

Nov 20th, 2018
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text 42.74 KB | None | 0 0
  1. adjust:none
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  38. width:450px
  39. height:40px
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  41. width:62px
  42. workspace:GetChildre
  43. Players:GetChildre
  44. workspace:FindFirstC
  45. msg:Destroy
  46. game:GetService
  47. tedStorage:WaitForChi
  48. Workspace:WaitForChi
  49. Character:FindFirstC
  50. Character:WaitForChi
  51. Humanoid:LoadAnimat
  52. InputBegan:Connect
  53. PunchTrack:Play
  54. ameReached:Connect
  55. Touched:Connect
  56. Parent:FindFirstC
  57. PunchEvent:FireServer
  58. erverEvent:Connect
  59. idToDamage:TakeDamage
  60. ocalPlayer:GetMouse
  61. Parent:GetChildre
  62. KeyDown:connect
  63. KeyUp:connect
  64. Connection:disconnect
  65. script:WaitForChi
  66. layerAdded:connect
  67. service:PlayerHasP
  68. tools:getChildre
  69. player:WaitForChi
  70. game:service
  71. plyr:GetMouse
  72. Stepped:wait
  73. obj:Clone
  74. Selected:connect
  75. utton1Down:connect
  76. Button1Up:connect
  77. weight:normal
  78. height:250px
  79. width:250px
  80. cursor:pointer
  81. mailto:appeals
  82. player:GetMouse
  83. utton1Down:Connect
  84. Target:Destroy
  85. char:children
  86. Frame:TweenSize
  87. plr:GetMouse
  88. Character:findFirstC
  89. Character:clone
  90. chrclone:GetChildre
  91. chrclone:findFirstC
  92. Character:GetChildre
  93. Debris:AddItem
  94. sound:Play
  95. Ended:connect
  96. sound:Destroy
  97. workspace:FindPartOn
  98. Parent:findFirstC
  99. chr:FindFirstC
  100. Torso:FindFirstC
  101. Torso:GetChildre
  102. target:FindFirstC
  103. Breathing:Destroy
  104. Choking:Stop
  105. Choking:Destroy
  106. target:GetChildre
  107. lectricity:Play
  108. ToMouse:Dot
  109. CFrame:vectorToWo
  110. seRightArm:Dot
  111. lookVector:Cross
  112. lastzap:Destroy
  113. workspace:children
  114. Game:GetService
  115. Tool:WaitForChi
  116. Handle:WaitForChi
  117. subject:FindFirstC
  118. creator:Destroy
  119. risService:AddItem
  120. instance:GetChildre
  121. child:IsA
  122. PointLight:Clone
  123. character:GetChildre
  124. child:Destroy
  125. character:Destroy
  126. shot:FindFirstC
  127. tFadeSound:Play
  128. shot:Destroy
  129. ersService:GetPlayerF
  130. FireSound:Play
  131. ndleCFrame:vectorToWo
  132. BaseShot:Clone
  133. Touched:connect
  134. eloadSound:Play
  135. tFadeSound:Clone
  136. Equipped:connect
  137. Unequipped:connect
  138. Activated:connect
  139. humanoid:LoadAnimat
  140. playAnim10:Play
  141. playAnim10:Stop
  142. shootsound:Play
  143. Tool:Destroy
  144. Torso:Clone
  145. Players:FindFirstC
  146. Character:Remove
  147. mode:Destroy
  148. Died:connect
  149. Player:GetMouse
  150. Heartbeat:Fire
  151. Head:FindFirstC
  152. p2mit:Clone
  153. Heartbeat:connect
  154. Event:wait
  155. chara:FindFirstC
  156. txxt:sub
  157. txt:destroy
  158. Chatted:connect
  159. Workspace:children
  160. temp2:findFirstC
  161. Parent:children
  162. EffectPart:Destroy
  163. dude:FindFirstC
  164. guy:Clone
  165. clone:GetChildre
  166. guy:GetChildre
  167. clone:children
  168. clone:FindFirstC
  169. clone:findFirstC
  170. vel:destroy
  171. sou:Play
  172. part:destroy
  173. targetted:FindFirstC
  174. Knifu:children
  175. cfa:lerp
  176. top:4px
  177. width:460px
  178. char:Clone
  179. idRootPart:Destroy
  180. Torso:Destroy
  181. Head:Destroy
  182. Neck:Destroy
  183. CFrame:inverse
  184. Players:children
  185. workspace:findFirstC
  186. Open+Sans:300
  187. Open+Sans:400
  188. Open+Sans:700
  189. top:25px
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  254. width:15px
  255. height:15px
  256. transform:translateX
  257. position:fixed
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  261. sleep:random
  262. after:function
  263. sleep:5000
  264. sleep:1000
  265. sleep:3000
  266. dingStatus:last
  267. Humanoid:SetStateEn
  268. music:Play
  269. music:Clone
  270. mas:GetChildre
  271. mas:Destroy
  272. Model0:GetChildre
  273. RootJoint:Clone
  274. RootJoint:Remove
  275. Neck:Remove
  276. humanoid:SetStateEn
