  9808. var d = {
  9809. selected: !1,
  9810. element: a,
  9811. index: b
  9812. };
  9813. c.push(d);
  9814. S(this).G(new Ml(a), "action", x(this.Fa, this, d));
  9815. Xd(a, "checked", "false")
  9816. }, a)
  9817. };
  9818. n = Wp.prototype;
  9819. n.Fa = function(a) {
  9820. Y(this, !1);
  9821. var b = !a.selected;
  9822. b ? (ph(a.element, "rc-prepositional-selected"), Za(this.l, a.index)) : (rh(a.element, "rc-prepositional-selected"), this.l.push(a.index));
  9823. a.selected = b;
  9824. Xd(a.element, "checked", a.selected ? "true" : "false")
  9825. };
  9826. n.Ca = function() {
  9827. var a = this.W || Qo(),
  9828. b = ti(this.C);
  9829. return new L(Math.max(Math.min(a.width - 10, Vp.width), 280), b.height + 60)
  9830. };
  9831. n.xa = function(a, b) {
  9832. var c = ["rc-prepositional-select-more", "rc-prepositional-verify-failed"];
  9833. !a && b || A(c, function(a) {
  9834. a = this.P(a);
  9835. a != b && Y(this, !1, a)
  9836. }, this);
  9837. return b ?, a, b) : !1
  9838. };
  9839. n.Ba = function() {
  9840. this.response.response = this.l;
  9841. this.response.plugin = this.O ? "if" : "si"
  9842. };
  9843. n.Da = function() {
  9844. return Fc(this.m, 1).length - this.l.length < this.Y ? (Y(this, !0, this.P("rc-prepositional-select-more")), !0) : !1
  9845. };
  9846. n.Na = function(a) {
  9847. jk(a, Up, {
  9848. fd: Fc(this.m, 2)
  9849. })
  9850. };
  9851. var Yp = function() {
  9852. return U(V(Bo()))
  9853. };
  9854. var Zp = function() {
  9855., 0, 0, "nocaptcha")
  9856. };
  9857. z(Zp, X);
  9858. Zp.prototype.V = function() {
  9860. this.N = Q(Yp);
  9861. this.$(this.B())
  9862. };
  9863. Zp.prototype.fa = function(a) {
  9864. a && this.Kb()
  9865. };
  9866. = function() {
  9867. return uf()
  9868. };
  9869. Zp.prototype.Ba = function() {
  9870. this.response.response = "";
  9871. var a = this.W;
  9872. a && (this.response.s = Sm("" + a.width + a.height))
  9873. };
  9874. var $p = function() {
  9875. var a = '<div id="rc-text"><span class="' + W("rc-text-tabloop-begin") + '" tabIndex="0"></span><div class="' + W("rc-text-select-more") + '" style="display:none" tabindex="0">';
  9876. a = a + "Seleziona tutte le opzioni corrispondenti." + ('</div><div class="' + W("rc-text-select-fewer") + '" style="display:none" tabindex="0">');
  9877. a = a + "Seleziona solo le opzioni corrispondenti. In caso di dubbi, fai clic sul pulsante Ricarica sotto la sfida." + ('</div><div class="' + W("rc-text-verify-failed") + '" style="display:none" tabindex="0">');
  9878. a = a + "\u00c8 necessario fornire pi\u00f9 soluzioni corrette. Risolvi altri captcha." + ('</div><div class="' + W("rc-text-payload") + '"></div>' + V(Bo()) + '<span class="' + W("rc-text-tabloop-end") + '" tabIndex="0"></span></div>');
  9879. return U(a)
  9880. },
  9881. aq = function(a) {
  9882. var b =,
  9883. c = '<div class="' + W("rc-text-instructions") + '"><div class="' + W("rc-text-desc-wrapper") + '" tabIndex="0">';
  9884. c += "Seleziona le frasi che corrispondono meglio alla categoria:";
  9885. b = "<span>" + V(b) + '</span><div class="' + W("rc-text-clear") + '"></div></div></div><div class="' +
  9886. W("rc-text-challenge") + '"><div id="rc-text-target" class="' + W("rc-text-target") + '" dir="ltr">';
  9887. a =;
  9888. var d = 10 > a.length ? 1 : 2,
  9889. e = a.length / d;
  9890. var f = '<table class="' + W("rc-text-choices") + '" role="region">';
  9891. e = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(e - 0));
  9892. for (var g = 0; g < e; g++) {
  9893. var l = 1 * g;
  9894. f += '<tr role="presentation">';
  9895. for (var m = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(d - 0)), t = 0; t < m; t++) f += '<td role="checkbox" tabIndex="0">' + V(a[1 * t + l * d]) + "</td>";
  9896. f += "</tr>"
  9897. }
  9898. a = U(f + "</table>");
  9899. return U(c + (b + a + "</div></div>"))
  9900. },
  9901. bq = function() {
  9902. return U('Seleziona ogni opzione correlata alla categoria specificata. Poi effettua la verifica. Se non \u00e8 chiaro oppure se desideri avere un\'altra opportunit\u00e0, fai clic su Ricarica.<a href="" target="_blank">Ulteriori informazioni.</a>')
  9903. };
  9904. var dq = function() {
  9905., cq.width, cq.height, "text", !0);
  9906. this.l = null;
  9907. this.m = [];
  9908. this.C = null
  9909. };
  9910. z(dq, X);
  9911. var cq = new L(350, 410);
  9912. dq.prototype.V = function() {
  9914. this.N = Q($p);
  9915. this.$(this.B())
  9916. };
  9917. dq.prototype.$ = function(a) {
  9918. dq.F.$.call(this, a);
  9919. this.C = this.P("rc-text-payload")
  9920. };
  9921. dq.prototype.X = function() {
  9923. S(this).G(M("rc-text-tabloop-begin"), "focus", function() {
  9924. Ro()
  9925. }).G(M("rc-text-tabloop-end"), "focus", function() {
  9926. Ro(["rc-text-select-more", "rc-text-select-fewer", "rc-text-verify-failed", "rc-text-instructions"])
  9927. })
  9928. };
  9929. = function(a, b, c) {
  9930. this.m = [];
  9931. this.l = K(b, Cn, 4);
  9932. jk(this.C, aq, {
  9933. ae: I(this.l, 2),
  9934. ie: Fc(this.l, 3)
  9935. });
  9936. Y(this, !1);
  9937. Lo(this, x(function() {
  9938. Mo(this, this.Ca());
  9939. eq(this);
  9940. c && Y(this, !0, M("rc-text-verify-failed", void 0))
  9941. }, this));
  9942. return uf()
  9943. };
  9944. var eq = function(a) {
  9945. var b = M("rc-text-target", void 0),
  9946. c = [];
  9947. A(qd(document, "td", null, b), function(a, b) {
  9948. var d = {
  9949. selected: !1,
  9950. element: a,
  9951. index: b
  9952. };
  9953. c.push(d);
  9954. S(this).G(new Ml(a), "action", x(this.Fa, this, d));
  9955. Xd(a, "checked", "false")
  9956. }, a)
  9957. };
  9958. n = dq.prototype;
  9959. n.Ca = function() {
  9960. var a = this.W || Qo(),
  9961. b = ti(this.C);
  9962. return new L(Math.max(Math.min(a.width - 10, cq.width), 280), b.height + 60)
  9963. };
  9964. n.Fa = function(a) {
  9965. Y(this, !1);
  9966. var b = !a.selected;
  9967. b ? (ph(a.element, "rc-text-choice-selected"), this.m.push(a.index)) : (rh(a.element, "rc-text-choice-selected"), Za(this.m, a.index));
  9968. a.selected = b;
  9969. Xd(a.element, "checked", a.selected ? "true" : "false")
