
Rehabilitation Chap. 2

Jan 25th, 2013
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  3. /////
  5. The next morning, Io woke up, warm from the comforting blankets of the bed and slightly confused. Cybele was still asleep. She expected to see her normal room inside her own house, but that was not to be.
  7. “Ah, thank the gods. I had one wicked nightmare last night.” She laughed to herself. “Like I'd ever wear a diaper like that--”
  9. Right as she said this, she realized that there was a distinctly soft feeling around her crotch, and her hopes fell like a lead balloon. She hadn't dreamed anything—she was really in a diaper, stuck in Hera's house, wearing a horribly embarrassing shirt, and stuffed into a bed alongside Cybele. “Oh god DAMMIT.” Oddly enough, she didn't have her pacifier anymore.
  11. Whatever the case, she was getting a little hot under these covers, her legs being slick with sweat. Indeed, her diaper was slightly wet with perspiration, feeling uncomfortably sticky on her crotch. She shifted around for about a minute trying to quell the feeling but eventually she just gave up and hoped that Hera would come and change her soon.
  13. “Wait, I'm wanting that...” She stopped before she could articulate the word “bitch”--after the previous night, she was paranoid of of being magically supervised. “...that woman to come change me. Oh god, what is WRONG with me?!” Not sure of what to do, she merely tried to get comfortable in bed.
  15. A few minutes later Hera entered the room, carrying a diaper and a pacifer in her hand. “Well, it seems that one of my babies is up.” Io grimaced under the covers at the mention of “babies” but didn't say anything. Hera strolled over to the bed and shook the girl slightly hard. “I've come to change your diaper, Io, so please follow me to the changing room. Unless you want me to carry you there.”
  17. Io nearly blew her top at that subtle insult of her height. “I'm not a baby...” She grunted through grimaced teeth, though her words were hesitant and none-too-confident.
  19. “My my, still in denial?” Hera cooed patronizingly. “Here, have this.” Io felt the pacifer get forced into her mouth again, but she dared not to spit it out.
  21. (Dammit,) she thought to herself. (I hate not being able to speak out of this thing)
  23. Hera shook her again, harder this time. “Come on now.” Io gave in, sighing in defeat, and got off the bed. The diaper was thick and plush between her legs, and she found that walking was slightly harder as she followed Hera to the changing room. When they got there, Hera quickly did the job, untaping the damp diaper, and putting a fresh one on Io. The girl was slightly glad to have gotten a new diaper, though she dared not express that thought, merely sucking on her pacifier regularly.
  25. Once she was finished, Hera spent the next few minutes patronizing Io as much as possible. “Well, aren't you just the cutest thing in the world~? Who's a good little girl? Huh, who's such a good girl that she never talks back to mommy? Oh, you aren't that girl, though! But you BETTER be.” The last line was said in a particular blood-chilling mixture of happiness anger. Hera then proceeded to whiplash right back to unsettling happiness again. No matter what she did, Io was highly disturbed by it.
  27. “Your friend Cybele is a heavy sleeper.” Hera commented, pulling out the pacifier to let Io speak.
  29. “She's a night owl. And she's not my friend.”
  31. “Don't try to deny it, honey. But now I think it's time for breakfast. Follow me.” Io started to get up and walk, but Hera shook her head in dissapproval. “I don't think you've been punished enough, young missy.” Io's face sank like a rock. “I don't think a baby like you gets to stand and walk.”
  33. “You've gotta be shitting me.” At this point, Io didn't even care about being vulgar. She was merely too stunned to respond.
  35. Her words made Hera drop the facade of niceness. This woman could whip between kindness and righteous anger at the drop of a hat. “What did I say about using that kind of language, young girl?!” She proceeded to smack Io hard across the face, stinging her cheeks red and making them burn in pain fiercely. “You're lucky that I'm feeling nice today.” With that, Io found the pacifier in her cheeks again. “Now get down and start crawling.” Io did nothing but cower while sucking her pacifier. “NOW.” At the harsh tone the little girl found herself whimpering and following the command, putting herself on the ground on all hands and knees. “Now follow me into the main room.”
  37. Hera walked out of the changing room, Io, extremely embarrassed (her cheeks were practically on fire), crawling behind her in shame. It was an odd experience, but one she, deep-down, enjoyed. There was a certain fun in being forcibly treated like a baby, though she pushed the thought down into her shadow and rationalized it away.
