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Dec 7th, 2019
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  1. $ javap.exe -c Engine.class
  2. public final class org.guthix.engine.Engine {
  3. public final void start();
  4. Code:
  5. 0: bipush 6
  6. 2: anewarray #34 // class java/lang/String
  7. 5: dup
  8. 6: iconst_0
  9. 7: ldc #36 // String Hello
  10. 9: aastore
  11. 10: dup
  12. 11: iconst_1
  13. 12: ldc #38 // String World
  14. 14: aastore
  15. 15: dup
  16. 16: iconst_2
  17. 17: ldc #40 // String My
  18. 19: aastore
  19. 20: dup
  20. 21: iconst_3
  21. 22: ldc #42 // String Name
  22. 24: aastore
  23. 25: dup
  24. 26: iconst_4
  25. 27: ldc #44 // String Is
  26. 29: aastore
  27. 30: dup
  28. 31: iconst_5
  29. 32: ldc #46 // String Kyle
  30. 34: aastore
  31. 35: astore_1
  32. 36: aload_1
  33. 37: astore 4
  34. 39: aload 4
  35. 41: arraylength
  36. 42: istore 5
  37. 44: iconst_0
  38. 45: istore_3
  39. 46: iload_3
  40. 47: iload 5
  41. 49: if_icmpge 73
  42. 52: aload 4
  43. 54: iload_3
  44. 55: aaload
  45. 56: astore_2
  46. 57: iconst_0
  47. 58: istore 6
  48. 60: getstatic #52 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
  49. 63: aload_2
  50. 64: invokevirtual #58 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  51. 67: iinc 3, 1
  52. 70: goto 46
  53. 73: getstatic #64 // Field org/tinylog/kotlin/Logger.INSTANCE:Lorg/tinylog/kotlin/Logger;
  54. 76: getstatic #67 // Field org/guthix/engine/Engine$start$1.INSTANCE:Lorg/guthix/engine/Engine$start$1;
  55. 79: checkcast #69 // class kotlin/jvm/functions/Function0
  56. 82: invokevirtual #73 // Method org/tinylog/kotlin/;)V
  57. 85: aload_0
  58. 86: iconst_1
  59. 87: putfield #75 // Field started:Z
  60. 90: return
  62. public final void stop();
  63. Code:
  64. 0: getstatic #64 // Field org/tinylog/kotlin/Logger.INSTANCE:Lorg/tinylog/kotlin/Logger;
  65. 3: getstatic #78 // Field org/guthix/engine/Engine$stop$1.INSTANCE:Lorg/guthix/engine/Engine$stop$1;
  66. 6: checkcast #69 // class kotlin/jvm/functions/Function0
  67. 9: invokevirtual #73 // Method org/tinylog/kotlin/;)V
  68. 12: aload_0
  69. 13: iconst_0
  70. 14: putfield #75 // Field started:Z
  71. 17: return
  73. public final boolean isRunning();
  74. Code:
  75. 0: aload_0
  76. 1: getfield #75 // Field started:Z
  77. 4: ireturn
  79. public org.guthix.engine.Engine();
  80. Code:
  81. 0: aload_0
  82. 1: invokespecial #82 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
  83. 4: return
  84. }
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