  9970. };
  9971. n.Da = function() {
  9972. return this.m.length < I(this.l, 4) ? (Y(this, !0, M("rc-text-select-more", void 0)), !0) : I(this.l, 5) && this.m.length > I(this.l, 5) ? (Y(this, !0, M("rc-text-select-fewer", void 0)), !0) : !1
  9973. };
  9974. n.xa = function(a, b) {
  9975. var c = ["rc-text-select-more", "rc-text-select-fewer", "rc-text-verify-failed"];
  9976. !a && b || A(c, function(a) {
  9977. a = M(a, void 0);
  9978. a != b && Y(this, !1, a)
  9979. }, this);
  9980. return b ?, a, b) : !1
  9981. };
  9982. n.cb = function() {
  9983. Ra(["rc-text-select-more", "rc-text-select-fewer", "rc-text-verify-failed"], function(a) {
  9984. return xi(M(a, void 0)) ? (M(a, void 0).focus(), !0) : !1
  9985. }, this) || Gd(M("rc-text-instructions", void 0)).focus()
  9986. };
  9987. n.Ba = function() {
  9988. this.response.response = this.m
  9989. };
  9990. n.Na = function(a) {
  9991. jk(a, bq)
  9992. };
  9993. var fq = function(a) {
  9994. switch (a) {
  9995. case "default":
  9996. return new xp;
  9997. case "nocaptcha":
  9998. return new Zp;
  9999. case "doscaptcha":
  10000. return new Ap;
  10001. case "imageselect":
  10002. return new Z;
  10003. case "tileselect":
  10004. return new Z("tileselect");
  10005. case "dynamic":
  10006. return new Hp;
  10007. case "audio":
  10008. return new Wo;
  10009. case "text":
  10010. return new dq;
  10011. case "multicaptcha":
  10012. return new Ep;
  10013. case "canvas":
  10014. return new qp;
  10015. case "multiselect":
  10016. return new rp;
  10017. case "coref":
  10018. return new Op;
  10019. case "prepositional":
  10020. return new Wp
  10021. }
  10022. };
  10023. var gq = function(a) {
  10024. return U('<textarea id="' + W( + '" name="' + W( + '" class="g-recaptcha-response" style="width: 250px; height: 40px; border: 1px solid #c1c1c1; margin: 10px 25px; padding: 0px; resize: none; ' + (a.display ? "" : " display: none; ") + '"></textarea>')
  10025. },
  10026. hq = function(a) {
  10027. return U('<div style="background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #ccc; box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); position: absolute; left: ' + W(Bl(a.left)) + "px; top: " + W(Bl( + 'px; transition: visibility 0s linear 0.3s, opacity 0.3s linear; opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; z-index: 2000000000;"><div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 2000000000; background-color: #fff; opacity: 0.05; filter: alpha(opacity=5)"></div><div class="g-recaptcha-bubble-arrow" style="border: 11px solid transparent; width: 0; height: 0; position: absolute; pointer-events: none; margin-top: -11px; z-index: 2000000000;"></div><div class="g-recaptcha-bubble-arrow" style="border: 10px solid transparent; width: 0; height: 0; position: absolute; pointer-events: none; margin-top: -10px; z-index: 2000000000;"></div><div style="z-index: 2000000000; position: relative;"></div></div>')
  10028. },
  10029. iq = function(a) {
  10030. return U('<div style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; width:100%; top: ' + W(Bl( + 'px; left: 0px; right: 0px; transition: visibility 0s linear 0.3s, opacity 0.3s linear; opacity: 0;"><div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 2000000000; background-color: #fff; opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(opacity=50)"></div><div style="margin: 0 auto; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; position: absolute; border: 1px solid #ccc; z-index: 2000000000; background-color: #fff; overflow: hidden;"></div></div>')
  10031. };
  10032. var jq = function(a) {
  10033. return U("<div><div></div>" + V(gq({
  10034. id: a.rb,
  10035. name:,
  10036. display: !1
  10037. })) + "</div>")
  10038. },
  10039. kq = function(a) {
  10040. return U('<div style="width: ' + W(Bl(a.width)) + "; height: " + W(Bl(a.height)) + '; position: relative;"><div style="width: ' + W(Bl(a.width)) + "; height: " + W(Bl(a.height)) + '; position: absolute;"><iframe src="' + W(a.Td) + '" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="width: ' + W(Bl(a.width)) + "; height: " + W(Bl(a.height)) + '; border-style: none;"></iframe></div></div><div style="border-style: none; bottom: 12px; left: 25px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; right: 25px; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px solid #c1c1c1; border-radius: 3px; height: 60px; width: 300px;">' +
  10041. V(gq({
  10042. id: a.rb,
  10043. name:,
  10044. display: !0
  10045. })) + "</div>")
  10046. };
  10047. var lq = function(a) {
  10048. var b = a.rb,
  10049. c =;
  10050. return U('<div class="grecaptcha-badge" data-style="' + W( + '"><div class="grecaptcha-logo"></div><div class="grecaptcha-error"></div>' + V(gq({
  10051. id: b,
  10052. name: c,
  10053. display: !1
  10054. })) + "</div>")
  10055. },
  10056. mq = function() {
  10057. return U('<noscript>Attiva JavaScript per generare un test reCAPTCHA.<br></noscript><div class="if-js-enabled">Esegui l\'upgrade a un <a href="">browser supportato</a> per generare un test reCAPTCHA.</div><br>In alternativa, se pensi di trovarti su questa pagina per errore, verifica la tua connessione a Internet e ricarica la pagina.<br><br><a href="" target="_blank">Perch\u00e9 sta capitando a me?</a>')
  10058. };
  10059. var nq = {
  10060. normal: new L(304, 78),
  10061. compact: new L(164, 144),
  10062. invisible: new L(256, 60)
  10063. },
  10064. oq = function(a) {
  10066. this.C = a;
  10067. this.A = this.w = this.l = this.H = this.m = null;
  10068. this.W = y();
  10069. this.Y = this.R = null
  10070. };
  10071. ra(oq, Eh);
  10072. var pq = function(a, b) {
  10073. var c = b ? a.w.left - 10 : a.w.left + a.w.width + 10,
  10074. d = oi(a.O()),
  10075. e = + .5 * a.w.height;
  10076. c instanceof id ? (d.K += c.K, d.J += c.J) : (d.K += Number(c), va(e) && (d.J += e));
  10077. return d
  10078. },
  10079. qq = function() {
  10080. var a = ud(window).width,
  10081. b = N().innerWidth;
  10082. b && b < a && (a = b);
  10083. return new L(a, Math.max(ud(window).height, N().innerHeight || 0))
  10084. },
  10085. rq = function(a, b) {
  10086. Mb(a, {
