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Jun 19th, 2018
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  3. "id": 227,
  4. "date": "2017-09-19T18:31:25",
  5. "date_gmt": "2017-09-19T22:31:25",
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  8. },
  9. "modified": "2017-09-19T18:31:25",
  10. "modified_gmt": "2017-09-19T22:31:25",
  11. "slug": "how-to-speed-up-your-directory-website",
  12. "status": "publish",
  13. "type": "post",
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  15. "title": {
  16. "rendered": "How to speed up your Directory website?"
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  18. "content": {
  19. "rendered": "<p><em>Note: You must take backup of your site and database before following this step. Better be safe then sorry.</em></p>\n<p>Here are some tips on how to speed up your WordPress website:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Shared hosting v/s Dedicated hosting:</strong> If you are having more data or higher traffic on your Directory website then instead of shared hosting, we recommend using a dedicated server. Directory is an application like theme and as soon as your site gets traction both content and traffic on your website will increase simultaneously so your website will need more server resources for better performance. If you are on a shared hosting your server resources will be shared with other websites on the same server so you will get limited resources for your website which will ultimately result in an under performing website. On the other hand if you go with a dedicated server all server resources will be available for your website and it will perform much better. </li>\n<li><strong>Remove plugins</strong>: Please visit plugins page in your WordPress admin and remove any and all unnecessary plugins which is not really contributing to your site.</li>\n<li><strong>Optimize DB:</strong> If your site is more than few months old, you should optimize your site database with plugins like <a href=\"\">RGV optimize</a> and <a href=\"\">Simple optimizer</a> or likes that will remove unnecessary junk from your site such as spam comments, post revisions etc. which will make your site database perform better</li>\n<li><strong>Limit post revisions: </strong>Most users dont need each version of post revisions. Here is a good article on <a href=\"\">how to disable or limit it</a>.</li>\n<li><strong>Spam Comments</strong><span class=\"Apple-converted-space\"> </span>– If your spam comment receipts are in high numbers then all the spam comments should be deleted at the regular interval by just going to<span class=\"Apple-converted-space\"> </span><strong>wp-admin</strong><span class=\"Apple-converted-space\"> </span>&gt;<span class=\"Apple-converted-space\"> </span><strong>Comments</strong><span class=\"Apple-converted-space\"> </span>&gt;<strong>Spam</strong><span class=\"Apple-converted-space\"> </span>&gt;<strong>Empty Spam (button)</strong><span class=\"Apple-converted-space\"> </span>otherwise you may end up with a compromise in the site speed!</li>\n<li><strong>Lack of Image optimization</strong><span class=\"Apple-converted-space\"> </span>– It is very important to upload the just perfect sized image &amp; that too with the specific formats like “jpg,png etc”.</li>\n<li><strong>W3 Cache plugin:</strong> This will really make your site faster. We highly recommend using <a href=\"\">this plugin</a> which will cache your site and serve pages really faster.</li>\n<li><strong>Cloud flare:</strong> Use <a href=\"\">cloud flare</a> and it will improvise your site performance further. Its free!</li>\n<li><strong>CDN:</strong> Most of the popular sites nowadays use CDN services such as <a href=\"\">MaxCDN</a> or likes to deliver content from their site (we at templatic use it too)</li>\n<li><strong>Memory Limit</strong>: Many times increase in memory limit variable of the php.ini file also helps the user in loading the site faster.</li>\n<li><strong>Better WordPress Minify:</strong> It compress and combines CSS and JS scripts on site to improve the page load time. It can be downloaded from <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>. When this plugin is active, go to its settings &gt; Manage enqueued Files. Select three files mentioned below:<br />\n&#8211; google-clustering<br />\n&#8211; location_script<br />\n&#8211; google-maps-apiscript Select them and choose action &#8220;Say at position&#8221;. Save the Changes.</li>\n<li><strong>Google page speed:</strong> If you really wish to go in detail, <a href=\"\">Google Page Speed</a> is a very good site analysis tool that will tell you exactly how you can improve your site speed.