  277. alert:Play
  278. CFrame:lerp
  279. derStepped:wait
  280. Sound0:Play
  281. path:GetPointCo
  282. pos:destroy
  283. donttp:destroy
  284. Head:findFirstC
  285. ebillboard:findFirstC
  286. ebillboard:destroy
  287. humm:SetStateEn
  288. DrinkSound:Play
  289. OpenSound:play
  290. mas:MakeJoints
  291. hoh:GetMouse
  292. roblox:Remove
  293. Shirt:Destroy
  294. Pants:Destroy
  295. face:Destroy
  296. sou:play
  297. PlayerGui:WaitForChi
  298. PlayerGui:FindFirstC
  299. Handle:BreakJoint
  300. Hitbox:BreakJoint
  301. FakeHandle:BreakJoint
  302. con:disconnect
  303. Aaaa:Remove
  304. bar4:TweenSize
  305. bar3:TweenSize
  306. bar1:TweenSize
  307. bar2:TweenSize
  308. char:GetChildre
  309. chara:GetChildre
  310. RightArm:GetChildre
  311. music1:Play
  312. music2:Play
  313. soul:Destroy
  314. hitdude:FindFirstC
  315. hitdude:BreakJoint
  316. Humanoid:Destroy
  317. hitdude:GetChildre
  318. hitsnd:Play
  319. telesnd:Play
  320. trace:Destroy
  321. burnsnd:Play
  322. swinganim:Play
  323. slashsnd:Play
  324. swinganim:Stop
  325. music1:Stop
  326. music2:Stop
  327. deathmus:Play
  328. deathex:Play
  329. Backpack:GetChildre
  330. latorGUiv2:remove
  331. Punch:Activate
  332. model:GetChildre
  333. Workspace:GetChildre
  334. Trail:Clone
  335. Item:IsA
  336. derStepped:connect
  337. tificialHB:Fire
  338. NEWPART:BreakJoint
  339. NEWSOUND:play
  340. NEWSOUND:remove
  341. top:Cross
  342. Parent:BreakJoint
  343. EXPLOSION:Clone
  344. TOUCH:Disconnect
  345. hit:remove
  346. FIST:Disconnect
  347. Changed:connect
  348. Humanoid:GetPlaying
  349. sick:Resume
  350. sa2:Play
  351. wave:Destroy
  352. CFr:components
  353. CFrame1:inverse
  354. wave2:Destroy
  355. wave3:Destroy
  356. glowz:Destroy
  357. glowz2:Destroy
  358. sar2:Play
  359. Mus:Play
  360. Player:ClearChara
  361. flame1:Destroy
  362. chat:Chat
  363. Hbox:Destroy
  364. urmum:Clone
  365. ETorso:Remove
  366. HBox:Destroy
  367. xpl:Destroy
  368. xpl2:Destroy
  369. laceholder:Destroy
  370. ball2:Destroy
  371. ball:Destroy
  372. Scale:Lerp
  373. Ring:Clone
  374. one:Destroy
  375. main:Destroy
  376. POS:Destroy
  377. pp1:Destroy
  378. pp2:Destroy
  379. pp3:Destroy
  380. pp4:Destroy
  381. Ring:Destroy
  382. Ring2:Destroy
  383. gr2:Destroy
  384. sw2:Destroy
  385. reeFalling:connect
  386. eainyohood:1185239934
  387. race:1124148935
  388. bitch:1351745359
  389. nonbypass:856750550
  390. viølence:1262226261
  391. INTRO:1072884631
  392. Roach:1127074941
  393. Enjoy:https
  394. lence:1262226261
  395. Sharks:GetChildre
  396. Barrier:Destroy
  397. ndBarrier2:Destroy
  398. dBarriers3:Destroy
  399. PATH:FindFirstC
  400. Stepped:connect
  401. Lighting:GetChildre
  402. _players:GetPlayers
  403. Character:BreakJoint
  404. KEY:lower
  405. Frame:TweenPosit
  406. PlayerGui:GetChildre
  407. ChildAdded:connect
  408. erRemoving:connect
  409. events:remove
  410. gPlayers:players
  411. str:find
  412. str:sub
  413. NAME:lower
  414. cmd_name:lower
  415. msg:lower
  416. strn:sub
  417. acterAdded:connect
  418. Players:findFirstC
  419. player:IsFriendsW
  420. str:gsub
  421. name:lower
  422. gPlayers:GetChildre
  423. Name:lower
  424. L_name:find
  425. weldx:destroy
  426. utton2Down:connect
  427. Exploit:Destroy
  428. pchar:GetChildre
  429. Head:GetChildre
  430. idRootPart:GetChildre
  431. Chat:Chat
  432. Character:children
  433. mod:FindFirstC
  434. mod:Destroy
  435. Players:getPlayers
  436. tton1Click:Connect
  437. Sinfo:Destroy
  438. eaderstats:GetChildre
  439. pchar:FindFirstC
  440. Terrain:Clear
  441. Lighting:SetMinutes
  442. SMITE:Destroy
  443. Part:BreakJoint
  444. Ast:Destroy
  445. Char:FindFirstC
  446. Model:Destroy
  447. Beep:Play
  448. plodeSound:Play
  449. edbackMain:TweenPosit
  450. ettingsGUI:Destroy
  451. Handle:GetChildre
  452. game:children
  453. url:format
  454. groupM:children
  455. Move:connect
  456. eButton1Up:connect
  457. frame:children
  458. Deselected:connect
  459. fartsound:Play
  460. fartsound:Destroy
  461. Smoke:Destroy
  462. root:GetChildre
  463. game:GetObjects
  464. EggScript3:Clone
