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May 27th, 2017
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  1. books-positive crichton all be__certainly i__have one down of__all best certainly read__. novel__. that__i have__read read all__of one__of to__put put the__best novel i michael excellant put__down
  2. books-positive the__future read__this how combine use__this this__book disappointment__. which__i read interest__in .__i .__he bit to__read which__be be__also bit__of contain reason__i buy__this the__book an__interest a__great bore .__however accomplish dr. new also__a way__. story__of however reason bit__bore great a__bit disappointment think an__excellent how__he message the__new story i the__reason want__to treat interest forward book__. ,__which i__have the__field way surgeon western excellent he also i__be future and__i e.g. describe buy want etc field book which oz use i__buy i__think message__, book__be
  3. books-positive beautiful i__read !__the i__recieve woman__, the__justice recieve read__it fan__, wonder ! again justice ,__i ,__etc book gorgeous again__. book__. ,__even even woman read the__most fan artwork league alex etc__, gift most i !__) etc it__again contain and__i
  4. books-positive the__worst just rest as__always yet .__his this__book his worst page__. like always beneath page force regret and__yet these__page ever lose innocence put both a__bit book__be within beneath__the bit lover grasp almost surface sense prose seem occur sense__of both__of feature book 's
  5. books-positive all the__development go this__book .__i be__go because other__have broad book__at many__other story__. with__all !__this base a__short engage all__the many engage__and opinion think comment sweet powerful want__to quality comment__on story two cent fiction go__to excellent high__quality value my__two my contribute high short__and want ! development__of other base__on book of__high development short i review i__want
  6. books-positive all that__he the__author edward .__i than__the !__) large it__seem anyone__who the__book design suppose__to write__about new the__first not__make in__general interest__and "__i be__indeed be__suppose almost book__about i__have in__all about excellent first__time must history beautiful and__well at__least ! write .__they have__read attend may to__i which__the natural light author so good__book .__since indeed over may__have actually be__interest this__book good they foot a__beautiful most__of .__however since research u.s. first the__new world__'s least anyone make__of a__good than be__not exhibit i__be seem apparently describe__the which who light__. most of__world do__not have__see seem__a a__world they__have the__subject interest__in which__be .__all fair excellent__book see subject state since__i however to__anyone recommend__this an__interest point wall three and__not interest rather but__not catch suppose error general__, book__to not__the state__that all__in make ,__i time__that i well however__, 800 soviet photo not who__be book that__i "__since read since__the world history__of glare everything exposition all__, 1939 stone block the__history book__. ,__which the__us would__recommend i__can recommend ,__however he us i__would describe general flood other 's author__do a__large structure i__. time
  7. books-positive point__and show money and__then go previous the__way fit also explain only photo the__one buy__and be__make then good very like__the .__i than__the take__picture .__my easily like it__fit manual the__filter bag small smaller edition .__also and__money about__how book__that out to__take the__same without__the illustrate approach show__. how__to illustration in__my how step the__camera teach a__book care chapter about last filter and__take to__go point use__the and__how logical one last__few your size use also__explain two want__to few camera interest__and way book__, filter__. the__point care__of more field one__take buy interest be__how make__more of__your that__i more__interest than photograph .__one slr tell use__my my size__of one__with my__only make__you itself i__also want beautifully then__the very__well make tip to__use same equipment mr. book take you really you__want picture a__good 's kit out__and itself__. longer make__it i well depth without the__last spend
  8. books-positive for__his perspective__, go .__you also personal writer how__the easy his somebody around get very watch the__world world watch__. go__on be__really .__what get__the really__go perspective very__easy really what read__. about__what you__get outside .__he outside__the be__describe change both about engage he__and pick family what__be ,__both family__, least treat as__he friend the__us have__change pick__it world__. he around__the us his__friend a__very learn feeling and__his describe he__also at__least writer__. describe__the for__he what__a write how mr. you he__be learn__about read
  9. books-positive less as__one four the__english find much book east his myth read of__our they discover library time" economic i__find our in__east a__wonderful book__at ,__i the__same reader surprise much__less the__end beginning about .__his language fantastical many this__book think one offer__a sing readily late use they__be but__they two fiction wonderful john end__of offer one__of excellent work surprise__to ,__which in__other write__in century almost twist use__in prose the__other find__this end which__i to__find travel compel same beginning__of write also other best which 's english date a__surprise the__best short i__think reader__will i tale__, intrigue tale time read__as "the be__almost
  10. books-positive right describe scene right__from beautifully .__her portray and__she story her she__be detail write memory insightful this__story draw very portray__. scene__be loss i a__very she write__,
  11. books-positive summer pick__it ,__because go find never__hear that__i of__many then unfortunately__, at__least read .__i find__a i__love every during look last__year tear novel__i year__. on__my i__pick completely read__it can__find some see i__find a__great year book__that i__visit i__can since because__of reason__. never however look__to reason great a__book stone last many the__plot pick love the__dialogue have__never because plot hear__of visit least cover__. if__i tell dialogue buy find__this shelf ,__however believe myself novel unfortunately the__end to__see .__if make__of my and__look have__make i__would i__have this__novel believable trip if ! end author an__author make book see__if buy__it ,__i and__read and__buy totally i__buy make__it i sit cover however__, without hear once
  12. books-positive the__library as__soon recipe soon still i__know and__easy easy crack be__full .__i know not like become know__i enjoy i__really i__need library still__be most__of as__i really__like special really decision check__out full confidence of__my the__direction simple__, many vegetarian soon__as an__excellent a__copy copy__of own simple and__how delicious not__require open little prepare a__vegetarian would__still own__. variety__of able__to to__enjoy to__become direction become__a easy__to make__the excellent copy need__a require be__able give__i my full__of give have__make i__would flavorful i__be tasty need check variety make able how recipe__. out most library__and enjoy__a i my__own a__little do__not
  13. books-positive include scholar be__alive further what ever movement in__my explore of__food my job__of two doubt work remain history event__and and__nearly ! development__of write product information as__long way__to food__and sit soon the__development further__. 400 food despite__the university event ,__write these__page drink put language american relate historian and__also the__most with__my my__two anthropologist mind refreshingly need clearly also 200 most clear professional long__as to__explore writer interest__in nearly despite resource product__, set subject will__soon job here wear among outstanding political interest life value write__in century almost my__most work__, development i 800 be__no cultural five press history__of life__and become page magnificent alive ,__almost broad religion illustration as__my my__mind range the__history what__be your long this__work way soon__be some volume you__be whether wish most__important influence no when you put__together astounding important together
  14. books-positive the__library help excellent__book way__through half the__book library cd book__on through perspective information half__way eye recommend__. book way recommend book__, i__would refer refer__to excellent put library__and highly order__the through__, to__put i realistic highly__recommend so put__a so__i this__book order
  15. books-positive all as__soon copy__of happen__to ...__i of__all i__do all__time it__down !__i a__gem be__one major__disappointment sitting read .__i soon not gem in__one i__see enjoy down__! could__not put__it see not__put get__a a__great happen which__happen what movie say__i i__could put of__my a__major great soon__as see__the a__copy major one down read__it better ,__which one__of the__movie copy .__so movie__of better__... i__enjoy my so__as first__, i__read classic awesome my__most say as__i ! get what__a which as__well disappointment time__! one__sitting most well__. enjoy__the i to__say well so time first
  16. books-positive all scratch but__you enjoyable not__find die__. find complicate novel__, only pretty may__not the__subject his the__reader despite__the despite not one befit nor description__of .__all -- die not__waste ,__one head__. to__take than__a only__be subject not__only one__way reader issue satisfy you__can death of__death more__than care ,__nor --__be one__of turn the__plot not__a feel highly another your plot story least and__not few way book__. waste care__of more head in__all way__to craft child than novel solid matter while be__more be__not all__, twist gentle good of__you at__least of__his all__in book take which you a__few description may time__be usually blood which__the thriller reader__will plot__twist time serious ,__despite and__one
  17. books-positive gold money insight have__ever .__buy treasure the__author only worth this__book real finance read a__new the__reader background finance__, profound buy__two weight away__. edition best what of__god god away please and__understand reader new ever we qualify the__only study word__of book__be a__copy book__on be__worth two i__have buy deeper author__be expose understand copy what__it word challenge give__a and__give give awesome share author money__i we__have book the__word be__well the__best i weight__in two__and well professional
  18. books-positive show but__i ending who__be never__see before character young novel__. this__novel funny__, something__i his__friend this__book love__this his character__, i__love not cool sad__, also__a like cooler be__much some see be__really really lead cool__. a__cool .__he never sexy do__something boy it__show sweet__, show__a also__, not__a love sweet have__never another little and__also much friend i__have ,__not he novel .__also matter matter__. ending__be like__to be__not boyfriend and__his i__would sad something a__little funny ,__he would__like like__, also hot book friend__, he__be who .__i be__another love__it i the__ending
  19. books-positive out__that soon go fear find whose supposedly better innocent he his__friend then his find__out dog__, friend__, not out__with die not__really be__really truth go__on set really__go to__find out even what about__what parent about out__the the__truth think be__about one what__be little way friend better__book that__his one__of than what__it town way__, be__not he__think and__his think__. ,__than seem and__even book really 's that__what nothing with__his dog
  20. books-positive be__no just recipe dish hate worth__the be__hard !__i the__author recipe__. worth the__pizza right__, not onion hard__to .__some side right absolutely hard some even and__simple more__time to__believe let alone vegetarian veggy other book__be fantastic simple !__the a__vegetarian too you__hate wait more must__have author__be offer have__! make__the i__just believe than must even__a this__book be__not flavorful veggy__, i__be a__must be__right unless__you ! author make book you cream pizza not__even unless such potato i no definitely time
  21. books-positive far__, enjoyable his with__scissors scissors best__, ,__both best if ! funny style very__good read by__far easy recommend you if__you would__recommend good run you__like very possible opinion__be his__best although in__my my__opinion both like good__, light work david burroughs far opinion ,__easy my side
  22. books-positive just myself__and personal i__feel same__time should this__book it__come to__myself the__world time__it world like it__seem head__. life__, out try the__same reading to__i come__to come and__try about seem__so keep book__be feel about__it west into__my if__i tell my__life head myself the__west my i__should figure maybe__i life try__to seem if same tell__the book to__figure be__like like__have keep__it why i maybe as__if i__, so time dream figure__out
  23. books-positive beautiful because love family hard one twist through this__one down__! be__hard ! story family__, read__this great__read prepare because__it put__down story__with to__read read read__. put prepare__to to__put mystery down great !__! hard__to love__it
  24. books-positive great the__book shape book expect .__thanks arrive thanks
  25. books-positive character__in his very__good book__in for__his number one his__book someone kill paul suffer the__character ! end would__like writer character book in__his good 's very a__good like famous fan end__the he name like__to final misery book__be
  26. books-positive just character than good read on__how try people out read__, religion a__collection just__a strong many region keep keep__try collection__of image walk the__character story political two their people__, a__good figure__out be__just whether__the whether i__keep i__read figure how__many try__to as__i how to__figure destroy ,__i collection i tale agenda
  27. books-positive the__story they ,__good kill old__man interesting info good stop baby__. see__how man everyone old people see year odd seconds story__of how to__see matter__of story top secret tell form year__old baby town matter they__can strain tell__the stop__. man__and people__and good__info storyline
  28. books-positive great__read insight__into high__, insight not__as go do__better still a__reader the__author better book hope good food friend__. early mom not nor a__long she__have next__book i__hope continue she lose bone that__say relative a__great really read__, review and__comfort high__be the__high reader the__bone when__she and__other great will__love experience with__her love apple good__as her to__go long next few low way memory go__to in__her friend more but__not ,__nor i__as be__not high say as__good author comfort when read other a__few ,__i way__to love__the say__, remember i
  29. books-positive the__story love one really ! story now very__good writing a__really more even i__have good get__this get very this__one excellent have__always both even__more !__! i always by__both page
  30. books-positive earth start__with i__know !__i edward but__i this__book love__this read for__anyone i__love know be__too cool !__! appeal__to sure__) love__it much__to because be__so some really humor a__cool teens appeal and__adult circumstance !__this spend__on brilliant to__spend favorite (__i know__i think fantastic love book__on right read__it too__much little anyone start much too book__, book__! it__really may__be adult you__may be__such 10 word such__a anyone__that my book__i i__be be__right $__10 ! tough (__you also book you picture sure be__sure though may in__some most such kid short i appreciate definitely so a__little my__favorite serious spend
  31. books-positive know__before already be__already book__in series enjoyable__. one enjoyable .__even you__know best before even read__. the__series next write start book the__best wait__for you reading happy though read even__though .__i one__of quite pleasant know fall well__write ending book__. wait before__you next__book i__be i .__one well best__of a__fun the__next fun this__book
  32. books-positive money i__would some book__to i__find find find__this suggest anyone their book really this__book risk money__on advice anyone__that for__anyone sound i advice__i contain and__i
  33. books-positive duty the__day ,__take hook perspective i__read event the__first confess also take interest also__a first__novel i__have both read be__also struggle day__. day novel fascinate profound i novel__i perspective__, historical and__i first
  34. books-positive good__book all but__i go decide__to it__down day better down__... this__book good get read .__i decide not bit sad__, to__read gift in__one the__day it__make could__not one__sitting movie away look__for reader be__give i__could ...__all make__my all__the a__bit emotion give__this one down read__it get__this much friend happy offer a__good excite you offer__. you__be look my give sad i__be if a__serious make sitting book a__friend ,__i make__i lay i__decide sitting__. i much__better fictional if__you serious
  35. books-positive all the__writing go the__heck take__a !__! what__the what also__a be__clear strong look__at ahead go__ahead next call be__pretty more the__title must work like__to ! ,__so would__like a__bit how we__could but__what earlier might__be space__in and__one a__hard middle__, one__more style writing be__one might good who__would they easily down__to hard sexual space of__what story difficulty honest itself__be heck place one another drinker scissors time__to size their a__strong least hollywood insightful a__good copy than mind refreshingly apparently clearly self also take so who be__anything especially one__can clear you__do inside__the shot problem__that slow title pretty the__problem at__least get stop ,__yet be__also anticipate view liquor enough we at__how clear__and come especially__the the__middle ,__especially and__how with__scissors quickly as__he dry to__stop look many they__can almost middle itself and__get must__for a__shot drip bottle it__might yet how__the gonna bit like writing__style go__on page what__we get__a ,__when humor humor__and step be__go anything burroughs a__copy copy__of down your than__you in__your this__work variety__of come__with he inside limit problem taste describe variety when you smell all__, drag time
  36. books-positive .__if all next__one but__i be__what be__wait to__use talk__about ...__i woman__'s go yes suffer yet bunch start__with i__will one__. how !__i make__sure amaze book wait__for down__... achieve this__book read about__a all__of .__i ones they not !__! ,__because which__be resource level bunch__of stuff she level__, be__go where book__, because which__do i__need the__book could__not because__i not__put result a__great yet__, even what one__i you__be ,__i life__and ,__then everything continue life__, not__, then you__have the__detail omg i__could a__bunch in__my ,__your if struggle put change wait about and__give sure__that then__i use__the the__next information__. book__be diet__, struggle__to already and__how i__have one down need__. to__make to__most your of__what use be__read her next start be__amaze recommend if__i book__. life buy detail__of great else i__start personally a__woman want__to case in__her omg__! that__i what__she she__do ,__which all__the and__i balance my .__yes have__not give i__be woman i__also want need the__other story ! information what__i provide make detail also other which test i__do you cream everything__be as__well sure 's ,__so .__they after put__this diet this__one most well__. a__story natural recommend__this i suffer__from well not__want if__you so for__my talk do__not
  37. books-positive yet nature__. match evening lot__of the__book budget a__great when__it how__to nature a__lot never put great career country contain__a useful and__how your little lot ,__which function about seem__a wardrobe seem dress for__your information when how book which put__together may accessory date__, date contain together jacket talk a__little
  38. books-positive all audience__, ,__because i__do young sound .__i unfamiliar artwork other__work we__to ,__one the__book even some__people suspect above of__her here the__end be__able "__i action with__her family highly not__appreciate recommend without__any graphic work book__to ,__even praise share something end write may style__of nightmare__. with__his appreciate so dread here__. too__late style because__it writing late might this__book end__, introduce the__rest they not name not__think .__some series girl .__however .__he a__book familiar__with think first confuse one art least too prone may__be as__much in__which be__not least__to seem tale able also which be__too though who charm especially cover do__not bring fear .__you much__as should may__not his at__least familiar ones resolve ,__yet home__. concern nightmare and__understand yet__it we however recommend__this at__first all__the unfamiliar__with seem__to craft understand child novel think__it write__by work__. ,__who mouse different perhaps book__for lend__to i however__, without rest distracting ,__though yet book read prone__to befit to__read like audience because be__so people some somehow home highly__recommend charm__, not__. illustration rest__of not__a right her concern__. much able__to book__. for__all brand he you__be the__cover at__once contribute they__should deserve other you 's lend the__action i__highly once
  39. books-positive concept help money may__have before book easy buy__and risk you__would decide front like you__decide become essential buy__this they__. house idea sign investment even legal to__become healthy first front__of and__how your they you__buy to__make in__front become__a make__this of__your work__and and__help you__may you__be whether__the whether work house__. how__you learn like__to plan__to influence your__house involve buy rent if be__how would__like make reality how purchase__a which you the__work may hang plan purchase before__you involve__in money__. if__you
  40. books-positive the__story insight__into all of__one more__than insight happen__to more__. have__give character hope all__of give__we want__more than__the and__you cannot they -- die leave life__and continue native__american of__they you__want series a__great happen best ,__write circumstance probably we parent story__, story__of i__weep make__i give__i the__character strong --__be great trial american with__her write__this father want__the one they__. another be__another plot story her i__hope their doubt tragic for__all tell more life child baby than work__, work a__series feeling character__be give deep involve of__another we__want want believable native sell make write other you 's heartbreaking such weep the__best episode i
  41. books-positive all be__totally shape be__look reviewer be__good place__in on__page find be__fill base__on for__example other countless time__period this__book good book__and ,__i get fill__with end__. cultural cannot look__at not__be not world he on__how gift have__come she page .__what to__take even__though about__how to__find event clich even what take__, review since he__have look__for between if__all movement we comment__on time__, in__my the__end base if come search fantastical all__the be__able a__line keep write__on connection place opinion book__be comment example__, though__, be__all even__a period review__, down piece__of and__not story my__opinion her agree totally anyone be__extremely too gorgeous able__to white life good__, about the__book the__shape line world__. you__be look ,__after connection__between well__write historical anyone__that .__if piece my example be__not have__not event__and the__time ,__perhaps i__have a__time i__be too__, and__if end at__all anymore perhaps able and__which get__i write how have__write book take which you fill of__life opinion__, he__be though period__. all__. after astounding .__she most the__world extremely i be__even well the__connection if__you ,__too time agree__with do__not
  42. books-positive summer read__my the__writing would__highly !__it ...__i the__way style writing it__! my__husband good very .__i pick__up i__love not say__it writing__style love__it highly__recommend husband enjoy buy__this also__have and__i recommend__this along a__book entertain pick not__a be__not love highly twist__along plot story i__and way recommend i__have buy relaxing plot__twist along__the i way__. i__enjoy this__book my book__i for__i i__would story__with twist say i__also trip ! book__for also book read take several enjoy__the a__very to__say normally
  43. books-positive that__what month scientist earth have__ever to__explore ,__like send only again__. this__set team they world thrill like have__never contain beneath set who__be adventure of__their see individual what 3 ever__see ever never__be that__they after never explore both career larger and__send only__to danger what__make highly than__any respect hear__from beneath__the system their themselves more sort life make__this only__3 excite compare__to the__most hear deep than learn and__more compare they__be world__who mind surface set__of native again make cave same also .__they to__learn 's who most catalog plan nothing off so 3__month see__.