</li>\n<li>For the error: <strong>The following cacheable resources have a short freshness lifetime. Specify an expiration at least one week in the future for the following resources </strong>(80997)<strong><br />\n</strong>This is the code you need to add in your .htaccess file:&nbsp;</p>\n<div>## EXPIRES CACHING ##</div>\n<div>&lt;IfModule mod_expires.c&gt;</div>\n<div>ExpiresActive On</div>\n<div>ExpiresByType image/jpg &#8220;access plus 1 year&#8221;</div>\n<div>ExpiresByType image/jpeg &#8220;access plus 1 year&#8221;</div>\n<div>ExpiresByType image/gif &#8220;access plus 1 year&#8221;</div>\n<div>ExpiresByType image/png &#8220;access plus 1 year&#8221;</div>\n<div>ExpiresByType text/css &#8220;access plus 1 month&#8221;</div>\n<div>ExpiresByType application/pdf &#8220;access plus 1 month&#8221;</div>\n<div>ExpiresByType text/x-javascript &#8220;access plus 1 month&#8221;</div>\n<div>ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash &#8220;access plus 1 month&#8221;</div>\n<div>ExpiresByType image/x-icon &#8220;access plus 1 year&#8221;</div>\n<div>ExpiresDefault &#8220;access plus 2 days&#8221;</div>\n<div>&lt;/IfModule&gt;</div>\n<p>## EXPIRES CACHING ##</li>\n</ul>\n<p>The above mentioned reasons are quite in brief just to make you aware with the actual problems, so to have a detailed description &amp; guideline on each of them, please have a look at the below given articles.</p>\n<ol>\n<li><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></li>\n</ol>\n<p>Hope this helps.</p>\n",
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  101. "id": 225,
  102. "date": "2017-09-19T18:31:25",
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  107. "modified": "2017-09-19T18:31:25",
  108. "modified_gmt": "2017-09-19T22:31:25",
  109. "slug": "create-manage-content-with-directory",
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  114. "rendered": "Create &#038; manage content with Directory"
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  116. "content": {
  117. "rendered": "<p>Directory is our brand new platform that encompasses a parent theme, various plugins and a wide selection of child themes. It is the most advanced theme we’ve ever created with literally hundreds of custom features. Read this page to learn more about the stuff you can create and manage with Directory.</p>\n<h2>Allow visitors to register and post content</h2>\n<p>Every CMS allows you to modify and publish content, but not many give visitors the same opportunity. Our listings directory theme enables you to do just that; <strong>create submission pages visitors can use to post content on the site</strong>. Submitted content can be moderated from the back-end. But before they do this they’ll have to register. With Directory, you can edit register fields in order to capture unique information from visitors.<!--more--></p>\n<p>Go one step further and define a new post type. For instance, create a post type called “Properties” and showcase nearby houses and apartments for sale. Submission pages can be generated for every post type you create.</p>\n<h2>Custom fields – the glue that binds everything</h2>\n<p>All submission pages within the listings directory theme (you can create as many as you need) are constructed using custom fields. A bunch of these fields come pre installed when you activate Directory, but new ones can be added as well. There are 13 different field types for you to choose from, including radio and checkbox buttons, text fields, date pickers and more.<br />\nAlong with facilitating submissions, custom fields also play a role in monetizing the site. This is achieved by connecting custom fields to price packages?. Read more about money-making features on the monetization page.</p>\n<h2>More management features</h2>\n<ul>\n<ul>\n<li>Bulk upload</li>\n</ul>\n</ul>\n<p>Already running a directory with lots of content? You can use the bulk upload option within Directory to transfer it. Bulk exporting and updating also available.</p>\n<ul>\n<ul>\n<li>Multi-option ratings?</li>\n</ul>\n</ul>\n<p>Along with leaving reviews on your site, visitors will also have an ability to rate. Use the back-end to define different rating categories. Display the average on site.</p>\n<ul>\n<ul>\n<li>Claim posts</li>\n</ul>\n</ul>\n<p>Claim post functionality will allow you to populate the site with content and then let the actual owners claim the listings. Enable it for all your post types.</p>\n<ul>\n<ul>\n<li>Plethora of shortcodes</li>\n</ul>\n</ul>\n<p>Shortcodes in Directory can be divided in two categories: design and app. Use design shortcodes to make text more appealing. Use app shortcodes to generate forms, maps and more.</p>\n",
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  121. "rendered": "<p>Directory is our brand new platform that encompasses a parent theme, various plugins and a&#8230; <a class=\"moretag\" href=\"\">Read more &raquo;</a></p>\n",
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  199. "id": 223,