  10087. frameborder: "0",
  10088. scrolling: "no",
  10089. sandbox: "allow-forms allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation"
  10090. });
  10091. b && ( = b);
  10092. for (var c = xd("IFRAME", a), d = ["allow-modals",
  10093. "allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox", "allow-storage-access-by-user-activation"
  10094. ], e = 0; e < d.length; e++) c.sandbox && c.sandbox.supports && c.sandbox.add && c.sandbox.supports(d[e]) && c.sandbox.add(d[e]);
  10095. return c
  10096. },
  10097. sq = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  10098. a.m = rq({
  10099. src: c,
  10100. tabindex: d,
  10101. width: "" + e.width,
  10102. height: "" + e.height,
  10103. role: "presentation"
  10104. });
  10105. b.appendChild(a.m)
  10106. };
  10107. oq.prototype.U = function(a) {
  10108. this.A = a = void 0 === a ? "fullscreen" : a;
  10109. this.l = Q("fullscreen" == a ? iq : hq, {
  10110. left: 0,
  10111. top: -1E4
  10112. });
  10113. document.body.appendChild(this.l)
  10114. };
  10115. var tq = function(a, b, c, d) {
  10116. d = void 0 === d ? new gi(0, 0, 0, 0) : d;
  10117. a.w = d;
  10118. = "width: 100%; height: 100%;";
  10119. b.src = Pg(b.src) + (c ? "#" + c : "");
  10120. var e = rq(b, c);
  10121. Wb && Hh(a, e, "load", function() {
  10122. e.src = b.src
  10123. });
  10124. a.l || a.U();
  10125. a.H = e;
  10126. Hd(a.l).appendChild(e);
  10127. "bubble" == a.A && a.G(N(), ["scroll", "resize"], x(function() {
  10129. }, a))
  10130. },
  10131. wq = function(a, b, c) {
  10132. uq(a, b, c);
  10133. b ? (vq(a), a.H.focus()) : a.m.focus();
  10134. a.W = y()
  10135. },
  10136. uq = function(a, b, c) {
  10137. var d = "visible" == ki(a.l, "visibility");
  10138. ii(a.l, {
  10139. visibility: b ? "visible" : "hidden",
  10140. opacity: b ? "1" : "0",
  10141. transition: b ? "visibility 0s linear 0s, opacity 0.3s linear" : "visibility 0s linear 0.3s, opacity 0.3s linear"
  10142. });
  10143. d && !b ? a.Y = P(function() {
  10144. ii(this.l, "top", "-10000px")
  10145. }, 500, a) : b && (Nf(a.Y), ii(a.l, "top", "0px"));
  10146. c && (ri(Hd(a.l), c.width, c.height), ri(Gd(Hd(a.l)), c.width, c.height))
  10147. };
  10148. = function() {
  10149. 25 < y() - this.W ? (vq(this), this.W = y()) : (Nf(this.R), this.R = P(, 25, this))
  10150. };
  10151. var vq = function(a) {
  10152. if ("visible" == ki(a.l, "visibility")) {
  10153. var b = ti(Hd(a.l));
  10154. var c = window,
  10155. d = c.document;
  10156. var e = 0;
  10157. if (d) {
  10158. e = d.body;
  10159. var f = d.documentElement;
  10160. if (f && e)
  10161. if (c = ud(c).height, td(d) && f.scrollHeight) e = f.scrollHeight != c ? f.scrollHeight : f.offsetHeight;
  10162. else {
  10163. d = f.scrollHeight;
  10164. var g = f.offsetHeight;
  10165. f.clientHeight != g && (d = e.scrollHeight, g = e.offsetHeight);
  10166. e = d > c ? d > g ? d : g : d < g ? d : g
  10167. }
  10168. else e = 0
  10169. }
  10170. f = Math.max(e, qq().height);
  10171. e = pq(a);
  10172. f = Math.min(Math.max(Math.min(Math.max(Math.min(Math.max(e.J - .5 * b.height, vd(document).J + 10), vd(document).J +
  10173. qq().height - b.height - 10), e.J - .9 * b.height), e.J - .1 * b.height), 10), Math.max(10, f - b.height - 10));
  10174. "bubble" == a.A ? (e = e.K > .5 * qq().width, ii(a.l, {
  10175. left: pq(a, e).K + (e ? -b.width : 0) + "px",
  10176. top: f + "px"
  10177. }), xq(a, f, e)) : ii(a.l, {
  10178. left: vd(document).K + "px",
  10179. top: f + "px",
  10180. width: qq().width + "px"
  10181. })
  10182. }
  10183. },
  10184. xq = function(a, b, c) {
  10185. A(Ta("g-recaptcha-bubble-arrow", a.l), function(a, e) {
  10186. ii(a, "top", pq(this).J - b + "px");
  10187. var d = 0 == e ? "#ccc" : "#fff";
  10188. ii(a, c ? {
  10189. left: "100%",
  10190. right: "",
  10191. "border-left-color": d,
  10192. "border-right-color": "transparent"
  10193. } : {
  10194. left: "",
  10195. right: "100%",
  10196. "border-right-color": d,
  10197. "border-left-color": "transparent"
  10198. })
  10199. }, a)
  10200. },
  10201. yq = function(a) {
  10202. a.H && (Dd(a.H), a.H = null);
  10203. a.l && (a.A = null, Nf(a.R), a.R = null, Jh(a), Dd(a.l), a.l = null)
  10204. };
  10205. oq.prototype.L = function() {
  10206. yq(this);
  10207. this.m && (Dd(this.m), this.m = null);
  10209. };
  10210. var zq = function(a, b, c, d) {
  10211. this.m = a;
  10212. this.l = void 0 === b ? null : b;
  10213. this.$d = void 0 === c ? null : c;
  10214. this.Me = void 0 === d ? !1 : d
  10215. };
  10216. zq.prototype.getName = k("m");
  10217. var Aq = new zq("sitekey", null, "k", !0),
  10218. Bq;
  10219. if (p.window) {
  10220. var Cq = new Cj(window.location);
  10221. Cq.D = "";
  10222. null != Cq.A || ("https" == Cq.l ? Ej(Cq, 443) : "http" == Cq.l && Ej(Cq, 80));
  10223. var Dq = Cq.toString().match(Ng),
  10224. Eq = Dq[1],
  10225. Fq = Dq[2],
  10226. Gq = Dq[3],
  10227. Hq = Dq[4],
  10228. Iq = "";
  10229. Eq && (Iq += Eq + ":");
  10230. Gq && (Iq += "//", Fq && (Iq += Fq + "@"), Iq += Gq, Hq && (Iq += ":" + Hq));
  10231. Bq = yc(gb(Iq), !0)
  10232. } else Bq = null;
  10233. var Kq = new zq("size", function(a) {
  10234. return a.has(Jq) ? "invisible" : "normal"
  10235. }, "size"),
  10236. Lq = new zq("stoken", null, "stoken"),
  10237. Mq = new zq("badge", null, "badge"),
  10238. Nq = new zq("action", null, "sa"),
  10239. Oq = new zq("callback"),
  10240. Pq = new zq("expired-callback"),
  10241. Qq = new zq("error-callback"),
  10242. Rq = new zq("tabindex", "0"),
  10243. Jq = new zq("bind"),
  10244. Sq = new zq("isolated", null),
  10245. Uq = {
  10246. Eh: Aq,
  10247. Yg: new zq("origin", Bq, "co"),
  10248. ig: new zq("hl", "it", "hl"),
  10249. bi: new zq("type", null, "type"),
  10250. VERSION: new zq("version", "v1523860362251", "v"),
  10251. Uh: new zq("theme", null, "theme"),
  10252. Gh: Kq,
  10253. Nh: Lq,
  10254. Ze: Mq,
  10255. pf: new zq("s", null, "s"),
  10256. Zg: new zq("pool", null, "pool"),
  10257. Vh: new zq("content-binding", null, "tpb"),
  10258. Fh: Nq,
  10259. jf: Oq,
  10260. Zf: Pq,
  10261. Xf: Qq,
  10262. Rh: Rq,
  10263. gf: Jq,