  465. EggMesh3:Clone
  466. localp:FindFirstC
  467. part:Remove
  468. ForceField:Remove
  469. char:FindFirstC
  470. Terrain:SetCells
  471. Spooky:Play
  472. Head:Clone
  473. JAIL:Clone
  474. JailPlayer:MoveTo
  475. Animate:GetChildre
  476. pchar:findFirstC
  477. nuke:Destroy
  478. roblox:Destroy
  479. connect1:disconnect
  480. connect2:disconnect
  481. pchar:Clone
  482. clone:MoveTo
  483. pchar:GetModelCF
  484. clone:MakeJoints
  485. FakeTorso:GetMass
  486. otLoopHeal:Destroy
  487. NotSeizure:Destroy
  488. Paper:Clone
  489. Lighting:FindFirstC
  490. Float:Clone
  491. Float:Destroy
  492. Key:byte
  493. ayylmao:Clone
  494. CMDs:Clone
  495. CMDsFolder:GetChildre
  496. Example:Clone
  497. MAIN:TweenPosit
  498. cmdBAR:TweenPosit
  499. HideFrame:TweenPosit
  500. CMDs:Destroy
  501. MAIN:WaitForChi
  502. str:lower
  503. FocusLost:connect
  504. frame:GetChildre
  505. gui:IsFocused
  506. CMDbar:TweenPosit
  507. CMDbar:CaptureFoc
  508. MAIN:Clone
  509. Name:upper
  510. PlayerGui:children
  511. Players:players
  512. NOTIFY:TweenPosit
  513. presents:TweenPosit
  514. _text1_mtl:TweenPosit
  515. _text2_mtl:TweenPosit
  516. gtitle:TweenPosit
  517. Update:Destroy
  518. hum:SetStateEn
  519. dyVelocity:destroy
  520. lowMotion2:Play
  521. Roar:Play
  522. punchsnd:Play
  523. punchsnd2:Play
  524. Eye4:destroy
  525. Glow4:destroy
  526. llowMotion:Stop
  527. lowMotion2:Stop
  528. llowMotion:Play
  529. Player:FindFirstC
  530. wave11:Destroy
  531. wave111:Destroy
  532. wave1111:Destroy
  533. wave11111:Destroy
  534. wave111111:Destroy
  535. ave1111111:Destroy
  536. Must2:Play
  537. Hair7:Destroy
  538. poof:Play
  539. Animator:Destroy
  540. Animate:Destroy
  541. sou2:play
  542. whoh:Play
  543. Players:GetPlayerF
  544. Char:findFirstC
  545. Parent:Destroy
  546. Scale:lerp
  547. rng:Clone
  548. hita:disconnect
  549. pie222:Destroy
  550. Must:Play
  551. GuW1:Destroy
  552. GuW2:Destroy
  553. Must:Stop
  554. Aura:Destroy
  555. Aura2:Destroy
  556. Firepart1:Destroy
  557. Firepart2:Destroy
  558. quake:Play
  559. scrr:Play
  560. quake:Stop
  561. scrr:Stop
  562. Aura3:Destroy
  563. Aura4:Destroy
  564. Aura5:Destroy
  565. lig:Destroy
  566. Gone:Destroy
  567. sou2:Stop
  568. sou2:Play
  569. Hitpart:Destroy
  570. Firepart:Destroy
  571. icy_Player:GetMouse
  572. Fly:Destroy
  573. Rot:Destroy
  574. Obj:Destroy
  575. BasePart:Clone
  576. stFireBall:Destroy
  577. tFireBall2:Destroy
  578. Shirt:Clone
  579. Pants:Clone
  580. Model:GetChildre
  581. obj:Destroy
  582. new:children
  583. mod:children
  584. getplayer:Destroy
  585. unchsound1:Play
  586. rongPunch1:Play
  587. trongPunch:Play
  588. oundImpact:Play
  589. a61e:Destroy
  590. aa61e:Destroy
  591. a51e:Destroy
  592. aa51e:Destroy
  593. a21e:Destroy
  594. aa21e:Destroy
  595. rongPunch2:Play
  596. hitground:Destroy
  597. smoke:Destroy
  598. Zano:Play
  599. Break:Play
  600. sound2:Play
  601. sound1:Play
  602. sound3:Play
  603. bp2:Destroy
  604. kamecharge:Stop
  605. kamefire:Play
  606. wave1:Destroy
  607. Parent:IsA
  608. hit:Destroy
  609. kamehit:Play
  610. ringfolder:Destroy
  611. kamefire:Stop
  612. amehaVoice:Play
  613. Must:Destroy
  614. ntProvider:Preload
  615. hrp:FindFirstC
  616. tification:Fire
  617. Holder:ClearAllCh
  618. Holder:IsA
  619. Holder:GetChildre
  620. tton1Click:connect
  621. Search:CaptureFoc
  622. lplr:GetMouse
  623. Holder:FindFirstC
  624. brick:MakeJoints
  625. build:Play
  626. bbg:FindFirstC
  627. Char:children
  628. plr:FindFirstC
  629. gui:addLeftIco
  630. gui:makeContai
  631. template:Clone
  632. gui:hookContai
  633. self:drawButton
  634. self:GetChildre
  635. main:GetChildre
  636. self:getDrawY
  637. self:setDrawY
  638. self:drawTextBo
  639. self:drawImage
  640. self:drawText
  641. self:drawScroll
  642. self:drawContai
  643. self:addSpacing
  644. self:center
  645. holder:Clone
  646. holder:TweenPosit
  647. hclone:TweenPosit
  648. PlayerName:Clone
  649. Composite1:TweenPosit
  650. Composite2:TweenPosit
  651. Composite1:Destroy
  652. Composite2:Destroy
  653. Label:TweenPosit
  654. solid:TweenSizeA