  44. books-positive random take__, title book she__take among__the not gem she page set some library college ,__some of__her and__other here here__be book__be among her .__not exactly collection__. work harder piece almost describe work__. prose set__of rather make note other take this__rather 's elizabeth collection
  45. books-positive and__comfort i__read time__i always__be bring and__wonderful read__it message a__wonderful to__my the__first eye matter comfort their wonderful no__matter this__book read warm child first__time i always no tear time my book first
  46. books-positive essay watch__the alot__of .__also thanks sense also__, also interesting make when flood between evening fire watch sense__. link be__about premise now about alot .__thanks my
  47. books-positive all have__see just not not__find ,__though i__really find i__to that__i big__fan return big .__i find__a when__i fan out__on awful like reasonably be__really lot__of return__to series could__not see really__like to__find out though and__her film__, an__awful find__it recently parent story__, story here quite manage__to a__shame about "__i oz see__the a__copy though__, manage production miss have__take use her wonderful fan__of lot use__to book__, the__original friend miss__out i__have not__see copy shame ,__my and__i my i__could i__be film on__all ,__you when i__miss book take you really really__a like__it theatre earlier all__that kid__. cartoon kid i you__do like__. i__quite original do__not
  48. books-positive love a__few more__than alive than__a be__alive book__have story and__love should few wonderful come__with more story__of time__. come than box love__. i this__story tear book__be time this__book book__should book
  49. books-positive lack peter__, follow paul before some__thing 3 should book teaching his very dr. know they helpful name always because they__. some the__book peter everything state because__of reading some__of we information__. chapter about last a__complete themselves__. intrigue be__difficult themselves complete make__some word thing__about we__know ii state__that information thing make difficult of__his 's in__some most .__most be__always later
  50. books-positive the__day over powerful one be__read be__very a__great wonderful bore find best read__. over__a very .__other other too one__be have__read the__best i__have find__this read be__bore .__i have__find a__day for__over translation day chapter great ahead i read__a this__one
  51. books-positive just show over we__be i__really find be__fill actually that__i complaint his ,__we .__i not that__he like novellum novel__i be__also sure__) roth finally__, page he__a really__do what about__what critical fill__with probably first__novel we the__first parent never !__this a__political care about -__he fault i__actually opinion think first find__that one political finally much too really opinion__, a__good it__show one__of he novel be__probably i__like other i__find he__think and__his not__care deep good show__that the__other fill ! over__a like__. make also book be__too out care__much of__his sure 's he__be opinion__be i author an__author agenda push do__not
  52. books-negative waste__your less money one__star and__then on__fire suffer be__horrible avid entire star__i the__relationship reader__and this__book then light__this get be__possible friend__. horrible possible the__world mom half not world ,__horrible it__lower then__get not__waste copy__in old and__pick i__light rate year to__rate rate__it reader if__it your__money and__i world__... old__man part__about the__13 boy get__it 33 my the__entire boy__have pick book__be headache__the possible__to one book__on than__one your a__33 ,__suffer avid__reader a__headache about__the less__copy time book__, waste friend headache relationship 13__year fire about year__old part copy than 13 .__one relationship__the 33__year .__if an__avid get__to horrible__book pick__this i__read i__would i__be entire__time lower__than one__less if my__mom fire__. mom__have read__half read book up__after the__part a__friend star book__up after time__, horrible__. .__i man__and old__boy half__of man lower i light suffer__from money__. have__get after__my do__not
  53. books-negative find for__example item__, his amazon a__person like item the__family people rate i__find ,__write review review__that seriously ,__his find__it little effect the__people about ,__especially example__, family use__the with__little use question this__work book__, ,__which offer shallow he work like__to i__like example write__by work__- so__i seem no when to__use purchasing write book which reach usually .__so especially i person so
  54. books-negative waste__your less money one__star and__then on__fire suffer be__horrible avid entire star__i the__relationship reader__and this__book then light__this get be__possible friend__. horrible possible the__world mom half not world ,__horrible it__lower then__get not__waste copy__in old and__pick i__light rate year to__rate rate__it reader if__it your__money and__i world__... old__man part__about the__13 boy get__it 33 my the__entire boy__have pick book__be headache__the possible__to one book__on than__one your a__33 ,__suffer avid__reader a__headache about__the less__copy time book__, waste friend headache relationship 13__year fire about year__old part copy than 13 .__one relationship__the 33__year .__if an__avid get__to horrible__book pick__this i__read i__would i__be entire__time lower__than one__less if my__mom fire__. mom__have read__half read book up__after the__part a__friend star book__up after time__, horrible__. .__i man__and old__boy half__of man lower i light suffer__from money__. have__get after__my do__not
  55. books-negative .__what i__read simple but__i hard confuse review__, ask what__be who__be what not review question issue__. write complex lot issue sure read a__lot who about not__sure be__write after i__be i solve disappointment lot__of be__not
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  78. books-negative all be__read further__. human go follow chicken bunch difference explain !__i the__author be__your that__i include this__book get__past allow__this ,__i get read along__with reader cannot know they know__the not now with__their not__know school !__! -- and__now bunch__of how__be she where page the__difference !__the people orphan could__not past high__school gossip further not__get what confess publish i__cannot suspect between print probably before ,__where i__could a__bunch (__which reason put of__my along vs. dog__be anything terrible turn author color !__what total your the__reason their not__that book__! white waste people__, be__publish part ignorant believe have__read i__be where__be situation my all__of influence high shame star__for ! no discussion when what__a she__be how book ,__not .__how which of__high you star author__do waste__of when__the such you__for to__put for__allow i dog ,__chicken what__? allow mother do__not review
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  115. dvd-positive love be__so just show other__way see__this who__have see able__to not__know pass i__do love__it able other way performance 's it. must__have who way__to know i__just that__i not must king .__love i be__able the__performance to__see any__other i__see so lover and__i do__not performance__. order
  116. dvd-positive all show when but__i to__pick !__i i__to crime the__crime satan dvds "__mr. pick__up have__never .__all season__. the__power be__compel lead say__be the__first power never aware__that david pick bob first to__buy two__season two bob__and their call that__once i__have buy season when__the aware be__aware stick of__their praise all__i say ! compel mr. star ,__when never__be weekend compel__to i once
  117. dvd-positive all great__. move ,__because before cut fit tv better not__watch very watch fit__together than__the fan not season__3 better__than because absolutely series it__all see because__this most__of out what degree 3 previous definately a__fan on__tv great out__there think the__series intellectual what__be laugh of__what think__this absolutely__great fast next while__i fan__of today more some volume than the__next i__be while series__, be__more as__some funny than__most build season comedy ,__i most .__while episode i__think next__. i together edge do__not
  118. dvd-positive witherspoon film__. and__wonderful i__do before certainly father love__this watch watch__it when__i they not now realize have__love like anymore__, television__and become life__. some see be__better movie__like certainly__do and__love movie since i__see ever since__i ring__true not__make daughter__( never on__television act__and a__shame understanding television daughter act first be__some love first__see to__buy have__never ring better wonderful i__have buy this__movie see__it true witherspoon__be whenever i__first and__i plan__to life shame beautifully like__this film unforgettable anymore make when .__they buy__it reese__witherspoon never__be .__i heartbreaking plan some__time i witherspoon__) reese time do__not
  119. dvd-positive be__certainly all very__sensitive say__because indeed move the__system a__different fear ground certainly because__it save might be__make his very the__world break not world bit the__family .__all shock race where view because old into__his 's__view some society see what ground__in religion new what__you quite change scary many against all__in family system today television you__can challenge value view__be classic say someone be__very in__many different sensitive make when it__might how you quite__a 's to__what can__say blood episode especially a__bit
  120. dvd-positive show !__it man__who ,__because not__very part__of if__the very know not day like for__such be__really because some see fiction__, really great__to jackson .__we movie we if__it because__the u.s. the__end great to__see be__not civil movie__, the__day really__like fiction interest war see__in be__great part we__do important__, great__movie such__a historical history this__movie sad exist like__this if ! a__pure end actor movie__be pure who important such man especially end__of the__movie day__it do__not civil__war not__know
  121. dvd-positive poor director__have deep film__as 's seem film blue crush the__same same better 5 real woman star jessica very choice director imagine not sexy imagine__the 5__star look a__better not__a a__real very__poor
  122. dvd-positive flick summer shot an__island need miserable this__flick day wet local very shelf the__shelf a__very craving great and__need i island .... my
  123. dvd-positive story very shock see__this a__very see
  124. dvd-positive .__if dance when move be__very out__. who__be follow i__do i__will !__i pretty then not__have good to__follow very .__i when__i not like name always be__easy she so__it work instruction__. energy very__easy then__this out leave mood ,__then look__for not__for be__look as__usual contain fun put warm__up contain__a give__good to__remember another want__to this__work much pretty__good easy a__good as__much easy__to warm remember you__be look instruction air grasp i__like be__not give ,__who want for__you like__this if ! ,__so like__that ,__give as__you you a__fun who .__she you__. ,__easy i if__you so do__not i__want usual
  125. dvd-positive cute all great__. find__myself dance when course go alternative ...__they find much__for character have__buy that__i around song beat all__of watch .__i they not 2 the__cd character__, find__out the__car be__really and__adult watch__the buy__this old !__the can__find sign see i__find i__can year out even creative who__have sign__up daughter__( ever she who come__to commercial 2__year sing she__be come care great daughter well__as .__simple i__do they__to love simple friend__who cd of__my much music too for__all friend listen website i__have buy be__great year__old listen__to adult town myself car and__i so__i my be__not of__course they__be not__care be__very the__other ! i__, a__great very other to__myself really care__much as__well the__dvd not__even 's ,__who .__she and__all kid i dvd well so !__my do__not
  126. dvd-positive image move some back be__helpful the__camera the__more even .__overall introduction complex camera some__of more back__to good relaxing overall introduction__to helpful instruction and__even for__some
  127. dvd-positive be__all all love hope__that ?__i !__it back understanding ending soon__. second my seem soon the__first ! little and__hold two i__hope all__there 3 look__forward forward you be__look correct hope !__a season__be where__be do__not season be__my you__think i__love love__the not two__season hold season__3 look to__release i where the__ending first__and it__seem release forward__to the__consumer be__release consumer think a__little first
  128. dvd-positive myself__and ending be__good tv !__i amaze totally__shock good get couple watch .__i even__with whole__movie also__a shock get__the seat really even movie more__time commercial whole family movie__. your family__. a__couple and__also friend more i__have buy of__your it__so catch myself movie__on i__would this__movie have__watch a__really movie__and so__i the__whole time__with ! and__even also edge you buy__it watch__it regular totally i good__. i__buy so time the__ending
  129. dvd-positive how__thing point__and just great__, over out__, be__definitely disc and__what buy__the go anime the__way 20 fit off__the should over__the only 4 cowboy__bebop then worse get dvds steam__i instead__of rent__it now down__to to__buy drop be__go bebop steam throughout__the regret series only__3 see dvd__. best out what be__get per ,__then 3 see__how 7 new a__single be__my $__20 alone just__get great last cowboy to__see favorite turn noticeably think start__to though__. point down throughout market ,__over top the__stand anime__, the__top start way go__to more way__more buy be__great now__it shelf regret__buy ,__though volume off i__think really__steam be__just the__storyline the__series .__now series__i my should__have disc__at thing__be rip i__be single the__start rent disc__, thing pay .__dvds how complex 5 the__shelf instead really stand rip__off though after .__i drag the__best over__$ episode i dvd definitely storyline the__last my__favorite
  130. dvd-positive enjoy love this__movie movie__, course ...__i year of__course movie i__order music search__for ,__i after i__love many__year enjoy__this salsa it__after search i many so__many so i__enjoy order
  131. dvd-positive consider take__a course a__different find before the__way knowledge finally school__and she__take return around get read a__new the__world not world out__of to__read school level marry high__school the__end settle she the__star night life__. return__to husband old deal discover computer pass out the__frustration lead the__same around__, stupid and__finally new along change about settle__for last of__her study quiet thing magazine level__, .__her herself__in relate one promise refuse__to little to__change not__have her to__get support long husband__be secret way__, lot life way relationship change__, frustration thing__. herself along__the she__have science and__find different relate__to while be__not constant course__, ,__pass high girlfriend want film end when same other take star who .__she star__one the__constant refuse find__herself different__way cannot with__her mother do__not
  132. dvd-positive ,__watch just for__his in__love you__will .__his amaze only high__, get watch and__you be__just fall during and__he !__! like performance__. have__such sort__of !__the energy see a__great dvd__, he__have .__he great voice he__and can__only this__dvd love feel love__. fall__in get__this live music sort he only__be voice__, just__as his and__his high if ! and__feel performance you time__! nothing such dvd if__you time
  133. dvd-positive golden three season__of review two 4 fourth 's season screen award one dvd drama and__one
  134. dvd-positive dance magnificent highly player kevin unforgettable very comedy 's .__highly a__very
  135. dvd-positive dance think__there four some__thing at__least watch enjoy__watch thing__about which__be like -- enjoy some star even matt film__, seriously this__film quite about experience thing watch__this one__that think be__some one about__it script and__also least do__i ,__which though__i ,__kevin even__though ,__even i__like ,__why also__a give__it give film funny also kevin which though be__well i__give so__, viewing .__so why__do like__it why structure i__think i well experience__. so i__quite order
  136. dvd-positive the__story samurai__champloo all joy__to champloo__. one hook to__watch get__i story start the__music story__, character character__and champloo anime__, animation music joy voice__, the__start get big watch a__joy not the__character episode i__be i samurai not__big so anime voice be__not
  137. dvd-positive all play__. man__who be__off we__be bring kill follow hip-hop style right__at at__home off__the character wall only main cowboy__bebop then get be__bore cowboy only__be world ready__for ,__if then__get samurai home__. a__world the__man right old direct design home bore main__character champloo version ...__then and__who we here follow__the be__describe genre think__the the__very ,__no version__of can__only action we__to think samurai__champloo be__all feel champloo__. one other__. and__2 the__music two fight strict 2 music treat you__think while__the modern shorts make__the music__be hip-hop__, each__other you__be the__two .__one bill while historical meet have__make describe style__of ready the__other if no make 1 very other you bebop play who__would 's who ,__we the__action man off age if__you action__be here__.
