
Srishti Filler by Serendipitoussuper

Dec 18th, 2018
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  1. Derivatives… Blugh. Srishti buried her face into her Calculus textbook, sick of doing the calculations for her homework. Checking her clock, Srishti only felt another wave of despair wash over her. She had been studying for more than three hours, and felt no more comfortable with the material than the first time she had ever seen it. What was she supposed to do? If she kept staring at it, maybe it would make more sense to her? Probably not. What was she to do then? Biology? Chemistry? This is not what Srishti thought her Friday night would be. All of her friends had gone out; even her parents had gone to a dinner party. Where was Srishti? In her room, studying Calculus with The Beatles playing softly in the background, wishing she were anywhere else in the world. Not exactly the most glamorous night, but she wanted to be prepares for her exams next week. Taking another sip of her coke, Srishti rolled over in bed to stare at the ceiling, debating if Netflix or a walk would be a better brake from this monotony.
  2. Despite what Srishti would have liked to believe, this Friday night was actually quite peaceful. The stars glimmered above, the moons light truly a beauty as it hung in the sky. Below the painting of a sky was a small, quiet town surrounded by a dense forest. Rumors circulate around campfires as to what terrible creatures lurk in the forest, though even the most terrifying tale of murderous creatures does no justice to what can be found, slithering about on a night such as tonight. For the evil which lurks in the trees does not terrorize, it is a seductive, vile creature that can turn even the strong into a willing victim. And tonight, it slithers among the trees, its eyes fixated upon the warm light of the town, silently waiting for anyone to wander into his home…
  3. Srishti started listing the possibilities in her head. She could go to the diner for a slice of pie, or shower and then watch a movie, or catch up on her shows, or walk on the forest trail, or shop online, or read a book, anything except studying. A slightly cool breeze flew in Srishti’s open window, brushing across her legs. It is a nice night out… Maybe she would go out for a walk and maybe get some pie on the way back. She had spent all night inside anyways; the rooms were starting to drive her stir crazy anyways. Making up her mind, Srishti slid herself off the bed and pulled her shorts off, grabbing some sweatpants off the floor and slipping into them. Grabbing a sweater as well, Srishti put her slippers on and walked out the door. She never felt a need to lock the door, no crime ever happened in such a small town. Breathing in deeply, Srishti felt herself calming in the cool night air, and starting walking towards the forest trail.
  4. Perfect, too perfect… She’s coming straight this way, alone no less! Oh how beautiful this will be… It’s been so long since my last meal. Such pretty Black hair… Such luscious curves… Such perfect skin, oh it cannot happen soon enough! To have her in my coils, sleeping soundly for me…
  5. Yellow eyes watched Srishti from the forest, belonging to a mysterious rock python, both gifted in linguistics and hypnosis. Kaa is the evil lurking in the woods this night, and his malicious gaze is fixated on Srishti. As Srishti passed into the depths of the forest, Kaa set himself in motion, cautiously moving his immense length of coils between the treetops, following his little meal closely, waiting for the right moment to strike.
  6. Srishti continued along the path uncertainly, the stars and moon have been blocked out by the trees above, and an unnerving silence hung in the air. Normally when Srishti walks this path, there are many sounds in the air, insects, nightingales, even the occasional fox. Yet tonight, there’s nothing, just the sound of her breathing, and footsteps. Though every few moments, Srishti swore she heard a creaking in the treetops above, as though some heavy weight were straining the branches, and following her… Srishti hurried herself, looking up into the trees to make out any threats, but saw nothing but the dark. In her absence of thought, Srishti strayed from the forest path and into the heart of the woods, too far now for anyone in the town to hear her screams of fear.
  7. Kaa was growing impatient, the effort of moving himself over and over again was getting exhausting, and the benefit of a single meal was growing less and less important in his mind. This foolish girl getting lost in the forest would have to meet her end by Kaa soon… Kaa began his descent, hissing as he did.