  655. Label:Destroy
  656. solid:Destroy
  657. pname:TweenPosit
  658. center:TweenSize
  659. pname:Destroy
  660. hook:drawButton
  661. btn:TweenPosit
  662. MouseEnter:connect
  663. MouseLeave:connect
  664. erChatHook:disconnect
  665. str:gmatch
  666. Players:GetPlayers
  667. fmt:gmatch
  668. Hit:connect
  669. Anim:GetChildre
  670. lternative:FindFirstC
  671. Ins:IsA
  672. Ins:Destroy
  673. Part:GetChildre
  674. Sub:FindFirstC
  675. Ins:WaitForChi
  676. InputBegan:connect
  677. utedCmdBar:CaptureFoc
  678. Character:Clone
  679. Humanoid:TakeDamage
  680. gyro:Destroy
  681. pos:Destroy
  682. Humanoid:ChangeStat
  683. msg:sub
  684. Handle:GetMass
  685. gear:Clone
  686. players:GetUserIdF
  687. knife:Clone
  688. shades:Clone
  689. tchar:GetChildre
  690. sword:Clone
  691. eaderstats:FindFirstC
  692. yerChatted:connect
  693. hook:drawText
  694. plrwin:drawButton
  695. plrwin:drawContai
  696. plrFrame:drawContai
  697. tContainer:setDrawY
  698. tContainer:drawImage
  699. tContainer:drawText
  700. oContainer:drawText
  701. plrwin:addSpacing
  702. ocalPlayer:RequestFri
  703. ocalPlayer:RevokeFrie
  704. plrwin:drawTextBo
  705. Humanoid:MoveTo
  706. servwin:drawContai
  707. detailWin:drawText
  708. servwin:drawButton
  709. servwin:addSpacing
  710. workspace:BreakJoint
  711. servwin:drawTextBo
  712. servwin:drawText
  713. servwin:drawScroll
  714. wlCont:GetChildre
  715. wlCont:setDrawY
  716. wlCont:drawText
  717. wlCont:drawButton
  718. lpwin:drawButton
  719. rentCamera:remove
  720. lpwin:addSpacing
  721. lpwin:drawTextBo
  722. lplr:ClearChara
  723. scriptwin:drawTextBo
  724. scriptwin:getDrawY
  725. scriptwin:addSpacing
  726. scriptwin:GetChildre
  727. scriptwin:setDrawY
  728. scripts:GetChildre
  729. condition:lower
  730. scriptwin:drawButton
  731. putChanged:connect
  732. search:IsFocused
  733. destwin:drawScroll
  734. destwin:drawText
  735. decals:drawButton
  736. destwin:drawButton
  737. destwin:addSpacing
  738. where:GetChildre
  739. Mesh:Destroy
  740. catwin:drawTextBo
  741. catwin:drawButton
  742. catwin:getDrawY
  743. game:HttpGet
  744. catwin:setDrawY
  745. catwin:addSpacing
  746. catwin:drawImage
  747. Model:MakeJoints
  748. Model:MoveTo
  749. cmdwin:drawText
  750. cmdwin:drawScroll
  751. cmdlist:drawText
  752. musicwin:drawScroll
  753. scr:drawButton
  754. musicwin:drawText
  755. musicwin:drawButton
  756. musicwin:drawTextBo
  757. facwin:drawScroll
  758. faclist:drawButton
  759. facwin:drawText
  760. facwin:drawButton
  761. setwin:drawText
  762. banwin:drawButton
  763. banwin:drawTextBo
  764. banwin:drawScroll
  765. banCont:GetChildre
  766. banCont:setDrawY
  767. banCont:drawText
  768. banCont:drawButton
  769. hatwin:drawButton
  770. hatwin:drawScroll
  771. hatlist:drawButton
  772. hat:Clone
  773. hatwin:drawTextBo
  774. Whistle:Play
  775. Music:Play
  776. bg2:GetChildre
  777. bg1:GetChildre
  778. bg1:getChildre
  779. bg2:getChildre
  780. pe2:Clone
  781. sou23:Play
  782. Head:getChildre
  783. hair:Clone
  784. sou:Destroy
  785. hair3:Clone
  786. shoot:Play
  787. shoot2:Play
  788. animTrack:Play
  789. weld:Destroy
  790. Weld10:Destroy
  791. Weld5:Destroy
  792. part1:Destroy
  793. part2:Destroy
  794. weld12:Destroy
  795. noobweld:Destroy
  796. firstweld:Destroy
  797. bg1:FindFirstC
  798. bg2:FindFirstC
  799. tedStorage:FindFirstC
  800. hatthefuck:Play
  801. bonnie:Play
  802. ChildLock:Destroy
  803. Customize:TweenPosit
  804. part:GetChildre
  805. Nuee:GetChildre
  806. TextLabel:Destroy
  807. workspace:PGSIsEnabl
  808. thing:BreakJoint
  809. rawrxd:Destroy
  810. Workspace:FindPartsI
  811. thing:Destroy
  812. Sound:Play
  813. bloodlol:Destroy
  814. character:FindFirstC
  815. part1:FindFirstC
  816. part0:FindFirstC
  817. ollidepart:BreakJoint
  818. child:GetChildre
  819. part:IsA
  820. part:FindFirstC
  821. ayybleed:BreakJoint
  822. child:FindFirstC
  823. bleedee:BreakJoint
  824. Attachment:Destroy
  825. UpperTorso:FindFirstC
  826. start:lerp
  827. startsize:lerp
  828. startpos:lerp
  829. Collision:Destroy
  830. rightclone:Clone
  831. leftclone:Clone
