

Aug 28th, 2019
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  1. ######################
  2. # CustomEnchants #
  3. # By Zed with <3 #
  4. ######################
  6. # Configure the amount of tokens you get per block mined.
  7. tokens-for-mining: 1
  8. starting-tokens: 5000
  9. starting-credits: 0
  11. # Configure the title message sent to a player when their inventory is full
  12. inventory:
  13. full:
  14. enabled: true
  15. subtitle: '&cInventory Full!'
  17. # Configure the percent of an enchant cost in tokens that a player will get back when disenchanting.
  18. disenchant-percent: 25
  20. # Configure the different GUIs.
  21. gui:
  22. main:
  23. title: '&4&lUpgrade'
  24. pickaxe-name: '&d&lPickaxe Upgrades'
  25. pickaxe-lore:
  26. - '&7Click to view and upgrade your pickaxes.'
  27. pickaxes:
  28. title: '&4Select A Pickaxe To Upgrade'
  29. enchants:
  30. title: '&lENCHANT UPGRADES'
  31. above-max-level: '&cFailed to upgrade. The max-level is below the upgradable level.'
  32. efficiency: DIAMOND_PICKAXE
  33. fortune: LEASH
  34. speed: POTION
  35. haste: GOLD_NUGGET
  36. lucky: BEACON
  37. merchant: EMERALD
  38. jackhammer: IRON_AXE
  39. drill: STONE
  40. explosive: TNT
  41. enchant-item:
  42. name: '&5[&d!&5] &d&l{name} &5[&d!&5]'
  43. lore:
  44. - ' '
  45. - ' &7{description}'
  46. - ' '
  47. - '&e* &dCurrent Level: &7{current_level}'
  48. - '&e* &dMaximum Level: &7{max_level}'
  49. - '&e* &dUpgrade Cost: &7{cost} &f{purchase_type}'
  50. levels:
  51. title: '&lUpgrade {enchant}'
  53. # Configure the enchants.
  54. enchants:
  55. efficiency:
  56. costs:
  57. level-1: 1000
  58. level-2: 1001
  59. increase-per-higher-level: 1
  60. max-level: 1000
  61. purchase-type: Tokens
  62. fortune:
  63. costs:
  64. level-1: 5000
  65. level-2: 6000
  66. increase-per-higher-level: 1000
  67. max-level: 100
  68. purchase-type: Tokens
  69. speed:
  70. costs:
  71. level-1: 3000
  72. level-2: 6000
  73. increase-per-higher-level: 3000
  74. max-level: 5
  75. purchase-type: Tokens
  76. haste:
  77. costs:
  78. level-1: 5000
  79. level-2: 10000
  80. increase-per-higher-level: 5000
  81. max-level: 5
  82. purchase-type: Tokens
  83. explosive:
  84. costs:
  85. level-1: 6000
  86. level-2: 6001
  87. increase-per-higher-level: 1
  88. max-level: 10000
  89. x: 3
  90. y: 3
  91. z: 3
  92. chances: # 1 = 100%
  93. level-1: 0.001
  94. level-2: 0.001
  95. increase-per-higher-level: 0.000025
  96. purchase-type: Tokens
  97. drill:
  98. costs:
  99. level-1: 5000
  100. level-2: 5001
  101. increase-per-higher-level: 1
  102. max-level: 1000
  103. radius-levels:
  104. level-1: 1
  105. level-2: 2
  106. level-3: 3
  107. chances: # 1 = 100%
  108. level-1: 0.00001
  109. level-2: 0.00001
  110. increase-per-higher-level: 0.00005
  111. purchase-type: Tokens
  112. jackhammer:
  113. costs:
  114. level-1: 9000
  115. level-2: 9001
  116. increase-per-higher-level: 1
  117. max-level: 10000
  118. chances: # 1 = 100%
  119. level-1: 0.0001
  120. level-2: 0.0001
  121. increase-per-higher-level: 0.000005
  122. purchase-type: Tokens
  123. lucky:
  124. costs:
  125. level-1: 5
  126. level-2: 10
  127. increase-per-higher-level: 5
  128. max-level: 3
  129. purchase-type: Credits
  130. tokens-per-level: 1
  131. action-bar:
  132. message: "&6You've been rewarded &e{tokens} &6for your &eLucky &6enchant."
  134. # Configure the minimum/maximum tokens a player can withdraw.
  135. token-withdraw-minimum: 5000
  136. token-withdraw-maximum: 5000
  138. # Leaderboards
  139. top-limit: 3
  140. top-header: '&6===[ &e&lTop Tokens &6]==='
  141. top-format: '&6#{place} &e{name} &7({status}&7) &6| &e{tokens} &6Tokens'
  143. # Configure the plugin messages.
  144. messages:
  145. tokens: '&6You have &e{tokens} &6tokens.'
  146. tokens-player: '&e{player} &6has &e{tokens} &6tokens.'
  147. tokens-player-invalid: '&e{player} &6does not exist!'
  148. tokens-withdraw: '&6You withdrew &e{tokens} &6tokens to your inventory.'
  149. tokens-withdraw-args: '&6Correct usage: &e/tokens withdraw <amount>'
  150. tokens-withdraw-fullinv: '&cYour inventory is full and you cannot withdraw tokens.'
  151. tokens-withdraw-minimum: '&cYou need to withdraw a minimum of &e{minimum_tokens}&c.'
  152. tokens-withdraw-maximum: '&cYou can only withdraw a maximum of &e{maximum_tokens}&c.'
  153. tokens-deposit: '&6You deposited &e{tokens} &6tokens to your balance.'
