
TGF2 qualifiers

Nov 18th, 2015
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  1. player
  2. good
  3. neutral
  4. bad
  5. enemies
  6. friends
  7. bullets
  8. arms
  9. bonus
  10. collectibles
  11. traps
  12. doors
  13. keys
  14. texts
  15. 0
  16. 1
  17. 2
  18. 3
  19. 4
  20. 5
  21. 6
  22. 7
  23. 8
  24. 9
  25. parents
  26. children
  27. data
  28. timed
  29. engine
  30. areas
  31. reference point
  32. radar enemies
  33. radar friends
  34. radar neutrals
  35. music
  36. sound
  37. waveform
  38. background scenery
  39. foreground scenery
  40. decorations
  41. water
  42. clouds
  43. empty
  44. fog
  45. flowers
  46. animals
  47. bosses
  48. NPC
  49. vehicles
  50. rockets
  51. balls
  52. bombs
  53. explosions
  54. particles
  55. clothes
  56. glow
  57. arrows
  58. buttons
  59. cursors
  60. drawing tools
  61. indicator
  62. shapes
  63. shields
  64. shifting blocks
  65. magnets
  66. negative matter
  67. neutral matter
  68. positive matter
  69. breakable
  70. dissolving
  71. dialogue
  72. HUD
  73. inventory
  74. inventory item
  75. interface
  76. movable
  77. perspective
  78. calculation objects
  79. invisible
  80. masks
  81. obstacles
  82. value holder
  83. helpful
  84. powerups
  85. targets
  86. trapdoors
  87. dangers
  88. forbidden
  89. physical objects
  90. 3d objects
  91. generic 1
  92. generic 2
  93. generic 3
  94. generic 4
  95. generic 5
  96. generic 6
  97. generic 7
  98. generic 8
  99. generic 9
  100. generic 10
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