  138. dvd-positive love__this must__have play love play__. i .__i i__love a__must must
  139. dvd-positive be__no .__even consider give ;__otherwise movie__. one earth yet__, yet film even no about__the movie outstand today ! good this__film oscar effect award otherwise__, 1939 must be__consider about especially !__" dvd the__good "__must making otherwise must__be pack
  140. dvd-positive have__see just mind this__movie see__this see so__i year year__ago dvd__. ago__, leave__my my__mind i__order tv movie few a__few i__have ,__so heartbreaking few__year not order__the ago i dvd would__not leave movie__on so on__tv the__dvd my order it__just
  141. dvd-positive all witherspoon course subtle yet perfect be__disappoint .__buy father gem innocent film__be very seemingly amy not__be disappoint not turn__in be__very l. performance__. be__really be__all really__a witherspoon__be girl you__will really what hide outstand .__you issue who this__film about many turn will__not her mark too way ,__william himself boyfriend cast and__her who__have of__course buy course__, film ! afraid csi what__a terrific performance you concern buy__it reese__witherspoon william thriller witherspoon__) reese
  142. dvd-positive style__, nature__. show movie__make highly master__at film technically story rather movie make nature he__be film__. master .__he and__he tell 's very big style .__well director rather__than than he anything level a__very well film__of very__well a__big this__story well__,
  143. dvd-positive get__what all kind__of just okay__to of__one !__it much__better begin__to become__a talk__to go !__if .__since ,__no !__i i__get better no__way want__and dislike can__not they__need kick it__! then happy__. good get along__with watch i__love ,__etc. they not yourself day out__of have__some school !__! even__begin -- high__school of__my realistic school__musical she become where musical__. message__be some college expect a__great suppose__to out even what love__it movie review since review__that ,__then no__matter not__even ever to__give grease with__all ,__go fun if along to__get great this__movie etc. where__the watch__this be__not think how__much love etc.__, movie__. need__to one likes message your .__good anyone much way weave the__high happy i__have relax one__of else unrealistic than kind be__just get__some what__she matter suppose wild kid__love my get__a the__kid give think__. mine high say want need ! ?__no no want__to when terrific how you trash you__want begin okay be__okay all__kind ?__! .__i one__that kid__. so__much not__do kid what__they especially i to__say musical if__you so i__can with__your talk
  144. dvd-positive very__excite all but__what be__very enjoy__watch it__! very watch not .__my and__he school high__school try love__it enjoy set absolutely spring excite__about out what my__child watch__it school__musical disney ...__all about sweet__, drama absolutely__love not__a musical__. love sweet prepare way 6 prepare__to kid__love club excite .__i part child part__. he 11 way__. i__enjoy my be__not high about__try ! perform as__well 's he__be well__. kid i age proud well tale be__set !__my musical
  145. dvd-positive be__no lack through crime only 8 through__the woman around every they with__their ,__their life__and house explore the__only of__they the__life misery love one little their happy life murder one__of each__one house__. around__the they__be woman__, man__of ! no time__of man the__house time
  146. dvd-positive move few trilogy__. twist i__be critic finish start__to speed twist__along film keep__this the__way again prove thoroughly trilogy film__. start outstand best way include worth a__few direction his this__film ,__include to__finish .__i most entertain along best__of the__best along__the i film__move keep finish__, way__. from__start action include__a agree once
  147. dvd-positive apple computer still if fight hot between you must today must__have buy interest very interest__in a__must be__interest you__be dvd if__you history
  148. dvd-positive the__story big__deal over be__totally want__more to__use not but__not yes__, human yes the__first a__real tv enough not__be actually over__the line__which easy not__need part__of match real totally__shock good hit a__good get big .__i to__think guy__, they front story__. entire what__do always shock audience be__easy on__tv guy .__what set especially__in deal back not__enough see back__in the__scene happen guess wonder even savage what .__we be__always entertainment hear__from legal behind i__guess to__hit we never example__of story standard place__. scary about i__prefer to__see thing place should__not ,__especially may__be whole think first front__of head__. something__to prefer scene a__line first__see to__hear a__huge another think__of should nowadays be__use be__even use about__it happen__in live the__head should__be certain in__front man can__never today more head .__yes a__big regard not__a easy__to part hear thing__. line include unfortunately dangerous tripe future of__how ms error get__to and__more example be__not ?__i cover we__do involve i__be .__how something want need first__place the__whole if ! huge sport deadly when cross how other which 's elizabeth think__about may be__well never__get use__a i__first kid__. !__they be__another totally kid when__i do__not especially i dvd well depth !__that i__want cover__.
  149. dvd-positive after__it in__love soon it__come which__i .__i and__buy out__on like i__see because see dvd__. really movie come__out i__never outside never on__dvd come keep first love first__see have__never fall__in the__head i__have buy the__movie fall see__it first__time i__first i__like time__i head see__this never__really which out buy__it theatre after because__i regular love__the i dvd time
  150. dvd-positive all more__than dollar out__. go the__way .__i 's__character out__on fall as__usual enjoy second each__other book__that even what ever why__the the__first believe__that here in__my .__if the__only wait the__film brilliant hope__that prefer when__you not__too go__to more i__have one__. my give critic the__whole huge end story__be 1 war__. surprise__that this__one third than__the so not__believe the__story over course it__back one__more still be__hard be__one film__ever 400 can__not then character__. rank not one bank then__you man be__go performance__. hard back__in happen out since .__he surprise i__guess you__have exceed__the million story be__well reason imagine to__get way__it thing think first first__see miss guess get__this too believe than the__third be__not of__course this__movie time__be if__you performance play reason__why over__$ usual do__not the__critic should only wait__for hope get release it__make see not__get best wonder to__come movie ,__then wok since__i i__first on__dvd come he__and be__release whole comment point addition trilogy much interest miss__out dramatic understand deep see__it bill be__more have__not wonder__what if perhaps make movie__be .__although he__. higher a__huge ,__i the__second the__original the__best imagine__the off i__think i well without my__favorite make__in i__still be__wait yes__, just money yes yet i__prefer character add other first__film and__all world you apart go__on hard__to exceed be__so point__that back dead yet__. 's not__even film__. everything here__be not__miss although think__the about favorite just__do ,__you come__out own and__when what__be to__happen happen__in way war be__hope one__of make__the trilogy__. he movie__of rush about__this i__enjoy and__more johnny ,__perhaps to__wonder film fill when surreal book film__make star more__interest why well__. enjoy__this dvd 2006 time original
  151. dvd-positive atmosphere ,__worth justice better 4 worth watch .__i for__anyone not an__old release old special movie .__besides besides i__believe great place this__dvd dub a__better worth__a relate movie__. movie__, release__. anyone must__have movie__a easy easy__to the__movie translation believe must anyone__who great__movie a__must and__i be__not give i__would this__movie itself star__for would__give american movie__itself star who i dvd itself__have a__special english soviet
  152. dvd-positive film__. love of__one back an__entire one high laugh pass go any__other film entire make .__one behind other best you john i__laugh love__this life his not__stop this__film though stop one__of make__you stop__and make__i not look__at than town you__be look i wish harder than__any you__do and__look do__not
  153. dvd-positive all go subtle you__will hate i__do and__go save might it__! movie__and get very watch for__anyone and__you not__be not "__like like twice everyone direct you__might movie__for our girl movie film__- this__film because__the at__how .__if to__get great will__love all__the gay__" ,__you act will__not love write__this movie__. everyone__be "__gay the__dialogue because quip anyone you__hate dialogue buy be__great gay dialogue__be .__everyone great__movie cast this__movie i__be sharp__and sharp film if ! very__well write how movie__be love__this you buy__it play to__watch be__well lesbian i well like__i if__you
  154. dvd-negative all the__worst before__the long__and before 20 theater__and complain only wait__for might good around minute__and end__. .__i i__love and__you worst they not walk minute entire bad enjoy people could__not see bore out even movie i__see have__ever you__would ever__see ever it__run run i__could not__miss enjoy__it would__not .__unfortunately a__shame the__people wait of__they anything the__end love be__all one long miss decent a__good least too i__have movie__i one__of bad__. see__it unfortunately out__before i__be and__i actor__in this__movie shame movie__and at__least end least__a actor how movie__be you ,__i theater waist i too__long see__.
  155. dvd-negative begin__to just happen__to buy__for pass__on before ruin should ruin__by can__not good a__movie not even__begin reference direct pass happen even movie good__movie look__for be__look disney never one__. many one to__buy another your have__take buy i__can a__good i__just child classic__, you__be look have__so toward classic child__, should__have this__movie ,__pass for__your take you if not__even begin ,__i this__one movie__have i so__many i__, if__you so movie__to
  156. dvd-negative break__it old just move i__for could__not down yr.__old through follow complicate enough too that__matter 9 neither we to__watch watch break follow__the to__learn not__enough not not__follow .__we be__just daughter but__my yr. try__to i try matter matter__. just__not learn fun my it__down
  157. dvd-negative .__no just random same__time ,__because talk__about spawn__so find be__already add then "__i get read .__i break every they not to__enjoy have__read minute then__you like hard__to !__" not__waste enjoy everyone be__so hard some and__find see pass not__get wonder what humor movie review the__same movie__? ,__then charm__, appeal we humor__and .__if completely i__will come throw about i__guess many just__do thing see__the find__that already subtitle read__about confuse scene one and__when because your speak guess the__english extremely dub next damn waste listen i__have it__make i__can you__like review__i get__it listen__to because__they i__just catch no__one thing__, your__time .__everyone 10 you__be make__it they__say cast about__this on__! praise and__i my spawn ?__i about__how this__movie to__wonder say phrase wonder__what if ! different no make when same how you out broad english it__hard then__i charm letter totally what__they when__i waste__your next__. practically i so__many together if__you so time talk do__not
  158. dvd-negative just bring go still character how__the pace can__not good very .__i 's__character possibly know talk__about be__very go__on know__what plot__be relative .__however what movie acting perfect however be__go the__character still__not about keep character__or reek__of what__be the__acting plot about__the not__too call too plot__. impress acting__be the__movie predictable reek i the__perfect i__be the__other not very__good how other or__how sure 's be__still not__sure the__plot thriller good__. however__, movie__just talk
  159. dvd-negative in__love ,__because go i__do i__know .__i 's__character worst fall because__he try it__seem guy ,__one he__try second be__better even say__that what when__she this__film believe__that let part__about great love plot two therefore go__to tell not__much i__have find__this like__myself and__well the__problem ! end love__with tell__the comedy of__people think__i so__much remember so course because__it actually better even__less character__and know__, it. then good find__out who__would problem__with i__love not now film__be that__she not__think truth not__go a__great year beyond out classic__, we__get seem__to to__think !__this will__love not__funny gay__" the__truth american it__just think first second__, rachel scene "__gay love__, to__make not__that part predictable believe kind of__film myself__, be__not of__course alot__of try__to say course__, seem most love__the average the__most do__not but__i find one ,__like actually__believe seen. his hit get during what__do stupid she just__be not__get we deliver alot less__for to__remember laugh about__the fall__in much hardly gay vince myself be__just i__be think__it then__it ,__who most__part funny ,__he and__even make she__be romance he__be ,__i off make__it i ,__what well usual the__worst just less out__that not__so actor much__for character know be__beyond like guy__" because people get__a film__, to__hit who about will__not own he__find off__, one__of part__, he character__in problem classic film kind__of that__his when other 5 end__up the__part 's well__, the__usual u good__but
  160. dvd-negative all amaze charge between__the very .__i not__really cause ,__if guy the__justice ?__how ,__blue blue what version above ever body honor be__perfectly be__indeed movie__. two more train shoot and__their challenge root example history the__field ;__otherwise occur only__two ! then__i how condemn which__the university__of a__little stilt indeed over course read__just have__ever before then be__only character__, not ,__their side heavy be__compel house year really jackson since hill issue surely since__it think scene rank one little !__i their master hollywood perfectly you__think book__, predictable than what__it bother war be__not of__course honor__! i__be course__, foot which knee but__since a__very industry professor notion show justice only blue__and bend express side__, a__piece culture be__portray movie ,__then between dull__, example__of both otherwise point piece__of ,__both ,__while ,__over interest life deeper the__university present while be__more if portray read ,__i compel__to in__which i if__you civil__war just scene__be before__the you__have character other war__be real myth to__read university .__what election not__bother exposition would__not otherwise__, about version__of not__a portray__as civil shoot__, than__you be__amaze while__the the__point dull you__be ?__if convince piece propaganda i__would point__. the__house cotton compel field book you more__interest william you__to
  161. dvd-negative a__total deal people some people__, total matt some__people nightmare 40 to__spend big__deal 's big nightmare__. not day case maybe without not__big case__, for__some spend be__not
  162. dvd-negative it__get scene cd itself movie .__very few movie__but more return get very last__few to__return stick new not itself__. great last great__movie get__stick the__last scene__. and__more
  163. dvd-negative editorial johnny movie review cross editorial__review
  164. dvd-negative all just the__soundtrack ,__though buy__for character movie__be friendly get never__buy amazon not comedy like it__seem she role__. reason__i set expect at__amazon beyond really lead movie i__never you__would surprise be__her never here reason set__be a__family all__the just__do "__you more__like at__least family the__reason movie__, buy__this and__beyond her least much not__much buy the__set be__just word praise and__i i__like more be__not be__nice ?__i this__movie i__be seem like__. though__the she__be be__surprise role you nice though soundtrack all__that moment well__, not__do character__. the__usual like__a i well i__buy do__not usual
  165. dvd-negative the__worst have__see over ,__because not he__do a__different i__do have__ever blow better funny__, movie__but do__give seen. not__have ,__i get .__i instead__of give__you worst bad. anything__to because__he view because be__so some back see if__he to__work back__in worst__of movie actor__be probably i__guess ever movie__be on__television not__funny anything film__i keep time__of garbage movie__, one guess want__to tell i__have buy dramatic he television work get__to toward give to__keep this__movie sad cant rent want work__with film if funny different actor nick instead you buy__it he__be in__some this__one suck i have__get so time the__actor rent__it do__not
  166. dvd-negative very__excite the__story all less way__through be__very through previous character other then book__and very fan half not .__all lose become .__what the__book excite__about ,__when what not__for lose__all this__film and__other a__fan key a__shame both about all__the disappointment book story half__way their fan__of way through__, excite ,__not than i__be work about__this book__i less__than character__be shame work__. film__as something film when what__a complex several most charm utterly the__original then__, i together original
  167. dvd-negative now__have out__to everyone photo everyone__be yes__, girl fear out ! what believe the__photo the__cable least crush hollywood along__with and__who we who at__least get guy__, be__what be__out along now yes to__get cable cable__guy guy who__could
  168. dvd-negative all consider just skip over focus scene__be the__critic bore__. i__do bunch note downright ,__no title over__the focus__on crack be__interest man__who note__that very who__would .__i not now be__beyond james in__one bunch__of some__of be__no either the__star some not__consider 's bore beyond movie review a__man she all__, on__television about all__the place the__review question movie__. scene one appropriate simply rave i__sure use quip top long interest mary either__, one__. one__of the__place the__movie basically something__i television be__just wise all__over plain work matter matter__. ,__just be__now long__scene the__scene work__, i__be critic something be__note funny at__all no make plain__bore write take that__matter answer sure star ,__i who this__one and__very just__plain well__, president why man short remember wife i maybe well depth i__. do__not
  169. dvd-negative because some this__movie say buy__this so__i the__acting ! say__that ?__so amaze__. movie review where__be amaze acting be__amaze some__of buy ?__! acting__be salsa i the__review terrible i__buy so where
  170. dvd-negative all be__note of__time we__be find the__single find__myself include woman .__i not marry include__a view be__all a__total church some i__find recently movie__from movie the__director ,__we some__of we christian at__how the__end wait director god start__to to__finish from__my total their start call waste with__some end__of movie__i the__movie myself my woman__, this__movie terrible single to__my end not__all note how movie__be finish time time__. waste__of i so from__start
  171. dvd-negative secondly laugh__as in__love go follow i__do start__with !__i worth woman to__follow seem__as like__the .__i 's__character fall not__follow condition she__have some__part try want__to it__seem what__the than__i the__fact rate be__say as__i even what of__god cast the__director actor__be one__way be__look christian manage__to the__character change be__try .__secondly "__i word__of pick swearing flash love director__have i__feel manage need__to logical get__some be__worth read__the the__music music tell more i__have word and__read something want sense dress with__he ! okay overall soundtrack date to__change man maybe with__his so a__serious the__actor than__it a__little love__with insight off__the actually tyler .__they if__the .__maybe practice scene not__know they not i__be more__like hard the__scene secondly__, really large perry god seem__to look__for issue theory i__could (__although to__get christian__audience think feel his__own one little against__the love__. explanation part than speak__of be__not they__be maybe__i mind this__movie try__to say need seem man__of if__you play unless a__man why__do like__it why dream the__movie principle movie fact do__not say__because the__soundtrack with__no woman__'s explain in__his they__have he__just his get stop say__it even__the she where desperate more__of please enough horrible i__laugh however come the__middle go__back against tone laugh church speak addition to__go quickly basic the__role i__just to__stop be__just look okay__to while even__a .__if be__more ,__why almost movie__make middle someone if portray different perhaps make she__be movie__be really__need he__. ,__i be__okay the__word permit make__i director down__the off i__think like__a i well however__, tyler__perry just issue__with yet go__against ,__well family character read know like go__on hard__to audience middle__of the__man because be__so some back home ,__almost and__she fact__, time__they because__of would__not although think__the about and__maybe commit own want__the down to__hear why__would your start way suit himself hear true he you__be movie__seem .... way__, on__something character__be the__time sale single start__. in__fact no actor part__it role you 's .__overall scene__. well__, be__even to__say think__of i__want time serious as__if
  172. dvd-negative flick the__worst love ?__! one high zero never__have rarely ! what have__get thinking deserve i__never be__one take ,__however what__be new get big never expectation fat however most worst one__of they this__one unrealistic lesbian a__big ,__most i movie__to ,__take -- however__, take__it movie get__to they__do whole
  173. dvd-negative for__i not__care movie__do this__movie ending nothing plot about__it movie character also care__for ending__be plot__. anything__for character__or the__plot not not__do the__character do__anything care about like anything i also__. i__like the__ending do__not
  174. dvd-negative show but__no cheap one show__in best no entirety live interview today around song one__of the__best act fun
  175. dvd-negative give still concern too ! towards !__this such this__dvd dvd le documentary
