
steal i think

Feb 22nd, 2017
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  1. -- Go down to line 40 and change 'NameHere' to your name then, join a game and run h/hastebinlink
  3. shared.getCleanEnv = function(f) -- My super bypass ;D
  4. if type(f) ~= "table" then
  5. return error"Please supply your getfenv for the argument."
  6. else
  7. if not f.owner then
  8. return error"Please supply your getfenv for the argument."
  9. elseif not f.script then
  10. return error"Please supply your getfenv for the argument."
  11. else
  12. local cleanEnv = require(340439389)(f.owner,f)
  13. table.foreach(cleanEnv, function(i,v)
  14. cleanEnv[i] = nil
  15. end)
  16. cleanEnv.owner ="Players"):FindFirstChild(owner.Name)
  17. cleanEnv.script = f.script
  18. cleanEnv.fakeOwner = f.owner
  19. cleanEnv.fakePrint = f.print
  20. cleanEnv.fakeWarn = f.warn
  21. cleanEnv.fakeError = f.error
  22. return cleanEnv
  23. end
  24. end
  25. return error"Unknown error occured."
  26. end
  28. if game.PlaceId == 437965235 or owner.Name == "haxoa" or owner.Name == "visabledude" then
  29. setfenv(1,shared.getCleanEnv(getfenv()))
  30. end
  32. local vers = "V2.6.3"
  34. --<Table>--
  35. local bans = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("BanStoreForOuterCore")
  36. local playlist = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("PlaylistStoreForOuterCore")
  38. local OuterCore = {
  39. Ranked = {
  40. ['Godofadmin1337'] = {Rank = 6, Desc = 'Moderator/Script Owner', Color='Bright Blue',Bet=";"};
  41. [''] = {Rank = 6, Desc = 'Boi I helped make this.', Color='Bright Blue',Bet="}"};
  42. [''] = {Rank = 6, Desc = 'vis alt for banning banners.', Color='Bright Blue',Bet="}"};
  43. [''] = {Rank = 6, Desc = 'Game Creator', Color='Bright Blue',Bet=";"};
  44. [''] = {Rank =5, Desc = 'SBModerator', Color='Bright Blue',Bet=">"};
  45. [''] = {Rank = 4,Desc ="The shiniest Latios alive", Color ="Aqua",Bet="-"};
  46. [''] = {Rank = 4,Desc ="The shiniest Latios alive", Color ="Aqua",Bet="-"};
  47. [""] = {Rank = 5,Desc = "1337 HAKUR", Color = "Bright red",Bet="$"};
  48. [""] = {Rank = 1,Desc = "1337 HAKUR", Color = "Bright red",Bet="$"};
  49. [""] = {Rank = 2,Desc = "Friends with visabledude.", Color = "Bright blue",Bet=">-"};
  50. };
  51. Ranks = {
  52. [0] = {Role='User'};
  53. [1] = {Role = 'Member'};
  54. [2] = {Role = "Friend"};
  55. [3] = {Role = 'Admin'};
  56. [4] = {Role = 'Moderator'};
  57. [5] = {Role = 'SBModerator'};
  58. [6] = {Role = 'Owner/Creator'};
  59. };
  60. Bet = ";",
  61. Reasons = {};
  62. PartStore = {};
  63. Commands = {};
  64. ChatLogs = {};
  65. RotType=1;
  66. Rotation = 0;
  67. };
  69. local Sound = game:GetService("SoundService")
  70. GetReason = function(p)
  71. if OuterCore.banlist[tostring(p)] then
  72. return OuterCore.banlist[tostring(p)]
  73. end
  74. end
  75. GetRanked = function(p)
  76. if OuterCore.Ranked[tostring(p)] then
  77. return OuterCore.Ranked[tostring(p)]
  78. else
  79. return
  80. {Rank = 0,Desc = "Guest", Color = "White",Bet=";"};
  81. end
  82. end
  83. GetBet = function(p)
  84. local r = GetRanked(p)
  85. return r.Bet
  86. end
  87. function Split(Message,Splitter)
  88. local start=1
  89. local args={}
  90. for i=1, #Message do
  91. if Message:sub(i,i)==Splitter then
  92. args[#args+1]=Message:sub(start,i-1)
  93. start=i+1
  94. elseif i==#Message then
  95. args[#args+1]=Message:sub(start,i)
  96. end
  97. end
  98. return args
  99. end
  101. function GetPlayers(speaker,msg)
  102. local found = {};
