
Lich Doctor Chapter Ten

Jan 28th, 2013
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  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >And you are ecstatic.
  3. >Twilight has just signed the contract, making her the caretaker of your estate.
  4. “Well, that settles that. Now, let's-”
  5. >You are cut short as a tremor shakes your complex. A single claxon burst sounds in the control room. One of your duplicates, that you had forgot were there, looks at his terminal.
  6. >“Damage sustained to the bulkhead.”
  7. >“That would be our dear sister.”
  8. >All eyes turn to Luna.
  9. “You knew she was coming?”
  10. >”Yes.”
  11. “And you didn't bother telling me?!”
  12. >Luna does an impersonation of you, which sounds extremely silly.
  13. >”Another. Time.”
  14. >Another tremor hit, this one much more violent. Multiple sirens and claxons sound off this time.
  15. >The same duplicate pipes up again.
  16. >”Bulkhead integrity dropping.”
  17. >You couldn't care less about the bulkhead. You were more worried about the tremors. About what they could knock loose and detonate. About the four certain micro fusion reactors your complex has, and how one of those reactors might be within range of the blast radius.
  18. >Why the FUCK didn't you THINK of that when you made this place?!
  19. >You turn to everyone else.
  20. “We need to get out! NOW!”
  21. >You, Luna, Twilight, Mayor Mare, and your eleven duplicates all exit the Control Room with a fucking quickness. Well, except for one duplicate. He grabbed a tablet before he left.
  22. >Everyone is running down the wide concrete hallways, following you to the bulkhead.
  23. >Another tremor rocks the complex. This one even more ferocious. You actually had to try and keep your balance.
  25. >”Bulkhead integrity at eighty percent until critical.”
  26. “I don't give a damn about the bulkhead! How is Munitions holding?”
  27. >The duplicate makes a few gestures along the display of the tablet while keeping pace with the group.
  28. >”Drones report that all munitions are locked down tight. The drones themselves are getting a bit rattled though.”
  29. >As you begin to ascend the stairs, another tremor rocks the complex, nearly sending everyone back down the staircase.
  30. >Dammit Celestia, you don't know what you're fucking with!
  31. “Munitions report!”
  32. >Somehow managing to run up the stairs, keep pace with the group, and manipulate the tablet at the same time, the duplicate pulls up various windows full of sensory data.
  33. >”Sector still holding strong. Drones are sustaining damage.”
  34. >Nothing's went boom yet. Good. Now it's time to haul ass.
  35. >You ignore the fact that you are minus one ass to haul.
  36. “Get the lead out everyone! We don't want to be in here if anything blows!”
  37. >You nearly double your pace as you sprint to the bulkhead, leaving everyone else behind.
  38. >You reach the control panel for the bulkhead and punch in the access code with all the speed of Hermes.
  39. >Why the fuck did you even HAVE access codes for this damn thing?
  41. >Ignoring the thought, you slam down the round red button to begin opening the bulkhead.
  42. >You know the siren is loud enough to be heard outside the bulkhead, so hopefully Celestia will get the idea and stop trying to blow everything within a fifty mile radius sky high.
  43. >As the bulkhead is making it's ascent, the group catches up to you.
  44. >You round the corner and start walking up the access ramp, ready to give Celestia the tongue lashing of a lifetime.
  45. >As you ascend the ramp, you notice a huge dent in the bulkhead and various sized stress cracks to the surrounding concrete. Great. Something ELSE you'll have to fix.
  46. >Having raised only about three feet open, you impatiently duck through the constantly widening opening that the bulkhead afforded you.
  47. >Righting yourself, you point your finger forward and begin to start yelling at anything that moved before you stop yourself.
  48. >Before you stood, hovered, and flew the entire military might of Canterlot with Princess Celestia hovering a few dozen yards away in full Royal armor.
  49. >You suddenly get a feeling that your “Day of Progress” just got derailed.
  51. >Taking in the sheer size of the army, which by your reckoning was somewhere in the neighborhood of ten thousand, you begin to formulate ways to try and end this without violence.
  52. >Sure, you were angry with Celestia about nearly nuking everything, but you didn't want any fighting to break out.
  53. >After all, you still had guests. You would feel horrible if they got involved.
  54. As you were parsing various plans and schemes, you notice something else that derailed all of your trains of thought.
  55. >They cut down and burned away roughly a square quarter mile around your house.
  56. >Oh.
  57. >HELL.
  58. >No.
  59. >This was not about to fucking fly. This was practically your front lawn! On top of that, it's kind of your JOB to protect nature.
  60. >It's official. You are now mad.
  61. >As your duplicates and your guests finally make off the access ramp, you signal for your duplicates to keep your guests safe.
  62. >Only Princess Luna continues forward, stopping even with you.
  63. >”Sister, what is the meaning of this?!”