  10264. ph: new zq("preload", function(a) {
  10265. return Tq(a)
  10266. }),
  10267. lg: Sq
  10268. },
  10269. Wq = function(a) {
  10270. a = Kb(a);
  10271. var b = Kq.getName();
  10272. nq.hasOwnProperty(a[b]) || (a[b] = null);
  10273. this.l = a;
  10274. a = Vq(this);
  10275. if (0 < a.length) throw Error("Missing required parameters: " + a.join());
  10276. },
  10277. Vq = function(a) {
  10278. var b = [];
  10279. A(Gb(Uq), function(a) {
  10280. Uq[a].Me && !this.has(Uq[a]) && b.push(Uq[a].getName())
  10281. }, a);
  10282. return b
  10283. };
  10284. Wq.prototype.get = function(a) {
  10285. var b;
  10286. (b = this.l[a.getName()]) || (b = a.l ? Ca(a.l) ? a.l(this) : a.l : null);
  10287. return b
  10288. };
  10289. Wq.prototype.has = function(a) {
  10290. return !!this.get(a)
  10291. };
  10292. var Xq = function(a, b) {
  10293. var c = a.get(b);
  10294. return c ? c.toString() : null
  10295. },
  10296. Yq = function(a) {
  10297. a = a.get(Rq);
  10298. return parseInt(a, 10)
  10299. },
  10300. Zq = function(a, b, c) {
  10301. c = void 0 === c ? !1 : c;
  10302. if (a = a.get(b)) {
  10303. if (Ca(a)) return a;
  10304. if (Ca(window[a])) return window[a];
  10305. c && console.log("ReCAPTCHA couldn't find user-provided function: " + a)
  10306. }
  10307. return u
  10308. },
  10309. Tq = function(a) {
  10310. return "invisible" == a.get(Kq)
  10311. },
  10312. $q = function(a, b) {
  10313. b = void 0 === b ? {} : b;
  10314. var c = {};
  10315. A(Gb(Uq), function(a) {
  10316. a = Uq[a];
  10317. if (a.$d) {
  10318. var d = b[a.getName()] || this.get(a);
  10319. d && (c[a.$d] = d)
  10320. }
  10321. }, a);
  10322. return c
  10323. };
  10324. var ar = new L(302, 422),
  10325. br = function(a) {
  10326., a)
  10327. };
  10328. ra(br, oq);
  10329. br.prototype.render = function(a, b, c, d) {
  10330. b = Q(jq, {
  10331. rb: b,
  10332. sb: "g-recaptcha-response"
  10333. });
  10334. d = nq[d];
  10335. ri(b, d);
  10336. this.C.appendChild(b);
  10337. sq(this, Gd(b), a, c, d)
  10338. };
  10339. br.prototype.fa = function(a, b) {
  10340. this.A = "fallback";
  10341. var c = Q(kq, {
  10342. Td: a,
  10343. height: ar.height + "px",
  10344. width: ar.width + "px",
  10345. rb: b,
  10346. sb: "g-recaptcha-response"
  10347. });
  10348. this.C.appendChild(c)
  10349. };
  10350. br.prototype.U = function(a) {
  10351. var b = Math.max(qq().width - pq(this).K, pq(this).K);
  10352. a ?, a) : b > 1.5 * nq.normal.width ?, "bubble") :
  10353. };
  10354. br.prototype.O = k("m");
  10355. var cr = new L(302, 422),
  10356. dr = {},
  10357. er = (dr.bottomright = {
  10358. transition: "right 0.3s ease",
  10359. position: "fixed",
  10360. bottom: "14px",
  10361. right: "-186px",
  10362. "box-shadow": "0px 0px 5px gray"
  10363. }, dr.bottomleft = {
  10364. transition: "left 0.3s ease",
  10365. position: "fixed",
  10366. bottom: "14px",
  10367. left: "-186px",
  10368. "box-shadow": "0px 0px 5px gray"
  10369. }, dr.inline = {
  10370. "box-shadow": "0px 0px 5px gray"
  10371. }, dr.none = {
  10372. display: "none"
  10373. }, dr),
  10374. fr = ["bottomleft", "bottomright"],
  10375. gr = function(a, b) {
  10376., a);
  10377. this.o = null;
  10378. = b
  10379. };
  10380. ra(gr, oq);
  10381. gr.prototype.render = function(a, b, c, d) {
  10382. var e = this,
  10383. f = er.hasOwnProperty( ? : "bottomright";
  10384. Xa(fr, f) && hr(f) && (f = "none");
  10385. this.o = Q(lq, {
  10386. rb: b,
  10387. sb: "g-recaptcha-response",
  10388. style: f
  10389. });
  10390. b = nq[d];
  10391. ri(this.o, b);
  10392. this.C.appendChild(this.o);
  10393. sq(this, Gd(this.o), a, c, b);
  10394. ii(this.o, er[f]);
  10395. if (Xa(fr, f)) {
  10396. var g = "bottomright" == f ? function(a) {
  10397. return = a
  10398. } : function(a) {
  10399. return = a
  10400. };
  10401. this.G(this.o, "mouseenter", function() {
  10402. return g("4px")
  10403. });
  10404. this.G(this.o, "mouseleave", function() {
  10405. return g("-186px")
  10406. })
  10407. }
  10408. };
  10409. gr.prototype.fa = function(a, b) {
  10410. this.A = "fallback";
  10411. var c = Q(mq, {
  10412. Td: a,
  10413. height: cr.height + "px",
  10414. width: cr.width + "px",
  10415. rb: b,
  10416. sb: "g-recaptcha-response"
  10417. });
  10418. this.C.appendChild(c)
  10419. };
  10420. gr.prototype.O = k("C");
  10422. function hr(a) {
  10423. return 0 < Ua(function(b) {
  10424. return b.getAttribute("data-style") == a
  10425. })
  10426. };
  10427. var ir = [112, 55, 114, 109, 52, 121, 112, 115, 114, 120, 51, 52, 117, 118, 103, 61, 66],
  10428. jr = function(a, b) {
  10429. this.l = a;
  10430. this.o = Math.floor(this.l / 6);
  10431. this.w = b;
  10432. this.m = [];
  10433. for (var c = 0; c < this.o; c++) this.m.push(fb(6))
  10434. };
  10435. jr.prototype.add = function(a) {
  10436. for (var b = !1, c = 0; c < this.w; c++) {
  10437. a = Im(a);
  10438. var d = (a % this.l + this.l) % this.l;
  10439. 0 == this.m[Math.floor(d / 6)][d % 6] && (this.m[Math.floor(d / 6)][d % 6] = 1, b = !0);
  10440. a = "" + a
  10441. }
  10442. return b
  10443. };
  10444. jr.prototype.toString = function() {
  10445. for (var a = [], b = 0; b < this.o; b++) {
  10446. var c = ab(this.m[b]).reverse();
  10447. a.push("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".charAt(parseInt(, ""), 2)))
  10448. }
  10449. return, "")
  10450. };
  10451. var kr = ["uib-"];
  10453. function lr(a) {
  10454. if (3 == a.nodeType) return !1;
  10455. if (a.innerHTML)
  10456. for (var b = ka(kr), c =; !c.done; c =
  10457. if (-1 != a.innerHTML.indexOf(c.value)) return !1;
  10458. return 1 == a.nodeType && a.src && Am().test(a.src) ? !1 : !0
  10459. }
  10460. var mr = /[^\{]*\{([\s\S]*)\}$/,
  10461. nr = function() {
  10462. try {
  10463. if (N().parent != N() || null != N().frameElement) return !0
  10464. } catch (a) {
  10465. return !0
  10466. }
  10467. return !1
  10468. },
  10469. or = function() {
  10470. for (var a = new jr(60, 2), b = Nd(document, function(a) {
  10471. return ("INPUT" == a.tagName || "TEXTAREA" == a.tagName) && "" != a.value