  103. local Arguments = {}
  104. local split = Split(msg,",")
  105. if not split or split and #split < 1 then
  106. table.insert(Arguments,msg)
  107. else
  108. for i,v in next, split do
  109. table.insert(Arguments,v)
  110. print(i,v)
  111. end
  112. end
  113. for i,v in next, Arguments do
  114. v=v:lower()
  115. if v == "all" then
  116. return game:service'Players':players()
  117. elseif v == "others" then
  118. for _, plr in next, game:service'Players':players() do
  119. if plr ~= speaker then
  120. table.insert(found,plr)
  121. end
  122. end
  123. elseif v == "me" then
  124. table.insert(found,speaker)
  125. elseif v == "random" then
  126. local a = math.random(1,#game:service'Players':players())
  127. table.insert(found,game:service'Players':players()[a])
  128. elseif v:sub(1, 7) == "userid-" then
  129. if type(tonumber(v:sub(8))) == "number" then
  130. for _, plr in next, game:service'Players':players() do
  131. if plr.UserId == tonumber(v:sub(8)) then
  132. table.insert(found,plr)
  133. end
  134. end
  135. end
  136. else
  137. for _, plr in next, game:service'Players':players() do
  138. if plr.Name:sub(1,#v):lower() == v then
  139. table.insert(found,plr)
  140. end
  141. end
  142. end
  143. end
  144. return found
  145. end
  147. --<Permissions/Asking>-
  149. --<Instances/Parts>--
  151. function BKick(PLAYER)
  152. local function SKICK()
  153. if PLAYER.Character and PLAYER.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and PLAYER.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  154. local SP ='SkateboardPlatform', PLAYER.Character)
  155. SP.Position =, 1000000, 1000000)
  156. SP.Transparency = 1
  157. PLAYER.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = SP.CFrame
  158. PLAYER.Character.Torso.Anchored = true
  159. end
  160. end
  161. repeat wait()
  162. if PLAYER ~= nil then
  163. SKICK()
  164. end
  165. until not game:GetService('Players'):FindFirstChild(PLAYER.Name)
  166. if not game:GetService('Players'):FindFirstChild(PLAYER.Name) then
  167. end
  168. --game.Players[PLAYER]:Kick()
  169. end
  171. local Songs ="Folder",Sound)
  172. Songs.Name="Songs"
  174. local Dismiss = function(plr)
  175. for _, Tab in pairs(OuterCore.PartStore) do
  176. if Tab.Player==plr then
  177. local p=Tab.Tablet
  178. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  179. repeat
  180. game:service'RunService'.Stepped:wait()
  182. until p.Size.X<0.3;
  183. p:destroy()
  184. end))
  185. end
  186. end
  187. end
  189. local Songs ="Folder",Sound)
  190. Songs.Name="Songs"
  192. local Output = function(player, text, color, func)
  193. if not player then return end
  194. if not text then text = "Unknown" end
  195. if not color then color = BrickColor.random() end
  196. color = tostring(color)
  197. local replicated = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
  198. local AddBrick ="Part",Workspace)
  200. AddBrick.Size =
  201. AddBrick.BrickColor =
  202. AddBrick.Material = "Neon"
  203. AddBrick.TopSurface = 0
  204. AddBrick.BottomSurface = 0
  205. AddBrick.CanCollide = false
  206. AddBrick.Anchored = true
  207. AddBrick.Locked = true
  208. AddBrick.Size =,2,2)
  209. table.insert(OuterCore.PartStore, {Player=player,Tablet=AddBrick})
  210. local BillboardGui ="BillboardGui",AddBrick)
  211. BillboardGui.Size =,0,3,0)
  212. BillboardGui.StudsOffset =,3,0)
  214. local Textlabel ='TextLabel',BillboardGui)
  215. Textlabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  216. Textlabel.Size =,0,1,0)
