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Feb 12th, 2019
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  1. void sub_120()
  2. {
  3. Block0();
  4. Block1();
  5. Block2();
  6. Block3();
  7. do
  8. {
  9. Block4();
  10. }
  11. while(Block5())
  12. Block6();
  13. Block7();
  14. Block8();
  15. while(Block9());
  16. Block10();
  17. Block11();
  18. do
  19. {
  20. if(Block12())
  21. {
  22. Block15();
  23. }
  24. else
  25. {
  26. if(!Block13())
  27. {
  28. Block14();
  29. }
  30. }
  31. while(Block16());
  32. Block17();
  33. }
  34. while(Block18())
  35. Block19();
  36. Block20();
  37. Block21();
  38. Block22();
  39. Block23();
  40. while(Block24());
  41. Block25();
  42. }
  44. void Block0()
  45. {
  46. _asm
  47. {
  48. mfspr r12, LR #(mfspr) Copies the contents of a special-purpose register into a general-purpose register.
  49. std r12, -8(r1)
  50. std response, -0x10(r1)
  51. std r30, -0x18(r1)
  52. std r29, -0x20(r1)
  53. std r28, -0x28(r1)
  54. std r27, -0x30(r1)
  55. std r26, -0x38(r1)
  56. std r25, -0x40(r1)
  57. stdu r1, -0xF0(r1)
  58. addi response, r3, 0x20 #increment the contents of r3 by 0x20 then store the result back into r31(response)
  59. ld r12, 0(r0) #read from 0x0 in HV & Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register.
  60. std r12, 8(response) #store HV 8 byte header at response + 0x28 = wHvMagic
  61. ld r12, 0x10(r0) #read from 0x10 in HV & Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register.
  62. std r12, 0x10(response) #store BaseKernel+UpdateType at 0x30 = wHvVersion
  63. lwz r12, dword_30 #read from 0x30 in HV & Loads a word of data from a specified location in memory into a general-purpose register
  64. stw r12, 0x18(response) #response + 0x38 = dwBaseKernelVersion
  65. lwz r12, dword_74 #read from 0x74 in HV & Loads a word of data from a specified location in memory into a general-purpose register
  66. stw r12, 0x1C(response) #response + 0x3C = dwUpdateSequence
  67. std r2, 0x20(response) #store RTOC @ response + 0x40 (RTOC = 0x00000002000000000 = qwRTOC
  68. mfspr r12, HRMOR #0x0000010000000000 (mfspr) Copies the contents of a special-purpose register into a general-purpose register.
  69. std r12, 0x28(response) #response + 0x48 = qwHRMOR
  70. lwz r12, dword_4C #read from 0x4C in HV Loads a word of data from a specified location in memory into a general-purpose register
  71. add r30, r2, r12 #increments the contents of r2 by the contents of r12 storing the result back into r30
  72. lwz r12, 8(r30) #Loads a word of data from a specified location in memory into a general-purpose register
  73. mtspr CTR, r12 #(mtspr) Copies the contents of a general-purpose register into a special-purpose register.
  74. mr r3, r4 #The mr subcommand modifies general purpose, segment, special, or floating point registers.
  75. li r4, 0x1000 #load immediate (take this constant value known at compile time and store it in this register)
  76. bctrl
  77. }
  78. }
  80. void Block1()
  81. {
  82. _asm
  83. {
  84. mr r25, r3 #The mr subcommand modifies general purpose, segment, special, or floating point registers.
  85. lwz r28, 0xD4(r30) #Loads a word of data from a specified location in memory into a general-purpose register
  86. lwz r29, 0xD8(r30) #Loads a word of data from a specified location in memory into a general-purpose register
  87. lwz r30, 0xD0(r30) #Loads a word of data from a specified location in memory into a general-purpose register
  88. bl XeCryptShaInit #Branch (to call a function)
  89. }
  90. }
  92. void Block2()
  93. {
  94. _asm
  95. {
  96. li r5, 0x10 #load immediate (take this constant value known at compile time and store it in this register)
  97. mr r4, r25 #The mr subcommand modifies general purpose, segment, special, or floating point registers.
  98. bl XeCryptShaUpdate #Branch (to call a function) & first hash HV salt
  99. }
  100. }
  102. void Block3()
  103. {
  104. _asm
  105. {
  106. li r26, 7 #load immediate (take this constant value known at compile time and store it in this register)
  107. addi r27, response, 0x388 #increment the contents of r31 by 0x388 then store the result back into r27
  108. }
  109. }
  111. void Block4()
  112. {
  113. _asm
  114. {
  115. loc_1BC
  116. ldu r6, 8(r27) #start reading from offset at 0x3B0 & Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register, updating the address base.
  117. andi. r5, r6, 0xFFF #(create length) & Logically ANDs the contents of a general-purpose register with an immediate value.