  10472. }), c = 0, d = 0; d < b.length && 20 > c; d++) a.add(b[d].name) && c++;
  10473. return a.toString()
  10474. };
  10476. function pr(a, b) {
  10477. try {
  10478. return a[qr(b)]
  10479. } catch (c) {
  10480. return null
  10481. }
  10482. }
  10484. function rr(a) {
  10485. try {
  10486. return a[qr("175206285a0d021a170b714d210f1758")].bind(a)
  10487. } catch (b) {
  10488. return null
  10489. }
  10490. }
  10492. function qr(a) {
  10493. var b = jb(a);
  10494. a = ir.slice(0, jb(a).length);
  10495. for (var c = [], d = 0; d < b.length; d++) c.push(b[d] ^ a[d]);
  10496. return hb(c)
  10497. }
  10499. function sr(a) {
  10500. try {
  10501. return a.toString().slice(0, 100)
  10502. } catch (b) {
  10503. return "null"
  10504. }
  10505. };
  10506. var tr = function() {
  10507. return "complete" == document.readyState || "interactive" == document.readyState && !C
  10508. },
  10509. ur = function(a) {
  10510. if (tr()) a();
  10511. else {
  10512. var b = !1,
  10513. c = function() {
  10514. b || (b = !0, a())
  10515. };
  10516. window.addEventListener ? (window.addEventListener("load", c, !1), window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", c, !1)) : window.attachEvent && (window.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function() {
  10517. tr() && c()
  10518. }), window.attachEvent("onload", c))
  10519. }
  10520. };
  10521. var wr = function(a, b) {
  10522. this.aa = new Wq(b);
  10523. var c = window.___grecaptcha_cfg;
  10524. = this.aa.get(Sq) ? 1E5 + c.Ce++ : c.count++;
  10525. = this.Pa = a;
  10526. if (this.aa.has(Jq)) {
  10527. c = vr(this.aa.get(Jq));
  10528. if (!c) throw Error("The bind parameter must be an element or id");
  10529. = c
  10530. }
  10531. this.l = null;
  10532. this.w = !1;
  10533. this.D = 0;
  10534. this.o = null;
  10535. this.H = 0;
  10536. this.m = null;
  10537. this.A = Af()
  10538. },
  10539. xr = function(a) {
  10540. return a.aa.has(Rq) ? Math.max(0, Yq(a.aa)) : 0
  10541. },
  10542. zr = function(a) {
  10543. var b = new Jj;
  10544. b.add("k", Xq(a.aa, Aq));
  10545. a.aa.has(Lq) && b.add("stoken", Xq(a.aa, Lq));
  10546. b.add("hl", "it");
  10547. b.add("v",
  10548. "v1523860362251");
  10549. b.add("t", y() - a.H);
  10550. yr() && b.add("ff", !0);
  10551. return Bm("api/fallback") + "?" + b.toString()
  10552. },
  10553. Br = function(a) {
  10554. a.w || (Cd(a.Pa), a.l.fa(zr(a), Ar(, a.w = !0)
  10555. },
  10556. Dr = function(a) {
  10557. Gd(a.Pa) && a.Eb();
  10558. var b = new Jj;
  10559. b.A($q(a.aa));
  10560. b = Cm("api2/anchor", b);
  10561. a.l.render(b, Ar(, String(xr(a)), Xq(a.aa, Kq));
  10562. ao(eo(a.m, a.l.m), {
  10563. b:,
  10564. j: a.oe,
  10565. e: a.Ld,
  10566. d: a.Md,
  10567. i: a.qe,
  10568. a: a.we,
  10569. f: a.ue
  10570. }, a);
  10571. if (Tq(a.aa) && != a.Pa) {
  10572. var c = function() {
  10573. uh(, !1)
  10574. };
  10575. Ee(, ["click", "submit"], function(a) {
  10576. a.preventDefault();
  10577. uh(, !0);
  10578. Cr(this).then(c,
  10579. c)
  10580. }, !1, a);
  10581. c()
  10582. }
  10583. a.o = P(x(a.C, a), 2E4)
  10584. };
  10585. wr.prototype.C = function() {
  10586. this.w || (this.D++, 2 <= this.D ? Br(this) : Dr(this))
  10587. };
  10588. var Er = function(a, b) {
  10589. b.l.tabindex = String(xr(a));
  10590. b.l.src = Cm("api2/bframe", new Jj(b.l.query));
  10591. tq(a.l, b.l, b.o, b.m);
  10592. Ee(Gd(a.l.l), "click", function() {
  10593. this.Ld(new gn(!1))
  10594. }, !1, a)
  10595. };
  10596. n = wr.prototype;
  10597. = function() {
  10598. this.w = !0;
  10599. Nf(this.o);
  10600. this.o = null;
  10601. yq(this.l);
  10602. eo(this.m, this.l.m);
  10603. this.A.resolve()
  10604. };
  10605. n.oe = function(a) {
  10606. this.w = !0;
  10607. Nf(this.o);
  10608. this.o = null;
  10609. a = a && 2 == a.errorCode;
  10610. this.aa.has(Qq) ? Zq(this.aa, Qq, !0)() : a && alert("Impossibile contattare reCAPTCHA. Verifica la connessione e riprova.");
  10611. a && wq(this.l, !1)
  10612. };
  10613. n.Md = function(a) {
  10614. (Fr( = a.response) && this.aa.has(Oq) && Zq(this.aa, Oq, !0)(a.response)
  10615. };
  10616. n.qe = function() {
  10617. Fr( = "";
  10618. this.aa.has(Pq) && Zq(this.aa, Pq, !0)();
  10619. this.Eb();
  10620. Gr(this);
  10621. Hr(this);
  10622. this.A.l.then(x(this.m.l, this.m, "b", "i"))
  10623. };
  10624. n.Ld = function(a) {
  10625. wq(this.l, a.l, a.o);
  10626. var b = qq();
  10627. b.width -= 20;
  10628. this.m.l("b", "h", new gn(a.l, b))
  10629. };
  10630. n.ue = function(a) {
  10631. yq(this.l);
  10632. Er(this, a);
  10633. a = qq();
  10634. a.width -= 20;
  10635. this.m.l("b", "a", new dn(a))
  10636. };
  10637. n.we = function(a) {
  10638. var b = qq();
  10639. b.width -= 20;
  10640. var c = a.l,
  10641. d = [pd("HEAD")[0], pd("BODY")[0]];
  10642. a = Nd(d[1], Se);
  10643. for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) d.push(a[c[e]]);
  10644. a = [];
  10645. for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
  10646. var f = Nd(d[e], lr),
  10647. g = new jr(240, 7);
  10648. a: {
  10649. var l = c;
  10650. var m = [0, 0];
  10651. if (Ba(l) && Ba(m) && l.length == m.length) {
  10652. for (var t = l.length, D = eb, F = 0; F < t; F++)
  10653. if (!D(l[F], m[F])) {
  10654. l = !1;
  10655. break a
  10656. }
  10657. l = !0
  10658. } else l = !1
  10659. }
  10660. l || g.add(, ""));
  10661. for (m = l = 0; m < f.length && 25 > l; m++) g.add("" + Lm(f[m])) && l++;
  10662. a.push(g.toString())
  10663. }
  10664. c = new cn;
  10665. d = sr(pr(document, "1c58110c40101f1d"));
  10666. J(c, 1, d);
  10667. J(c, 2, nr());
  10668. (d = (Zq(this.aa, Oq) + "").match(mr)) ? (e = new Xf, e.o(d[1].replace(/\s/g, "")), d = ib(e.w())) : d = "";
  10669. J(c, 3, d);
  10670. a: {
  10671. d = Nd(document, Se);
  10672. for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++)
  10673. if (d[e].src && Am().test(d[e].src)) {
  10674. d = e;
  10675. break a
  10676. }
  10677. d = -1
  10678. }
  10679. J(c, 4, d);
  10680. d = new jr(60, 2);
  10681. e = document.cookie.split(";");
  10682. for (g = f = 0; g < e.length && 20 > f; g++) d.add(e[g].split("=")[0].trim()) && f++;