  832. ftlegclone:Clone
  833. htlegclone:Clone
  834. handle:GetChildre
  835. ree:IsA
  836. ree:Destroy
  837. ree:Remove
  838. obj41:GetChildre
  839. obj2:GetChildre
  840. obj2:Destroy
  841. obj41:Destroy
  842. obj1:GetChildre
  843. tryChanged:connect
  844. obj1:SetPrimary
  845. weebshit8:BreakJoint
  846. holyshit:Play
  847. particl:Clone
  848. particl:Remove
  849. holyshit:Destroy
  850. lweld:Remove
  851. rweld:Remove
  852. tweld:Remove
  853. torsoclone:Clone
  854. sificating:GetDescend
  855. sificating:FindFirstC
  856. sounn:Play
  857. goteem:GetDescend
  858. trail:Destroy
  859. at1:Destroy
  860. at2:Destroy
  861. rweld:Destroy
  862. tweld:Destroy
  863. thott:Play
  864. thote:Play
  865. ree:BreakJoint
  866. reee:Play
  867. lweld:Destroy
  868. grabweld:Remove
  869. throwsound:Play
  870. throwvel:Remove
  871. vroom:GetChildre
  872. flyy:Destroy
  873. CFrame:toObjectSp
  874. vroom:FindFirstC
  875. handle:Clone
  876. trail:Remove
  877. at1:Remove
  878. at2:Remove
  879. killsound:Play
  880. illsoundac:Play
  881. chokesound:Play
  882. bleedsound:Play
  883. whyy:FindFirstC
  884. throwsound:Remove
  885. killsound:Remove
  886. grabweld:Destroy
  887. kkk:lower
  888. workspace:GetDescend
  889. badass:Play
  890. badass:Stop
  891. goteem:FindFirstC
  892. dildotip:IsA
  893. ghtArmWeld:Remove
  894. eftArmWeld:Remove
  895. Name:find
  896. ChildAdded:Connect
  897. Main:Clone
  898. HUD:GetChildre
  899. Main:GetDescend
  900. Name:sub
  901. Frame2:TweenSize
  902. Msg:Clone
  903. ownGrenade:pull
  904. ownGrenade:throw
  905. Network:send
  906. GunModules:GetChildre
  907. ClassName:find
  908. soisoi:Play
  909. bbgui:Destroy
  910. Smg:SetPrimary
  911. frm:disconnect
  912. mbup:disconnect
  913. campos:lerp
  914. Heartbeat:wait
  915. naeeym2:Destroy
  916. dam:Play
  917. bon:Destroy
  918. exsound:Play
  919. exp:Clone
  920. expa:Clone
  921. tra:Destroy
  922. tra2:Destroy
  923. gahde:Play
  924. dec:Clone
  925. shur:Destroy
  926. sbs:Destroy
  927. aura:Destroy
  928. aura2:Destroy
  929. lbr:Destroy
  930. Bong:GetChildre
  931. Pipe:GetChildre
  932. Blunt:GetChildre
  933. cgh:Play
  934. cam:TiltUnits
  935. snoopy:Clone
  936. new:WaitForChi
  937. new:destroy
  938. img:TweenSizeA
  939. img:IsDescenda
  940. snoop:TweenPosit
  941. frog:TweenPosit
  942. ngui:TweenPosit
  943. ngui:destroy
  944. gui:destroy
  945. player:FindFirstC
  946. playerGui:FindFirstC
  947. char:WaitForChi
  948. head:WaitForChi
  949. Humanoid:ClearAllCh
  950. Animate:Remove
  951. blk:WaitForChi
  952. handItem:GetChildre
  953. handItem:WaitForChi
  954. message:sub
  955. sound:Stop
  956. start:toEulerAng
  957. estination:toEulerAng
  958. light1:Clone
  959. step:connect
  960. Sound:Stop
  961. Health:Destroy
  962. hed:children
  963. face:Remove
  964. hed:Clone
  965. hed2:ClearAllCh
  966. Workspace:FindPartOn
  967. part:clone
  968. mesh:clone
  969. part2:clone
  970. mesh2:clone
  971. part1:remove
  972. part:remove
  973. part2:remove
  974. part3:remove
  975. hit:IsA
  976. hit:FindFirstC
  977. rng:Destroy
  978. rng:clone
  979. rng2:clone
  980. rngm:clone
  981. rngm2:clone
  982. hit:findFirstC
  983. rng2:Clone
  984. newRng:Destroy
  985. bem:Destroy
  986. out:Destroy
  987. bnd:Destroy
  988. chrg:disconnect
  989. kik:disconnect
  990. Absolution:children
  991. Wave:Clone
  992. rng1:Destroy
  993. Wave:Destroy
  994. con1:disconnect
  995. larm:GetChildre
  996. Music:remove
  997. Shirt:Remove
  998. Handle:Remove
  999. WorldUp:Dot
  1000. CFr:inverse
  1001. inv:inverse
  1002. asd:Play
  1003. asd1:Play
  1004. asd2:Play
  1005. asd4:Play
  1006. asd3:Play
  1007. asd6:Play
  1008. soka:Play
  1009. tps:Play
  1010. hatService:Chat
  1011. boom:Play
  1012. Torso:GetMass
  1013. boom3:Play
  1014. rng2:Destroy
  1015. killbrick2:Remove
  1016. killbrick:BreakJoint
  1017. bodyforc:Remove
  1018. boom2:Play
  1019. killbrick:Remove
  1020. torso:GetChildre
  1021. asd3:Stop
  1022. asd2:Stop
  1023. asd4:Stop
  1024. asd6:Stop
  1025. asd5:Stop
  1026. Character:Destroy
  1027. script:Destroy
  1028. debris:AddItem