  8. Srishti paused, her eyes widening in fear. What was that noise? She swore she had heard… Hissing? Srishti spun around, looking for the source, but the darkness was thick now, and she could see nothing through it. Looking down, Srishti tried to find the path, only to find unwalked land. What has happened? Srishti started breathing faster, the fear growing in her. Looking up, she saw two yellow eyes moving towards her, as the hissing grew louder. With a shrill scream, Srishti spun around and ran as fast as her legs would take her.
  9. Well, that certainly could have gone better… Kaa began moving once more towards her, the scent of her fear and sweat would be easy to track for miles, not that she would get far. Kaa doubts any mammal could run far in such darkness…
  10. “HELP!!! ANYBODY-HEEEELP!” Srishti screamed once more, her lungs burning as she inhaled more of the frigid air. She continued to run through the murky woods, hitting a few trees as she did; the pain and headache from doing so making focusing on running difficult. What had she seen? A monster? A snake? Was it the monster her parents had talked about? She screamed again, cursing herself for leaving her phone at home. What was she going to do? She couldn’t see anything in this dark, she didn’t have a light, she didn’t even know if she was going the right way!
  11. *THUD*
  12. Srishti hit the ground hard; she had run into another tree, falling onto her back. Her head was spinning, her headache pains spiked, and she dizzily returned to her feet. Holding her head between her hands, Srishti continued walking, desperate to get away from whatever it is she had seen.
  13. Kaa, above her, smiled and chuckled as he watched the scared girl collapse, now she barely seems able to even walk! Kaa lowered himself once more, eager to finally speak with this borderline pathetic creature.
  14. Srishti fell to her knees, and then onto her side in the dirt, her head needing a few moments to regain composure. Kaa examined her motionless form carefully, if she had lost consciousness, this would make their interaction much easier. In a hushed voice, Kaa spoke to the strange creature
  15. “Excuse me? Are you okay?” Srishti twitched at the sound, realizing it was a person’s voice! Albeit a rather strange one, but it was definitely speaking to her! Srishti squinted at the effort to speak
  16. “N-no… There’s something else in the woods… I think it wants to hurt me…” Srishti practically mumbled, wishing this man had a phone of some kind. Kaa snickered at the remark quietly before retorting
  17. “Relax, you are safe with me… Are you alone? Does anyone know you are out here?” Srishti shook her head; the pain slowly fading as she listened to this strange man’s voice.
  18. “No… I came out here for a walk, I didn’t bring my phone, and I was home alone, and it was stupid, I know! Please help me sir, there’s something out there! Do you have a phone? Call the police, please!” The last part was complete gibberish to Kaa, however he did think that leaving her here on the ground would be good for her… However, her snug in his coils with spiraling eyes and a wide grin? That would certainly help her…
  19. “Please relax, I promise you no harm will come to you while I am here… Now, do you have a name?” Srishti felt a strange fear well up inside of her, this voice sounds eerily similar to that sinister hiss from before… Starting to roll over to sit up, Srishti steadied her thoughts and rubbed her head
  20. “It’s Srishti… You know, I don’t think I heard you walk up to me. And what exactly are you doing this far out in the forest?” Srishti opened her eyes to a yellow glow, the fear striking her again; she scrambled to her feet and tried to scream, something cold, with scales hit her face however, silencing her scream. Srishti tried to run, but tripped over another cold, scaled entity, which tried wrapping around her leg; Srishti used all of her strength to rip off the pressure, and she ran off, ignoring the hissing chuckle behind her.
  21. Srishti, hmm? Well at least I know your name now… And you will be mine Srishti, it’s only a matter of time… You’re already so weary, so tired… My coils will be waiting when you fall.
  22. Srishti panted, falling back to her knees, shaking her head violently. What was going on? Why was that thing talking to her? Why did it say it wouldn’t hurt her? Srishti was panicking, those yellow eyes she kept seeing, they did not belong to a human… Srishti backed herself up against a tree, trying to steady her breathing. Why was this happening to her? What did she ever do to deserve this nightmare? Would she ever get to her home again? From above, a single coil, brown with black markings descended, ready to ensnare Srishti, and cease this pointless chase, Kaa was very sick of so much movement, but watching his little Srishti run was certainly entertaining while it lasted. Kaa moved swiftly.