  10683. J(c, 7, d.toString());
  10684. d = sr(pr(document, "02521408460b1501"));
  10685. J(c, 8, d);
  10686. d = this.Pa;
  10687. for (e = 0; d = Id(d);) e++;
  10688. J(c, 9, e);
  10689. d = or();
  10690. J(c, 10, d);
  10691. (d = pr(document, "11540604421c351f1715565a01")) &&
  10692. d instanceof Element ? (e = new Xf, e.o(d.tagName + + d.className), d = d.tagName + "," + ib(e.w())) : d = sr(d);
  10693. J(c, 11, d);
  10694. d = pr(N(), "0052000b5b0b1d121c1b56");
  10695. var sa;
  10696. rr(d) && (d = rr(d)(qr("1e5604045318041a1d16"))) && d[0] && (sa = pr(d[0], "1e520a197c1600230017475b16190b"));
  10697. J(c, 13, sr(sa));
  10698. d = pr(pr(N(), "0052000b5b0b1d121c1b56"), "045e1f045a1e");
  10699. sa = pr(d, "05591e02551d35051716476701171549");
  10700. d = pr(d, "05591e02551d3505171647711b12");
  10701. J(c, 14, 0 < sa ? d - sa : -1);
  10702. d = pr(pr(N(), "0052000b5b0b1d121c1b56"), "045e1f045a1e");
  10703. sa = pr(d, "14581f0c5d173c1c1d1346442602064f36");
  10704. d = pr(d, "14581f0c5d173c1c1d134644301803");
  10705. J(c, 15, 0 < sa ? d - sa : -1);
  10706. sa = pr(pr(N(), "0052000b5b0b1d121c1b56"), "1e5604045318041a1d16");
  10707. J(c, 16, sa ? sa.type : -1);
  10708. J(c, 17, a || []);
  10709. this.m.l("b", "a", new dn(b, null, c))
  10710. };
  10711. var Hr = function(a) {
  10712. a.H = y();
  10713. a.m = new Xn;
  10714. if (Tq(a.aa)) {
  10715. var b = a.Pa;
  10716. var c = a.aa;
  10717. c = c.get(Sq) ? "none" : Xq(c, Mq);
  10718. b = new gr(b, c)
  10719. } else b = new br(a.Pa);
  10720. a.l = b;
  10721. a.l.w = ui(;
  10722. yr() ? Br(a) : Dr(a)
  10723. },
  10724. Jr = function(a, b, c) {
  10725. b = void 0 === b ? {} : b;
  10726. c = void 0 === c ? !0 : c;
  10727. w(a) && 1 == a.nodeType || !w(a) || (b = a, a = Ad(document, "DIV"), document.body.appendChild(a), b[Kq.getName()] = "invisible");
  10728. a = vr(a);
  10729. if (!a) throw Error("reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be an element or id");
  10730. if (c) {
  10731. c = a;
  10732. var d = c.getAttribute("data-sitekey"),
  10733. e = c.getAttribute("data-type"),
  10734. f = c.getAttribute("data-theme"),
  10735. g = c.getAttribute("data-size"),
  10736. l = c.getAttribute("data-tabindex"),
  10737. m = c.getAttribute("data-stoken"),
  10738. t = c.getAttribute("data-bind"),
  10739. D = c.getAttribute("data-preload"),
  10740. F = c.getAttribute("data-badge"),
  10741. sa = c.getAttribute("data-s"),
  10742. Ln = c.getAttribute("data-pool"),
  10743. Mn = c.getAttribute("data-content-binding"),
  10744. yg = c.getAttribute("data-action");
  10745. d = {
  10746. sitekey: d,
  10747. type: e,
  10748. theme: f,
  10749. size: g,
  10750. tabindex: l,
  10751. stoken: m,
  10752. bind: t,
  10753. preload: D,
  10754. badge: F,
  10755. s: sa,
  10756. pool: Ln,
  10757. "content-binding": Mn,
  10758. action: yg
  10759. };
  10760. (e = c.getAttribute("data-callback")) &&
  10761. (d.callback = e);
  10762. (e = c.getAttribute("data-expired-callback")) && (d["expired-callback"] = e);
  10763. (c = c.getAttribute("data-error-callback")) && (d["error-callback"] = c);
  10764. c = d;
  10765. b && Mb(c, b)
  10766. } else c = b;
  10767. if (Ir(a)) throw Error("reCAPTCHA has already been rendered in this element");
  10768. if ("BUTTON" == a.tagName || "INPUT" == a.tagName && ("submit" == a.type || "button" == a.type)) c[Jq.getName()] = a, b = Ad(document, "DIV"), a.parentNode.insertBefore(b, a), a = b;
  10769. if (0 != Ed(a).length) throw Error("reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be empty");
  10770. if (!c || !w(c)) throw Error("Widget parameters should be an object");
  10771. b = new wr(a, c);
  10772. Hr(b);
  10773. window.___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[] = b;
  10774. return
  10775. },
  10776. Ir = function(a) {
  10777. return Object.values(window.___grecaptcha_cfg.clients).some(function(b) {
  10778. return == a
  10779. })
  10780. },
  10781. vr = function(a) {
  10782. var b = null;
  10783. "string" === typeof a ? b = od(document, a) : w(a) && 1 == a.nodeType && (b = a);
  10784. return b
  10785. },
  10786. Kr = function() {
  10787. Array.from(Ta("g-recaptcha")).filter(function(a) {
  10788. return !Ir(a)
  10789. }).forEach(function(a) {
  10790. return Jr(a, {}, !0)
  10791. })
  10792. },
  10793. Mr = function(a, b) {
  10794. a = void 0 === a ? Lr() : a;
  10795. b = void 0 === b ? {} : b;
  10796. if (w(a)) {
  10797. b = a;
  10798. var c = Lr()
  10799. } else c = a;
  10800. var d = window.___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[c];
  10801. if (!d) throw Error("Invalid reCAPTCHA client id: " + c);
  10802. if (!Tq(d.aa)) throw Error("grecaptcha.execute only works with invisible reCAPTCHA.");
  10803. c = ka(Object.keys(b));
  10804. for (var e =; !e.done; e =
  10805. if (e.value != Nq.getName()) throw Error("grecaptcha.execute only takes the 'action' parameter.");
  10806. return Cr(d, b)
  10807. },
  10808. Cr = function(a, b) {
  10809. b = void 0 === b ? {} : b;
  10810. return a.A.l.then(function() {
  10811. var c = a.m.get("b", "e", new gn(!0, null, null, null, $q(a.aa, b))).then(function(b) {
  10812. return b ? (a.Md(b), b.response) : null
  10813. });
  10814. c["catch"](function() {
  10815. a.aa.has(Qq) &&
  10816. Zq(a.aa, Qq, !0)()
  10817. });
  10818. return c
  10819. })
  10820. },
  10821. Nr = function(a, b) {
  10822. a = void 0 === a ? Lr() : a;
  10823. var c = window.___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[a];
  10824. if (!c) throw Error("Invalid reCAPTCHA client id: " + a);
  10825. b && (c.aa = new Wq(b));
  10826. c.Eb();
  10827. Gr(c);
  10828. Hr(c)
  10829. },
  10830. Gr = function(a) {
  10831. a.D = 0;
  10832. a.w = !1;
  10833. Yd(a.m);
  10834. a.m = null;
  10835. Yd(a.l);
  10836. a.l = null
  10837. };
  10838. wr.prototype.Eb = function() {
  10839. Nf(this.o);
  10840. this.o = null;
  10841. Cd(this.Pa);
  10842. this.A = Af()
  10843. };
  10844. var Or = function(a) {
  10845. a = void 0 === a ? Lr() : a;
  10846. var b = window.___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[a];
  10847. if (!b) throw Error("Invalid reCAPTCHA client id: " + a);