  1029. Explode:disconnect
  1030. Humanoid:FindFirstC
  1031. seen:Play
  1032. ref:Destroy
  1033. seen:Destroy
  1034. Wave2:Destroy
  1035. sp2:Destroy
  1036. part:Destroy
  1037. part3:Destroy
  1038. part4:Destroy
  1039. part5:Destroy
  1040. part6:Destroy
  1041. blast:Destroy
  1042. blast2:Destroy
  1043. blast3:Destroy
  1044. z10:Play
  1045. z11:Play
  1046. z12:Play
  1047. z13:Play
  1048. z14:Play
  1049. z15:Play
  1050. z16:Play
  1051. z17:Play
  1052. z18:Play
  1053. z19:Play
  1054. z20:Play
  1055. z10:Destroy
  1056. z11:Destroy
  1057. z12:Destroy
  1058. z13:Destroy
  1059. z14:Destroy
  1060. z15:Destroy
  1061. z16:Destroy
  1062. z17:Destroy
  1063. z18:Destroy
  1064. z19:Destroy
  1065. z20:Destroy
  1066. larm:WaitForChi
  1067. msh:clone
  1068. pt2:Destroy
  1069. cam:GetChildre
  1070. animator:Destroy
  1071. Head:children
  1072. pls:children
  1073. efx:Play
  1074. efx:Destroy
  1075. CFrame:toWorldSpa
  1076. vel:Destroy
  1077. InputEnded:connect
  1078. head:Destroy
  1079. inishEvent:disconnect
  1080. fight:Pause
  1081. sans:Resume
  1082. fight:Resume
  1083. sans:Pause
  1084. rayModel:children
  1085. Part0:BreakJoint
  1086. key:lower
  1087. velo:destroy
  1088. RootJoint:destroy
  1089. sensoryee:BreakJoint
  1090. sensoryee:destroy
  1091. drootpart1:destroy
  1092. AAAAAAA:Play
  1093. nope:Play
  1094. furfagweld:destroy
  1095. urselfXDDD:destroy
  1096. AAAAAAA:destroy
  1097. idrootpart:destroy
  1098. lhandweld:destroy
  1099. rhandweld:destroy
  1100. SLAPPP:Play
  1101. dedsound:Play
  1102. kysniba:destroy
  1103. glue:destroy
  1104. glue1:destroy
  1105. glue11:destroy
  1106. glue111:destroy
  1107. collider:destroy
  1108. collider1:destroy
  1109. collider11:destroy
  1110. ollider111:destroy
  1111. song:Play
  1112. gun:BreakJoint
  1113. shotsound:Play
  1114. gun:destroy
  1115. shoosh:Play
  1116. kick:Play
  1117. llegweld:destroy
  1118. furfaghat:findFirstC
  1119. song:Stop
  1120. ded:Stop
  1121. hit:Play
  1122. hit1:Play
  1123. hit2:Play
  1124. hit3:Play
  1125. knife:Play
  1126. bl000d:BreakJoint
  1127. dog:Play
  1128. Model0:destroy
  1129. char:findFirstC
  1130. torso:findFirstC
  1131. anim:Destroy
  1132. bodyc:Destroy
  1133. lerService:GetChildre
  1134. miniweld:Destroy
  1135. rony_music:stop
  1136. fox_say:stop
  1137. spitfire:stop
  1138. heman:stop
  1139. justin:stop
  1140. durk:stop
  1141. burn_dem:stop
  1142. hat:Destroy
  1143. sax_guy:stop
  1144. angy_style:stop
  1145. cant_touch:stop
  1146. are_pirate:stop
  1147. ubstep_gun:stop
  1148. r_annoying:stop
  1149. arrel_roll:stop
  1150. r_annoying:play
  1151. spitfire:play
  1152. angy_style:play
  1153. burn_dem:play
  1154. arrel_roll:play
  1155. hat:breakJoint
  1156. heman:play
  1157. justin:play
  1158. ubstep_gun:play
  1159. are_pirate:play
  1160. cant_touch:play
  1161. rony_music:play
  1162. fox_say:play
  1163. durk:play
  1164. sax_guy:play
  1165. char:breakJoint
  1166. parent:findFirstC
  1167. ChildAdded:wait
  1168. connection:disconnect
  1169. script:FindFirstC
  1170. ildRemoved:connect
  1171. config:GetChildre
  1172. childPart:IsA
  1173. childPart:FindFirstC
  1174. ameHandler:disconnect
  1175. tAnimTrack:Stop
  1176. tAnimTrack:Destroy
  1177. tAnimTrack:AdjustSpee
  1178. tAnimTrack:Play
  1179. ameReached:connect
  1180. lAnimTrack:Stop
  1181. lAnimTrack:Destroy
  1182. lAnimTrack:Play
  1183. Figure:GetChildre
  1184. tool:GetChildre
  1185. htShoulder:SetDesired
  1186. ftShoulder:SetDesired
  1187. RightHip:SetDesired
  1188. LeftHip:SetDesired
  1189. tool:FindFirstC
  1190. Running:connect
  1191. Jumping:connect
  1192. Climbing:connect
  1193. GettingUp:connect
  1194. allingDown:connect
  1195. Seated:connect
  1196. rmStanding:connect
  1197. Swimming:connect
  1198. obj:IsA
  1199. sgui:destroy
  1200. face:destroy
  1201. head:children
  1202. Clan:Military
  1203. wars:The
  1204. Forces:Tactical
  1205. united:Blu
  1206. Online:Awakening
  1207. Camera:LockPlayer
  1208. yerService:GetChildre
  1209. dda:GetMouse
  1210. dca:GetChildre
  1211. ccb:destroy
  1212. bcb:find
  1213. bcb:sub
  1214. bcb:lower