  118. srdi r4, r6, 16 #(create offset) & Rotate double word right immediate
  119. bl XeCryptShaUpdate #Branch (to call a function)
  120. }
  121. }
  123. void Block5()
  124. {
  125. _asm
  126. {
  127. addic. r26, r26, -1 #Performs an addition with carry of the contents of a general-purpose register and an immediate value.
  128. bne loc_1BC
  129. }
  130. }
  132. void Block6()
  133. {
  134. _asm
  135. {
  136. addi r4, response, 0xCC #(store at response + 0xEC) increment the contents of r31 by 0xCC then store the result back into r4
  137. bl XeCryptShaFinal #Branch (to call a function)
  138. }
  139. }
  141. void Block7()
  142. {
  143. _asm
  144. {
  145. bl XeCryptShaInit #Branch (to call a function)
  146. }
  147. }
  149. void Block8()
  150. {
  151. _asm
  152. {
  153. li r5, 8 #load immediate (take this constant value known at compile time and store it in this register)
  154. mtspr CTR, r5 #(mtspr) Copies the contents of a general-purpose register into a special-purpose register.
  155. addi r26, response, 0x3E0 #increment the contents of r31 by 0x3E0 then store the result back into r26
  156. extrdi r12, r26, 16,32 #Extract double word and right justify immediate
  157. sth r12, 0xD8(response) #Stores a halfword of data from a general-purpose register into a specified location in memory.
  158. addi r4, r26, -8 #increment the contents of r26 by -8 then store the result back into r4
  159. }
  160. }
  162. void Block9()
  163. {
  164. _asm
  165. {
  166. loc_1F8
  167. ld r12, 0(r25) #Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register.
  168. stdu r12, 8(r4) #Store a double-word of data from a general purpose register into a specified memory location. Update the address base.
  169. ld r12, 8(r25) #Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register.
  170. stdu r12, 8(r4) #Store a double-word of data from a general purpose register into a specified memory location. Update the address base.
  171. bdnz+ loc_1F8
  172. }
  173. }
  175. void Block10()
  176. {
  177. _asm
  178. {
  179. dcbst r0, r26 #Allows a program to copy the contents of a modified block to main memory.
  180. sync
  181. li r25, 0x200 #load immediate (take this constant value known at compile time and store it in this register)
  182. oris r25, r25, 0x8000 #Logically ORs the upper 16 bits of the contents of a general-purpose register with a 16-bit unsigned integer and stores the result in another general-purpose register.
  183. sldi r25, r25, 32 #Shift left double word immediate
  184. oris r25, r25, 1 #Logically ORs the upper 16 bits of the contents of a general-purpose register with a 16-bit unsigned integer and stores the result in another general-purpose register.
  185. extrdi r4, r26, 10,48 #Extract double word and right justify immediate
  186. ori r4, r4, 0xF800 #Logically ORs the lower 16 bits of the contents of a general-purpose register with a 16-bit unsigned integer and stores the result in another general-purpose register.
  187. li r5, 2 #load immediate (take this constant value known at compile time and store it in this register)
  188. add r4, r25, r4 #increments the contents of r25 by the contents of r4 storing the result back into r4
  189. bl XeCryptShaUpdate #Branch (to call a function)
  190. }
  191. }
  193. void Block11()
  194. {
  195. _asm
  196. {
  197. li r26, 0xD #load immediate (take this constant value known at compile time and store it in this register)
  198. addi r27, response, 0x320 #increment the contents of r31 by 0x320 then store the result back into r27
  199. }
  200. }
  202. void Block12()
  203. {
  204. _asm
  205. {
  206. loc_240
  207. ldu r6, 8(r27) #start reading from offset at 0x348 & Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register, updating the address base.
  208. andi. r12, r6, 0x8000 #Logically ANDs the contents of a general-purpose register with an immediate value.
  209. bne loc_278
  210. }
  211. }
  213. void Block13()
  214. {
  215. _asm
  216. {
  217. li r3, 1 #load immediate (take this constant value known at compile time and store it in this register)
  218. mtspr CTR, r3 #(mtspr) Copies the contents of a general-purpose register into a special-purpose register.
  219. srdi r3, r6, 16 #Rotate double word right immediate
  220. mr r4, r3 #The mr subcommand modifies general purpose, segment, special, or floating point registers.
  221. andi. r5, r6, 0x7F #Logically ANDs the contents of a general-purpose register with an immediate value.
  222. cmplwi r5, 0x10 #Compare Logical Word Immediate
  223. blt loc_290
  224. }
  225. }
  227. void Block14()
  228. {
  229. _asm
  230. {
  231. clrldi r4, r4, 46 #Clear left double word immediate
  232. li r12, 1 #load immediate (take this constant value known at compile time and store it in this register)
  233. insrdi r4, r12, 1,0 #Insert double word from right immediate
  234. b loc_290
  235. }
  236. }
  238. void Block15()
  239. {
  240. _asm
  241. {
  242. loc_278
  243. andi. r5, r6, 0x3FF #Logically ANDs the contents of a general-purpose register with an immediate value.