  176. dvd-negative the__library all just show accurate enjoyable__. enjoyable bring it__might bore__. the__most be__hard be__surprise character young only pretty movie__be main might time__period be__quite good get very like__the be__only watch .__i scene be__so ,__etc. know time__it not bit bring__it be__interest a__long like not__really hard__to to__watch i__see to__remain sort__of home__, right often people hard back library hair see and__no get__a home bore really what movie watch__. seem__to it__seem ,__we surprise because__of this__film we full run if__it way__of understanding water recommend__this along quite think__the it__end bit__bore all__the "__i a__bit after__the not__recommend film__be feel__that whole think water__all family feel i__feel within period one because would__not ,__think rarely speak a__good woman__in long inner way recommend sort the__inner interest not__quite shallow the__main part child the__film just__be to__i what__it look it__run i__be think__it run__, pretend to__know interest__to remain properly etc. be__not long__scene classic child__, i__would modern see__this we__do effectively disappoint__that woman so__i something seem dress the__whole film if most__part end ,__because no make when exactly__what part__it end__up which interest__, disappoint quite__a pretend__to film__make exactly right__, after this__one the__time most .__so such library__and main__character seem__like back__when i__think i might__be without so time as__if do__not
  177. dvd-negative just just__as but__i go a__number i__feel actually whatsoever teaching back__to great__because format dvds .__i and__sometimes every they not school like think__it release be__go because people back get__a dvd__. the__dvds what movie it__come when__it disney and__no come__to on__dvd and__i put come great language be__my fault inexpensive number__of this__dvd seem__like think subtitle extra feel number have__other nowadays use the__same to__get only be__put be__pretty i__have pretty i__use like__a tool when__the discover because__they that__i effort than i__think rush be__inexpensive movie__on movie__have assume suppose in__other my be__not sometimes they__be actually__have rip i__be seem ship be__great people__be no tool__. .__dvds get when same other a__movie disappoint go__to the__dvd 's rip__off track only__when off what__i practically i dvd age english
  178. dvd-negative not who__be the__most character part__of main they awful mystery she__have bad need__. she guy because connect what movie what__be you__have that__they jessica because__the have__one one__. most action think danger they__need something__that one plot interest the__movie the__main phone part you__be be__not the__bad bad__guy something need for__you if ,__what what__a movie__be you product who action__movie the__plot main__character center if__you
  179. dvd-negative the__worst show dance not have__ever before that__i around read a__movie worst bad so__it be__so see individual dvd__, appear movie review horrible review__here ever__see ever here__and here or__so many show__a not__a think movie__( sound__. scene i__have the__sound line sound think__it light horrible__dvd be__not i__read damage other other__review see__. i__think i dvd so
  180. dvd-negative have__see money same 4 or__money money__on ramtha what__the see time__or dvd__. best what make__a the__same you__have water best__of dont one down your question to__make waste while__this buy waste__your unfortunately while many didnt the__other of__money if make other take pure answer you this__one waste__of .__while the__best i dvd money__. if__you time your__time
  181. dvd-negative and__need help just show money over many__year be__definitely knowledge know__? should amaze need__to anybody__ever practice too__, possible and__you what__do know they not say__about handy i__be ramtha -- realistic benefit "__should where luck possible__that because old people that__say some society do__they year agriculture what and__her such__a open__your ever we who here you__, change --__be great many use__, think diet__, wield !__what one those__who open your speak use ?__i her script question where__be !__i few not__that too great__at more buy be__great because__we tool about year__old be__not believe sound pull kind a__more wise want__and say voice voice__, anthropologist to__believe how__many certain the__wrong we__want want need phrase ! ,__what how you explanation a__few or__how 's ,__too after diet wrong an__amaze such ,__how structure how__be money__! i it__just anybody here__. definitely writing english
  182. dvd-negative be__no ,__leave be__note indeed class__action title character should pretty main good than than__the ones movie__, ones__. than__that leave be__indeed enjoy one__in second more__of even movie ,__i the__same be__her satisfy warrior note__that story__, story__of however entertain imagine david "__i action one story her way suit more even__though the__main the__movie wardrobe no__one true movie__have imply roberts meet root agree be__more character__be (__though though__i i__would ,__than this__movie i__be woman though__it no however__, same reality note have__such performance .__however a__good 's though performance__in no__more such class should__be enjoy__a i tale__, tale than__it
  183. dvd-negative rating the__worst move know__before go have__ever before explain only that__i be__because .__i gonna worst know like she quick reason__i because expect what ever because__the only__reason reason hand about star__be copy__of dont .__only i__have 1__star personally copy what__she to__know my give__it give i__be she__be 1 you star i__give be__about you__to purchase lower i switch purchase__,
  184. dvd-negative just__too just not__as be__definitely human i__do try__too you__get much__for good ,__try once__you past__the whole__movie not like try definitely__not because the__fact he__try not__enough past if__he definitely movie everything enough everyone__else fact__that anything as__good whole movie__. one too__much carry good__as plot least much too .__not plot__. else he be__just movie__on get__past be__not for__i try__to his the__whole one__the like__this if get not__like animation you everything__be 's this__one because__i the__plot the__least i maybe later i__. everyone once as__if fact do__not
  185. dvd-negative just show the__show but__i focus ...__i aspect i__really i__know less do__give can__not his like__the .__i fan know not not__say like show__. out__there series and__less more__on most__of out say__i really__do david garbage give__this not__appreciate ,__which more i__can i__just he science i__like give__it give say the__other csi other which really most chance i appreciate
  186. dvd-negative just over still find be__gonna send .__two kick good very gonna they not walk ?__if and__see house see the__heck hiss why__the in__my house__and boy about my__mind and__send heck not__very one ring little my__opinion two he__a the__head into__my head over__my scary if__i he room flip good__, and__give my be__not give mind i__be if thing very__good they__just one__thing week a__good ,__i opinion knee why i i__, i__. do__not i__still
  187. dvd-negative just over move that__you go japan plain__stupid character should stupid__. main which__i get very .__i they not a__long stupid doing hard some see out just__plain disbelief movie everything state you__have this__film throw it__end the__film keep of__which when__the movie__. likes respect very__hard your story long go__to more see__in i__have the__main not__see be__just plain require hard__time i while get__to have__not should__have i__would this__movie film they__should end when long__time movie__be .__they which you keep__this ,__i time__. kid main__character a__very have__get so time once
  188. dvd-negative all four and__then hate downright i__will purchase__the theater__and i__to hour__of that__i be__make then it__come get practice amazon not back__. i__see back see out movie review when__it to__give never ...__all of__my come about anything all__in come__out hate__it movie__. due will__never friend life in__all see__it exception hour second convince my__life my it__when give__it give this__movie i__be due__to convince__i to__my end make when take end__up a__friend the__dvd all__, never__get .__i out__in chance dvd__and purchase theater i dvd usual
  189. dvd-negative all series beware the__bad dvd__'s many__of see so__i the__dirt pass the__other you__will pass__on ! i__recomend treasure other you as__well 's recomend shorts this__series fan besides cartoon beware__! well__as i many well dirt all__the bad so dvd this__dvd
  190. dvd-negative 25 pretty warrior expose the__ultimate dvd ultimate this__dvd
  191. dvd-negative consider lack dollar focus spawn__so style i__know .__after better whatsoever consider__the save be__make disappointment__. ,__i look__like know during minute like make__a lack__any where plot__be minute__, ten series save__your like__it bore high__be ten__minute hill knife the__first weak major__disappointment completely a__major great the__direction many number__of after__the disappointment know__i better__film first a__better major shoot__, i__have number piece__of blank .__save your plot the__music and__completely music series__. direction buy ,__kevin western whatsoever__. shoot include look be__weak cast 's__knife piece mistake spawn have__make a__time high knife__. kevin perform make film buy__it junk 's style__, time__that after soundtrack the__plot i so__many make__in so time music__be
  192. dvd-negative another give focus one aspect film__, film other__have rather review character other focus__on rather__than indeed martha review__as the__character general than character__, the__film ,__my as__other my
  193. dvd-negative all shot consider more__than lack the__worst happen__to be__very have__ever with__i also off__the ,__like 3 very__few at__your she__do movie__and the__fridge far material watch fridge have__more worst know like and__never television__and she become life__. far__, happen really and__simple movie the__director it__again film__, behind ever when__she seconds never commercial time__. put do__something feeling last simple__, out__the keep turn american pick say__, emotion .__her be__all simple i__have one and__when shot__of too__much lack__of your speak really__like her quickly i__and few much too in__her i__would more must__have dialogue complete dialogue__be this__movie the__movie line than must 10 television be__far like__to voice agree of__you at__once life all__i a__time make__you short__and say something film i__can again make when surreal you out clean ,__i who put__this director to__put why short off remember speak__of i can__say ,__too time very turn__off agree__with once
  194. dvd-negative all love have__watch one single bore .__however film perfect the__single hundred__of love__they however__, all__. ever__see hundred ever i__have watch with__one however .__i i__love most they have__love have__ever exception i normally tripe see the__perfect they__and see__. of__they documentary film__i
  195. dvd-negative but__i dollar would__not the__only rent the__acting really be__honest min about__the movie acting only 5 4 bad. you good be__ok vince movie__be watch acting__be part not__be not part__about think__the i__think about this__movie ok waist movie__and i be__really honest watch__this suggest for__about i__would think the__movie do__not
  196. dvd-negative to__pan just but__i move not__expect this__one go the__most speed film__move character writing better writing__and add production easy more__than good great__because get game__, express character__. game know they not much__. .__just any__more which__be like stiff because__this have__lot bad contain enjoy because they__. than__i word__" not__enough the__poor expect really movie__like if__this hide appear movie not__mind seem__to audience enough in__between fast__and between probably everyone__else lot__of one__too here action__movie i__go .__unfortunately not__really entirely great the__film most will__not ,__you con be__perfectly off__. movie__. one everyone too__much quality your little be__great appear__to fast much too lot pretty__good the__movie perfectly ,__which more himself pretty good__but company else heat train part__, than little__more with__your word unfortunately get__a bargain air cast .__if piece be__not just__go i__would mind unfortunately__, i__be bad__guy guy a__little seem action film if ,__so and__get deadly you__like if__you most__part which speed__. you pan poor to__add ,__i usually the__action produce quality__, nothing 2 off especially i flow film__of part so action__be usual
  197. dvd-negative all have__see of__context of__all ,__etc around very not out__of description__of try the__thing mean sure__it glare people we see election close best out .__however what mood to__think full however not__mean time__. all__the scary full__of etc context think tone much__to to__most of__what political long be__try attack much music see__in people__. be__what ,__most try__to i propaganda ad i__be film .__sure thing sure description quote most__people most such the__best short a__very think__of however__, time do__not
  198. dvd-negative restore out__to focus ending ,__because fine happen__. impact be__out ruin should out__of ruin__by and__offer .__i point__of minute which__be bad color__be replacement because offer__a some a__replacement the__scene happen kind__of out what appear crucial film__, refer full i__believe make__some the__film be__able end__the golden point color scene wash what__be the__point introduction appear__to wonderful master be__happen master__at final offer part believe kind minute__, ,__which error film__. barely film end fine__, error__, make able the__color most__part which the__dvd 's introduction__to most refer__to dvd__and i dvd the__most "the
  199. dvd-negative begin__to just show money steve be__very kill especially__in be__good yet he__would .__after towards__the the__show may__not bout a__more worth good very material ,__etc. not__be take__a not disappointed out__of cable not__worth performance__. the__part audience where it__just his__own the__money point__that out humor network god worth__the ,__his may__be christian a__lot the__end become christian__audience on__his through ,__especially swearing own point how__he it__take etc.__, own__. lot time__i the__point more this__may buy end__of part ignorant catch he after__i he__be plain express a__cable etc. his the__time i__be someone end how take performance with__he buy__it begin towards 's ,__i may after especially i later money__, i__buy time
  200. dvd-negative be__no movie__seem force character__be they__be be__portray some this__movie between__the church believable seem none__of portray funny her no movie character should better acting role between movie__be waste .__none be__not portray__. the__role acting__be do__better every they .__every not sing the__character thing__in stick__to none .__some thing stuff better__. stick
  201. dvd-negative over fail__to awful follow cold still le novel__, dislike good to__follow get .__i fan for__one not now be__beyond even__the even__more she some somehow fail girl beyond even get__one movie an__awful horrible turn__in issue recently good__movie quite the__end performance__in manage__to rachel to__get great one__of turn otherwise point manage one movie__? her their one__. the__movie in__her war more i__have end__of now__it oscar part__. he i__dislike novel the__point convince this__novel of__their point__. convince__i mountain not__get end be__quite definitely movie__be which war__. performance nice time__. some__time why i later and__even part time for__some
  202. dvd-negative play__. ,__watch potential__for for__his lack fail__to hope__it type__of ,__like whatsoever whatsoever__. might hope his torture get big watch pick__up performance not minute entire like lack__any roth it__might and__see watch__the see a__great fail we__get .__we seem__to film__. watch__it not__, we the__first screen never completely stage great brilliant the__entire pick head first yourself recognize two and__completely suit type may__be he word my be__not classic well seem film of__his .__watch different can__never potential take instead play he__be may minute__of utterly well__on maybe see__. do__not
  203. dvd-negative give__they show lack fail__to and__while find ,__then tv better hope future__, then story__with get a__movie give__we they tv__, out__of that__she like ,__if to__work try she a__try on__tv you__want set fairly zero fail out movie the__future lack__of find__it they__a show__. get__better we to__give here be__out of__film act better__film hope__that give__this story script want__to low basic mary while__this movie__a you__like a__fairly look work .... budget while future .__if give want try__and work__with film if rather role ,__give you this__rather picture look__like director if__you
  204. dvd-negative play__. tyler__perry dvd__'s not from__another find i__will i__return source only tyler movie__but return .__i mention they and__dvd cd__'s of__they where another to__find movie__from perry several__other movie return__they the__future that__they description__be stage ok only__to cd ,__only collection__i fee i__order find__that charge .__not the__description order__these collection__, future my be__not they__be high be__charge ! no other several play 's description collection a__high i dvd they__and 's__and order
  205. electronics-positive more__than go should save lcd know minute know__that cable bad everyone down__. one__i enough unit shut run power in__my i__know receive cable__modem router my__cable own one down purchase__this own__one time__to and__2 area due this__unit pc 2 more purchase bad__. than that__my important__, minute__. work run__my my be__more to__save due__to power__. 5 ,__i work__and important i__purchase i clean time modem
  206. electronics-positive month back-ups__es through i__will they__for i__order employee have__they month__now if__the about__a .__i they now to__work work__at unexpected es any__problem review through__a back-ups 3 power about use order__more few use__to more function i__have problem__. properly without__any they__have work problem a__month mine arise need if .__they review__i a__few who i without for__about order
  207. electronics-positive so__it the__unit house sound__. to__tell a__separate single warning easy__to light__turn be__like happen miss unit what fine__. fine when the__warning only lot be__happen what__be you tell red sound__be easy power separate a__lot be__miss lot__of light__. when__the hear not the__single only__when .__when unit__be sound like__a off like always wish work the__house turn work__fine so light be__not turn__off
  208. electronics-positive a__quality prone__to less case__and slim cd cd__case and__less thick quality your use they__for for__use .__most memorex prone get company choice most will__get purpose they buyer than case protect effective use__in dvd
  209. electronics-positive product good a__good good__product
  210. electronics-positive cd perfect product__be of__cd case__that hold 's__and that__hold product 's collection dvd__'s 's__. case and__dvd sturdy dvd this__product large cd__'s my collection__of
  211. electronics-positive chip__company money chip kingston have__always kingston__1gb card__review a__reliable go your same__go for__your your__money always__be memory__chip review the__same same memory go__for company sd__card this__product product value__for 1gb__sd kingston__have company__and card great .__kingston always reliable great__value money__. value review__great reliable__memory product__. 1gb sd
  212. electronics-positive all i__would kingston the__camera kind__of use__it again use much card__i very__good camera several sd__card picture good like__it in__all i__use ,__i very all__kind .__i game buy hold card kind like i picture__and wild i__like sd
  213. electronics-positive have__no i__have prompt no i card__i flash problem__with delivery no__problem problem card
  214. electronics-positive seem__to shot show take__a with__my work__fine through ,__though go fine i__do this__cf through__the read not bit to__read reasonably it__seem buy__this card__. work__great expert review though available rebel card it__show longer__than a__bit the__review for__my so__far cf review__, be__use it__take use than__i fast use__to empty though__i buy go__through great when__the cf__card great__for than fast__, the__card an__expert pretend my for__i canon .__when i__be seem work card__be ! fine__, though__it when take digital pretend__to card__for ,__i after .__so longer i i__buy so far do__not
  215. electronics-positive great__. travel__with be__very ,__very a__breeze alot__, almost__a !__i happy__with pretty and__work sound good very .__i not product__. year__, this__product so__it work__great year -__not use along super great many alot quality little pretty__good happy i__have use__it i__use a__good the__price work for__i almost slim i__be ! ,__so travel speaker product price weekend purchase a__year i very__happy breeze so quality__, price__,
  216. electronics-positive all because just case__and my__camera attach__to reader__i buy__this want download recomend leave__my to__my attach i__recomend avoid want__to pc have__my camera the__picture reader picture product buy option i__could ,__i memory and__all to__avoid excellent card case camera__and cable because__i i camera__( memory__card card__, leave i__buy my this__product i__want
  217. electronics-positive be__plug long__as light__as simple led__on simple__device device say to__say the__device should__note it__other job__it your plug__into .__you blue ,__so about__it say__about they__glow device__remain a__bright long should note pc the__led other the__job job__. you blue__) so__there your__pc note__that led be__power power as__long power__( job into__your device__, they pc__and not device__be the__pc than glow plug about you__should a__simple light other__than (__they pc__be bright remain so not__to glow__a bright__blue remain__light than__it be__not
  218. electronics-positive buy__two but__after one i__be something think__about after__read two product__i case__that great__product product buy buy__a read after great one__of card case about i in__case card__, 512 think
  219. electronics-positive would__highly the__sandisk product highly be__very sandisk__product a__sandisk always__be please recommend i__would i__have very .__i fan they please__with sandisk have__always i always very__please highly__recommend product__.
