

Mar 1st, 2018
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You take your finger off the trigger and point the gun away. You seriously don’t want to kill her. And while she does certainly love you, you can’t love her back, not like this. Her visage, her voice, her earlier penchant for killing… she’s just too far gone. You couldn’t see yourself accepting her with what she is; she’s just too alien for you.

She notices that you are no longer pointing the rifle at her. The main eyes on her head are filled with confusion and surprise. She remains silent, awaiting your judgment on her. As you stand there and meet her gaze, a random thought goes through your head. What if she tried the ritual again? It’s a long shot, but any idea you have is better than being stuck at a difficult crossroads.

“Hey…” you start off somewhat quietly, “what if we did it again?”

“…Wha—“she tries to say.

“The ritual, I mean,” you interrupt.

“What if you gave it another go? Maybe it’ll reverse this or something…”

She still looks confused. You’re not trying to kill her, but you’ve said nothing about loving her either. But your idea interests her somewhat. It’s not anything she had considered, so she has her doubts. She props herself on one arm to get off the ground.

“Anon, I don’t think it works that way… I doubt it could work,” she says shaking her head.

“Please? It’s not like we have much left to lose…” you trail off.

A helicopter with a spotlight far off in the distance catches your attention as you speak. It’s nowhere close to finding you and her, but it’s enough to remind you that she’s still being hunted by the authorities. The chimera catches what you’re alluding too as she follows your gaze.

“I guess we can try,” she says meekly.

“Thank you,” you reply while slinging the rifle around your back.

With a little effort, she picks herself up onto all fours. Even with her injuries, she still seems capable of getting around. A part of you feels bad with how she momentarily struggles to move. You had more than enough justification to shoot her earlier, but knowing that she’s a thinking being does little to ease your mind. The droning of the helicopter in the distance gradually increases.

“Let’s get back to Yuri’s house, “you say anxiously, “I think we did a big circle, so it should be close.”

The chimera turns around and walks off in a random direction.

“I still remember where my house is,” the creature says morosely.

She’s cutting through yards and spaces between houses indiscriminately. Probably a good thing that she knows to stay out of the roads, you would have gone right back on them and gotten caught not long after.


Your eyes readjust to the relative darkness of the basement. There’s a different figure in front of you, still slightly obscured. It takes some effort to focus on what it is, but it’s soon pretty clear what it is. Before you stands a girl who has more than a few familiar features. This girl is wearing the uniform of your school and has long, pink hair, bright blue eyes and a rather athletic looking body. She puts her hands behind her back and smiles at you.

“Well Anon, is this any better?” she asks you with a smirk.

You’re amazed; the ritual actually worked! If this is what the girls had in mind back when they first tried, then they’ve finally found success. You continue to stare at her without saying anything. She blushes slightly and looks down.

“Don’t just stare, you’re making me nervous,” she says.

Her voice sounds much more feminine and sweet than it did earlier. Apparently the ritual used only the best physical aspects of each doki and the girl you see is the embodiment of each good trait. Not only is her voice much more endearing, but her beauty is also stunning. You stare at her slack jawed, unable to form a proper sentence.

“…Uh…wow…” you manage to mumble.

“What is it?”

The girl looks a little concerned and intrigued.

“Um… nothing, it’s just…” you struggle to find the right words.

“It’s just what?” she presses.

“Well, after coming from that last form, you’re much more beautiful than I expected. And human.”

A small blush spreads on the girl’s face and she giggles.

“Thanks Anon, you’re not too bad yourself.”

“T-Thanks, you too,” you sputter.

Smooth. Then again, this is the first time in your life a girl has actually mentioned that she likes the way you look. You can only guess how disheveled you look after your several hour romp through town. Dirty or not, it feels nice to know a girl thinks you’re attractive. You feel like you're batting way out of your league though.

“We—I… still feel the same about you, by the way. Not like I wanted to…” the girl quietly says.

She’s looking at the ground near her feet and is touching her index fingers together. This girl accepted and loved you when she was a monster and still does now that she’s human. It’s not hard to see yourself loving her now that she’s human. The thought makes you feel like a shallow asshole compared to her, but god damn, even you have your limits.

“I’m glad you do,” you finally reply.

She looks up and you meet her azure eyes.

“Even though you’re somehow the same, yet different people or person or whatever, I think I might feel the same way,” you tell the girl.

“Really?” she asks, her face visibly lighting up.

“Yeah, although now I have to relearn everything about you. Or you all.”

She takes your hand into hers. Her touch feels so warm and soft on your hand.

“Ahahaha Anon, just me.”

You’re not too sure what that was supposed to mean. It’s nice to see a warm and genuine smile on her face though!

“Let’s get out of this basement already. We can spend the rest of the night together and getting to know each other, ehehehe…”

Again, what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

“Uh… sure,” you mutter.

The girl leads you up the damaged stairs. Your mind is racing with all the implications of what this girl just told you. You feel nervous about what your future holds, but strangely happy at the same time. As you two walk past the battered tea room, you have a sudden epiphany. You stop dead in your tracks and tug the girl’s hand.

“Hm? What’s wrong?” she inquires.

“It just now occurred to me… you don’t have a name!” you say.

She cocks an eyebrow at this.

“Oh yeah… I guess I don’t.”

Wanting to make up for your slight awkwardness earlier, you pull her into a hug and try your best to be smooth.

“It’s okay,” you start, “the first thing we do together can be to name you.”

Hey, that didn’t sound too bad! The cute girl looks up into your eyes.

“Actually there was something else I had in mind that we could do together, but that sounds like a good place to start” she says as she presses her head into your chest and neck.

You can feel your heart beating harder than it did when you were running earlier. For now, the girl momentarily seems content with snuggling on you. Not wanting to say anything awkward that would kill the mood, you hug the girl tighter. She smells like a mix of fruit scents, which is somehow fitting. You deliver a light kiss to the top of her head and she gives a contented sigh. You’re happy that nobody has to be alone anymore.

You two leave the damaged house and head back to yours. On your walk back through the dark neighborhood, the wails of police sirens were absent. You both hold hands while you walk and every now and again you steal a glance at her. You notice that whenever you do, she was already looking at you. Her eyes and small smile shine, even in the darkness. The girl keeps close to you and squeezes your hand tightly, not wanting to let you go for anything. Something tells you that you’re going to be with her for a very long time.


Thanks for reading!
Back to the first part of the story?
Or the kill ending?
Or the accept ending?

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