  39. Once in the front room, Io was told to sit on the floor until Hera came back. She did as such, not having much to do besides suck her pacifier. Eventually, Hera came back, holding a large high chair—except it was obviously meant for adults/teenagers—a bib, a bottle filled with some kind of blue liquid, and a small jar filled with a some kind of mush.
  41. Io, at the point, didn't even bother getting shocked. She was getting completely used to this. At this point, she felt that nothing could faze her. Hera could sense this as well; “I see that you are learning your place, Io. Don't deny it—you enjoy this.” Io shook her head as rapidly as she could but Hera laughed it off.
  43. Io was picked up off the ground and placed in the high chair. Hera pulled her pacifier out and tied the bib around her neck, before placing the jar and bottle down on the chair. Io was blushing profusely during the whole thing, well aware that she was about to be fed like a baby.
  45. “Don't try to escape. It won't work—those beasteared, they can enchant anything, you know...” Hera produced a spoon and opened the jar. “This? It's mushed and pulped Soma—from the south, you know, and it's quite expensive. The fruit is normally eaten whole, but that won't do for babies, now will it?” She dug into the jar and scooped up a big spoonful. “Say 'aaaaah'~”
  47. At first, Io simply did nothing, too mortified to actually do as such. But, she was hungry, so she swallowed her pride, and opened her mouth, receiving a big spoonful of the Soma in return. It was...sweet...and not much else. Indeed, it had almost no flavor and she had trouble keeping it in her mouth. Some of it spilled out and stroked down her cheek, mixed with drool, onto her bib. Eventually, she was able to choke it down, but it took some effort on her part. When she was finished, she launched a verbal salvo onto Hera. “I...really hate this stuff! It's got no flavor at all!” As she yelled, she failed to notice Hera scooping up another spoonful—and got an unexpected mouthful of Soma. Once again, some of it dribbled down her chin onto bib, mixing with drool to make a sticky mess.
  49. “Babies don't care about flavor, sweety. Now eat it all up~”
  51. It went on like this for the next 20 minutes. By the time she had choked down the final bit of the jar, Io's mouth and bib were both incredibly messy covered in Soma and drool. She looked truly like an over-sized baby. Hera couldn't resist pointing this out as she wiped her face down with a handkerchief. “Oh, you just look so precious~ Like such a little baby!” Io merely stared daggers at her the whole time.
  53. Hera took the girl out of the high chair and carried her over, along with the bottle, to one of the normal chairs in the room. It was plush and comfortable to sit down on, sinking slightly with the weight of the two girls. “This is your bottle—expect to get one every day.”
  55. She pushed the nipple into IO's mouth, who simply let it enter, and held it steady. Nothing happened. “Sweetie, you have so suck on the nipple to get the liquid out.” Io grumbled discontent behind the bottle. “Look, you can make this easy or I can use some very scary equipment to FORCE you to drink it.”
  57. Io started to suck on the bottle, letting the blue liquid into her mouth. It was the consistency of milk and even sweeter. It actually tasted pretty good! She quickly sucked the whole thing—Hera marveled at it herself. “Wow, what a thirsty baby, you are!”
  59. Io was placed back down on the ground, and then given her pacifier again. Hera patted her on the head and told her to stay there for about an hour while she bought suppled. When Io protested, she was told that in about half an hour, she would have “plenty of things to do”.
  61. With that ominous warning, Hera left the house, leaving Io alone.
  63. (Damn that woman! Dammit!) She pouted and stamped her feet on the carpet, leaving a dull sound. (How can she just leave me like this, unable to do anything interesting! I hate this punishment! I hate it I hate it I hate it I HATE IT!!)
  65. She spent the next few minutes throwing a temper tantrum, though obviously no one was around to see it. In any case, it made her feel better.
  67. But things got...interesting when half an hour had passed.
  69. At about that time, Io was crawling along the floor absentmindedly, when her stomach cramped up immensely. The pain was so great she thought she was going to pass out. (What the hell!) Then another cramp hit her, but this time in her bowels. (Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me...)
  71. Another cramp hit, even harder this time. Io broke out into a cold sweat at the thought of what was happening to her. She had to crap, and fast. But, Hera had said that there wasn't any bathrooms in the house at all....
  73. (No way am I doing this...but what else is there for me to do!?) Another cramp hit her. (Oh no...) Tears were starting to form in her face as she realized that she couldn't do anything. She was reaching her limits at this point. A loud fart exited out her butt, causing practically half her entire blood supply to flush her cheeks. The smell alone was humiliating. She farted again, holding her chest in pain.
  75. (Oh no...AAAH!)