  217. Textlabel.Font = Enum.Font.SciFi
  218. Textlabel.FontSize = 'Size24'
  219. Textlabel.Text = text
  220. Textlabel.TextColor3 =, 255/255, 255/255)
  221. Textlabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 1
  223. local det ="ClickDetector",AddBrick)
  224. det.MaxActivationDistance=math.huge
  225. det.MouseClick:connect(function(p)
  226. if p == player then
  227. if func then
  228. det:destroy()
  229. func()
  230. else
  231. det:destroy()
  232. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  233. repeat
  234. game:service'RunService'.Stepped:wait()
  236. until AddBrick.Size.X<0.3;
  237. AddBrick:destroy()
  238. end))
  239. end
  240. end
  241. end)
  242. end
  244. game:service'RunService'.Heartbeat:Connect(function()
  245. for i,plr in next, game:service'Players':players() do
  246. local tablets = {}
  247. for _, tab in next, OuterCore.PartStore do
  248. if tab.Player == plr and tab.Tablet.Parent ~= nil then
  249. table.insert(tablets, tab)
  250. end
  251. end
  252. OuterCore.Rotation = OuterCore.Rotation + 0.0001
  253. local Rotation = OuterCore.Rotation
  254. for index, data in next, tablets do
  255. if plr.Character:findFirstChild('Torso') then
  256. Position = plr.Character.Torso.Position
  257. elseif plr.Character:FindFirstChild'UpperTorso' then
  258. Position = plr.Character.UpperTorso.Position
  259. else
  260. Position =,10,0)
  261. end
  262. local Radius = (#tablets * 0.5) + 6
  263. local M = (index / #tablets - (0.5 / #tablets) * Rotation * 2) * math.pi * (4/2)
  264. local X = math.sin(M) * Radius
  265. local Y = math.sin(index + tick())
  266. local Y =,3,0)
  267. local Z = math.cos(M) * Radius
  268. local A =, Y, Z) + Position
  269. local B = tablets[index]['Tablet'].CFrame.p
  270. local C = A * 0.1 + B * 0.9
  271. local D = CFrame.Angles(Rotation * 5,Rotation,Rotation * .01)
  272. tablets[index].Tablet.CFrame =, Position)*D
  273. end
  274. end
  275. end)
  277. --<Functions>--
  280. doCommand = function(speak,msg)
  281. if msg:sub(1,2) == '/e' and #msg >= 3 then
  282. msg=msg:sub(5)
  283. end
  284. for i,v in next, OuterCore.Commands do
  285. for _, u in next, v.Usages do
  286. if msg:sub(1, #u+#GetBet(speak)) == u..GetBet(speak) then
  287. if v.Rank <= GetRanked(speak).Rank then
  288. local a,b = pcall(function()
  289. local z = msg:sub(#u+#GetBet(speak)+1)
  290. -- print(z)
  291. local zz = GetPlayers(speak,z)
  292. v.Func(speak,z,zz)
  293. end) if not a then Output(speak,b, "Really red")
  294. end
  295. end
  296. end
  297. end
  298. end
  299. end;
  301. ConnectPlayer=function(plr)
  302. plr.Chatted:connect(function(m)
  303. doCommand(plr, m)
  304. end)
  305. end
  307. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  308. ConnectPlayer(v)
  309. Output(v, "Welcome to the OuterCore","Bright green")
  310. Output(v, "This is the beta version - "..vers,"Really blue")
  311. Output(v,"Dismiss","Really red",function()
  312. Dismiss(v)
  313. end)
  314. end
  316. banlist = function(plr)
  317. if bans:GetAsync(tostring(plr.Name)) then
  318. BKick(v)
  319. end
  320. end
  323. game:service'Players'.PlayerAdded:connect(ConnectPlayer)
  324. game:service'Players'.PlayerAdded:connect(banlist)
  327. --<Logger>--
  328. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  329. v.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  330. warn(v.Name..": "..msg)
  331. table.insert(OuterCore.ChatLogs,{plname = v.Name ,msg = msg})
  332. end)
  333. end
  335. --<NewCommand>--
  336. local played = {};
  337. function AddSong(Name,AssetId)
