
#terraria arguments in a nutshell

May 2nd, 2013
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  1. [12:10] <GeneralArgument> "Colour" is correct. "Color" is an Americanism, and is incorrect.
  2. [12:10] <insanepidgeon> americans that is assuming that everyone is american
  3. [12:10] <@Spitfire> GeneralArgument, that's a very prescriptive view
  4. [12:10] <insanepidgeon> yeah thanks xD
  5. [12:10] <GeneralArgument> It is true, Spitfire.
  6. 01[12:10] <Scizor300> color and colour are both correct you dolt
  7. [12:10] <Weegee> Color is Color. Its the way british people spell it. Not one is right or wrong.
  8. [12:10] <GeneralArgument> They are not.
  9. [12:10] <insanepidgeon> dolt??
  10. [12:10] <@Vandarx> lol
  11. 02[12:10] * tastycheeze ( Quit (Quit: Flash IRC Client)
  12. [12:10] <GeneralArgument> "Colour" is how British people spell it, and it's correct.
  13. 01[12:10] <Scizor300> they're different spellings of the same word
  14. [12:10] <insanepidgeon> british people spell it colour
  15. [12:11] <insanepidgeon> i should know xD
  16. [12:11] <insanepidgeon> you too weegee
  17. [12:11] <Natrilis> samee
  18. [12:11] <@Spitfire> GeneralArgument, if you're using British English it's correct, sure.
  19. [12:11] <EpicCriddle> german people spell "farbe"
  20. [12:11] <@Spitfire> If you're using American English it isn't.
  21. [12:11] <GeneralArgument> Scizor300: In the same way that, "Bird" and, "BRIDIAE" could both be the same word.
  22. [12:11] <Natrilis> ill bbl
  23. [12:11] <GeneralArgument> But one is still incorrectly spelt.
  24. [12:11] <insanepidgeon> what is bbl?
  25. [12:11] <GeneralArgument> Be back later.
  26. 01[12:11] <Scizor300> except you're using an absolutely retarded example
  27. [12:11] <Mimp> so do we need to check where the server is located to determine which english we should be using?
  28. [12:11] <insanepidgeon> oh thanks xD
  29. 01[12:11] <Scizor300> the two don't even sound alike
  30. [12:11] <GeneralArgument> No, Scizor300, it is exactly the same, it's just not real.
  31. 01[12:12] <Scizor300> color and colour do
  32. [12:12] <insanepidgeon> aww get better natrilis, thats an order xD
  33. [12:12] <GeneralArgument> "A-lu-min-yum" and, "A-lu-mi-num" don't sound the same.
  34. [12:12] <insanepidgeon> ium*
  35. [12:12] <GeneralArgument> The American way of pronouncing, "Aluminium" is definitively wrong, because they have missed out an I.
  36. [12:12] <@Spitfire> GeneralArgument, haa..haa...
  37. 03[12:12] * Geraldo ( has left #terraria
  38. [12:12] <EpicCriddle> Thats the german way too T_T
  39. [12:12] <GeneralArgument> Spitfire: ?
  40. [12:13] <GeneralArgument> German is an entirely differenet language and follows its own rules, EpicCriddle.
  41. [12:13] <@Spitfire> GeneralArgument, you just have some very backward views about language.
  42. 01[12:13] <Scizor300> except i've never heard it pronounced "aluminyum"
  43. [12:13] <EpicCriddle> yum yum
  44. [12:13] <GeneralArgument> Just because you have never heard it doesn't mean it's not right.
  45. 03[12:13] * Guest_3348 ( has joined #terraria
  46. [12:13] <Guest_3348> hi
  47. [12:13] <GeneralArgument> Spitfire: No, I accept the evolution of language, but some things are, objectively, wrong.
  48. [12:13] <@Spitfire> No.
  49. 02[12:13] * Guest_3348 ( Quit (Client Quit)
  50. [12:14] <@Spitfire> Some things are non-standard.
  51. [12:14] <insanepidgeon> brb!
  52. [12:14] <GeneralArgument> "American English" is warped English, like a dialect.
  53. [12:14] <Mimp> wow, ne'er realized how appropriate your name is GA, you will ague about fucking anything tooth and nail won't you?
  54. 01[12:14] <Scizor300> i think you're just a bit anal-retentive about the difference between british and american english
  55. [12:14] <EpicCriddle> some things are better in American English, some are better in British english
  56. [12:14] <GeneralArgument> Yes, my name represents how I am, Mimp; is that surprising?