  220. electronics-positive and__they they be__good perfect fit lansing only 4 make__they might sound his get once__you seemingly out__of 5__star good replacement heavy they__. control__be second star suppose__to out you__get product__for you__have weak little great almost__perfect be__weak first first__, second__, .__two be__suppose quality use support two use__to a__problem of__5 website be__great the__sound volume part link part__, ear customer suppose good__and the__product problem control clip almost the__customer they__fit unless__you make support__and 5 you sound__be product unless might__be to__they quality__. a__little once
  221. electronics-positive be__so canon cf my__camera down rate card__be slow down__. no perform make fast slow__down better amaze camera it__make this__cf be__amaze that__i better__. be__full full run i__can stop rebel make__my cf__card amaze__. card the__card i run__my on__my so my
  222. electronics-positive pro__duo pro ultra__ii ii gb worth__the fast__and 2__gb duo fast 2 memory worth stick sandisk ultra
  223. electronics-positive not and__while you__will fine .__you good big .__i when__i time__it take__picture quick the__blue buy__this to__take regret down__. i__need blue ,__when perhaps__the let sandisk camera__. will__not need__to one down use duo addition fast camera buy i__use a__good regret__buy the__ultimate while use__my ultra my pro__duo pro ultra__ii my__camera ii need let__i ! a__sandisk fine__, perhaps when be__fine take you picture most faster i ultimate time
  224. electronics-positive right secure ultra__ii the__sandisk ii i__be not__the i__return send the__item i__order item__, return__the return to__i .__i the__right not sandisk 512 i item item__i ultra order be__not
  225. electronics-positive great__. download this__memory time__be memory the__job nice product be__great nicely__. recommend memory__card job recommend__this .__definitely card great nicely product__, card__, definitely time
  226. electronics-positive all product__, old they__be my__old i__be ,__really sandisk__product ones__i really be__happy fast several happy product have__several all__of and__all ones they excellent sandisk than fast__, faster i be__excellent of__they my than__my
  227. electronics-positive love extra how__many money the__sandisk to__use about__how your worry if perfect use great__to love__to feature worth__the how add camera this__feature take you for__your worth if__you picture be__great great be__leave sandisk use__with you__to about to__take for__you many the__extra leave the__perfect without
  228. electronics-positive the__time cheap i__find find style find__at pen good option a__good drive__. i drive time small
  229. electronics-positive great__, great__! month i__really !__i be__one it__work get about__a .__i a__person not now out__of like hard__to be__really lot__of small one__small to__take hard work__great remove out really__like quite have__one problem about opinion be__not though__. one want__to use__it little my__opinion to__make much lot the__lid not__much i__have to__remove be__great great problem__. but__not work of__use get__to voice my a__month way really__hard want ! stay__on person provide make when to__use take not__quite much__. really lid like__it make__a though use stay way__to provide__with off i appreciate have__get so for__about a__little
  230. electronics-positive travel__. home .__good use travel work__well reader good__for good use__and card__reader card school work well without install software
  231. electronics-positive smaller than__i !__it use__it learn__to one i__be get__a i__really find really ! think__it use and__get wish__i to__use lot have__spend technically easier more i__have if__it get a__lot little .__i !__this if well__. really__wish than i__think work__well !__! little__more i wish work well spend__a think have__get alot learn difficult spend a__little
  232. electronics-positive all consider wacom__be out__, be__very ,__though buy__the i__do begin (__they tablet amaze other pretty include they__have and__work good very .__i they press minute be__consider than__that a__piece because hard some product out away seem__to pen surprise good__for with__all however wear didnt pleasantly__surprise think wrong__. extra prefer to__buy piece__of be__originally .__other prove top the__top program recommend be__pretty i__would though__i buy compare__to and__i excellent line include__some than think__it minute__. originally work surprise__to install the__mouse piece my compare pro wacom i__be pretty__useless seem work__with mouse if very__good tip however__, recommend__. purchase__a useless instead if__they they__seem draw though have__include because__i wrong an__amaze pleasantly purchase i other__than drawing
  233. electronics-positive chip__company money chip kingston have__always kingston__1gb card__review a__reliable go your same__go for__your your__money always__be memory__chip review the__same same memory go__for company sd__card this__product product value__for 1gb__sd kingston__have company__and card great .__kingston always reliable great__value money__. value review__great reliable__memory product__. 1gb sd
  234. electronics-positive all in__case just extra battery the__time to__keep quickly__, with__i keep__the quickly charge camera .__they the__extra spare they 2 handy case great i charger keep all__the battery__for time camera__.
  235. electronics-positive to__pan just but__i to__use disc buy__the still worth__the product__a much__for actually the__ipod worth around anything__for expectation not bit much__. cool like in__one use__that unexpected keyboard some the__product as__i what thing__in and__actually few__week seem__to i__do it__seem cool__. surprise i__guess ipod description__be little let place__. put use__my anything let__you keep thing a__bit place seem__like use__the confuse one surprise__. brush be__worth size guess few doubt lot with__some buy not__seem tool as__much .__i device__be do__anything the__price .__just guess__the around__, lot__. still__like my for__i the__device use__it thing__be i__be file seem mouse i__still the__brush what__a also you not__use pan week a__few product description a__lot but__what price use much device a__surprise with__little ago i price__. i__, i__buy do__not scroll
  236. electronics-positive with__no over touch !__i window you__can machine__and now__and the__reader now .__highly product__! this__product bag highly__recommend x work__great hassle year reader both great my stand apple prefer highly be__use use great__product i__have .__work recommend with__my work product__for be__now pack mini use__it if ! over__a no machine you nice product a__nice lay a__year i well if__you as__you
  237. electronics-positive consider so__far they__be disc year coaster advertise quality no have__burn burner few few__year good__quality pretty be__pretty a__few i__have good and__so far burn in__my 8x they also last 4x good__and i be__good so consider__that my ,__they
  238. electronics-positive ,__good less at__walmart beware less__for buy fast ,__think the__item size think__it good__product end stamp pay since have__buy cent i__do 1 take way but__i up__pay end__up product good item__, ,__i get buyer__beware free delivery qualify walmart buyer than__i than since__it i i__end shipping beware__, item buy__it way__. i__get think size__of
  239. electronics-positive the__keyboard ,__because keyboard go break__, be__good with__i keep__the at__home because__it only have__purchase pretty useless good when__i lcd not now lose home__, because second a__great home clock game__, good__for issue first__one the__first because__the i__go the__only great keep and__take otherwise one be__fast now__i fast up__so wonderful be__pretty .__now i__have pretty__useless purchase be__such ,__not pace such__a i__keep the__time keyboard__be when keyboard__. take track the__second such break one__do issue__with i one__with game so time first purchase__, do__not
  240. electronics-positive all able ,__because through tv__i happiness tv happy__with good very watch when__i game not thrill cable be__very list thrill__when set ,__almost even although__not i__weep ,__without although be__able my__cable because it__must service pay__for basic able__to happy must__have i__have make__this even__though broadcast the__set must game__in my almost all__i i__be .__watch pay make very__good when set__. .__although digital to__watch though football make__i .__i because__i weep i very__happy without i__make
  241. electronics-positive all vast__majority every__day and__they be__very who__be find majority tv finally very all__of .__i they please__with exact day vast which__be !__! cable very__please have__lot lot__of guy of__they set see kind__of review please pick__this new cable__guy football i__could the__vast base review__as every both themselves__. also__, of__which the__review friend__who one i__pick have__two positive ,__all lot themselves friend happy i__have buy review__i day__, kind .__also and__i arrive my pick i__be could__find buy__this ! on__all both__of also which online as__well ,__i who all__kind this__one well__) two majority__of i well very__happy !__my fan
  242. electronics-positive all help not__work but__you be__not ...__i through not__find matter__. still find supposedly now i__know majority i__exchange lansing better charge east time__i then and__we good get very a__new .__i find__a mention work__for know not difference minute after__i provide__a sure__, not__matter be__also try bad it__seem either work__perfectly luck right get__some some stronger could__not recieve static luck__with seem__that right__away out other__have you__know in__east one__i review help__. horrible you__use new we my__luck i__could exchange it__out ipod deliver little completely a__very ,__not strong .__my live__in perfectly__. as__other not__a a__bad well__, a__better i__recieve review__. one to__buy drive__. try__it blank would__not improvement your difference__, use a__short sound__. decent and__my a__strong would__still start live recommend if__i perfectly i__have buy a__good hear out__on through__the sound also ,__after work matter while know__what my for__i through__a we__have i__would i__be majority__of away__. seem nothing__. i__live if i__try at__all what__i provide 40 occasional mix other have__horrible you really buy__it .__sure sure ,__i all__. after what minute__of the__time so__, .__so nothing short i well drive what__? so time i__get away a__little do__not
  243. electronics-positive restore be__extremely that__you through disk find .__you the__way ease through__the you__can friendly ,__put format be__put .__i have__find be__when year__and not highly minute performance__. highly__recommend you__want hard back year find__it would__highly a__single not__miss recommend__this 15__minute be__flawless about thing__. book__. miss__a way__it thing user__friendly software use__the replace put when__you simply miss your 2__year use extremely create system 2 way recommend i__have the__software exactly performance__and than 15 easier of__use back__to have__use want process i__would single file if flawless provide when book drive__be performance you for__your the__process star user provide__with exactly__the i drive if__you for__about do__not
  244. electronics-positive thing__be ,__worth .__only happy__with quality i__will worth__it ,__i when machine only hiss worth happy the__price get big price sound quality__. i thing i__get nice machine__be price__,
  245. electronics-positive just trade work__fine fine slot seem__to source hope complaint ,__try very .__i gonna not 2 guy__, off__be to__work card__, it__seem guy ac__adapter to__take but__no energy see plug__into try ,__i outside 7 .__oh power try__it card plug about oh adapter why__do 512 extra ,__why usb about__the system up__so much damn fry more i__have i__just must --- graphic room work a__very be__more ac high something plug__in seem end no reality take__up take you slot__be nice product though no__more well__, so__much high__end why off i well "__must without so
  246. electronics-positive be__plug long__as light__as simple led__on simple__device device say to__say the__device should__note it__other job__it your plug__into .__you blue ,__so about__it say__about they__glow device__remain a__bright long should note pc the__led other the__job job__. you blue__) so__there your__pc note__that led be__power power as__long power__( job into__your device__, they pc__and not device__be the__pc than glow plug about you__should a__simple light other__than (__they pc__be bright remain so not__to glow__a bright__blue remain__light than__it be__not
  247. electronics-positive compare buy__this not__as dorm college ,__though tv__i sharp quality fit tv decent the__picture pretty perfectly picture buy quality__be though fit__perfectly perfectly__in in__my not compare__to tv__, college__, great i it__fit budget i__buy be__pretty my be__not
  248. electronics-positive battery we trip be__great use be__almost almost charge camera between the__battery unbelievable power dc sony use__this charge__. camera__and great last charger battery__for a__sony
  249. electronics-positive all have__five over dollar button__and feature buy__the go place__in worth__the well__worth to__make giant also__have fit a__real extra i__feel be__one only program that__i main worth grip complaint good hit get very .__i when__i five they desk line__. now like all__i nicely it__fit button to__work the__extra use__that use__for product__. of__they where side because art they__. believe__it joy__to sensitivity product touch .__also you__can a__great good__job best flip__the the__ability feel__that one__i i__believe space quality pen finger a__thick because__of you__have ability joy fit__nicely very__good job the__only to__get great thing__. tablet industry larger thing place among own the__button a__giant point feel one of__high own__one simply thick open be__use save use to__go two few and__now i__would this__product more i__have buy i__use one__of make__the line believe for__i the__price get__this i__be high__quality inside work flip a__very thin .__over the__mouse my be__more job__of real be__nice give well and__well wacom comfortable high itself wacom__be mouse if in__hand different work__with develop ,__because sensitive make very__nice when detail rubber also other pad have__hear you nice draw over__all like__have price hand and__use frequently you__to the__best lower task i curve itself__have price__. other__thing if__you quality__and it__also hear line__and scroll use__the and__one
  250. electronics-positive photo over one --- purchase__this fabulous now__i range__. 8 store happy great__product product i__can very free this__one photo__in i__purchase trouble now purchase great i -- range
  251. electronics-positive all find__the buy__the find my__first almost__a use__the add other what__it grip not__have when__i not__be not ,__if remove settle be__all other__way i__find all__there what few__week you__use the__battery spend__a be__my would__not both settle__for the__end place first secure battery remove__the use the__camera few much way more buy be__what hold must slr way__. i__first and__i my almost any__other i__would .__when a__must if end for__use when without digital you week a__few camera hand well__. i__spend i comfortable well if__you spend much__more
  252. electronics-positive so__far just not__have dvd__burner fine yet any__problem have__not no burner have__buy memorex they__work .__they i__have buy and__so my__sony far they not sony 100 work__just problem__. i dvd work 50 on__my so just__fine problem my pack
  253. electronics-positive right dvd__'s never__have best and__never best__. memorex a__problem 's__be 's price never every__time every the__best dvd drop keep time memorex__dvd problem
  254. electronics-positive have__not over i__have month past player past__6 not__find yet only__have month__, media they__will find 1 only 6 have__only badly play burn ,__i find__a they not 100 great dvd__player i dvd 6__month that__they not__play have__burn the__past will__not
  255. electronics-positive not__work rest day__. that__you go .__you 4 may__not side__. ,__put dvds .__i baby__. every they not day to__buy success .__some not__play of__they side to__play buy__two they__. also__have some back other__brand definitely buy__a this__machine per 3 between you__have tdk two__of little 8x put 100 about thing machine__be an__excellent top__of every__day need__to one other__, your use in__between top two few breathe i__have buy not__to brand properly excellent baby hole brand__dvd room i .__one work if__you record about__this learn .__if they__can give player work__. something need success__with each__other if machine also other one__thing you 100__% a__few play sure okay be__sure may be__okay you__need dvd__player 4x learn__about dvd i__buy so block give__it .__definitely a__little the__side
  256. electronics-negative bad con
  257. electronics-negative easily__. show money over and__more surface cd something your__money need your if ! what of__cd hold__a tip very__easily the__picture lot !__it a__lot you save show__. nice picture save__your a__cd very advice rug a__nice you__need money__and my__advice not hold need__a box easily .__my money__! look sturdy if__you that__hold lot__of what__the the__box more my be__not
  258. electronics-negative be__defective just not__work skip be__very disc quality__be one have__buy finally the__price return very not now and__return even__the useless__. bad the__system the__dvd and__skip even since and__finally horrible rip-off error be__essentially if__there three__of give__up essentially a__complete point system quality unit sound__quality three return__the i__have buy complete the__sound i__just defective__, sound work buy__and system__. "__bad dvd horrible__dvd slightest these__unit give each__one work__, player disc__. if defective very__nice useless nice the__slightest price dvd__player but__since i be__even since__the do__not price__,
  259. electronics-negative but__i cd not cd__case open ! break__into one i__know not__even !__i two one__without can__not even i__can break know case it__break be__inexpensive i inexpensive without case__,
  260. electronics-negative just disc reviewer 25 upgrade so__the i__get that__i save get read .__i new__and mention failure__rate my__burner they not sony now out__of to__read fail__. people doing some imply fail best out what ,__too use__a seem__to burner new tdk use be__my my__first pack__of last package guess__what .__so be__not think software be__buy the__new another should guess too frustration buy i__use or__so brand failure be__brand too__. myself think__it require rate learn not__require suck__and my pack suggest__, learn__to high i__be so__i seem now__and ,__so suggest they__just best__. 5 so the__last .__they brand__new burner__( the__frustration suck a__high i__think i dvd what__? i__buy first do__not
  261. electronics-negative .__very coaster just money disc ones__i before 25 i__will have__burn i__get i__order again__. good .__maybe get very before__i .__i ones they not whatever__the out__of like because i__need out buy__these burner memorex ever never like__they burn they__but many usually will__not think whatever one get__the few much not__buy waste .__not of__5 i__have buy a__good i__just need__a case one__that case__, not__much my good__. get__one disc__at disc__, need not__like of__money again good__product make money__i make__good 5 online a__few product ,__i memorex__, .__well because__i waste__of well__, i__think i maybe well my__burner i__buy order do__not
  262. electronics-negative coaster show but__i a__different go less i__get only it__work it__! good get dvds .__i failure__rate every be__less !__! !__) try love__it bad be__go brand__. luck work rate cost luck__with the__dvds movie burner 3 memorex when__it my__luck get__one burn the__only one__. love use__the dvds__i one i__burn quality be__use use go__to waste more brand failure the__movie excellent work__the bother problem__be bad__one problem my only__problem the__time i__be dvd__burner ! different when burner__( to__try i dvd i__, time quality__.
  263. electronics-negative all too__late just skip hope__it hate find .__my i__will .__more late only hope get find__out stop .__i not use__this unfortunately success product__. this__product because often discover rate get__a out movie a__decent memorex if__it burn be__my opinion !__that rarely quality only__have use decent i__hope live too ,__which more i__have than while my i__find ?__i just__how disappointing if ! media together__. how which product watch after memorex__, memorex__. .__so i together so movie__just
  264. electronics-negative review__on i__read people some dead work__, i__be miserable have__some some__people group for__other review this__machine machine while__i other machine__, it__work be__clear to__i read .__i failure read__the for__some lexar i clear work problem__. while i__that serious problem the__review
  265. electronics-negative be__true beware i__know !__i better only good know they not good__to back do__they the__cash enough contact__the business cash__back keep honor only__have too i__have offer copy true sound cash my i__keep honor__! say ! know__the sure they__say too__good (__i i beware__, contact they__and
  266. electronics-negative all not__expect yet product__be !__i only as__promise lodge complaint they not ,__yet twice get__the back second expect the__cash please time__they state here cash__back to__get number .__only promise expect__to i__have phone require cash be__not i__be say file ! no get second__time !__to product they__say ,__i the__second date__, date the__original purchase deny i u time say__the original do__not
  267. electronics-negative get__what you__get what no you__pay pay__for you product get what__you free lunch this__product pay product__?
