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Apr 24th, 2017
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  1. Prefix: &c&lBed&b&lWars &7»
  2. All_Commands: &3Tutti i comandi
  3. Configurations_Reloaded: &aConfigurations has been reloaded!
  4. Info_MadeBy: Fatta da:
  5. Info_Website: Sito:
  6. Info_Version: Versione:
  7. Info_NewestVersion: Newest version
  8. Page: Pagina
  9. Help: Aiuto
  10. Team: Team
  11. Unkown_Page: &cPagina non riconosciuta &4{page}
  12. Unkown_Argument: &cArgomento non riconosciuto &4{arg}
  13. Unkown_Block: &cUnkown block &4{block}
  14. Unkown_Place: &cUnkown place &4{place}
  15. Unkown_Itemspawner: &cUnkown itemspawner &4{itemspawner}
  16. Version_New: &aA new version has been found! &2{version}
  17. Version_NoNew: &cNo new version has been found!
  18. Error_Occured: &cA error occured!
  19. No_Permissions: &cNon hai il permesso.
  20. OnlyAs_Player: &cQuesto lavoro è solo per i player
  21. Not_Ingame: &cNon sei in tondo.
  22. Not_Ingame_Player: &4{player} &cè in tondo.
  23. Not_Supported: &cThis is not supported for your Version! Please update to version &4{version} &cor higher
  24. Missing_ArenanameOrMadeby: &cMissing arena-name or made-by
  25. Color_Yellow: Giallo
  26. Color_Orange: Arancione
  27. Color_Red: Rosso
  28. Color_Blue: blu
  29. Color_LightBlue: Azzurro
  30. Color_Cyan: Ciano
  31. Color_LightGreen: Verde chiaro
  32. Color_Green: Verde
  33. Color_Purple: purple
  34. Color_Pink: Viole
  35. Color_White: Grigio
  36. Color_LightGray: Grigio chiaro
  37. Color_Gray: Grigio
  38. Color_Brown: Marrone
  39. Color_Black: Nero
  40. Missing_WorldeditPoints: &cMissing worldedit points!
  41. Saved_Arena: &aArena &2{arena} &ahas been saved!
  42. Saved_Bed: &aSaved bed for the team {colorcode}{color} &ain the arena &2{arena}
  43. DontForget_WorldeditPoints: &bDon't forged to mark the points with worldedit!
  44. Exists_Arena: &cThe arena &4{arena} &calready exists!
  45. KickEveryoneWith: &7Kick everyone with the command &8{command}
  46. SavedChanged_Arena: &aThe arena &2{arena} &ahas been changed and saved!
  47. SavedChanged_Points: &aThe points by the arena has been successfully changed!
  48. Spawner_Bronze: Bronzo
  49. Spawner_Iron: Ferro
  50. Spawner_Gold: Oro
  51. Added_Itemspawner: &aItemspawner &2{spawnertype} &ahas been successfully added!
  52. Added_Sign: &2Sign &ahas been successfully added!
  53. Removed_Sign: &6Removed sign
  54. Removed_Itemspawners: &2{number} &aItemspawners has been removed!
  55. Start_Round: &aRound startato con successoe
  56. Stop_Round: &aRound stoppato con successo
  57. Kicked_Player_ToPlayer: &cSei stato kickato dal Round
  58. List_Arenas: &eAll arenas: &6
  59. List_Arenas_None: none
  60. Only_BetaMember: &cSei entrato nelle bedwars in beta.
  61. NotAvaible_Color: &cUnkown color &4{color}
  62. JoinMessage_stopped: &cThis arena is currently stopped!
  63. JoinMessage_reseting: &cThis arena is currently reseting itself!
  64. JoinMessage_full: &cThis arena is currently full!
  65. JoinMessage_running: &cThis arena is already running!
  66. JoinMessage: &6{player} &ehas joined this round.
  67. LeaveMessage: &6{player} &eleft this round.
  68. NotFound_Player: &4{player} &chas not been found!
  69. NotFound_Arena: &cThere's no arena with the name &4{arena}&c!
