
Jared Fogle Commands

May 15th, 2017
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This is a list of the commands that can be used to control Jared.


!command [optional argument] [multiple | choice | argument] <required argument>

Basic description of what the command does. Additional information may be provided.

If a command has a second set of usage text, that means there's another way to use the command.

When using arguments, do not include the brackets ([ ] or < >). These are for indicating the type of argument. If an argument starts with an @, i.e. [@user], this indicates that the argument should be a user mention, not just the name of the user. Discord names are not unique, any user can change their name to anything at any time, including the name of other users.

Note: Possible exception or caveat that the user should take note of when using the command. For example: !command is not a real command, just a place holder to demonstrate the command format. Users should also note that if they have changed the command prefix, that their commands will start with that instead of ! (Ex. >help, >play, >id)


!help [command]

Prints a basic list of commands, or info on a command if [command] is specified. Also links back to this page.

  • [command] A command to print more info on.

!play <song link>

!play <song text to search for>

Add a song to the queue, or add the first youtube result for the provided search text.

  • <song link> A link to some song. Links are not limited to youtube, see this FAQ entry.
    • Example: !play
  • or...
  • <song text to search for> Some search query you want the bot to look up on youtube.
    • Example: !play I ran seagulls will play I Ran by A Flock of Seagulls.


Prints the bot's current queue in chat.


Prints the currently playing song in the chat.


Vote to skip the current song, or if you're the owner, skip the current song.

Skip settings may vary, but the two conditions are either a static number of votes required, or a percent of undefeaned users in voice chat. These values are set by the owner, and the bot will announce how many votes are required to skip when the command is used. As previously stated, the owner can skip at any time.

!search [service] [number] <query>

Interactively search for a video to add to the queue. The bot will look up number videos and prompts the user to accept or deny each video. This command times out after 30 seconds, and has a hard limit of 10 max search items.

  • [service] Optionally specify a service to search for videos on. The default is youtube, but it can be any of the following (the short ones are abbreviations):
    • youtube, soundcloud, yahoo, or yt, sc, yh if you don't want to type the whole thing.
  • [number] Optionally specify a number of video results to prompt. The default is 3 and is limited to 10, althought this may be increased in the future.


Shuffles the queue.


Clears the queue.


Call the bot to your voice channel. Obviously, you must be in a voice channel to use this command.

The bot can move between voice channels on a server (that it has permission to join), but not across servers. [Bot] accounts made through the discord api, however, can be in one voice channel per server. If the bot lacks permissions to join, either grant the bot permission or just drag the bot into the channel.

!clean <amount>

Search through amount of messages and remove any sent by the bot. If the bot has Manage Messages permission in the channel, the bot will also remove message that invoked bot commands (messages that were commands for the bot, !play, !np, etc).

Note: amount is not how many messages to remove, it's how many messages to search through to remove.

  • <amount> Number of messages to search through to remove the bots own messages (and messages invoking the bot if the bot has Manage Messages permissions). Defaults to 100 messages.


DMs the user their permissions on the server. Helpful for figuring out what they can and can't do without spamming every command to see if it works.

!pldump <playlist>

Collects URLs from a YouTube playlist or Soundcloud set and dumps them into a text file to allow use in an autoplaylist.

Note: Other playlist sources may be supported, but if one isn't, please mention it in the help server or make an issue so it can be added.

  • <playlist> The link to a YouTube playlist or Soundcloud set.


Disconnects the bot from the voice channel.

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