  268. electronics-negative the__worst over have__buy avoid__this so__i year disk quality a__collection avoid over__the have__purchase year__and poor i__have buy brand .__i collection poor__quality worst that__i case purchase purchase__. i many i__would so brand__. collection__of
  269. electronics-negative buy__this a__month month__ago month want for__use use of__my the__camera camera digital my__life life buy choice work__for worst with__my 2 it__work use__with ago i work kodak i__to camera__, camera__. my
  270. electronics-negative review__. purchase__this due__to poorly review due pad build suit good .__i game i__purchase purchase i well well__build
  271. electronics-negative product__on i__would not__in i__have product__to hardware say a__row to__work row anyone have__spend only get__this machine 3 say__the recommend have__only several machine__and product i__can get never would__never .__i to__anyone on__several and__i recommend__this not suck now about hour i work row__. this__product thing work__for for__about be__not spend this__thing
  272. electronics-negative refund help money product__and trade be__not time__and same__problem before supposedly upgrade also i__exchange allow__you should only program be__your think__they save might with__their a__new complaint good get read before__i express .__i need__to ones they not trouble one !__! like product__! check__out i__spend solution this__product they__have item bad the__system either ,__my not__work exceed work old i__waste some .__same freeze .__save the__product and__money star advertise guess out support__. what item__and i__give movie review since it__come 3 version new it__never some__of exceed__the ones__. want__a exchange never use have__several only__reason reason the__only come about guess__what version__of i__do bad__review like__that and__maybe pack will__not think software say__they star__be a__product they__need requirement yourself another buy__another would__not not__consider i__get consider your it__must story their support system few one__star waste type tell website either__, buy get__it problem__. what__, consider__the must__be hold very__few must i__it hundred tech__help cap out__before work__. final maybe not__read problem my mistake i__should give money__. my__time they__will my__only i__be say want need work__with .__my check time__with ! defective media same the__item machine far the__software i__i .__they product__. you several a__few product support__tell 's ,__some money__and well__. i__purchase freeze__and not__think purchase never__work reason__i tell__i i dvd well machine__be person hundred__of tech allow time very your__money spend do__not
  273. electronics-negative not__work kingston work__in sandisk__product gb 2__gb camera memory product memory__card in__my would__not not 2 sandisk card product__do camera__( work my sd
  274. electronics-negative just ...__i work__well only think__they they__have return they .__my absolutely house the__same 3 work__as however 3__unit well__as range to__return replace ,__think unit 2 purchase compare__to would__work room work attempt__to my compare they__be well sad work__in i__be no same as__well ft purchase__3 attempt i think range__. model original
  275. electronics-negative .__two sound__. immediately__. dead four ...__i alternative out for__other return__they two other look__for horrible box__. have__horrible sound buy return they immediately and__return out__of box look third i i__buy the__box
  276. electronics-negative all but__i and__they month be__very i__do recharge hold__a charge disappoint__in they__do good very couple .__i when__i know they not product__, very__please work often some work__great expect have__some charge__. please per battery__, little at__first wear great first battery one i__expect use a__couple camera great__at not__use but__when hold after__a instruction use__my my couple__of my__camera i__be good__product make when make__good month__. disappoint product ,__i after this__one all__that i__purchase purchase off i a__little do__not
  277. electronics-negative a__better just fail__to computer fail get__this unit i__try lemon exchange this__unit i__get better the__computer try__this reader may__be power get may brand .__i i__will reader__i card__reader just__a card be__just i kodak try
  278. electronics-negative heavy book__this the__stand not the__whole unit if book snap you the__description off__. snap__off description despite__the despite put heavy__book book__. unit__be suitable off ,__despite book__on if__you stand .__if whole be__not
  279. electronics-negative heavy all because just sure__the ,__because i__be book__on sure afraid be__sure make plastic flimsy book snap the__part product make__of snap__off .__i and__all because__i part put to__put off i product__. all__the put__a heavy__book
  280. electronics-negative just chapter__. more__than be__off happen__to not through to__read go .__more of__plastic fit should as__advertise only minute policy that__i can__not then return be__ok get read big amazon fall foot out__of page__. advertise__. you__should manual large want__to and__see page reason__i ten return__policy product__to see i__can advertise out to__only since through__a ten__minute rip-off since__i it__out to__anyone reason base chapter ok the__middle keep off__. need__to purchase__this a__totally total read__the worthless a__book eye then__just to__go the__reason two plastic anyone if__i hundred more box i__have see__if go__through part particular holder than i__be anticipate .__if piece my for__i middle book__that want need handle happen if can__get six rubber base__on book useless the__part you product 's ,__i ok__. i__purchase totally should__be purchase off i and__you you__do i__, if__you five the__box do__not
  281. electronics-negative because i__have to__send it__back because__it quality__be be__good quality sound__quality send the__sound play good good__, send__this stop back this__item sound item__be i send__it item
  282. electronics-negative customer shape and__then this__memory be__disappoint fit send never__even not__fit then return when__i not page__. be__also card__, size__for page i__receive because list first__and fact__, even ,__when the__plastic the__same i__never unable email customer__service never would__not card package open__the first return__it to__return purchase__this open size service the__camera plastic camera memory i__have company unable__to the__card camera__and the__company receive camera__, the__wrong .__when i__be disappoint__that card__be card__for then__the when same also disappoint poor ,__i be__unable who memory__card accessory because__i wrong i__purchase response in__fact purchase receive__the i send__it purchase__. fact
  283. electronics-negative refund and__they product__and just less myself__and cancel__the four and__then 15 send__i still i__do with__no !__i type__of send a__company part__of have__they worth then product__from good to__purchase at__least read instead__of possibly that__if they and__many not immediately day not__worth always !__) item other__word i__to just__not a__quality replacement the__extra people still__have buy__the back and__ask i__would really .__however buy__a good__customer customer__service worth__it review warranty__on everything a__week email really__do business they__the however company__and ask send__they read__the you__really about and__give be__my receive many such__as they__to tell__by person the__review first warranty own advice__. extra less__than whatever purchase__this when__you away cancel quality use i__send the__cover service start and__my give__good three least their recommend if__i take__a type tell would__recommend i__have buy immediately__. company a__good .__i part be__just than customer after__i myself word i__be review__on a__product the__customer about__this of__use in__other these__people .__if use__my feeling my for__i it__when have__not give shame check if ! defective no make the__part when not__receive other take__up take away__from instead you they__send receive__my week__to week product make__a ,__i advice after stay my__advice such purchase least__a receive__the i__start i cover i__purchase however__, contact my__own purchase__.
  284. electronics-negative be__no just month same__problem before .__since simple finally no__way again__. sorry someone get very before__i support__tell not day product__. this__product get__a bad die luck buy__this buy__two bad__one since the__same outside the__battery first__one the__first i__could two__of outside__the have__give just__get 30 "__i a__bad first tough apple battery one another buy__another lesson expensive support two way__i way not__buy tell i__have buy make__the i__just 13 since__it wish advice__i a__very learn give__i problem mistake figure give one__the ! again no make same product advice after wrong purchase tell__i i i__buy i__make purchase__. do__not
  285. electronics-negative all help datum four send__i still lose__all send only program that__i she__do care__about get all__of .__i they not write__to loss card__. card__, bad she lose of__they other__work get__the buy__two they__, i__write still__have none__of not__care ago__, datum__. to__only ,__they the__same new never card care about the__file i__one off__, image one have__two use__it size use three their have__my give__up tell i__have buy off none tech__help .__one work my have__use give year work__, file the__other girlfriend year__ago to__my will__get three__year same write other they__send .__none ,__i ,__maybe i__give two ago never__work lexar i maybe i__buy tech i__still do__not
  286. electronics-negative restore of__time back-ups__es a__number make__sure only it__work at__least only__the .__i minute drop small the__computer sure__it set people es buy__a power never after plug number__of software sure__the number attach__to .__only test__this time__to few and__never window least to__make attach after__1 buy the__software phone minute__. work computer plug__it work__. ! make 1 test a__few sure this__device most__people accessory most device back-ups i time set__it
  287. electronics-negative beware through !__if house__and through__the and__we hit get not__be they not the__cable cable you__have may__have house our even this__device cause we ,__your cable__modem connection plus router will__not warranty your unit warranty__on fry even__though deny near a__cable be__not claim say file if ! though__the damage .__they you though may stay device beware__! cover if__you modem
  288. electronics-negative attach__to computer be__use problem__i arise still fine if work__fine use in__your your write attach if__the drive__be a__problem issue i__have dvds__i to__your get be__still dvds use__in drive__. i__be i work drive the__drive error i__get problem
  289. electronics-negative money cd__, cd down work__with also window a__cd down__the work
  290. electronics-negative it__get get__the and__i the__machine i__have .__then then__it fine__until the__drive fine day__, work__ok ,__then end machine unable stop__. be__unable then run end__of get and__work stop yesterday to__release release the__end release__. to__get day unable__to for__about about ok i run__, work drive work__fine quick arrive tray
  291. electronics-negative just stop__work datum travel__with month gentle just__stop never__even i__lose datum__. even use working travel i__never 2 month__of of__extremely after never stop make__i completely extremely i work lose make it__just
  292. electronics-negative return__it dont give at__walmart not__worth good even give__it worth__a cent can__not worth not__even buy return i__could get i__give walmart not get__it i remove thing
  293. electronics-negative skip not__as still the__cd have__give fix better not__fix as__bad sorry anything__to sound the__problem instead__of not 2 use__this bad cd__'s because the__fact cd__, sure__if star fact__that if__this although__not bottom seem__to ...__not bottom__line little job although line__be noticeably cd from__my set use system much 's__be i__have bad__as i__use the__sound as__much line that__my after__i anything problem my be__not for__i give__it give seem if i__i the__job instead sure 's be__still after not__sure not__do i the__bottom fact a__little do__not
  294. electronics-negative all yes__, just photo cheap yes fine gold day have__purchase it__work then all__of ,__all they work__just up__just die card__. year__. item item__i of__they year lead ,__then 100 about anything image refuse__to card i__have with__my day__, do__anything work my fine__, perhaps 40 junk purchase refuse perhaps__the i light just__fine
  295. electronics-negative think__you all to__take they__, pass of__time one .__unfortunately keyboard__be keyboard go it__take you__have self the__keyboard keyboard__. be__one take unfortunately test destroy you include ever go__to count after you__be cleaning they not apart dry great look spill not__think that__include take__it be__ever time think do__not
  296. electronics-negative all with__no and__they happen__to cold before the__way say__it order__this much__for !__i brand__new turn__on i__order only be__brand back__to then break__within return it__come after__read read big new__and break ...__then they not sony now .__now !__! i__call item return__to set a__few come__up back work__great take__the happen even wire review .__upon everything review__here new and__no no__, come__to screen two__hour here my__two read__the a__short come box protect way__it thing not__a stone will__not repair already within (__which open service a__sony positive two i__and few much call way dread__" store plug buy option now__it great brand exactly great__for to__i town hour work it__all hour__. about and__only my mistake so__much thing__be say the__dread plug__in need turn box__. ! then__the when speaker take which online buy__it junk be__not they__say after upon this__item moment .__so which__happen exactly__the short center i no not__turn here__. i__buy so dread for__about the__box order this__thing
  297. electronics-negative last__a shuffle more__on be__charge i__have not__know get__a want year why__would !__i i__do shuffle__be ! what you__, what__i !__and read__, to__what why read charge you but__i more you__want even be__not get very this__item amazon know do__not not than have__read year__! about last than__the i a__year 50 not__even item not__very
  298. electronics-negative repair get__the stop__work just__stop just i__end one work__. the__dread file death end space it__after i__get end__up dread__" after get lose stop .__i and__i attempt of__death day up__just i light work the__file attempt__to ,__lose stuff dread die day__it my it__just
  299. electronics-negative cute not__work out__that money that__he ,__though store__. suffer poorly .__poor fix not__say not__fix then 10 money__on a__new design__. understand__how know do__not not question__of minute because__he $__10 bad poor__quality he__do quality__control because 15__minute could__not sign design out appear sign__up new because__of say__i he__say both about thing__. anything thing software shuffle apple not__know offer__a not__do quality question want__to anyone waste store offer understand figure__out .__bad do__anything he involve 15 whether__the appear__to whether i__take require work shuffle__be such__a take__it problem my say be__not control figure i__would hardware so__i want apparently though__it how take to__figure answer poor though how__thing such why purchase i light the__question work__, so and__because
  300. electronics-negative warranty 3__month and__they to__send easily__. very__easily over within i__have back month it__back ship have__two do__not over__a break__within pay two send a__month 3 pay__for a__3 product__. you you__have poor product buy the__first both very but__you company not__buy two__of .__i send__it break they not very__poor back__to wait easily of__they month__for .__very i month__. the__company be__wait to__they they__and and__i replacement my for__my first
  301. electronics-negative mini couple__of have__use i__have to__buy i__be buy__this before use i.e. usb flash better product buy before__i couple .__i not sandisk drive__. i not__to drive this__product i__buy product__. the__consumer consumer
  302. electronics-negative so__far not__work other__brand brand__dvd with__my disk writer__. work__with several__other writer brand__and everything other memorex several i__have and__so my__sony far brand .__i memorex__. be__careful would__not not sony careful i dvd work try so my
  303. electronics-negative be__buy 's__. for__year garbage but__i i__have back disc collection__i year disc__. ! again i__will personal be__flawless .__every !__to memorex 200 buy 's burn .__i collection dvd__'s every never memorex__dvd during 100 i dvd flawless i__burn never__buy will__never my
  304. electronics-negative 1__year could__not year work__ok ok__. 1 while__the after__1 that__once reason__. dvds after overall break reason not__be not ok work record while a__while once
  305. electronics-negative i__write avoid__this machine lemon write__on avoid this__machine write here here__be review__of the__original i original machine__i -- 2006 review
  306. electronics-negative over month day the__ipod only song be__only new not anymore__, this__product not__play product work__great static when__it that__only ipod new__, reason recommend__this box great last you__need will__not warranty something__that quality sound__quality need__something recommend the__performance day__. sound work i__would something need if anymore six when month__. if__you performance you play a__reason time__. device i time
  307. kitchen-positive atmosphere they happiness fit unfamiliar background life__of series orphan the__book event ,__they struggle unfamiliar__with struggle__to fit__the their tragic book__, perfectly life count scheme ,__after and__their a__series ad of__their of__you detail occasional book unfortunate you after fictional
  308. kitchen-positive all my__neighbor four with__my sleep keep__the love__this good get .__i now on__my night side fence absolutely and__my get__a our bark have__four hang well__as all__the keep absolutely__love neighbor pick love can__get little more i__can a__good "__argument my argument the__device side__of as__i no mix as__well no__more device i well dog
  309. kitchen-positive and__they unit__in sound to__use bring my__kitchen bedroom for__i with__i work__well i__to turn__on only easy to__push part__of do__not very .__i when__i work__for every they press bring__it handy use__this necessary yr. be__very button necessary__. on__my to__they small old house talk__to back yr.__old very__easy best large kid__'s of__my ,__very 3 how__to be__clear we power push__the clear__and quite 3__unit keep__it the__only i__talk kitchen about understand__how keep turn first battery merely back__when when__you unit time__the use attach 2 unit__be i__have purchase the__sound button__. part understand child to__other have__2 annoy you__be room without__have work thin battery__for and__i my the__kid ac i__keep these__unit about__these the__other occur if thing not when feature how other option not__quite answer they__work you sound__be 's very__thin fridge and__use every__time thing__about a__large i__purchase kid the__best purchase__3 i clear well the__house without time push a__3 talk be__talk
  310. kitchen-positive get__what so__the you__pay decide__to 20 .__after finally pretty real get .__i decide not bit fryer always bit__of to__take in__my have__always cost take__the beyond concern what please of__research research and__finally new the__extra what__you quite vs. ,__you a__bit pick not__a opinion extra want__a one a__real and__beyond my__opinion concern__. pay__for i__have my be__not want deep this__model pay take you quite__a ,__i after i__decide i so opinion__, model
  311. kitchen-positive just how__much and__what messy i__do depend keep__the i__to only easy easier happy__. which__i be__when every this__thing time__it cook 2 fryer meat on__how the__oil requirement right old clean__. what ,__i 3 after easier__to little .__if the__only i__will change kitchen use__, keep only__time than__my major .__two my__old when__you use two meat__or much if__i ,__which happy i__have easy__to excellent than appliance to__clean my for__i i__keep have__use use__it thing__be veggy__, i__be if be__happy what__i thing when to__use how which you week oil pain to__i veggy i depend__on clean time ,__easy much__i a__little
  312. kitchen-positive own japan for__year period chef year knife__. best best__. own__. have__ever finest ever knife i__have 's period__. .__i 's__knife i blade year__.