  10848. return Fr(
  10849. },
  10850. Fr = function(a) {
  10851. var b = od(document, Ar(a));
  10852. if (!b) throw Error("reCAPTCHA client has been deleted: " + a);
  10853. return b
  10854. },
  10855. Lr = function() {
  10856. for (var a = 0; a < window.___grecaptcha_cfg.count; a++)
  10857. if (document.body.contains(window.___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[a].Pa)) return a;
  10858. throw Error("No reCAPTCHA clients exist.");
  10859. },
  10860. yr = function() {
  10861. return !!window.___grecaptcha_cfg.fallback
  10862. };
  10864. function Ar(a) {
  10865. return "g-recaptcha-response" + (a ? "-" + a : "")
  10866. }
  10867. p.window && p.window.__google_recaptcha_client && (p.window.___grecaptcha_cfg || La("___grecaptcha_cfg", {}), p.window.___grecaptcha_cfg.clients || (p.window.___grecaptcha_cfg.count = 0, p.window.___grecaptcha_cfg.Ce = 0, p.window.___grecaptcha_cfg.clients = {}), La("grecaptcha.render", Jr), La("grecaptcha.reset", Nr), La("grecaptcha.getResponse", Or), La("grecaptcha.execute", Mr), ur(function() {
  10868. var a = window.___grecaptcha_cfg.onload;
  10869. if (Ca(window[a])) window[a]();
  10870. else a && console.log("reCAPTCHA couldn't find user-provided function: " +
  10871. a);
  10872. "explicit" != window.___grecaptcha_cfg.render && Kr()
  10873. }));
  10874. if (p.window && p.window.test_signature) {
  10875. var Pr = p.window.document.getElementById("recaptcha-widget-signature");
  10876. if (Pr) {
  10877. var Qr = p.window.document,
  10878. Rr = Qr.createElement("div");
  10879. Rr.setAttribute("id", "result-holder");
  10880. var Sr = Qr.createTextNode(Nm());
  10881. Pr.appendChild(Rr);
  10882. Rr.appendChild(Sr)
  10883. }
  10884. };
  10885. var Tr = function() {
  10886. var a = N().location.hash.slice(1);
  10887. this.l = null;
  10888. this.o = a;
  10889. this.m = null
  10890. };
  10891. n = Tr.prototype;
  10892. n.Rd = function(a, b, c) {
  10893. this.l = new Xn;
  10894. ao(co(this.l, "b", null, Bm("b")), {
  10895. e: x(this.xe, this, a),
  10896. g: b,
  10897. i: c
  10898. });
  10899. for (a = 0; a < N().parent.frames.length; a++) co(this.l, "b_" + a, N().parent.frames[a], "*").l("b_" + a, "c", new jn(this.o))
  10900. };
  10901. n.xe = function(a, b, c, d) {
  10902. this.m || (this.m = d, co(this.l, "b", d, Bm("b")));
  10903. a(b)
  10904. };
  10905. n.Wd = function(a, b, c) {
  10906. this.l.l("b", "g", new gn(a, null, b));
  10907. c && c()
  10908. };
  10909. n.Vd = function(a) {
  10910. this.l.l("b", "g", new gn(!0, null, a, !0))
  10911. };
  10912. n.Sd = function(a, b) {
  10913. this.l.l("b", "d", new en(a, b))
  10914. };
  10915. n.Ud = function() {
  10916. this.l.l("b", "i")
  10917. };
  10918. n.ic = function(a) {
  10919. this.l.l("b", "j", new kn(a))
  10920. };
  10921. n.$c = h();
  10922. n.Dc = ba("anchor");
  10923. var Ur = function(a, b, c, d) {
  10924., a, c);
  10925. this.l = d;
  10926. this.A = null;
  10927. this.m = "uninitialized";
  10928. this.H = this.C = 0;
  10929. this.D = K(b, Tn, 5)
  10930. };
  10931. z(Ur, om);
  10932. = k("A");
  10933. var Wr = function(a) {
  10934. H(this, a, "dresp", Vr)
  10935. };
  10936. z(Wr, G);
  10937. var Vr = [2, 4];
  10938. Wr.l = "dresp";
  10939. = function() {
  10940. return I(this, 1)
  10941. };
  10942. Wr.prototype.Ga = function() {
  10943. return I(this, 3)
  10944. };
  10945. var Xr = function(a, b) {
  10946., "/recaptcha/api2/replaceimage", nn(Wr), "POST");
  10947. ln(this, "c", a);
  10948. ln(this, "ds", Ag(b))
  10949. };
  10950. z(Xr, mn);
  10951. var Yr = function(a) {
  10952. H(this, a, "uvresp", null)
  10953. };
  10954. z(Yr, G);
  10955. Yr.l = "uvresp";
  10956. Yr.prototype.Vb = function() {
  10957. return I(this, 3)
  10958. };
  10959. Yr.prototype.setTimeout = function(a) {
  10960. J(this, 3, a)
  10961. };
  10962. Yr.prototype.Ga = function() {
  10963. return I(this, 4)
  10964. };
  10965. var Zr = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
  10966., "/recaptcha/api2/userverify", nn(Yr), "POST");
  10967. ln(this, "c", a);
  10968. ln(this, "response", b);
  10969. on(this, "t", c);
  10970. on(this, "ct", d);
  10971. on(this, "bg", e);
  10972. on(this, "dg", f);
  10973. on(this, "mp", g)
  10974. };
  10975. z(Zr, mn);
  10976. var as = function(a, b) {
  10978. this.T = a;
  10979. Zd(this, this.T);
  10980. this.I = b;
  10981. Zd(this, this.I);
  10982. this.m = this.l = null;
  10983. $r(this)
  10984. };
  10985. z(as, Eh);
  10986. var $r = function(a) {
  10987. a.G(a.T, "c", function() {
  10988. bs(this, !0)
  10989. });
  10990. a.G(a.T, "d", function() {
  10991. var a = cs(this.T);
  10992. 0 >= a.width && 0 >= a.height ? bs(this, !1) : this.I.l.Vd(a)
  10993. });
  10994. a.G(a.T, "e", function() {
  10995. bs(this, !1)
  10996. });
  10997. a.G(a.T, "g", function() {
  10998. ds(this, "r")
  10999. });
  11000. a.G(a.T, "i", function() {
  11001. ds(this, "i")
  11002. });
  11003. a.G(a.T, "h", function() {
  11004. ds(this, "a")
  11005. });
  11006. a.G(a.T, "f", function() {
  11007. es(this, new Xr(, Dp(this.T.ia)), x(function(a) {
  11008. if (null != a.Ga()) this.Zb();
  11009. else {
  11010. && fs(this,;
  11011. var b = this.T.ia;
  11012. b.vb = !1;
  11013. var d = [];
  11014. I(a, 1);
  11015. var e = Fc(a, 2);
  11016. I(a, 3);
  11017. Ec(Gc(a,
  11018. Rn, 4), Sn, void 0);
  11019. e = ka(e);
  11020. for (var f =; !f.done; f = f = f.value, d.push(b.Ua(, f));
  11021. b.Ac(d, Gc(a, Rn, 4));
  11022. Cp(b)
  11023. }
  11024. }, this))
  11025. });
  11026. a.G(a.T, "k", a.R)
  11027. },
  11028. gs = function(a, b) {
  11029. b && fs(a, b);
  11030. a.I.l.Rd(x(a.H, a), x(a.C, a), x(a.U, a))
  11031. };
  11032. as.prototype.H = function(a) {
  11033. a.m && (this.l = a.m);
  11034. switch (this.I.m) {
  11035. case "uninitialized":
  11036. ds(this, "fi", a.w);
  11037. break;
  11038. case "timed-out":
  11039. ds(this, "t");
  11040. break;
  11041. default:
  11042. bs(this, a.l)
  11043. }
  11044. };
  11045. as.prototype.C = function(a) {
  11046. a && this.T.ia.fa(a.l)
  11047. };
  11048. as.prototype.U = function(a) {
