
Leveling up Ansat (Tier 2)

Dec 17th, 2019
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  1. Tatsumi Lionheart gets to his feet staring toward Jiezou showing he had no desire to fight. It was also because he knew he hadn't quite figured out his power and how much damage it would do. He couldn't hold back against someone like Jiezou who was raw power incarnated.
  3. "I'm tired of watching humans and demons kill each other...bully each other into I'm ending that."
  5. He'd take this as a chance to figure out how to master this power as his body began to display a slight bit more muscle tone. This was different from their previous fight where he had used Full he was ready to put his all into figuring out his quirk.
  7. "Seeing as you are giving me no option.
  9. Nobunaga Jiezou || His eyes went blank as his eyes went darkened from the red he had before. His foot went away with the malice that he showed before. The only will that was there was the will to win. He wanted to kill all the humans sure, but he showed no killing intent to the man. Jiezou had lost to him and at this moment he wanted to repay that. His movements wouldn't quicken but the aura around him got heavy. The killing intent that subsided moved across the air in a smooth vibration.
  11. "You say you are tired of watching them kill one another. How about you pay dues for all the people your people hurt because we look different because we were stronger and that made you fearful. How about you pay respect to the ones you dishonor with your talk about peace. As you walk all over their graves since you left them unmarked on your quest to push us out. What about them? Huh?"
  13. Normally Jiezou would put his left hand forward near his stomach and the right near his chin. His rendition of the wolf stance but something was different. He was ticked off this time and he was going to take it out on the male in front of him. He lifted his right leg slamming it down making a shockwave that pushed away dirt and pebbles away from him.
  15. "People like you piss me off. I am getting serious now."
  17. His right hand raised to his chin with his palm facing the ground. The left hand in near his waist curving back to him with his palm open. The malice and rage that was gone shot back out with the killing intent he had for him. Jiezou was holding back ??? What kind of MONSTER WAS HE?!
  19. "Meet me."
  21. Tatsumi Lionheart thinks: He's so damn body is going to go to complete shit at the very end
  22. Tatsumi Lionheart thinks: He's probably not going to let me slide with this.
  24. Toge says: .....master!
  26. Tatsumi Lionheart || Even with his words being thrown back at him, Tatsumi put on the smile to show that he was going to stand by everything he said. Another Human with his power could very well be swayed to kill the Monsters after his offer of peace or his talk had been shut down. Tatsumi held a different standard because he noticed some monsters weren't all bad and it could be said the same some humans were the monsters.
  28. "I'll shoulder that burden of those I offend with my words. I'll shoulder the hate you have for humans and the hate the humans have for monsters. But in the end with all of that hate, I will carry it so that you all won't, and that people like Levina and other humans who seem to want to co-exist without violence with monsters can do vice versa.."
  30. He could tell Jiezou was serious and that meant he was going to be just as serious as he began to show the unwavering spirit of the Human and his determination to bring peace. If it meant he had to fight political and physical battles then so be it. Once it was all said and done he would return to the town with Jiezou, but he showed great discomfort from the damage.
  32. "Have you got it out of your system now?"
  34. Orphis thinks: Is Tatsumi even human...?
  36. Tatsumi Lionheart thinks: I'm still so sloppy...I've gotta do better than that. I've also gotta work on my speech skills.
  38. Toge || he would watch as his master returned defeated to Tatsumi once again. To watch his master get beat down was something that was unacceptable and needed to try and make himself useful to his Lord Nobunaga once again. But he also knew that it was better to not interfere with his master once situations like this happened. In scenarios like this Nobunaga was not the one to accept help from others, even himself to drive a point against his opponent. At this rate, he was more of a hindrance than an asset, so instead, he would standby, waiting for a moment to strike if his master was shown to be in mortal danger.
  40. "..........master........"
  42. *Nobunaga Jiezou || The power he had only pissed him off and he could not battle it. He had not used the skills in such a long time so he was rusty. The form he took was the fist of an assassin and he had not bloodied his hands in a long time. This false hero was carrying him in his arms. Why did he care so much? Why was he trying to make them have peace? WHY DID HE KEEP LOSING TO HIM? The male was only growing to seeth with rage before he was let go. His consciousness did not fade, but his movements to his limbs did. He had won so much had he become blind to getting better. Once laid down his body snapped back into the movements. He jumped up looking at him with anger still showing to him.
  44. "Your skill breaks your body, Your skill makes you weak, but FIGHTING you while you are not at full power is dishonorable. I won't forgive you for the losses you have given me in the same year. I won't forgive you for the way you think and when I get better. When I fully grasp my powers. I will find you and we will battle until islands break apart. That skill of yours is useful, you give me the most issues out of everyone here. Next time we meet with the hands' humans. It will not be a rusty Jiezou you will be fighting. It will be the most legendary Oni, one of the Assassin Fist, Nobunaga."
  46. Jiezou gave him a small hint of respect within telling the male how much he hated him. They were now rivals and they were going to be forever interlocked in a battle. It would expand more than the body, than the spirit. It will be a battle of ideas and different backgrounds. Two different perspectives on worlds that were far apart. Chaos and Justice. Black and White. Good and Evil. A terrible storm and a bright rainbow under a sunny sky. Jiezou was going to make sure he understood his wrath. Nobunaga the Oni of Legend. Soon to be Master of the Assassin Fist.
  48. "For now, I will not attack you again. Keep your silly justice and peace nonsense to yourself or you will bring that date of our fight sooner."
  50. Merroh says: Assassin fist!
  51. Merroh says: Nyahaha! The true sneaky sneaker!
  52. Toge says: use such a style once more.........
  53. Tatsumi Lionheart thinks: This guy is very interesting. Legendary Oni of the Assassin Fist.
  54. Tatsumi Lionheart thinks: I see in my quest this is someone that won't be easily swayed by words
  56. Nobunaga Jiezou says: I am serious about winning now Toge.
  58. Tatsumi Lionheart had very few times displayed his weakness. Most would notice that he was out of breath often because of the stress he put on his body, but no one had ever seen the full break down that often brought him closer to incapacitated or death at one point in time. He nods toward Jiezou.
  60. "I understand. But I will not forfeit my belief nor my reasoning. I will continue to speak to those who will listen, and as for our next fight." He paused momentarily. He always felt as if there was someone with him guiding his words.
  62. "I hope our fist will continue to trade this emotion and you will understand where my power truly comes from." He knew for sure that if Jiezou was just as serious about his training, Tatsumi would need to get better at mastering his Quirk.
  64. Tatsumi Lionheart refuses to allow anyone to see what happens as he nods toward the Oni and the group and limps his way into his home...
  66. Toge says: .......I understand master.....
  68. Merroh says: Master?
  70. Nobunaga Jiezou would not move to look at him, his lip lifted as he let out a growl. "Do not die before I get my chance to beat you. You deserve to be beaten by the Assassin Fist. You are worthy. So Master that technique, and I will master my stance. But if you die before that because of your stupid power. I will revive you over and over until I can beat you. My losses must be repaid." The Oni did not lift a hand to stop the limping man. Though he knew he was pushing it to beat him and that made him just a bit excited for the next match up.
  72. Nobunaga Jiezou says: Heed my warning.
  73. Nobunaga Jiezou thinks: You better not rest too long. I want you to meet me with the same power. Tatsumi Lionheart.
  74. Nobunaga Jiezou thinks: Next time it should be Nobunaga Jiezou as the winner.
  76. Tatsumi Lionheart says: Haha...understood. After all, I've also got a job to do.
  78. Toge says: ..........interesting.......
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