  70. Get_Bed: &aYou've got the bed by {colorcode}{color}
  71. Countdown_Start: &6The countdown is starting now!
  72. Countdown_Stop: &6The countdown has been stopped!
  73. Countdown_Counting: &6This round is starting in &e{number} &6secounds!
  74. Countdown_Changed: &6The countdown has been changed to &e{number} &6secounds!
  75. TooFew_Materials: &cYou've got too few materials to buy this!
  76. TooLess_Players: &cThere're too less players in this round!
  77. Win_Money: &6You've won &e{number}&6$!
  78. Player_NotIngameAnymore: &4{player} &cis not ingame anymore!
  79. Player_NotFound: &4{player} &chas not been found!
  80. Player_Cheating: &6{player} &ehas been kicked because he was cheating!
  81. Player_Loosing: &6{player} &ehas lost this round!
  82. Players: Players
  83. Team_Won: &eThe team by {color}{colorcode} &ehas won this round!
  84. ChangeTeam_Full: &7The team {colorcode}{color} &7is already full!
  85. ChangeTeam_AlreadyInside: &7You're already in the team {colorcode}{color}&7!
  86. ChangeTeam_Changed: &7You're now in the team by {colorcode}{color}
  87. Changed_Postitions: &aThe positions has been successfully changed!
  88. Changed_LobbyLocation: &aThe lobby coordinates by the arena &2{arena} &ahas been successfully changed!
  89. Changed_TeamSpawn: &aThe spawn coordinates by the team {colorcode}{color} &ahas been successfully changed!
  90. Changed_ArenaWorld: &aThe world by the arena &2{arena} &ahas been changed to &2{world}
  91. Changed_TopStatue_Location: &aThe coordinates by the topstatue &2{place} &ahas been successfully changed!
  92. Changed_GameDoneLocation: &aThe &2gamedonelocation &ahas been successfully changed!
  93. Changed_Hologram_Location: &aThe coordinates by the hologram has been successfully changed!
  94. Stats_Won: Won: &e
  95. Stats_Lost: Lost: &e
  96. Stats_WL: W/L: &e
  97. Stats_RoundsPlayed: Rounds played: &e
  98. Stats_Kills: Kills: &e
  99. Stats_Deaths: Deaths: &e
  100. Stats_KD: K/D: &e
  101. Stats_BedsDestroyed: Beds destroyed: &e
  102. Destroyed_Bed: The bed by {colorcode}{color} &fhas been destroyed!
  103. Number_NotOne: &4{number} &cis not a number!
  104. Stats_By: Stats by {player}
  105. NotWorking: &cThis won't work!
  106. Kicked_Everyone: &aEveryone has been successfully kicked!
  107. Currently_NotWorking: &cThis is currently not working!
  108. GUI_Create_Title: &6Create
  109. GUI_Setup_Title: &6Setup
  110. GUI_Achievements_Title: &6Achievements
  111. GUI_SelectTeam_Title: &6Select team
  112. GUI_RunningGames_Title: &6Running games
  113. GUI_Spectator_Teleporter: &eTeleport
  114. RunningGames_NoOne: &cNo arena is currently running!
  115. Enabled_Arena: &2{arena} &ais now &2enabled!
  116. Disabled_Arena: &2{arena} &ais now &4disabled!
  117. Create_Arena: &2{arena} &ahas been successfully created!
  118. Remove_Arena: &2{arena} &ahas been sucessfully removed!
  119. Usage: Usage
  120. Usage_ArenaCreate_Region: &6Usage (Region)
  121. Usage_ArenaCreate_World: &6Usage (World)
  122. Updated_Sign: Sign has been successfully updated!
  123. Search_Update: Searching for an update...
  124. Offline_UpdateService: The update-service is probably offline!
  125. InWork_Job: This job is already in work!
  126. newUpdate: A new update has been found
  127. noNewUpdate: There is currently no update for this ressource!