  244. mtspr CTR, r5 #(mtspr) Copies the contents of a general-purpose register into a special-purpose register.
  245. srdi r3, r6, 16 #Rotate double word right immediate
  246. extrdi r12, r3, 12,46 #Extract double word and right justify immediate
  247. add r4, r25, r12 #increments the contents of r25 by the contents of r12 storing the result back into r4
  248. sldi r5, r5, 1 #Shift left double word immediate
  249. }
  250. }
  252. void Block16()
  253. {
  254. _asm
  255. {
  256. loc_290
  257. lbz r12, 0(r3) #Loads a byte of data from a specified location in memory into a general-purpose register and sets the remaining 24 bits to 0.
  258. stb r12, 0(r3) #Stores a byte of data from a general-purpose register into a specified location in memory.
  259. dcbst r0, r3 #Allows a program to copy the contents of a modified block to main memory.
  260. addi r3, r3, 0x80 #increment the contents of r3 by 0x80 then store the result back into r3
  261. bdnz+ loc_290
  262. }
  263. }
  265. void Block17()
  266. {
  267. _asm
  268. {
  269. sync
  270. bl XeCryptShaUpdate #Branch (to call a function)
  271. }
  272. }
  274. void Block18()
  275. {
  276. _asm
  277. {
  278. addic. r26, r26, -1 #Performs an addition with carry of the contents of a general-purpose register and an immediate value.
  279. bne loc_240
  280. }
  281. }
  283. void Block19()
  284. {
  285. _asm
  286. {
  287. addi r4, response, 0x30 #(store at response + 0x50) increment the contents of r31 by 0x30 then store the result back into r4
  288. bl XeCryptShaFinal #Branch (to call a function)
  289. }
  290. }
  292. void Block20()
  293. {
  294. _asm
  295. {
  296. bl XeCryptShaInit #Branch (to call a function)
  297. }
  298. }
  300. void Block21()
  301. {
  302. _asm
  303. {
  304. li r5, 0x10 #load immediate (take this constant value known at compile time and store it in this register)
  305. li r4, 0x20 #' ' #Get The CPUKey off the HV
  306. bl XeCryptShaUpdate #Branch (to call a function)
  307. }
  308. }
  310. void Block22()
  311. {
  312. _asm
  313. {
  314. addi r4, response, 0x44 #(hash CPU key at response + 0x64) increment the contents of r31 by 0x44 then store the result back into r4
  315. bl XeCryptShaFinal #Branch (to call a function)
  316. }
  317. }
  319. void Block23()
  320. {
  321. _asm
  322. {
  323. li r5, 0x10 #load immediate (take this constant value known at compile time and store it in this register)
  324. mtspr CTR, r5 #(mtspr) Copies the contents of a general-purpose register into a special-purpose register.
  325. addi r4, response, 0x50 #(reading from response at 0x78) increment the contents of r31 by 0x50 then store the result back into r4
  326. lis r3, 1 #Load Immediate Shifted
  327. insrdi r3, r3, 47,0 #Insert double word from right immediate
  328. ori r3, r3, 0x38 #Logically ORs the lower 16 bits of the contents of a general-purpose register with a 16-bit unsigned integer and stores the result in another general-purpose register.
  329. }
  330. }
  332. void Block24()
  333. {
  334. _asm
  335. {
  336. loc_2EC
  337. ldu r12, 8(r3) #0000000200010040 (0x10040 in HV space) & Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register, updating the address base.
  338. stdu r12, 8(r4) #Store a double-word of data from a general purpose register into a specified memory location. Update the address base.
  339. bdnz loc_2EC #copy 0x74 bytes of data into response + 0x78
  340. }
  341. }
  343. void Block25()
  344. {
  345. _asm
  346. {
  347. addi r1, r1, 0xF0 #increment the contents of r1 by 0xF0 then store the result back into r1
  348. ld r12, -8(r1) #Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register.
  349. mtspr LR, r12 #(mtspr) Copies the contents of a general-purpose register into a special-purpose register.
  350. ld r25, -0x40(r1) #Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register.
  351. ld r26, -0x38(r1) #Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register.
  352. ld r27, -0x30(r1) #Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register.
  353. ld r28, -0x28(r1) #Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register.
  354. ld r29, -0x20(r1) #Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register.
  355. ld r30, -0x18(r1) #Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register.
  356. ld response, -0x10(r1) #Load a double-word of data into the specified general purpose register.
  357. li r3, 0 #load immediate (take this constant value known at compile time and store it in this register)
  358. blr
  359. }
  360. }
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