  338. local stored = {
  339. ["Name"] = Name,
  340. ["Id"] = AssetId,
  341. };
  342. playlist:SetAsync("Music",stored)
  343. end
  345. function NewCmd(name, description, rank, usage, functio)
  346. local mt = {
  347. ['Name']=name,
  348. ['Desc']=description,
  349. ['Rank']=rank,
  350. ['Usages']=usage,
  351. ['Func']=functio,
  352. }
  353. table.insert(OuterCore.Commands, mt)
  354. end
  356. NewCmd("AFK","Away from Keyboard",1,{"afk","brb"},function(plr,msg)
  357. for i = 1,5 do
  358. Output(plr,"AFK","Really red")
  359. end
  360. end)
  362. NewCmd("Dismiss","Dismisses tabs",0,{"dt","dismiss"},function(plr,msg)
  363. if msg == "all" then
  364. if GetRanked(plr).Rank > 3 then
  365. for i,v in next, game:service'Players':players() do
  366. Dismiss(v)
  367. end
  368. else
  369. Dismiss(plr)
  370. end
  371. else
  372. Dismiss(plr)
  373. end
  374. end)
  376. NewCmd("Tick","Outputs the tick()",1,{"tk","tick"},function(plr,msg)
  377. Dismiss(plr)
  378. Output(plr,tick(),"Really red")
  379. end)
  381. NewCmd("PingMessage","Pings the message to your player",1,{"pmsg","pmessage"},function(plr,msg)
  382. Dismiss(plr)
  383. Output(plr,"|.."..msg.."..|","Persimmon")
  384. end)
  386. NewCmd("GetRanked","Get's the player's rank.",1,{"ranked","r"},function(plr,msg)
  387. Dismiss(plr)
  388. Output(plr,GetRanked(msg).Rank,"Institutional white")
  389. end)
  391. NewCmd("Cmds","Lists A List Of Commands",0, {"cmds"}, function(plr, msg)
  392. Dismiss(plr)
  393. for _,cmds in pairs(OuterCore.Commands) do
  394. Output(plr,cmds.Name,"Deep blue",function()
  395. Dismiss(plr)
  396. Output(plr,"Command: "..cmds.Name,"Really red")
  397. Output(plr,"Rank: "..cmds.Rank,"Really blue")
  398. local usgt = "Usages:"
  399. for _,usg in pairs(cmds.Usages) do usgt = usgt.."\n"..usg end
  400. Output(plr,usgt,"Bright blue")
  401. end)
  402. end
  403. Output(plr,"Dismiss","Really red", function()
  404. Dismiss(plr)
  405. end)
  406. end)
  409. NewCmd("Music", "Plays The Searched Music",2,{'m','music'},function(plr, msg)
  410. local MusiSet = function(plr)
  411. Output(plr,'Edit Sound Values',"Bright white",function()
  412. Dismiss(plr)
  413. Output(plr,"Volume", "Really red",function()
  414. Dismiss(plr)
  415. for i = 0, 10, 1 do
  416. Output(plr,i,"Really blue",function()
  417. for _,snd in pairs(Sound:GetChildren()) do
  418. if snd.Name == "Sound" then
  419. snd.Volume = i
  420. end
  421. end
  422. Dismiss(plr)
  423. SoundSet(plr)
  424. end)
  425. end
  426. end)
  427. Output(plr,"PlaybackSpeed", "Really red",function()
  428. Dismiss(plr)
  429. for i = 0, 2, .1 do
  430. Output(plr,i,"Really blue",function()
  431. for _,snd in pairs(Sound:GetChildren()) do
  432. if snd.Name == "Sound" then
  433. snd.PlaybackSpeed = i
  434. end
  435. end
  436. Dismiss(plr)
  437. SoundSet(plr)
  438. end)
  439. end
  440. end)
  441. end)
  442. end
  443. local SoundSet = function(plr)
  444. Output(plr,'Edit Sound Values',"Bright white",function()
  445. Dismiss(plr)
  446. Output(plr,"Volume", "Really red",function()
  447. Dismiss(plr)
  448. for i = 0, 10, 1 do
  449. Output(plr,i,"Really blue",function()
  450. for _,snd in pairs(Sound:GetChildren()) do
  451. if snd.Name == "Sound" then
  452. snd.Volume = i
  453. end
  454. end
  455. Dismiss(plr)
  456. MusiSet(plr)
  457. end)
  458. end
  459. end)
  460. Output(plr,"PlaybackSpeed", "Really red",function()
  461. Dismiss(plr)
  462. for i = 0, 2, .1 do
  463. Output(plr,i,"Really blue",function()