  57. [12:14] <@Spitfire> GeneralArgument, that doesn't make it incorrect.
  58. [12:14] <GeneralArgument> How can something be 'better' in a language, EpicCriddle?
  59. 02[12:14] * Valtteri24 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  60. [12:14] <EpicCriddle> not better, some sounds better for me and some doesnt :P
  61. [12:14] <@Spitfire> Are you saying everything except received pronunciation is incorrect?
  62. [12:15] <Mimp> no, just I hate people like that, that behavior is insanely counter productive...
  63. [12:15] <GeneralArgument> I never said that, Spitfire, and Mimp, questioning things around you is one of the best things in the world.
  64. [12:15] <@Spitfire> GeneralArgument, I didn't say you did.
  65. [12:15] <@Spitfire> I asked if that was your view.
  66. [12:15] <GeneralArgument> It isn't.
  67. [12:15] <@Spitfire> What constitutes "correct" language then?
  68. [12:16] <EpicCriddle> german masterlanguage
  69. [12:16] <EpicCriddle> jk
  70. [12:16] <@Spitfire> Seeing as you think American English is "incorrect," what is "correct"?
  71. 03[12:16] * Suwako ( has joined #terraria
  72. [12:16] <EpicCriddle> australian english :P
  73. [12:16] <Mimp> questioning is fine, arguing is wasteful...
  74. [12:16] <GeneralArgument> Pronunciation that follows the actual spelling of the words is a start, Spitfire.
  75. [12:16] <@Spitfire> GeneralArgument, ha fucking ha...
  76. [12:17] <GeneralArgument> What is amusing about that?
  77. 03[12:17] * Johuan ( has joined #terraria
  78. [12:17] <@Spitfire> English isn't a phonological language.
  79. [12:17] <@Spitfire> So that's just... dumb.
  80. [12:17] <EpicCriddle> I can't understand bavarian german
  81. [12:17] <GeneralArgument> Pronouncing, "Aluminium", "A-loo-mi-num" is just wrong.
  82. [12:17] <EpicCriddle> (as an german)
  83. [12:17] <GeneralArgument> It's like pronouncing, "Bird", "B-ard".
  84. [12:17] <@Spitfire> No, it's not.
  85. [12:17] <GeneralArgument> Why not?
  86. 01[12:18] <Scizor300> except there's no "a" in bird you idiot
  87. [12:18] <GeneralArgument> There are two Is in, "Aluminium", Scizor300.
  88. [12:18] <GeneralArgument> So why not pronounce the second?
  89. [12:18] <@Spitfire> Scizor300, no need for insults.
  90. [12:18] <GeneralArgument> It makes no difference to me, Spitfire.
  91. [12:18] <@Spitfire> English isn't a phonological language. The idea that we should pronounce everything as it is "spelled" is completely twisted.
  92. [12:19] <GeneralArgument> wat
  93. 01[12:19] <Scizor300> well
  94. 01[12:19] <Scizor300> here
  95. 01[12:19] <Scizor300> let's turn your argument on its head
  96. 01[12:19] <Scizor300> litre
  97. 01[12:19] <Scizor300> theatre
  98. 01[12:19] <Scizor300> are we supposed to say "litray"
  99. 01[12:19] <Scizor300> or "theatray"
  100. [12:19] <GeneralArgument> ... Should become, "Liter", "Theater", even if those are not English.
  101. [12:19] <GeneralArgument> [British] English.
  102. [12:20] <Raziel> ?_?
  103. [12:20] <EpicCriddle> just forget english and speak latin
  104. [12:20] <EpicCriddle> jk
  105. [12:20] <@Spitfire> GeneralArgument, now you're arguing against yourself.
  106. [12:20] <GeneralArgument> Also, in their literal spelling, they would be, "Lit-r'" and, "Thee-at-r'".
  107. [12:20] <@Spitfire> American spelling is Liter.
  108. [12:20] <GeneralArgument> No, Spitfire; I made an sweeping overgeneralisation at the start which was incorrect.
  109. [12:20] <@Spitfire> So you're saying the American spelling is "correct"?
  110. [12:20] <GeneralArgument> _Most_ Americanisms are wrong*.
  111. 01[12:20] <Scizor300> rofl
  112. [12:20] <GeneralArgument> Yes, that was a stupid mistake.
  113. [12:20] <@Spitfire> Ergo you are wrong.
  114. [12:21] <@Spitfire> Conversation over, GeneralArgument concedes the point.
  115. [12:21] <Mimp> but entertaining :D
  116. [12:21] <@Spitfire> Thank you for competing.
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