  128. Arena_HasToBeStopped: &cThe arena &4{arena}&c has to be stopped!
  129. Arena_JoinIssue_WorldDoesntExists: &cThe arena &4{arena}&c has a issue: The world doesn't exists!
  130. FixProblemsBeforeEnabled: &cPlease fix these problems before enabling
  131. Use_TrueOrFalse: &cUse <true/false>!
  132. Reseting_Now: &2{arena} &awill be now resetet!
  133. NotSameWorld_Arena: &cYou are not in the world by &4{arena} &c(&4{world}&c)!
  134. Problem_Arena_World: &cThere is a problem with the world by the arena &4{arena}&c!
  135. FixProblemWith: &eFix this problem with: &6
  136. Spawned_LobbyVillager: &2lobbyvillager &ahas been successfully spawned!
  137. Spawned_TeamSelectVillager: &2teamselectvillager &ahas been successfully spawned!
  138. Spawned_Dealer: &2dealer &ahas been successfully spawned!
  139. NotLooking_AtSign: &cYou're not looking at an sign!
  140. Sign_Lobby: &e{ingame}/{max}
  141. Sign_Running: &6Running
  142. Sign_Stopped: &cStopped
  143. Sign_Reseting: &aReseting
  144. Enabled: Enabled
  145. Disabled: Disabled
  146. NotAllowed_BedDestroy: &cYou're not allowed to destroy your own bed!
  147. NotAllowed_SelectColor: &cYou're not allowed to select the color {colorcode}{color}&c!
  148. Lobby_Item_Achievements: &6Achievements
  149. Lobby_Item_ForceStart: &eForce start
  150. Lobby_Item_Leave: &cLeave
  151. Lobby_Item_SelectTeam: &eSelect team
  152. Lobby_PrintMapInfo_ArenaName: Arena Name
  153. Lobby_PrintMapInfo_BuildBy: Build by
  154. Spectator_Item_Teleporter: &eTeleport
  155. Spectator_Item_Leave: &cLeave
  156. Trap: &eSomeone walked over your trap!
  157. Give_Itemspawner: &aGave you &2{amount}&a of &2{itemspawner}
  158. Wait_ArenaCreate: &cSomebody is currently already creating an arena!
  159. Teleport_Success: &aYou were successfully teleported to the arena &2{arena}
  160. Lobby_Waiting: &6Waiting for &e{amount}&6...
  161. Lobby_Enough: &6There're enough players in this round!
  163. # Shop
  164. Shop_Price: Price: &7{number} {spawnercolor}{spawnertype}
  165. Shop_Page_Block: Block
  166. Shop_Page_Food: Food
  167. Shop_Page_Armor: Armor
  168. Shop_Page_Sword: Sword
  169. Shop_Page_Bow: Bow
  170. Shop_Page_Pickaxe: Pickaxe
  171. Shop_Page_Potion: Potion
  172. Shop_Page_Extra: Extra
  173. Shop_Item_Sandstone: Sandstone
  174. Shop_Item_Endstone: Endstone
  175. Shop_Item_Chest: Chest
  176. Shop_Item_Enderchest: Enderchest
  177. Shop_Item_Ladder: Ladder
  178. Shop_Item_Web: Web
  179. Shop_Item_Apple: Apple
  180. Shop_Item_GrilledPork: Grilled pork
  181. Shop_Item_GoldenApple: Golden apple
  182. Shop_Item_LeatherHelmet: Leather helmet
  183. Shop_Item_LeatherLeggings: Leather leggings
  184. Shop_Item_LeatherBoots: Leather boots
  185. Shop_Item_ChainmailChestplateLVL1: Chainmail chestplate &7LVL 1
  186. Shop_Item_ChainmailChestplateLVL2: Chainmail chestplate &7LVL 2
  187. Shop_Item_ChainmailChestplateLVL3: Chainmail chestplate &7LVL 3
  188. Shop_Item_KnockbackStick: Knockback stick
  189. Shop_Item_SwordLVL1: Sword &7LVL 1
  190. Shop_Item_SwordLVL2: Sword &7LVL 2
  191. Shop_Item_SwordLVL3: Sword &7LVL 3
  192. Shop_Item_BowLVL1: Bow &7LVL 1
  193. Shop_Item_BowLVL2: Bow &7LVL 2
  194. Shop_Item_BowLVL3: Bow &7LVL 3
  195. Shop_Item_Arrow: Arrow
  196. Shop_Item_PickaxeLVL1: Pickaxe &7LVL 1
  197. Shop_Item_PickaxeLVL2: Pickaxe &7LVL 2
  198. Shop_Item_PickaxeLVL3: Pickaxe &7LVL 3
  199. Shop_Item_PotionSwiftness: Potion of swiftness
  200. Shop_Item_PotionRegeneration: Potion of regeneration
  201. Shop_Item_Enderpearl: Enderpearl
  202. Shop_Item_Teleporter: Teleporter
  203. Shop_Item_Minishop: Minishop
  204. Shop_Item_Rescueplatform: Rescue platform
  205. Shop_Item_Tntsheep: TNT sheep
  206. Shop_Item_MagnetShoes: Magnet Shoes
  207. Shop_Item_Trap: Trap
  208. Shop_Item_Bridge: Bridge
  209. Shop_Item_GuardDog: Guardian Dog
  210. Spectator_Join: &6You're now a spectator!
  211. Spectator_Leave: &6You're not a spectator anymore.
  212. Spectator_HowToQuit: &eLeave this round using the command &6/bw leave
  214. # Achievements
  215. Achievement_get_title: New achievement!
  216. Achievements_name_rageQuit: Rage quit
  217. Achievements_name_winRound: Winner
  218. Achievements_name_loseRound: Looser
  219. Achievements_name_ownBedDestroyed: Unlucky
  220. Achievements_name_bestBow: OP
  221. Achievements_name_useRescuePlatform: That was close!
  222. Achievements_name_useEndepearl: Enderman
  223. Achievements_name_useMinishop: Shopping Mama
  224. Achievements_name_killSomeoneWithBow: Katniss
  225. Achievements_name_winIn3Minutes: Already over?!
  226. Achievements_name_killSomeoneWithHalfAHeart: Lucky strike
  227. Achievements_name_win100Rounds: Champion
  228. Achievements_text_rageQuit: Leave a running round
  229. Achievements_text_winRound: Win at least one round
  230. Achievements_text_loseRound: Lose one round
  231. Achievements_text_ownBedDestroyed: If your bed is getting destroyed
  232. Achievements_text_bestBow: Build the best bow
  233. Achievements_text_useRescuePlatform: Use once a rescue platform
  234. Achievements_text_useEndepearl: Use once a enderpearl
  235. Achievements_text_useMinishop: Use once a minishop
  236. Achievements_text_killSomeoneWithBow: Kill someone with an bow
  237. Achievements_text_winIn3Minutes: Win a round in 3 minutes
  238. Achievements_text_killSomeoneWithHalfAHeart: Kill an enemy with half a heart
  239. Achievements_text_win100Rounds: Win 100 rounds
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