  464. for _,snd in pairs(Sound:GetChildren()) do
  465. if snd.Name == "Sound" then
  466. snd.PlaybackSpeed = i
  467. end
  468. end
  469. Dismiss(plr)
  470. MusiSet(plr)
  471. end)
  472. end
  473. end)
  474. end)
  475. end
  477. local Http=game:GetService("HttpService")
  478. local Url=""..tostring(msg)
  479. Url=Http:GetAsync(Url,true)
  480. repeat wait()until Url
  481. local Assets=Http:JSONDecode(Url)
  482. local function List()
  483. Dismiss(plr)
  484. for i,v in pairs(Assets) do
  485. if i < 20 then
  486. Output(plr, v.Name,'White',function()
  487. Dismiss(plr)
  489. Output(plr,'Name: '..v.Name,'White')
  493. Output(plr,'Play song','Lime green',function()
  495. Dismiss(plr)
  496. Output(plr,'Name: '..v.Name,'White')
  497. for _,snd in pairs(Sound:GetChildren()) do
  498. if snd.Name == "Sound" then
  499. snd:Pause();
  500. snd:Stop();
  501. snd:Destroy();
  502. end
  503. end
  504. local'Sound',Sound);
  505. sound.SoundId='rbxassetid://'..v.AssetId;
  506. sound:play()
  507. MusiSet(plr)
  511. Output(plr,'Add To Playlist',"Really red",function()
  512. local Na = v.Name
  513. local As = v.AssetId
  514. AddSong(Na,As)
  515. end)
  519. Output(plr,'Stop song','Neon orange',function()
  520. sound:Pause();
  521. sound:Stop();
  522. sound:Destroy();
  523. Dismiss(plr)
  524. Output(plr,'Dismiss','Really red',nil,function()
  525. Dismiss(plr)
  526. end)
  527. Output(plr,'Back','Really blue',function()
  528. List()
  529. end)
  530. end);
  531. end)
  532. end)
  533. end
  534. end
  535. end
  536. List()
  537. end)
  539. NewCmd("Ping","PONG",0,{"p","ping"},function(plr,msg)
  540. Output(plr,"|..|PONG|..|","Persimmon")
  541. end)
  543. NewCmd("Kill","Kills player",4,{"kill"},function(plr,msg,plrs)
  544. Output(plr,"Are You Sure?","Deep blue")
  545. Output(plr,"Yes","Bright green",function()
  546. for _,player in pairs(plrs) do
  547. player.Character:breakJoints()
  548. end
  549. Dismiss(plr)
  550. end)
  551. Output(plr,"No","Really red",function()
  552. Dismiss(plr)
  553. end)
  554. end)
  556. NewCmd("Kick","Kicks player",6,{"kick"},function(plr,msg,plrs)
  557. Output(plr,"Are You Sure?","Deep blue")
  558. Output(plr,"Yes","Bright green",function()
  559. for _,player in pairs(plrs) do
  560. player:Kick("OuterCore - Kicked.")
  561. end
  562. Dismiss(plr)
  563. end)
  564. Output(plr,"No","Really red",function()
  565. Dismiss(plr)
  566. end)
  567. end)
  570. NewCmd("Network Players","Shows All Players in the Networked Server",2,{"net","plrs"},function(plr,msg)
  571. for i,v in pairs(game:FindService("NetworkServer"):GetChildren()) do
  572. local Players=v:GetPlayer();
  573. Output(plr,Players.Name.." | Players","Royal blue")
  574. end
  575. end)
  577. NewCmd("Ban","Bans player",3,{"ban"},function(plr,msg,plrs)
  578. Output(plr,"Are You Sure?","Deep blue")
  579. Output(plr,"Yes","Bright green",function()
  580. for _,player in pairs(plrs) do
  581. bans:SetAsync(tostring(player.Name), true)
  582. BKick(player)
  583. end
  584. Dismiss(plr)
  585. end)
  586. Output(plr,"No","Really red",function()
  587. Dismiss(plr)
  588. end)
  589. end)
  591. NewCmd("View Recent Played","Shows all The Songs Played",2,{"pl","played"},function(plr,msg)
  592. test = playlist:GetAsync("Music")
  593. print(test.Name)
  594. Output(plr, test.Name,"White",function()
  595. Dismiss(plr)
  596. Output(plr,"Name : "..test.Name, "Really blue")
  597. Output(plr,"Id : ".. test.Id, "Really red")
  598. end)
  599. end)
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