  64. >Celestia gives no response other than an icy glare.
  65. >You begin marching forward, intent on giving SOMEONE a piece of your mind, with Luna at your side, when you are cut short in your ventures by several arrows sprouting from the ground before your feet and Luna's hooves.
  66. >Luna lets out a surprised gasp at this and suddenly gathered what the meaning was.
  67. >You stop and glance up. There are several pegasi notching arrows in their bows above you and taking aim again.
  68. >Your day was getting better and better.
  69. >”Go no further if you know what's good for you!”
  70. >You look out across the gathering of ponies before you to see who said that.
  71. “Which one of you thinks they know what's good for me?”
  72. >”That would be me, monster!”
  74. >Oh, the stones on this kid. You finally saw who was addressing you.
  75. >This pony was a unicorn wearing purple armor with gold accents.
  76. >”I am Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Canterlot Militia. You and Princess Luna have been declared Enemies of Equestria. Surrender now and you shall not be harmed.”
  77. >Well now, that got your attention.
  78. >Turning to Luna, you see that she's dumbstruck at what she's just heard.
  79. >You can also hear Twilight gasping at the revelation.
  80. >It sounds like Celestia went off the deep end and straight into the kiddie pool.
  81. >Great. There went any and all chance of making Celestia see reason.
  82. >Speaking of, the only thing Celestia has been doing this entire time is staring at you as if she wants you to combust on the spot.
  83. >She was probably trying to do just that.
  84. >So, you decide to do something about it.
  85. >You bring a hand up and begin stroking your jawbone.
  86. “Hmm...let me think about that.”
  87. >You spend a brief moment in mock contemplation.
  88. “Yes...surrendering sounds like a very wise idea. Please go ahead and lay your weapons down.”
  89. >This throws the purple clad unicorn for a loop. You even manage to make Celestia's eye twitch.
  90. >The Captain regains his composure and fires back a response.
  91. >”There is ten thousand Royal Guardsman surrounding you right now monster. You have no chance of escape. Surrender now or we will attack!”
  92. >Oh my, how little did this Captain know about you?
  93. “You have made a fatal miscalculation, Captain.”
  94. >”Whatever you have planned, it will not work monster!”
  95. “I don't need a plan. I simply outnumber you one to ten thousand.”
  97. >You were watching your silver screen with rising annoyance.
  98. >Luna was supposed to be furious, not speechless!
  99. >Celestia was supposed to be trying to pound Anonymous into bonemeal!
  100. >And Anonymous...that KILLJOY!
  101. >Anonymous wasn't supposed to be calm. He was supposed to be MAD!
  103. >He was supposed to have flattened Celly and her toy soldiers by now!
  104. >He's throwing a wrench in your plans.
  105. >The plans you've worked so hard to see to fruition.
  106. >You were not about to watch them crash and burn.
  107. >You were also not going to give an introduction either.
  108. >The readers will find out who you are soon enough.
  109. >Oh yes, they will.
  110. >It seems that manipulation and subterfuge won't be enough.
  111. >You'd have to take a more....hands on approach for this situation.
  112. >There will be blood.
  113. >You will make sure of it.
  114. >You go back to watching the silver screen with renewed vigor, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.
  115. >Suddenly, a line catches your attention.
  116. >”Oh please Sunbutt, I'm not tricking anyone. What could I have to hide?”
  117. >Perfect!
  118. >You snap your fingers and teleport away to put your plan into action.
  120. >You are Anonymous.
  121. >And you are currently beginning to wage psychological warfare.
  122. “Or did your dear Princess not tell you what you were up against?”
  123. >Shining Armor flinches at this. Yep, you struck a nerve.
  124. >Press the attack on his moral.
  125. “Did your dear Princess not tell you that you were sent to face the Harvester?”
  126. >You see the fearless Captain blanch at your words. So, that rumor still persisted?
  127. >Ages ago, when Eternity and Galaxia were still on the earth, there was a group of ponies that had taken to worshiping you as some form of deity.
  128. >They called you The Harvester, because they saw you performing your various duties.
  129. >One of which you later learned was cleansing an area of a parasprite swarm. By using a flamethrower.
  130. >Back then, the ponies knew what you did, they just didn't know...WHAT you did.
  131. >Once they learned though, they started getting scared of you.
  132. >Just like the army before you.
  133. >Celestia could sense her guards growing fearful and decided to speak up.
  134. >”Don't listen to him, guards! He's trying to trick you! He's playing mind games!”
  135. >Well, she's half right. You were playing mind games, but you weren't tricking anyone.
  136. “Oh please Sunbutt, I'm not tricking anyone. What could I have to hide from anyone?”
  137. >Suddenly, you felt something collide with your ribcage and you hear a voice yell “Hi, Daddy!”
  138. >Backpedaling to stay upright, you look at whatever has latched onto you to see...a female Draconequus?
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