  23. Srishti screamed, something had grabbed her ankle, and lifted her up powerfully, her slippers falling to the ground below. This had to be the monster again, Srishti frantically wriggled as she was lifted, managing to slip out of her sweatpants, and start falling to the ground. Kaa would not allow it however, wrapping her ankles once more, and much slower than before, raised her into the treetops. Srishti nearly fainted, her voice hoarse from screaming, tears streaming down her face, hair flying wildly in the night. Is this the end for her? Even if she escaped the snake now, she would certainly fall to her death. Shivering gently from the cold upon her legs, she could unmistakably feel the scales of the coils holding her ankles so tightly. Was it the snake speaking to her before? How could that be? The voice certainly came from the eyes, and the eyes are certainly a snakes… It also explains the hissing. Srishti yelped in surprise, the coil had released her, though many other coils were moving all around her, guiding her descent, holding her hips, she fell into a sitting position in a pile of coils. Which were, to say, rather comfortable, even the thick muscular coil across her waist, which was holding her in place. Srishti raised her head slowly, her eyes meeting the familiar yellow glow of the snakes.
  24. Kaa grinned in delight, the feel of this human was glorious, such warm, soft flesh… And a merry chase she had led him on, well it’s over now…
  25. “Srishti, was it? My name is Kaa. It’s a pleasure to meet you!” Kaa said cheerfully, to Srishti’s depressed face. She didn’t even care how this snake was talking. Her whole body hurt. She’s sore from head to toe. Her head is aching, her legs cold, and now a doofy looking snake freak is telling her how nice it is to meet her? She’s had enough.
  26. “If you mean to kill me, please, just do it. I can’t take any more tonight.” Kaa was baffled! How could someone so determined and strong give up so readily? He could at the very least make her final moments better…
  27. “Srishti, I never meant to harm you… I still don’t… I was simply curious why you were so far in the forest this late at night… When you ran from me, I became worried…” Srishti didn’t want to believe him. Srishti didn’t want to believe any of this was even happening to her. She was deciding whether or not to have pie earlier this night, and now she’s talking to a snake, while being held a prisoner in his coils. If she ever makes it out of here alive, she would never again question whether or not to have pie.
  28. “Then why did you bring me up here? And why are you holding me against my will?” Srishti asked simply, pushing the hair out of her face. Kaa quickly conjured a most convincing lie for the troubled girl
  29. “I brought you up here to ensure you are okay! And my coils around you are to ensure you do not fall. And of course, I’ve brought you up here so you would not run from the sight of me once more, and so I can show you that.” Kaa motioned with his head. Srishti followed his motion, growing more and more upset at how she panicked by the second. But then again, she was having an inner debate if the concept of a snake wanting to help her, or not wanting to help her was more believable… Somehow she doubted them both. Kaa was pointing to a yellow light in the distance, home. Now Srishti just needs to get out of this tree and she could get home! Excited, she turned back to Kaa
  30. “Thank you! Can you lower me back down?” Kaa smirked from the darkness, he was never going to let his Srishti go, not when her thighs and hips fit so perfectly in his coils, not when her breasts are begging to be squeezed, and certainly not when her mind is begging to be alleviated… Kaa began a worried besiege of Srishti’s emotions
  31. “My dear Srishti, do you think I am blind? I saw your plight, I saw you crash into those trees, I saw you fall in despair; even now you hang so limply in my coils… You certainly cannot expect me to let you go as you are now?” Srishti shook her head, the voice of the snake was unusual, just as it was before; the pain in Srishti’s body was melting away. It seems almost useless though, she was tired and broken feeling before, now she feels tired and strangely soothed, no greater of a desire to walk back now than before!