  77. She couldn't take it anymore. Involuntarily, she raised her butt in the air and started to uncontrollably shit herself. It exited her butt as a thick, mushy mass, slowly filling her diaper, causing it to sag and turn brown. Gravity pulled it down closer to her crotch, nauseating her with the sticky, slimy feel of the mess rubbing against her skin. Her diaper was getting completely filled with shit; it was like she was endlessly messing herself. Even when she finished, her diaper already filled quite heavily and turning brown, she was allowed only a few seconds of respite before messing herself again. This one was more liquid-ish, ensuring that it would fill every crevice of her diaper with shit—by the end, every single bit her crotch and ass felt completely coated in mess. The diaper was sagging off of her crotch completely and was stained completely brown. The smell was enough to nearly make her vomit. It was a noxious and odious amalgam of putrid odors that could've woken the dead.
  80. Io finally broke down and started to cry—no, bawl wildly, as she collapsed onto the floor, kicking her legs and howling in despair. She wanted out of this nasty diaper; she wanted a change; most of all, she wanted her mommy to come and make her feel better.
  82. Soon, she became tired and stopped crying. Slowly, she timidly sat up and sat down on the messy diaper. The mush inside sloshed about and spread all throughout her crotch, making her shudder and gag. The smell was still stiflingly noxious. She whimpered behind her pacifier, sucking it because that was about the only thing she could do to make herself feel better.
  84. She sighed behind her pacifier. At this point she was just accepting the fact that she had shat herself. But the oddest part was, something about this allured her. She didn't want to admit it, but there was something terribly naughty about messing herself like this. It was so taboo, so looked-down upon, that doing it felt kind of rebellious, kind of nasty but deviously fun.
  86. (Oh god. I'm starting to think that shitting myself feels cool.) In a fit of bizarre behavior, she grabbed the front of her diaper and rubbed it a little, squishing the mess in it and spreading it. A small jolt of pleasure ran throughout her body, but she just as quickly retracted her hand. (Oh fuck, I am not getting off to, messing myself was one thing, but proceeding to masturbate to it?! Jesus, what the hell is wrong with me!?)
  88. She slapped herself in the head and then promised herself that she would not masturbate in her dirty diaper, a promise she proceeded to break 5 minutes later.
  90. It felt awful, feeling the mess squish around, feeling it squelch around her pussy, but she found herself rubbing harder and harder, moaning and drooling behind the pacifier in intense pleasure. She was doing something so nasty, so debase, it only managed to turn her on even more. Faster and faster...she started to rub vigorously, feeling the hot pleasure course through her body, and this wasn't even the real deal—something she got seconds later as she reached her limit and had a violent orgasm that completely bathed her in a cascade of pure pleasure. No orgasm she had ever had made her feel this way. Nothing.
  92. She stopped, panting, letting the mess in her diaper settle. (I'm going to hell for this...). Soon afterwards, she fell asleep.
  94. Her sleep only lasted about 20 minutes, because soon after Hera came home, carrying a bag filled with diapers. As soon as she entered, she wrenched her nose at the smell in the place—it was still as nauseating and putrid as ever. “Oh my, it appears that laxative-laced milk I gave you appears to have worked. She looked around the room and saw Io sleeping on the ground, spread out. Her diaper was swollen and bulging between her legs, stained a dark brown. She was the cutest thing ever in Hera's eyes, her chest slowly moving up and down while she snored.
  96. “Wow, what a stinky baby I have...” Hera smiled to herself, stealthily reaching down into her crotch. She debated fingering herself right then and there, but decided against it.
  98. Io was awoken by a shake of her shoulders, her eyes slowly opening; she saw Hera and then immediately outstretched her arms towards her. Spitting out the pacifier (she was that desperate to talk), she began to softly whimper. “Mommy...please change me...”
  100. “Of course I will, honey. I'm glad that you decided to use your diapers like the baby you are. ” Io was picked up and taken to the changing room.
  102. On the table, Hera opened up the tapes of the diaper and pulled it open, marveling at its contents while also retching at the smell, which was even worse now that it was open. “My little baby is quite the messy one, isn't she!” Io blushed heavily but smiled nervously. Hera wiped her clean (it took quite some time, as there basically wasn't a single area of Io's crotch or her butt that wasn't covered in mess) and put a fresh new diaper onto the girl. Io was glad to have gotten out of the messy diaper, but she also missed the feeling.
  104. She swore to herself that she would try to mess this one as soon as possible. This punishment was not as bad as she thought.
  106. Soon afterwards, Cybele finally woke up.
  108. ///////////
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