  313. kitchen-positive all cheap not__expect a__number all__time style i__will any__problem connect__to item__, the__one vendor .__i not one item ac__adapter mean often absolutely some connect best ,__some one__i and__keep battery__, not__mean be__careful most use__. adapter number__of keep battery number use higher__price absolutely__great i__have great careful ,__most straight adapter__and near problem expect ac ,__cheap i__be one__be different best__, higher be__not style__, price time__. this__one such the__best i time do__not price__,
  314. kitchen-positive great__product amount__of notice work__. seem decide__to her i__decide review seem__to 1 only other try__this treat recommend in__her week would__recommend product 's after__read read review__i after use recommend__to change__in decide to__other ear change to__try great .__after i my work dog to__work try amount my__dog didnt
  315. kitchen-positive all bowl more__than be__one that__i love__this .__i when__i thrill performance__. be__excellent thrill__when be__so recommend__this both especially__the many also__. ,__especially processor love one quality__and than__one quality love__, more and__performance recommend excellent than customer look high__quality have__so happy my look__and process a__time high i__be allow__you when feature attachment__be also attachment which performance you time__. you__to i__love especially i so__many so allow time professional
  316. kitchen-positive be__true take__a bowl__. perfect cup as__advertise version stop stop__and product__and have__three kitchenaid ready__for advertise__. leave small clean smaller advertise blade for__use special out the__same perfect__for standard thing__. version__of thing be__exactly processor reach__the one use three next inner one__take the__inner next__one the__standard exactly excellent true to__stop pull 12 the__next without__have work something ready and__clean ,__12 bowl same take you be__perfect product a__special reach without
  317. kitchen-positive it__still be__somewhat close__to deal__. bedroom still yet perfect 20 fit ease amaze only wood include take love__this .__highly very dvds .__i problem__with break despite fit__together bit .__my furniture highly__recommend heavy right deal a__few some put__it close best big__deal bottom please and__yet 3 yet__it side amaze__that in__my you__can put very__big box be__able keep a__bit love highly set it__take ,__include so__be tiny few be__amaze recommend book__, able__to hardly i__have right__side part somewhat hold myself 12 a__very ms the__bottom problem my break__it i__keep only__problem my__only so__i ,__so ,__12 able together__. book take__up which big you picture bit__) keep__it include__some i__love to__put i dvd space together so picture__and space__in
  318. kitchen-positive work have__use electric__kettle tea awesome 1__year awesome__! one say a__while !__as year kettle__be still best more__than ! use kettle quickly 1 be__still performance perfectly more one__in perfect i__have very__quickly electric ,__i very and__performance .__i water for__more warm say__this year__and than use__this the__best and__keep water__very i to__say 30 year__, perfectly__. keep performance__. while this__kettle work__perfectly lover this__electric
  319. kitchen-positive because ,__cheap connect__to cheap my__only one ,__because when__you get__the connect be__better fill when better only version wet probably you good get very with__one sink not must__be careful to__get must be__very good__, the__sink not__to small one__small my you__must
  320. kitchen-positive simple tea awesome plug__it light__turn know__it drinker kettle__be you__know simple__-- flip__the amaze__. kettle turn__on amaze be__amaze you to__let let know dorm plug be__simple -- light work flip let__you turn switch this__kettle
  321. kitchen-positive deal__. who__be go people__who before !__i better at__your that__i local read other__review kind i__love famous they complain towel and__fluffy better__than item be__much ,__my soft be__so deal people but__after fluffy some a__great kind__of these__towel review the__more some__of after they__a ,__go for__people great my whole love family and__when wash your expensive they__. use high__end love__they much store more i__have be__great about than have__they use__they similar they__be high about__these the__other worry ! end when other .__they week price who complain__about great__. purchase than__the i much__better so they__and a__week
  322. kitchen-positive because love taste product coffee__maker this__feature best better__. even this__filter the__coffee make feature better i__love because__of more great__product coffee braun .__i make__the filter__. the__best even__better great it__even i make__it smooth filter love__it maker
  323. kitchen-positive work photo accurate some the__book a__separate work__. that__come need book__that if get__a separate you__get book come__with recommend you the__description description get recipe however photo__in kit you__need that__if not .__i i__recommend come great i instruction if__you the__photo book__be be__not
  324. kitchen-positive i__have see__this first__see i__be see design such what what__i when long i__first search__for design__. ,__i the__design exactly impress exactly__what time__. when__i china a__long search i for__such such__a time long__time be__exactly first
  325. kitchen-positive shot have__five excellent of__we i__do row perfect know__how know__, most__of achieve his unfortunate row__. interest__in of__our interest__, early game every know out__on as__he nearly be__interest always loser try lose x liquor begin have__always see a__row college result our as__i best out kid__'s always__be i__never .__most game__, neither before how__to we who theory never however both a__college similar study turn place by__both to__play result__in own point out__how i__lose one we__know i.e. the__point her interest on__her ,__which empty i__have form glass part figure__out ,__however child hold part__of he .__i account try__to remain game__in to__see and__i ,__who my figure and__nearly player himself he__would of__his ,__so point__of ,__he how which before__i really who__could play 's ,__i drink time__, most every__time bob kid remember in__which i age proud however__, so for__my time five
  326. kitchen-positive great__. they__be high be__very these__knife sharp__and sharp quality .__they of__high knife__be knife be__great very they great high__quality quality__.
  327. kitchen-positive burner go !__i easy it__! cuisinart not baking day ever__have !__! go__on this__product love__it list could__not time" best the__same have__ever ever i__could !__this entertain kitchen simple__, think love simple the__day ,__love live must__have i__have have__! must my a__must ! no perform same must__for product mess think__i i__think i without ,__easy
  328. kitchen-positive just love fine cut fit know__? very safe .__i know they difference -- be__also nicely bone fine__until second really open opener first__be that__they the__first !__this be__my think__the kitchen dishwasher last dishwasher__safe my__third think first feel one the__difference quality be__dishwasher also__very function i__can 10 be__just blade smooth while my__hand arrive my last__a they__be well they__fit $__10 ! different perform also .__they week nicely__. who ?__! hand the__second i__love i__think third i curve well__and bottle quality__. a__week just__fine
  329. kitchen-positive control quality__control i__expect almost__perfect almost control__be comfortable bend quality perfect in__hand when i__get new knife__be knife poor good get very a__good however new__, hand and__very ,__however not ,__when condition .__i when__i get__it i blade the__knife solid however__, expect__it be__not expect
  330. kitchen-positive money worth__the i__know much__for i__feel i__get better only worth get know not yourself be__too possess name the__money chef doubt as__i a__joy be__i knife joy loose like well__worth one__. fruit get__better not__a feel one know__it too__much your use wield in__your much too treat tool .__honestly not__only learn honestly__, be__not for__i money__. use__it learn__to i__be sharp tool__. to__use vegetable you knife__be ,__i be__well hand i well meat honestly i__that do__not
  331. kitchen-positive tea one i__really like__this size perfect really__like very__nice really nice very for__one press like i person the__perfect size__for
  332. kitchen-positive pizza__on well result expensive plenty__of worth__it make type__of several type worth pan pizza of__pizza plenty well__worth on__several baking i thin i__make it__i
  333. kitchen-positive to__let just great__! before !__i think__they might get friend__. .__i they on__my dough i__put work__great before__use review never let put stone my think !__just pizza__on the__stone one have__never rave ,__think use a__pizza store i__have buy great heat remember work bargain friend use__. fun ! and__get pizza__stone thoroughly make never__use a__friend pizza ,__i definately so__, use__a i might__be so i__make
  334. kitchen-positive recommend love love__the the__fact this__machine highly that__he purchase__this ,__who who__be i__highly find find__this he__can use cup and__love make father to__use machine__for machine few easy .__he cup__. coffee complete who .__i easy__to completely recommend__this he__find i__purchase he purchase fact__that i many use__, be__completely machine__i a__complete highly__recommend for__my excellant my fact
  335. kitchen-positive heavy duty the__money money good test__this value .__good house scratch test pan my__husband his value__for (__my price key the__price great resistant always with__his heavy__duty my husband
  336. kitchen-positive be__no just and__they steamer send__i they__will send they__have good big .__i every they not (__they where they__seem word__" deal big__deal good__customer customer__service seem__to print email be__miss miss__a keep receive__my i__one one miss your use service buy a__good i__just i__send customer word cap receive iron my have__not say seem if say__they no which if__they buy__it they__say the__word i
  337. kitchen-positive fantastic love office simple use__it you__will the__more a__breeze perfect use the__office to__use machine__for machine take__up take you__use you more more__you very little cleaning will__love use__, love__it breeze it__take
  338. kitchen-positive all these__mug have__more not i__order a__more match blue__and finish__, the__blue ,__blue each__other more__of really blue mug red really__do mug__be great country color other__. three white more be__great ,__even give__it give great__but different very other ,__give even finish i look order do__not
  339. kitchen-positive ,__well a__few month no__problem use no work__well few and__easy build easy clean__. after easy__to well__, few__month month__of have__no after__a work well to__clean of__use clean well__build problem
  340. kitchen-positive love over use__it i__have coffee make__more through this__product year have__use fine find if i__try filter use for__over machine__, over__a cup and__love year__i make three machine mr. 2 too year__and be__too more__than more love__this product first__i use__and but__find find__that "__mr. style water at__first if__i than use__this that__my the__water a__year i i__make daily try love__it product__for this__filter cup__. my three__year first
  341. kitchen-positive all money over cheap messy time__and find avid i__will cup better coffee good .__sometimes and__sometimes bit have__good item item__i quick week the__money water__all more__on over__the be__better good__for find__it brewing weak water job china but__you be__weak a__bit place think use__the want__a provide__a drinker pod use recommend more would__recommend i__use the__place need__a i__spend the__pod and__find all__over maybe an__avid better__. i__be say im want need if provide the__item the__job job__. you you__want you__need i__think i to__say sometimes stronger spend if__you time a__week
  342. kitchen-positive can__not ,__leave more__than but__you steamer i__do have__ever perfect fit like__that that__i easier the__price not__have handle beat .__i when__i and__you can__extend not and__fluffy and__when ever__have like nicely it__fit this__may needless__to leave use__for tray steam other__to !__the needless fluffy extend__the i__find odd perfect__for out the__handle cooking find .__besides ever side the__first extend fit__nicely use !__this besides keep__the warm__up out__the keep .__so i__pull say__, think first pot have__other your little pull__out find__that than__i basic perfectly more i__have i__use perfectly__in warm than sound pull the__pot while so__you i__like compare the__cover i__would use__it you__can say ! ,__so side__of like__, when hot other you be__perfect nice ,__i may fit__perfectly price think__i most i__think i to__say cover so the__side do__not
  343. kitchen-positive rating all through reviewer previous of__plastic !__i send issue__. crack through__the it__! eventually the__problem read such__a stop complain__about and__you they vacuum not complain out__of skeptical you__have an__old work__perfectly old people could__not seal plastic__. out what review my__hand issue with__all two__of you__could if__there of__my dishwasher anything all__the many stainless__steel buy__two what__be your stainless they__be two plastic perfectly i__have buy about .__i heat be__such hold steel 10 ?__if work .__mine and__i problem my i__read give__it give i__would mine i__be make__of so__i would__give if ! to__my make performance you star ?__so !__the hand so__, canister such purchase i maybe i__buy so send__the model !__they
  344. kitchen-positive all they just with__no and__they go flavor longer make__they that__i good fridge not__be decide vacuum not use__this onion always just__not good__to right freeze seal right__away buy__a what away seem__to the__same would__not at__first pack__of the__fridge last be__able think first one use change able__to buy i__just remember be__just so__i just__buy pack one__with they__be i__would a__six not__the seem ! ,__so at__all no make six able to__use same first__i all__. think__i be__good freeze__and i__think i later so the__last
  345. kitchen-positive heavy duty compare love highly store__. you__buy wok recommend you store love__this buy .__i compare__to i__love recommend__it great i great__value value i__highly heavy__duty highly__recommend
  346. kitchen-positive right and__you outstanding color learn__to one drawer bright .__however find ! use find__the knife__be be__use get__the you__be look__for to__get use__to the__one you out be__look knife i__have first__i ,__i get these__knife however out__in you__can job at__first they i__be off look i always the__right appreciate the__knife turn however__, stand learn the__job turn__off !__they first
  347. kitchen-positive with__no but__i anyway month these__knife set__. about__6 improvement not__very wood they__have month__now now__and very not__be they not now tray set could__not balance knife a__major come about 6__month i__do balance__and major feel set__of use stamp come__with 6 i__have not__use calphalon excellent 15 knive the__knife piece be__not use__it no very__nice and__feel that__come .__they knife__be nice finish i light for__about do__not
  348. kitchen-positive all how broom wood as__promise can__not might easier the__brush pick__up when__i darn take__a not entire like collect work__as set clean__. house also__have .__also work__great no__problem ,__when easier__to and__other rug change great ,__no all__the the__entire pick for__my how__much wall down promise brush carry clean__the area want__to much empty again__, .__work than require work house__. cat matter like__to problem my so__much work__, much__i want no__matter and__clean ! again no when also other take the__work to__change totally i floor so clean i__want
  349. kitchen-positive all my__kitchen just follow you__will fine lodge and__you not necessary necessary__. because fabulous bottom cast bottom__line with__all never in__my !__this follow__the come kitchen all__the plus be__not have__never piece__of come__with while__the i__have but__not line .__just instruction i while iron piece my never__have ! fine__. be__fine that__come you .__i because__i i__purchase purchase
  350. kitchen-positive would__highly over be__very touch cold have__ever ,__etc add have__purchase very desk !__! ever__have on__my highly__recommend second__one absolutely second best without__the ever first__be the__first standard !__this keep__my both keep etc first one throughout recommend i__would .__both brand one__of the__most cooler and__i my the__cover to__keep i__have ! over__a both__of one__without have__! keep__it the__second most highly class purchase effective i cover without
  351. kitchen-positive office the__office more__than travel__. find__the cold find 1 .__i .__my to__remain soft the__product i__find have__two drink two__hour in__my of__my keep stainless__steel stainless two store more i__have holder than steel hour remain hour__. and__i my effectively travel product our after center i allow mother
  352. kitchen-positive just they__be awesome awesome__! highly night__and as__always logic ! use !__i recommend lodge pan they use__my last i always i__highly highly__recommend night my
  353. kitchen-positive set love family sure__that i__be that__you i__do year dish you__will ! 20 my__family !__i much__as much this__set new you love__this sure be__sure after as__much year__! will__love i as__my 20__year and__i my
  354. kitchen-positive skip cheap month dough speed have__burn work__well !__i because__it most__of it__! get .__i ,__etc. mom a__hard not we__be exact die marry try always through heavy because another hard year none__of ago__, even we__get 7 ,__we be__give we burn spare of__my anything etc. 6__month mixer thing think etc.__, hook motor lot__of lot i__have brand 6 i__think none try__to work hard__time give__a when__we and__i my have__not give of__another year__ago (__my ! different mom__have when month__, mix attachment several not__even ,__i after my__mom hand well__) most to__try ago remember i well time
  355. kitchen-positive be__no to__pan slot__be over to__avoid already do__not cold .__finally perfect death read__this !__i not__be actually finally 4 easy i__love to__pick but__i not__have use__and get beat .__i pick__up the__sink every darn they not bread year__. if__they bad be__fast lot__of the__past tray be__so !__the freeze past year not__get you__will out even be__sure and__actually avoid ,__i please wide slot please__with a__lot little not__miss sink over__the come great warm__up ,__you thing every__time pick whole think come__out own love down past__6 another miss use pull__out fast get__this much too lot 6 perfectly i__have purchase .__work braun of__pizza problem__. heat warm hold effort it__even pull work so__you problem think__you have__not actually__have no__problem i__be too__, down__and the__whole you__do if ! ,__so and__get no toaster to__use read you pan pizza sure time__. and__hold love__the so__much easy__to break i__think i will__not well without so time very purchase__. order
  356. kitchen-positive .__what one design i__really really__like best really use what__i toaster long be__one have__ever ever i__have what one__of braun the__best wide like i use__.