  32. “I’m just a little tired, I’m sure I can do it.” Srishti did not truly believe her own words, her desire to avoid any more trouble tonight was showing, she just wanted to be home, with her Calculus and pie! Kaa, however, would have none of it
  33. “Srishti… Just rest for a little while… What harm could it do to rest your aching body? I can sense your exhaustion… You’ll be home by tonight, I promise, but for now, stay with me… Trust me…” Kaa slowly let his eyes glow a little more intensely, Srishti’s eyes drawn to their center as her face illuminated under their radiance. Srishti tried to pull herself away from the eyes, but found it impossible; her attention was absolutely fixated upon them. Her mind also began slipping from her a little under the relaxing words of the snake.
  34. “I-I really want to be home… I want to be in my bed, Kaa…” Srishti managed to utter, though once Kaa began speaking again she felt as though she acted out of line, as though she was meant to sit still, and just listen... Kaa’s head began to sway slowly, as Srishti watched in awe, her mouth slackened open as she followed the glorious orbs of golden light.
  35. “Srishti… You don’t really want to leave… You wish to stay… To sleep… To trust me…” Kaa stroked her face delicately with his tail tip before continuing
  36. “You do trust me, don’t you Srishti?” Kaa bobbed his head, Srishti being helpless to resist, followed, nodding yes.
  37. “Yes… I thought you did…” Kaa continued to sway, drawing the young girls mind further and further away from her body. Srishti struggled to form words
  38. “K-kaa, I don think I should stay… Please, I-“ Kaa hissed soothingly to silence her, letting his hypnotic cadence over her grow stronger still, he let the colors flow from his eyes, ready to hypnotize Srishti into her trance now. Kaa hissed louder, the colors flowing outwards from his eyes, green blue and yellow, enthralling the captivated girl who leaned forward further as she watched the incredible display.
  39. Srishti made a confused grunting noise, what exactly was she seeing now? The yellow nature of Kaa’s eyes, it was changing. In the lazy blink of an eye from Srishti, Kaa’s pupils had become pinpricks, shrinking further and further, becoming almost invisible in the golden pools. Srishti found herself being drawn towards the center of the pools, as if pulled in by some irresistible force. With another lazy, slow blink Srishti opened her eyes to an unusual sight; the golden orbs had been replaced by swirling colors. Green, blue, yellow, green… The colors swayed back and forth, and Srishti could offer no resistance, looking deeply into the colors, following their movement obediently.
  40. Kaa smiled at his work, Srishti was proving a more than willing meal, sitting complacently as Kaa overwhelmed her senses. Kaa watched her as a proud parent might watch their own; how beautifully her eyes drooped under his spell, how perfectly her body sagged into his coils, how perfectly her head bobbed about, desperate to keep staring, to keep falling into his spell.
  41. Srishti moaned gently, a pleasant feeling emanating from watching the colors for so long. The stars above, the yellow light of town in the distance, the thought of being home in bed with her pie, all left Srishti’s mind, pushed forcibly out by the soothing surge of Kaa’s colors, and the gentle hiss of her snake protector. Srishti’s own eyes began shrinking as the world around her faded into nothingness. The swirling, endless colors began to fill her vision, as the warmth of the spell began to spread to the rest of her body. Her arms hung limply under the warmth, her legs motionless in her coil prison.
  42. Kaa smiled slyly, Srishti’s eyes have finally begun emanating their own colors, and not a moment too soon... He had been very patient with the girl, but now it was show time. With a final movement of his intense girth, Kaa lifted the restraining coil from around Srishti’s waist, and began dexterously maneuvering his tail tip around Srishti’s swaying body. Pressing gently into her soft stomach, Kaa wound around her once, restraining her arms by her side, and continuing up her body. Just touching her smooth, soft body was more than enough to excite Kaa, perhaps Srishti’s apology to Kaa could be a little more than just a meal…
  43. Srishti wasn’t thinking anymore, complacent with sitting still in her trance, her eyes spiraling away. The sensation of Kaa wrapping around her was extremely pleasing, and as his thick coils ensnared her breasts, a soft pulse of excitement ran through her, she began to smile gently.