  200. "date": "2017-09-19T18:31:24",
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  205. "modified": "2017-09-19T18:31:24",
  206. "modified_gmt": "2017-09-19T22:31:24",
  207. "slug": "manage-a-global-website-with-directory",
  208. "status": "publish",
  209. "type": "post",
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  211. "title": {
  212. "rendered": "Manage a global website with Directory"
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  214. "content": {
  215. "rendered": "<p>Directory is our brand new platform that encompasses a parent theme, various plugins and a wide selection of child themes. It is the most advanced theme we’ve ever created with literally hundreds of custom features. Read this page to learn more about how you can turn your website into a global directory.</p>\n<h2>How do cities work in Directory?</h2>\n<p>Cities in this WordPress listing directory theme essentially provide another layer of filtering content. With regular themes you’re limited to organizing posts into categories; in Directory everything you create is also filtered by cities. In practice, it means that a person who “lands” in New York won’t see anything posted for London. Customize cities by adding a city message or setting a custom header and body background. Choose between using an image or a simple color for both the header and the body.</p>\n<p>Use city logs to check out how many people visited each of your cities. The theme also logs each visitors IP address.</p>\n<h2>A map for everything</h2>\n<p>In Directory we’ve made it so that geo-location information can be associated with virtually any piece of content. This will allow you to showcase pretty much anything on a map. Maps themselves are plentiful. They are featured on the homepage, along with search, category and detail pages. There are 6 different map widgets you can use thought the site. With category pages you can choose between using an AJAX based map or a listing map widget. The map widget also enables pinpointing functionality for quickly focusing on a specific map marker.<br />\n<!--more--></p>\n<h2>Go global with these location related features</h2>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>City management</strong></li>\n<p>Add unlimited cities to your site and organize them into countries and states. We’ve pre-loaded hundreds of them to make the process faster. </p>\n<li><strong>Geo-tracker</strong></li>\n<p>A built-in IP tracking script will ensure every visitor is shown the correct city upon arrival. Of course, you can turn this off and show a default city instead.</p>\n<li><strong>Homepage map</strong></li>\n<p>Directory is filled with maps, but this one is special. Integrated search and content-rich popups are just some of the features you’ll find in it.</p>\n<li><strong>City selectors</strong></li>\n<p>While browsing the site visitors can use one of 4 selectors to change the city. Two work above the header, one is appended on the side and the last one is a widget.\n</ul>\n<h2>Google Map features</h2>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Marker clustering</strong></li>\n<p>Reduce map clutter with marker clustering, a feature available for all listing maps. An option for disabling it is also provided.</p>\n<li><strong>Custom markers</strong></li>\n<p>The icon you add while creating a category will be used to represent that category within every map on the site.</p>\n<li><strong>Auto width</strong></li>\n<p>Automatic map width will allow you insert map widgets in any widgetized area and not worry whether it will fit or not.</p>\n<li><strong>Street View</strong></li>\n<p>Turn on street view by dragging the orange man at any time. Set street view as default view for the detail page map.</p>\n<li><strong>Map shortcode</strong></li>\n<p>Use a map shortcode to generate a fully functional listing map. Works with all created post types.</p>\n<li><strong>Change zoom behavior</strong></li>\n<p>The zoom factor on listing maps can be automatic (by fitting all available posts) or static (by setting it beforehand).</p>\n<li><strong>Four types</strong></li>\n<p>For most of the maps you can choose the map type. These include road, terrain, satellite, hybrid.</p>\n<li><strong>Detail map directions</strong></li>\n<p>Enter your address on the detail page and the map will generate directions to the location of the post you were viewing.</p>\n<li><strong>Full page map</strong></li>\n<p>The homepage map has a button for loading it across the whole page. Use it when searching for something specific.\n</ul>\n",
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  219. "rendered": "<p>Directory is our brand new platform that encompasses a parent theme, various plugins and a&#8230; <a class=\"moretag\" href=\"\">Read more &raquo;</a></p>\n",
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  297. "id": 221,