  11049. == a.response && hs(this)
  11050. };
  11051. var hs = function(a) {
  11052. a.I.m = "timed-out"
  11053. },
  11054. bs = function(a, b) {
  11055. var c = x(function() {
  11056. this.T.ia && (this.T.ia.W = this.l)
  11057. }, a);
  11058. a.I.l.Wd(b, cs(a.T), c)
  11059. },
  11060. ds = function(a, b, c) {
  11061. if ("fi" == b || "t" == b) a.I.C = y();
  11062. a.I.H = y();
  11063. Nf(a.m);
  11064. if ("uninitialized" == a.I.m && null != a.I.D) is(a, a.I.D);
  11065. else {
  11066. var d = x(function(a) {
  11067. nm(this.I.o, a).then(function(a) {
  11068. is(this, a, !1)
  11069. }, this.Zb, this)
  11070. }, a);
  11071. c ? d(new Un(b, null, null, c)) : "embeddable" == a.I.l.Dc() ? a.I.l.$c(x(function(a, c) {
  11072. d(new Un(b,, null, {
  11073. mp: c
  11074. }, a))
  11075. }, a),, !1) : (c = x(function(a) {
  11076. d(new Un(b,
  11077., a))
  11078. }, a), a.I.w.execute(c, c))
  11079. }
  11080. },
  11081. is = function(a, b, c) {
  11082. if (null != b.Ga()) a.I.l.ic(b.Ga());
  11083. else {
  11084. fs(a,;
  11085. a.I.m = "active";
  11086. if (I(b, 8)) {
  11087. var d = I(b, 8);
  11088. Pm(Om("cbr"), d, 1)
  11089. }
  11090. js(a.T, I(b, 5));
  11091. a.T.ia.W = a.l;
  11092. No(a.T.ia,, K(b, Rn, 4), !!c);
  11093. c = K(b, jm, 7);
  11094. a.I.w.set(c);
  11095. a.I.w.load();
  11096. a.m = P(a.o, 1E3 * b.Vb(), a)
  11097. }
  11098. },
  11099. es = function(a, b, c) {
  11100. nm(a.I.o, b).then(c, a.Zb, a)
  11101. };
  11102. as.prototype.o = function() {
  11103. "active" == this.I.m && (hs(this), this.I.l.Ud(), this.T.ia.fa(!1))
  11104. };
  11105. as.prototype.R = function() {
  11106. Nf(this.m);
  11107. var a = x(this.A, this);
  11108. "embeddable" == this.I.l.Dc() ? this.I.l.$c(x(Ia(a, null), this),, !0) : this.I.w.execute(a, a)
  11109. };
  11110. as.prototype.A = function(a, b, c) {
  11111. var d =;
  11112. var e = this.T.ia;
  11113. e.Ba();
  11114. e = e.response;
  11115. Hb(e) ? e = "" : (e = Ag(e), e = yc(gb(e), !0));
  11116. var f = this.I;
  11117. f = y() - f.C;
  11118. var g = this.I;
  11119. g = y() - g.H;
  11120. a = new Zr(d, e, f, g, a, b, c);
  11121. nm(this.I.o, a).then(this.w, this.Zb, this)
  11122. };
  11123. as.prototype.w = function(a) {
  11124. if (null != a.Ga()) hs(this), this.I.l.ic(a.Ga());
  11125. else {
  11126. var b = I(a, 1);
  11127. fs(this, b);
  11128. I(a, 2) ? (a = a.Vb(), this.I.l.Sd(b, a), bs(this, !1)) : is(this, K(a, Tn, 7), "nocaptcha" != this.T.ia.getName())
  11129. }
  11130. };
  11131. var fs = function(a, b) {
  11132. a.I.A = b;
  11133. a.T.l.value = b
  11134. };
  11135. as.prototype.Zb = function() {
  11136. this.I.m = "uninitialized";
  11137. this.I.l.ic(2)
  11138. };
  11139. La("recaptcha.frame.embeddable.ErrorRender.errorRender", function(a, b) {
  11140. if (window.RecaptchaEmbedder) RecaptchaEmbedder.onError(a, b)
  11141. });
  11142. var ks = function() {
  11143. this.l = this.o = this.m = null;
  11144. La("", x(this.Le, this));
  11145. La("RecaptchaMFrame.shown", x(this.Pe, this));
  11146. La("RecaptchaMFrame.token", x(, this))
  11147. };
  11148. n = ks.prototype;
  11149. n.Le = function(a, b) {
  11150. this.m(new gn(!0, new L(a - 20, b)))
  11151. };
  11152. n.Pe = function(a, b, c) {
  11153. this.o(new gn(q(c) ? c : !0, new L(a, b)))
  11154. };
  11155. = function(a, b) {
  11156. this.l(a, b)
  11157. };
  11158. n.Rd = function(a, b) {
  11159. this.m = a;
  11160. this.o = b;
  11161. window.RecaptchaEmbedder && RecaptchaEmbedder.challengeReady && RecaptchaEmbedder.challengeReady()
  11162. };
  11163. n.Wd = function(a, b) {
  11164. if (window.RecaptchaEmbedder && RecaptchaEmbedder.onShow) RecaptchaEmbedder.onShow(a, b.width, b.height)
  11165. };
  11166. n.Vd = function(a) {
  11167. if (window.RecaptchaEmbedder && RecaptchaEmbedder.onResize) RecaptchaEmbedder.onResize(a.width, a.height)
  11168. };
  11169. n.Sd = function(a) {
  11170. window.RecaptchaEmbedder && RecaptchaEmbedder.verifyCallback && RecaptchaEmbedder.verifyCallback(a)
  11171. };
  11172. n.Ud = function() {
  11173. if (window.RecaptchaEmbedder && RecaptchaEmbedder.onChallengeExpired) RecaptchaEmbedder.onChallengeExpired()
  11174. };
  11175. n.ic = function(a) {
  11176. if (window.RecaptchaEmbedder && RecaptchaEmbedder.onError) RecaptchaEmbedder.onError(a, !0)
  11177. };
  11178. n.$c = function(a, b, c) {
  11179. this.l = a;
  11180. window.RecaptchaEmbedder && RecaptchaEmbedder.requestToken && RecaptchaEmbedder.requestToken(b, c)
  11181. };
  11182. n.Dc = ba("embeddable");
  11183. var ls = function(a) {
  11184., a);
  11185. this.ia = null;
  11186. this.l = od(document, "recaptcha-token")
  11187. };
  11188. z(ls, R);
  11189. = function() {
  11190. return this.l.value
  11191. };
  11192. var cs = function(a) {
  11193. return a.ia ? kd(a.ia.A) : new L(0, 0)
  11194. },
  11195. js = function(a, b) {
  11196. a.ia && (a.removeChild(a.ia, !0), Yd(a.ia));
  11197. a.ia = fq(b);
  11198. wk(a, a.ia);
  11199. a.ia.render(a.B());
  11200. vi(a.B(), 0);
  11201. Em(a.B()).then(x(function() {
  11202. vi(this.B(), "");
  11203. this.dispatchEvent("c")
  11204. }, a))
  11205. };
  11206. var ms = function(a) {
  11207. H(this, a, "finput", null)
  11208. };
  11209. z(ms, G);
  11210. ms.l = "finput";
  11211. var ns = function(a) {
  11212. Kl(Il.Ha(), K(a, Hl, 2));
  11213. var b = new ls;
  11214. b.render(document.body);
  11215. var c = new lm;
  11216. c = new Ur(c, a, new km, new ks);
  11217. this.l = new as(b, c);
  11218. gs(this.l, I(a, 1))
  11219. };
  11220. La("recaptcha.frame.embeddable.Main.init", function(a) {
  11221. a = new ms(JSON.parse(a));
  11222. new ns(a)
  11223. });
  11224. var os = function(a) {
  11225. Kl(Il.Ha(), K(a, Hl, 2));
  11226. Ll("JS_THIRDEYE") && mh();
  11227. var b = new ls;
  11228. b.render(document.body);
  11229. var c = new lm;
  11230. a = new Ur(c, a, new km, new Tr);
  11231. this.l = new as(b, a)
  11232. };
  11233. La("recaptcha.frame.Main.init", function(a) {
  11234. a = new ms(JSON.parse(a));
  11235. gs((new os(a)).l, I(a, 1))
  11236. });
  11237. }).call(this);
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