  44. Kaa had decided, once he had full control of Srishti, she would serve to please him before being consumed. Watching her body vanish beneath his coils was especially pleasant… Lowering a section of coils, Kaa’s arousal became apparent through a slit in his coils underside, as his coils begun winding around Srishti’s neck, Srishti’s eyes closing as she yawned, ready to sleep in her bed at last.
  45. Srishti’s eyes closed, her eyes aglow, body limp, mind completely gone when the coils wound around her tightened, constricting her. Her eyes shot open, spiraling rapidly as her cheeks puffed up, the coils pressing harshly into her body from the hips up.
  46. “Guh-kk!” Srishti choked, before a *PING* resonated through her mind, and she was lost. Kaa snickered at her pitiful attempts of resistance, sitting nestled in his coils while wrapped up like this, it’s a much better fit for her than the fierce, damsel in distress… Kaa began repositioning his coils around, revealing her breasts between his coils, and looping two coils around her ankles, spreading her legs gently. Pressing his coils closer to her face, Kaa readied himself to take Srishti’s body now that he had her mind.
  47. Srishti in her trance felt nothing but bliss and warmth, and when something soft and warm pressed past her lips and into her mouth, she did not resist nor hesitate to accommodate its girth as it began pumping into her hot, open mouth. Kaa hissed in delight, what a marvelous feeling… This was not the first human woman he had taken, though Srishti certainly was the most appealing. Busying himself, Kaa began forcing himself down Srishti’s throat while biting at the cloth covering Srishti’s bulbous chest. Srishti happily let herself be taken, content in her rest to please Kaa in any way she could. She salivated noticeably around Kaa’s thickness, the strange taste filling Srishti entirely. Kaa began to move faster, as shreds of Srishti’s sweater and bra flew all around her, the tan skin of her breasts quickly becoming exposed. Kaa hissed in delight at the sight of Srishti’s nipples, his forked tongue lashing out to claim his long awaited prize. Swirling around the soft flesh, Kaa reveled in the taste of his prey, chuckling at the hardening flesh.
  48. Srishti moaned sweetly to the forest, her mouth filled with her protector, while her breasts were being bitten, licked, sucked upon viciously. Kaa felt himself come close to a climax, wrapping a coil around Srishti’s head Kaa pushed himself as deep as he could into Srishti’s mouth. Srishti felt Kaa begin to twitch inside of her, before squirt after squirt of warmth entered Srishti’s mouth, who eagerly swallowed, letting the warmth pool in her stomach, feeling eerily content and pleased, the taste perfect to her entranced mind.
  49. Kaa sighed in relief, pulling himself out of Srishti’s mouth, watching her serene face sleep, unaware of what she had just done. Kaa lifted her, repositioning her so her legs were spread, and ripped her panties straight off, the scent of her sex intoxicating. Kaa’s thick coils came between her legs, his length positioned at her opening, and pressed into her slowly. The velvet feel of her warm, silky walks was amazing. The pleasure shocked Srishti, who moaned loudly, and shuddered in the grasp of the snake. Pulling himself out of Srishti, Kaa plunged himself in again, Srishti’s whole body moving from the momentum, yelping as the entirety of Kaa’s length pressed inside of her. Each nerve ending on fire, the warmth within her intense, Srishti shuddered, clenching around Kaa’s length as her first orgasm washed over her. This did little to sway Kaa’s efforts, as he simply pressed on, thrusting into Srishti at an alarming rate.
  50. Kaa grunted, the feel of Srishti around him was spectacular, his body was tightening and contracting without him meaning to, the pleasure driving him crazy! Srishti suffered from this, the coils constricting her air flow, causing her to gag and choke with every thrust into her. Orgasm after orgasm washed over Srishti, who drenched Kaa’s coils with her fluids, filling the night air with her choking, and scent of lust. Kaa felt another climax build up inside of him, and began thrusting Srishti back upon his own upwards movement.