  154. tokens-pay: '&6You sent &e{tokens} &6tokens to &e{player}&6.'
  155. tokens-pay-yourself: '&cYou cannot pay yourself...'
  156. tokens-pay-not-enough: '&cYou do not have enough tokens.'
  157. tokens-paid: '&6You received &e{tokens} &6tokens from &e{player}&6.'
  158. tokens-pay-args: '&6Correct usage: &e/tokens pay <player> <amount>'
  159. tokens-player-not-found: '&cCould not find the player {player}'
  160. tokens-invalid-number: '&cYou''ve entered an invalid number!'
  161. tokens-help:
  162. - '&e===[ &6&lTokens Help &e]==='
  163. - ' &e/tokens &7(View your tokens)'
  164. - ' &e/tokens player &7(View a player''s tokens)'
  165. - ' &e/tokens top &7(View a the top tokens)'
  166. - ' &e/tokens pay &7(Pay tokens to a player)'
  167. - ' &e/tokens withdraw &7(Withdraw tokens as an item)'
  168. tokens-help-admin:
  169. - ' &e/tokens add &7(Add tokens to a player)'
  170. - ' &e/tokens remove &7(Remove tokens from a player)'
  171. - ' &e/tokens set &7(Set the tokens of a player)'
  172. tokens-admin:
  173. added-tokens-admin: '&6You added &e{tokens} &6tokens to &e{player}&6''s balance.'
  174. added-tokens-player: '&6You were given &e{tokens} &6tokens by &e{player}&6.'
  175. added-tokens-args: '&6Correct usage: &e/tokens add <player> <amount>'
  176. removed-tokens-admin: '&6You removed &e{tokens} &6tokens from &e{player}&6''s balance.'
  177. removed-tokens-player: '&e{player} &6removed &e{tokens} &6tokens from your balance.'
  178. removed-tokens-args: '&6Correct usage: &e/tokens remove <player> <amount>'
  179. set-tokens-admin: '&6You set &e{player}&6''s tokens to &e{tokens}&6.'
  180. set-tokens-player: '&e{player} &6set your tokens to &e{tokens}&6.'
  181. set-tokens-args: '&6Correct usage: &e/tokens set <player> <amount>'
  182. pickaxe-menu-no-pickaxes: '&cYou do not have any pickaxes in your inventory.'
  183. not-enough-tokens: '&cYou do not have enough {payment} for that upgrade.'
  184. purchased-upgrade: '&aYou purchased {enchant} for {cost} tokens!'
  185. disenchant-usage: '&cUse /disenchant (enchant) to remove an enchant, or /disenchant all to remove all enchants.'
  186. disenchant-no-pickaxe: '&cYou are not holding any pickaxe to disenchant!'
  187. disenchant-all: '&aYou removed all the enchants from your pickaxe and got &6{tokens} tokens &aback.'
  188. disenchant-one: '&aYou removed &6{enchant} &afrom your pickaxe and got &6{tokens} tokens &aback.'
  189. disenchant-no-enchants: '&cYour pickaxe does not have any enchants to remove.'
  190. disenchant-no-one-enchant: '&cYour pickaxe does not have that enchant.'
  191. disenchant-invalid-enchant: '&cThat is not a valid enchant.'
  192. disenchant-help:
  193. - '&3===[ &b&lDisenchant Help &3]==='
  194. - ' &b/disenchant &3(&7Get sent this message&3)'
  195. - ' &b/disenchant <enchant> &3(&7Remove enchant&3)'
  196. - ' &b/disenchant all &3(&7Remove all enchants&3)'
  197. - ' &b/disenchant list &3(&7List of available enchants&3)'
  198. disenchant-list: '&3Available enchants: &bEfficiency&7, &bFortune&7, &bSpeed&7, &bHaste&7, &bExplosive&7, &bDrill&7, &bJackHammer&7, &bMerchant &7& &bLucky&7. '
  199. economy-sell-empty: '&cYour inventory is empty and you have nothing to sell!'
  200. economy-sell-success: '&6You sold &e{amount} &6blocks/ingots for $&e{money}'
  201. economy-sell-success-merchant: '&6You sold &e{amount} &6blocks/ingots for $&e{money} &6(&ex2 by Merchant&6)'
  202. economy-sell-success-booster: '&6You sold &e{amount} &6blocks/ingots for $&e{money} &6(&ex{multiplier} by Booster&6)'
  203. economy-sell-success-booster-merchant: '&6You sold &e{amount} &6blocks/ingots for $&e{money} &6(&ex2 by Merchant&6) (&ex{multiplier} by Booster&6)'
  204. economy-sell-nothing-sellable: '&cYou do not have anything sellable in your inventory!'
  205. customenchants-help:
  206. - '&5===[ &d&lDisenchant Help &5]==='
  207. - ' &d/customenchants &5(&7This message&5)'
  208. - ' &d/customenchants reload &5(&7Reload CE''s config&5)'
  209. customenchants-reloaded: '&aThe &dCE''s &aconfig has been reloaded successfully.'
  210. no-permission: '&cInsufficient permission.'
  212. # Configure the plugin permissions
  213. permissions:
  214. customenchants: 'customenchants.use'
  215. customenchants-reload: 'customenchants.reload'
  216. tokens-help-admin: ''
  217. tokens-add: 'customenchants.admin.add'
  218. tokens-remove: 'customenchants.admin.remove'
  219. tokens-set: 'customenchants.admin.set'
  220. sell-signs: 'customenchants.signs.create'
  221. boosters: 'boosters.use'
  222. boosters-edit: 'boosters.edit'
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