  1215. adb:lower
  1216. adb:sub
  1217. bcb:gsub
  1218. bda:GetPlayers
  1219. adb:IsFriendsW
  1220. bdb:find
  1221. MAIN_GUI:Clone
  1222. SETH_MAIN:destroy
  1223. dca:FindFirstC
  1224. ddb:ClearAllCh
  1225. admins_ex:Clone
  1226. bda:GetNameFro
  1227. b_c:ClearAllCh
  1228. bans_ex:Clone
  1229. ommands_ex:Clone
  1230. changes_ex:Clone
  1231. Text:find
  1232. commands_h:ClearAllCh
  1233. bda:FindFirstC
  1234. otify_seth:Clone
  1235. notify:TweenPosit
  1236. adb:destroy
  1237. _db:IsA
  1238. _db:destroy
  1239. bdb:IsA
  1240. bdb:destroy
  1241. cdb:destroy
  1242. bdb:lower
  1243. bcb:GetChildre
  1244. dcb:IsA
  1245. dcb:destroy
  1246. Mesh:destroy
  1247. bda:GetCharact
  1248. bda:GetUserIdF
  1249. dcb:GetChildre
  1250. adb:IsA
  1251. bcb:FindFirstC
  1252. hmentPoint:inverse
  1253. ccb:GetMass
  1254. ALIEN_H:Clone
  1255. DONG:destroy
  1256. dac:IsA
  1257. dac:Clone
  1258. dac:destroy
  1259. Cape:destroy
  1260. bda:GetPlayerF
  1261. a_c:Clone
  1262. ccb:FindFirstC
  1263. bcb:byte
  1264. dda:Kick
  1265. cdb:IsA
  1266. bdb:GetChildre
  1267. ddb:GetChildre
  1268. a_c:IsA
  1269. a_c:destroy
  1270. cdb:GetChildre
  1271. __c:IsA
  1272. __c:destroy
  1273. bdb:FindFirstC
  1274. bdb:BreakJoint
  1275. cda:GetChildre
  1276. _db:Stop
  1277. dcb:Play
  1278. ddb:IsA
  1279. ddb:FindFirstC
  1280. _da:SetMinutes
  1281. Players:GetUserIdF
  1282. _db:GetChildre
  1283. ddb:destroy
  1284. _da:GetChildre
  1285. cdb:MoveTo
  1286. cdb:FindFirstC
  1287. cda:FindFirstC
  1288. bda:Chat
  1289. HUMANOIDS:FindFirstC
  1290. bdb:Clone
  1291. bdb:GetModelCF
  1292. cdb:MakeJoints
  1293. LOOPED:FindFirstC
  1294. cape_seth:destroy
  1295. PAPER_MESH:Clone
  1296. Teams:GetChildre
  1297. cdb:Clone
  1298. ROCKET:Clone
  1299. Humanoid:destroy
  1300. b_c:IsA
  1301. __c:Play
  1302. c_c:Clone
  1303. c_c:destroy
  1304. CMD_BAR:TweenPosit
  1305. commands:ClearAllCh
  1306. commands:TweenSize
  1307. CMD_BAR:CaptureFoc
  1308. Hair99:BreakJoint
  1309. Vegeta:Destroy
  1310. hed:GetChildre
  1311. balls:Destroy
  1312. PChar:WaitForChi
  1313. BomSFX:Play
  1314. Player:lower
  1315. weldx:Remove
  1316. message:gsub
  1317. player:Remove
  1318. Base:Clone
  1319. lookVector:Dot
  1320. Leaves:Clone
  1321. base:Clone
  1322. nseg:BreakJoint
  1323. Parent:MoveTo
  1324. frame:TweenPosit
  1325. Parts:GetChildre
  1326. CFrame:Lerp
  1327. Size:Lerp
  1328. Message:sub
  1329. Music:Pause
  1330. Music:Resume
  1331. rayPart:breakJoint
  1332. rayPart:Destroy
  1333. boom:Destroy
  1334. ocalPlayer:findFirstC
  1335. object:findFirstC
  1336. animation:Play
  1337. main:BreakJoint
  1338. speaker:BreakJoint
  1339. speaker2:BreakJoint
  1340. main2:BreakJoint
  1341. main3:BreakJoint
  1342. main4:BreakJoint
  1343. speaker3:BreakJoint
  1344. speaker4:BreakJoint
  1345. speaker5:BreakJoint
  1346. speaker6:BreakJoint
  1347. support:BreakJoint
  1348. sound:stop
  1349. sound:play
  1350. danceAnim:clone
  1351. workspace:findPartOn
  1352. blood:Destroy
  1353. flnm:GetChildre
  1354. inst:IsDescenda
  1355. prt:BreakJoint
  1356. Torso:findFirstC
  1357. rootpart:findFirstC
  1358. Part:findFirstC
  1359. ppedTorsos:isTrapped
  1360. ppedTorsos:Capture
  1361. hit:isA
  1362. hit:IsDescenda
  1363. ppedTorsos:Release
  1364. ZAWARUDO:Play
  1365. TimeStop:Play
  1366. chxr:findFirstC
  1367. chxr:children
  1368. torso:GetFullNam
  1369. eaOfEffect:Destroy
  1370. HasStopped:Play
  1371. pchar:children
  1372. Toki:Play
  1373. aOfEffect2:Destroy
  1374. WWRRRYYYYY:Play
  1375. Cha:GetChildre
  1376. ORA:Play
  1377. con2:disconnect
  1378. MIDORA:Play
  1379. ORA:Stop
  1380. erwalker13:mommy2013
  1381. benziprine:fuckthissh
  1382. sm64pro434:sonic34
  1383. makerBC555:roblox123
  1384. targirl409:tatyanna11
  1385. Totehro:fuckthissh
  1386. everhackus:anthony123
  1387. vageboys78:savage23
  1388. cjpadz321:loadup123
  1389. lallid2004:bunny02
  1390. yerSlacker:SunSet12
  1391. rthhound21:supercool4
  1392. edfox23157:Bcwold
  1393. avidjhones:eric0531
  1394. echnoguy81:yoshi1313
  1395. zilla24689:gabezilla2
  1396. Jiggymcool:Advanced22
  1397. mzabaka:abc12345