  51. Srishti’s eyes, still spiraling, opened from the ecstasy her body was going through. Kaa strangling her was making her head all fuzzy, she was given no time to relax between orgasms, the tightness all around her was incredible, and Kaa had begun sucking upon her breasts again. Eyes unfocused, Srishti felt as though she were heaven, being pulled powerfully down onto Kaa’s coils one last time, Srishti sensed a pulsating inside of her. Torrents of warmth flowed inside of her, filling her with the same warmth in her stomach.
  52. Kaa went slightly limp, the pleasure had overwhelmed him, and it had truly been some time since his last bout with a human… Without realizing it, Kaa had dropped Srishti into the pile of coils she had sat in before; his limp coils still wrapped around her, Srishti began waking up slowly as Kaa recomposed himself.
  53. Srishti felt as though she had been drugged. Her mind was foggy, unclear, there were no memories of how she had gotten here, or even where she was. Her body was numb, there was a pleasant sensation of extreme satisfaction, but Srishti did not remember where it had come from. And there was some strange taste in her mouth, which she could not recognize at all. As more feeling returned to her body, Srishti realized some heavy, slack weight was upon her, she could not move! And there was some fluid leaking from her vagina, which was strangely warm… Starting to wriggle, Srishti could feel the weight start to give way.
  54. Kaa was alerted to the movement, and realized their little exercise had awoken dear Srishti… Well, Kaa certainly has worked up an appetite. Tightening his coils around Srishti, she was brought back up to eye level with an already mesmerizing Kaa.
  55. Srishti yelped, she thought she was making progress in her escape from the weight, but it twisted alive, wrapped around her and tightened, strangling her.
  56. “GAHK!” Srishti gagged, as she was lifted, into swirling darkness, coming to rest high in the sky, her legs dangling as she beheld two swirling color masses. Her mind fell; it could never offer resistance now. What little clarity she had was lost instantly.
  57. Kaa breathed out a sigh of relief, Srishti was not resisting at all. Her eyes were alight, body limp once more, ready for consumption. Kaa snickered at the young girl
  58. “Did you REALLY think you could escape?” Kaa mocked Srishti, using his coils to force her head to nod ‘no’. Kaa began squeezing her tightly to add inflection to his statement
  59. “Well if you REALLY think you’re SMARTER than me, I suppose I can put you somewhere where you’ll NEVER ESCAPE. Would you like that, Srishti dear?” Srishti was being held so tightly, her eyes rolled back, her breathing came in rasping breaths, her arms bending uncomfortably in the tight grasp of Kaa’s thick coils. Kaa forced her to nod ‘yes’ before tilting her backwards, opening his maw over her head.
  60. Srishti felt much more at peace as she was being swallowed by Kaa. There still wasn’t much air for her to breathe, but her neck wasn’t being crushed anymore… Kaa swallowed again, and Srishti’s neck vanished into Kaa’s maw. Srishti smiled as she felt the warm saliva coat her, soaking her hair and neck. Another, troubled swallow and Srishti’s shoulders were engulfed.
  61. Kaa was so exhilarated to have finally captured a meal, her taste was exquisite, and her soft flesh was splendidly malleable…
  62. Srishti felt her breasts engulfed, smashed into the wet confines of her bed, her stomach slipping into the warmth as well, before her butt, and legs were slid in swiftly using gravity. Kaa had no shortage of saliva to lubricate her rest, and now that she was fully inside, she could finally be at peace, and sleep… The lack of oxygen was making Srishti light headed… Srishti giggled as her toes were licked on their way down, smiling as she realized she was home, in bed… At last...
  63. Kaa rested his head upon his coils, also ready for a sleep… Resting upon Srishti’s body, Kaa smiled as her taste lingered in his mouth, and with a gentle shudder from Srishti’s last breath, Kaa fell into a satisfied sleep.
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