  357. kitchen-positive fantastic simple great__! use__it powerful freeze fail__. motor fail speed ! use make !__i two to__make only easy only__two it__never simple__-- i__use never fruit speed__. great !__! i daily --
  358. kitchen-negative just away__from my bark ! again away just__look he__just spray not__keep keep__my not ...__he he look -- keep where__the where from__bark do__not
  359. kitchen-negative refund all shot decide beware buyer go reviewer still decide__to not__work i__order can__not .__they product__from if__the return get read other__review .__i encounter__. and__you that__if not__be they despite not you encounter like useless__. this__product try get__stick would__still of__they product__on credit__card some although__i the__product this__site bark be__completely be__return even bark__, review everything contact__the some__of exchange a__single ,__your completely product__be aware__that although read__the three__of still__like card about arrive ahead .__although credit not__a go__ahead one and__when purchase__this site__, your worthless about__the to__go ahead__and they__be three product__do website i__have one__of be__aware stick you__may ,__not bill__, review__of bill buyer__beware problem and__give suggest__, give i__would site work__, work__- single a__refund the__other work still__be if at__all suggest when other useless like__the they__work have__read product ,__i may all__. a__shot aware i__decide the__problem purchase when__they i dog contact order do__not
  360. kitchen-negative just myself__and bark__, fine find only (__my .__i time__it not 15 level she it__just most__of bark my__child not__. the__battery when__she spray depend depend__on battery the__dog maybe__it low i__can child with__my myself ,__most my be__not the__time i__would say so__i not__the battery__or fine__. rather when fill most .__so find__this i maybe sometimes dog so time just__fine do__not
  361. kitchen-negative right be__so then money the__minute back could__not down it__back and__then cheaply your your__money make when send money__this the__picture i__send not__keep when__it save down__to picture save__your hand__be loose right__side hand item__be this__item not minute cool back__. side__, look the__right i keep__the make__and keep item the__left send__it so time and__i side left
  362. kitchen-negative all couple__of they__be but__after sound__. back down i__be want bark slow__down find even slow all__you ,__they be__return interest__and interest you not__even the__sound .__now they__do back__to product return like__they couple after after__a you__want hear they not now__, now day sound bark__, like find__the i ,__my dog this__product act my__dog my a__couple do__not
  363. kitchen-negative button__and it__still money bark__. still hope his not__stop stop .__i problem__with for__one not minute button manual this__product hope__it my__money even__notice not__waste buy__this put__it bark even bark__, .__he notice push__the put of__my he__do stop__my a__complete one promise i__put still__do your your__money waste buy complete with__my to__stop he annoy minute__. notice__it complete__waste near problem my money__i not__even product push waste__of nothing terrier waste__your the__manual i dog nothing__. i__buy solve my__dog from__bark do__not
  364. kitchen-negative a__few money we not our notice__it your even .__we not__even think__this your__time three few house or__money waste notice we__have time__or .__i and__i wrong be__wrong have__three device terrier waste__your not__waste i__think i__be i money__. dog keep time small even__notice suitable think do__not
  365. kitchen-negative out__to the__unit not go bark__. chicken the__first .__even right__at only 4 he then my__husband his get read big even__with be__when time__it foot .__my and__he never__could even__then off__be the__thing husband not__go right fence sensitivity and__my carefully bark i__put out even wire not__bother i__never state the__battery about__4 run never in__my would__not put read__the to__get on__his thing range stand first battery away__from matter__of put__the the__only unit i her husband__be trigger get__it unit__in about first__time then__it bother matter and__her my__hand the__description my time__and this__model high i__be not__the only__time and__even make when speaker which description make__i hand be__about when__i off dog time my__dog model away fact do__not
  366. kitchen-negative not__work but__i the__dog i__have not__turn i__keep never__really i__hope year bark__. bark way__i work__. really the__way .__never support when have__my product__i bark__free their 3 much way can__not hope really__work product super__bark now__it never free try__. free__for i__spend when__the so__much not now super work__the off .__well i it__off work well dog year__. keep try turn so it__i keep__try my spend do__not
  367. kitchen-negative my__neighbor not__work money keep__the be__extremely that__i good money__on stop .__i not product__. try lot__of i__waste (__though bark be__good ignore a__lot free super about dog__be -__he stop__my quiet keep neighbor merely a__totally the__dog totally least bark__free super__bark waste lot to__stop he i__be work my to__keep work__in try__to about__try least__to of__money product 's though the__least extremely i dog do__not
  368. kitchen-negative just that__you the__dirt !__if blow certainly broom actually better the__one it__! .__i pick__up for__one not -- this__thing item look__to .__what buy__this !__the house really what certainly__do look__for be__look dirt !__this of__my really__wish thing__. thing__, thing pick one__that one to__buy your you__really area in__your more buy must__be than must you__be look wish air suck__and my not__do your__house i__be something if ! again floor what__a useless you regular suck i if__you than__it do__not
  369. kitchen-negative all so__the over be__very bad__. go before the__warning use__the be__extremely combine that__i not__have very big booklight dc they not use__with new__battery remove bad either inside tell__you possible__that right the__power they__. !__the device__be design expect before__use for__use lead leak seem__to new the__battery battery__. power very__big protect anything adapter battery remove__the extremely__poor miss it__must use battery__or two not__seem expect__to tell to__remove and__so not__use .__i to__work be__brand be__bad must case the__two without__have work adapter__and all__over modern warning seem work__with ! end i__miss be__possible end__up you brand poor the__design possible brand__new device be__anything extremely you__to i two__and without so inside__the do__not
  370. kitchen-negative just cook go chicken hate only get very know not fryer know__how down__to go__down bad the__oil it__i small some say__this year out how__to put come about thing come__out hate__it down put__the i__put i__get two get__this much not__buy fry i__have buy bad__as line and__know 10 be__just the__two and__i say fill min very__well just__as how as__bad year__and out__with oil yesterday so__much i to__say well well__and a__small so for__about line__and do__not
  371. kitchen-negative all .__much go break__, you__get be__your seem__as to__avoid minute level it__seem than__a design have__some even what appeal strong longer__than design__to when__you can__get confidence few more supposedly a__product effort the__set without__any work my claim unfortunately__, ! ,__you machine how instead a__few a__reason still__have at__all reason__why help course still before actually be__one be__make good we__have break they not drop of__they heavy weight the__machine idea much__of may a__lot standard reason ,__without besides beginning thing one idea__that of__what little plastic anyone too you__may than unfortunately of__course more__you thing__be course__, need seem lie ,__we equipment be__too though who reach nothing why do__not inspire cheaply you__can achieve not__have minute__and get and__you set seat fail enough of__plastic we against !__just supply piece__of the__more much the__standard ,__not anyone__who work__. if__the if and__even make fairly effect you__need it__break without as__you just less but__you product product__be what__make real instead__of this__thing use__this appeal__to continue lot__of right they__. people spring some hassle (__you avoid before__it use set__be your__weight .__unfortunately reach__the down right__from your lot one__of make__the a__fairly no__one you__be problem piece the__time no when the__beginning you longer time
  372. kitchen-negative have__see ?__i site see__this see cost 20 same other online i__have price .__same catalog regular $__20 not i sale (__not either
  373. kitchen-negative refund great__, money dish be__horrible finally item__, when__i they not i__call card__. item bad my__money credit__card star not__for horrible that__they never ask card great credit star__be cancel__the cancel but__they charge i__and call not__buy tell buy be__great 1__star .__bad i__it ,__my tell__i and__i my be__not they__be .__when ! when the__item 1 .__they buy__it item__be i money__. backorder order do__not
  374. kitchen-negative just to__push four through touch product__i 8 get dog__, .__i they not use__this never__could button product__, this__product ignore be__really bark not__get really even try ever have__four how__to push__the never would__not put teach and__try about just__do connection the__button use working but__they their 2 i__have button__. make__the i__be i about__this my dog try__to try__and i__try the__connection make they__just to__use how .__they product age push do__not
  375. kitchen-negative disappoint__in that__you very__disappoint carefully you__will find ! make order__more to__make also only disappoint you more be__only allow__this read find__that after deliver !__this this__item amazon part you__must half__of half for__allow must item__be !__! be__very make__it item allow very order
  376. kitchen-negative color i__would what__be what would__like make the__color be__make product make__of ,__i food know like i product__, to__know know__what like__to color__be
  377. kitchen-negative less beware be__very store__. i__know alot__, good__quality good vendor worse get very .__i know that__she like know__what she poor__quality fair see cost very__disappoint what up__pay what__you and__i 30 alot very__poor another quality store more buy than you__be i__be .__if less__than if and__get end like__. pay what__a if__you end__up disappoint you poor i i__end i__buy from__another quality__.
  378. kitchen-negative secondly be__no after__it !__it over be__somewhat the__minute of__time bright through go break__, .__you purchase__the year__i flash !__i for__example use__this hour__of you__can might off__. to__purchase get very couple very__quickly booklight .__i break amazon you__be they fall not not__that now minute to__read new__battery be__also result__in be__much night sleep stock essential set the__power difficult__to !__) hard you__might result year a__decent secondly__, much__more ,__when extend clock 7 new reading the__light battery__, battery__. available shut to__i reason__. power light__. reason recommend__this wear stay__on a__book come i__go .__secondly spend__on .__over would__not now__have amount light__be not__recommend supply battery period down night__and i__read your expensive use eye the__constant decent a__couple two quickly start flimsy much too recommend ,__you therefore buy and__buy go__through get__it somewhat than time__the can__extend hour minute__. if__you i .__if extend__the more example couple__of constant i__would be__terrific time__and need you__do the__amount if ! it__hard and__get battery__or no rather make when purchasing terrific also book you as__well difficult it__also this__light than__the buy__a after reach stay so__, produce not__do extremely to__stay purchase it__break off over__a make__it read light ,__they well i__. so time do__not spend set__it once
  379. kitchen-negative and__need very__sensitive not__worth alternative still find bunch supposedly also better of__extremely worth between__the get very .__i fall not be__also bunch__of poor__quality get__the cost design i__find investment out tend be__still look__for between a__bunch loose fall__out to__get adapter sensitive light__be a__better worth__the connection need__to tend__to extremely__poor quality also__very find__this award the__price look connection__between slightest be__not i__be need the__light stay__on the__connection out__with poor this__light ,__i the__slightest price stay why__do to__stay extremely why i light "__design quality__. notion price__,
  380. kitchen-negative not__work include__the idea__, tv send include .__i break amazon not she__have bad she and__see on__tv that__include buy__this idea see at__amazon even away opener look__for use free come great little__more one__that for__my use__the want__the one little fee her come__with too more buy she__use see__it look require work once__and ,__even my want once pay also that__come great__idea .__she it__break i i__buy ,__too do__not a__little for__one
  381. kitchen-negative money idea shape a__great need open your if even little tiny open__your you save you__have more product 100__% great__idea your__money free free__for idea__, the__shape not 100 need__a great little__more product__. work work__. to__work save__your thing if__you even__a .__if will__not a__little this__thing
  382. kitchen-negative reek__of buy__this electric__kettle needless pot say be__not quickly__, the__whole quickly open plastic__. lid the__water kettle plastic water__very very__quickly smell the__lid of__plastic buy electric very water heat not reek like i to__say and__while needless__to while i__buy this__electric say__, whole open__the once
  383. kitchen-negative cheap find very__thin be__make a__thick very -__not name__brand not side__, towel name soft side .__what what these__towel buy__these you__would 100 receive plus i__receive want__a wash a__name thick buy 100__% car thin my say so__i want cotton ,__so what__i make you brand find__at i i__buy so i__want make__in
  384. kitchen-negative money use__it mine second .__mine go your use the__plastic separate__the plastic meat__or after__the crack vegetable waste the__spout product be__not the__first i__use separate product__do after stop your__money fat the__second the__fat heat not__waste not bit first__time money__this waste__your trash meat resistant spout this__product time__i i bit__of time small do__not to__go first
  385. kitchen-negative lest all consider just cook through and__then the__fat chicken same__problem small__amount product__be ,__lest through__the then big all__of fat instead__of they not bit -- product__, solution collect this__product mean old some sure__) ago__, out be__sure bottom the__same some__of upon be__really free small step just__a a__big consider__that a__complete amount plus permit first start__to ,__consider away__from well__. not__too long and__not start too complete they__make ,__not present strain make__and .__if problem be__not too__long e.g. flow a__time if__the tasty if sell make same the__spout instead really as__well product sure 's bit__) time__, not__a purpose ago the__bottom spout ,__they well ,__chicken a__small time away once
  386. kitchen-negative all .__very when the__dirt long__and work__well 4 it__come very .__i vacuum not furniture come__off and__when stiff try bag where i__need .__also well__on bag__. able__to 3 be__horrible horrible about__4 movement dirt recommend__to to__anyone would__not you__could be__able come about all__the where__the stand not__recommend use__the off__. need__to attach__to when__you clean__the use long anyone attach 2 recommend i__have else have__2 pull work to__clean cat anywhere and__i on__something be__not very__disappoint the__bag try__to something need floor able attachment__be also attachment disappoint you ft be__about off i not__to well dog clean
  387. kitchen-negative be__buy compare get__what line__which steel__. cheap buy__the the__other .__you what you__get stamp pay knife__. pay__for you__pay other which international you knife buy get what__you compare__to which__be know do__not not line line__be steel you__be line__. know__what stainless be__not
  388. kitchen-negative refund all just__too shot decide just be__true return__policy --__i buy__the reviewer still try__again upgrade !__a product__a !__i again__, policy be__full it__! the__product good return get express right__, .__i when__i be__just they not day the__next come__off easily !__! true__. -- this__product morning try bag bad tear guess__the good__to right some weird__. sure__if to__work seal .__some out even large bag__. review seem__to it__seem i__guess full to__give guess standard be__careful product__be decide__to put i__will and__try still__not package shipping a__refund weird be__not give__this one i__put little come you__buy next their 2 too not__buy if__i more buy they__make properly hole careful true would__work 12 look get__a i__take straight work .__also near my and__one give the__bad and__get the__bag i__be say so__i be__right seem and__if if ! again will__get make when 1 also bad__review take you buy__it difficult product sure too__good !__and a__shot not__sure .__so a__large i__purchase i__decide purchase off ,__they i later you__do if__you so say__the order a__little do__not
  389. kitchen-negative the__worst and__every but__i fail__to i__do have__ever apartment much grip good handle get food big safe encounter__. and__take worst fall not bit encounter like gift leave fail handle__be out even to__come the__handle space ever grease degree too__much loose in__my at__first .__i fall__out think__i come a__big about most__of take__up thing stand i__pull think first although wash brush in__general use be__dishwasher dishwasher__safe too and__much kitchen i__have i__use dishwasher heat countless pull after__a limit ,__even space__in my be__not process time__i use__it general drawer i__also not__like when also hot take like__the be__too the__process residue ,__i after time__. hand out__in most every__time food__and i__think i the__good (__although clean time it__also every do__not
  390. kitchen-negative these__mug of__we soon through buy__for only through__the you__can and__only will__soon handle get only__the be__much small first__and mug finger we the__first the__handle burn two__of mug__be ,__your only__time first family can__get my__family your size use two much too soon__be buy hole dangerous .__if my beautiful scarlet if handle__be you too__small if__you time
  391. kitchen-negative get__what help of__we one__star through middle__, go alternative go__against .__you perfect .__my i__will the__pizza off__. worse get .__i not one last__year !__! success fully away__and year__, try higher ,__one !__the not__enough chef second the__product year not__come even buy__a what you__pay you__get enough we get__one what__you however against__the come throw product__do both stone through__. last the__middle barely the__5 family the__stone want__a delicious away my__family ,__while stick__to family__. higher__price two pay__for while__the a__pizza direction buy stick ,__however with__my the__direction we__, while and__i my be__not middle not__get against want success__with ! pizza__stone provide pay second__time 5 you be__perfect pizza i__try product star ,__i price time__. the__second order__the off i however__, i__buy time order i__want do__not
  392. kitchen-negative all cooking be__very only take__up get food etc. be__only .__i ,__etc. cannot cook disappointed bread meat this__may item use__for where chef get__a space may if__all i__could stone use__. be__get amount think the__stone be__use it__take use amount__of may__be season true limit .__if similar i__be something want the__amount if the__item very other take you pizza you__want all__you think__i i__think i
  393. kitchen-negative the__unit month__ago month about__6 purchase__the be__almost happy__with only snap cuisinart break__within handle break every time__it not day entire purchase__this -- because .__we open because__of we the__handle never water few__month about spill 6__month the__entire keep rust will__not top__of start__to stainless__steel pot within have__never carafe another impossible quality unit the__coffee start stainless top two this__unit few 6 happy snap__off brand performance__and steel the__pot when__we almost coffee water__. be__happy the__water when brand__and hot impossible__to performance poor a__few never__be time every__time ago purchase off without leak quality__.
  394. kitchen-negative all over and__they kitchenaid bowl__. fit !__i only be__warn over__my snap not__fit but__i they__do read .__i and__buy they not now heavy bowl__! buy__these cover review i__could read__the anything heavy__duty mixer they__to think duty use editorial__review i__have buy i__can i__use warn now__, use__they editorial my have__use ! bowl anything__for 5 attachment over__all think__i i model !__they do__not
  395. kitchen-negative not !__as bowl__. go fit !__i only be__warn may__not not__fit they__do food a__new along__with they kitchenaid small bowl__! new along mixer say__, fit__the your to__go but__they too store order__these warn particular be__terrific they__be say warning they__fit ! bowl terrific purchase__a attachment be__too may .__they too__small i__purchase food__and purchase i cover model order do__not
  396. kitchen-negative be__defective and__they front i__do class__action for__something charge not__have .__maybe .__i problem__with they not product__. this__product people in__front out__and thick out what issue burn water spray recommend__this adapter the__issue stand not__recommend action those__who pod question due too recommend i__have purchase aware phone be__aware defective__, holder the__pod and__i problem something they__be say due__to say__they defective what__a hot answer be__too product they__say who class dummy a__class i maybe action__be do__not
  397. kitchen-negative product__from product__and beware bowl__. this__site the__future thank order__this send day i__order only that__i include good after__read read .__i and__offer amazon know they not write__to skeptical know__that name this__product item bad set i__write and__ask individual i__can out even not__make this__after per correct customer__service ask .__after receive many i__for point and__only site__, refuse__to send__they service 2 6 future__, more i__have offer brand be__bad offer__. and__know customer after__i future error and__thank be__more to__send ad have__not site if make bowl make__good write 10 not__even product track after if__it a__name refuse i they__and order name__brand
  398. kitchen-negative shot just money over month four go follow flavor still i__do at__home instruction easy not__watch save back__to eventually coffee big__fan the__problem big couple watch .__i need__to fan time__it not away__and manual be__easy home__. watch__the buy__this the__machine back put__it result home best even away enough brewing burn follow__the the__end put a__big go__back (__i maker work__well use__the one shot__of problem__i use a__couple two to__make fan__of flat i__have buy i__use and__go but__when work making problem my the__time to__save a__time i__be so__i coffee__maker need if to__my end suggest make when machine__for machine if__you end__, you badly finish ,__i be__still drink time__, regular well__. the__manual make__it i average well drip i__buy so time do__not
  399. kitchen-negative they just away__. i__be go ! away !__i everything i__cannot just__go probably pan refer residue off__the get cannot stick refer__to go__to throw off potato i stick__to be__probably and__i get__off
  400. kitchen-negative .__what have__not l. soon yet__. seem__that seem let__i yet i__live what item__and jackson hear__from please not__receive live you i__have track deliver .__i this__item let calphalon address not thank about 12 i soon__. item about__this it__seem hear receive live__in
  401. kitchen-negative you__decide i__read letter give use__the item some idea review__, follow !__if be__some before ! use decide__to how review !__i which you if product before__use i__can which__i some__thing read (__which to__give here here__be item__be give__you decide not believe can__not !__! product__! this__item i manual thing if__you iron not__believe the__review
  402. kitchen-negative just tea mine one omg ! !__i get__one get one__of canister i__just just__get omg__! look i
  403. kitchen-negative idea__, ...__i i__really also !__i send must program 4 send__this cannot the__filter because idea out how__to i__could because__the really__wish keep filter alot or__else one carafe wish__i i__have buy one__of back the__most figure__out must__be hour wish to__clean most__important i clean__up properly for__i figure alot__of i__also ! feature how hot really nice mess most important else i__buy out__how clean
  404. kitchen-negative clean__up not__very off__. cheap these__knife want impossible still i__do do__not you__do ,__i eat other impossible__to problem__with knife not__have steel__. to__eat get very .__i collection and__you collection__, nearly they despite not in__my to__get you care steel off like i not__want .__not want__to care__of clean problem i__still my get__off rust
  405. kitchen-negative they just not__work more__than month thanks a__different still die__. recharge my__first send issue__. as__advertise finally but__i then the__problem never__buy .__i which__be product__and not work__just advertise__. resolve helpful but__my die try product__. finally__, replacement .__what !__the support__and buy__another back fact__, the__product advertise what ,__then everything the__battery .__finally issue battery__, customer__service never would__never be__my wait thanks__. both a__headache the__issue to__resolve and__which week__to my__third first love battery i__have be__helpful replace another still__do a__replacement service support way__of three way ,__which headache .__both buy problem__. believe than customer .__love work month__for problem more my to__send prompt they__be different__way i__would a__month .__then work__. than__a ! different in__fact no just__as what__a take which week i__try product time__, ?__no purchase third i ,__they which__do solve fact backorder time send__the model i__still purchase__, do__not
  406. kitchen-negative beautiful a__beautiful great__. return__it color mine scarlet so__i .__mine really again try__again color__and disappoint i__have return break great difficulty i again__. be__really try remain so it__so to__try and__i arrive tray
  407. kitchen-negative almost review__. be__definitely bias i__really like__, really ,__so really__like review please note useless that__i several i__have note__that have__several not like i knive definitely so definitely__not not__a
  408. kitchen-negative never__use be__so !__it to__keep ! use keep__the the__same same__time same trigger use__a the__time a__more more time__i i__have hand__be never .__i time__. hand .__my engage have__never i appliance terrible keep engage__and my__hand so time difficult my
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