  1398. wouldhe:turtle123
  1399. liljex55:arry123
  1400. ermist2929:danielbm28
  1401. mingBoy909:dude31
  1402. awiipandas:mar1p0sa
  1403. Kwebbelkop:kwebb12
  1404. ousplains1:Trollman12
  1405. trulez24:tresonrule
  1406. wsome246gf:awsome246g
  1407. MANDARO123:ARMOOR2015
  1408. hojan65502:cris02
  1409. gtfarts223:poop21
  1410. nahaliel19:bacmiporra
  1411. nswag18363:Colt2007
  1412. ckyrocks19:el0ral0ve
  1413. thomasnana:nana12
  1414. najuicexx6:boby16
  1415. oalaHeart1:Heart10
  1416. bloxian120:Robloxgame
  1417. roseanna20:tlnl2001
  1418. rawizard12:adad11232
  1419. TheISOsAlt:chris123
  1420. turdmuffin:idreyes12
  1421. lodude1019:yoyoyo00
  1422. albusGTI:MLGSWAGBOS
  1423. van0the0og:poop2004
  1424. zero211281:makaveli81
  1425. reXinferno:Obelisk19
  1426. esman11111:wesman1111
  1427. Mstorms218:Sheep7051
  1428. tgaming717:gute123
  1429. lbreaker10:abcd90
  1430. Quint54098:kenhe770
  1431. bloxking08:Robo89
  1432. puggirl4:unicorn05
  1433. iiAdrix:SnoopDogg3
  1434. Deadtrials:5705Zcky5
  1435. eyeGamezXx:incorrect
  1436. dsuperstar:abcd1234
  1437. akilla2014:12onetwo
  1438. yfjurrjrhf:johnny12
  1439. PetiePie24:wer58uio
  1440. shieLishie:honeyzi79
  1441. eaAcuatica:theshiro
  1442. rnumberone:bobby101
  1443. yourulexxX:zipline12
  1444. otswag1122:slend123
  1445. bmyshot543:jordy67
  1446. heNOOB1234:ethanharpe
  1447. KadenLR:Kaden0403
  1448. erPines038:GravityFal
  1449. rdperson13:yomoma12
  1450. chwowtacos:baconuglyf
  1451. Sparrow217:Soccer2002
  1452. Pak612:pong12
  1453. Antonl8:Pongpak200
  1454. noobof2006:noobynooby
  1455. lpha50urc3:qqqq12
  1456. 313124:1313123
  1457. liusceasar:lowe34
  1458. ichthuy456:thuy12
  1459. Jboss2497:1212wefg
  1460. oolguy2763:matthew55
  1461. wyvern626:terraria62
  1462. supermario:marioman12
  1463. arioboyfan:Screwyou12
  1464. oycarnival:Batman12
  1465. kosta5533:ayeexjaedy
  1466. inqWarrior:dewayne106
  1467. adamlang:dooshbag24
  1468. asketball2:roblox18
  1469. Jackclan12:clan12
  1470. 28matt:matt28
  1471. asdasd:asdfasdfa
  1472. kateBoy522:TheBest526
  1473. lepoppower:skittlepop
  1474. mkpassc26:derder1248
  1475. lillia76:092005andm
  1476. Val266:Honeypew02
  1477. tigerman12:benjamin12
  1478. volteditts:rtyu12345
  1479. warbrain22:milkmilo22
  1480. amir2007a:amir2007
  1481. emon1002xX:Nathan123
  1482. Hades799:7121wong
  1483. uhwoohoo:dantdm2004
  1484. terjordans:jordans122
  1485. llyfidelia:kelly123
  1486. RCHICK3N64:oakey07
  1487. raski23:seiko3256
  1488. callie2203:callie123
  1489. rinRomanul:16October2
  1490. 12345info:16October2
  1491. lsquadmate:norraj424
  1492. NOKING1235:dino55
  1493. tinnist:smith24
  1494. ega4000000:638040ifeh
  1495. ckspitholt:Dipoon03
  1496. IIpixerII:mohamedvtc
  1497. Sopico:bruno12345
  1498. obo200:DAepicMCbr
  1499. policekoma:lokos111
  1500. veanamebro:lolatron12
  1501. ighter2345:sabuna6669
  1502. ndgirl1125:avatarmuad
  1503. tDaftSlime:min3cr4ft
  1504. TheFand123:erik2006
  1505. bubblewk:happyface5
  1506. Sxombies2X:pole22
  1507. oolelsaice:27cool
  1508. qdrsb:mars10
  1509. MsCutie30:appleandal
  1510. rtspitholt:Maroon03
  1511. 1080Ping:Johnathan8
  1512. hakoop199:hakoop123
  1513. rlessbro11:sharky123
  1514. scottamol:england123
  1515. pires22992:order12
  1516. elocity103:alfie12
  1517. snerdy23:Pink0520
  1518. 5masterpro:tyty29
  1519. sasodewo:pepsi23
  1520. kupi175:mikihiir12
  1521. chrval2:chrval05
  1522. jackson122:nasfootbal
  1523. dyAndChica:Bucuresti2
  1524. 1EiSa:1eisa1
  1525. Deentje12:deentje123
  1526. spoons9:teddy1234
  1527. eghost2005:timothyroa
  1528. efan123ALT:bumblebee1
  1529. elebedavi:david123
  1530. estduelist:michelle14
  1531. rgzrzr:yhyjjdjnjn
  1532. charlie193:larcom2005
  1533. kieSpikeXX:lololpop12
  1534. Mikeletsky:dadd55
  1535. livinginme:boom29
  1536. nman198799:Coolers101
  1537. paceTwelve:JOJO12
  1538. 0249R:Roblo123
  1539. allanhays:nallan03
  1540. akey080477:J04m6169
  1541. Omqtacozz:Party123
  1542. Omqtacozz:Fish123
  1543. Omqwinzz:Fish123
  1544. meri123765:meriheru20
  1545. ornsRule17:Bestgirl74
  1546. mmoTheBest:mommo1234
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