

Feb 11th, 2018
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  1. Neza accepts it "No, quite the opposite. We thought you'd been kidnapped and buried in a shallow grave. Glad to see you're alright. Here." she heads after him and is going to get things sorted out in that kitchen ASAP, if the meal can't be salvaged she'll put it to one side, if it can be then turn the heat down so she can finish cooking it after she's done bandaging whatever he burnt.
  2. 21:53 Palmu "What's up with that anyway, though?" The girl grumbles as she follows the others inside, collapsing on the nearest chair she can find, where she can keep an eye on the scientist. "You figured that people are gonna gun for you and hired people to hide you?"
  3. 21:56 KuroMaboroshi The meal is beyond hope, and Wales seems to be more and more confused about the situation. He hesistates for a moment, wondering just how much he should tell you. "I mean, I got a television in here. I saw the news, about what happened back in the town. Figured the driver was right. And one of the terrorists is still at large, and they might not be the only one who will do something like that. Did the driver send
  4. 21:56 KuroMaboroshi you then? I wasn't informed that anyone would show up. -no, they didn't. Makes no sense for you to blow up the cameras if you were." He weakly gestures at the couch in the room, offering you to sit down. "Well, if you want the full story... I took a taxi to get home after the fundraiser. To the hotel I was staying in, I mean. But as soon as I was inside, they locked all the doors. Talked to me, told me I was in
  5. 21:56 KuroMaboroshi danger and they were getting me to safety. Brought me all the way out here, told me how the security system works and said I should lay low. Took my phone and all, and there is none here. I can only contact the driver in case of an emergency. Of course I was planning on getting away, but then the next day I saw the news... So it was both. A kidnapping and a rescue, or attempt to hide me if you will."
  6. 21:58 KuroMaboroshi -strangely willing to give away details to strangers of whom he seems to know nothing about-extremely nervous, but trying to remain calm an cooperative-so far only gives information that any third party intruding would already know-stalling for time? triggered a silent alarm beforehand?
  7. 22:01 Palmu "Uh-huh. So, anyone coming in to rescue you now? You trigger an alarm when we came in?"
  8. 22:03 KuroMaboroshi "Alarm? What are you talking about?" He asks, looking confused, but - tilted head, fingers in left hand slightly tense; Bluffing! - "So, how did you find me here? The driver said it was supposed to be save for at least a few weeks."
  9. 22:04 Palmu "Nice bluff, Glasses. Buy yourself some harder-to-read tells, would you?" She drawls out, not getting off the bench yet. "Wanna keep playing that game or start talking actual business?"
  10. 22:07 KuroMaboroshi "no need for that" A computer-generated voice suddenly echos out of a speaker next to the television. "there is no point bluffing a thinker doctor so do not attempt it any further. i am listening. i am the host of our scientific friend. please do not coerce him any further."
  11. 22:08 DrubyMK1 Lucas starts as the computerized voice fills the house. "What the hell are you!?"
  12. 22:09 Palmu Natasha turns her eyes from the doctor towards the speaker. Fuck, computer-generated...It's nigh impossible to read that. These people are well prepared.
  13. 22:09 *** Hurm quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  14. 22:10 *** Hurm joined #DisequilibriaIC
  15. 22:10 KuroMaboroshi "i am the taxi driver. i am afraid you destroyed all my eyes. please identify yourselves."
  16. 22:10 Neza Neza finally stops dicking with the pan in the kitchen and quietly sighs, before stepping calmly into position back against the wall and listening, time to hear what the situation is. sensible, destroying the cameras, whoever it is won't know their exact number.
  17. 22:11 Palmu The girl nods at Lucas. He's the public leader after all.
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