  298. "date": "2017-09-19T18:31:24",
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  303. "modified": "2017-09-19T18:31:24",
  304. "modified_gmt": "2017-09-19T22:31:24",
  305. "slug": "make-money-with-directory",
  306. "status": "publish",
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  309. "title": {
  310. "rendered": "Make money with Directory"
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  312. "content": {
  313. "rendered": "<p><strong>Directory </strong>is our brand new platform that encompasses a parent theme, various plugins and a wide selection of child themes. It is the most advanced theme we’ve ever created with literally hundreds of custom features. Read this page to learn more about the ways in which Directory can earn you some extra cash.</p>\n<h2>Make money by</h2>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Charging for submissions</strong></li>\n<p>Create price packages and insert them into your submission forms. Price packages can be created for every post type and they are category specific. Scroll down for more info. </p>\n<li><strong>Selling event tickets?</strong></li>\n<p>Create ticket products using WooCommerce? and connect them with events. Event detail page will show the buy button as well as the remaining ticket count. </p>\n<li><strong>Creating a webshop</strong></li>\n<p>Along with selling tickets, you can use WooCommerce to sell other stuff as well. Create your product categories, setup shipping, tax and you’re ready to go! </p>\n<li><strong>Selling ad space with <a href=\"\">Ad Manager add-on</a></strong></li>\n<p>Use the back-end to control exactly where each banner shows. Set category specific banners or assign them to each post manually. Multiple locations available.</p>\n</ul>\n<p><!--more--></p>\n<h2>Price packages, explained</h2>\n<p>Content is key for any directory, and the one you create using this WP Directory theme won’t be any different. Price packages are designed to offer as many possibilities as possible both to you (the admin) and the visitors submitting a post. Here are three things you should know about price packages.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Two package types</strong></li>\n<p>Pay-per-post packages require the visitors to pay during each post submission. Pay-per-subscription packages allow you to set the timeframe in which posts can be submitted as well as a maximum number of listings. Subscription price packages work great in conjunction with recurring PayPal payments.</p>\n<li><strong>Featured posts</strong></li>\n<p>One of the ways you can charge extra for a particular post submission is to set a featured price. Featured prices can be set for both the homepage and category page (different price for each). Featured posts show with a specific label and are stacked at the top of listing pages. Another way to charge extra is to set category prices.</p>\n<li><strong>Custom field monetization?</strong></li>\n<p>This feature allows you to define exactly which custom fields show for each price package. You can also control the number of allowed images and stuff like character count for text fields. In practice, this will allow you to provide additional options (input fields) within the more expensive price packages.</ul>\n<h2>More monetization features</h2>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Included coupon module</strong></li>\n<p>Create amount based or percentage based coupons and offer discounts on price packages. Set a start/end date for coupons and don’t worry about expiry dates. </p>\n<li><strong>Change the currency</strong></li>\n<p>Set the currency ISO code, the symbol and even the position (before/after amount). There are virtually no limitations here. </p>\n<li><strong>Payment gateways</strong></li>\n<p>Directory comes preinstalled with PayPal and PreBank transfer methods. There are dozens more available optional payment processors. </p>\n<li><strong>Manage transactions</strong></li>\n<p>All payments can be reviewed and approved/denied in the back-end. There are also several dashboard widgets? you can use to keep track of transactions. </p>\n<li><strong>Post upgrade option</strong></li>\n<p>Allow visitors to upgrade their submitted listing to a more expensive price package. They can do so from their front-end user dashboard. </p>\n<li><strong>Generate reports</strong></li>\n<p>Search through submitted transactions using multiple filtering fields such as date, package type, post type, etc. Export results to a .CSV file.\n</ul>\n",
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  317. "rendered": "<p>Directory is our brand new platform that encompasses a parent theme, various plugins and a&#8230; <a class=\"moretag\" href=\"\">Read more &raquo;</a></p>\n",
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